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16622153 No.16622153 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>16574055

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.16622314

Anyone know who wrote what route in Soreyori no Prologue?

>> No.16622793
File: 1.92 MB, 1024x768, まい写真 - 2017-02-23 13.47.59 - アマカノ~Second_Season~.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make moege great again!

>> No.16623051
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>> No.16623080
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Non-chinkshit upload when?

>> No.16623144

Looks like something Checkmate would buy. Wait for his upload then.

>> No.16623155

Oh well. Check AS. Just uploaded by girlcelly.

>> No.16623688
File: 3.09 MB, 1540x1495, Disk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girlcelly release is out

>> No.16623795
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Is it necessary to watch Gochiusa first?

>> No.16623810

No. But you'll probably enjoy it if you like the game (or vice versa)

>> No.16623831


well, that's straightforward

>> No.16623938

Wait, a true end? Does this actually have a plot?

>> No.16623944

The demo had the threat of the story being closed down, so there's probably some plot to be had in that direction.

>> No.16623947


So is it actually something for fans of the show and what it does or just for those who want a crappy faceless selfinsert fanfiction with the girls? (while normally the whole thing was more about the girls bonding and growing)

I would assume this is just an attempted cashgrab because the show is pretty popular and there are a good amount of doujinshi. (yuri and with random dudes)
Well, I suppose it's still a bit too early, but I'd be interested in some impressions.

>> No.16623985

People still trying to copy Parfait in 2017...

>> No.16624054

>Anime Girls on Famous Rocket Island in Famous Rocket School in One of Many Rocket Clubs do Rocket Things Like Everyone Else.

But it was the main point of the game. They advertised it as an "eroge about rockets" and it did a perfect job from that perspective imo, the writer really managed to make a game with rockets theme & with actual knowledge about the rockets instead of using it just the get pussies for the mc.

Of course if you have no interest in it there is no way you would enjoy the game, its perfectly understandable but personally I would count it as a very decent game which have a very hard work in it.

>> No.16624099

I find it interesting how solidly you missed the point.
The point of that statement wasn't "I don't like rockets". Like I said, I liked October Sky and was hoping for something like it. The point of that statement was that the setting was contrived, that everything about the game was a contrived excuse for the author to pontificate about rockets. Rather than the setting and the topic (of rockets) interacting with each other naturally to tell a story, the setting was terribly built from hard brick to allow the topic to be the main event without any interruption, which is not something I like.

That is to say. I find working to build a rocket out of your garage with your friends in a coal town full of people who don't believe in you to be a fascinating story with an interesting setting, no matter how much rocket dicussions occur.

However, I find working to build a rocket in One of Many Rocket Clubs in the Famous Rocket School of Famous Rocket Island to be hopelessly dull. That's about as dry of a setting as you can get, that's about as unimaginative as you can get. It's just not a good setting. It's not a good way to tell a story.

When I booted up the game, I was excited to see a ragtag group of students build a rocket and achieve their dreams, I was interested in the rocketry AND in the story. But what I got was the most boring setting possible, wherein students are basically forcibly spoonfed rocketry and everyone and their mother are building rockets and so on and so on. There are practically no obstacles outside of technical ones as everything is more or less handed to them (excluding some lame inter club stuff). I'm not interested in that in the least.

>> No.16624191

Probably the difference between us is I didnt watch October Sky and didnt read / know anything about rockets so all the infodumping or descriptions were pretty interesting / absorbing to me, so much that I didnt mind any of those and just hooked up to the making a rocket.

When you point them one by one like that I agree with you tho

>> No.16624961
File: 1.47 MB, 1280x720, syugaten_2017-02-24_17-15-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16624988

Oh great, it's like every comfy-looking moege has to be plagued down with contrived drama.

>> No.16625002


So you'd want something like Konosora, just with rockets? I think I kinda understand where you come from.

That said, the synopsis on vndb doesn't read very well either. Apparently the protag is also dumb, for even better self-inserting. Which is an issue. So you don't just have your typical bland eroge-protag, no, now it comes with added "has no brain and needs every single shit explained and shown while being so incompetent you wonder why he is in that school in the first place" or something. Speaking of school, that setting would be a LITTLE more believable if it'd not be a highschool equivalent. But: eroge.

Granted, I haven't read it, so I don't know how bad the protag really is or whatever. But it really sounded like the author tried to write a completely typical highschool club story with the usual disbandment thing.. just with rockets everywhere. As in really everywhere. Which is kinda fair enough, seeing the ratings of the more normal moege by the author he seems to be at least sorta capable of doing so, but if you want to see a rocket story, that could end badly?

>> No.16625072

w e w

>> No.16625146

I didn't really like Haretaka either and ended up dropping it during the first route. Apart from rocketry infodumps the story itself felt like a pretty generic high school club activity plot with the usual type of humor, drama and characters.

>> No.16625188

Your fault for expecting something else; the game never advertises itself as more than that.

>> No.16625203

I was waiting for a reply like this.
My critique wasn't, "this game isn't what I expected, and therefore it's bad". Rather, my critique is, "this is something good, this is what I expected it to be, but instead it wasn't, it was bad."
My critiques hold true no matter what anyone's expectations are. I don't like the game for its flaws, and I have discussed its primary flaw, and how it should have done better. That's it.
It's meaningless to address criticism by saying it's wrong to criticize something that was marketed in a certain way. If something's bad it's bad and it's fair to criticize it for that, regardless of how it was marketed.

>> No.16625278

Actually it's beyond my expectation, I'm amazed how they managed to turn something that supposedly unique into incredibly common boring shit in the setting.

>> No.16625579

I didn't finish Haretaka either, but I didn't find the protag to be that bad. Sure, he's dumb since he's a normal island fishing guy attending the regular program in a rocket school and hates studying, but he's actually very proactive. Not self-insert material, really.

>> No.16625839
File: 1.67 MB, 1284x722, まい写真 - 2017-02-24 21.50.28 - ハロー・レディ!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just saw 鏖殺 and thought "where have I seen this word before?" And realized it was from the thread the other day when some guy asked when you would see it outside of Dies Irae. So I thought I would share that I saw it in Hello Lady, which is not really chuunige even if the protagonist has his chuuni moments in speech and narration.

>> No.16625851

For what it's worth (not trying to start a difficulty shift flinging thing here), Hino (the author of Hello Lady, Comyu, Ruitomo, etc) is actually renowned for his high level of vocabulary and flowery dialogue so it's fitting for a word like that to appear in one of his works, that is, more fitting for him than from a normal moege or what have you.

>> No.16625947


Far be it from me to raise a ruckus around these parts, I just thought it would make for a neat anecdote. And while Hello Lady may not be chuunige per se I can tell the level of complexity is certainly not on the level of a par-for-the-course moege. I'm fairly new to eroge so am not too knowledgeable of various authors yet, but from what I've seen so far Hino's writing is enjoyable - often challenging, for me at least, but I like the... florality. I look forward to trying out Ruitomo in the future.

>> No.16626120

Can I just skip to where the demo ended, or is there any new content in the beginning?

>> No.16626208
File: 117 KB, 1280x720, 898923897034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Rina's route in フレラバ and all I have to say is wow that was honestly a really enjoyable route. It had its lows and its highs and really felt like a well rounded route overall. I thought the quality was going to drop once I entered a route but it still managed to have parts that made me laugh out loud like the storm scene and the waiter announcing the food he was serving. Even the scene near the end when you find out more about Rina's past and then console her had me start to tear up.

It makes me want to go and reread through purexconnect just so I can go and finish the other routes that I missed.

>> No.16626246

Rina's route is still my favourite moege route ever. It had such a perfect balance of romance, comedy and drama. That scene at the end was the best, it was so brilliantly set up with the parents casual attitude and Rina's heart-breaking reaction and then MC giving her hope and love.

>> No.16626303

Seriously, that final scene before the credits was really good so you cant help but get a bit emotional.

Considering 理奈's past actions and how the MC kind of goes over each of them really made the drama near the end feel like it was actually thought out and not just thrown in like some games.

>> No.16626393

What would be the eroge guy equivalent of this?


>> No.16626400

I stopped playing fureraba after the black haired girl and the blonde girl (I think himari). Is her route really that great?

>> No.16626429

Does it bother you guys that your waifu is voiced by a women in her 30's and probably has a bf or husband who hears their moans during sex?

>> No.16626438



>> No.16626448


>> No.16626508

Every routes are pretty much at the same quality at Fureraba, so if you enjoyed those two I'm pretty sure you would enjoy other two as well, but if you didn't dont bother with restarting it.

>> No.16626582

Does it bother you that she's thought up, drawn, and written by a bunch of guys in their 30s who've probably never heard moans during sex before?

I mean, how far do you want to do with this?

>> No.16626629

I'm not mentally ill, so no.

>> No.16626843

A torrent is out for Dear My Abyss. Not sure if it's real, but it's there.

>> No.16626848

Game has already been exposed as kusoge by Hadler-dono. No interest.

>> No.16626923
File: 85 KB, 1260x318, 1478841762975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy gave Vendetta a 60 but was apparently very impressed with Trinity and gave it a 100. Kind of makes me want to skip the first game...

>> No.16627116

It's been a while since I read it but wanted to mention it as i didn't do so before but in hatsuyuki Sakura, shirokuma's route.

It's really well written, especially the masturbation scene it made me remember when I was going through puberty; the feelings and emotion, love and desires.
I don't know if other eroge made me reminisce like that but it really stood out during her route.

I just thought I'd mention it was well written. It captured puberty
However the ending feels unfulfilled.

>> No.16627126

Niijima Yuu is good. Go read Natsuyume Nagisa if you haven't.

>> No.16627142

Yeah I was thinking of trying of trying that for a while.

>> No.16627191

I thought the route was pointless garbage with an extremely long 'epilogue' for no reason, but being garbage applies to almost every single route in the game.

>> No.16627196

Wow, look at this contrarian.

>> No.16627521

No, in fact that makes it all more arousing.

>> No.16627556

I'd imagine it'd bother her husband more to be virtually NTRed by a bunch of otaku hearing more perverted sounds than he gets to hear.

>> No.16627610

>the only guy who is actually putting his penis inside her is getting ntr'd by people wanking to the sound of her voicing imaginary characters
i don't think i understand anymore what that word means

>> No.16627809

it's been warped by the internet, really
it's previous use was to "steal away someone else's spouse, typically through sexual relations". This meant that the person whose spouse was stolen away was a "cuckold".
If I'm right, NTR = "to take away with sexual relations", which is the same thing.

If you don't actually steal/take away someone, i.e. make them fall out of relationship with their spouse, then I don't think saying NTR/cuckold makes any amount of sense. It's pretty much the new "fuck", a term people use to try insulting someone else without really realising what the words actually mean.
I understand if there's some fantasy power struggle in some people's heads, thinking that words passed around on the internet would actually have some form of impact on someone who hasn't read what they've said irl, but in all seriousness, I highly doubt it. If anything, it would be the spouse being intolerant of their significant other's job being part of the porno industry and thus wanting to end things, but from what I understand about JP, they're quite tolerant about these things. (Whether this is a good or bad thing is not for me to say.)

The reason why the NTR/cuckold terms were used was to deride the person who lost their relationships through such acts. In the distant past, it really wasn't uncommon for someone to simply divorce you as soon as you were involved in extramarital affairs.
I think the real term that people want to use is perhaps "defile" or something similar.

>> No.16627946

feels it's used these days for anything someone thinks they've laid claim to, regardless of how dumb or baseless that claim is.

anyway, didn't mean to get off topic, just grumbling.

did anything decent come out this month? been off the wagon lately but it's reading week and i want to pick something up.

>> No.16628216


The only definition of NTR you'll ever need according to the master himself.

>> No.16628286

Suisei Ginka looks like the best title this month. Maybe Ouka Sabaki.

>> No.16628335

>For me , fhc from Brazil,
Of course.

>> No.16628349

neat, thanks. Ouka looks pretty interesting but I hope the plot holds up.

>NTR is when a girl has sex and you feel jealous
well that explains why everyone uses it for literally everything then

>> No.16628445

Preach it, brother.

>> No.16628601

I'm planning to pick Ouka Sabaki as well, just waiting for some reviews. It looks interesting and something like I'd enjoy thanks to its historical theme, but apparently it has many h-scenes in it + I dont really enjoy the gameplay with detective themed games so will do some other games until I can read a couple reviews about it. Hopefully its not something like solve case > fuck 2-3 girls > solve another one > fuck 2-3 more girls > go into a route > fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck type game.

>> No.16628620

Vendetta is highly polarizing due to the 陰 protagonist and the hyper anti-王道 theme, while Trinity takes a more standard approach and thus has a wider appeal.
Most of Trinity is completely new, so it can be enjoyed standalone, but I'd recommend against it since it's a pure sequel when it comes to theme.

>> No.16629248

>1位 2223Point】 真剣で私に恋しなさい!A

Is it time for Majikoi K or Majikoi T guys?

>> No.16629401
File: 265 KB, 800x600, natsumegu_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done with Natsumegu.

Game started really bad for me. The main heroine especially seemed like the most boring and bland stuff you could find, even more than the protagonist which is an achievement. So I just skimmed to see all the heroines.

After that comes the random event system which is also pretty much bullshit. None of these events are "canon" as you may as well get other ones, meaning this "common route" part has no relevance later on.
And yet, after that in the routes it kinda gets a foothold.

Watanabe only wrote one route: Miri's. It was also the best route of the game, although heavily inconsistent with the rest. (though inconsistency is an issue anyway thanks to the "random" events)
It mostly depicts a love triangle with Miri and Yukako (the bland main-heroine). But guess what, Watanabe actually wrote Yukako well, so she ended up being the actual best girl... Crazy how that went.

Past that was nothing too special. Celes(blonde) route was normal, Hotori's (pink) route was very different than you'd assume but worked well until the epilogue which was pure bullshit.
And then Yukako's route. I didn't want to read this one, but even though I only ever chose pro Hotori and never anything for Yukako, the game probably just bugged out and gave me her route. (followed even the walkthrough..) I was so majorly confused, also thanks to the route having rejections and such. A rollercoaster experience for all the wrong reasons, but thanks to Watanabe saving that girl and this weird bug I really enjoyed this route.

All in all I had my fun in the end. But really, those first hours and the scrappy random event system... no.

>> No.16629892

That line... What the fuck?

>> No.16629925


She likes bad puns and just discovered the "infinite pun". Or something like that.

>> No.16630970
File: 1.28 MB, 1280x720, BSZ_2017. [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck am I even doing with my life?
And in the end all they give me was a shitty charge breaker. I'd want to get a couple thousand force instead or one of the 2 locked ranged weapons.
Well whatever. I guess I had some fun beating these cheating fuckers.

>> No.16631029
File: 110 KB, 800x600, she apologize only after her arms got cut off.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any other VNs where the MC have a revenge on his cheating wife/girlfriend/fiancee/ex? Rape, NTR her new lover, hurt her physically, anything. The revenge could be way overboard than what she deserves.

>> No.16631171


愛する妻、美咲の不倫証拠 『旦那とどっちが気持ちいい?』→『貴方の方が…あっ、ダメッ、またイちゃうッ…!』 was recommended several years ago in this thread.
The heroine is an irredeemable slut and the game is pretty much a netorare fest, but the way the MC ruins her life at the end is satisfiying. No violence besides a slap in the face by her father.

>> No.16631385
File: 121 KB, 800x600, 76914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


鎖のカンケイ, Cyclet's game. MC's girlfriend is a huge nympho that fucks MC's best friend along with other guys behind his back (in MC's house) and tells the best friend that she only sticks with him for his money. After 1 more NTR scene, the MC brings her to a secluded place to be gangraped to punish her, without telling her the reason why to make sure she realize that he's mad because of her cheating on her own. It escalates more and more as she doesn't realize her mistake, until you are given a choice to physically hurt her along with the rape, or bring in her best friend that have been mindlessly telling the MC the girlfriend's a good girl to guilt trip her.

About that game that you mentioned, how much NTR scene vs revenge scenes in it?

>> No.16631485
File: 410 KB, 1280x960, b_ev_101_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly all the scenes are NTR.
The game is all about the MC gathering evidence of her wife cheating and at the end you can choose to do nothing, confront your wife or gather your and her parents, show the evidence one by one and sue the hell out of her.

I'm not a fan of NTR but the game is very short and as I said is satisfying how she tries to defend herself against the irrefutable proofs and loses all: lover, money, pride and family.

>> No.16631513


Thanks for the info. I'm picking this up since you said it's short, and that the VN's only 400mb.

Anything else?

>> No.16632063
File: 946 KB, 1428x2292, The Saga of Stoplossed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of this.

>> No.16632084
File: 431 KB, 1281x617, ss+(2017-02-26+at+03.59.14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Future is now, guys.

Well to be honest I'm more hyped for Go which will released at next year than Gi Den since I dont think there'll be many changes at the core of Gi's story, just more arcs and more side characters imo, while Go will be something completely new.

I seriously have no idea how will they handle the Go part since this time ruler will be their mother, Sonken Bundai which will probably affect both of Sheren's and Renfa's personality and change the entire story.

>> No.16632114

Did they swap artists? I don't know what it is exactly but visually it looks a lot worse to me than their previous two games. Maybe the weird character designs.
I haven't played any of their games yet though. I'm interested in Otome Kenran but the absurd length turns me off.

>> No.16632149

Most of their artists are still same people, like
Gintarou, Mtu, Katagiri Hinata, Kawada Yuuki etc (they are using 7-8 different artists for each game since all of their game have at least 50-60 different characters). Probably just wanted to change art style. I'd prefer the Sengoku Koihime's art style as well, but this is not bad when you get used to it either. Its just a little too shiny imo.

>> No.16632342

>What the fuck am I even doing with my life?
My exact thoughts when I was doing that stuff. Being a completionist isn't a good thing.

>> No.16632449

Will it have Enshou? This is important.

>> No.16632509
File: 1.40 MB, 1276x716, 1476521100814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody know some good non-nukige with sado / mischievous girls? Kind of tired of the old boring 優しい heroine types.

Pic related

>> No.16632529
File: 213 KB, 630x817, MoribitoMK2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Was Mission Mode where you get the shiled of the Moribito Mk2 from Jinki? I really liked it and it was the only weapon from the mission awards that I found useful.

>> No.16632682
File: 132 KB, 1280x720, img116_e_b1_11h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure it will, but as a side character not as a heroine. She becomes a heroine at Shoku route after all.

Also it would be awesome if they could decrease Keifa's hate against kazuto, but probably they wont. Well we even saw Karin in a wedding dress and pregnant Renfa (and nothing for Touka, they probably dont even count her as a main heroine now) so cant get everything I guess.

>> No.16632807
File: 87 KB, 800x600, screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Find wife is cheating, aborting her cheating baby using his money, while emptying all his savings
>Deal with all the legal shit, sue the hell out of her and her boyfriend (that he engaged to someone else) to get the money back while disgracing her in front of her parents, leaving her with nothing, making the boyfriend canceled his engagement with a rich fiancee and fired from his job with permanent black mark on his record

Worth it, since it's a short game so I don't have to endure 4+ hours of NTR scenes and able to read more about the husband's thoughts while he suppressing his anger until all the legal shit is complete (and he can't sue the shit out of them if he vent off his anger), contacting both of the parents, before finally all the pieces fall down in order to the wife and the boyfriend. And holy shit, she never says sorry during the whole ordeal until her parents forced her to. And at the end, he's way too scarred after the ordeal and won't be able to trust anyone to marriage again, keeping in line with the good revenge plot points checkboxes that The Count of Monte Cristo established in my head. Awesome.

On a side note, I got a bit of instant nostalgia during the point-and-click section of the VN. Thanks to anon that recommended me this. Still carving for more revenge VN on cheating significant others though.

>> No.16632875
File: 346 KB, 1280x720, daito_09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Quite a lot do have one or two of them. (that is mischievous or very slighty S maybe, full sadistic isn't that often) Having a work with that theme is quite a bit rarer though. Hapymaher was kinda one, so I'd assume you can read the older works of the author as well. I faintly remember reading those are kinda like that as well. (on EGS? Don't remember..)

>> No.16633225
File: 126 KB, 602x568, best.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excellent taste in girls, brother.
This cutie was pretty good. Helps that the game's pretty fun and has some good opportunities to showcase her cheekiness. At least initially. Bit of drama later but it's everyone's drama as opposed to specific bullshit involving her. Game is 恋色空模様.

>> No.16633425

Anyone started one of the new releases?

>> No.16633463

Actually nevermind I just noticed they still aren't uploaded.

>> No.16633507

Shugaten is out though

>> No.16633514

>more pedo version of gochiusa
nah i'm good senpai

>> No.16633709
File: 296 KB, 1280x720, BSZ_2017. [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I got that stuff. It is still worse than body blow T_T. The staff sword from the awards is fucking useless.
Force points are nice though. Well, after shizels ending I had like 35k so I won't need them for a while.
Also, have you guyz seen this bug? It's pretty handy, even though it requires a lot of dedication. Due to it I will probably up all weapons before the end of the Marelle's route.
I was like: Yeah, It's Ko&Rain. I already beat them in Sakura's route on very hard. It shouldn't take long... Then they get a couple more thousand hp, Rain's stun mine from Baldr sky and it results in me wasting an hour for this.
Also, their mission ranking is lame. Rain+Kou is B. Marelle+Rain is A, yet ofc the latter is easy-peasy from the first try because Marelle is weak.
Flint+Queen Bee is like C, even though it's also hard as fuck.

>> No.16633744
File: 163 KB, 1024x768, 蟲ノ目.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Mushi no Me. Second and third chapters were my favorites and had plenty of awesome moments. I really liked that the plot developed in such a way that Nijoukubo instantly realized she was looping and also told the other characters this as well since so many time loopy games rely on shitty memory loss or other ways of padding out the way to advancing the main plot, so I'm glad the game skipped that type of shit altogether and focused on unraveling the mystery.

The last chapter was kind of silly and had plenty of past infodumps instead of new developments, eventually leading to hilariously easy curb stomp battle against the main villain. I would've wished that the game had developed the characters' powers in the different chapters rather than solving everything with Sanbara's new extremely convenient ability powering everyone up. I was expecting Tsukumo's reactions to be yet another ploy and the "true" final battle to start at some point, only for it to be solved easily with Nijoukubo simply telling Tsukumo about her sister's true intentions, leading to a sappy "everyone lives happily ever after" ending. They could've also had unique BGMs for the final battle instead of using fucking two for the relatively short LUCA meeting. Sanbara's sacrifice felt pretty contrived and didn't really manage to evoke the intended sadness, as was her reappearance in the epilogue making you question what was the fucking point.

Overall an enjoyable title that was just as long as it needed, though the last chapter was weaker due to too many convenient new plot elements being introduced, continuing the third chapter's flashback dump and a main villain who wasn't that interesting of a character.

>> No.16634207

Where did you get the complete set if the download link in the archive is just for the 4th chapter?

>> No.16634449
File: 1.32 MB, 1280x720, 1478239252607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for VNs with really cool architecture (like the background in picture) or nature. Like Kyoto basically. If it didn't spend too much of the game in the same isolated location would be nice too.

>> No.16635349

>the point-and-click section
tell me more

>> No.16635429

>point on screen
>click to advance text

>> No.16635660

littlewitch stuff always has cool locations

>> No.16635678
File: 120 KB, 807x649, screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's nothing special, you basically played as the husband trying to find evidence of your wife's infidelity like good old point and click adventure game.

>> No.16635919

nice, wish more games did this

>> No.16635939

I can only find dead links.
Did you buy the game?

>> No.16637068

>予約特典 FM Sound Track
>予約特典 FM音源パッチ

Is this what I think it is? (Sega FM music?) If so, holy crap that's some weird thing to do. Still not sure if I should try Ouka Sabaki though.

>> No.16637786

Do yoy guys prefer more uke and shota like male mc for h scenes?
if its too manly i kinda throws me off.

>> No.16637801

Do you guys watch the hentai for eroge like pretty x caution 2 and stuff, how are they in comparison to the eroge.
Its mostly the sex that gets animated so is it worth the watch or do you regret them animating them.
i mean I've never aeen a hentai for a game so i wanted to ask.

>> No.16638376

Does this game actually go anywhere? The horror parts are nice but in general it's awfully slow. It definitely feels like it's just going to go more into chuuni shit rather than spook going forward...

>> No.16638381
File: 63 KB, 256x348, 29793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pic didn't work reeee.

>> No.16638414
File: 89 KB, 800x600, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was reading the rest of the endings for this game before uninstalling it, find out that the other two endings (Doing nothing after she cheats or forgive the wife) are much shorter than the revenge one, but even so, I like the forgiving the wife ending more than the revenge ending, because how she realizes her mistake and the guilt creeps after her husband blows up all his feelings in front of her and leaving the house, how she turns docile obedient to her husband. But most importantly, how the husband is saying even if he tried to start over again with her and forgive her, he'll never forget how she ever cheat on him even if he wants to, which makes her cry again. I don't know why, but seeing someone that's desperately seeking salvation and forgiveness by futilely repairs a broken relationship that will never be restored fully like a broken mirror please me more than just delivering the revenge to someone that's not feeling guilty to what they did. It's like mind break, except the girl is enslaved by her own guilt instead of lust.

>> No.16638489

Actually, since it seems like a remake of Mushi no Me is happening, I think I'll wait for that.

>> No.16638747

no thanks

>> No.16638776

How far are you?

>> No.16638851

I personally felt that after the first chapter the game switched from being actual horror, with spooky mysterious things happing, to being just horror-themed, where the horror is quickly explained away, and it never recovers.

>> No.16638868


I just killed the first red demon dude. Felt like i've been playing forever and i just only covered the synopsis on VNDB.


This is exactly what i expected when the old guy infodumped all the mystery away.

It also really irked me that Madoka comes back as a ghost which trivializes her death completely.

>> No.16639124

Guess I need to play this again now. Only did himari

>> No.16639145

Is Fureraba /jp/'s favorite moege? The comments I've read on it here are positive to an overwhelming degree.

>> No.16639155

They're almost universally both look and are animated like shit, so no.

>> No.16639186

Yeah that was the part with the chef right? That was easily probably the most horror-like/creepy part of the game. The rest of it felt more action-based with some horror elements like >>16638851 said.

>> No.16639203

Also to add one thing I have a strong feeling that the author of the game read this novel before writing it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Odd_Thomas_(novel)

>> No.16639209


Wow, looks like a full blown rip-off to me. He could at least have changed the name of the creatures. Good find.

>> No.16639216

The name of the creatures is the most damning thing about it to me.

It's an awfully specific name to use. I had never even heard of the term before and thought it was some made up thing for the game until I googled it. The research eventually led me to that novel. There was a movie based on it as well which is probably more likely what the author ripped off.

>> No.16639238

Can someone suggest to me a game that is similar to Ojou-sama wa Gokigen Naname? I liked that the protag wasn't a boring faggot, and many of the girls were legitimately funny and likeable. The story even had a bit of substance.

>> No.16639268

Ensemble games aren't exactly considered great so most things will be a upgrade. If you want something with a great protagonist, try Hello Lady!.

>> No.16639276

Not him but Ojounana is very well above the ensemble average.

>> No.16639300

I hate this thread

I woke up haivng a ntr nightmare
from reading the ntr and pretty x caution 2 posts here before sleeping.

dont mix moege and ntr

>> No.16639330
File: 134 KB, 469x640, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never played the original. Apparently I'm at the halfway point. The set up has been okay, but I'm starting to wonder when things start happening.

>> No.16639342

I'm pretty curious about this one as well. Wondering if it holds up as a great game or the people praising it are viewing through nostalgia.

>> No.16639354

playing R or A?

>> No.16639374
File: 371 KB, 1680x1050, b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have literally no idea what kind of direction it takes, from what I know it could be a simple detective novel or some timetravelling multiverse epic, but if things happen they better start happening soon because the first half has been little more than an introduction.

>> No.16639384
File: 461 KB, 1680x1050, c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A, actually.
Who might this titty monster be, I wonder.

>> No.16639530


Probably too verbose for my ability, from what i heard. I also liked Leyline for that reason since it was really to-the-point and easy to read. Not exactly a storywriting masterpiece but some good dumb fun.

But i find that most moeges are really boring and not funny enough.

>> No.16639552

Why don't you just give it a try instead of going by what you "heard". Difficulties are always blown out by other beginners, and you're not gonna improve reading easy stuff forever.

>> No.16639573


It's also that i tried rui tomo by the same authors and i was really offput by the "inhuman" interactions and conversations.

But i'll do it just for you, anon. Little harm in trying.

>> No.16639794
File: 188 KB, 800x600, ruitomo_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


For what it's worth, I found Ruitomo's prologue pretty lacking myself in a lot of ways, especially the final.. race thingy was really not good if you ask me. I didn't continue it so far.

The game has its weaknesses. So do most games I suppose. But some VN simply need a while to get into as well. Which is why I didn't really drop Ruitomo yet.. in theory.

>> No.16640090

Was JQV Lost Route uploaded by anyone?

>> No.16640301
File: 152 KB, 1296x778, teatime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the way Chocolat talks. Especially the "はい" she does all the time

>> No.16640324


> that left girl

ayy lamo. Her left eye is twice closer to her ear than to her nose. How does this pass quality control?

I'm quoting the image.

>> No.16640507

Some thoroughly high level commentary on the qualities of a game. As expected of a moebuta.

>> No.16640641

is there any difference between R and A? other than h-scenes

>> No.16640857

I know right, how dare he interrupt all the high quality discussion on the plot and themes of your serious VNs that you were having.

>> No.16640865

Not him but it's just a comment. We aren't here to provide you exclusively with full reviews, faggot.

>> No.16640958

I don't really know, but R was released right after A, so I don't think they would have had time to change anything. I'm guessing R just has the ero from the original that didn't make it to the all-ages/15+ editions.

>> No.16641174

Ah, there is one thing, though. According to VNDB, R and A have totally different sets of VAs. A uses the PS2 voices, R uses the ones for 18+ releases.

>> No.16641356

confusingly, R is all ages while A is 18+

>> No.16641436

Ah, sorry, I got confused myself, A (18+) was released after R. A has the ero VAs while R has the non-ero voices, most notably Horie Yui.

>> No.16641685

does anyone know a h-code for tokyo necro? i cant get it working with vnr, ith or chiitrans

>> No.16642005

If I remember correctly the latest versions of ITHVNR hook it just fine.

>> No.16642243

With the new Koihime Musou game coming out, what of the series am I supposed to play.

Sucks because I just got the collectors box last year and never got around to it.

>> No.16642503

Play them in release order. But if you want you can skip the 1st game.

>> No.16642533

Is there no need to wait for the new one coming out?

>> No.16642947
File: 80 KB, 1366x698, 1 month until closing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One more month before Elf's old domain really closing down for good. I'll miss them.

>> No.16643004

Didn't most of the staff go to Silky's Plus anyway?

>> No.16643013

i like it but its not that amazing
the choice system was great but the other things i guess are just decent maybe above average.

i kinda would like a harem end as misaki's route they all hang out and it makes me sad as it seems like the definitive route as you hang out with all girls together while in himari's and im assuming others you don't.

>> No.16643044

>im assuming others you don't.
Does this mean you didn't read Rina's route? I'd prefer you didn't make comments like "it's not that amazing" without having read Rina's route.

>> No.16643075

The game still isn't, above average and somewhat funny, but that's it.

>> No.16643228


But it'll be the last time we can see Elf Corporation officially on anywhere else. After that, it'll be DMM's name taking over the IPs.

>> No.16643955

Not >>16642503 but I think you dont need to wait for new ones, since this time they are making each route as a game (which means we will get shoku route at 2019 and go route at 2018) Just play them with:
shin koihime musou > shin koihime musou moeshouden > shin koihime musou eiyuutan > Remake's Gi route which will get released at this year and wait for others.

>> No.16644075

Thank you both.

>> No.16644284

No problem, but just as >>16642503 I wouldn't suggest the first "Koihime musou" game as well. Just directly start from shin koihime musou remake.

>> No.16645136 [SPOILER] 
File: 249 KB, 800x600, 1488305629083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Megumu route in RuiTomo fan disc. That ending scene was great, but I was still left with a lukewarm impression because you could easily see things going that way especially since Miyake was already killed plenty of times in other routes, and I was originally expecting it to be the mere beginning of fucked up shit and more drama, not the ending.

>> No.16645174

dead as fuck

>> No.16645175


>I was originally expecting it to be the mere beginning

Can't tell you the number of times i've thought "the game is finally really starting" only to find out moments later that it was in fact the ending.

>> No.16645309

any nukige recommendations from last year?

>> No.16645420
File: 281 KB, 1280x720, karenaisekai_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This establishes the most important things really fast.

>> No.16645605

I don't play nukige that often, but 略奪者の淫宴 is pretty good short fun if you're into ryona and girls screaming in pain. Sadly the latter parts devolve into girls screaming for more dicks instead once the looters find the drugs that are used in pretty much every scene from there on.

>> No.16645857
File: 196 KB, 1920x1080, uguu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16646160

is that latest version ITHVNR 3.5640.1? I can't find a newer version in english (there's a korean github one?)

I got it to work with VNR which found a nitroplus2 thread. How does VNR do it? I tried manually searching for text strings with cheat engine but no dice

>> No.16646419

ままはは is pretty great if you like ripe women games.

>> No.16646581

If you're looking in that HF thread, OP stopped updating it so someone else started doing and he posts the updated versions in that thread, you have to look through the last pages. Latest version is Pre8r I think. Haven't used it for a while so not sure.

>> No.16646599

How is this game? That screencap is so cute I almost want to start it after I finish what I'm on.

>> No.16646604

Extreme garbage and the art is only thing it has going for it. It is by the Nekopara writer, keep in mind.

>> No.16646611

Ah, that puts things into perspective. Shame, art's nice.

>> No.16646858


I have only finished the first arc for now, so I can't say much. I like how it used the Sharon no Kuni approach of featuring a linear story where you choose a girl during her arc and only really an epilogue is supposed to change. I also like the concept of the story, which is very Japanese. Basically I doubt something like this could've been written by someone who grew up in the US. Conformity to society, being polite and accepting while keeping a fake smile and so on are some pillars to how the world in this game functions. I wouldn't call it society critic per se, but it's interesting to see this mirror and the fact that the plot says this world is bad.

That said, it's the Nekopara writer. While the linear approach and all is nice, seeing how you basically only skip the ero-scene in the girl's arc means it'll get very harem for no reason. And very weird as well. You even still get the fucking "pillow talk"..
The drama is also mostly forced and artificial, just like it always is.
They mystery is very artificial as well, as the protagonist knows everything, but the reader doesn't get told shit. I'm pretty sure that's not how silent self-insert protags work. He also has a rather.. nihilistic(?) view on things and doesn't seem to be too emotional, which is fine and fits with the atmosphere. Till the girls bawl and scream. No consistency.
The girls are better than in koikuma or nekopara, but still rather bland. At least that leaves not much room to dislike them either I guess.
And finally you have random moeblob slice of life in the middle of ongoing "life and death" drama. It's a whole new kind of clashing concepts.

Honestly, this guy didn't know what he wanted and tried to do some weird moege with some not even necessarily bad plot ideas. The execution is.. not pretty though. A shame, as the art and production values are good, and so is the concept I'd say.

>> No.16647712

Sooo...source of this?

>> No.16647742

mushi no me
no H

>> No.16648066

Is there any way to advance the text in JQV apart from clicking?

>> No.16648150

Not Doten Meikai/Hiruta Masato, arguably the most important person at elf.

>> No.16648298


Pretty awesome month, way way better than last couple ones. I'm definitely getting Trinoline & Suisou Ginka, then if I still have any time probably will get clochette and hulotte's games as well.

I usually skip minori games since they are not my cup of tea, but this time they got me for sure.

>> No.16648349

働くオタクの恋愛事情 is the game for me this month. I really enjoyed and was surprised by the trial, if you liked the previous game I highly recommend this.

>> No.16648449

Eh... only really Istoria is exciting here. Though it might be good enough to carry the entire month by itself. Last month had Ouka Sabaki as the dark horse so we'll see if it can top that.
Oh there's a Ban'ya game as well. Could be cool.

>> No.16648454

>Ouka Sabaki as the dark horse so we'll see if it can top that.
Was it good then?

>> No.16648468

Last month had literally nothing to play other than Ouka sabaki tho, not even some average moege to keep busy. This time its pretty colourful.

>> No.16648486

Wtf? Why is the Windows10 version of Nitroplus titles 2 times cheaper than the original?
Bill Gates promoting his spying system in Japan?

>> No.16648497


>> No.16648504

Haven't played it yet but two friends were being overwhelmingly positive about it. The heroine routes come after the main game is already done, which I was very glad to hear, since they don't interfere awkwardly with the detective story like that and you can just skip them if you like. Also has a huge amount of art assets.
Currently 90/84 on EGS which will definitely drop but it might be able to hold 80+
The Akatsuki Works game was last month too and easily beats most of this month.

>> No.16648509

>Haven't played it yet but two friends were being overwhelmingly positive about it
A little off topic but got curious, where do you guys talk about it, like in real life or something? If there's something like a discord channel I'd like to join, if its possible.

>> No.16648516

>The Akatsuki Works game was last month too
Which one? Hi no nai? Because it was incredibly boring and worked way better as a short novel.

>> No.16648518

There's only one last month, Ruitomo artist+Hapymaher dude. The Hino title was in January.

>> No.16648519

hoshizora tea party has no voices unless its the package edition
how is this acceptable


>> No.16648533

i was really hyped for this expecting a really cute moege with a 2deep4U story

>> No.16648563

i mention this before but

i was expecting an amazing surreal story, where nothing makes sense.
Searching for a name or a feeling like sadness or something non material that you normally don't look for. Strange bizzare events happening that people acting strangely at night like losing ones mind and seeing the world differently.

it did a few of these
coming to a town with no memories
searching for somethong that you don't know what it is
it also seemed to have had an interesting story of children being killed for memories and every single flower you see are the deceased children.

also i love the glowing flowers and dream like theme it has.

>> No.16648608


The protag knows everything though. Including what he wants to do in the town. You don't get told until later, but... yeah. I wouldn't call the story surreal at all.

>> No.16648613


Seems like Tech Arts (and probably all the brands under it) died.

>> No.16648949
File: 174 KB, 977x623, ss+(2017-03-01+at+04.18.43).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started kaminoyu, seems pretty interesting so far; an unique art with very relaxing musics and a light enjoyable theme. I'm not a big fan of the "immortal heroine" thing tho, hopefully not all of them are like 3000 years old or something. If somebody already read this I'd very appreciate some replies.

>> No.16649028
File: 335 KB, 1280x720, otdo_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


3000 year old virgins, who never fell in love until mr. wall mc kun, the blandest of them all, comes along. My most beloved setting of them all. Even beats imoutos.

>> No.16649043

I hope SQUUEZ goes independent instead of dying. I like their games. Their last game sold extremely well too. (Ranked 11 in sales for 2016 according to getchu.)

>> No.16649046

Yep thats what I hate about with 3000 years old heroines. I mean how the hell a fucking 3000 years old hot chick gets embarrassed and fall in love with mc just because he called her "beautiful" or something? Thats pretty much the most retarded setting in the eroge industry imo.

Well game itself is pretty fun so I'll stick with it though, but would like to know which ones are 3000 years old virgins and which ones are more normalish type.

>> No.16649056

some elements are but if was disappointing in the end

>> No.16649066

I use green shot but it keeps the window's border, how do you get it without it?

>> No.16649077

Otome was supposed to be pretty close in age to the protagonist I believe. It's been a few years since I've read it though, and I might assuming that based on what I remember her route's final "drama" being about.

>> No.16649121

Oh thank you, seems nice at least. But how about others? are they "pure virgins which no one touched for 3000 years, and hell didnt even fall in love even though they are older than earth until mc arrives" types?

>> No.16649231

Anri's case makes sense at least, considering 'her' problems.

>> No.16649248

>Shun’s imouto Shirone drowned on a hot midsummer day.
>Micchi’s first sentence made me the happiest person in the world. I was ready to end everything there, 10/10 game of the year just for that.
You heard it here folks.

>> No.16649287


Dying imoutos come back to haunt you. If they have enough crazy to basically eat the "girlfriend" of the protag, I like them.

>> No.16649344

And momo is apparently just a 100 years old or something so with her appearance I guess its acceptable as well. With this we have 3 of the 5.

>> No.16649414

TechArts is going out of business ;_;


>> No.16649790

One of the heroines is a girl (male), another is some sort of literal monster, another one is a semen demon that fugs you early in the common route if you let her, and I didn't care for fox girl so fuck if I know.

>> No.16649821


Use ShareX, has likely every feature you want, including no-bordered screenshots.

The following is SEO for the archive. bordered borderless no border edge screenshot screen shot printscreen print screen picture pic image window puush green shot greenshot irfan view irfanview lightshot light shot

>> No.16649834
File: 308 KB, 1226x720, imhu2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely going for Istoria, I'm a big fan of the writer from his last two works. Guy really knows how to do a good imouto and I've no reason to suspect this one will be anything but as good.

Hope it's not as long as Papermancer was though, that was probably its only major flaw.

>> No.16649907

what game is that it looks cute like mahou tsukai no ue

is astoria the same game with isaac newton as the fem mc or am i thinking of something else

>> No.16649959

you're thinking of something else, I think. one of the rail-soft games maybe?
and that pic is indeed from mahoutsukai no ue

>> No.16650198

Finished RuiTomo fandisc. Not really satisfied at all.

Both games had one or two good moments, but overall the heroine routes' personal dramas were frankly pretty boring, most villains that existed were two-dimensional and any would-be interesting plot threads ended up being left completely untouched. Yenfei's was the worst offender in that regard since I finally expected some expansions to the organization she's working for and the plot hole at the end of Atori's route where Yenfei is ordered to fucking kill them despite the organization supposedly having "hands off" approach to observing the curse and how the characters try to solve it. But no, dead foster dad and revenge is bad drama with a new convenient villain character. For Megumu route I was wishing some harder drama for the group than "can I really trust my friends" for the umpteenth time, and when it finally seemed that shit was starting to hit the fan the route just ended with her and Tomo running away together without any proper climax with the rest of the girls. I was expecting the predictive nightmare in the first game where Tomo kills all the characters to fucking finally come true in one form or another.

And speaking of stupid shit in general, the curse itself worked as a pretty fucking convenient drama button for Tomo whenever the writers wanted it to be there. In the main game it's revealed that her sister is shouldering both the curse and the power as a sort of on/off switch between the twins and I can understand that, but in Megumu's route Tomo has the power and thus should have the curse too (like in Iyo's route where he's attacked in the kitchen), yet it doesn't come to attack for some god damn reason, no glasses breaking or shit. Same with avoiding the curse once it's activated, in some routes the characters just outrun it and the thing eventually poofs away forever as long as you have a near death experience, whereas in other cases it's a cause for bigger drama or requires the life of another person in exchange (Miyake in Rui's route, unless the inhuman skull figure is actually supposed to just be Megumu in disguise). Another thing, Maya randomly stabbing the still immortal Megumu at the end of the first game's Akaneko route went completely untouched as well so I guess the writers just forgot about it altogether.

In general the main plot moved at snail pace and most importantly I couldn't really bring myself to like any of the characters. The beginning of the true route actually got my hopes up at non-Akaneko's "裏切り者" line, but instead we got a silly battle in the center of Tomo's mind. I've already seen yandere heroines more than enough and I was hoping Maya to be a more complex character than her first totally not-creepy clingy yandereish instruction in the first game, plus stuff like choosing to face reality despite the possible hardships theme has been done to death as well.

>> No.16650627

>another one is a semen demon that fugs you early in the common route if you let her

Just saw it, she says its her fist time tho but definitely doesnt act like that. Dunno if she is telling the truth or not, but since game feels pretty light and cheerful I dont think she's lying or at least it'll get mentioned.

>> No.16650797
File: 633 KB, 800x600, popotandvd_2017-02-28_22-47-36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man these popotans are really qt.

>> No.16650894

Does anyone even have the fandisc? I've looking for it for years to no avail. I'm wondering if anyone has even played it. In EGS it only has one review with "どんまい", I'm assuming it was a huge 地雷.

>> No.16651015


Why doesn't anyone talk about this game?

>> No.16651037

Give the game's name dude.

>> No.16651042

Can you not access EGS?

>> No.16651047

Not him but I can't either. Haven't been able to since about 2 years ago.

>> No.16651059

I see, that's a big weird. Oh well.

>> No.16651063

I can access only from the http://egs.omaera.org proxy, but didn't know which part of the link I should add to proxy's one.

>> No.16651069

My bad, I'll keep in mind that some people have problems accessing it in the future.

>> No.16651076

EGS bans non-japanese IP adresses randomly so its not weird actually. I heard that the owner of the site unban your ip if you ask from the twitter, but since I'm changing my ip at almost every day it wouldn't help either.

>> No.16651099

It only has one vote on VNDB, so.

>> No.16651100

looks middling even on egs. 37 data points is not a lot. score variance also pretty high. and all ages

>> No.16651151

Same reason you aren't talking about it yourself.
Don't forget the biggest point: doujin. People ignore every fault of doujin games and simply give points on idea alone.

>> No.16651163
File: 326 KB, 800x600, Humanity_一本道エディション_2017-03-01_17-31-37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16651234
File: 295 KB, 800x600, Humanity_一本道エディション_2017-03-01_17-43-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the

>> No.16651405

Does anyone here know how to compile onscripter?

>> No.16651440

Shizo, is it you?

>> No.16651448

What? No. I asked on another thread and though got it compile but failed.

>> No.16651505
File: 309 KB, 800x600, Humanity_一本道エディション_2017-03-01_18-33-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16651598

has anyone gotten the new ANIM Mother & Wife game to work? the "crack" they are supposedly offering does jack shit

>> No.16651610

put it in data folder and run crack exe

>> No.16651624

thank you anon-kun, you are doing god's work!

>> No.16651701
File: 267 KB, 800x1131, 81C7Wc-R7eL._SL1131_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the kusoge of the month?

>> No.16651844

Trying way too hard to be a Nekopara clone?

Magic 8ball says... yes.

>> No.16651859

I'll probably check out オタクの恋愛事情 as a change of pace despite liking the previous game's trial better.

I'm honestly more looking forward to next months 新妻LxC. Might check out palettes new game if I have the money.

>> No.16651969

I can't wait for the new LxC too. Looks like they are adding marriage to the heroines this time around.

A bit of a shame that 2 of the 3 heroines are E+ cups, was hoping for a more even spread. Alas, beggars can't be choosers.

>> No.16652020

Im curious as to how much content is going to be available since there is only 3 heroines this time around. Apparently the stranger->friend->lover編 is going to be over the course of one year and the after marriage編 is also going to be over the course of a year as well. It seems theres a lot of focus on marriage life so I hope they dont skimp out on development you have with the heroine prior to marriage.

>> No.16652332

Yeah, with less heroines there should be time to properly build up the relationship - that's a major flaw with the earlier LxC titles imo, in that you go from stranger->lover way too quickly. Plus with how often you 'randomly bump into' the heroine of choice in earlier titles, it often seemed to verge on stalking.

If they really are planning to do 2 years' worth of events/etc for each heroine though, that is pretty ambitious. I hope the game doesn't suffer for it though.

>> No.16652418

With 3 this time around I would imagine they want to put that time towards the characters and the system(which they are doing)

>If they really are planning to do 2 years' worth of events/etc for each heroine though, that is pretty ambitious. I hope the game doesn't suffer for it though.

I would imagine there will be a decent amount of time skips throughout the year or perhaps only a certain amount of actions you can take each month. From what ive heard and from what ive seen on the softmap page when I ordered it was that this is going to be the last xcation game in the series they will be making. Coupled with the fact they got the original artist that people loved and the new additions to the system I get the feeling they want to go all out this time.

>Plus with how often you 'randomly bump into' the heroine of choice in earlier titles, it often seemed to verge on stalking.
That reminds me of the start of Aya's route from 1. That shit was had to be one of the funnest experiences I had with these games.

>> No.16652427

>That shit was had to be one of the funnest experiences I had with these games.
You mean how she legit began calling you a stalker? That was pretty funny

>> No.16652435

Yah that and the fact you guys bought the same shit from the same convenience store and just so happened to go to the roof to try to avoid each other. Funny stuff.

>> No.16652447

Love finds a way.

>> No.16652461

Are there VNs where the MC is actually a stalker, and sets up these encounters on purpose?

>> No.16652471

Whats the differnet between ふたなりand 男の娘?

>> No.16652597

Hermaphrodite and trap?

>> No.16652708

Futanari has a dick and vagina. Trap is a guy crossdressing and looking feminine enough to pass as a girl.

>> No.16653001


>> No.16653115

Does anyone have access to the libs required to compile onscripter one byte?

>> No.16653347

Which VN should I play next bros? Thinking about either Hatsuyuki Sakura or Monobeno.

>> No.16653360

Monobeno is incredibly long, if that affects your decision any.

>> No.16653375

I just want something pretty comfy desu. Don't care if it's long as long as there's a nice atmosphere and it doesn't feel too stale.

>> No.16653550

RIP One-up
Their last game was quite great.

>> No.16653558

Both have pretty good writing early on, but the drama later felt pretty shitty and forced imo.

I personally liked Hatsuyuki Sakura more since I found the characters more fun, but I never ended up completing either games.

>> No.16653579

Honoo no Haramase Oppai Ero Appli Gakuen was pretty good by Squeez
I guess that's why the one-up artist is working for bishop now

>> No.16653786

What're some good moege with really flat chested heroines dominating the cast? Not necessary 100% board, but noticeably small.
I'm asking half out of personal interest and half because I genuinely cannot recall any good moege with a cast of mostly flat heroines and I'm beginning to doubt they even exist. (I would like to emphasize that this is both good moege AND flat heroines, I've played a couple really terrible games with flat heroines, I know those exist).

>> No.16653818


Trinoline's by far the most appealing release this month for me.

>> No.16653891


>> No.16653916

I don't know about Monobeno, but you definitely won't find that in Hatsusaku.

>> No.16653954

Nothing comfier than fucking your little sister and your mutual friends.

>> No.16654059

okay my bad i honestly thought ふたなり was a girl with a dick not a hermaphrodite, though i should of guessed with ふた

>> No.16654064

What is the best vn, I've been curious i always thought it was muramasa or dies irae but im not too sure.

So I wanted to ask you guys.

>> No.16654068


>> No.16654075

Hatsuyuki Sakura is my favourite eroge so i would recommend that, though i haven't played monobeno.
It has a pretty nice spooky winter atmosphere that works really well with the background music it gives you this gloomy dreary feeling filled with mystery and it really puts you into the mood.

And the whole time you are playing you feel like something tragic and terrible happened, it really put me into the mood something other eroge haven't really done for me as much. Not to mention the mention writting compliments it.

>> No.16654085

Okay so white album2 and yuno they seem evened out, one having the higher average and the other the higher median.
Are they really roughly the same?
I didnt expect this.

>> No.16654106

list of lowest possible scores for egs games (roughly), top 100

>> No.16654236
File: 381 KB, 1280x720, daito_08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Looking at the top of that list, I'm not sure why I'm even reading VN. And yet I am.

>> No.16654245

Kana <3.

>> No.16654250
File: 210 KB, 1296x759, ss+(2017-03-02+at+02.16.48).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just installed お嬢様はご機嫌ナナメ but the text doesn't show correctly. Does anyone know a way to fix this. I am using japanese locale.

>> No.16654279

Don't know about that specific game, but if all else fails try changing system language to Japanese either with Vistalizator or control panel settings if you have an edition of Windows that allows changing it by default. Merely Japanese locale isn't enough. Some games like TinkerBell's titles' 文字化け can only be circumvented that way.

>> No.16654303

change your date/time format to japanese

>> No.16654318

Thanks, this worked.

>> No.16654980

The crack works but it's made from a demo .exe which triggers me (not to mention the dumped .exe file weighs 90mb, what the fuck)

>> No.16654992

I can get the tokutens for both the original game and fandisc if anyone wants them

>> No.16655584

Yes, the average opinion of a voting site frequented by a segment of industry consumers determines objective quality. The only hard part is figuring out how much "goodness" the player should experience per point a game receives. But if you don't agree with an egs score you're experiencing the game wrong.

>> No.16655948

btw we all hate chronoclock right?
it was a dissapointment?

i mean the sister route was disappointing, Elizabeth's route was alright and the common route was interesting and deviates from regular moege but other than its trash right?
coulsnt be bothered finsihing all of it but did those three.

>> No.16656026

What books should I read to increase my appreciation of Sakura no Uta? I know it's not necessary, but I like doing it for fun.

>> No.16656256
File: 278 KB, 1280x720, koishiyo_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Kotoko's route in Koi Shiyo. Gotta say that game started pretty badly for me, to the point I skipped a good part of common even. Let's just say settings that include "declining birthrate", "government" and such are a bit.. harsh.
Still, it's EGS rating is not that bad, and I at least wanted to get to see all heroines. Turns out, the blonde one, Kotoko, was to my liking. Your senpai student council president, who likes to tease and plan things out.

I liked the route. I really did. Kotoko doesn't know much about love, in part because she tries to understand everything with logic. In part because she is just so high up on the "out of your league" list, that most guys just gave up when she just wasn't able to do the "normal" thing during a date. (i.e. she likes horror movies, so the typical date romance movies are .. well..) Yep, this implies she actually went on dates before meeting the protagonist. Part of the setting in this case (it's a school that goes as far as giving counseling to students not getting a boyfriend/girlfriend within a few months..), but still interesting as normally these things are avoided. Makes however a lot of sense in her case.
The romance build up was nice and satisfying. The voice-acting was really good as well. Kotoko did never lose her cheeky and perhaps "not so girly" side, although she still showed more sides of herself. (unfortunately this is worth mentioning, as it's kinda rare..) Past the first sex-scene it became weaker, in part because she does have her 10 ero cg that needed coverage, but it was still nice enough. The ending was actually really well done, although the final plot essentially exposed one of the most dumb plotholes in the setting.. which is funny. Two authors may explain this.

>> No.16656265
File: 844 KB, 1366x768, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game answers that for you the very first moment after you start.

And I don't mean this as some snarky answer. It's the genuine truth. The problem is that 序 is a rather obscure poem unless you are knowledgeable Mijazawa's life and the poetic motifs he uses thorought the whole 春と修羅. Then again, his life and work is fascinating, so you might be interested in learning about it. You have to decide if it's too removed from Sakura no Uta or not.

>> No.16656308

they are completely different genres. one is a melodramatic soap opera, the other is a scifi fantasy epic with point and click adventure elements.

>> No.16656321

Wasn't my merry may with be in the top 10/20? Last time I checked (many years ago) it was.

>> No.16656345

why not use this as our new recommendation list?

>> No.16656350

Because we don't need one.

>> No.16656367

>muv luv that high
That reminds i heard that the writer was in financial debt by the time he finished it. Is that true? I mean he really put in a lot of effort but i didn't know he was in debt.

>> No.16656444

I heard he sold off his house to finance Alternative, dunno how much of that is internet hearsay though.

>> No.16656488

This list downscores games with large standard deviations or low numbers of votes.

>> No.16656648

I see. I guess low vote count really hurts it. I wonder if it had a PC port it'd be more popular. At least it's easily one of my favorites.

>> No.16656656

>At least it's easily one of my favorites.
Why is that?

>> No.16656679

seems likely given how godly the ptsd arc was and how rushed the ending was

>> No.16657578
File: 100 KB, 670x377, 697839555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to believe, but is this gonna suck?

>> No.16657622
File: 466 KB, 1280x720, 果つることなき未来ヨリ-2015-12-02_21-53-49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hatsumira came out but no one read it (or else dropped it due to length issues like Hadler) so I guess the author's in a weird spot of quality. Is it going to SUCK? Probably not, but if Hatsumira's any indication, it won't be anything special.

>> No.16657635

if he sticks to grisaia's humor it should be fun to read. problem with hatsumira was it didn't have much of that humor and replaced its characters every chapter.

>> No.16657639

>grisaia's humor
Can you elaborate on what you mean by this?
Also, I'm not necessarily sure "replaced its characters" is a good turn of phrase, cause a core body of characters moving through different environments with different characters isn't the same as the core body getting replaced every chapter.

>> No.16657654

sure. what i've read of hatsumira before dropping was more plot focused/less character interactions compared to grisaia. and latter is why i read fujisaki in first place. hatsumira's story didn't seem interesting for me to keep going, not to mention managed to attach me to characters.

replacing was a bad choice of word i agree, but i found it hard to invest in characters due to how chapters work.

>> No.16657708

You have a point, it really did focus more on the plot, which wasn't that good (oh god, the fucking WW2 symbolism).
I would say it was hard to get invested in the characters because they were bad more than anything else, though. The MC was just an "alpha dick" who lectured everyone cause he was so right all the time, and everyone falling in love with him so transparently and shallowy was just frustrating and damaged the character of the girls as well (hard to be a proud princess character if you're basically sucking the MC's dick and asking his opinion on everything, down to what clothes to wear, halfway through the game)

>> No.16657892
File: 56 KB, 353x500, 51JZC8BTR0L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a story that deals heavily with, as cliché as it may sound, what it means to be human, told in a very honest and natural way — that is, it doesn't necessarily take itself very seriously like some other VNs that attempt to be deep. There's quite a bit of casual and heartwarming slice-of-life, and hell, the setting is literally in the countryside. It fully explores its AI sci-fi setting both in the worldbuilding and in the themes that naturally derive from it, plus the plot manages to deliver both in complexity and execution. It's also amazingly well invested in production terms, with an enormous amount of CGs, lip sync, more than 50 hours of text (plus the side stories), a fully-voiced cast including all male characters (except for the MC), and one of the best VA roles I've seen in a long shot: Matsuoka Yuki voicing three heroines and managing to breathe a unique personality for each of them. If there's a single Kid VN you can see they put their heart and soul into it, at least in my opinion Maybe comes far out on top. As with most long length VNs it still has pacing problems and the plot is perhaps too complex for itself considering even with the may with be side stories, they had to make a novel that explains a core point that is only briefly explained in the story (don't google it though because the title is a spoiler). In the end of the day though, I find it saddening how it seems almost everyone has forgotten about it despite the major success of Ever17 and other infinity titles. It's frustrating because I personally couldn't think of Maybe in a more positive light than most sci-fi VNs out there. Even in terms of twist execution, Maybe is far superior to something like E17. I guess the length, the mediocrity of May, the lack of a PC port, and also the amount of titles KID just vomited constantly back then really ends up overshadowing it. It doesn't help either that talking about it is very hard without giving at least one or two more spoilers. Hell, even for a japanese title, having only four or five votes on vndb, or barely listed in EGS top lists due to the low vote count is just depressive to see. I checked now and at least someone went and greatly polished the page on vndb. It didn't even have a description, or tags. Maybe definitively goes into the 埋もれている名作 tag for me, at any rate. Really wish it was at least a bit easier to get into it.

>> No.16657896
File: 381 KB, 800x600, Humanity_一本道エディション_2017-03-01_18-54-46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a story that deals heavily with, as cliché as it may sound, what it means to be human
Yeah, that's a cliche (i.e. very often explored) topic, but that shouldn't discourage anyone. After all, we're all humans, it's always good to read works about humanity, like Humanity.

>> No.16658076

>Maybe is far superior to something like E17.
not exactly a ringing endorsement for people who found e17 a snoozefest

>> No.16658195
File: 2.12 MB, 1920x1080, ガンパレード・マーチ Screen Shot 2016-08-21 04-52-33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy used one of the best games ever made as source material. If it turned out any decent, it's because of that.

>> No.16658219

I'll never forgive moogy for hyping up Dies Irae like he did

If I have to share the game with plens now it's because of him

Hopefully the kickstarter goes to hiatus and we never see it, who knows.


>> No.16658229

Sucks for that guy, time eats down everything.
Translation is already done my dude

>> No.16658231

this fast?
the fuck dudester

>> No.16658239

There was 3 or so translators working on it (if not more), and work started in December 2015 at the latest, so yeah.

>> No.16658240
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, ガンパレード・マーチ Screen Shot 2015-07-16 03-18-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sucks for that guy
Nigger didn't even mention GPM in his book where he got his inspiration for MLA

Not that I don't understand I'd totally keep my my source of material away from public eyes. He's still a dick for it, though.

>> No.16658254


tfw gpm will never be remade for VR

>> No.16658262

You know as well as I do that they're not getting Dies Irae, they're getting some shitty English fanfiction loosely based off it. What makes Dies Irae is its fantastic chuuni writing style and without that it really can't be called the same game.

>> No.16658265

>when you make Japan Great Again

>> No.16658275

Obviously not 1:1 with the Japanese, and it has its flaws, but:
This can't be called "shitty fanfiction loosely based off it". The translation is competently done and fairly accurate. Calling it shitty fanfiction is really just being sour and contrarian of spite, it's not intellectually honest.

>> No.16658286


>mfw reading that thread on /vr/ about this game

I couldn't believe a game like this was made for the ps1, for real

>> No.16658322
File: 2.13 MB, 1920x1080, ガンパレード・マーチ Screen Shot 2016-08-26 05-32-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw to good to be popular

>> No.16658336

can you still get a hold of this/emulate it relatively easily?

>> No.16658338

Yeah, easily I think.

You might be overwhelmed though.

>> No.16658340
File: 301 KB, 1366x768, chrome_2017-03-03_20-43-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After watching some of this video, I stand by my original statement.

>> No.16658344

will love ever forgive seto?

>> No.16658351

Probably. What kind of overwhelmed are we talking here? Weird? Complicated? Too much going on? I'm no stranger to either of those, especially if it's worth the effort (which this definitely sounds like, I loved Muvluv despite its flaws).

>> No.16658396

there's a webm of this game i've seen around
1st play through -> dudes in the military fucking up, and doing retarded shit
2nd playthrough -> dudes in the military training and being competent
3rd playthrough -> dudes in the military raiding shit and killing stuff competently
4th playthrough+ -> one man nuke

so it kinda goes to first playthrough you dont know wtf is going on, some dudes say some weird shit
you fuck up a lot, literally every one dies because the gameplay feels clunky as fuck and you can't even move your character, and you dont know wtf does what, and what is this for

and then shit starts to sink in, you start exploring the gameplay more and you understand the depth behind it, you start to train and explore the options you have and start building relationships, you also understand you can wipe everything in your path on your own but you dont know how
third playthrough you understand things pretty well and you pretty much win any battle, you go full sun tzu and no enemy can match your strategies and no friendly falls on your watch, you also get an idea on how to obliterate everything in your path
4th playthrough, well... you'll likely be able to destroy everything without even using mechs or tanks, you'll literally kill even your own allies if they get in your way to get the last medal, and you end up realizing what you become is what everyone is afraid of

tl;dr it's genius, but it takes time for everything to sink in
story's amazing too when you piece everything together

>> No.16658406

One of the best sfx I've seen in a ps1 game tbqh

>> No.16658410

Nonomi will

>> No.16658416

See that only makes me want to play it more.

I've gone through Pathologic (crazy russian plague simulator game that hates the player) though and loved it, and what you're describing seems a bit similar. Just gotta put in the time and effort to figure out what the game expects of you.

Thanks for the info.

>> No.16658422

>even own allies
Oh you wish

Get ready to rage when they start stealing your kills

>> No.16658489

I managed to do 4th pt stuff on 2nd, am I 1337 yet?

>> No.16658495

setoguchi pls go and stay go

>> No.16658880

You can find a set of BIN/CUE rips of Japanese PS1 games in Rutracker. Then you can emulate those games in Mednafen.

>> No.16658968

They just made a new brand.


>> No.16658969
File: 203 KB, 639x299, p.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a vn?

>> No.16658974


>> No.16658989


>> No.16658992

i heard thats a 2deep4U game

>> No.16659095
File: 325 KB, 1280x720, 1467926807379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Harukaze's older title looks kind of nice, especially the brown short hair. Too bad they seem to only focus on the quadruple kyonyuu Noratoto now with the sequel and anime and whatnot. I want to see another new title from them but it's probably not happening until 2018/19.

>> No.16659112

You could have just asked directly.

>> No.16659182


I think the sequel has some not that big chested heroines? (i.e. Nobuchina)

That said, they aren't all that bad in Noraneko anyway. Some however start to look questionable, because the bodyline is all fucked up. Hips and whatnot are nice, but if the waist is too small with a huge chest, it definitely ends up looking disturbing. If one tit is getting awfully close to being as "big" as the waist, something is just awfully wrong.

>> No.16659314

The point is that both were made in fairly close intervals from one another and by the same company, yet there is a brutal difference in popularity between tehm. E17 is hailed as a masterpiece by lots of japanese players and it's always getting new EGS votes. I can totally see a lot of reasons to dislike it, but unfortunately it's that "one KID VN everyone read." It's more of a lament that maybe was forgotten while E17 gets all the glory despite how needlessly dragged it is.

>> No.16659335

No PC version + the first game being bad/boring from what I've heard are pretty big turn offs. It's also way longer than Ever17 in total afaik.

I'd play it if my backlog didn't have 100+ titles that look more attractive than it. Maybe one day.

>> No.16659380
File: 201 KB, 800x600, onigokko_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright. This sure is a fitting Aoba Ringo role.

>> No.16659732

Hitoren is kind of boring when Risa isn't in a scene. She's by far the best thing in it

>> No.16659933

i always thought blue gender was the inspiration for ML

>> No.16660009

I think Blue Gender, Gunbuster, Muv-luv and other stories where humanity fights an overwhelming monster menace have to do with Japan's love for Starship Troopers. They really like the book. Enough to make an ova in the 80s and years later there was even a figure of the power armor.

is there a scene where she screams about her おひり though? I feel like it's some kind of tradition to have her do it.

>> No.16660034

Surely Japanese took it 100% seriously as they like militarized fascism.

>> No.16660055
File: 396 KB, 1510x945, 1345361254730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe they liked the movie better? It's got a much more easily digestible HUMANITY FUCK YEAH tone.

Or maybe they just drastically misunderstood the point because satire does not usually carry over well even on the best of days.

>> No.16660102

sounds like an interesting game but seems a bit dated to play. is the anime a good adaptation?

>> No.16660114

>is the anime a good adaptation?
I don't know if you read the /vr/ post, but a huge appeal is open-ended simulation aspects and the gameplay, so by default the anime is not a good adaptation of the original game itself.

>> No.16660137

yeah but its kinda hard to text hook through emulator, i dunno even what emulator to use anymore for psx, retroarch? mednafen?

>> No.16660151

Excuses. If you can't read, leave it for when you can.

For emu:

>> No.16660182

Yeah not trying to be rude but if you can't read without a texthooker, just put it off until you can. It'll only take 1-2 years of consistent reading, not a big deal to add it to your backlog and tackle easier PC stuff first.

>> No.16660489

It's extremely long; it has lots of "ひたすら長い" tag votes on EGS. There are three fairly distinct common routes for each heroine group (3-2-2), the side stories, plus the "midquel" chapter and the epilogue, and there are 7 heroine routes in total, all of them having at least 2 endings (totalling 17 endings) and pretty much half of the bad endings at least have a proper story. And that's only maybe. May has just as much, though, frankly, it's not as near as interesting. And worse, unlike MLE-MLA where both stories are set in different universes and many routes and twists of MLE aren't, like, *super* relevant to MLA (I understand the importance), May is absolutely crucial for Maybe to be understood and experienced properly. Not only that but you have to do literally all routes on May to unlock the canon route that leads to Maybe, so yeah. I think it also greatly helps MLA that the genre shift is extreme, while on Maybe you still have a lot of SoL, but with very important thematic relevance very often, and with still an underlying, fairly complex narrative (not in terms of depth, but the structure itself, i.e. baldr sky). Maybe requires you to be in a particular mindset to be enjoyed, as in, have lots of patience and not expect a mystery sci-fi action thriller like infinity or adv series.

>> No.16661403
File: 712 KB, 960x600, ev03wow10a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't even been keeping up on new VNs, but I'm just finishing up Seirei Tenshou after giving up on the trash that is Seinarukana. It's fucking amazing how a spinoff game like this can manage to be so much better than the main one; better art, better girls, somehow manages to have a better plot (at least I didn't see the tweests coming a mile away).

Now I'm nostalgia-ing hard for Eien no Aselia; I just now discovered Takase Naofumi's doujin circle that he started several years ago and ordered all the artbooks and the two older character song CDs. I'm reluctant to drop the cash on the newer DVDs though when they're largely dramas and I'm not nearly good enough at understanding spoken Japanese to appreciate them.

And I'm still not even clear yet on whether there's supposed to be a 3rd game eventually or if the 3rd installment is only going to exist in the form of drama CDs and artbooks.

>> No.16661549
File: 132 KB, 800x600, onigokko_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The jokes. Seems pretty on point too.

>> No.16661553

>Not only that but you have to do literally all routes on May to unlock the canon route that leads to Maybe, so yeah
then why not just ctrl skip everything except the canon route? if the rest is so mediocre just cut to the chase

>> No.16662215

Not a bad idea, but I did enjoy it for what it was. There's also some important plot points that relate to the bigger picture in overall to Maybe and they come out of nowhere, a few of them without even CGs, just casually mentioned, so you'll miss that if you don't read May. It's an unfortunate situation.

>> No.16663133

Finished Which Dreamed It. It was pretty cool in the kind of info that it revealed and I liked the journalist guy. It's kinda funny thinking back on it in regards to Takuji. I didn't think the dude was all that bad when I was playing Invention, he was fucked up sure, but I felt it was understandable given his circumstances. Never really expected him to be like the final boss of the game.

Played a little bit of Jabberwocky 2. Feels pretty bittersweet, kinda cool to see the origin stories of these characters.

>> No.16663151

Is this worth getting

Or would it be best to only get certain titles out of it?

>> No.16663279
File: 1.16 MB, 1282x747, tsushinbo_2017-03-04_21-52-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did you think of Tsuushinbo? Who was your favourite girl? Mine was Kotone

>> No.16663286

Holy fucking shit picked up

>> No.16663496

Their older title was pretty good actually (noratoto was pretty good as well tho) but its routes were unbalanced as fuck; Some of them were really nice, makes you play them in one go while some of them were pure bullshit and pain, like literally makes you want to quit and never open the game again.

>> No.16663673

Isn't that the same for Noratoto? Good comedy but the plot/routes are weak

I can't believe I'm suggesting this, but Harukazes games might benefit from multiple writers...

>> No.16663720

The main heroine route in empire of love is downright offensive.

>> No.16664014

Now with lolis

>> No.16664179
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>> No.16664401

A bit of warning i heard in the fandisc the blonde heroine said she didnt like you but was into the sex or something. Not sure how much was true, I downloaded it because i liked a cg. It was when i didnt know japanese so didn't finish it then.

>> No.16664408

... What's the warning?

>> No.16664415

that she didn't really like you

>> No.16664436

I mean if you're into moege it can be heartbreaking to find out that your favourite girl doesn't really like you.

>> No.16664491

So is this some original content, or just straight up printing the VN as a book?

>> No.16664950

You're not the protagonist though. Who the fuck self-inserts in VNs?

>> No.16665001
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>> No.16665101

You do realize that self-inserting is not deluding yourself into thinking "it's me, I'm the protagonist"?

The whole point is about the game providing you with an experience you can relate with.

>> No.16665144

Original. He said people who haven't read the VN can also enjoy it.

>> No.16665167

>printing the VN as a book
I wonder how many pages that would be. I think we forget how much text a VN contains.

>> No.16665207

Haru made, Kururu has a script size of 1.35 MB according to tlwiki ( https://tlwiki.org/?title=VN/Eroge_Script_sizes )

If we assume it's two bytes per character, that's roughly 700k characters.
A typical LN size book has ~250 pages with ~400 characters each, so that would be 7 LN volumes.
I also have some larger size books from the novel releases of web novels. Those are ~350 pages with ~600 characters each, so it would be 3-4 volumes of that size.
Sounds doable.

>> No.16665345

If it was a straight adaptation the first book alone would just be orgies.

n-not that i'd want to read that or anything.

>> No.16665681

Nonoka by far. Healthy and fluffy as fuck.

>> No.16665698

Onigokko IS a moege, idiot.

>> No.16665724

Uh.. that's exactly what it means. If you don't think it's you getting told off, why would it offend you? There's millions of girls, and most of them won't like you.

>> No.16665791

I know it is a moege, that's the reason I'm saying that.

>> No.16665794

in case he grows attatched only to find iut later.

>> No.16665814

Last time I checked, Alcot wasn't dead yet, so whatever is happening in some fandisc can't be too bad.

I don't really care myself much either way, although maybe I'll actually play the fandisc as well, just to see what that'll be about.

>> No.16665939

Anyone know how to apply the Oniichan Kiss mother patch?


I keep getting the runaround. As far as I got was here

>> No.16665969

Wait there's a mother patch? Oh my god yes.

>> No.16666002

You'll need someone who has the manual.

>> No.16666738

I'm a sucker for military uniforms so I'll read it anyways tho

>> No.16666809
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Slowpoke here, just finished Akikuru.

People have already gone over it in detail I'm sure but let's just say it was quite good and I had a lot of fun with it but it wasn't nearly as good as the other two, and I don't think that's purely because the novelty has worn off.

Some great ideas though, too many in fact. You could base an entire story off of almost any one of the route topics or the setting bits. The downside being a lot of them don't get the depth they should've had. Chihaya's thing in particular was really interesting, and I wanted to see more of that. Same with Kiss. And the characters themselves were loveable and lots of fun.

But in the end it really was just the quantum mechanics harem comedy it said it was, and while I can't really fault it for that it's still a bit of a letdown. Also while I'm bitching I might as well add that jesus christ for the length of it you really could've thrown in a few extra music tracks, shit got maddening after a while.

The one thing I was genuinely disappointed with was no route or anything similar for Satorin. Unhappy and unhinged girls make my kokoro go doki doki, all the more if they're actively antagonistic and there's some major reason why they shouldn't be dated. As fun and likeable as Saorin was I was actually hoping he wouldn't be able to get her back. Yeah, I know, it'd go against pretty much everything in the plot. It's not a real complaint against the game, I just wish it was an option. Even a bad end. The ones you can't/couldn't save always get me.

Still. Had fun. A bit let down, but that's all.

>> No.16667078

If the reason you like Satorin is because she's the one you couldn't save and you can never be together, then surely having a route for her would defeat the purpose? Since then she would just be another girl?

>> No.16667237

Nah that's not the sole reason, that's just the one that hurts. I thought she was interesting before the whole "out of an infinite number of branching universes you still won't love me" reveal and that just made me like her more.

I'll spare you the armchair psychoanalyzing but basically I'm Shirou in that one Carnival Phantasm date skit, banging his arms on the table yelling I JUST WANT TO MAKE EVERYONE HAPPY.

but yes I know that type of character exists purely to elicit that kind of feeling so job well done I guess. it just hurts a little.

>> No.16667904
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>> No.16668125


