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1667053 No.1667053 [Reply] [Original]

How come there is no love for this on jaypee?

>> No.1667060
File: 155 KB, 480x740, 1227663046033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah you're right no one ever talks about Odin Sphere here.

>> No.1667062

Fuck off, /v/.
Russia decided to play Wanko instead, and discarded Odin because it's /v/ material.

>> No.1667066
File: 56 KB, 260x638, 1227663126277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boring gameplay?
Plus, /v/ related I guess.

>> No.1667067

Because it won't run on anything shy of a supercomputer or a ps triple, and I have neither.

>> No.1667071

Damn those PS2 games, not running on incomplete PC emulators.

>> No.1667073

It's too good for the likes of /jp/

>> No.1667077

As if it was discontinued...
By the way, the latest version should run it.

>> No.1667079


>> No.1667085

Seriously though, getting a PS2 should not be that expensive.

>> No.1667089

What is Lenneth doing there?

>> No.1667090
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Delicious loli.

>> No.1667092

I think Gwendolyn should be one of those characters that belongs on other boards but that /jp/ should lay claim to.

Also Sanya, Horo.

>> No.1667093
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Odin Sphere, Valkyrie Profile, or that other one?

'Cause Odin Sphere is discussed every now and then, but I've never seen Valkyrie Profile mentioned (other than the praise for Lezard here and there)

>> No.1667095

Excuse me, but why the fuck would I pay for a PS2 or 3, if half of the games there can be played on a good PC.
And emulation>native execution.

>> No.1667099

As if there were any other reason to play the Valkyrie Profile games.

>> No.1667101


I have a PS2, but I'm too cheap to buy games, and too cheap and too lazy to set it up for piracy.

>> No.1667102

Because the half you want could be unplayable.
Plus, PS2 can be moved around easily(though I guess not everyone wants or has a reason to carry it from place to place).

>> No.1667107

So getting a Swapdisc, which would cost you a couple extra minutes when you load a game, or a Modchip that will last as long as the PS2 is too much hassle?

Proper TV instead of monitor?
If you have a good one of course.

>> No.1667113


I was thinking of the PS2 hard drive thing because I don't want to have to be burning games all the fucking time. But yeah, basically.

>> No.1667121


It doesn't need a supercomputer, but it's not going to run on something you buy pre-built for less than $3000. A $600 newegg machine is enough to run it at 60 fps without any slowdown, though. I can sympathize with having a low-end machine but it really doesn't take much to build a decent gaming rig these days.

>> No.1667122

Burning into a DVD is a good idea regardless, saves memory from your PC.

Especially if you have gotten 40+ games, that's at least 100 GB.

>> No.1667129

I could plug in my PC on my TV, and I could plug it on a better monitor than the brainsucker TV.
It relies on CPU & Nvidia Graphic Cards, unless you use a modern ATI card, you only need a cheap CPU & Card.

>> No.1667126

With last years technology, 950$ can play the most demanding game out right now.
Just do not get Vista.

>> No.1667138


>I can sympathize with having a low-end machine but it really doesn't take much to build a decent gaming rig these days.

It might not take much in money, but I'm too lazy to pick out the perfect parts. There's not even a little /g/ or /prog/ in me.

>> No.1667144

A good notebook costs a lot though, doesn't it?
Anyway, I prefer not to base everything on my computer.
I just get the consoles that I do not have to buy games of.

>> No.1667152
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They say one should not speak unkindly of the dead, so I say, "Nice try!"

>> No.1667154

You need to learn when and how to buy your products.
That's all the mistery of buying a proper Notebook.

>> No.1667155
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/g/ mode

>> No.1667156


Well, my old machine had a 2.4ghz athlon and a 7600 and couldn't even run disgaea above 30 fps. I'm not entirely sure if a low-end c2d+8800 could run odin sphere at a playable framerate, but I don't have a machine to test that with. I do know that my 3.4ghz c2q + hd4870 is smooth as silk, though.

>> No.1667160

I have never bothered really.

I won a sony Vaio 2 years ago at a contest and it serves well for remote needs.

For heavy jobs, I have assembled a good machine, which I bought in summer.

Cost me 1/3 of my total paycheck, but it's good.

>> No.1667164
File: 215 KB, 600x600, 1227664707277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2.4ghz athlon

>> No.1667168

they make $27 computers?

>> No.1667171

No, it cost 1054 Euros.

>> No.1667192
File: 560 KB, 1077x700, 1227665299868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My favorite Lezard quote?


Simply one of the greatest laughs ever.
