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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 688 KB, 1160x834, saikyo no 3d shogi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1664955 No.1664955 [Reply] [Original]

My gift to you, /jp/.

It's basically some nice looking Shogi software, made by the same guys who did Saikyo no 3D Mahjong, so you know it's good.

Took me a lot of pain-in-the-ass hunting around on Share, so I thought I'd put out onto /rs/.

>> No.1664958

Is it moe~ ?
I'll become intrested ones the Saki mange get an animu http://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=13087

>> No.1664965

Saki plays Mahjong awesome.jpg

>> No.1664975
File: 108 KB, 400x400, awe1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe she does?

>> No.1664980
File: 583 KB, 1152x830, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Superior game.

>> No.1664991


>> No.1664988
File: 78 KB, 640x480, starcraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Superior game.
Thats what koreans actually thing

>> No.1664997


Wait, I'm not Korean.

>> No.1665000

[][][][] [][][] [][][][][]
[][] [][][][][]

>> No.1665001

If you're really interested in shogi, just get shogidokoro and a good engine. Or play online.

>> No.1665003

wait, what?

>> No.1665005

Whatever bro, I can't read Japanese and I can't read [][][][][], so it's all the same to me. Changing the unicode language is too much of a needless hassle.

>> No.1665009

[] []

>> No.1665017

Thanks. I've always wanted to mess around in shogi but could never find decent software.

>> No.1665075
File: 66 KB, 640x480, 1224338149199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/tv/ bump.

>> No.1665134

It's not unicode, it's the [ and ] brackets put together like this: [ ] -> []

>> No.1665173

Well yes, I thought you were doing it to poke fun at all the similar looking squares on my screenshot, for which fixing is an unnecessary hassle.

>> No.1665188

Thanks, I always wanted to learn Shogi.

>> No.1665241

Show me something similar for Xiangqi and I'll die a happy man.

>> No.1665258
File: 104 KB, 600x317, Go_board.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

superior game

>> No.1665335

Less intuitive game.

If you want to say that it's better because it has a higher tree complexity or whatever, then Starcraft's tree complexity is much greater.

>> No.1665355
File: 493 KB, 1848x1928, T0102-B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1665364
File: 26 KB, 640x480, snapshot20080810194134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, I completely agree.

Also more skill-related than any of this completely luck-based abstract strategy bullshit. Shogi? May as well be rolling dice, goddamn.

>> No.1665372


>> No.1665385

Only if you count moving to each individual pixel as a separate tree branch. If you only consider meaningful decisions Go is more complex.

>> No.1665406

Is this good? I don't to ask /a/

>> No.1665408

You should try playing Starcraft with me, dog.

>> No.1665624
File: 180 KB, 808x652, 6YYl7DuoRf2ei5ldY5CI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1665668

Requesting this "Saikyo no 3D Mahjong" game.

>> No.1665690

Interesting enough to read. Akaji with less brutality and more moe.

>> No.1665696

you mean Akagi

>> No.1665784



>> No.1665792

lol gj

>> No.1665808

Well it's moe and slice of life like ... it's quite a nice read if you like that sort of genre.

>> No.1665821

no. guess again.

>> No.1665841
File: 29 KB, 166x251, Clipboard01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Superior game

>> No.1665854


>> No.1665870
File: 35 KB, 171x259, 1180997280275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1665924
File: 142 KB, 806x645, 1212521692111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1665968

That's not possible.

>> No.1666000
File: 135 KB, 502x334, 20thmingrenfinal3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry but Go is clearly superior. Picture VERY related, look at these world class athletes. Kasparov and BoxeR have nothing on these guys.

>> No.1666018


Kasparov is one thing, but you leave Lim Yo Hwan out of this you son of a bitch.

>> No.1666079


Does Lim Yo Hwan even WEAR a hat while he's playing Starcraft? I didn't think so, how pathetic and common!

>> No.1666087


He's not a Touhou, why does he need a hat?

>> No.1666141


You have obviously never played go.

>> No.1666162


>> No.1666173

Why don't you GO to hell rofl xD

>> No.1666177

Stop that, Raymoo, it's annoying. It's bad enough getting that shit from SION.

>> No.1666191

What's so great about it? I've already heard about simple rules/complex strategy. What makes it a better game than everything else?

>> No.1666205


Its depth and diversity, the fact that it gets all the more interesting the better you get, and the handicap system that makes games between players of different strengths possible without changing the nature of the game, just to name a few points.

>> No.1666273

this 3d Go bores me

>> No.1666320

The immense difference in skill between beginners and pros.

A beginner doesn't start a chance against a weak amateur, who'll always lose to an average amateur, who'll always lose to a strong amateur, who'll always lose to a dan ranked amateur, who'll always lose to a strong pro. Probably you can split it into even more levels of inevitable defeat. The bigger the possible difference in skill the better the game is.

>> No.1666347

>The bigger the possible difference in skill the better the game is.
So an accomplished master matched up against a beginner makes for a good game? Am I missing something here?

>> No.1666395

A game for power-levels, with no room for momentary brilliancy or momentary error? I'll stick to my Chaturanga variants.

>> No.1666481

No, the possibility of such an uneven matchup makes the game better. Eg. Compare tic-tac-toe, where only the very stupidest player can't force a draw, to Street Fighter 3 3rd Strike, where button mashers will never defeat an expert. Obviously the latter is better because there is more room for difference in skill. Go has the biggest possible skill differential of any game I know.

>> No.1666488

Of course momentarily brilliance or error can be important, but compared to a game like chess it's much less important than the power levels. But this doesn't make the game less fun, because Go has a very good handicap system so players of uneven power level can play together.

>> No.1666901
File: 15 KB, 427x360, GO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Losing a game of chess is like bailing out a leaky boat; a superior opponent has to be mindful of your pieces but he'll pick them off and then penetrate your weakened defenses.

Losing a game of Go is like punching yourself in the face repeatedly for twenty minutes. Every stone you place hurts you and helps the other player.

After beating someone at a game of chess, it's hard not to beam a smile at him. After thrashing him at a game of Go, he looks like he's 10 years younger than you are. (hee hee! Little bebe...)

>> No.1668406

So is there's any opportunity for comebacks?

>> No.1668420

Being new to Go, but having a firm understanding of the rules, I played a friend with several years of experience.

I started with a 9 stone advantage.

I lost 90% of the board.

>> No.1668478


Not really. Play a few games and you'll see what everybody else has been saying about Go in this thread.

>> No.1668486


There is actually a go theory book named 'Winning a Won Game'.

Making a comeback can be difficult, but it can also be easy if your opponent isn't careful enough. Sometimes it's possible even if the opponent really is careful enough, like in the famous game in 1846 between Shusaku and Gennan Inseki.

>> No.1669300

Alright anon, you've convinced me to buy a Go set.

Anything I should know?

>> No.1669338


There's an old Go proverb that goes something like "Lose your first 200 games quickly" ie, it can be frustrating and you'll most certainly get destroyed at first. Myself, I went onto Yahoo Go to learn the game, and even the people in the so called "Beginner's Lounge" absolutely obliterated me, to the point where I would often lose every single stone. But gain some experience and over time you'll begin to recognize patterns. Then you'll be the one dominating beginners.

Well if you have an actual Go set, then you can convince someone else to play with you and you can newb together. This would be less harsh than throwing yourself into the fire right away.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, fuck Yahoo. Can't believe blue rated people have the audacity to hang out in the "Beginner's Lounge"!

>> No.1669354

Ego boosting, good stuff.

>> No.1669356

Thanks bro, I'll keep that in mind.

Hanging newb with a newcomer friend sounds growth-stunting though, unless we both play Yahoo to increase our powerlevels between games.

>> No.1669451

Don't forget to watch Hikaru no Go for inspiration.

>> No.1669566

i think chess is a pretty cool guy, eh has players and doesn't afraid of anything

>> No.1669611

Serious chess players are all fags.

>> No.1669626

chess pieces look like stylized cocks

>> No.1669628

this is a very good anime btw

>> No.1669635

3d disgusting pig

>> No.1669648


Yeah, a lot of people just take one look at a plot outline and screenshots of it and say, "Oh boy, here we go, generic shounen faggotry" but it's actually really fucking good.

>> No.1669710

"HnG is the Daiktana to Akagi's Half Life"

>> No.1670573


I've only heard the proverb with 50 or 100 games instead of 200. 200 seems a bit too much, as another proverb states that 1000 games should make you a shodan.

Anyway, don't play go at Yahoo. Try Kiseido Go Server (www.gokgs.com) or IGS instead.
