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16594378 No.16594378 [Reply] [Original]

>New Player Guide/FAQ:



Previous Thread

>> No.16594382

How easy is it to permanently ruin a character by putting stats where stats ought not to be or other build-related things?

>> No.16594388
File: 122 KB, 800x600, 92590bcba01baf1574798a01ae625a6d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can pretty much max all your stats and skills in this game as long as you have enough patience and autism to grind it. Any semblance of builds is sorta negated by that, and becomes completely up to you limiting yourself in whatever way you want.

>> No.16594389

Absolutely impossible. At worst you'll need to grind a little more.

The only ways to ruin a character involve getting stuck in deathloops due to bloodsucking gear or monsters in your house. Or dying on Inferno.

>> No.16594397

The 25 exp to main attribute from the special actions is for all actions, including duplicane and juujutsu.

If you ever need to reduce magic and dexterity from supreme to good or bad before quaffing blessed potions of potential, camp in front of an innkeeper, and keep the shortcut associated with the actions away, activating/deactivating the status ten times per second !

Well, i don't have duplicane yet, but i don't see why it wouldn't work if it works for juujutsu.
There's also directive as a 1 stamina action for charisma, but since you'd need to alternate shortcut and escape button, and more importantly since invest 50 exists... Still, it can help at the start of the game.

>> No.16594413

There is only two things that you can't retroactively fix, the first is killing little sister after killing a big daddy, the second is not identifying and not picking up Black gemstone of Wake up of nefia, removing one big chunk of the end game without recourse aside from rerolling a character.

There was a third thing in precedent version, the deepest dungeon level visited, but you can now reset it ingame.

>> No.16594452

>reset deepest dungeon level visited


>> No.16594492

The Oblivion Palace in South Tyris. It's a hidden location on the world map, like the little sister mansion. You might want to check the wiki to find it.

>> No.16595263

Is there any big changes from 1.63 to 1.65? I want to try out elona custom for the translations.

>> No.16595422

what does the town management thing do? Also, is there any guide for things worth keeping?

>> No.16596248
File: 632 KB, 771x1025, 001 - ElonaShooter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even more things are replaced with imoutos (more character sprites, title screen, fishing, more portraits, etc.).

>> No.16596440
File: 446 KB, 812x635, plyrshp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like my shopkeepers Yacatect, Nia, and Astar are going to be forced to take a vacation. It seems player run shops may be bugged in 1.65.

Normally trade in for shops are for the same item. For instance, a shopper trades spellbook they have for the spellbook in the shop. What's happening instead is that I'm getting all sorts of random items from trade ins including cargo. Don't recall what's happening now as an intended change from what I read in the change logs so I'm guessing it's a bug.

Also, the gold held in the safe is bugged. Once I reach a certain amount of gold in the safe the amount seems to turn into a random number. Usually lower than the amount that was in the safe prior. I'm very sure I didn't accidentally collect money from my safe.

Hopefully these bugs will get fixed in 1.66 along with the platinum fix for Zisilion. At least according to the Japanese wiki and the partial change log for the next version on the wiki Ano is postponing bug fixing and testing to 1.66.

>> No.16598160

Can't I ruin my character by resetting body parts repeatedly with the scientist in Port Kapul and lowering Life?

>> No.16598178

You can grind perfectly well with 1 life. You'll just have to be careful and let your pets murder shit for you.

>> No.16598182

Yeah, but even if you do that you can also grind little sisters like mad to get hero cheeses and restore your life.

>> No.16598197

I guess that's one way to roleplay as a fragile character for the true masochists...

>> No.16598318

My snail had 25 life due to adding parts from Gavela.

>> No.16598671
File: 49 KB, 818x34, What is done can never be undone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>killing little sister after killing a big daddy
Because one of my biggest noob mistakes was only learning the benefits of the eating them before learning the consequences killing them.

>> No.16598754

>learning the benefits of the eating them before learning the consequences killing them.
Wait, what happens if you kill a little sister?

>> No.16598765

Big Daddies appear less frequently each time you kill a little sister.

>> No.16599066

How did you even find Big Daddy after killing them for 5 times?

>> No.16599071

My new character couldn't quite kill Zeome with his heal spam, so I left to go grind a little and get myself Zero Shoot.
I came back to rematch him and as soon as I got him low my pet blasts off all his remaining hp in a single round by getting a ton of extra attacks while dual wielding.

Goddammit, but I'll take it.

>> No.16599082

>relying on your waifu

Man up and solo Zeome.

>> No.16599088

I usually do since he has a tendency to chaos ball them all into a fine mist, but the waifu comes with me for everything.

>> No.16599103

Does anyone has a good female defender fanart and sprite?

>> No.16599171

You can have both if you put your waifu in defender mode.
She'd also get only 1/3 of damage coming her way, got myself a defender like that for deathward and heals and some tanking sometimes.
Make sure to leash her though, she have a tendency to not follow you once she's in combat mode, probably because defender mode was made for tanking, for protecting ranged PCs.

>> No.16599182
File: 21 KB, 208x112, defender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use that one.

>> No.16599419

They'll still appear, I just have to hunt 5-10 times for them than normal is all. So, within the meantime, I can also work up on gathering more medals and plat. Sure, if I felt like it, I could compensate by wishing for more light pens to use upon finding them, that's if I ever get my wishing stock up high enough again.

>> No.16599441

Do any of you use necromancy? Is it good or fun?

>> No.16599534

On paper, necromancy sounds great.
Lot of pet without the need to micromanage, and they transfer exp and AP and even anatomy exp to you.
But there's one big downside : they're spooky skellingtons and not cute loli- wait just a second i think i read something about it...

>Necro remodel
>Card: -Shion, changes appearance to card's mob, ?
>Figure: -Deceive, changes appearance to figure's mob, ?

Welp, i guess there's no downsides at all then.

>> No.16599613

If you're running mongirl spritesheet, they're probably going to be cute loli skellingtons anyways

>> No.16599764

Is Anna back? I've not played in some months, now.

>> No.16599785

Still MIA as far as I am aware, unfortunately. It sucks too because I'd like to contribute to the translation efforts, but I'm not going to bother unless I can be sure the project won't fade into nothingness.

>> No.16599949

She is probably dead in Africa. RIP.

>> No.16600099
File: 53 KB, 440x440, 1905-poster-the-bogeyman-of-revolution1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the sprite sheets in the Mods part of OP are 404'd

god FUCK

>> No.16600282

We keep saying for someone to update them, but apparently that's too difficult or something I guess

>> No.16600498

Maybe I will try to update it later.

>> No.16600575

That trip was in late summer, but Anna's made comments as late as Dec 3rd last year.
She's just gone quiet.

>> No.16602097

Does anyone happen to know why I get an error when trying to decompile 1.65? It gives me scene 1 and 2 and then stops before the .ax

>> No.16602290
File: 95 KB, 630x400, 1401801833321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to Afrikker
>Salafists, Wahhabists and boku no harems still raping/killing rampant

Shit... just like those dumb yuppie college girls who travel to Mexico every spring break.
And you'd think people would use at least a little more sense in the current state the goddamn world is in.

>> No.16602306

Do you think her last word was "Scut!"?

>> No.16602717
File: 622 KB, 740x516, wNGpUay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she went to see the pyramids it could be a while, my Egyptian neighbor says anyone who visits the country is held for ransom by the police.

>> No.16602722

She came back from Ethiopia seeing as she said she'd be back by Dec 1 and posted a comment somewhere on Dec 3.

>> No.16603216

I think I'm going to follow that necromancy guide by anon and make my next character a Lich necro.

>> No.16603479

I'd say go Golem.
Your number one concern as a necromancer is that your spooks can and will massively outlevel you. Thus, they'll be happily murdering things that can tear you apart. The number one deciding thing, in my experience, for a necromancer is how much of a beating you can take from stray shots and AOEs while your spooks murder the foe.
I've been able to venture into dungeons where anything would one-shot me but my spooks can murder it effortlessly for the last twenty eight levels on my fifty third level necromancer. Mind you, I don't actually USE those dungeons since I'd get minced. But if I had more durability, such as a golem would, I'd be able to actually survive down there better and thus handle higher level dungeons right now.

>> No.16604080

My last character was already a golem, and if I'm making a necromancer then they have to be a lich, specially since I've never made one before.

>> No.16604111

Speaking of different gameplays, what with that autism that almost forces you to reroll a character to play differently ?
Elona is like TES, you can do everything with the same char.

Why do we feel compelled to reroll ?
Is rerollite an as-of-yet unknown pathology ?
Why is it so hard to keep a single character for hundreds of hours at a time, what is so enticing with starting over and over and over ?

( Or is that just me )

>> No.16604131

For me, it's because I want to get the early-game experience of the new playstyle.

>> No.16604245

It'd be nice if you could lower your little sister kill counter by sacrificing a chunk of your life/mana. One of my biggest fears is killing a big daddy and having some monster come out of nowhere and blast the little sister before I can throw the ball at her.

>> No.16604263

You can only experience the early game once with a character.

>> No.16604277
File: 264 KB, 1280x768, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im new to this game

How to I get out of this situation? I cant kill this fucking bell and I accidentally saved the game in here.

>> No.16604286

You can die of starvation.
If you have poison, dye or acid throw it at the bell instead.

>> No.16604289

Just keep beating the shit out of it and eventually you'll starve to death.
If you're carrying furniture that you don't mind losing, throw it at yourself.
Spam magic until you overcast and die.

>> No.16604292

Keep hitting it until it dies. Find a rope and kill yourself.

>> No.16604295

Check if you got a feat available and get the touch of poison or drain blood feat.
Throw a poison/dye at it.
Throw shuriken at it to make it bleed.

If you got nothing at all, well, you'll probably starve to death. Get some combat exp by throwing a melee weapon at it at least.

>> No.16604302

Thanks lads, I decided to starve to death.

Is there an easy way to change my character sprite?

>> No.16604324

Press C to bring up the character screen, then P.
You can also select what parts of your current clothing show up on your sprite by using a dresser. You'll find one in the King's room in Palmia.

>> No.16604350

nobody else finds disturbing how your character can marry with anything regardless of race/sex/undead/god?

>> No.16604360

After you eat your pet little girl's egg and drink her breastmilk you get used to it.

>> No.16604374

I regularly pair Raphael off with a horse.
So no, not really.

>> No.16604376
File: 40 KB, 616x118, fWUSF1X.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's so many bizarre and strange things about the game's world that seeing someone walking around in town married to a 50 foot tall Cthulian abomination on a leash is considered anything more than a normality.

>> No.16604379

>>16604374 for >>16604350

>> No.16604386

That picture is very "Elona".

>> No.16604390

How do I stop losing money to the suspicious hand event.

>> No.16604397

If only. I want to marry one of my girls but the bitch doesn't want to be more than "fellow"
I wonde if it's because I'm married to my little girl as well. But the wiki says polygamy is ok.

>> No.16604401

Wear an item with "It protects you from thieves" on it.
It's pretty damn rare, but it's guaranteed on the "Palmia Pride," an artifact ring that's a quest reward in Act 1.

>> No.16604403
File: 115 KB, 541x406, 1374891261284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correcting my grammar fuckup: 'It'd be strange if it was considered anything more than a normality'.

Seemed fitting to the topic at hand, yes

Only way is to have a piece of equipment that has the 'Protects your wallet from thieves' enchantment, or however it's worded

>> No.16604413

Yeah they have to be Soul Mate at minimum to accept your proposal. Just let her last hit things and make sure she doesn't die a lot. Also don't hit her, as that will also reduce her relationship level towards you, though I believe them dying is the biggest hit.

>> No.16604484

on what i should spend gold early game?

>> No.16604503


>> No.16604514

Items stolen from towns respawn, right?

>> No.16604525

Item identification.

>> No.16604534

You can give up for arena duel. I'm not sure how, maybe you need to press esc and there is an option there.

>> No.16605187

Most of the links in mods are broken.

>> No.16605286

People haven't been updating the pastebin. I'd do it myself, but I don't know enough about most of the mods (whether they are updated and where to find them) to be able to. I can only confirm the monster girl spritesheet is up to date because I use it myself.

>> No.16605307

Guess someone has to start this.


I will check and remove link that is not working later when I have time. Meanwhile, anons here can help too by updating or removing link that's not working.

>> No.16605320
File: 703 KB, 1896x862, Oldcharacterfrom146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Old character from 1.46
Was trying to find the one I had from 1.60ish
Turns out the one I had back in 1.46 had a living weapon that I never noticed.
Also has way better items then the play through I did on 1.60

So how does creating a gene work?

>> No.16605338

1. Have, in your inventory, all items you wish the gene file to inherit. Precious items can't be inherited, pets can by either filled monster balls or soul spindles.
2. While sleepy, talk with a follower you have married. There should be a chat option called "make a gene."
3. A gene file will be produced, you can then create a new character from it with "Incarnate an Adventurer" on the main menu.

>> No.16605348

Also Soul Spindles are pretty complicated, so be sure to look up how they work first if you want to try to use them.

>> No.16605838
File: 690 KB, 1902x895, Gosummonknight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eulderna Summonknight
Thought it was a bad idea at first seems they don't summon monsters, though the next problem is the lack of control magic.

>> No.16606072

Does skill level for crafting skills like Carpentry affect the quality of the produced equipment or is it all luck of the draw?

>> No.16606312

How do I make the game look as anime-ish as possible? With as many cute monster girls as possible. Never enough kawaii and some ecchi also helps.

>> No.16606400

There's a monster girl sprite sheet in the pastebin.

>> No.16606561

One of my pets appears to be able to gain gauge charge over 100%, showing up as a green portion on its gauge bar.
Is this normal?

>> No.16606572

I know it can happen when you're under the efffects of the shift core, so it's not impossible at least..

>> No.16606999

I tried... I simply cannot stand how awful the controls for this game are. Is there a way to mod it or something?

>> No.16607102

How many pets should I have early on?

>> No.16607130

All of them. It's not like you have to pay for them. Well, you have. Don't get them killed.

>> No.16607164

One or two is the "easy to handle" number that I'd recommend. But if you're below level ten or so and having trouble, I'd strongly recommend swinging by Derphy and maxing out your pet count, then selling off the spares once you're fifteen or so.

>> No.16607180

While you can change your control in config, I think that the control is fine, except that 20 hotkey is not really enough.

>> No.16607309

So, I had defeated all the Lost Irva's god. What should I aim for before I challenge the God?

I felt like there is a large power gap between 2, and there isn't any NPC except monster from high level awakened dungeon/Void to fill them.

>> No.16607415

I'm running around with four because I find it really hard to put away my preciouses.

>> No.16607422

First roguelike you tried playing?

>> No.16607494

How do you increase your resolution past 1280x768?

>> No.16607501

>Eulderna Summonknight
Going to have to ask why you chose that as a pet.

>> No.16607692

windowW. "1900" screen width (min 800 dots) must be a multiple of 4
windowH. "1040" screen height(min 600 dots) must be a multiple of 4

Only had two monster balls with monsters, was too lazy to capture anything better on that old character.
Pretty good apart from the lack of magic control.

>> No.16607748

None of the links in the pastebin work.

>> No.16607780

Width can be infinite but height caps at 868, and I can't go fullscreen.

>> No.16607991

Have they removed the cArmour bitFlag from this game or something? I'm using EloSnack on E+ 1.6.1, and I only see a cDebris bitflag, for monsters that are supposed to carry it; i.e. Lava Golem, G Cube, Murder Knight, etc.

>> No.16608000

I think the name was changed to "metal" or something. But it definitely is still there.

>> No.16608023


If that were true, I would see a cMetal bitFlag for those pets, but that bitFlag isn't there either? Any regular elosnack users here? I'm stumped, and I really wanna make sure that my Golem has cArmour before I waste time training it up.

He's gonna be my lovely meatshield.

>> No.16608066
File: 468 KB, 811x637, museum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't feel like their was much of a time gap between me killing the demigods and then the gods because I was diligent in raising Kai's character's damage skills and spells. So if there's anything you should be focusing on it's that. Raising whatever skills you're using for damage or spell levels. Attributes are nice to have as high as possible but most important is how much damage you can push out at that point in the game. So grind out whatever you do for damage in the void or through other means such as bonus points etc.

If you can do around 15k damage to one god in a single action then you stand a good chance of being able to kill them all. Attributes around 500 is all you really need. 2000 speed helps a lot because you want to be on an even playing field with the gods. They have 2000 speed so you don't want to be taking less turns than them.

Only exception is maybe Mani. He'll get more turns than you regardless because of his time stop on his gun so being able to do as much damage as you can when you can is important. I found Yacatect the easiest god to kill at the time when I was slaying them at the time but the recent patches have given her and possibly others new special actions and buffed some the special actions they already had. I guess Yacatect took it personally that I thought she was the weakest and started to train to become better. Still think she might be the easiest even with the changes but again your experience might be different.

>> No.16608209

Can I change my appearance completely with P in the charsheet during the game, or are there things can that can only be decided on chargen?

>> No.16608243

P in the character sheet is good enough for most instances. If you want to toggle on or off clothing/equipment pieces you can always use a dresser(furniture item in game).

>> No.16608657
File: 1.41 MB, 1906x899, vroommcboom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'I want you to tell me one of your notable skill'

What does this do exactly? Cant find it in the changelogs, havent played in over a year, and this seems new.

>> No.16608715

Seems to allow you to pick a skill you wouldn't start with or improve an existing one.

>> No.16608747

Start a skill you don't have at 10 or add 9, if i remember correctly, to an existing skill.

>> No.16608774
File: 1.10 MB, 1911x906, vroommcboom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never tried guns, or a non-core race. 200 life seems broken as fuck, but whatever, it's not like I'm playing for the prestige of it.

Neat. Just dumped it in marksman.

>> No.16608806
File: 28 KB, 627x859, fadfada.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm impressed with Lomias and the girl. How on earth they rescued a 102 feet(3108 cm) giant weighing 46,850 pounds is quite the tale.

>> No.16608869

How did he fit into the cave is also another mystery.

>> No.16608878

I'm just imagining all the people it took to load him onto the boat and how he probably sunk like a rock when the boat went deep six. And yeah that cave must be Yuge.

>> No.16608917

Where are you looking?
I'm on 1.6.2 and my pro-jet has a bitflag of 302001440, which corresponds to cMetal, cNoHorse, a host of resistances, and cFloat.

>> No.16608924

Uploading mods to Dropbox was a mistake.

>> No.16608934

My golem ended up binging on wonderland soups to better accommodate his wife.
There is a such thing as "too big" in bed.

>> No.16608979

Is there any point in killing the gods? just by checking the wiki entry i see they got inflated stats plus their second form

do they drop anything useful?

>> No.16609015


Offset 1800 for Android is 32 for cFloat and for Lava Golem is 256 for cResConfuse. My Bell of Emergency has bitflag 369114656, so I know cMetal is somewhere in there. But where is the 8589934592 for cArmour for the other two?

>> No.16609028

whats the closest thing to a vampire class? draining and attacking with fists/claws

>> No.16609069

Martial artist using the element eyes to change the damage of attribute to nether.

>> No.16609073

I think the wiki page for lava golems is suspect, since it's claiming a 150 Life enemy has cMetal.
As for the Android, you didn't get it from a previous version did you? Does it possess Boost?

>> No.16609108

You get the nice godslayer title.

>> No.16609120

>draining and attacking with fists/claws
Is that a question? There is a feat for draining blood as well as Nether spells, and fists/claws are their own weapon type with their own special attacks.

>> No.16609144
File: 1.82 MB, 1632x1275, innergdwpns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You get statues and cards. One for their regular form and another for their inner form. The game also proclaims you as a godslayer as well when you kill them.

The inner god weapons from the inner god forms can be really strong too. I don't use them to do damage because I find the bring an end thing annoying but equipping them for the large attribute bonus is very worthwhile. I have martial arts for melee and spells for range so putting an inner god weapon in my shoot slot just for the attributes and rarely attacking with it works out well for me. I typically have the godbreaker inner god weapon in my shoot slot but I tend to swap it out for the buster book to boost my learning attribute before I attend magic classes. The more learning attribute you have the more spell exp you get from the classes.

The inner god weapons are very powerful but be mindful that before a potential godslayer is able to wield the inner god weapons they have to deal with the actual god hitting them in the face with said weapons. They're also very heavy so you may need to use flying scrolls to carry them. Not too hard to amass flying scrolls over time from invested magic vendors though.

Might want to look at the predator class if you're going to attack with fists and claws. Think any class can work for a vampire though but as far as race goes you might want to look at the Mazin


Definitely look at that vampiric ability feat as well.

>> No.16609153

If I already got the 3 rewards from my God, is there a point in offerings anymore?
Switching Gods for the other items sounds like a bad idea with that penalty.

>> No.16609171

Attribute and skill bonuses increase the more favor you have with them.

>> No.16609197


Although I don't recall the exact version, it was Elona+ for certain.

But it's not just those 2 pets either; there are no offsets with a value of 8589934592 for Murder Knight, Ultimate Golem, Cube, and G Cube, which is why I'm questioning the cArmour bitFlag itself.

>> No.16609205

What is Murder Knight's bitflag, by the way?

>> No.16609237



>> No.16609241

so basically

this game is TES on crack and vodka?

>> No.16609245

During the tamer parts yeah.

>> No.16609247

This isn't the first time I have seen people comparing it to TES.

>> No.16609255

What's its offset 1920 flag?

>> No.16609259

Is the dialogue still largely untranslated?

>> No.16609261

and during the less tame parts?...

>> No.16609264

Not if you use Custom.

>> No.16609294


>> No.16609389

What are the piety requirement for each tier of God gifts?

>> No.16609398


>> No.16609402

Ah, somehow skimmed over that. Twice. Thought it wasnt on the wiki for some bloody reason.

>> No.16609417


>> No.16609532

Whoah the thread was so active today.

>> No.16609659

most of the extra races weren't too great past early game because of the lack of good body parts, not sure if there's a way to change that in E+

>> No.16609669

Act two.

>> No.16609673

Android get. Time to groom it into a killing machine. Thank fuck I can customize its AI.

Also 4chan isnt accepting my image uplaod for god knows what reason.

Machinegods lack ring and necklace slots, which is a bit annoying. However, the 200 life rating and otherwise ordinary slots make them pretty damn powerful.

Also if I really wanted to I could savescum the slots I need at the South Tyris doctor dude.

>> No.16609713

Makes me wonder if weapons that do massive damage to gods might be a problem for such characters. Probably won't have to worry too much about it but you never know if a certain enemy might be carrying something with that. Kai earlier posted that inner god book that does massive damage to gods so it makes me wonder if such a situation could come up. INI is slightly higher than normal characters so I also wonder how your AP gains will be.

>> No.16609722

Share your sprites/interface?

>> No.16609815

Sprites in the old thread.

>> No.16610260

Randomly got an Ekehatl statue in a dream, nice

>> No.16610546

I always thought that attribute experience was derived from the effective experience when using skills, but since my gardening is at <15%, my learning is at >250%, and i get a learning point every ~15 harvest, it must just use the 50% raw 300, 150, for its own effective experience formula since it'd give 60~ effective exp per harvest, or around 15 for one point.

This changes everything !
How did i even got that idea in the first place.

>> No.16610900

Where does "Houzanha" comes from ?
The nip name is 土竜乱舞, moguraranbu, "Fucking-shit-up dance of the mole".

>> No.16611271

>my character is now 18
Suddenly prostitution is not as fun as before.

>> No.16611862

I was wondering what that skill means until you show the Kanji.

Seriously, what does Houzanha even mean?

>> No.16612491

獅子崩山破, Houzanha (Mountain slicing breaker). Possible Beyblade reference and given how it destroys the earth, the word kinda makes sense.

>> No.16612617
File: 102 KB, 453x443, 1476852621742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not playing a nonhuman race where 18 is still a juvenile

>> No.16612630

>not eating an age return lunch and becoming a loli again

>> No.16613986

I'm get the feeling that they took those as Tales of... series references and just didn't use Mogura Ranbu because "Wild Dance of the Mole" didn't really seem catchy or something. Tales of series tends to use more stylistic names for a lot of martial techniques, with things like 双撞掌底破, 臥龍空破, and 火龍炎舞 coming to mind.

>> No.16613994

That'd make sense if it was the case in the jap version too, but why just the english version ?
Why not in nip too ?
Why not use the descriptive version in english too ?

I guess it's just the nips fucking with us filthy gaijins.

>> No.16614055
File: 134 KB, 360x239, bg_re13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which filter do you think Noa used for these images? Dry Brush? Fresco? Sprayed Strokes? Watercolor? I need to know for something.

>> No.16614062

A lot of Japanese games tend to "localize" in really strange fashions. It's probably just them fucking with English users yeah, but when it's generally stylistic references people localizing tend to just go "fuck it let's just stuck in something that sounds mildly fitting" - and Mountain Wrecking Blast (Houzanha) fits in the latter.

>> No.16614083

Looks like faceting/crystalising in photoshop.

>> No.16614110

I think Dry Brush 0, 10, 2 looks closer.

>> No.16614124

If you're on /jp/, you probably want a literal translation with honorifics, but most people would just find that confusing, so "make up something that fits" is the prevailing style.

>> No.16614587

Which is how we end up with localization disasters like shit that NISA has churned out...

>> No.16614589

If you want consistent 1:1 translations, learn Japanese. That's the only way you're going to get them.

>> No.16614625

It is important to have a balance of what is translated to English and what isn't. A lot of things have done it right, usually through TL notes or some sort of glossary, when it comes to words that are difficult to accurately translate and/or just not worth doing so.

What I fucking hate is when a group or company takes an entire game or otherwise and instead of translating as accurately as possible (while maintaining a high level of quality), they say 'fuck it' and make up their own shit to throw in, completely changing the tone and personality of the settings and characters. The first couple Neptunia games come to mind here.

Call me a weeaboo autist or whatever, but that's how I feel about it.

>> No.16614642

I'm 100% in agreement with you, but you have to consider that honestly, most consumers of stuff like Neptunia are not exactly discriminating within their strike zone.
They don't know shit about the source. They don't care what the original meme was. They don't have the ability to tell it was changed. But they sure do recognize that new meme. And that's what makes them giggle and want more.

Sure, TL notes out the ass and a built-in glossary of Japanese memes would have been better for overall quality, but it would have been wasted effort since it wouldn't bring in many sales.

>> No.16614659
File: 20 KB, 236x346, 1336008982500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do and i am !

>> No.16614661

You make an excellent point, perhaps I didn't consider that angle of things. I'd like to think there will come a time in the future where that will change for the better, assuming the normies don't take our chinese cartoons and games away from us before that were to happen.

>> No.16614699

How much does knowing Chinese help with learning jap?

>> No.16614758

No idea, but i guess since you'd already know the meaning of the kanjis, it'll help with understanding text tremendously at least.
It feels from a layman point-of-view like a french learning english, most of the work is already done due to vocabulary and grammatical similarities.

>> No.16614920
File: 1.15 MB, 800x744, face1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got a good item.bmp ?

found this face one.

>> No.16615002

Alot, Kanji aside, there are many things (pronunciation wise) in Japanese that can be related to Chinese.

>> No.16615167
File: 621 KB, 1911x901, ready, aim, fuck shit up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

volley fire + rampage + cheer is insane

>> No.16615261

>-240% gauge

Whoah, it can goes below 0?

>> No.16615269

Seems as such, Fire Volley absolutely nukes your gauge. Im not sure if its bugged or not.

>> No.16615299

It deducts 50% gauge, which I believe is intentional.
However, it does not appear to check whether or not you actually have enough gauge to begin with.

>> No.16615457

Aside from collecting Kumiromi statues, what other good uses are there for Little Sister rewards?

>> No.16615638

I just can't do normal dungeons anymore. I wish I was ignorant of the void but now that I know it exists all feelings of achievement for beating a normal dungeon is fleeting. Just knowing there's monsters out there in the void laughing at me and other adventurers for thinking we're hot shit when we conquer a dungeon rustles my jimmies. Yet every time I go to the void I get my ass handed to me and they continue to laugh. Yet still I'm drawn to the void.

>> No.16615677

Have you considered awakened dungeons?

>> No.16615682

Not far enough for the jewel thing but from what I read on the wiki isn't the stone on a timer? Kinda sucks that you have to wait to do awakened dungeons but if it's a bit easier than the void then I guess it's worthwhile.

>> No.16615693

You might be able to get duplicate stones via the Little Sister quest.
I've not tried that though, so I can't say if it works for certain.

>> No.16615846

Why not just clear Act 2?

>> No.16615848

Also, unless you had went down to very deep in the Void, awakened dungeon is harder than the Void.

>> No.16616003

No particular reason. I'm just taking my time with the game. I haven't ever done an awakened dungeon before but from thinking it over it seems the void scales enemies faster than awakened dungeons. You would really have to crank that dungeon level really high to get the equivalent of void enemies no? Seems like extra work to do when I can just go to the void. Then again the void kicks my ass so an awakened dungeon seems easier because there's more wiggle room in enemy scaling. What I actually want. Are those floor hazards anything to worry about? Most of them don't sound too threatening.

>> No.16616016

No interface though.

>> No.16616050


Only thing I found real threatening about an awakened dungeon as opposed to the void was the fact that enemies seemed to rush you down upon entering a floor. But now since they added those fucking crabs that draw you in, I imagine you get the same fuckery of being rushed or rather, surrounded by enemies in the void as you do in awakened dungeons. Can't really say for sure that that happens as I haven't really fucked with the void but it only makes sense to imagine that such a thing does happen down there eventually.

>> No.16616259

Just curious, what level of the Void had you reached? And what dungeon can you do now?

>> No.16616311

It can be as much of a benefit as it is a detriment, because kanji don't necessarily correlate over all the time, and often kanji and hanzi that share the same character have different meanings - so some things you take for granted in Chinese are different in Japanese. Recognition wise it does help significantly, and most people learning Japanese learn to read more than they learn to write, and prefer to speak rather than write, so in that respect it's not like having learned how to write hanzi helps with kanji that much - this is doubly true if you learned simplified Chinese over traditional, since Japanese largely uses traditional. Though what >>16615002
is sort of a valid point, a lot of the time on and kun readings will throw a Chinese native off as far as Japanese pronunciation goes. If you take the phrase 土竜乱舞 for example, a Chinese native would instinctively guess that it might be read as doryuuranbu, and completely overlook the fact that it's actually moguraranbu, because mogura is actually the Japanese word for mole, whereas a Chinese reader would just see Earth (dirt) Dragon.

That said, the structure of Japanese is a bit easier to grasp for someone who knows Chinese - at least that was my perception of it. I had a much better time learning and reading Japanese than I did learning and reading English.

>> No.16616797
File: 33 KB, 455x273, chingchong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're really understating the benefit part. Words like 放蕩 四面楚歌 and 横紋筋融解症 are about as easy for chink children as ボール クッキー and セーター are for weebs in community college.

And the simplified vs. traditional thing is trivial, maybe your average jap-hating 百姓 would stumble but it's not a serious obstacle for a student. There's a reason why it's considered an easy foreign language.

Take any discrepancy like the one you gave and multiply the difficulty by about 2.4 for a westerner who doesn't even have the luxury of an understandably wrong guess

I get kumiromi stones now, especially after the statue nerf

>> No.16616819

How did the statue get nerfed? Do you mean the decrease to artifact seed drops?

>> No.16616897

I don't think I've ever seen a Chinese kid be able to explain to me what 橫紋肌溶解症 is. Heck, if they even know anything about 垓下之战 nowadays it'd be considered a living miracle. To begin with a lot of the kids I know that grew up on simplified can't read traditional to save their lives. I don't know if you have some sort of glorified perspective of Chinese people's ability with Chinese and other Asian languages, but if the Chinese in your community have reached that sort of level by childhood they're pretty amazing.

It's pretty obvious that it's going to be more difficult for a Westerner, no one's arguing that. You just seem to have this impression that all Chinese kids can magically learn languages faster or something, when there are plenty that struggle to learn even their own language properly.

>> No.16617023

Sorry, I shouldn't have used hyperbole.

Here's a more measured response:

>kanji and hanzi that share the same character have different meanings
Except for 95% of the time when they don't.

>it's not like having learned how to write hanzi helps with kanji that much
Except for the thousands which are identical.

>a lot of the time on and kun readings will throw a Chinese native off
Except when they see <literal chinese word> and aren't tempted to use kun at all.

>a lot of the kids I know that grew up on simplified can't read traditional to save their lives
You should point a gun at them and ask them to try again.

"herbs were a mistake" - Ano

>artifact seed
people actually care about those?

>> No.16617050

>4800 hours for N5
Well shit, i guess i'm not that much of a slowpoke then.

>> No.16617159

>You should point a gun at them and ask them to try again.
They'd just die then. Traditional is pretty much going out of style in mainland, and even a lot of education in HK emphasizes the usage of simplified. I think only Taiwan uses traditional nowadays.

I mean I get that you don't see any difference between the two forms, but the fact of the matter is that traditional is antiquated, and really isn't a necessity in modern day China anymore. Heck, it would be those "百姓" you mentioned that would still use them. You can't really blame them, the appeal for simplified is massive when it comes to writing. 么 is a lot easier to write than 麼.

>> No.16617186


>Attempting to milk livestock with less than 2 Life will kill them.
I can't fap to this

>> No.16617265


If a Chinese can't explain this, it's more likely that he don't understand about the disease other than its some muscle dissolving.

>To begin with a lot of the kids I know that grew up on simplified can't read traditional to save their lives

I don't know, all Chinese in my country (Malaysia), as long as they can read Chinese, can read both Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese by primary school. It's not really that hard to begin with.

>> No.16617278

>Traditional is pretty much going out of style in mainland

I'm not from the mainland, but all the Chinese I knew that are from mainland do understand traditional Chinese, even if they didn't left mainland in their life.

I do understand that they don't use traditional Chinese because of the various advantage from simplified Chinese (and other reasons).

Surprisingly there are quite some number of Chinese in this thread.

>> No.16618054

Isn't it 600?

>> No.16618475
File: 2.45 MB, 1624x1274, awkvsvoid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talk of awakened dungeon scaling vs void scaling made me wonder how the enemies in awakened dungeons compared to the void. Had Kai look at a monster in a lv 618 awakened dungeon compared to a monster on floor 618. Seems the void monster on floor 618 is stronger. The monster lv for the awakened dungeon is close to the actual dungeon level.

On a side note, Yacatect can't cook. In fact, all the gods except Jure and Kumiromi can't cook. Poor Yacatect burst into tears when I assigned her to cooking and hyped my staff into believing they would be getting a five star meal that was literally divine.

The Kumiromi gemstones like other anon suggested is a really good choice. Especially if you get Kumiromi's scissors. You will probably want the statues early on to kickstart the farms but the gemstones become very good later on with the scissors to maintain those farms. Gemstones also have a shorter cooldown on them than the statues. You can also get hero cheese and magic fruit from that quest. I had to make use of that to recover my life and mana when my game crashed on Inferno mode. So that could be a way to slowly increase your life and mana or to fix racial weaknesses.

>> No.16618518
File: 438 KB, 682x705, Bestever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way too many characters to remember.

>> No.16619198

Sorry, meant N1.
I'm N6 where not switching up the level is concerned.

Speaking of studying, back to work you lazy retard.
No 4chan until you finish your daily workload.

>> No.16619524

The Void scale quickly after 200. Before that the awakened dungeon is stronger.

>> No.16619814

Being able to just give your pets 100k gold at a time is super convenient. No more dicking around with gems and piggy banks.

>> No.16620003

I sold all my gem seeds when I learnt about the evochat. It's just much faster clearing a dungeon than farming an equivalent worth of gems.

>> No.16620491
File: 62 KB, 260x200, 1455715041430.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>call familiar
>select ally waiting in house
>nothing happens
>ask bartender
>firedragon child has been resurrected!
>he spawns in town with 1hp despite being at full when I left home
what did I just do?

>> No.16620502

He was violently murder-raped on the way.

>> No.16620512

Will I get hit with the resurrection relationship penalty?

And that's bullshit that call familiar doesn't work for party members at my house.

>> No.16620522

The penalty is there once they die.

>> No.16620586

>leave pet at home
>"Finally some time to rest. I can't wait to get back to my favorite video game!" says pet
>Bartender's men break down the door and demand the pet to come with them because he's being summoned
>"Over my dead body. This is my time to relax." says pet
>"Fine we'll start breaking bones until you agree to come with us." says bartender's men

and that's how your pet came to you with 1 HP.

>> No.16620758

In what file are the bullets from the shooting animations stored?

>> No.16620793

item.bmp, first row.

>> No.16620798


>> No.16621549

Just got a curse basic pistol in exchange for an oracle scroll. Wonderful.
I hope this isn't here to stay, like maybe Ano saw that he introduced easy infinite gold and tried to fix it, fucking it all it up on purpose. But then, what use would shops have in their present randomised state ? Aside from the charisma training i guess.

>> No.16621591

Suddenly I don't feel so bad about staying with 1.62.

>> No.16621595

>Performing and harvesting quests will now automatically end if you leave the map. (The quests will be cleared if you meet the quotas.) Added an exit for the Party Time! map at the bottom.
Maybe Anna isn't dead in Africa, maybe she's working for Ano.

>> No.16622019

>Ano saw that he introduced easy infinite gold and tried to fix it
Wouldn't it be easier to just nerf the shop return so it's 2x across the board?

>> No.16622078

The only way to remove the infinite gold trick is through removing all bonus gold whatsoever, since 1x means you can't exploit through buying->selling the inventory of shopkeepers.
And i use the word exploit very lightly here, after all between the somewhat lengthy setup and the relative worthlessness/ease of gathering in dungeons of gold beyond a point, it's not that exceptionnal, though it certainly help jumpstart the potential/spell engine.

>> No.16622110

Shit, I always thought that the Item Value for an item was what the cost of an item declined to as you gained negotiation, not what it was when you had 0 negotiation, which would have made it so that the best you could do with a 2x modifier was break even (once your shopkeeper sells for 50%).

>> No.16622129

At 100 negotiation, you buy items at 50% too, hence why 1x would result in no loss or gain ( except negotiation experience for the pet and the possible lucky trade-ins ).

In fact, removing the gold bonus while still keeping the lowered chance of a failed sell would still make specialised shops somewhat attractive, or maybe give something like the value of the trade-in item can be up to 2x more valuable than the object exchanged for, magic shops and spellbook/wand of wish comes to mind for that point.

>> No.16622700

The shop isn't even that good in earning gold compared to clearing dungeon. I could have clear a dungeon for 999999 gold by the time I take to purchase enough item for the same profit.

Nerfing the shop only makes the early game much more difficult, and the shop will be useless for new player.

>> No.16623575

>At 100 negotiation, you buy items at 50% too
I know that, but I always thought that 50% price was the true value of the item and what your shops used to determine the selling price.
That would have made buying from shops and reselling break even at best with 2x.

>> No.16623646

Yeah I'm having my character Kai just store stuff in his storage house and dungeon. Going to see if the item exchange thing gets fixed in 1.66. The partial change log for the next version up on the wiki has me hopeful though.


>Fixed exchange items (NB: music tickets/small medals?) in player shops not getting categorized as sellable items.

Not sure what NB means. Latin for Nota Bene/Note? At any rate, I think the translator didn't understand what was being fixed but it sounds like Ano is aware of the exchange thing not working the way it was working. I have to wonder why anyone would part with their medals and music tickets though.

There's some changes I'm interested in as well.

>Performing and harvesting quests will now automatically end if you leave the map. (The quests will be cleared if you meet the quotas.) Added an exit for the Party Time! map at the bottom.

Looks like that Elona Custom feature is making its way to the official version plus now working on party time job board quests. I'm particularly happy about the inclusion of the party time quest getting this.

>Greatly increased the chance of satisfying the audience when Fascination Dance succeeds.

Intrigued because it would be great if there is another viable way to impress summoned spirits for lots of music tickets. While I currently can impress the spirits already with my high performing skill, I'm all for adding value to the charisma attribute which fascination dance works off of. Charisma is a very important attribute for pets because it reduces their training costs but for a player, after a certain amount of charisma, there isn't many incentives to keep raising it. I know prostitutes get gold based on their charisma score and the amount of gold the NPC has though.

>Preaching special action will now please the audience and award points.

Finally. It's time to guide those hedonistic nobles that love to party all the time into the loving embrace of Jure.

>Changed appearance rates and added more unique NPCs to the list that will appear in Party Time!. There is now a difference between North and South Tyris in terms of the NPCs that will appear, and people who shouldn't be together will no longer appear at the same location.

Don't know what to make of the change. Could be a buff, a nerf, or no change to making music tickets.

That's true. Dungeon clearing is still probably the best source of gold despite the recent changes to getting gold from them(Having to explore the floors more to get the big gold piles).

The shop for me is just another stream of income on top of dungeon clearing. I also see my shops as a grand recycling plant. As I clear dungeons for gold I pick up all of the junk on the floor to put in my shops for additional gold and a lottery chance at rare and useful items such as rods of wishing, spellbooks of wish, scrolls of gain attribute, living weapons, and more. I hope in 1.66 shops will continue to work this way for me. I can also make a profit off of just going to vendor to vendor buying their stuff and selling it in my shop for gold and again another chance at good items.

The exchange of good items is what makes shops relevant for me in endgame since I have gotten quite a few spellbooks of wish and scrolls of gain attribute for artifact fusion this way. I've also managed to get some good equipment trade ins to fill out the resists for my pets.

The additional gold generation is a nice perk as I still have major gold sinks going on. Initially investing in all the vendors of the world took up a lot of gold but now what's taking up most of my gold is pet training. I've probably spent at least a billion gold in maintaining my little girl's attribute potential to get her to cap attributes. It was the same way for my dark elea pet and it will be even more money to maintain a higher INI pet. I'm not looking forward to the final price tag of training pro-jet. I was also buying Moyer's overpriced rings and probably will continue to do so if the shops get fixed in 1.66. I would keep the good ones but the rest go to my shop because I'm hoping for a ring trade in with additional attack chance. Can't craft rings so I mainly loot rings from dungeons and get them through Moyer.

>> No.16623788

How does wish goddess looks like?

>> No.16623797

>Having to explore the floors more to get the big gold piles
What change are you referring to?

>> No.16623812

1.64 I think
>The number of gold pieces awarded for clearing random Nefia is now approximately 1/4 of what it was. Floors other than the first one will have roughly the same amount of gold placed on the ground. This change was made because dungeons gave the same reward no matter how many floors there were in there, and players looking to get the gold reward at the end were basically making a beeline for the last floor. This should increase the amount of money Nefias award if they have 5 floors or more.

>> No.16623823

I don't remember the exact patch it happened but you cannot get 999,999 gold off of dungeon bosses anymore. Instead, that amount is now divided among the dungeon floor level and the boss. Ano commented that it rubbed him the wrong way that people were just shooting straight to the boss and wanted them to explore more. So now you have to explore the floors a bit to find the gold piles and kill the boss to get your rough million.

>> No.16623882

I dig 2 tile depth tunnels into the walls and trap them inside, then hold the direction key and open up a book

>> No.16623931

>Play alone
>20% bonus speed
>Play with pets
>Every possible advantage you can think off
Being a lone wolf is suffering

>> No.16624372

I can't be assed to raise them. My character blew past her pets long ago and just stopped using them for kokou. I'm a lone wolf out of laziness more than anything.

>> No.16624832

How good would it be if the character sheet was updated in a way to allow any character to be two tiles tall?

>> No.16624912
File: 1.12 MB, 1896x904, noises.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So do pets also buy attribute potential? Because I've only given this one a single blessed potential potion (ages ago) and they're still maintaining consistently high levels.

>> No.16624917

Where does the milk come from if you have male livestock?

>> No.16624930

From plan B.

>> No.16624931


I hesitate between "l-lewd" and "don't assume their gender shitlord".

>> No.16624938

I don't want my cute fairy drinking mad scientist spunk.

>> No.16624942

Neat. I remember having to constantly dope pets with precious potential potions. Just shoveling 100k gold in their faces is uber convenient.

>> No.16625395
File: 815 KB, 1911x904, noises.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy. This looks fun, and it apparently scales with marksman.

>> No.16625464

if im new to this game which version should i download?

>> No.16625468
File: 182 KB, 500x600, 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newest version of Elona+. Little sisters are the best.

>> No.16625492
File: 941 KB, 1911x904, noises.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, Zeome, didnt realize he was on this floor. Need to prepare, brb m8

>> No.16625493

What is the best way to love your younger sister?

>> No.16625500
File: 401 KB, 802x599, latest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turn everything into little sisters, including yourself.

>> No.16625508

But then who is the little sister's little sister?

>> No.16625513
File: 363 KB, 589x371, satantheguard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess Satan had to get a new job.

>> No.16625534

For some reason I cant seem to make Rust Remover in the pot for fusion. It says it either fails or does nothing, and I have the appropriate alchemy score.

>> No.16625551
File: 735 KB, 1911x901, noises.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rekt. Spammed 3 shots of the rocket launcher and then shot him down the other third.

>> No.16626133

Has anything involving town management/diplomacy been added/will be added at some point? I remember hearing about it like a year ago and have returned to see if someone put it in.

>> No.16626203

Framework is there but has not been implemented.

>> No.16626206

What sort of stuff can we expect once it is implemented?

>> No.16626228

The idea is that you do job board quests to build up authority points in town. These points will allow you some sway in how the town conducts itself. You can supposedly influence policy and other things. Possibly choose special NPCs to act as mayor and other roles. I also heard of plans where you could actually build new buildings and populate it with NPCs. Aside from that, don't ask me for any more details than that because I don't know. What I said was what I heard a long time ago and those features have not been fleshed out aside from some options when talking to the elder of each town. Instead, it seems Ano is focusing on fleshing out Act 3 slowly and now trying to work on creating a smoother ride for new players entering the game through the adventuring tutorial building. Unless you can read Japanese, that tutorial building will be of little use to you though. No talk of furthering the town management system has been addressed it seems so no date on its completion is known.

>> No.16626232

Aw ok. I'll just go back to hibernation and return later then.

>> No.16627488

Making multiple shops is better than making a shop that sells all types of merchandise, right?

>> No.16627546

Good and quick ways to raise stats?

>> No.16627761

Killing monsters that are a higher level than you seems to do more for growth, I think. Also, eat blessed herbs to keep potential high.

>> No.16628384
File: 251 KB, 579x391, what is this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is this?

>> No.16628408
File: 3 KB, 53x76, nailed it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16628437

relic of old fusion sistem i think. just ignore and move on

>> No.16628547

Specialized shops sell their stuff at better mark up and are more successful at selling their specialized goods


>> No.16628658

Any reliable method for blessed waters? Or water in general?

>> No.16628664

You can craft bottles of water with road of firewall+ wood pieces and something else.
You need a pot of fusion for this
Bottles can be blessed by dumping them on your god altar, or cursed thanks to cursed scrolls of curse

>> No.16629604

Could anyone please upload their save? I need to test some things and don't have one right now. Preferably South Tyris or further.

>> No.16629651

Ah, forgot to say it has to be Custom 1.62.

>> No.16629760

What race makes the best megaslut?

>> No.16629795

Elf of course.

>> No.16629809
File: 748 KB, 1911x901, dead flesh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woo. Making my pets a firing squad of shotguns with volley fire (and also teaching them volley fire). This one should operate very well as a tank with both regenerate, high life, and absolute protect.

A shame theres no real easy way to grind up skills.

>> No.16629818


>> No.16629866 [SPOILER] 
File: 111 KB, 680x850, 1488071151277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dark ones are even sluttier.

>> No.16629909
File: 111 KB, 677x1012, 1373643425161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're going to fucking jail, human-san.

>> No.16629969

If they were the ones who took me to jail I would go happily.

>> No.16630067


This. They can potentially have the most starting charisma of the default races. Doesn't matter if you roll a boipussy or a turboslut.

>> No.16630110

The ol' flying onahole.

>> No.16630114
File: 622 KB, 701x399, trex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rolled a goblin. Not exactly the best race but I won't let that get in the way of me sleeping with everything that moves.

>> No.16630121

Well done with the "profile" text.

>> No.16630164

Great. It appears after sleeping with everyone in my hometown and wrecking that town my character has aids. First person I slept with in Vernis and she's already sick. Probably should head to truce grounds and select a god. What god would be the patron god for sluts? Yacatect or Lulwy?

>> No.16630165
File: 586 KB, 1284x772, aids.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot picture

>> No.16630168

Yacatect is pure, Lulwy is a slut

>> No.16630188
File: 396 KB, 1266x758, quickies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lulwy it is then. May her speed buff allow me to blow through cocks faster.

>> No.16630192

How do you import custom portraits into the game? I'm looking at the chink pack that was in the last thread and one of the portrait sets looks great.

Do you have to cut the portraits into existing portrait file in the graphics folder, or can you just replace the entire thing?

>> No.16630221
File: 823 KB, 1911x901, dead flesh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason my evolved Stacy doesn't have regeneration and absolute protect, is this a bug?


>> No.16630256
File: 309 KB, 506x398, 1438066096632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Goblin that cock

>> No.16630260

No one? It would help me greatly. I just need any character that got to South Tyris.

>> No.16630265

I can't get those yet but at least wishing was enough for my girl to be 12 again.

>> No.16630285

Sure, uploading the save for my machinegod gunner if that works.

>> No.16630308

>Goblin that cock
>(Is a slut)
>11 years old

Lewd lolis are the best lolis. It's a scientific fact.

>> No.16630315

For some reason google drive isnt giving a working link for the upload, sorry.

>> No.16630322

Thanks anyway.

>> No.16630369


>> No.16630402

Welp, bookmarking that site now.

>> No.16630409

Thank you.

>> No.16631022

so I have a ranch and I'm breeding floating eyes for nerve resist (will food resist work on pets too?) and I notice I can't see the traits (meat, skin, milk, eggs) of the assigned breeder.

How do I pull the breeder out and replace it with the double meat offspring I actually want making babies? Also is skin used for anything?

>> No.16631031

Yes, you have to cut them into the portrait file or it won't work. But if you wait a few more days, you might find some ready for you...

>> No.16631053

skin is for sale

Don't bother breeding for resist corpses, the possible gain is really low and goes away easily. It's probably better to breed things that drop useful items.

>> No.16631337

so it's a junk item?

>> No.16631428

Pets can get food resists and, unlike the player, they can't lose those resists.

>> No.16631769
File: 155 KB, 600x600, __rueken_s_elona_player_character_elona_drawn_by_harusame_rueken__619b3d90a6613c3114e1e2afb88dd469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How exactly do you train alchemy? I'm stuck with shit potential right now and I need potions of potential, but I can't get enough materials to train alchemy nor can I raise enough money efficiently to invest/buy from magic vendors.

Actually, what's a good way to make good money early game? I have 30 cooking and it's making me OK side cash but not big bucks yet. I can't find a decent barbecue set either so I have to walk to Vernis to cook my foods and they rot on the way sometimes.


>> No.16631808

Potions of potential through alchemy are a mid-game thing.
Get a pet with cooking, and invest into vendors with the gold you get through normal play.

I must admit it's easier to maintain potential when you inherited 170 blessed potions of potential :^)

>> No.16631816

I want to spread the good news, but i play in inferno.
Is preach still triggering crashes ?

>> No.16631860

>what's a good way to make good money early game?
Get gardening, do gardening quests in Yowyn to get a bunch of seeds, and save up money to buy a farm, then farm away. For more money, get Negotiation early on so that you can actually make money off selling skins, bones, blood, etc. when you go adventuring.

>> No.16632411

If you've ever accessed their custom AI routine, pets won't gain new abilities until their actions are reset.

>> No.16632420

You can use it for necromancy, but otherwise it is.

>> No.16633119

learn cooking
learn gardening
do harvest time for seeds
save up for a farm
worship kumiromi for extra stamina regen
take the stamina feats
buy/steal a bbq grill
enslave a good salesman (I mc'ed a thief guild member, he's great)
open a food shop
cook your fruits and veg and drop them on the floor
you'll make between 10k-100k depending on your cooking skill and what people choose to buy
get platinum for investing potential and start investing in magic shops
make round trips around north tyris and buy any potions of potential you find, potions of evolution are also good

Buy and read any books of regeneration you find, it really helps with mass cooking. Engineer a rogue wizard into your little girl, that should teach her cooking and make her a good waifu. She'll make you potential restoring breakfast if you fall asleep around 9pm.

>> No.16633221

Get a shop and start reselling potion from vendor, Food shop or Inn is a good place to start depending if you want to cook food. Personally I find Inn (potion and alcohol) earn me the most money in short and long term.

Buying a shop deed should be the first priorities because it trains your negotiation and investing when you are reselling stuff too. Eventually you earn so much that money doesn't matter anymore.

>> No.16633250
File: 27 KB, 642x48, when they buy the curries and parfaits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16633867
File: 2.75 MB, 1598x1236, Progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decided to compare my character's progress from the 34 hour mark to the near 750 hour mark. I had a fun time comparing. I have currently cleared 2225 dungeons. I thought the number would be higher but with all the time I spend in the void I can understand. I have spent 26,387 platinum. I'm amazed with that amount but doesn't surprise me in the least when I factor how expensive magic classes can be and the considerable amount of platinum I was spending to cap skills in the near 2000 range since you eventually get to a level where if you go below 300 potential you can't gain any skill. Then there's the fact that I just like keeping my potentials high.

Created nearly 770 potions and 2500 tailored goods. Potions of potential and lots of panties, armor for my pets, and stuff to sell in my player shop.

Nearly 4000 wishes have been made which doesn't surprise me in the least with all the wonder scroll farming and spellbooks of wish farming I do. 90% of those wish stocks went directly into potions of descent which I blessed to level my character.

Seems about 7.5 million damage was the max recorded damage I did for one hit of something. Either my punch did that or meteor. Unfortunately the records don't track multiple hits in one action or it would of shown I did in excess of 20 million damage with my punches.

Different ways to make gold as you can see from the other anons. Just use a method you're comfortable with and grind it. I know I made my fortune starting out by just doing short distance escort and delivery quests mixed with harvesting quests. Once I was strong enough I started doing dungeons and gained most of my gold from that. I know some others that instead of doing job board quests did cargo running. Good gold can be made there as well.

I actually got my potions of potential through alchemy slightly before my invested magic shops came online. A combination of gain material scrolls, which I bought off of every magic vendor in the various cities in North Tyris when their shops restocked, and dungeon resource gathering spots kept me with enough ingredients to fuel my leveling of alchemy. All the platinum I was gaining from dungeons and quests were used for a bit in keeping alchemy potential very high. I would make sure my alchemy potential was high(no less than 300)before training. All the gold I was gaining went to investing in a magic vendor which eventually became more than one and then all magic vendors in North Tyris. Figured either I was going to get potions of potential through alchemy or through investment and told the game it couldn't stop me.

>> No.16633887

It may have been. I recall converting my pet's god to my god a long time ago on inferno. Didn't crash for me then. No idea if it has really been fixed.

>> No.16634075
File: 14 KB, 208x129, (´・ω・`).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

34 hours and already lvl 60+.
I'm 60 hours and not even lvl 40.

>> No.16634160

To be fair I've had two characters before this one so I know exactly what I'm doing. That and I also know what truly matters in acquiring power. Something you can only learn through going through the game at least once or actually following the advice of someone more experienced. Like in the past I used to care a lot about ranches and what I placed in them but after that experience I kinda felt it was a waste of time so for my current run I don't have ranches. The new changes to milking and ranching might make it a decent revenue stream though but I certainly wouldn't go into ranching to make picnic baskets or get resists. Too much effort and time for what it's worth imo. Especially when there are alternatives that are permanent or gained quicker. Things like that that can either save you time or allow you to focus on what's really important in the game.

>> No.16634298
File: 161 KB, 1143x166, 465468789743217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always have to wipe the sweat from my brow after going down a floor at low level and hearing a room nearby getting demolished.

>> No.16634450

It's just a bomb room, it's safe now.

>> No.16634460

There were 3 rooms full of kamikaze yeeks on the previous floor; I remember stepping in to one and just watching from the threshold as the entire room gibbed itself

>> No.16634510
File: 107 KB, 302x235, hayashida.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just realized snail's shell looks just like Hayashida from Cromartie

>> No.16634683

Does the ammount of pets on your party affect their growth? I already have 6 of them and I'd love to add another one but I don't know if that would be a bad idea.

>> No.16634742

More pets mean another mouth you have to feed, dress, and divide exp with. If you're adventuring around with all six good luck in having them level anytime soon unless you're in a place that really does need six pets out and gives lots of exp. Unless you have a lot of resources, an unnecessarily large party can drain and gimp the group as you'll be fighting over kills.

>> No.16634758

One of my wives is a tailor so I get miracle/godly equipment pretty often and another one makes breakfast for everybody. But if it really affect experience then I guess I won't add another one.

>> No.16634837

Monogamy rules !
Maybe bigamy too, but not more !

>> No.16634847

I have a single wife and a sizable party. Not that hard to do.
Just don't bang the others.

>> No.16634874

My party is filled with underage girls and half of them are sisters. Marrying all of them is just a game of pretend.

>> No.16635214

If you hadn't drank blessed slows, Kai would be almost 50 by now.

>> No.16635350
File: 1.61 MB, 1589x600, Rebirth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah he would be getting up there without those blessed slow potions. Journal indicates that 6022 days have passed since Kai has started his journey at 23 years old. So 6022/365 = roughly 16.5 + 23 = give or take 39.5 years old without those blessed slow potions. Been keeping his age in the twenties for the most part.

Still getting diddled by my dark elf waifu which I jokingly think is into shota since she's 114 years old. Also I'm not very proud that my journal indicates that I've killed at least 2k cats and dogs. I like cats and dogs too but it's unfortunate that some of them end up as dungeon bosses, in hunting quests, or as unfortunate enemies in the void when I level up my meteor spell. Thank goodness I'm not playing no future mode. I would have a real problem keeping my karma in the positives.

>> No.16635381

It looks like the day counter in the journal is messed up, as the in-game calendar shows you progressing from year 517 to 540 which is only 23 years.

>> No.16635386

That probably doesn't include timeskip days, just days that actually ticked over.

>> No.16635440

Good call and yeah that does kinda make sense. Spent a decent amount of time in the shelter triggering ragnaroks with a sandbagged enemy and fast forwarding time for my Kumiromi statues to reset.

>> No.16635446
File: 42 KB, 484x384, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where these unholy abominations are located in interface.bmp?

>> No.16635945

Anyone know if you can increase the resolution of the portraits in-game? I'm trying to change the portraits but the downscaling is pretty rough

>> No.16636025

Are there any ways of getting vegetable or fruit seeds? After a while I've been growing and harvesting faster than I can fuel the farm with seeds from harvest time.

>> No.16636094

If you invest in the goods vendors they sometimes have seeds.

I think statue of kumiromi only gives the rare seeds. When you get to lost irva you can slay Amurdad for the scissors of kumiromi that make it so plants always grow back after harvesting. And I guess if you have a pet cute fairy you can feed it stomfillia to make it puke seeds.

>> No.16637021
File: 5 KB, 267x195, pip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's some strange graphical glitch, there's nothing in the sheets that should cause those to be there.
On the other hand I did find an unnecessary pixel next to that dialogue's decoration that will show up in game.

>> No.16637716

Can a lich be cute?

>> No.16637782
File: 1 KB, 57x64, 0000154Totally Not Your Lich Overlord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This question makes any sense, a lich can't be anything but cute.
In fact, a lich can't be anything but trustworthy.
Liches want what is good for you, what is good for the world.
Trust liches, my fellow meatb- my fellow normal humans.

>> No.16637795

According to my japanese animes, yes.

>> No.16637919
File: 72 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See for yourself.

>> No.16638018 [SPOILER] 
File: 2 KB, 48x48, 1488208538609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Unless they're lolis, of course.

>> No.16640527

I have found no way so far. There might be none. I remember custom portraits looking better in vanilla Elona, but that might be just my memory.

I also noticed that, and already removed it.

>> No.16641218

After 10000 hours on Photoshop, I have finished a graphics pack.


It is mostly based on what our Chinese friend uploaded in the last thread. Includes:
- 8 face1+2.bmp variants, made with old pixiv or elsewhere pictures, updated to work with E+. Not all characters were replaced because there were not enough, and I removed some because they didn't fit anymore. Also included are the base pictures for these (resized and with transparency, and also divided in male/female for easier use), so you can add those characters back anyway or do something else.
- face1/2 colors.bmp, which is just the original portraits with better brightness and contrast, which you can use if you prefer the old ones.
- character.bmp, based on the monster girl one, with new things.
- interface.bmp. Merged what Chinese anon was using with others.
- map0, 1 and 2.bmp. Took what Chinese anon was using, then changed color balance (removed yellow tint), merged with the "/jp/" one and made a few changes.
- item.bmp. Chinese anon's with fixed color balance, among other things.
- event backgrounds. Applied a filter to those Chinese anon was using to make them similar to the originals from Elona.
- Photoshop files for all important vanilla E+ bitmaps, with guides included. They make editing MUCH easier. You can drag/copy those you're using on top of them, which will overwrite the graphics but keep the guides, so you can also use them to edit your own.
- replacements for almost everything else including animations, most of which I did not edit, but included anyway for completeness.
- a readme with instructions.

For the next version I want to look for replacements for the E+ character portraits, better event backgrounds, and add more/new stuff to the item and character sheets. I accept suggestions.

Everything should be working, but you should tell me if something isn't. Thanks to Intelligent System SOLVENT for letting me test things on his save.

This is for E+/Custom 1.62, but should work with E+ 1.65+ with minimal, if any, changes.

Guy who is updating the mods pastebin, please add the link to its next version.

>> No.16641225

Bless your soul anon; that's a lot of goddamn work.

>> No.16641245

Maybe now I can actually PLAY the fucking game. Don't expect a new version to come out soon, but do tell me if there's any weirdness, even if there are no errors.
I'll repost the link when the next thread is made. If that anon forgets to update the pastebin, I'll do it myself.


>> No.16641332

Fuck this is nice. Thanks Anon.

>> No.16641715

Replace everything with little girls (NPC, not rorans).

>> No.16641906

how do i get action points for evo chat?

>> No.16642105

Neato. Ill try this with Solvent when i get home.

>> No.16642184


>> No.16642195
File: 541 KB, 1920x1052, scut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's going to be a long night.

>> No.16642204

Only time refreshes action points for evo chat.

>> No.16642222

The hero to replace AnnaBanana?

>> No.16642228

thanks anon, i love it!

>> No.16642237


Right now I'm just trying to port Anna's work to 1.64 (I had problems decompiling 1.65). I don't really know any HSP or Japanese, but if this works we'll at least be able to keep using Anna's features/translations.

>> No.16642239

>Fixed vomiting during Alchemical Rain and generating a vomit causing the Alchemical Rain after that to use the blessed/cursed status of the vomit.
Wait, you can use vomit for Alchemical Rain?

>> No.16642246

Anna took the secrets of HSP to her grave.

>> No.16642281

She’s not necessarily dead though, maybe she’s simply an amputee ( so that she stop trying to escape ) sex slave in Africa.
Sorry for the formatting, too lazy to retype.

>> No.16642286

I've seen some individuals here state that she's been back from Africa for a while now, but has gone silent. Who knows what the truth is anymore.

>> No.16642287


The Ethiopians will pay for this.

>> No.16642322

>The armour equipped by NPCs will now be +enhanced depending on their starting level like their weapon currently is. This will not apply to summoned NPCs and NPCs outside Nefias though.
>Equipment increase in price with their +enhance value.
>Amount of money rewarded for clearing Nefias (and their individual floors) was way too much, so it has been significantly reduced.

This probably means the new way to profit from dungeon will be selling junk in your blacksmith shop.
The 4D pocket spell will be more important than ever.

>> No.16642448
File: 873 KB, 1908x902, dicks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks m8

>> No.16642820

Chinese Anon here,

That's alot of work! Thank you! I love how you changed the guide to a more trap like portrait.

>> No.16643003
File: 517 KB, 1911x908, comfortable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course I find this on the gun-only run.

>> No.16643264
File: 398 KB, 1920x1055, 38k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


27,844 lines converted - 38,592 to go.

After those are all done then I can actually start porting the changes to 1.64 and probably cause an obscene amount of errors in the process.

>> No.16643439
File: 7 KB, 829x829, 1481720433612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16643496

Does anyone have an up to date list of special action/spell flags for CNPCs? The Elona+ wiki seems to be sorta behind in comparison to the newer actions that have been added since.

>> No.16645258

You aren't doing the arena?

>> No.16645299

What I'm supposed to do with little sisters? After I give them in that quest I get nothing but if you kill the little sister big daddy won't appear as much as I have read from here.

>> No.16645311

after you give the scientist a certain number of sister ask the scientist about the reward.you get 1 unique item or some RNG miracle loot. number of sister needed increases with each reward you take + 1 and max at 10

>> No.16645339

For some reason I have missed that RNG option because the unique items I have selected disappeared from my inventory.

>> No.16645353

Unique weapons gets reroled, unique usefull stuff dont. Things you didnt identify cant be selected, but not every unique item works like you want it too. ( yacatect gems all share the same lockdown ) the RNG weapons cant dissapear like you said , you probably reroled something unique

>> No.16645423

It was the armor thing that you get from Mani. I had 2 and dropped 2 but then when I came back to my house there was only one. Now I knows I can't pick these unique stuff as rewards. Thanks.

>> No.16645463

New Elin post and gameplay.

>> No.16645848

Elin's looking nice.

>> No.16646011
File: 305 KB, 801x602, blksmth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Amount of money rewarded for clearing Nefias (and their individual floors) was way too much, so it has been significantly red

That's going to make gold generation much more interesting depending on how bad the nerf is. I'll laugh if a farmer or craftsman and his shop makes more gold than an adventurer. Hopefully the amount of gold made from dungeon clearing at least justifies putting yourself in harms way.

I've changed my general shop to a blacksmith shop in preparation. Now what to do with Yacatect. I don't see her being good with a hammer but I definitely want to keep her as a shopkeeper. Guess I'll just have her manage the front while I work in the back.

I have nothing against the arena. I just keep forgetting to do it because I'm preoccupied with other activities.

Noa needs to git gud. Jokes aside I'm glad to see a bit of what combat looks like. In particular I'm glad the bloody gibs are in. I'm also very happy to see that PCC moding is most likely to be in. The PCCs he uses in the video look very familiar to the stuff I found on the Elona uploader.

>> No.16646266

Holy shit.

>> No.16646322

I once about about 10 claymores (and 5 or so twin edges, and a handful of other unique item dupes) spread across all my properties, intending to collect sets and create a little sister army all equipped with the same gear, but then I found out that uniques will still be rerolled when you pick them up if your pet is carrying another one.

>> No.16646569
File: 450 KB, 1911x901, merry christmas!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16647085

Will most of us switch to Elin after it came out?

I will miss Etherwind though.

>> No.16647101

It looks quite promising so far, but given that it's supposedly an RPG and not a roguelike per se, I think I'll still have to stick with Elona+ to get my fix.

>> No.16647159

Depends on whether it'll also be an autistic fantasy life simulator, for me.

>> No.16647166

I'll play both.

>> No.16647181

This. I can only get enjoyment from games like this and heavily modded Skyrim anymore.

>> No.16647251

Most Chinese kids know traditional to a fair extent, and for the most part the ones that they don't know, don't exist in Japanese in the same form. The 圖 of 圖書館 is not really similar to the 図 of 図書館 compared to 图, while both 書 and 館 are common enough that any kid would know them - hell, both are regularly used on storefronts for style points.

>> No.16647931

So, does gene engineering your pet to a higher level make their combat skills level slower?

>> No.16647979

No. What makes you think it does?

>> No.16647991

Well, if I'm entering a lv60 dungeon, and I've upgraded my pet from, say, 30 to 50, then they are fighting on more even ground. I was under the assumption combat skills level faster the stronger the monster you are fighting relative to yourself.

>> No.16647998

The exp you get is skill-based, global level is completely irrelevant.

>> No.16648024

Leveling a pet or player just raises their HP and MP. If you're a player you get bonus points but a pet doesn't gain bonus points from leveling. So leveling pretty much just allows you to survive and sustain longer. It plays no part in the damage you do or the amount of damage you take. Skills and gear decide that instead.

If you want to raise combat skills it's true that you'll want to keep fighting stronger and stronger monsters however the check calculations going on in the background determining whether you gain skill or not and how much is based on player/pet skill vs monster skill and the current potential of the skill. It just so happens that higher level monsters tend to have better skills but what you should be caring about is the monsters skill level.

For a weapon skill it's the player's/pet's weapon skill vs the monsters evasion. The harder it is to hit said monster the more weapon exp you get.

For tactics it's based on doing damage to the enemy.

Eye of Mind gains are based on crits. You only get Eye of Mind exp if you crit.

As you can see none of these are directly linked to enemy level exactly.

>> No.16648201

Can someone explain to me what Elin is?

>> No.16648249

New game that Noa, the creator of Elona, is making.
Considering his other game, Elona Shooter, scratch the same kind of autistic itch Elona itself scratch, hopes and hype for Elin are high.

>> No.16648251

The original creator of Elona Noa is creating a game that is never ever coming out but puts out demo videos of him fucking around in the world he's creating. It's an RPG game that takes place before the roguelike Elona.

>> No.16648256

Oh, huh. Seems neat.

>> No.16648615

Seems that more progress has been made regarding the decompiling of 1.65 and such, according to the Elona Custom wikia discussion thread.
