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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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166787 No.166787 [Reply] [Original]

- For one reason or another, all Japanese image sites hosted on Japanese servers (Image archives, pixiv, futaba clones, artist sites, doujin listings, etcetera...) have begun adopting a policy of blocking foreign IP's from access.

- Japanese p2p networks and nodes have begun automatically declining foreign IP's and suspicious (proxy denier) IP's.

- Social sites such as mixi begins to only accept Japanese users. Certain online stores such as Tora no Ana and Comi Services and Yahoo! Japan Auctions have declined foreign orders and middle man services.

Would this affect you in anyway? Would you care at all?

>> No.166789


1. Get proxy
2. Go to site
3. ???

>> No.166792

Yes, because then I wouldn't be able to obsessively collect fanart from moonsites.

>> No.166797

I'd lose my nicovideo account, but I'm sure that's going to be baleeted the minute I put something up.

>> No.166801

japan is racist we all know this, I do care because there are not enough distributors of Japanese merchandise in the states, so sometimes I have to turn directly to japan for such things.

fucking japan quit being so fucking racist.

>> No.166809

Nope. I'd just proxy and spoof as usual.

>> No.166811

Some of their sites already block certain proxies, although they are the very obvious ones. (JP, RU, DE...) If people began to keep relying on proxies then they would also be clogged as all hell.

>> No.166815

This is a likely scenario once the Jap government clamps down on internet control like the Chinks.

>> No.166816

get a Japanese shell account.

>> No.166819

I care for sage

>> No.166820

They could also double proof it by requiring registration for certain sites like the ones mentioned in OP such as MIXI, PIXIV and so on, and requiring a Japanese Social Security # equivalent and valid address as well like what the Koreans do.

>> No.166839

>(JP, RU, DE...)

JP... RUDE... JP... RUDE...

>> No.166848

Come to think of it, a lot of their image boards already do this although frankly I'm not sure why since their point is to propagate the images being posted.

One technique for countering proxies is not blocking IP's at all, instead ask a question that only a native Japanese speaker would be able to answer and then a link would appear that goes to the main site, whose URL (As well as the question) changes every week.

they are pretty creative at this

>> No.166964

can I still dl mah mangos?

>> No.166970

I would guess the ones already in non-Japanese servers, but for newer anything no.

>> No.166994

so... you mean hypothetically if japan's internet turned into china's internet?

>> No.166998

this will probably cut down a large number of weeabo exports (lol export...not the right word but w/e) but it won't compltely stop it anyway

plenty of stuff will continue to get uploaded to non japanese sites by japanese users, and those will be accessible to all

>> No.167004


u dumb

>> No.167012

They could very well set up their own registration -only imageboard for foreign access of JP-only material and have one hell of a monopoly. Maybe even ask payment for it.

>> No.167370
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>> No.167458

It wouldn't affect me too much. I'd shake my head at their continued resolve to isolate themselves again from the world, and laugh at how they don't realize that the reason why their economy has been stagnant for the last 15 or more years is because they continue to isolate and themselves to the degree that they do. If the world were a house party, eveyone would be downstairs drinking and having fun, while Japan would be your bitchy antisocial roommate that's locked herself in her room and cuts herself with a razor because she's lonely and can't figure why.

>> No.167467

If i were an owner of a japanese site, I would block the foreign faggots too. Fucking weeaboos.

>> No.167473

Japan's well on its way towards implementing this isolationist bullshit, so it wouldn't effect me any more than it already is.

I'd miss Nico video and Yahoo!Japan, sure, but I'd live.

>> No.169623


>> No.169626

proxies, etc.
everything would be a bit slower, but oh well.

>> No.169821

Them isolating themselves would force the rest of the world to make original content by themselves to fill the empty void.

>> No.169833

Why would they ever do that?

>> No.169838

But, I am the bitchy antisocial roommate that locks myself in my room, except for the cutting that's pretty much me. Holy shit, Japan is Anonymous?

>> No.169912

Some of their sites already do that.

>> No.169933


yawn, why are you even here to get annoyed by the stuff you hate then

>> No.169957

Then we should block japanese users too!

>> No.169959

Reminds me of the time when Japan isolated itself from foreigners back 250 years ago.

>> No.169963

The answer is simple. Block all Asian IPs from my site, and redirect them to some shock site.

>> No.169967

Great white fleet was fucking lol.

>> No.169969


>> No.169971


wake up Japan it's fucking 2008!

>> No.169986

Lovecraft was right, huh?

>> No.170030

No and No

>> No.170031

this. Go find some other culture to idolize, weeaboos. How about China, I hear they'll be taking over the US soon anyways

>> No.170051
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I need my fanart fix.

>> No.170106


What are you doing in 4chan, then? You sound like that marimite otaku who claims not to be an otaku.

>> No.170118

Aren't 2ch's servers in california

>> No.170129

Irrelevant since 2ch does not host any actual content such as images or videos. It is a collection of textboards.

>> No.170133


In all honesty, why would you WANT to go on Mixi? If you want to 'network socially', go and do it on Myspace/Facebook etc...

>> No.170173

Yeah, but isn't it what everyone on Japan uses? It's gotta count as a social site, at least.

>> No.170187

In that case it doesn't really matter since you can't post on it without working proxies with Japanese IP

>> No.170196
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japan puts weeaboos down

weeaboos bawwwwww

weeaboos adapt

the game of cat and mouse continues

>> No.170239

>You sound like that marimite otaku who claims not to be an otaku.

lol, I love those kinds of people.

You know the ones I'm talking about, the insecure fags who preface every post on /a/ or /jp/ with the obligatory 'my girlfriend'.

>> No.170246

I thought that was just futaba.

It doesn't matter though; 2ch is all text so only weeaboos who have transcended their inferior forms give a shit about it.

>> No.170265

Japan hates otaku
Otaku hate weeaboo
Weeaboo hate loud annoying weeaboo
Loud annoying weeaboo hate ???

>> No.170266

Mixi? Whuts that?

>> No.170276

Good shows.

>> No.170277

my girlfriend said you're a fag.

>> No.170301

You're telling me even if Japan successfully and completely isolates themselves and all their original content from the rest of the world,

the rest of the world won't try to make their own original content in place of the Japanese for themselves?

>> No.170470
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>> No.170490

>I care for sage

So do I.

>> No.170497

So that's where that copypasta came from.

>> No.170534

>jap gal say american boy no thanks, very ugly and fat
Haha, owned.

>> No.170549
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american = monkey same


>> No.170588

This weeaboo anyone particularly important?
