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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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16581914 No.16581914[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's up /jp/, it's been a year and a half or so since I've been on here. Back in the day, fumos were cool, TH15 was just released, and Le Sanae was still a good meme. What's changed?

>> No.16581923

not much, there haven't been any new Touhou games after all

there was ULiL for PS4, but the addition of Reisen, although it made many angry, was ultimately rather minor and a tease for 15.5, which isn't out yet

>> No.16581946

For some reason /v/ seems set on making /jp/ into /v/2 recently

>> No.16582032

not much. a few official mangas keep updating (FS and WaHH, and fairies manga started again with clownpiece added) so thats fun and people to shitpost about them

stuff like umineko and fumos are still around and cool

other than that waiting warmly for 15.5

theres a bunch of cast-off /a/ threads lately too. sucks.

>> No.16582064

All of /jp/ is cast off /a/ threads. That was the point. All this /v/ style shitposting and flame war starting and template posting is problematic though.

>> No.16582069


>> No.16582077

C91 had a lot of great music.

Visible sage still hasn't come back.

I almost forget just how bad it is until I take a look at "Filtered threads: 23 — Hidden threads: 4"

>> No.16582088

/v/ and /a/ threads get moved here instead of either being deleted or moved to /trash/ now. Manga releases happened and Strange Creators Ran segment caused an uproar. We have general threads now which is very much a hot topic since it seems the vast majority of /jp wants them gone. I'm not sure of time on this one but a lot of normally /jp/ things like the learning Japanese threads got told they don't belong and had to move boards but somehow found their way back, neet threads never seemed to come back but whether that's good or not is up to opinion . Fumo threads still happen but I haven't seen that Sanae face in quite awhile. A lot is different but not much has changed if that makes any sense, just try not to bump obvious /v/ threads that get moved here.

>> No.16582095
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I'm new to /jp/ myself. I'll admit it because I did my homework first, but what shocked me was all the generals. I know it wasn't like this many years ago, before I was into Touhou.

>> No.16582096

we should not be having shit like DJT running away and migrating here.

>> No.16582121

I mean the blatantly /a/ threads that either get moved here by lazy mods or get made using language like "who is your touhou waifu" or "will japan ban loli??" and that shitty "claim your waifu" thread that they tried to sneak in a few weeks ago from obvious crossboarders

The "cast-off" threads we're supposed to have are things like Light Novels and VNs along with all the 2hu spam, not that garbage

/v/ is pretty bad though definitely

but idols are the worst

>> No.16582125

>>but idols are the worst
glad to see that, but then I wonder why idols are on /jp/ at all

>> No.16582158

If you mean 3d idols I'm actually sure the board we think they should go on told them it goes here. Over /jp/ history stuff like that has happened more than once sadly.

>> No.16582167

That is indeed sad.

At least it's easy to filter, but goodness it's a lot to filter.

>> No.16582182

>The "cast-off" threads we're supposed to have are things like Light Novels
>Light Novels
You mean those threads people used to shit all over because they were about LN that had anime until the Horizon thread was forced here and they were too pussy to go back?

Rather than migrating, don't they just make it on 2-3 different boards at the same time now? Like how the M-ster g-l threads are spammed on multiple boards instead of sticking to one.

>> No.16582194

>Like how the M-ster g-l threads are spammed on multiple boards instead of sticking to one.
And I still have no idea why there's a JAV thread here instead of NSFW board.

>> No.16582200

looking through some of them now. i dont mind ones that are kind of generals like mahjong fumo koisheep touhou gameplay and umineko/etc that are slow and /jp/ content and generally been here a long time. VNTS is a fantastic resource too and honestly one of the best places to keep track of VNs

But the ones like babymetal and shit are bad and there's a ton I ignore otherwise like all the game ones. how have these idol threads had 100+ threads already?

ultimately though its not like anything will change either way so whatever, meta threads end up being fairly useless

>> No.16582203

I'm not saying anything but the next time there's a staff change they'll probably "mysteriously" disappear along with the boobhu threads.

>> No.16582217

That'll be a good day.

>> No.16582230
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>along with the boobhu threads

>> No.16582279

Yeah, let's have a general for every meme.

>> No.16582306
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I'm not sure if janitor will allow a meta thread right now. I think it's been a month or two so it could persist for a bit more, but generally if you want to have meta discussion the unofficial meta board of /qa/ is better.
Speaking of, hiro did an announcement about six months ago that allowed each board an official meta thread, but nothing came out of any of them. I think he was just trying to placate people for his continued absence.

>> No.16582333

I am pretty sure that was just for /a/, just like with the nipples rule.

>> No.16582339


>> No.16582353

That's not him saying /jp/ could have meta threads. I do remember separately a point where it was said on /qa/ that boards could make a thread to discuss what the board should be like in users opinion but I also remember a seperate thing tilted towards /a/ saying they could have a single meta thread. Certain types of posters kept trying to use it as an excuse to make meta threads in /jp/ too for a while after.

>> No.16582355

I meant one official meta thread at the time, not permanent.

>> No.16582357

With the first being a one-time thing and the second being a constant thing I mean.
