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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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16739917 No.16739917 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>16697957

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.16739985
File: 177 KB, 1280x719, nandayo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to take it easy.

Too many references flew over my head, but still a good read. Very interested in how the sequel turns out. Just hope it won't take another 10 years.

>> No.16740024

>this doesn't always work though, in some cases theres just no OP and I was reading for ages until I realized that
This really bothered me in Mushi no Me. I don't know whether it's a bug or laziness, but the game (at least the version with all the chapters) never plays its OP movie, though you can just watch it from the game folder since it's a regular mp4 file. I kept expecting for it to pop up in-game at some point, and thought it'd play at the end of the first chapter and if not then somewhere in the second chapter at least, but to no avail.

>> No.16740032

Her route started off well but her fucking MC before they even started dating and other bizarre things baffled me

>> No.16740053
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Having only played through 3 routes personally in LxC1 the drama is sudden but gets resolved within the like next scene so its not that bad. There is still plenty of enjoyable moments and definitely worth reading first just to get it out of the way.

Speaking of LxC, I havent played the trial yet for 新妻 but I wonder if they included the walking conversations like in 2. Hope they brought it back since purely didnt have it.

>> No.16740238
File: 418 KB, 1920x1080, johnny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow this is some next level stuff. I'm excited for this game already.
Jokes aside, I heard this is gonna be the last title in the cation series so I hope they're gonna include every single dating sim ideas they can think of. If the game is equal to or surpass LxC2 I would probably buy it.

>> No.16740242

LxC2 had insider as the lead writer. This game does not even have him on the team. I don't have high hopes. What I've seen from the trial wasn't notably good.

>> No.16740263

the cation series use emote? Are the hscenes animated?

>> No.16740264

Just the standing CG

>> No.16740269

Not the H-scenes. The e-motes are pretty awkward though and turning it off doesn't really help. I hope I don't get too bothered by it.

>> No.16740315

>I wonder if they included the walking conversations like in 2

Not at all. I honestly would rather have that than the E-mote system. The animation itself isnt so bad but they look as if someone turned off the AA on them. It's even worse when they aren't directly in front of the MC and look even more jaggy.

>> No.16740513

You know what you need to do - read Miyazawa and about Miyazawa.

>> No.16740695

>Very few VN actually show the OP at start-up. If I had to guess based on what I play.. 5%? Maybe 10%.
lmao you must be playing some weird shit because I've randomly clicked 5 VNs in my folder without looking and they all started with the OP

>> No.16740711

I hate when eroge have attractive or cute female sprites without sexing them

>> No.16740714

I hate people like you.

>> No.16740715

but why?

>> No.16740733

I mean seriously eroge differs from other anime mediums in that you can romance and have sex with the girls, but for some reason they also have girls you can't have sex with.
Its like watching porn with two hot girls and only one of the girls has sex and the other does nothing you'd be disappointed.

>> No.16740736

Probably my favourite opening
I know most of you love the game but the game is kinda slow and boring on some bits way too often.

>> No.16740742

Not that guy.
Mainly I think you have some pernicious lines of thought which reflect a lack of appreciation and respect for the VN medium. For example, you say "eroge differs from other anime mediums in that you can have sex with the girls". That's such a huge slap in the face of VNs, all the prose and CGs and music and all the many elements that combine to make VNs unique are ignored, in favor of "you have fuck girls". That's shallow to the point that I can see people being even angry that such shallow people exist. As an another example, you say "for some reason they also have girls you can't have sex with", esp the "for some reason", as if you're not even considering that females can be characters in the stories the VN is telling, and sex is not a part of their story. The story doesn't matter, just the fucking. Not even mentioning that the budget for some sprites would be lower than for a whole route with H and whatnot. You even then proceed to conclude your post by using an analogy comparing VNs to porn, which implies, if not states, that VNs are equivalent to porn, and nothing more.

tl;dr Your thinking is shallow and shows a thorough lack of respect for VNs. While I don't hate you, I do understand why someone who really likes VNs would view your kind of thinking as something to be loathed.

>> No.16740744

Ruriwo and Suzuna will have routes in Sakura no Toki.

Let's recapitulate:
>that one shy girl
>evil Rin

Who else?

>> No.16740757
File: 1.51 MB, 1456x2592, 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see the following as the most meaningful part

Pic is an explanation of what 心象をスケッチ is. Or rather what Miyazawa said about it. Later in life he claimed 心象をスケッチ was 大へん古くさい and tried to use different methods to achieve his goal.

>> No.16740758


This is pretty much a part that fucked up the industry. The forced "every girl needs ero", no matter if it fits or not. The girl can be somewhat set up with another guy in the main-game, doesn't matter-> fandisc/re-release or whatever and the protag gets her. The girl may have plot-reasons for not wanting to date the protag or having sex, doesn't matter -> rerelease will have her having sex without changing the plot.

It's sad. And I heavily respect all companies that don't do this. Sub-character routes are also part of this. Why half-assing routes for sub-characters? Why did this become a thing? Right, because people want sex with all the girls as that's more important than anything else. And, oh the irony, most don't even bother using all ero anyway.
But it is what it is. Sometimes I do wish for people who only want porn to go with nukige though. They are made for that.

>> No.16740773

>Sometimes I do wish for people who only want porn to go with nukige though. They are made for that.
As much as I agree with you and deeply want people like >>16740733 to go drink bleach and die, telling them to "go with nukige" doesn't really work because they're the ones that fund the companies and allow them to make games. The industry is fucked because without the porn no one buys the games. That's also why the eroge prices are so high too, so the few people who do consistently buy them bring in good money.

IMO the only way to save the industry and produce quality titles is to migrate to consoles (I say this as someone who doesn't even own a console). Utawarerumono sells pretty damn well for example. I hope more companies catch on this over the years, because frankly, the future for PC eroge is grim.

>> No.16740804


Porn is a reason, and I don't think it's a problem that it exists. But if your absolutely primary concern is porn, you simply play the wrong stuff. And I don't think the industry is THAT bad off, that you really need to do the "every girl needs ero" thing yet. And I also don't want to believe the reason why for example Yuzusoft games sell like 40k in a week is because they have crappy side-routes. They don't even do fandiscs and still (usually) have girls in the games, that don't have ero. (Especially Sanoba Witch had girls that could've gotten some as far as I remember. Senren Banka less so, I admit)

A lot is just companies not knowing what really to do and how to sell their stuff, so they go with the "ero" choice, as that is the most consistent. Comes with the issue, that people get used to it, it becomes a standard of sorts and suddenly people wonder why there are so many girls without ero in a plotge. Same goes for the amount of ero, really. Heck, even game-length. 10 years ago the average VN was shorter than today, I'm pretty sure. Also much less CG variation, though computers made that easier, it's also "more required" nowadays.

This isn't just a thing with eroge, mind you. Bigger, better, longer is something that's going on with pretty much all genres of games out there. That how achievements became a thing. That's why DLC is released for months. That's why there's recently the open-world craze going on. (it's biiiig.. and empty but who cares) Quality is hard to up, so quantity is chosen, becomes a standard and then you got your problem. Companies are afraid and want to not be "left behind" in terms of quantity.

>> No.16740807

I get your point, but I'm not talking about VNs with no sex, I meant eroge that are more moege, romance and nukige oriented.

Sure sakura no uta is more of a charage but still has moe characters designs, for the sake of moe. I'd get if it was a non ero VN or if it had another art style or presented itself as something else I probably wouldn't bring up this.

Also I mean it's not like it barely touches upon romance or sex, I'd understand if it was a game that the sex was just there and there was little romance, but there's tons of romance and there is sex. The girls love Noayo romantically even before the game starts and the routes are shapes by it. There are dirty penis, masturbation jokes, wacky hijinks it presents itself as kinda of like a moege in as a moege in some regards.

Take hanachirasu or something I'm not mad akane didn't fuck his attractive sister as the game is a more plot oriented dark game without too much focus on romance compared to a moege, sure it has romance and sex for some parts. However the entire game presents itself as one without it from its tone to the overall plot, to the artsyle.
Or Kikkougai, the game has a tragic rape scene for the plot to start, however its clearly a plot focused on revenge, people aren't into it for the porn. It doesn't present it self as a morege or nukige.

I guess I'm mainly talking about games where girls and sex are the focus, play a huge deal or the game is presented in that way.
In sakura no uta romance plays a big part in several of the routes and the jokes and such as kinda moege like. Plus the art style presents it self as a moege. I guess I expected there to be more sex or or act more like a moege.

If I were to use a better example it would be a like a cute loli show where the cuteness factor is completely left out and they act serious and solve mysteries. People would look and expect cuteness and although get a good story might feel like because of the art style are kinda let down in the cute department.
Meanwhile if they weren't lolis and the art wasn't cute they probably wouldn't even think of it.

Bottom line is, it presented itself as a kinda moege from some of the dialougue to the romance to the jokes and art and most moege let you sex all the girls. I felt let down as I kinda expected that.

That said normaly moege should let you romance all the attractive girls.

I hope I explained myself.

>> No.16740814

Ai deserves a real one.
Nagayama Kana too, but she won't.

>> No.16740818

>Nagayama Kana too, but she won't.

That would be so good. But I don't see it happening either.

>> No.16740821

I would like sca-ji to deliver on real hate-sex with them.

>> No.16740823

I ultimately view Naoya and Kana's relationship as a friendly one.

>> No.16740825

They are on friendly terms, doens't mean she likes him, she probably hates him as much as she admires him for his art, which is why I found her the most relatable characte in the game.

>> No.16740827

>Drink bleach and die
wow the edge

That aside I guess I prefer moege for all the girls to be romancable.

I just look forward to the romance in moege and makes me feel like a fox eithout grapes if I see a girl who doesn't have a route or sub route in one.

I really like the artists inugami kira and motoyon and kinda would've like the girls to have their own route still, its not really a moege so I can't complain too much.

Also I shouldn't of used the term eroge.
Eroge or VNs without moe can do what it wants.
Hopefully that clears things up a bit.

>> No.16740838

A game can have "moe" without it being sexualized. Crazy concept, I know. Being so thirsty for an extra pair of tits in a game is honestly the rock bottom of patheticness-levels.

>> No.16740839

>sakura no toki
Is that a sequel or spin off? Or does it just have a similar name to Sakura no Uta?

>> No.16740843

I mean moege that's also an eroge, a moege that's not an eroge shouldn't have sex.

>> No.16740852

Sequel. If you played Sakura no Uta, you'd see how obviously it was set up by the last chapter.

>> No.16740866

Well I've played things that set up a sequal but give nothing later on,
Although not eroge.

>> No.16740891

Sca-ji also mentioned making it in the booklet that came with Sakuuta. But I bet it's gonna be like 2019 when it comes out.

The subtitle is 櫻の下を歩む for now, it seems.

>> No.16740940

Is the third title gonna be something like

>> No.16740942

or 傍に

I mean a trilogy would make more sense than two

>> No.16740961

Omg replaying Marelle route in BS Zero2 is so long even on very easy with skip all the way.
I think I'll write my impression when I finish it the second time.
Is there any important info in bad ends of Sakura and Kei? I don't have saves for them anymore and I don't want to spend a couple more hours skipping this shit. I'm still confused about some shit.

>> No.16740999

Are we still posting OPs?
I didn't like this at first but it grew on me

>> No.16741001

My fav eroge
although it has some problems like some of the endings

>> No.16741009

ketsuage is down on youtube, now where will I get my new eroge releases' OPs in hd and at 60fps?
( ´△`)

>> No.16741032

I found out Yu Nak is still up.
So I can still find out new releases.
On that note

This OP is so cute but the girls not as much, besides Alice and Yuka they aren't that cute.

Also I've seen this game shilled here a lot but the singer sounds horrendous, I thought it was a fandub

>> No.16741045


This OP alone makes me want to play the game, it's so catchy. Kome art is pretty tempting too

>> No.16741050 [DELETED] 

Study well and one day you'll be able to.

>> No.16741055

I smell projection.

>> No.16741059 [DELETED] 

More of a logical conclusion of your post. After all, if you wanted to play the game, why wouldn't you already?

>> No.16741067

I'm beginning to think peole here have infalted egos from being able to speak a language.
It's weird...
Japanese isn't that hard however almost every language has hard bits.

>> No.16741071 [DELETED] 

It's to make sure people like you don't post here.

>> No.16741075

jparser is my waifu.

>> No.16741077

god I miss looseboy and his writing, I wonder if he is still working on his light novel.

>> No.16741078

I do known japanese that aside you seem to prove my point, anyway this is off topic and I don't want a shit storm.

>> No.16741091

His LN is complete. He's making a manga now with an epic brick shitting twist in the first volume like you're used to from him.

>> No.16741093

恋ではなく-It's not love but so where near

Did they mean to write somewhere near?
And just kept the typo?

>> No.16741104

I wasn't here when it was released but how did people take 君と彼女と彼女の恋's twist.

>> No.16741105

Don't think too hard about it.

>> No.16741109

Why not see for yourself in the archive? It goes back to like 2008.

>> No.16741112

I mean I see people say its one of the biggest twists in VNs, that and that other eroge where the second route you play as the protagonist and they play as you or something, I forgot the name. Its kinda old.

okay thanks

>> No.16741116


>> No.16741299
File: 65 KB, 1279x357, 2017-03-21 01_41_20-_jp_ - Otaku Culture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I found it, I've been on /jp/ for about 3-4 years and it took longer than I thought as it forgot it wasn't called エロゲスレ in the title but eroge thread it changed in I think 2015, and before that it was VN General Thread. Though I didn't know of the later.

Kinda would've liked to talk about games I finished back then like Danganronpa 2 and dracu riot, instead I just talked about them on youtube comments, blogs and stuff.

Still I was only out of high school in 2012 and didn't really go on /jp/ too much.

>> No.16741385
File: 150 KB, 1280x720, 1373342353157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had this game on my backlog for a whille is it worth playing?

>> No.16742641

Do we have to call it エロゲスレ?
Can we call it Untranslated VN General?
Not all VNs are Eroge.

>> No.16742651

Please return to DJT.

>> No.16742657

Or we call it simply エロゲスレ/Untranslated VN General and are done with it.

>> No.16742665

They aren't the same, I mean there was an argument about sex in VNs earlier in the thread.
Not all VNs need sex and not all VNs discusssed here have sex.
It just makes more sense.

>> No.16742737


That's precisely because the two are combined. Call it flavor that エロゲスレ is part of it or whatever, but at the very least it also shows that eroge is fine to discuss and this isn't prude all-ages central.

>> No.16742918

What are your favorite nukiges? I want to try some

>> No.16742921

Literally pick what you find hot.

>> No.16742945
File: 115 KB, 356x495, 035 - cbP43qG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still interested in hearing what your favorites are!

>> No.16743085

Favorite nukige

Companies which I regularly check out because they usually put out quality nukige
Tanuki soft

It's pretty pointless though. Your taste will most likely differ. I usually prefer games where the ero is part of the story instead of being a fapping break from SoL shenanigans. Those games are surprisingly hard to find.

>> No.16743167

This was amazing. I always loved the art but avoided it because I can't stand dirty old men blackmailing cute girls for sex. But oh god how I was wrong. This fat ugly guy ended up as one of my favorite nukige MCs ever. The writing was chill, the H scences were long with godly art, this is also my favorite. I hope I can play something like it again.
I actually picked this up since you mentioned the writer was a female some threads ago, so thank you anon.

>> No.16743188

i like
bishoujou mangekyuu series

rape rape rape 4

this is more amazing than i thought it would be, its got tons of plot and twist than you would believe. I got it for the sex but stayed for the story to a point the sex was a hinderance.

It covers serial murders, suicide, mysteries, revenge, death, blackmail its so well packaged I was honestly surprised. I haven't finished it but I hope the writers make a plotge rather than a nukige. My main problem is that the stories and segments are short to make up for longer sex but I would like them to have longer stories.

>> No.16743194

oh the sex is fine and has great too btw I just like the plot more.

>> No.16743224

>rape rape rape 4
you mean play play play?

>> No.16743229
File: 1.00 MB, 1113x626, nanako2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kenji can mislead you pretty hard at the first glance and that's ironically his whole problem in the game. He's almost the complete opposite of the usual fat ugly guy eroge cliché but most people just don't care.

>I hope I can play something like it again.

You and me both.

>> No.16743233

>He's almost the complete opposite of the usual fat ugly guy eroge cliché but most people just don't care.
I dunno, he rapes and blackmails those girls like a normal fat guy, and in the mother's true (FUCK) he pisses on her face

>> No.16743252

Yeah, almost. He does fucked up stuff but he knows it and doesn't rationalize it with being treated like shit even though it would be understandable at times. He has no future and is prepared to get punished and doesn't complain when it happens. He's by no means a good guy but I can get behind what he feels.

Maybe he's just a really fleshed out fat ugly guy eroge cliché.

>> No.16743271

Mindead blood

>> No.16743293

How about a green text context rich story for the anons who can't read the runes?

>> No.16743296

is this translated yet???

>> No.16743303

Don't start this.

>> No.16743356

right my bad it has several names

>> No.16743491


>> No.16743587

>bishoujou mangekyuu series

Ive heard people mention those games here and there. The art is certainly good but what about everything else?

>> No.16743591

It's a nukige dude.

>> No.16743608

They occasionally have mildly intriguing plots. But yeah it is a game that you close once you've finished throwing away your spent tissue.

>> No.16743650

With decent plot, which is uncommon.

>> No.16743680

that's pretty normal in the real world desu senpai

>> No.16743958

Moege aren't about the real world, though.
It'd be real-life normal for her to cheat or not feel much love for MC at all and so on, but those would be baffling to include in a romance-focused game like this. It's bizarre for a heroine to go 0 to 100 like that.

>> No.16743961

In many ways, they are.

>> No.16743990

four days until clochette tits

>> No.16744555

>four days until clochette tits

>> No.16744590

clochette is a VN developer known for having heroines with giant, distinct tits, newfriend

>> No.16744603

Because of shitposters from a while ago.

>> No.16744636

Not a fan of the same face and eyes, its too weird for me.
still whatever rocks your boat

>> No.16744662

>playing 迷える二人と世界 at uni
>some guy sitting near me asks if its a certain seiyu or something when he hears a girl talking
>I'm not that much a weeb I don't lnow popular seiyuus
>Tell him I don't know what it is
>He asks what I'm playing
>tell him the name
>he looks confused and asks a few more times
>he acts like he gets it after saying it a few times
>I try to make small talk, asks if he can read
>he looks over and tries to read the textbox
>he makes mistakes, skips words and barely reads it properly.
>says he understands it
>the game is chuuni to an extent and writing isn't for beginners but at least fess up
>thought i could have somebody to tall about japanese stuff with


>> No.16744680

What is the point of this post.

>> No.16744694

>playing 迷える二人と世界 at uni


>> No.16744699

is it any good

>> No.16744719

I'm also sad the studio got shut down I was looking forward to playing 3days and 11eyes they were highly rated. If they were good I wouldn't see the studio make another game anyway.
the main game is plotege/chuunige the fan disc is more fan service.

They basically fight magically beings and solve mysteries. It kinda like persona in a way if you played that. Its a fun eroge. Its a nice chsnge of pace from you nornally play.

I'm just disappointed that all the girls besides the loli have the same comically large breasts.
Also that you can't fug the cute loli elf.

>> No.16744744

It brings me back memories when I first watched anime for the fantasy, cool fights and cute girls.
It starts off with the mc remembering when he got his pendant, he was lost in the woods and an elf gave it to him and he was found later but there was no such things as elves.
Later at school him and his friends start investigating the 7 wonders at school for supernatural events. Along the way he risks his life to save a small child from a height but to the others he looked like he just hurt himself by jumping on purpose as they couldn't see the girl.

There's fights, summoning weapons from tarrot cards, skeletons, statues thst come to life, illusionary fog, doppelgangers.

What I really like is its pretty light hearted but does have some serious undertones as well.
It feels like persona. But if they were more scooby doo and solved mysteries on a daily base. Also if teddie was cute elf loli.

Haven't finished it though I put it on hold for other things.

Overall it feels like a nice change of pace from either overly cute moege, or plotege with dark edgy stories or complex themes.

>> No.16744806
File: 97 KB, 960x544, quality japanese storytelling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts on this piece of shit?

>> No.16744833

Reminds me of Nichijou

>> No.16744857

>It brings me back memories when I first watched anime for the fantasy, cool fights and cute girls
Literally the only reason I still watch anime.

>> No.16744881
File: 81 KB, 960x544, ULJM05893_00005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I expected more
I don't know what, but I expected more
at least the art is cute

>> No.16745059

>They basically fight magically beings and solve mysteries.
sounds like leyline

>> No.16745097

Sansha Mendan
Mesu Kyoushi 4
Gakuen Saimin Reido
Aku no Onna Kabu


Pretty much anything there or on the wishlist that isn't Ace Attorney/non-pornographic (which is essentially about 4/5ths of all that stuff on those lists).

>> No.16745138

I'm genuinely excited for WagaHigh 2

>> No.16745288

My favorite nukige of all time is Marble bloomers.
I like every nukige with Coffe Kizoku art, so almost everything by Noesis. Too bad the brand is dead since 3 years ago.

>> No.16745978

I plan to read Subarashiki Hibi this year. What are your thoughts on reading material it references (Cyrano de Bergerac, Wittgenstein, Alice) before the VN itself? A good idea or perhaps better to just go in blind?

>> No.16745986

don't read if you're not ready for lewd

>> No.16745999

Depends on how much you are interested in those / literature in the first place. Do you read books? Cyrano and Alice are something everyone should experience even if they never plan on reading Subahibi. They're quick, entertaining reads on their own. Wittgenstein is a bit more specific because it's not really entertaining on its own (unless you are interested in philosophy). I'd say read it after Suba if you enjoyed it and want to dig deeper.

>> No.16746078

Waiting for the English release, eh?

Anyway, prior reading not needed, unless you're interested in those things themselves.

>> No.16746079


tl;dr: ahn~

>> No.16746204
File: 471 KB, 800x450, 88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AXL please stop making 3 bad games per a year and just try to focus one at the same time.

>> No.16746291

Yup. I did something similar with Himawari; I'm not averse to discourse with the plebs so I like to read stuff to coincide with the English release.

>Do you read books?
Not proud of it, but not really. I used to be a huge reader as a child but then the internet spoiled me with instant gratification and I've hardly read anything of substance for the better part of a decade. I decided to stop being ignorant and start reading more though, so I am not opposed to checking some of that stuff out. I'll take your advice and read Cyrano and Alice beforehand and treat Subahibi as Wittgenstein 101, maybe checking it out afterwards.

Might you have a recommended translation of Cyrano? The Brian Hooker translation listed on TLWiki is a travesty.

>Que j'emporte, et ce soir, quand j'entrerai chez Dieu,
>Mon salut balaiera largement le seuil bleu,
>Quelque chose que sans un pli, sans une tache,
>J'emporte malgre vous,
>et c'est. . .
>Mon panache.

was translated to

>And to-night, when I enter before God,
>My salute shall sweep all the stars away
>From the blue threshold! One thing without stain,
>Unspotted from the world, in spite of doom
>Mine own―!
>And that is . . .
>My white plume. . . .

The melody of the original text is so pretty it makes me want to learn French right this moment. If there is a translation that would better capture that feeling I'd definitely like to read that one.

>> No.16746316

Same guy. Just wanted to make clear that I got a little too caught up on enjoying the flow of the original and don't really know whether the translation is good or not. Still would appreciate opinions on which to go for regardless.

>> No.16746380

Same guy again. It seems the Hooker blank verse translation I wasn't fond of is generally regarded as the definitive translation by most people. If there isn't an English translation that can capture the poetry of the original while maintaining accuracy I'll probably just read a Japanese version. Or learn French, I guess.

>> No.16746423

Well I don't know French but Hooker's is generally considered one of the best. I think it's pretty disrespectful to call it a 'travesty' when you admitted to not even knowing the source language *and* not reading English lit to discern whether it's written well or not. Of course the original will be superior but that's besides the point. Cyrano has quite a few translations so you can always check out the first few pages of them and see what reads best to you.

While you're at it you might as well check out 銀河鉄道の夜 too. It's a lot more important than Alice for Subahibi.

>> No.16746440

As a companion read to 銀河鉄道の夜 I recommend for example:

HOLT, Jon. Ticket to Salvation, Nichiren Buddhism in Miyazawa Kenji’s Ginga tetsudō no yoru. In: Japanese Journal of Religious Studies. Nagoya: Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture, 2014, vol. 41, n. 2, pg. 305–345. ISSN: 03041042.

>> No.16746526
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>> No.16746542

New full installment? When will they let this series go?

>> No.16746559


While I think it is legitimate to miss the melody of the original, I of course am not qualified to judge the translation in terms of quality. Forgive me my gaffe, for pseudoanonymity and 4chan culture easily give rise to exaggeration and bravado. If you have not done the same at times you are a greater man than I.

I didn't mention Ginga Tetsudou in my first post because it was already on my reading list but if you think that that "Ticket to Salvation" is a worthwhile companion piece I'll check it out.

>> No.16746615

>if you think that that "Ticket to Salvation" is a worthwhile companion piece I'll check it out.

I'm a different guy.

It's just a short article and it presents a fairly well argue interpretation of the work. I'd say you definetly can get a lot out of GTnY even if you just read it by yourself and interpret it based on your common sense (it's very pliable like that). But if you want to get deeper into what specifically might have Miyazawa meant, that Holt article is a good start.

Nichiren Buddhism is the key to it all as Miyazawa on his dead bed asked his father to print 1000 copies of Lotus Sutra and distribute them with a note say that Miyazawa's whole life was a struggle to deliver the amazing teachings of said sutra to people's hands. Specifically he considered his own literary works as holding teachings equal to that of Lotus Sutra, calling them 法華文学 (Lotus Literature), GTnY included. But since he was about to die, he could write no more, so he just asked his father to do direct proselytizing.

>> No.16746788


Thank you for the info. I assume this is the same Miyazawa people mentioned played a big part in Sakura no Uta as well. There's a lot to learn. I don't know exactly the right word to use here but sometimes it is a bit embarrassing/humbling to talk to people who are actually knowledgeable on subjects for which I am a dilettante at best. Makes me think "Damn what have I been doing with my life?" I could have been reading for years instead of arguing with people who said I had shit taste in anime.

Polite sage as I've gone off topic at this point. Oh well, nothing to do but keep powering on. Thanks again for the info.

>> No.16746843

>I assume this is the same Miyazawa people mentioned played a big part in Sakura no Uta as well.

That was all me. And yes indeed Miyazawa Kenji the author of Ginga Tetsudou no Yoru and also Haru to Shura, poetry collection that serves as framing for Sakura no Uta - the first screen in SnU is a quote from it, the last lines of SnU contain a reference to it. And as I posted above, SnU opening references the concept of 心象スケッチ which is full Miyazawa too.

Miyazawa's life lends itself well to him being depicted as a saint, cause he spent the latter part of it working to better the living conditions of poor people in his home region of Iwate and ultimately sacrificed his life doing so. I've grew to view Sakura no Uta as Sca-ji's response to this, i.e. an example of how to live for others and not die as the result. Well, only one aspect of SnU is this, Sca-ji covers various other topics too.

Looking into Haru to Shura and Miyazawa's life is something I'd recommend if you read Sakura no Uta and find it interesting.

Anyway, this is one of very few things I'm somewhat knowledgeable about, so my life is full of shame too. I bet everyone's the same and everyone has something.

>> No.16746972


I thought that might be the case, the only other Miyazawas in the archive were aidorus and this isn't exactly a huge community. Anyway I'll get to doing some reading. I don't really have anything else to add but I wanted to say to have a nice day and don't forget to take it easy.

>> No.16747053

>I know most of you love the game but the game is kinda slow and boring on some bits way too often.

You say that, then when it's over you wish it would have lasted forever.

>> No.16747368
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>> No.16747404


Anyone played this series by elf? Curious to hear what it's like.

>> No.16747638

seems like its from the era when VNs were more interactive, like point and click adventures?

>> No.16747657

If you want to, then go for it. I don't think it's required that you really need to read anything before Subahibi. I tried to read Cyrano de Bergerac after I finished the game but the way it was written was just so damn hard for me to read.

>> No.16747697

With luck, never.

>> No.16747854

I dropped it recently. It's a very pretty game, good music, good character designs, lots of choices, good humor, but the character writing is disappointing. The protagonist and other characters keep very pertinent, possibly life-saving information from their closest friends and never give a reason why. This happens a lot.
The worst point was when the group was locked in a building with no way out. They even tried drilling down the walls, that's how desperate they were. One member of the group knows about a secret series of tunnels that lead out of the building, yet even while they are trying to drill down the walls she does not tell anyone. Then when she does tell them about the tunnels none of them are mad that she didn't tell them, nor relieved that they have a way out. They just stroll out of the building they spent the last three days trying to escape from talking about what they are going to have for dinner.
When the characters in a story don't care about what's happening to them, how am I supposed to?

If you're desperate for a VN you can do worse but I wouldn't recommend it.

>> No.16747870

So I spent all yesterday reading it and am now up to chapter 4, am I on track to finish on time?

>> No.16747875

Does anyone have any tips on how I can get past the serial number entry for Maggot Baits? The torrent I downloaded stated that it included a no serial patch, but it still isn't letting me play the game after I install it.

>> No.16747903

I haven't, but I'll warn you that the Windows ports of PC-98 Elf games have a bug where if you don't close it from the menu (for example, if you closed it by hitting the X button, pressing Alt-F4, or if you had a power outage) all of your save data is erased.
I highly recommend playing the PC-98 version over the Windows port.
Also expect pixel hunting, walking around trying to figure out what you're supposed to do next, and heroine rape.

>> No.16747922

I liked the approach they took in senmomo. Small bonus routes in extra menu for hscenes with side characters.

>> No.16747924

Is that all? I don't see why exiting the game differently warrants going through the trouble of emulating it.
What other Elf games did you play? I'm interested in them in general. Just went with this one since it's listed under 2-10h and the premise sounds hilarious (also I like rape).

>> No.16748177
File: 291 KB, 1280x942, YUNO_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played Yu-No and lost ~5 hours of progress after I forgot about the bug and hit the X button. Learning to emulate PC-98 is a good idea anyway because of all the games (Touhou!) and VNs only released on the platform.
Elf is from the pre To-Heart era of visual novels and is not afraid to throw really dark shit into otherwise happy stories. Rape, guro, you name it. They use old VN systems, which means you have to move your character around yourself, use a menu to talk to people, pick up items from the background, et cetera. If you've played an Ace Attorney or LucasArts game imagine that but much worse.
Back in the ninties it was common to design your game awfully on purpose so you could make people buy a strategy guide. This is a problem if you're just looking to kick back and have an interesting read. Walkthroughs will help, but risk spoiling events and, I've found, often forget to tell you important information.
Story quality depends heavily on the author, as one would expect. Also, no voice acting on floppy disks.
What can't be denied is that the PC-98 era reached a height of art and music that wasn't seen again until recently. Elf was the best of the best.
After the Doukyuusei 2 incident (where the main heroine of the game screams out another man's name while you have sex with her), Elf went into a slow decline by sheer force of boycott, becoming a nukige company before eventually dying. When a person says they "like Elf", they're generally referring to games made before 2005.
If nothing else, they're worth looking into as a part of VN history. I ended up quitting Yu-No out of frustration, but the visuals, music and just intensity of it is unforgettable.

>> No.16748214

>After the Doukyuusei 2 incident
Kakyuusei 2
>I ended up quitting Yu-No out of frustration
Huh? So you never finished it? You should go back and use a walkthrough.

>> No.16748242

Whoops, my bad. Perils of secondhand information.
But yeah, I'd really rather read something else than deal with Yu-No. There is a limit to how many hours you can play a game with a walkthrough open in the other window and make absolutely no progress, and for me that limit seems to be three.
I'm actually planning on starting the Doukyuusei series, although I don't know if it will be much better.

>> No.16748398

Always check the archive for questions like this, Warosu really goes back to like 2008, surely you'll find something, especially with "old posts first" setting.

>> No.16748933

Is the 2008 DMM version of this up anywhere? I could only find the older one. I guess maybe it doesn't matter but DMM lists the new one being compatible with up to 8.1 so perhaps they did update it in some way.

>> No.16749052
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>where the main heroine of the game screams out another man's name while you have sex with her

Her boyfriend's name was never revealed in the main game. It's until Kakyuusei 2 fandisc, another story -lovers- that comes with Elf fan club newletter issue 58 that the boyfriend's name was coming up (正臣)


>> No.16749314

That bit of misinformation probably spread because of the H-OVA or something, because I've seen that repeated everywhere.

>> No.16749606

Is shugaten good? I like the art.

I didn't know know shiratama worked on the art for other games I was interested in like sukishite and koixshinai, even kanojo ga ore ni kuretemono which i really want to try.

>> No.16749612

It was cute. If that's what you're looking for, you'll probably enjoy it.

>> No.16749714

I guess but I kinda want substance too

>> No.16750725

Then no.

>> No.16751648
File: 1.15 MB, 1098x713, main_ban.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like Wagamama High Spec took #1 for 2016's Moe Game Awards


>> No.16751758

Doesn't look special, when I read the summary I skipped right over it. Guess I'll try it.

>> No.16751774

>Doesn't look special
That's because it isn't. I didn't know there were people who took those "awards" seriously...

>> No.16751797


The special thing was, that it was very well advertised. They did A LOT to push it. Anime short, massive advertisement everywhere, heck even the English version was announced before it was even released.. I think. And they succeeded.

>> No.16751813

Moe-game award is a pretty retarded thing, dont mind it. Generally the company who begged more at the twitter wins it since every person can vote it once at a day for a year.

>> No.16751816

>the English version was announced before it was even released
this is kinda funny considering how other industries work

>> No.16752357

Yes but it has nude phone wallpapers that I dare you to use

>> No.16752379

Are there any moege that show the heroine actually getting pregnant by you, and then have a couple of scenes with you and the kid?

>> No.16752380

What a gross fetish you have there.

>> No.16752387

Yume Miru Kusuri

>> No.16752408

Monobeno: Happy End

>> No.16752422

moege from tone work's.

>> No.16752519

D.C. II Dearest Marriage

>> No.16752576

This, having a kid is the most painful thing I can imagine. He's probably a masochist.

>> No.16752618

too deviant

>> No.16752660

Reminds me of that ending in 夫の前で犯されて where the heroine breastfeeds her baby, the husband looks at it with a smile and the protagonist is fucking her in the meantime. Are you looking for something like this?

>> No.16752663

Rance Quest

>> No.16752676


cute girls
hot mc
fantasy and fighting
decent OP

>> No.16752713

( ´△`)

>> No.16752719

Tanuki also imposed a gaijin block. Seems like it's getting harder and harder to stay informed.

>> No.16752722

Pretty much everything gets posted on Insidears.

>> No.16752730

I'm getting tired of this meme.

Who's the asshole manager of this shit brand?

>> No.16752760
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I've had my eye on another one of their works for a while now 'Yuyukana'
for a while now. The art is bright and cute

>tfw 2011 was 6 years a ago

>> No.16753066

Kimidake no Botedoll

After you win with the main heroine it lets you restart the game with your daughter some years later. She wants to become a botedoll like her mother so you need to impregnate her.

>> No.16753079

This will be a little off topic but does anyone know where can I get to buy some visual art books? I dont want to give some proxy fees and amazon doesn't send those shits, until now I have used the cdjapan/neowing one but they're not getting any of the recent things at all.

>> No.16753090

>I dont want to give some proxy fees
Here's your problem. It's annoying, but you simply have to deal with it if you want hot new stuff.

>> No.16753110

Well I guess you are right. I'll send a couple requests to the cdjapan then, and if they wont add them to their site I'll just accept the proxy fees fact.

>> No.16753253
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ずっとすきして たくさんすきして

>> No.16753266
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It looks really cute
the artist also worked on

Kanojo ga Ore ni Kureta Mono.
Koi x Shin Ai Kanojo
Shugaten! -Sugarfull Tempering-

>> No.16753402

Things look amazing in 60fps its not a meme.
That's something I hate about consoles.
That aside, at least try watch the OP in 60fps

>> No.16753451

What are your guys' thoughts on KEY?

I wanted to try rewrite but the art isn't too great.

>> No.16753518

Rewrite isn't really a Key work except in name. It has an absolutely fantastic common route in terms of comedy and Moon/Terra is very cool stuff as well. Definitely worth reading. I recommend holding ctrl through Shizuka/Lucia/Chihaya routes though, they don't really have anything to do with the main scenario and are also written by the shit writers. Well, Chihaya's can be fun if you want to see a UBW ripoff.

>> No.16753551

Is there a remake is the works?
I can't deal with the VN art, the anime art is really good though.

>> No.16753571

The remake is already out. It has the same artist.
Why do you ask about games you have already decided not to play beforehand because of extremely shallow reasons?

>> No.16753656
File: 152 KB, 865x1286, 12976971_1733914110229029_4352982204558396575_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you mean Rewrite+
I can't see much difference

>Why do you ask about games you have already decided not to play beforehand because of extremely shallow reasons?

Its not that, I watched the first season of the anime and liked the story and art and wanted to read it from that.
However looked at the VN art and well it doesn't seem to bad, but I just prefer it had an artsyle like the anime.
I was wondering since the anime was airing if they were going to release an updated version with a newer art style.

It's like if you wanted to read a VN but found out there was a remake coming out. Whether you'd read the classic or wait.

>> No.16753670

sorry I meant I can't tell much difference between the versions of the VNs.
I might just be looking at the wrong art, since google doesn't look up '+' on search results

>> No.16753689

>I watched the first season of the anime and liked the story and art
You know what, nevermind. Rewrite sucks. Please stay away from it.

>> No.16753720

Did I say something wrong?
Is it because the anime has bad scores?
I liked it, but the cg was another story.

I was into Key stuff since Clannad and Little Busters and I knew about Rewrite but didn't want to read long Visual Novels that much.

Few years later after getting into VNs more, I saw the anime air and remembered it being by Key so I watched it and liked it a whole bunch.

>> No.16753751

So when are we start doing out own best VN OP/ED songs for each year?
Or like a top 10 VN for each year?

I mean 2ch does it.

>> No.16753766

There was one before
Choas head
Hoshizora no Memoria

got the most votes

>> No.16753769

please fuck off back to /a/

>> No.16753771

No point. You'd need at least 200 people for it to make sense, and we aren't even at a quarter of that.

>> No.16753784

We can do a poll with 50 people, they put their top 3 VNs for the year.

I'm pretty sure that was a joke

>> No.16753788

Or "we" can not. Stop forcing random shit without a point.

>> No.16753794

I'm not forcing, I'm suggesting.

>> No.16753808

There was a vote some time back
scroll through

>> No.16753863

If you want to do it just make a poll yourself, why bother asking?

>> No.16753938
File: 562 KB, 1920x1080, Summer-Pockets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any word on this?

Nijima Yuu is going to be working on it.
Along with some other scenario writers, that worked on other Key projects as well as others like Harumade kukuru Gin iro.

>> No.16754445 [SPOILER] 
File: 264 KB, 1366x768, 1490240735833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kamimaho chapter 6, Wait, I thought if the story finishes then everything goes back to as it was before, right? Like in chapter 5's story they were just going to let it play out because everyone would revive anyway. So she's not actually going to die? Why is everyone acting as if she is?

>> No.16754464


>> No.16754913

>if the story finishes then everything goes back to as it was before
yes in the sense that if people were magicked into doing things they'd stop once the story ends, but the consequences and aftereffects still matter. dead people stay dead. say if you get stabbed by someone under the influence you don't get un-stabbed.

i'm pretty sure. it's been a while.

>> No.16755051

Oh okay, that makes sense. So I guess inconsistencies like how people can lose their memories of someone dying but the person stays dead just get magically smoothed over, like when imouto disappeared.

>> No.16755093
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I didn't end up finishing her route/the game so I don't know for sure but I think imouto's case was a special one, the black books permanently and irreversibly fuck things up. But I think there was something fishy about it that probably gets explained later as well.

better hurry up, you've only got a couple days left.

>> No.16755103

Kisaki's case was different because she killed herself to prevent the ntr stuff in the book she opened from happening.

>> No.16755116

Well that's farther than I got. shit, wish I hadn't read that without thinking. Ah well, the story was real good but absurdly long, I burned out at the start of her route and just didn't have it in me to keep going so it's me own fault.

>> No.16755136

It wasn't revealed until a fair bit after her route (I think chapter 10) and there's still more to how it was used and events surrounding it. I wasn't a fan of the second half of the game though, so I'm not sure if I'd recommend finishing it if you were losing motivation earlier on.

>> No.16755162

>better hurry up, you've only got a couple days left.
I'm trying my best, you were right it is really long. But really good so I'm motivated to finish it in time.

That's a bit disappointing to hear though, hopefully it's not too bad.

>> No.16755167

I doubt I'll come back to it despite liking it a great deal. I think the real meat of the story was always more about MC and Kisaki, despite Nightgirl being the clear 'main heroine'. That or the writer just really likes doing blood-related imouto romances which I'm all but positive is true. But I'm happy with what I got.

Here's hoping Istoria is a little more, uh, concise.

>> No.16755173

>I think the real meat of the story was always more about MC and Kisaki, despite Nightgirl being the clear 'main heroine'.
I was more mad about how Kanata ended up being more of a main heroine.

>> No.16755189

I liked her a lot so I didn't really mind the big focus on her, though it sucked hard having to wait so goddamn long in order to be able to actually respond to her feelings.

But on the other hand that actually ended up giving everyone involved a boatload of development so I'm okay with it in the end.

>> No.16755594

Can someone only upload the Senren Banka OP (as in the sound file, not the video) to mega or something? Would appreciate it a lot

>> No.16755906

Rewrite is also obnoxiously chuuni after the common route. Angsty teens with superpowers and demon eyes and laser katanas aren't really what I look for in a Key title

>> No.16755926

Yeah you look for them epic feelz instead by girls randomly crying then dying for no reason. A true taste connoisseur.

>> No.16755935

Just read Key common routes and leave. No chuuni. No random crying. Only some of the best comedy you can find in VN.


>> No.16755944

Rewrite's common is funny precisely because a non-Key writer wrote most of it. Key isn't good at comedy. Or anything.

Summer Pockets could turn out cool depending on how much control Niijima has though.

>> No.16755957


So you say, but the only good thing I saw in Angel Beats was the comedy. Clannad had also some good stuff.

Comedy is obviously a matter of taste, but if I had to say what's good about Key, then that would definitely be comedy.

>> No.16756126

I agree Key is always trashy, but some of the routes in Rewrite are literally like watching Kingdom Hearts cutscenes for 10 hours and it's awful

>> No.16756295



>> No.16757424


>> No.16757441

Now this is a file format I haven't seen before, but foobar plays it so no complaints I guess. Thanks!

>> No.16757609

Where do I acquire full versions of eroge OPs

They typically aren't on nyaa or animebytes

>> No.16757785

As in the songs themselves?
Your best bet is generally on pack-in CDs that came with the game themselves, I'd say a good portion of them don't get disc releases by themselves unless they're from a large brand.

>> No.16757841

Maeda writes good humor. Or wrote, doesn't seem like he's active anymore.

>> No.16758053
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>> No.16758451

Nijimia is a funny guy

Hatsuyuki Sakura has some pretty funny moments you don't see coming.

Like when Hastuyuki tries to learn to swim and guys come try to pick up the girls. He threatens them off with his swimming skills or some really funny shit involving swimming, the girls thank him and he threatens them off too.

It turns out he was being interupted swimming and hated that and not the nampa.

I may have remembered things wrong.

I also like when Hatsuyuki gets so mad, his dialogue is just cute emoticons and everybody freaks the fuck out with what he actually said.

>> No.16758686
File: 547 KB, 806x632, Hikari so precious.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I also like when Hatsuyuki gets so mad, his dialogue is just cute emoticons and everybody freaks the fuck out with what he actually said.

Yah I remember that. Reading through Hanasaki the main character also does the same.

>> No.16759200

Hikari is best girl, I don't know why she got worse than the other girls in the ranking for that year.

>> No.16759213

My problem is that her sex voice isn't that great...

>> No.16759267


>> No.16759356

Shes great, im really looking forward to doing her route despite hearing the drama in it being kind of lame. The other characters dont really stick out to me so I might just skip through their routes to get to Nonokas.

>> No.16759359

She's a shit imouto, imoutos don't be mean to their oniichan.

>> No.16759412

I was wondering is there any eroge that would make feel giddy, and keep shipping the two main characters.

I mean regular eroge has you going after the girls.

I want something where the two main leads are so cute together you constantly feel the need to yell at them to get together, and do end up together.

Is there an eroge that can provide that feeling?

>> No.16759457


>> No.16759461

That happened with Tesla and Neon from Gahkthun iirc, as well as Ushio and Koga from Leyline

>> No.16759479

Haven't played Liar-soft games

That aside, i know what you mean I played a bit of leyline, and could feel some tension.

However what I really loved was with neko in the other world it was so romantic and surreal.

Them being lost together in another world, surviving and staying together, keeping each other warm and finding out new mysteries together, avoiding monsters.
A place where things don't make sense and two who fall in love.
I would love a concept based on this it has so much potential. It was done so expertly.

I wanted to drop Ushio and go for this Neko just from how well it done.

However i admit I feel like I would feel the same about Ushio if I kept up and finished the game.

I was honestly stuck on who's route to do

>> No.16759657

anything with an MC who has an established character does that for me as opposed to the usual self-inserts.

the first tsuriotsu worked real good for that for me, probably solely because of that surprisingly well-written and absurdly tonally out-of-place intro backstory for him.

>> No.16759663

Mooko's is the one which carries onto the sequels and overall the main heroine and their romance is actually pretty good as it gets proper buildup, which doesn't happen in the first game.
Neko is kind of forgotten.

>> No.16759855


>> No.16759860

>only seeded version of Acta est Fabula on nyaa/rutracker is the Zarathusta patch version

>> No.16759867

Better yet, it has DRM and the only instructions to apply the crack are in Russian.

>> No.16759887
File: 24 KB, 1022x132, slow est fabula.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the full anime sharing one is... this. Guess I'm not playing it in this decade

>> No.16759892

Is paying for games that torturous for you?

>> No.16759905


>> No.16759916

I'm already dumping my fortune into the upcoming Dies irae mobage, give me a break!

>> No.16759920


>> No.16759934
File: 17 KB, 659x248, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

animebytes has it
your post got me interested in trying it, is amantes just a censored version?

>> No.16759939

>your post got me interested in trying it
You're only now getting interested in Dies irae?
Amantes has 5 bonus scenarios and a new ending (that's pretty significant). If you play Acta est, it's best to then CTRL through the entirety of Amantes to get the 5 bonus scenarios and the new ending, it's all good stuff.

>> No.16759941
File: 3 KB, 512x85, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16759944

Why not look up the answer on the japanese internet, that's where you get the most detailed ones. You can even Google Translated them.

>> No.16759946

From what I heard: If you can only buy one version you should get Amantes because it has 700kb of extra new content. But if you pirate the ideal way to play is AeF -> AA ending -> KKK -> AA extra stuff. Basically AeF is optional, whereas AA is a must.

I don't have an AB account unfortunately.

>> No.16759952

>AeF -> AA ending -> KKK -> AA extra stuff.

I dunno why people who didn't play Dies Irae keep saying this.

Yeah, the extra ending in Amantes amentes somewhat alludes to KKK (Ren's new form is similarly colored as Yato), but that's something you can easily realize when you play KKK after Amantes amentes.

>> No.16759970

That's the recommended order by moogy and other people who've read them all. That, and the simple fact that Masada wrote the AA stories AFTER KKK and he intentionally put some nods to it in them that you otherwise miss. So there is no reason at all to read them before.

>> No.16759989

>You're only now getting interested in Dies irae?
I haven't played that much stuff, most of my VN time the past couple years has gone towards Rance stuff. But this looks like the type of plot-focused title that got me interested in VNs in the first place.

Interesting, thanks.

>> No.16760014

it's just mindless chuuni, don't go with too high expectations.

>> No.16760018

That's one way to make it obvious you have never read it or know what it's even about.

>> No.16760035
File: 395 KB, 800x600, Dies_irae_-Amantes_amentes-_2016-12-08_05-11-06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, those of us who have played it know its a moege.

>> No.16760048

As someone who read the stories at the end of the routes as they unlock in AA, there is a reason to read them before KKK. Namely the fact that the events of the route are still fresh in your mind when you read it. This is especially relevant for the Beatrice route when you have the strong memory of her smiling face as she disappears into the flames everpresent as you see her tragedy, it makes it infinitely more powerful.

>> No.16760053

Muh moogy.

>> No.16760507
File: 1.64 MB, 1280x720, 1476856688983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are Hulotte games? Their new one has been uploaded
It looks cute at least

>> No.16760512

>AeF -> AA ending -> KKK -> AA extra stuff. Basically AeF is optional, whereas AA is a must
AA extra stuff is obviously meant to be read in the order they unlock in AA, and if I'm not remembering wrong they become available between separate routes (rather than all at once after clearing the new ending).

I wouldn't really call AeF optional or AA "a must" either. The difference between AeF and AA is uncensored main game (not just H-scenes but dialogue and normal CGs as well) vs. the extra stories and new extended true ending, so it comes more up to preference than anything else, or playing both releases to experience everything in its entirety. It's not like either parts, the uncensored content or the side routes and new ending are absolutely essential for understanding KKK.

tl;dr AeF or / and AA (+ optionally the related extra content of all-ages release) > KKK (+ optionally the extra content of its all-ages release)

>That's the recommended order by moogy and other people who've read them all.
You meant to say according to moogy and those who haven't played the games but keep parroting his opinions?

>> No.16760543

>and if I'm not remembering wrong they become available between separate routes

Yeah, they unlock along as you play. Three are backstory extras, two are after stories for Marie and Rea. And if anything, reading Marie's after story after KKK would only make it sour, I'd say.

Damn, I totally forgot new games come out today. The new Uguisu Kagura comes out too, right?

>> No.16760568

Just because you accidentally did it without knowing doesn't mean it's "obviously meant to be".
>It's not like either parts, the uncensored content or the side routes and new ending are absolutely essential for understanding KKK.
Neither do you need to read Dies at all for KKK, or so Light was marketing, but that's obviously silly and there's no reason not to shoot for the optimal experience, is there? I think I'll follow the order Masada actually wrote them in / what the majority of people recommend rather than a random anon but thanks for your input.

>> No.16760578

>and there's no reason not to shoot for the optimal experience, is there?
Most of the side stories in AA are just drama CDs, you know, made before KKK.

>> No.16760596
File: 376 KB, 1280x720, imouto no okage de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought Imouto no Okage de and dear god every girl in that was best girl. I've never experienced that in an eroge before.

>> No.16760608

Yeah I'm aware it's not all of them though I remember one or two being pretty important to do after.

>> No.16760617

They are pretty decent moeges.

>> No.16760632

Istoria out on 車輪.

>> No.16760635

>Just because you accidentally did it without knowing doesn't mean it's "obviously meant to be".
I think AA unlocking its side stories between routes rather than as a complete chunk after main game completion or being available from the get-go is more than enough of a clear indication for which order the writer intended them to be played in.

>what the majority of people recommend
I don't know which majority you're talking about, as at least I'm seeing the "optimal Moogy approved" order with AA extra content put last mentioned for the first time in this general.

>> No.16760668

It's recommended to wait if you're not in a rush. The typos are unreal.

>> No.16760676

Typos alone would be fine but...
This is a line a 12 year old would come up with.

Did they even confirm a patch?

>> No.16760681

Can you post some examples directly here? I don't want to register on Twitter to see them.

>> No.16760687
File: 30 KB, 312x41, istoria.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16760692
File: 6 KB, 316x41, C7rmp-ZVMAAM_yV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16760697

Hilarious. The writer must have been in some serious hurry.

>> No.16760698
File: 341 KB, 621x644, kyoudan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16760700
File: 104 KB, 300x310, 1439337822759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heroine with the same last name as the protagonist

what's the point?

>> No.16760702

Better blood-related cousing than NBR sister.

>> No.16760705
File: 273 KB, 588x953, typo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16760749
File: 280 KB, 1280x720, tototo_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With releases coming, and me actually wanting to read some new stuff this month, I had three days to fill. (though seeing how Istoria could apparently need some patching.. this seems to get longer after all)
So in these days I'd figure I try out "tototo", a moege of sorts featuring a threesome theme by Pulltop Latte, the first title of the sub-brand actually.

The characters are actually mostly likeable. Though I do think the main-heroine is too "safe". Obviously given the theme of the game, it would utterly crumble if anyone would dislike here, but that safety still makes it crumble, as while she's not downright terrible, she is more than bland enough to wish she would just go and stay away.
As such the three-some thing isn't too enjoyable either. It's a nice thing in short ero-manga, but if you actually get the characters to know in moege-style, chances are pretty high you don't want the main-heroine in the other routes. Feels like a third wheel or something.

Aside of that, the writers tried to explain the three-some thing and cover it under "romance", but failed doing so. Pretty much none of the typical issues were even thought about, and it was just a whole lot of "but this isn't normal". None of the basic requirements for such a thing to come into existence or at least sorta work are really given, while the writers still tried to kinda build a story that justifies these relationships. One route could've actually worked out quite well, but its writer decided to rather bomb the reasons it could do so.

In the end the work is just wonky. It would've been a rather nice moege with a typical structure and 1on1 relationships. Would've helped the ero as well, as nobody wants that main-girl in so many scenes, I'm sure. (altogether there's not really more than in other moege, but..)
The idea was nice, but I think having one girl in all routes was a bad idea. It'd be better to have heroine-pairs where their relationship is deep and a big thing. Like the twins in Konosora (about I still haven't written anything I think..). But I still had some fun, which the art also helped. Some of the clothes the girls wear just seem rather sexy. Didn't think tanktops are that powerful, or at least can be, with the right girls. There's even another one aside of pic related.

>> No.16760757

>On the outside she is a very capable woman, but at home she becomes very lazy. Loves alcohol
I fell asleep reading the character descriptions

>> No.16760760

>Like the twins in Konosora (about I still haven't written anything I think..)
Yeah I was waiting for your thoughts on the rest. You only posted about Agehas route.

>> No.16760876
File: 296 KB, 1280x720, kotsu_06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think you got the wrong game. It's: 彼女と俺と恋人と。 aka ととと


Yeah, I was thinking about looking into the fandisc(s) as well. It features some stuff that's interesting enough to look at. I needed a bit of a break though.

In short: I didn't like the game's structure. It felt like a linear (i.e. Manga/Anime) approach would've helped. The main-heroines route for example doesn't even tackle what you'd think is part of the main-plot and instead pulls some family drama out of its ass. In the end I didn't even read the main-story, as Amane's route (where it's tackled) immediately started in a way that was really not my thing. One of the reasons I usually don't like age-gap. Not like the game has much of a main-plot you can't see coming anyway.

That said, I did quite enjoy the twins. And for me it also featured a very nice ending. Unlike pretty much the whole rest of the game, this one also never bothered much to add random drama for the sake of it, but stayed grounded. Issues were there but not blown out of proportions. Usually trauma's and such are either a joke (Ageha's route) or so bad you wonder why they don't get professional help. (I like how this was subverted Koisuru Natsu no Last Resort, where the girl in question actually DOES get professional help..) No problem here.
Honestly, I could probably write a whole wall of text about the twin's route, what it lacks, what it does well and so on.. because there's a really a lot done right or at least interestingly if you ask me. But that'd not really fit this thread, so I'll see how I do this after the fandiscs. One thing I really gotta fix though is that I don't have a single screenshot of Yoru. (one of the twins) All are of Asa.

>> No.16760887


>> No.16760991

Very true

>> No.16761093


Oh yeah, I thought you wrote about the main-heroine. I didn't read the game with paying too much attention to her. Well, part of the "mostly". She wasn't very likable and wasn't needed either.

Though.. I probably should've guessed that. Main-heroines tend to not love alcohol and such.

>> No.16761154

>This is a line a 12 year old would come up with.

>> No.16761618

ive already paid for it in the kickstarter

>> No.16761924

Looks like Chuusotsu is getting translated and a kickstarter.
Didn't expect that

>> No.16761982
File: 130 KB, 689x688, 1490376013246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody know where this is from? Tried image search and delving through vndb with tags. Apparently she doesn't appear with ponytail/violet hair/hair ribbon

>> No.16762040

>violet hair
If that's who I think it is then it's brown, not violet.

>> No.16762044

I had a feelin that would be the case. Time to go through the 250 ones with the tag combo. God damnit.

>> No.16762069


>> No.16762077
File: 1.33 MB, 200x179, 1390347901728.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clear hair ribbons in two of the characters
>no tag

Regardless, thanks a bunch mate.

>> No.16762670

Who is better (or what is the difference), girlcelly or 2DGF? They always release the same torrents at the same time for some reason.

>> No.16762676

Girlcelly releasing makes 2gf do it, bunch of chinese pieces of shit.
Hilarious discussions though, their hypocrisy is off the charts.

>> No.16762720
File: 2.32 MB, 1400x750, 1477913471674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is up too. They've come far from the weird faces in Kamikaze Explorers

>> No.16762732

Imouto's pose is so fucking retarded though.
Also the artist always makes faces/necks look fat.

>> No.16762770

Thanks for the heads up.

>> No.16762778

Other than the two on the far right they look bad, together they look horrendous, its actually kinda scary.
The far left actually looks retarded or has some mental issue from her expression.

Though I just realized its the fucking mouths. The two on the right look fine and their mouths are shut while the other's are open

I remember when I saw the girl in the header on Omochikaeri, it was a game by the same the company. I Downloaded the game, saw the faces, and uninstalled, without seeing a sinlge line of dialogue.

>> No.16762796

typos be damned I'm going for Istoria anyway

>> No.16762810


That's the least to worry about when the protagonist is a god and has a goddess imouto and obviously still goes to school and has to look after some new god, who's obviously a "hot" super innocent moe blob...

If that didn't make you want to run away already, but the art does: Probably a good thing. At least the girls (gods) have fun names. Like 珍魂奇魂甕津雷媛神 (Uzunomitamakushitamamikatsuikaduchihimenokami). It just rolls off the tongue.

>> No.16762832

MC isn't a god I think, just his sister, he's the priest at the temple. But it's a moege anyway.

>> No.16762855

Kamikaze Explorer was Oshiki Hitoshi. This is a different guy.

I prefer Oshiki though.

>> No.16762863

Not him but they're blood related unless they're half brother and sister or that god in this sense is a status.

>> No.16762869

it's telling I guess that I thought it would be more weird for a priest to bone the goddess he worships than it would be for a guy to bone his sister.

if it's funny I might give it a look since Titty Spelunkers (MMO Edition) was pretty alright but otherwise eh, it's Clochette, they do their thing and their thing is boobs attached to girls who go from 100% to 130% dere.

>> No.16762883
File: 2.01 MB, 1280x720, 1471348775204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh. I guess that's why it didn't look as bad to me.

I honestly don't get how anyone can look at this and say with a straight face that they think it looks good.

>> No.16762889

I liked sakigake because it actually had some semblance to actual comedy for the most part, same with kamikaze explorers.
But this one seems kinda dry in that regard.

>> No.16762900

I like it, at first it was kinda weird but the more I read the cuter it looked.

>> No.16762901

Such judgements are personal and as such are bound to differ among persons.

>> No.16762932

So it's like brainwashing, got it. I will subject myself to it in due time and see how it affects my neurons, for research purposes.
I can objectively declare that it looks pretty derpy.

>> No.16762957

I'm confused about the japanese, many cultures and religions had gods throughout human history does japan view people as gods, or do they view them as seperate beings, are there half gods like romans used to have, are they inaminate objects like trees?

What about the game being talked about they look like humans are they just that in human form?

>> No.16762963

They are 現人神.

>> No.16763012

Your roman comparison is decent so let's roll with that. Basically their religious "collective consciousness" (i.e. the set of ideas that constitute their conception of supernatural phenomena, a mix of buddhism and shintoism) accepts both humans and inanimate objects as gods. This is mainly shinto heritage. As far as I can tell buddhism seems to be more prominent as the set of rituals and ceremonies for the dead, for example.

>> No.16763032


>日本古来の神概念については神 (神道)を参照のこと。

So a status?
So not actual gods but people who claim themselves to be.
Other than the shintou example, which people and gods seem different.

>> No.16763040

Closer to old saints I guess, because of the supposed divine powers.

>> No.16764467

wanted to read 千恋*万花, but going through its vndb page I can't see anyone tagged as tsundere. Is it really the case? I'd rather not waste my time reading this if it doesn't contain the only good archetype in nip media.

>> No.16764682

What? The main girl voiced by Haruka Sora I forgot the name is definitley tsun at first. Didn't bother reading it past trial though.

>> No.16764757

idk senpai, my chinpo doesn't react to her light abuse. she's more like reserved than tsun.

>> No.16764873

You can play these out of order right? I'm only interested in this new one and biman3.

>> No.16764890
File: 1.47 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the guy who asked about rewrite earlier, I just started reading it and I have to say this is pretty compelling.

>I might just be looking at the wrong art, since google doesn't look up '+' on search results
They changed this when google+ happened.

>> No.16764906


Fucking hell. No way I'm playing this now.

>> No.16764920

I'm playing it regardless because there is barely any eroge on the level of Lucle's nowadays, but I sure hope they make a patch.

>> No.16764923

Aku no Onna Kanbu. The moon wolf girl, specifically.

>> No.16764933
File: 269 KB, 1366x768, 紙の上の魔法使い_2017-03-23_13-54-49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess it's not such a disaster I didn't manage to finish this in time anyway, I'll probably wait for the patch.

>> No.16765081


If they patch it. The game has to have been "gold" for a while already, so with there not being an early patch they may not care. (As the amount of mistakes seems to be enough to make it rather unlikely they didn't know)
Or it's so much work they needed more time than it takes for a game to get its disc pressed and then sold. (which is like.. a month?)

We'll see I guess, and hope for the best.

>> No.16765087

Most games release updates after they have been released, and really basic ones like CGs not displaying and typo correction.

>> No.16765293


A lot of times a rather "important" patch is available from release-day though, as they have more than enough time to fix things between release and them having to finish the game so the discs can be pressed.

But, like I said, we'll see. Who knows what happened here. They may even have accidentally inserted the wrong script (from before checking for typos) and didn't realize that till now.

>> No.16765601

Yes, the small amount of connecting story is summed up for you at the beginning.

>> No.16765690

She basically turns autistic as soon her route starts so I don't think she'd qualify.
The cousin is the closest thing to a tsundere in the game, but she's a subheroine with an unlocked route that's mostly shared with Roka.

>> No.16766020

That's a shame, but some of these comments are pretty funny.

>> No.16766126

that sucks and I hope they don't get torn into too badly, though that's not likely since the internet requires a fuckup sacrificial lamb every so often to keep its youthful looks.

at least no amount of typos or bugs can stop Yuura from being great.

>> No.16766139

or the company can be half decent and hire someone to debug their game before releasing?

>> No.16766186

But her voice is grating.

>> No.16766188

that is the obvious answer, yes, but as a fan of their admittedly amateur efforts I'm considerably biased on the matter. I like the writer, so the studio getting shitsmacked for bad QC is not an outcome I'd like to see, no matter how deserved it might be.

>> No.16766556
File: 363 KB, 718x436, 1478130313615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really care about the fuckup that could be caused by a lot of uncontrollable factors as long as they fix it soon. Not responding to it or making a patch would be a pretty big dick move imo.

4 votes for it on EGs already and at 90/89, so the game itself seems to be good at least.

>> No.16766566

>4 votes for it on EGs already and at 90/89, so the game itself seems to be good at least.
It could be utter garbage and still get those shill votes.

>> No.16766633

oh no arguments there, I'm not far in and already ran into a pretty glaring name-swap bug. the quicker the fix the better.

>> No.16766718

Do you not understand how egs works?

>> No.16766760

EGS's first votes are always from the company of the game or someone related. Hell I remember one game which had 9 95-100 votes at the first day, then got dropped into something like 70-75.

Checking 2ch comments or reading some review blogs are definitely better than it.

>> No.16766797

I think "always" is a huge exaggeration. Plenty of games start with 50, 60, 70 etc votes. By your logic all games would start with super high scores, which they don't. Personally, I'd rather be not so pessimistic myself. It will drop of course, but four people in a row giving 90~ is usually a good sign. One of the people who voted on it gave it a review, has 300+ votes on his account and rated the companies previous game only at 79.

>> No.16766802

>By your logic all games would start with super high scores, which they don't.
Hyped games do, even shit moege do.

>> No.16766810


Shinsou Noise started around 50 before slowly climbing up to about 80ish, whatever it as at now.

>> No.16766815

Far from it, you clearly don't check EGS much at all. See Hoshi Koi Twinkle starting at 60, Shinsou Noise starting at 40 etc. Clochetes new game is at 79 right now, ensembles is at 78.

>> No.16766826

>nips having any taste in VNs

>> No.16766915
File: 10 KB, 922x166, ss+(2017-03-25+at+09.44.33).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah putting "always" there was a mistake, but almost all of the games which gets the huge scores at the first day of the game are examples of this. Shinsou noise got a bad start because of the DRM thing, after the crack it climbed to the higher scores.

What I wanted to say was: Just dont trust the EGS scores at the first couple days after the release date. The picture I posted is a big example of this.

>> No.16766960

Easiest way is to check the voters' history. Usually sutema accounts are pretty new and only have a couple votes.

>> No.16766997

>Shinsou noise got a bad start because of the DRM thing
This proves the point though. If it was shills, they would vote 100 despite the DRMM stuff. Meaning, normal people voted.

There is really nothing wrong with "trusting" early votes, especially if it's multiple people who actually write stuff and not just one guy giving a 100. The "shills" a lot of the time don't even exist, or are in the far minority. Just use some common sense (like clicking peoples accounts as >>16766960 said) and you can usually figure out if peoples opinions are worth trusting.

>> No.16767030
File: 423 KB, 1290x752, do your aniki reps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to give some actual impressions on Istoria itself, it's quite good so far barring the occasion typo or that one name-swap bug I hit. sets up an interesting setting and characters very quickly and all the little info tidbits and personality quirks connect to each other in nice little ways that make the typical 'here's why our loner hero ends up surrounded by cute girls' much easier to swallow than usual.

that said the card game battle that I encountered was pretty much an unironic version of this
except with Concentration, so that was a bit eyeroll-inducing.

but the drama hooks are pretty solid and the characters are interesting so I'll keep at it a while. less forgiving people than I should probably wait for a patch, though.

>> No.16767047

There's something wrong with putting so much stock in egs scores to begin with.

>> No.16767053
File: 1.42 MB, 1000x1474, 1472784792276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy architecture. So what is an Istoria anyways?

>> No.16767216

well a suisou ginka is apparently a type of apple that somehow manages to be native to a man-made island (?) and there's something about a legend involving them being offerings to appease a local mermaid queen. my guess is the istoria bit is on how the legend came to be.

given the tone of this one and previous stuff it's likely mostly real events with a dash of supernatural. MC hates that kind of apple and there's stuff about how his dad kidnapped a girl so make of that what you will.

>> No.16767228
File: 291 KB, 994x645, IMG_20170325_224257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone knows is there a DL soundtrack for Otomelo? The torrents don't include that. Trying to guess serial code is madness.

>> No.16767597

What's better between Pure Connect and Kanojo Step?

>> No.16767601

The former.

>> No.16767615

The latter.

>> No.16767621

Play FureRaba instead if you haven't already.

>> No.16767638

Pure Step is good but Kanojo Connect just has that certain わからないなにか.

>> No.16768184
File: 388 KB, 1280x720, balanced.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't it nice to play rpgs with well balanced stats where each one gives great boni so you think about what to raise, perhaps based on ones own playstyle?

Yeah. Noroi no Maken ni Yamitsuki Otome is not one of those games. It's still kinda fun, but also really awkward at the same time. Your character basically does her own thing in the dungeons. You can give orders, sort of, but at that point it can be too late already.
Aside of that the game is also rather grind-central. While it doesn't tell you, there's actually a time-limit, and not achieving the main-goal in that time (or one for the different routes?) you get a bad-ending and can loop to ng+ possibly carrying over everything you had before. Which is needed. I'd assume you need to do 3-4 playthroughs before possibly being strong enough to beat the game.

It's a bit of a weird concept, but strangely enough the game is still fun. Not sure about the bazillion cutscenes popping up everywhere though. This is just a gameplay game. The scenes are, for VN-Rpg hybrids, actually quite alright, but they clash with how the game works. If you ever played Atelier, the newer games starting with Atelier Rorona sometimes give similar feelings. (though this being a VN hybrid, it's way worse)

Well, never played anything by SofthouseChara, maybe I'll actually check out some other games by them at some point. They seem to make all kinds of different things.

>> No.16768256

Has anyone uploaded the YUNO remake OST yet?

>> No.16769318

Does anyone else ever get that feeling when you're kind of just 'meh' about a game? When you think a game is interesting and enjoy playing it, but over time you just can't find the effort to pick it up and would rather just play something else?

Like, I'm currently in a slump with Hatsuyuki Sakura, I really enjoyed the beginning of the game, finished Aya's route, and started Azuma's route, but then I just started stalling it and playing nukige instead. I've stalled the game for like two weeks now and it makes me feel pretty bad because I don't think the game is terrible, but I can't find the motivation to pick it back up again.

>> No.16769356

It was pretty similar with me for that game. I played Aya's route and Azuma's but then stalled completely once I hit Shirokuma's. I liked the game a lot. Visually it was beautiful, the music was great, and I liked the story.

However, Aya was my favorite character by far and Azuma probably my second favorite, so playing my favorite character's routes first really took the wind out of my sails. It didn't help that Shirokuma as a character felt really tacked on like they felt as if they needed to have a loli so they just added her in (this is coming from someone who generally enjoys lolis too). It's a shame, since I really am interested in seeing where the story goes in the main/true route, but I haven't touched the game in about a year.

>> No.16769414

maybe the cracks? no idea

>> No.16769702
File: 267 KB, 1366x768, 紙の上の魔法使い_2017-03-26_20-49-06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They'll almost certainly release a patch, the question is how long it takes and how many mistakes will still be left in. I installed the patch for this game and it still has a bunch of obvious typos.

>> No.16769968

It's kinda complicated

Some games are bought by A-S and mikocon, in such case girlcelly uploads them instantly while mikocon only uploads their own when someone else uploads the game as well - mikocon's copy can be different, it can be a DL edition instead of the disc one or the other way around

When the game wasn't bought by mikocon, they just mirror the girlcelly torrent

Some games are uploaded by the freenet uploader and if the game wasn't bought by either miko or A-S then both their torrents are going to be the same file from freenet

So the difference is going to be that the game may be a different edition or may lack some extras like OST or manual scans (freenet uploads sometimes have them)

mikocon games come with cracks but their cracks are sometimes shitty (made with the demo .exe and packed with MPRESS to "hide" their incompetence usually), A-S doesn't have a cracker and they rely on the chinese cracker (his cracks are also shitty because he adds his own DRM or whatever so mikocon won't reupload his cracks)

>> No.16770064

>(his cracks are also shitty because he adds his own DRM or whatever so mikocon won't reupload his cracks)
He is doing a pretty good job imo, fucking mikocon steals his cracks at almost every time since their cracker is pretty shitty and cant crack most of the games, but when gircelly or someone else upload their (mikocon)'s crack they just throw a shitstorm like how they dont respect their cracks and how no one should share them etc.

>> No.16770093

VNs are long so burnout isn't uncommon. Especially when you read one thing for hours every day. Just take a break with something else for a few days, like reading English. Myself I usually have 2-3 VNs going on, a video game or two, one English book and airing anime/backlog. I alternate between them constantly to avoid this.

Though it can also be the fact that you just stopped liking the game but feel "obligated" to finish it. I noticed when I became more frivolous about dropping things I had much more fun.

>> No.16770107

Well, I for one don't like my cracks infested with retarded shit when they could just be clean, not packed and not shipping any dlls which weren't even needed by the original .exe (this applies to mikocon as well)

This whole drama is retarded and the chink is a fucking egomaniac

>> No.16770128

Well I definitely agree with you there, but the chinese guy is the only decent cracker in the scene. Without him there'd be at least one or two uncracked games at every month, which'd make the "uncrackable eroges" dream possible so we have to deal with that much.

>> No.16770171


You can also avoid it by skimming and/or skipping things that just aren't that interesting.

I mean no breaks of the world will make me enjoy random dates and slice of life with characters I don't really like. Seeing how most VN try to have relatively varied character so everyone likes at least some of the heroines, it also means the opposite: There's usually one or two you don't give a shit about, perhaps even dislike or maybe only not like as heroines but are fine otherwise. No need to spend too much time on it, if you ask me. Doing this also helps you to deal with padding better, which is a rather big problem with the medium as well.

That said, watching an anime or two every now and then isn't a bad idea. I'm doing that too little myself, but I recently watched 3 episodes of chuunibyou s2 and was actually quite amused how different that stuff is compared to your usual VN. A couple for half a year and never even held hands. I think the show is kinda famous for that status quo (in a bad way), but if you read a lot of VN, it's actually a bit fresh.

>> No.16770231

I don't really agree with that outside of nukige and low quality moege. The thought of someone skipping through actually good games like Hatsusaku, Dies irae etc. because they found a character or scene "boring" is just cringey (the actual definition of the word) to me. Especially when it becomes a habit and you have your pinky resting on ctrl for every slow scene. If you are really so bored that you want to skip things it's best to just accept it isn't for you, drop it and move onto something else rather than subjecting yourself to some weird half-assed experience. Even worse, when that person goes and discuss the game like that with others later on...

>> No.16770248

Skipping is like cheat codes in video games for me. Once I do it once, I'll be done with the game within an hour out of boredom or lack of interest. Therefore I only use control in the most dire of situations, e.g. blue balls in moege route and then skipping for an H-scene.

>> No.16770260

I skipped through hatsusaku because I found the heroines to be extremely boring even during their routes aside from Aya.
Not to mention the routes themselves added nothing to the incredibly shitty plot it had.

>> No.16770288


It won't happen in games that manage to be good for the most part. It's just about finding your own way to enjoy things. Of course, if there's no reason to continue something, drop it. The guy you answered should probably do so if he read what he liked the most at first and doesn't feel motivated by anything to continue. Otherwise, it could help to continue with a bit less focus on the detail.

If I enjoy things more I let the voices play out and such. If I don't, I continue lines when I finished reading. Skimming is even faster, though you should still get most of the information. I'd say there are probably quite a few readers out there who always read VN really fast without caring about voices and so on. But I doubt those are the ones really getting tired of a VN. That mostly happens if you read slowly. I like to read slowly myself, immerse myself a bit, enjoy the voices and such. But that's just not fun all the time. So you gotta pace yourself. VN aren't anime with a strict speed. Unless you use automode, which I'd recommend against for the most part.
It's all about finding the right pace in the right situation I guess.

>> No.16770452

Are you trying to prove his point? Because that's what you're doing.

>> No.16770671
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Seems like people dislike the gameplay portions mainly. I really wish SofthouseChara would make a normal eroge. Their artists are way too good to be wasted on so many meh games in a row. Or just copy Evenicle.

>> No.16770721

sounds much like how people can't sit down and read books, skipping entire scenes or portions just to get to something they heard was good

>> No.16770903

> I really wish SofthouseChara would make a normal eroge

I don't think the scenes are quite high enough quality for that.

As for the gameplay, it's definitely a kinda crappy game that however still has its charm, when you get into it.
The crappy part is, that your character does too much on her own in dungeons. Basically she also explores on her own, which you can disable, but that means you have to do a lot yourself which isn't that great either. I also have the feeling she fights worse then, but that's hopefully my imagination.
You have a mini-map, you should be able to just put a fancy quest-flag on it yourself, which would make the AI attempt to get to it on their own. They exist. Why can't you put them down yourself?

Apart of that it really feels like the Atelier series, just with way more enforced NG+. Basically there are events everywhere that trigger under specific circumstances that you can try getting. And there seem to be a lot of endings too. All of it on a rather tight time-limit. I got already some weird "shop" ending which probably triggered because I made the girl work at the shop a lot. It's a game that makes you experiment a lot, trying to figure out event-chains, trying to get strong enough to actually beat all the dungeons and so on and so forth. Kinda Princess Maker like? With more focus on the dungeon/rpg parts.

If you get into it, that's fun. But the ng+ thing obviously leads to quite a bit of repetition (aka it's grindy, though at least you can redo quests like that. Need the money anyway). Aside of the first run, "grind+explore" runs aren't that long though, lasting maybe 2-3 hours. While there definitely are some balancing issues and control issues, aside of that it feels simply.. old-school. Figuring out how to get certain routes, event-chains and so on is not something you have to do nowadays anymore. As such, this is also a game you will most likely not 100%. Or at least not without some kind of walkthrough.

>> No.16770961

Do you lose your levels in NG+?

>> No.16771057

Most books don't take 50 hours to finish and actually try to keep your interest. The problem with visual novels is padding for length quotas. It leads to boring scenes that play no relevant role to the main plot.

>> No.16771093

literally everything by yuzusoft is padding. Reading senren banka and after 12 hours the filmsy excuse of a plot still went nowhere. At least the girls make my ちんぽはどきどき

>> No.16771126


If you want to. You can however carry everything over you have. You can even reset the skills and stats if you want and get the invested points back. (reskill basically)

The only thing that resets is event progression, which however is important for all the endings and whatnot I'd assume. Oh and you can restart the game from two points in the story, either from the middle of the prologue which is basically where the "completely enforced" part ends, or after the "main-game" begins when you are basically left on your own without any specific goal aside of "look around and try things out". So far it seems the latter part is preferable, as it also retains unlocked dungeons. (?) At least it did when I chose it, while the first option had the last 2 unlock later.

>> No.16771184

Do Hulotte games let you revisit H scenes from the main menu?

>> No.16771189

Pure girls getting hungry for the MC's dick after the first scene is a huge turn-off for me. Games where the heroine stays pure till the end seems pretty rare, not that I've found any.

>> No.16771196

Pure girls are boring. It's in every VN.

I want something with crazy dominant nymphomaniacs.

>> No.16771200

Last game of theirs you had to clear the true route or someshit for it to show up though, if I remember right.

>> No.16771207

That's no problem, I was planning on getting a 100% save. Thanks.

>> No.16771241
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At least you find something along those lines every now and then. Admittedly, a LOT get really weirdly "innocent" once the route starts. We just talked about Yuzusoft. They like to do that. Senren Banka is a game, where every single heroine is more likable outside of their own route. At least from what I've read. (everything except the blonde)
Well, doesn't always happen, and sometimes at least some sort of believable balance is kept.

>> No.16771254

Lean is cute, stays the same throughout her route, even with the amount of plot it has.

>> No.16771414
File: 636 KB, 1280x720, perfection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hinae in Chaos;Child is the cutest girl I have ever seen in a VN. Holy shit. Tickles all of my doki doki boxes.

Any eroge out there with a similar character? Her VA unfortunately doesn't do ero, but I'm going to watch the anime she's starring in.

>> No.16771507

>she doesn't do ecchi sketchy
what a slut

>> No.16771515

Yune from Yuzusoft's Amairo Islenauts is the other way around. She's very polite and calm but in her route she was pretty dominant and had a high libido (she secretly slips some aphrodisiac into the MC's tea in one scene) although she's definitely an exception.

>> No.16771823

>Senren Banka is a game, where every single heroine is more likable outside of their own route. At least from what I've read

I'd say that only really applies to Yoshino and Mako who suddenly do 180s compared to how they were in the common route once you begin their routes.

>> No.16771873

I absolutely hate this shit. Almost feels like getting deceived.

>> No.16771944

There's actually length quotas? I had always assumed that VNs are so much longer than books because of bad editing. Pushing length quotas in a genre where the average work is already twice as long as the entire LOTR trilogy sounds ridiculous..

>> No.16771968

There's length quotas because they're expensive as fuck. Pirates tend to forget this. Would you want to pay 100 dollars for a 5 hour long game? Thought so.

>> No.16771990
File: 573 KB, 500x281, 1453268558-e046c2baf39b6955f85c7e5e21ed4765.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah. S-sorry nihon

>> No.16772006


There's no need for 100dollar games though. I mean, look at stuff like Leyline. And every now and then you get your 1-1.5mb game, which is just fine. (roughly a normal book) Heck, if you play Liarsoft stuff, most of their works aren't that long.

>> No.16772022

As >>16771968 said its about the price, they are just too expensive. Even the 20 hours length games get many complains about it if they are not very great or something.

>> No.16772068

Liarsoft is also dying / never made much in the first place. Not the best example to bring up.
And whether it is needed or not isn't something you can judge from your position. Decisions like these in the business world are made methodically through meetings and looking at data the companies collected over years. If they go with something it probably has some very good reason behind it.

>> No.16772161

I don't want a 5 hour long game, and I don't want a 50 hour long game. What I want is a good game. I don't give a fuck is a game is longer if that makes it worse. I don't want to pay for a game that bores me, no matter how long it is. I would rather pay 100 dollars for a 5 hour long game I loved than 100 dollars for a 50 hour game I found dreadfully boring and poorly paced. Gametime is not quality, and is not what should be used as the market of what to price a game (within reason).

>> No.16772165

Post your eroge shelf.

>> No.16772197

Not quite a shelf, but I hope it'll do:

>> No.16772213
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>> No.16772248


>> No.16772255

Living the dream

>> No.16772295

you got rekt.

>> No.16772301


>> No.16772416

Are you that guy who posted about getting into purchasing eroge with Maitetsu? If so you made quite some strides since then.

>> No.16772719
File: 854 KB, 800x600, 1488767373913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the best inaka game?

>> No.16772878
File: 1.24 MB, 1281x717, handholding.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This scene gave me a massive bone and broke my heart. Knowing that I'll never sensually hold hands with a my childhood crush and look into her eyes deeply and meaningfully hurts.

How do I live the dream?

>> No.16772967

Does someone here have the NoDVD patch for それは舞い散る桜のように 完全版?

>> No.16773141

Either that one or Monobeno for me.

>> No.16773193

10/10. How much did it cost you?

>> No.16773413


>> No.16774169

chirst, your obvious mistakes and baseless assumptions just make it clear to anyone that you have no clue of what youre babbling about. why do people feel qualified to comment on stuff they know nothing about?

>> No.16774289
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The other guy asked about Elf and he responded to the best of his ability. While he made some mistakes due to secondhand info I wouldn't be so harsh based on that alone. We're all just here to have a good time and talk about stuff, sharing information and opinions. You might say that spreading misinformation is not a good thing, and I'd agree, but neither is shaming posters into thinking they must be experts on everything they comment about. This is a niche hobby and this thread is slow as it is, so I think we should just correct falsehoods when we see them and in general take it easy.

>> No.16774293

so the patch is out

>> No.16774573

>How do I live the dream?
Acquire money --> buy stuff

>> No.16774683


>> No.16774823

Er, it's been out for a year and a half?

>> No.16774887

new thread


>> No.16775008

Not that guy but I started typing a reply correcting all of the inaccuracies in that other post but there were so many I decided to say fuck it (then I typed a reply calling him an idiot but forgot to post it).

The problem with people talking out their asses based on something they read once somewhere is that those falsehoods multiply even if someone is there to correct them every time they come up (because there's no guarantee someone will see the later post, or believe it over the first post). For example "elf only made shitty nukige after Kakyuusei 2" is basically a meme at this point because of how often people claim that because they heard it once and want to seem like they have some sort of expert knowledge of the industry and its history. Nevermind that they're wrong and have probably never played any of elf's later games.

I think there are a lot of people on /jp/ who parrot shit they read somewhere else, I imagine because they want to appear like they're in the know. Since they seem to care so much about appearances maybe insulting them like that other guy did will get them to stop doing this stupid shit.

>> No.16775765

Yeah, you're pretty much right given this situation. The main point I wanted to make is just that in cases where a post is made slightly in error but with good faith it is correct, not to be overly critical of it. I didn't explain myself too well. Anyway not a huge deal either way.
