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16689096 No.16689096 [Reply] [Original]

The last time Caster murdered any of her children was, like, 2000 years ago. That's a pretty good track record if you average it out.

I'm starting to think she's just not that good at being evil.

>> No.16689170
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>> No.16689188
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She only murdered those kids because the Greek pantheon decided it would be thematically appropriate, anyway.

Those guys were assholes.

>> No.16689275

coincidentally, the last time she had children was, like, 2000 years ago.

>> No.16689285
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i'd give her some kids to murder

>> No.16689368
File: 59 KB, 300x300, 1283000147999.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

caster is cute


>> No.16691184

>the Greek pantheon
The Olympian Gods were pawns of Fate just as any mortal

>> No.16691339

Reading Medea's story only made me feel sympathy for her. Even if she did terrible things, I can't despise someone who would go so far out of love. Then Jason broke the oath. Well shit niggas, what do you expect to happen?

In sum, life's a bitch and yandere are love.

>> No.16693209

I know how does it feel to give everything and be betrayed. I know how does it feel to hurt the ones you love. I know what being broken, torn to pieces and cast away feels like.
I know what hating yourself feels like.
That's why, I love you Medea.
If only I could find a woman that was like you, I ...
Princess of the golden fleece, I beg of you, let me delude myself of love, and of your royal figure.
Because in this world, I can only pretend that a kindred soul would be able to understand my pain.

>> No.16696794

Why did she kill her children in nasuverse? Out of hatred for jason or she didn't want her children to suffer because of her action?

>> No.16699559

Its never specified. she's just a bitch like that

>> No.16699608

Isn't she fictional in Nasuverse? If so, her actions probably followed the story that we know her from. The version I've heard emphasizes hatred for Jason, personally.

>> No.16701750
File: 75 KB, 650x777, 9722f1369a7736647d6c62f0f48f9327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody cares anymore about this old and busted crazy hag
Thanks nasu we have a far superior caster now

>> No.16708265

Meh, tamamo is boring

>> No.16708887
File: 401 KB, 450x600, CNz52cAUkAAkMWa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Medea IS boring. Her story is full of edgy boring shit you need to know to understand why she acts like that. who could possibily related with someone so hard to figure out like that?
Tamamo is sexy, loyal and cute. that's all you need to know to love her.

>> No.16709619

>tamamo no mae


>> No.16710921
File: 215 KB, 850x1063, sample-97182a8f05e783f79751fb9720c5ff49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still better than some dumb loli princess cutting her siblings into chunks because she got dick fever

>> No.16710997
File: 43 KB, 423x600, 1993075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's Medea playing pool to fix that.
Nice posture

>> No.16718802

Nobody gives a fuck about her I guess.
I'm not really surprised by people's shit taste, considering how much that cardboard cutout of a character that is tamamo have been gathering fans.

>> No.16720076
File: 2.29 MB, 1159x1919, 54226304_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>manipulated by gods
>dick fever
Also yeah, greek mythology>boring irrelevant eastern mythology. Tamamo is so boring that i never even finished her route in EXTRA and just continued it in youtube playthrough so i can skip the irrelevant parts because of how boooooring tamamo is. Medea is by far one of the most interesting typemoon girls.

>> No.16722028

I know, I was trying the reverse psycolgy card out of desperation to get someone into the discussion.
However, the manipulation of Aphrodite is an evident allegory for her love and lust blooming explosively like that.
Yeah I know that there was an actual god involved

Medea is interesting as character, not just as girl. guess that its the flaw that makes her unpopular

>> No.16722770
File: 428 KB, 666x990, __saber_of_red_fate_apocrypha_fate_grand_order_and_fate_series_drawn_by_hirame_sa__8234d5b727f35e73ad478f3c2aa38f1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All servants deserve headpats.

>> No.16723644

Definitely, I hate this headpats meme

>> No.16729680

Did she kill a single person in FSN?

>> No.16729807

Her first master

>> No.16729825

Oh yeah. Well, one innocent person.

>> No.16729842

Uh... none I guess.

>> No.16729963

She was well on her way to draining an entire high school before fites occurred.

>> No.16729988

That was Sakura and Rider

>> No.16729993

Fuck, was it? I read F/SN when Fate was the only translated route, my bad. What the shit, Sakura. Don't kill your friends.

>> No.16730808
File: 831 KB, 759x1075, 58121776_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been wondering about her ability to craft a potion for limited immortality, what does "limited" mean? Does it mean you'll never die unless you're killed?

>> No.16731119

Probably its the reverse, you won't die if killed but the effect wears off and it doesn't prevent you from dying of natural causes

>> No.16733170
File: 242 KB, 700x992, shirou summons caster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would they work out?

>> No.16733477

Lot of mana transfer.

>> No.16733921

I would waste my command seals to make her wear lewd outfits

>> No.16744117

I hope this year I'll be able to send a gift to Atsuko for her birthday.

>> No.16744144
File: 80 KB, 1024x768, 1218688644446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sakura's pretty terrible, all right.

Caster's plan did involve draining the life of the whole city, I think. That's why Issei was so tired, IIRC; he was close to the source of her wide, gradual mana draw.

She was sort of silly, though. She didn't need the Grail to achieve her wish, after all.

>> No.16747521

That was actually Shinji using Rider sucking the life out of his highschool because he couldn't provide mana for her.

>> No.16749687

Only a small percentage of the child murder committed by Casters is due to her, anyway.

>> No.16749696

I mean, it was antiquity. Most of those kids were gonna die anyway.

>> No.16750163

Caster was siphoning mana to destroy Berserker

>> No.16759777

self defense desu

>> No.16760288

What was her position in the last popularity poll?

>> No.16760319

Medea...isn't good at a lot of things.

Cute, though.

>> No.16770595

Like? not being a mary sue?

>> No.16772999

Shirou wouldn't go along with her plans, for sure.

>> No.16784916

No love for caster

>> No.16784924
File: 948 KB, 1115x1752, __assassin_of_black_fate_apocrypha_and_fate_series_drawn_by_mitsukichi__e6d4ea3f79afe5b1415b0adb9c6bb4e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's literally nothing wrong with being a gestalt intelligence made up of 80,000 forsaken children.

>> No.16784958

Yeah, but I think Caster would really like Shirou since he's very kind. She seems to be the type that wouldn't hurt anyone if she had a choice.

>> No.16785020

Other than the avengers, the f/go take is that most of the "evil" servants had being evil thrust upon them by circumstance, and they're pretty chill once you get to know them and prove you're not gonna make them go out and start stabbing babies or something.
