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16754590 No.16754590 [Reply] [Original]

In which Sanae gets jewed


>> No.16754604

/pol/ please go

>> No.16754630
File: 417 KB, 974x1417, img000021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job with that line, ABK.

>> No.16754658 [DELETED] 

Couldn't Sanae just have checked the waterfall herself, though?
Never trust those river Jews.

>> No.16754669

Nothing happened in the end. Another chapter of a Touhou manga goes by.

>> No.16754671

Well it was obvious there was going to be some problem with the ropeway from the start. I figured the Kappa would have just cut corners on it or something and it would have collapsed. The mountain youkai taking advantage of Moriya isn't what I expected, but it sure is a lot more interesting.

>> No.16754672

This manga isn't really plot-driven though, it's more about Kasen doing random shit around Gensokyo.

>> No.16754678

I generally agree that chapters usually have little happening, but in this chapter something actually progresses. We finally see the ropeway that's been getting hinted at since forever, that's something.

>> No.16754809

That has always been the case though. It's more episodic slice-of-life than a full-blown arc.

>> No.16754830
File: 497 KB, 974x1417, img000013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. Nothing, nothing at all.

>> No.16754852

The opening of a ropeway is now considered a big plot advancement?

>> No.16754854
File: 385 KB, 974x1417, tmp_17073-img000010(2)1411850819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Earless Momiji again. I'm pretty sure that's canon by now, not that that will stop fanartists.

>> No.16754867

Well, yeah. How is it not?

>> No.16754877
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Hina got a haircut, Minoriko or whatever doesn't even matter.

>> No.16754886
File: 359 KB, 973x1417, tmp_17073-img000019654073501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All kappa tech being powered by water sounds like a cool thing all fanartists will promptly ignore.

>> No.16754899
File: 222 KB, 800x538, IMG_3151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah? This ropeway has been talked about for literally years now, and now it actually exists

>> No.16754906

That seems bluntly impossible. Does Nitori have a tiny waterfall in her helicopter backpack?

>> No.16754920

Perhaps there's a pump system that rotates a gear system attached to the rotors.

>> No.16754931

So the gears are powered by the pump, and the pump is powered by...itself? A smaller pump? This is silly.

>> No.16754938

The pump is powered by muscle contractions by a limb hidden inside the backpack. They're kappa, they don't need to follow human anatomy.

>> No.16755042

God, Sanae... This is why you are not waifu material.

>> No.16755044 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16755062

>A water wheel
I expect it's more along the lines of hydroelectricity, which wouldn't be out of the question honestly. Just Kasen probably doesn't understand the principles of energy. It'd have to be insanely efficient, though, making Kappa fucking bullshit.

>> No.16755087

What are you going on about?

>> No.16755135 [DELETED] 

If she can't see she's being Jew'd, then she's not worth marrying.

>> No.16755145 [DELETED] 

youre not worth marrying

>> No.16755155 [DELETED] 

I see we have a cuckold in the audience. Tell us, what's it like to see your "wife" banged by a superior man? Does the lie that she loves you make the sting go away?

>> No.16755190
File: 686 KB, 971x1417, img000002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah, Sanae is such a good and diligent girl! I want to marry this demigoddess!

>> No.16755194

if you read the chapter you'd know it's explicitly not hydroelectric

>> No.16755195

Just don't open a joint bank account.

>> No.16755203

Thanks a lot for making Nitori my least favorite 2hu, ZUN.

>> No.16755209 [DELETED] 

You actually liked the Jewrtle?

>> No.16755218

You know

Don't the Moriyas derive revenue from giving the kappa outside world things to mess with?

>> No.16755226 [DELETED] 
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Days without Jewish tricks

>> No.16755259 [DELETED] 
File: 79 KB, 413x477, Merchant Kappa2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like this Nitori.

>> No.16755345 [DELETED] 

Better than Sanae getting blacked amirite

>> No.16755349 [DELETED] 

No, it's the equivalent.

>> No.16755382

Is convincing Sanae that just water is better that hydroelectric power part of the scam? Because the latter while losing some power has the advantage of storing power and being consistent, avoiding in fact problems like the waterfall not working.

Please shut up already.

>> No.16755386 [DELETED] 

What the fuck is your problem? Why are you obsessed with that word so much? Go back to your shit containment board.

>> No.16755392 [DELETED] 

I have no problem. You have the problem. You won't stop lying to yourself and admit that your wife is a whore and she'll never have your kids. She'll tell you to call them yours but that different skin complexion just won't stop nagging you in your head.

>> No.16755400 [DELETED] 

Look at that face again and tell me to shut up, she's a doublefaced bitch who'd stab you in the back for some cash.

>> No.16755453


Too bad it's more than likely that she was bullshitting the whole time, considering how Kasen points out they never built a water wheel.

>> No.16755457

I hope this ropeway works out. I really, really do. The Moriyas need a real victory already.

>> No.16755567
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Can't she just fly?

>> No.16755612

yes; but prospective human parishioners can't.

>> No.16755626

>mod is a Nitorifag
Deleting posts just because your kappa is a doublefaced jew is really immature.

>> No.16755662

>You will not post any of the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies

>> No.16755677

Might as well delete OP if we follow the rules since it's the one that pointed that out.

>> No.16755690

I want it to be and the thread remade, but it won't be because it has touhou in the op and that's pretty much a free pass to shitpost.

>> No.16755696

The Crimson Slasher? More like the Crimson Slacker!

>> No.16755715

That's not part of the main plot though, and it doesn't really matter either, it's just more a way for even more people to go to the Moriya shrine.

>> No.16755718

when did Sanae get so boring? first Marisa and now her?

>> No.16755720

>Please shut up already.
Uh, why? This is a discussion board and people are free to express their opinions. It doesn't matter if it hurts your feelings. Hell I sort of agree with him.

>> No.16755729

I always like the shock people get when it's revealed Touhous aren't perfect moe waifus and actually have some flaws or are sketchy.

>> No.16755740

So the through the entire series Reimu's been portrayed as someone who gets upset when reminded of her lack of human visitors and now all of a sudden she just casually mentions it like it's nothing?

Bet you anything that in another chapter she's gonna get upset about it again because ZUN is so inconsistent.

>> No.16755750

That's exactly the opposite of what happened to Sanae though, she started as an aggressive invader that pissed everyone off and had the mountain youkai making a plot to overthrow her and her god and now she's a fucking saint who goes as far as doing other people's jobs for them.

>> No.16755865

I was talking about Nitori

>> No.16755883

I assume he was talking about Nitori

Beyond that Sanae is obviously developing a bit as a character but is still aggressively trying to take territory from Reimu. I don't know how you're not seeing that through the shit she's saying. She would be succeeding, too, if the Kappa and Tengu weren't playing her and Kanako for fools.

>> No.16755911

Sanae still pisses me off so I don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.16755913

To store hydroelectric power you still need the water to not be frozen, since the storage system is basically just pumping water back in the upper basin when the demand for electricity is low. Since there aren't any other machines that need electricity in Gensokyo, using hydroelectric power would still probably lower the efficiency of the whole device (though I'm sure that it evens out with the mechanical transmission they must be using to actuate the whole thing)

>> No.16755959
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Phew! Doujin averted!

>> No.16755980
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>Minoriko or whatever doesn't even matter
This is unconscionable, the god-sisters DESERVE BETTER!

>> No.16755988
File: 164 KB, 768x1024, __kawashiro_nitori_touhou_drawn_by_efukei__e4fcdc3ce56df52cf9e15d9dacf95ee6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All kappa tech being powered by water sounds like a cool thing
It sounds like a lie, given they've got a working nuclear reactor.

Those "geysers" she mentions are probably a disguised heat-exhaust site for the reactor. Nitori effectively secured the ability to run the ropeway off of an existing source, with Moriya paying even more than they would have already.

Fucking kappajew. When is she gonna start selling paizuri machines?

>> No.16756022

I don't know what you're reading. Sanae is still doing that, just in a different manner. She goes to the village and makes a big show of cleaning the shrine and handing out fliers before going to finish cleaning her branch shrine. It's "nice" but it's obvious what her intentions are.

Reading between the lines, something that pretty much no one will point out, is that Reimu cleaned her shrine before heading to the village. It's not that she ignored it, she just hadn't finished. Kasen notes that she had just left to go to the village (though to be fair Kasen is probably the one who told her to go). Sanae just makes sure she gets there first.

Sanae isn't actively malicious asgainst people. She never intends to hurt people, but she's manipulative. Her intentions are to serve her gods so it's in character and appropiate for a miko in Gensokyo. But she's naive and the Kappa and Tengu realized they can take advantage of her and Kanako's desire and greed. That's why Nitori tricks Sanae, Kanako would probably have realized their lies.

>> No.16756050

she's canny like an Industrial Revolution era Scotsman!

>> No.16756075

Being reminded of one thing and being conscious of it aren't the same thing.
Like, fat people know they're fat, but do they like being told by others that? It's kinda like that.

>> No.16756084

Because we have this every single thread and amount to nothing, it's /v/ tier shitposting.

>> No.16756158
File: 1.59 MB, 1000x1500, nitori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nitori is such a best 2hu.

>> No.16756252

I want to be financially exploited by the money grubbing kappa!

>> No.16756263

Seriously ZUN needed someone to go evil so make it the Kappa.

I wonder who he's going to shit on in the new book.

>> No.16756304

She's the same as she was in MoF.
Disliking cunty characters is the height of being a pleb

>> No.16756313

>the main plot
In Touhou, what the FUCK is that?

>> No.16756328

Are you trolling? Are you retarded? This was a complete heel turn first shown in SOPM and slammed in everyone's face in HM.

Now cranked up to 11. Because Zun needs a bad guy because he hates big business

>> No.16756330

come to think of it you probably meant "of WaHH"

but WaHH is mostly an episodic series, and the main plot (AKA "whatever the fuck Kasen is planning") is very rarely addressed. This has always been the case.

>> No.16756336

Man you never give up, it's amazing how people have been pointing how you're wrong for at least the past year and you're still too stubborn to care.

>> No.16756346

Nah, she was a lying coward manipulator since TH10. Keep being wrong though.

>> No.16756347
File: 234 KB, 800x600, 1409787560252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I've just been warming up to the Kawashiro again. Dammit, ZUN.

What's next? Anal murder on panel?

>> No.16756352
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Still a slasher

Of prices! It's the new year, everyone, and these cute ropeway mascot dolls are half off! HALF!!

Don't forget to get a protective charm, too, now 75% Off! And hey, weather's still cold so how about you warm up with some manju? Now 80! 80! EIGHTY PER-CENT OFF!!!

>> No.16756357

Being a two-faced butt kisser does not automatically make one a rowdy, money-grubbing fraud, you know?

>> No.16756370

So you saw one aspect of a character in one work (from basically one meeting in one stage), this basic trait is expanded upon in other works, but you flip the fuck out because, I don't know

>> No.16756375

It doesn't, but this is one of the cases where it does.

>> No.16756389
File: 500 KB, 900x1440, __kawashiro_nitori_touhou_drawn_by_zk_zk_gundan__0109361d859bcf3aeaab2b1201fa8ce0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eighty? We'll do eighty-one!

>> No.16756396

I didn't "flip the fuck out", you must have mistaken me for someone else.

Although, the point still stands. It wasn't unreasonable to expect better of her and get disappointed, especially if you're one of the people that don't assume the worst about others.

>> No.16756401

It's easy to confuse, there's been a person super upset about Nitori for a long while.

And isn't that kind of the point? She tricks. She lies. You get deceived.

>> No.16756405

I wish Nitori's panties were at least 80% off

>> No.16756412
File: 182 KB, 850x1194, sample-4e7870f9a7902eb6c67f8325b2eeda70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow, It's like ZUN is trying to make Sanae as likable as humanly possible and beyond.

I really want to marry her and take at least some of the burden off her shoulders.

>> No.16756414

Absolutely baffling that people can profess to be longtime fans of Touhou and say they read the works, but retain and understand so little.

>> No.16756494

I want to kiss and nuzzle that navel.

>> No.16756519
File: 281 KB, 1400x1000, srZWYQ1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how she's subtly manipulative, and yet is still as kind as she possibly can. I love her character.

>> No.16756586

WaHH is not about plot, it's about showing off the inner workings of Gensokyo.

That Kanako was working for a ropeway ever since the end of MoF. And the kappa + other mountain youkai found a way to greatly profit about it.

>> No.16756604

It will cost ya

>> No.16756617
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Sanae is diligent and a good girl. She's also cute CUTE

>> No.16756631
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>> No.16756783 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16756787 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16756789 [DELETED] 

whoops thought I was somewhere fuckin else, sorry /jp/

>> No.16756794
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>> No.16756808

Greedy Nitori is very fun, more fun than whatever potential moeblob Nitori anyone wishes she was.

>> No.16756822

Dirty YOUKAI will pay for exploiting Sanae's kindly, earnest and hardworking nature

>> No.16756935
File: 490 KB, 1600x900, death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The moment one of the goddesses checks the waterfall in winter, it's youkai extermination time~!

>> No.16756952
File: 193 KB, 600x577, abe0085ff8d98447be17748f7e2cc342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's too lazy for that

>> No.16756984 [DELETED] 

Was MoF fans always this stupid?

>> No.16756992

Were MoF fans always this stupid?

>> No.16756994

Between this and FS threads I think /jp/ just has awful reading comprehension

>> No.16757012

t. EoSD shitter

>> No.16757078

What the fuck did you just say about my mother?

>> No.16757365
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Black-haired kappa girl is cute! CUTE!

Also holy shit, the mountain youkai are effortlessly running laps around the Moriya, it's great.

>> No.16757372

It's half past four. Why?

>> No.16757508

ur text is backwards

>> No.16757554
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>> No.16757573

It's not like they had a choice on the matter if they want their precious cable car.
The arrangement is mutually profitable anyway, even if they get ripped off by the kappa.

>> No.16757601

Why resort to lying to the goddesses' faces when they dictate the price to begin with though?

>> No.16757625

So they can dictate one price, then jack it even further up without looking like bunch of greedy shits.

>> No.16757708

I'm glad this showed that the villagers like Sanae. I'm pretty sure it was said or implied somewhere that she was well liked, but it's nice to actually see it. So hard-working too!

>> No.16757726

Brazilian soap operas are better to watch to be honest

>> No.16757912

Man, Imperishable Night was really the peak of 2hu.
I'm not really fond of the characters and the settings that came after.

>> No.16757973

Zun now wants to tell DEEP stories and it's just eyerollingly bad.

Wild and Horned Hermit was a mistake.

At least Kosuzu's cute and not an ugly hag like Kasen.

>> No.16758197
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What did she mean by this?

>> No.16758356


You'll never find out because nothing happens.

>> No.16758362

Nitori Kawashiroberg

>> No.16758379


Why does it sound like you're trying to push the "Touhou manga never have any plot relevance" assumption?

>> No.16758396

Why are people upset that a manga for a series about cute girls having play battles and drinking tea afterwards ends up being SoL without heavy plot development?

>> No.16758406

Because he's one of those retards who needs to have a battle shonen with a cheap plot twist at the end of every chapter to keep his attention up.

>> No.16758444

Youkai are jerks to humans, even when they have to protect them.
Don't worry, Reimu will set them straight in the next game.

>> No.16758479

ZUN never tells "Deep stories", hell, he has already stated that when writing for the material books and fighting games he literally has to re-read the backstories of the characters from the most recent games just to remember what they were, which often leads to him going "Did i really create this?".

>> No.16758516
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>> No.16758522
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>> No.16758525

Remove kappa scum

>> No.16758526
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>> No.16758531
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>> No.16758534
File: 29 KB, 800x473, yuukarin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Wild and Horny Hermit has no story.

>> No.16758536
File: 47 KB, 239x425, 2017-03-23-225249_239x425_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is your cute awoo grill now!?

>> No.16758547

It's ok, no one who likes awoo reads the manga anyway.

>> No.16758549
File: 163 KB, 531x325, 2017-03-23-225315_531x325_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, I just wanted to sperg out

Have a cute Reimu pic

>> No.16758552
File: 516 KB, 1100x900, 1486532619306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ask and you shall receive

>> No.16758744

Hmm so if moriya shrine is her target she wont bother about the Kappas extortion?

>> No.16759677

Anyone who dares oppose Hakurei Shrine deserves nothing else but eternal misfortune.

>> No.16759703
File: 472 KB, 974x1417, img000015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's too bad, really.

/pol/ would disown Momiji if they found out about this part.

>> No.16759752

So now it's confirmed that Aya does not have wings and awoo girl does not have wolf- ears and tail?

>> No.16759773

>/pol/ would disown Momiji
>That's too bad, really
Why is that a bad thing?

There has been quite a few discrepancies between different official works.
The only thing this confirms is that "the existence of a tengu's wing/ear/tail is left up to interpretation".

>> No.16759844


Probably because the manga is about Kasen and constantly dropping hints about what Kasen is about but never actually going anywhere with it since all Kasen does is wander about randomly bumbling into various yokai plots and getting exposition dumped on her that will never be followed up on or even remembered by Zun again. Fairies manga has more plot development than WaHH at this point.

>> No.16760151

I call it Kappatalism.

>> No.16760157

I want to force Nitori to sell her body on the street until she finally accepts that she can make the most money this way.

>> No.16760162

She can make the most money by marrying a billionaire.

>> No.16760167
File: 174 KB, 960x895, peasant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Touhou has nothing but poor farmers, restaurant owners or people with no need for money in the first place.

>> No.16760741

There was a rich dude in the village but Reimu murdered him.

>> No.16760751

Man simply wished to be left alone and continue his study/research alone in the mountains. But reimu had to kill him.

>> No.16760763

Actually, he's talking about the salt merchant who got possessed by a horse goast.

>> No.16760776

Ya might want to provide more context than that. Someone who doesn't bother reading and understanding the manga might take that the wrong way.

>> No.16760929

Salt Merchant killed one of his horses.

Horse Ghost possesses him and starts to eat him from the inside out.

Reimu finally finds him out as being possessed because it took a while for the ghost to break character. But it's too late and the guy's already dead and is just being moved as the ghost's meat puppet.

Popped the ghost out and ganked that thing for breaking the rules. Guy was already dead as soon as the possession ended.

>> No.16761030

Cool fanfic.
Now show us the actual canon source.

>> No.16761064

Chapters 36 and 37 of Forbidden Scrollery.

>> No.16761126
File: 400 KB, 387x685, 5713715-latest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lying liars posting their lying lies for all to be hornswaggeled by as the cherry blossoms WHIP RIGHT *INTO* YOUR EYES as F1 class winds batter you with their tag team pal radioactive acid rain
>legitimate concerns while intoxicated
And you are a coward to be honest.
>Give me your money and love and a pretty wedding dress.
>Paranoid assumptions as usual
I'll Scroll her Forbiddery

>> No.16761143

Who are you quoting?

>> No.16761273

In which there's nothing saying that the guy was already dead when Reimu killed him.

>> No.16761425

>So now it's confirmed that Aya does not have wings
It was always confirmed. Harukawa and Asai are just idiots.

>> No.16761443
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>> No.16761461

don't bother with him, one piece fanbase is just mindless attack drones

>> No.16761462

Mamizou frankly states he was fully under the spirit's control and was beyond saving.

>> No.16761484

gone != dead

>> No.16761548

If you really want to nitpick, then I guess it's possible his body still had a pulse, but mentally and spiritually the guy was toast.

>> No.16761550

The only place he's gone in the traditional sense is Hakugyokurou.

>> No.16762485
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>> No.16762694
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Marisa x Reimu is canon.

>> No.16762797

Her theme song in MoF directly references a famous novel where all kappa are over-the-top kappatalists.

>> No.16763865

There's too many discrepancies. Aya keeps being drawn with wings in FS.

>> No.16764054

Aya not/having wings isn't as much of a thing because the easiest answer is that she can hide them at will anyways.

>> No.16764320
File: 64 KB, 422x624, Akutagawa Ryunosuke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, thanks for pointing that out to me. It was a piece of literature missing in my life.
This guy was the real deal, a Zounose for his time.
Writes a story about a hyper-capitalist society with soylent green, voluntary auto-abortion, and the nobility of suicide.
Then offs himself in real life.
I'd like to think he lived on as a Canni-can.

>> No.16764357

Oh yeah, and it's apparently the source of the line "a baka calls others bakas".

>> No.16764495

>Because Zun
If you weren't already enough of a dolt you have to put the icing on the cake

>> No.16764509


But at least one of them has wolf ears in this SoPM pic.

>> No.16764648

Man,Reimu is really lucky to have a close friend like Marisa.

>> No.16766302

It's also applying headcanon so that's not much of a solution unless you don't give a shit about canon in the first place.

Which you probably don't.

>> No.16766531
File: 240 KB, 795x800, lekasenwd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to have hasty, clothed sex with Kasen while traveling up the ropeway!

>> No.16766624

It's a ropeway, not a rapeway.

>> No.16766631

i wish ZUN would ditch the slice of life bullshit and make another SSiB equivalent

>> No.16766645

You want another snorefest with the Mary Sue sisters and a half-assed ending?

>> No.16766652
File: 28 KB, 458x363, 74dda4e4679cdcdceb8d1e3dae4ce4f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, i want an adventure

>> No.16767611

Someone already asked ZUN whether she has wings. He said he doesn't know.

>> No.16767839


>> No.16767925

I thought this WaHH thread was pretty bad but then the new FS thread was 10 times worse because of autism

At least nobody tries to think the fairies manga is deep and just wants to stick their dick in Clownpiece

>> No.16768354

But Fairies book is best because of fairy fun and games.

>> No.16769266
File: 163 KB, 609x863, 2017-01-31 22_39_26-Dynasty Reader » Three Fairies ch01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I want to stick my dick in Star.

>> No.16770109

It doesn't assume anything besides the minimal case for her to be appearing both with wings and not with wings (unless you'd argue hiding/showing wings is not voluntary?) Headcanon would be to then say she hides/shows for so-and-so reasons, which obviously I'm not going to. What I'm saying is just the equivalent of "she could be shown with or without wings for any given appearance".

I firmly take the position that, for example, Momiji doesn't have wolf ears and that the works in which she's portrayed with them were just given less supervision in that regard. But Aya's case is not similar; at this point it is more unwarranted to assume either she has wings or doesn't, because the supervision of both works are quite involved. It's obviously just artist preference -- Azuma prefers wingless Aya; Harukawa prefers winged Aya. Among other official artists you'll find they're pretty consistent. ZUN probably prefers wingless Aya, but allowing Harukawa to draw wings everywhere (including on a tankobon cover) is pretty strong evidence that it's equally fine.

>> No.16770574

>It doesn't assume anything besides
If you have to say "besides" then you're already assuming something.

Aya's wings are just a case of non-canon artistic freedom and nothing more. Aya does not have wings in ANY ZUN art of hers, Aya does not have wings in ANY game that features her, there are FAR more official artists that draw her without wings than otherwise, and NO official text (that being the key word here - ZUN might not always draw, but he's the one always writing) ever refers explicitly or even in passing to tengu having some sort of ability to hide their non-existant wings. And for that matter, there's no acknowledgement of wings in text at all whatsoever. They plain and simply don't exist.

>> No.16770835

So an edgelord who killed himself.

Nothing of Value lost

Yea there is only so many times You can tease something before people get bored with it and start rolling their eyes.

WaHH reached this point long ago.

I mean fucking Forbidden Scrollery who's about some girl who never leaves the village has more of a dynamic plot and actually manages to be interesting.

Hell the Fairy books have more plot development and character development of it's main characters than WaHH.

Seriously what have we really picked up off Kasen lately outside [SMUGNESS INTENSIFIES]

Of course the irony is he sold out harder than Nitori when he did the deal with Sony.

>> No.16770850

You're expecting ZUN to draw bird wings worth a damn?

If you look at Okuu her wings are actually actively having attention drawn away from them by the star cape and the Third eye.

The wing structure is pretty bad and if he could get away with it he would have had he wingless

And his official answer is "I Don't Know" when asked about it. Of course you can go with that.

The main reason why more artists don't draw her with wings as Wings are hard. Fairy Wings are just draw some hoops without features. She has time consuming features and textures to draw.

>> No.16771002

>You're expecting ZUN to draw bird wings worth a damn?
That's not an excuse. Moreover, he does draw wings like you mention, so if Aya was meant to have wings, then why didn't he draw wings on her?

>> No.16771015
File: 1.41 MB, 1280x960, 1485706070420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he sold out

>> No.16771044

Aya claimed to have feathers once. And the tengu apparently lay eggs.

>> No.16771103


>> No.16771119

Dude are you really that upset that you got BTFO with the wolf tengu that you now hide behind ZUN's ambiguous answer about Aya?

>> No.16771133

So? Still no wings.

>> No.16771144

she has an undercover job, the wings would nix that in an instant, so magic them away for a while yeah

>> No.16771147

I might be a kike but I can't read what's written over there.

>> No.16771171

Feather pubes are what's important.

>> No.16771212
File: 736 KB, 900x1440, __shameimaru_aya_touhou_drawn_by_twilightrain__30519e7635888463fd1252b2f0eed3cd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's not like one of the most prominent features of mythological Tengu is the ability to shapeshift.

>> No.16771273 [DELETED] 

It's amazing many people bother Touhou with with sole of purpose to shit on it. Truly astounding.

>> No.16771284 [DELETED] 

It's amazing many people bother with Touhou for the sole purpose to shit on it. Truly astounding.

>> No.16771286

It's amazing many people bother with Touhou for the sole purpose to shit on it. Truly astounding.

>> No.16771288

Okay, where is it said in text or shown in ZUN art that she has that ability? (or wings at all, for that matter)

Unless you are going to tell me that one of the most prominent features of mythological kappa is being high-tech jews or that one of the most prominent features of mythological tsukumogami is being little girls in addition to possessed abandoned objects, then you can fuck right off with that shit.

>> No.16771293

Hello /v/

>> No.16771338
File: 342 KB, 449x554, fairysleep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to fuck all the fairies. ALL of them.

>> No.16771848
File: 196 KB, 751x988, __shameimaru_aya_touhou_drawn_by_hasebe_yuusaku__e7e5548765c468950d08bf88a8e89d2e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can fuck right off with that shit
Yup, it's not like mythology plays any part in a series whose cast is majorly based on mythic creatures.

>> No.16771886

Remember the part in Akutagawa's Kappa where the kappa had optical camouflage, guided air-to-air missiles and a robot replica of the Loch Ness Monster? That was awesome, I hope it gets an anime soon!

>> No.16771905

So because the youkai in Touhou possess extra skills or features compared to their mythical originals, that means they are... I don't know, completely different and possess none of the qualities of the originals? Because that doesn't make a lick of sense, and I'm fucking running my tongue all over my monitor looking for Aya pictures.

>> No.16771923

You sound butt devasted

>> No.16771965

It's a feature.

>> No.16771975

Trying to talk about Touhou manga with you retards is fucking cancer

None of you have any reading comprehension whatsoever

>> No.16771983


>> No.16772002
File: 120 KB, 439x344, 1448771586230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16772014

A shit thread for a shit manga. Seems fitting.

>> No.16772028
File: 52 KB, 256x512, Th10Aya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but it means they are not 1:1 with what they are based from. So the argument "[thing] works like this in myth, so it's obviously the same in Gensokyo" is not valid.

>and I'm fucking running my tongue all over my monitor looking for Aya pictures.
Let me help. Here's an official illustration from the man himself.

>> No.16772035

Who the hell clears snow with a shovel meant for digging dirt?

>> No.16772043

Maybe she's just feeling lazy.

>> No.16772107
File: 252 KB, 728x1027, l005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute fanart dude

>> No.16772160

Ayafags are truly the worse. They manage to shit up numerous threads with irrelevant bullshit that even ZUN commented that it doesn't even matter.

>> No.16772166

Anyone who has a substantial ice buildup. You can't crack into that shit with rectangular snow shovels.

>> No.16772282

At least post one of those old pictures with a smug anime girl and a wall of text covering her face that basically boils down to "u mad?".

>> No.16772423

OK, let me put this in bullet points for you.

- Mythical Tengu are known shapeshifters.
- Aya is a Tengu, high up the hierarchy at that.
- Aya has been shown both with and without wings numerous times.
- One artist (one of the most competent and most closely working with ZUN) even portrays the change consistently, depending on Aya's whereabouts and surroundings.
- There is no other character whose physical appearance (and I don't mean breast size or the status of their hat) changes this often and this consistently.

And yet, you argue it's all just an error. An error that fits Tengu mythology, repeats consistently and in fitting circumstances, and doesn't afflict non-shapeshifting characters whatsoever. Could it be it's not an error? Unthinkable, right?

>> No.16772560

>- Mythical Tengu are known shapeshifters.
OK, let me put this in bullet points for you.
-Mythical kappa are known technowizards
-Oh wait, no they are not
-Touhou youkai =/= IRL youkai, they can, do and will differ
>- Aya is a Tengu, high up the hierarchy at that.
Irrelevant, unless there's some official text somewhere saying "oh she can hide her wings because hierarchy and shit", which I would absolutely LOVE to see if it exists.
>- Aya has been shown both with and without wings numerous times.
Only two artists (out of almost 10) drew her with wings at any point in their careers, and neither of them is ZUN.
>- One artist (one of the most competent and most closely working with ZUN)
You know who also works incredibly close with ZUN? ZUN. He's also been very consistent in Aya NOT having wings (investigating incident? no wings! defending the mountain? no wings! taking pictures from people from the underground, heaven and everywhere in between? no wings! battling a fellow tengu reporter? wanna guess how many wings she had then? it's a low number, you might get it).
>- There is no other character whose physical appearance (and I don't mean breast size or the status of their hat) changes this often and this consistently.
Also irrelevant. A consistent error is still an error. Let's say Genji Asai (and ONLY Genji Asai) consistently and continuously drew Marisa with blue eyes instead of gold ones. Could it be it's just an error? Nah, it must mean Marisa has eye-color-changing super powers!

>> No.16772593

It's over guise
Aya doesn't have wings and Clownpiece doesn't have a right thumb
Also Kosuzu's design is not canon

>> No.16772619

Satori also has canon short arms while Hijirin has a broken arm. Only TruPrimaries like us can get the subtle details right.

>> No.16772642

>-Mythical kappa are known technowizards
Actually, mythical Kappa are known as aquatic creatures who steal arse balls. Coincidentally, that is what they also are in Touhou. But since Touhou Tengu are nothing, NOTHING like their mythical counterparts, I am guessing it's merely a humongous, gargantuan coincidence.
Relevant, as a powerful Tengu like Aya would be likely to possess a fuller spectrum of Tengu abilities.
ZUN isn't an artist, and is in fact prone to errors himself, else he would be the one drawing the manga. As things are, he's got other people doing the art for him in media outside the games.
>Let's say Genji Asai (and ONLY Genji Asai) consistently and continuously drew Marisa with blue eyes instead of gold ones. Could it be it's just an error?
Well if Genji Asai were the artist of a manga which is part of the ongoing canon, and if Genji Asai wasn't just an illustrator with a LOT of freedom and room for shoving his personal headcanon into said art (such as all the quasi-lesbo shots of Marisa and Reimu), and if Genji Asai was shown to be closely collaborating with ZUN on everything, and if Genji Asai consistently and regularly portrayed Marisa with a changing eye colour... Well then, I'd guess we could start worrying about Marisa changing into a youkai. So yes, you're right on this point. One out of four.

>> No.16772824

My point was that the creatures aren't always 100% the same, which they aren't. What, running out of arguments so soon?
Wonderful, let's see that piece of canon that states that because Aya is important, she not only has wings but the ability to hide them. Come on, show it to me. I won't laugh, I promise.
>ZUN isn't an artist
Not an argument. He drew Aya five times and she had wings zero of those times. Kind of strange for a character that is apparently somehow meant to have wings all along, isn't it?
>So yes, you're right
So you're just a headcanon-loving idiot, then.

shotty in charge of having an argument

>> No.16772957

>My point was that the creatures aren't always 100% the same, which they aren't
My point is that they are largely the same as their mythical counterparts, sometimes with added or modernised features, but rarely missing their core components. Werewolves in Touhou still transform, Kappa are still aquatic, fairies are still mischievous, and Tengu are still shapeshifters, as evidenced by Aya's varying appearances.
>let's see that piece of canon that states something very basic that would already be known by anyone familiar with Japanese mythology
Let's see that piece of canon that states grass in Gensokyo is still green. Because Touhou fans are braindead, ignorant, and certainly not in large part Japanese and therefore familiar with their country's mythology. Right.
>Not an argument.
Not a counter-argument.
>So you're just a headcanon-loving idiot
Not an argument.

>> No.16773031

You sound butt devasted my dude

>> No.16773071

>My point is that they are largely the same as their mythical counterparts
Ah yes, I just remembered the part in Akutagawa's Kappa where the kappa built a turbine-battery thing to make a cool hot spring. Though I don't like that part as much as when they showed the kappa's futuristic greenhouses. ZUN really stayed true to the kappa mythos, eh?
>Let's see that piece of canon that states grass in Gensokyo is still green.
You can see the grass being green in several stages in several of the GAMES (remember those?) throughout the series, are you a secondary?

What a shit false equivalence, and what a shit way to avoid giving the source.

>Not a counter-argument.
Not an argument.
>Not an argument.
Not a counter-argument. You don't have any room to speak either, you admitted on no uncertain terms that you would accept a retarded headcanon over the artists maybe fucking up a bit, or given artistic freedom by ZUN to stray a little bit from what is intended for the character for the purposes of clarity or to help them show off or whatever. ZUN let Hirasaka draw Marisa as a fat fuck at one point to accomodate for his artstyle, that doesn't mean ZUN intended Marisa to be fat.

You're wasting my time at this point. Hand over the source that explicitly says Aya
1) has wings
2) can hide them at will
or sod off already. I'm giving you only this chance.

oh fuck i've been absolutely demolished

your shitposting ass wins again, shotty

>> No.16773081
File: 61 KB, 600x450, 17493067393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're wasting my time at this point
Are you implying that your time is worth anything?

>> No.16773084

FS and WaHH threads derailed by irrelevant shitty arguments two days in a row

>> No.16773134

Just look at her sprite, she clearly has wing.

>> No.16773150
File: 54 KB, 340x346, wing aya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, 1 wing is visible

>> No.16773195
File: 441 KB, 768x1024, 33901184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the part in Akutagawa's Kappa where the kappa built a turbine-battery thing
Which part of "added features" was so confusing to you? Touhou youkai are often very close to their original counterparts, but expanded (arguably to symbolise the ability of Gensokyo's youkai to adapt to their new citcumstances). There are instances where their original features are re-interpreted (such as satori third eyes), but they are rarely outright removed. I don't see why you would think the Tengu's ability to shapeshift was removed, considering we've seen Aya alter her appearance.
>You can see the grass being green
And you can see Aya's wings in several illustrations and manga pages. Also, the grass isn't always green in Touhou, so you can consider yourself baited.
>You're wasting my time at this point.
All you have is time, because you definitely don't have the right.

>> No.16773221
File: 818 KB, 1146x643, 1487102555608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see a lot of posturing and excuses and not enough sources. In fact I don't see a single one, which falls well within my expectations. Kinda hard to source something that's not there, ain't it.

So that's the end of it, I guess. "muh wings" and "muh hiding wings" are nothing but retarded headcanons from secondaries. Proven for like the ninth time or so.

But some food for thought: outside of shitty tertiary shitholes, you don't see people arguing that Momiji has the ability to hide her wolf ears and tail because she showed up with them that one time and never again. You know you have a problem when you're even more stupid than the average Momiji poster.

>> No.16773240

Marisa is shit dude

>> No.16773257

Woah hold on im not even paying attention to this sperg off but you better take that back right now buddy

>> No.16773269
File: 473 KB, 1400x1050, 1489607085649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.16773272
File: 221 KB, 612x816, no wings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too right.

>> No.16773282
File: 148 KB, 500x667, no wings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, where are those wings everybody keeps talking about?

>> No.16773293
File: 240 KB, 744x588, fake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, who the hell shopped these into an official manga? I hope ZUN releases an errata, since he has stated in no uncertain terms that Aya does NOT have wings!

>> No.16773329
File: 71 KB, 240x416, Th125Aya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man, look at that spam. Someone is certainly not buttmad at all.

In the mean time, I'll just post this one picture of Aya drawn by ZUN and take my leave. Please take notice of the amount of wings contained in the character design that the creator the entire franchise laid out for her.

>> No.16773345

Not as buttmad as the guy who never heard about Tengu being shapeshifters before.

Also sausage fingers.

>> No.16773351

imprisoning me
all that I see
wings on tengus

>> No.16773431
File: 2.60 MB, 2480x3507, 61243755_p10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw dumb crossie is still eternally butthurt about the exact same thing
>mfw I don't know who I'm quoting
I can't hold all these layers of irony

>> No.16773438

There is this one great thing about the prospect of Aya's wings not being canon: you can wave your dick around in the air and it would feel exactly the same as rubbing it against her (non-existing) wings.

>> No.16773447

No it wouldn't

>> No.16773913

>Plot points

They aren't important tough.

>> No.16776039
File: 416 KB, 985x1439, HWJJsmG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, I haven't seen anyone sperg out so hard over something so trivial since whatshisname pepper sprayed a dude over Sonic the Hedgehog's arms or some shit.

Has it ever occurred to anyone that the reason ZUN has never explicitly stated whether Aya has wings or not, and official works are inconsistent in depicting them, is because he doesn't care, and it doesn't matter at all whether she does or not? Even if the man himself has never drawn them, the artists of the official works bearing his name have done so for over ten years at this point. As easy as it would be for him to shut that shit down, and has had over a decade worth of opportunities to do so, the fact that he never has should tell you something.

And that something is "ZUN don't give a fuck." Why the hell do you?

>> No.16776294

I'll have you know, my good sir, that the matter of Aya's wing is in fact not "something trivial". It is the matter of being right or wrong about something fictional against a bunch of anonymous over the internet, and I'll have you know that is very important for the psyche.

Yeah, if you can't tell, I wasn't being serious.
I honestly don't get the whole "there is vs there isn't" shenanigans; like, ZUN would've said so if it's any one of that. So I took his "I don't know" as "the wings of a tengu isn't a detail that could make or break their design, and it's not worth fussing over", and leave it at that.
Does that make me a filthy secondary? I have no idea, neither do I care.

>> No.16776705

That actually makes you a primary, since you adopt the same attitude as the creator himself, and care more about the important aspects of the character than some superficial visual trait that has no real significance outside fanworks.


>> No.16777709
File: 17 KB, 711x640, 1472296939348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Not caring about canon makes you a primary."
-/jp/, 2017

>> No.16777714

Who u quoting

>> No.16777737
File: 46 KB, 220x151, ayayayaya....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, we're talking about this again?

>> No.16777741
File: 41 KB, 216x299, 61243755_p11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayaya, cute boy have wings!

>> No.16777748

/jp/, 2017

>> No.16777750

It says right there. Who are you asking?

>> No.16777754

I'm asking myself
Who are you asking?

>> No.16777757
File: 241 KB, 1700x1200, 33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16777761
File: 1.14 MB, 1164x1645, cuteboy(female).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16777765
File: 13 KB, 300x212, 0cf237c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16777772
File: 1.06 MB, 1149x1149, 61243755_p14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16777779
File: 73 KB, 522x305, 1411197889666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16777789 [DELETED] 


>> No.16777790

It's just like >>16772160 said.

>> No.16777804
File: 117 KB, 830x510, 1486842669089.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16777992
File: 468 KB, 800x800, a1c8f4ffddfc21b674525e597262f3e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah. Please do not refer to the no wings guy and the idiots who KEEP FUCKING RESPONDING TO HIM I'M TALKING TO YOU GUYS QUIT DOING THAT as Ayafags. It's offensive.

>> No.16778110

No, I'll absolutely keep doing that. Put a leash on yourselves already.

>> No.16778468

Trying, failing, impossible to do to others.
Does this shitshow really come up that often in other threads?
