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File: 120 KB, 850x850, __hakurei_reimu_touhou_drawn_by_isshin_kaxz__sample-958a0808c78beaa3d1a49d0666e602b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16764225 No.16764225 [Reply] [Original]

Is Reimu autistic?

Not the type of autism as in internet autism, I mean is she literally on the autism spectrum?

>> No.16764226
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>> No.16764227

In what way would she be autistic?

>> No.16764229
File: 341 KB, 775x710, 1472076561611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is on the chu chu spectrum

>> No.16764283

No, you're looking for Nitori, Ran, Koishi, or Okuu.

>> No.16764331
File: 32 KB, 837x255, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okuu is just like a power crazy kid in SA. Not autistic like Kogasa.

What made you think that?

>> No.16764337

There are differing levels of autism. Reimu seems like she could be somewhat autistic. I dunno though.

>> No.16764431

No, she's just passive-aggressive.

>> No.16764462

Reimu is a Zombie.

>> No.16764538

Yeah, I think Kogasa is the perfect candidate

>> No.16764616

They are not really autistic. Nitori is just greedy. Ran is a nerd. Koishi is Koishi and Okuu is dumb.

>> No.16764651

You sure? She acts very weird in comparison to all the other characters in the series, and ZUN says that no-one really understands her very well.

>> No.16764886
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Reimu and I are the same age, so I feel like she's a classmate from grade school or a childhood friend.

>> No.16765068

Kogasa does seem autistic as heck dude. Reimu can do the whole *unsheathes katana and teleport behind you* shtick though, like in the autism meme.

>> No.16765163

underage b&

>> No.16765176

1997 was 20 years ago dude

>> No.16765179

Reimu doesn't age

>> No.16765183

Even if she was ten years old in EoSD, she'd be 25 now.
Sorry that you're old, mate.

>> No.16765192

She does; I'd say she's at least late teens early 20s now, which wouldn't be too out of the question, considering how old people in their early twenties actually look. And the thing is, even if Reimu was like 4 or 5 at the time of EoSD, that would be around the time that she would be self-aware and decently intelligent.

It doesn't make much sense, but in Gensokyo nothing does.

>> No.16765593

I dunno. I bet Flandre Scarlet is autistic for sure though.

>> No.16765625

She's not. She acts normal around her sister.
But when everyone else is present, she pretends to be retarded.

>> No.16766191

the hell did you get that from?

even during the interview she had with Aya she says that her sister lies about her for the sake of bragging.

basically she's not the super batshit insane psycho that people thought her out to be, even after being secluded for so long she has no issues talking casually and smugly with a stranger.

>> No.16766224
File: 379 KB, 800x535, fs reimu mami.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ZUN keeps changing how she acts. Forbidden Scrollery Reimu is unrecognizable from wild and horny hermit Reimu. So people have started thinking that maybe each manga is actually from the perspective of the title character, in the former Reimu is more serious and imposing whereas in the latter she's a laidback, loud, energetic girl that is Okuu-levels of forgetful.

>> No.16766520

Or perhaps Reimu is generally lazy and not very bright, but gets really serious when she's on the job (kind of like in the games). Still not very bright though.

>> No.16766922

I don't think she's autistic. Unconventional, perhaps, she doesn't seem as girly as an average girl her age is. Autism is taking it a bit too far, I think.

>> No.16766954

I still don't get what "internet autism" even means.
From what I can gather, the less-than-scrupulous fine folk of /b/-and-friends use the word "autistic" pretty much randomly.

>> No.16768059

a fu fu!!

>> No.16768159
File: 841 KB, 1220x1500, jegan, kochiya sanae, morichika rinnosuke, and stark jegan (gundam, ore no imouto ga konna ni kawaii wake ga nai, and touhou) drawn by sirills - 5db98763ec1edcf0ddf4e69645707b71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she normie or a just a big ol nerd?

>> No.16768515

she's either a closet nerd who knows how to blend in with the normalfags, or she appreciates the transcendental appeal of mecha like any red blooded young woman would

>> No.16768675

Alice is the autism 2hu.

>> No.16768682
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>> No.16768932

I bet Reimu could destroy a solar system with her power if she really wanted to. If that's not autistic, then i dont know what is.

>> No.16769321

So Remilia is autistic but is just trying to trick people into thinking that it was her sister who was autistic instead?

>> No.16769387
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>> No.16781863

Another thread of no redeeming value, tap those ivories and bring it home Ran Yakumo!
>poses seductively on Piano youkai in one of Hecatia's get-up's with gratuitous knee highs that don't match after Labor Day

>> No.16790704
File: 938 KB, 1500x1118, __hakurei_reimu_touhou_drawn_by_tosura_ayato__185139daeda97c4a3d25dcf543edc334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leimu a jew jew!

>> No.16790748

Kogasa isn't autistic, she's just pathetic.

>> No.16790778

Sanae is an ota-riajuu full of hormones and completely lacking in shame.

>> No.16796059

shu shu reimi jew get away from that money you!

>> No.16796493
File: 1.09 MB, 2084x3000, Life_of_Reimu_11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

