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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 110 KB, 800x600, sharnoth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1652434 No.1652434 [Reply] [Original]

Best "game" I ever "played".
Best game I ever played, too.

>> No.1652456

What is it about, anyway? Monsters, aliens, vampires, what? Or is Agatha just getting material for her books?

>> No.1652463

How long is it?

>> No.1652480

I finished it in about 20 hours all up, so pretty short.

>> No.1652647

Using AGTH+Atlas?

>> No.1652690

Using my dick and google translator.

>> No.1653036
File: 179 KB, 600x600, 1227425953934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lacha Chuana is now playing in your head.

Now, off to uploading Jingai Makyo OST... But first, I must rename most of the files there. Damn.

>> No.1653131

No (>>1652480 here), just reading it in Japanese. Probably be a bit faster if you're a native, and if you don't suck at the gameplay bits as much as I do.

>> No.1653171

This must get translated! ;_;

>> No.1653181


Why, thank you!


I keep seeing Anons state that they will dump the script/translate it. But who knows.

>> No.1653194

Not to be too pushy, but you wouldn't happen to have the full-sized versions of the rest of those handy, would you? (As if uploading the OST weren't enough!)

I am actually in the process of dumping the script as I play, and I'm sure there are others. It's not really a question of "if", but "when", at this point. (Well, overlooking for the moment the small question of finding someone to patch the game.)

>> No.1653231

I hope you two are right.

It'd be a waste for this to go untranslated (especially consider the shit that's been translated recently - although it would be nice if someone did the other two VNs in the series).

>> No.1653236

So is this actually good or is it just the warm glow of a recently finished vn at work?

>> No.1653244
File: 184 KB, 600x600, 1227429023812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which are "the rest"? Do you mean the pictures? Well, I have most of them, but I lack 1st, 2nd, 3d, 4th and 6th.

>> No.1653248
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>> No.1653253

Do you mind uploading what you have?

>> No.1653256
File: 232 KB, 600x600, 1227429170362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1653260
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>> No.1653268

Ahem... where are my translations?

>> No.1653274
File: 216 KB, 600x600, 1227429433341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the last one. It's on the website right now, but whatever.

>> No.1653278

Fuck yeah, playing the nice OP on my guitar. Now I feel like a real eroge otaku.

>> No.1653286
File: 537 KB, 580x492, 1227429785824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget the stepdance part.

Seriously though, that OP is the best one I've heard since Distorted Pain.

>> No.1653304

That was exactly what I was after, yes. Thanks for posting what you have.

Since the OST titles are all Gaelic, I asked Google for some of the meanings. If we have an Anonymous of Ireland, it would be awesome if you could help me out some here ...

Dorchadas - Darkness
Ar Maidin - In the Morning
Um Thrathnona - In the Evening (um thràthnòna)
Cuimhneamh - Memories
Uafasach - Terrible
Aru Amarach - ??? Tomorrow
Cumann Runda - Secret Society

>> No.1653314


Fuck yeah, that part is awesome.

>> No.1653343

Yes, that was what I was after, thanks.

In return I've asked Google about track titles from the OST. If someone who actually knows Gaelic could have a look, that would be great. (There are also two titles I haven't tried - the battle theme and the ED, unfortunately.)

Dorchadas - Darkness
Ar Maidin - In the Morning
Um Thrathnona - In the Evening
Cuimhneamh - Memories
Uafasach - Terrible
Aru Amarach - The Day After Tomorrow
Dath Dibh A Chur Ar An Domhan - Paint the World Black
Beith I Ngra Le - Falling In Love
Cumann Runda - Secret Society
Tabhair Suil Chait Dom - Give Me Your Cat's Eye

>> No.1653346

Not as good as Inganock, but nothing is. It's good, great even.

>> No.1653353

Not as good as Inganock, but yes, it's good.

>> No.1653358

Yes, that was what I was after, thanks.

In return I've asked Google about track titles from the OST. If someone who actually knows Gaelic could have a look, that would be great.

Dorchadas - Darkness
Ar Maidin - In the Morning
Um Thrathnona - In the Evening
Cuimhneamh - Memories
Uafasach - Terrible
Aru Amarach - The Day After Tomorrow
Dath Dibh A Chur Ar An Domhan
Beith I Ngra Le - Falling In Love
Cumann Runda - Secret Society
Tabhair Suil Chait Dom - Give Me Your Cat's Eye

>> No.1653371

Durrr, Dath Dibh A Chur Ar An Domhan = Paint the World Black.

>> No.1653398
File: 593 KB, 594x445, 1227431929260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job at googling, all of those make sense. Thanks.

>> No.1653405

Like Inganock, the H scenes make Kanon's look erotic, but like Inganock, they suit the rest of the game perfectly.

>> No.1653438

Are there any yuri scenes?

>> No.1653494

Are the later chapters completely voiced?

>> No.1653497

No. In fact, there's very little H at all. You can count the number of HCG on one hand, including frame variations.

>> No.1653500

Er, okay, that was exaggerating a bit - but it's correct if you don't count variations.

The game is not completely voiced, and isn't from the start. Minor characters do not have voices, only the major ones, for the most part.

>> No.1653507

I've just started this, should I play the first two in series first? Or are they all standalone

>> No.1653523

They aren't entirely standalone, however you might as well consider them as such - you'll see references to the both Celenaria and Inganock in Sharnoth (just as Inganock had some references to Celenaria) if you've played them, but it's certainly far from a requirement - you'll get everything out of Sharnoth just fine. In fact, it might even be worth playing Sharnoth first, then Inganock.

>> No.1653526

Is M voiced?

>> No.1653530

Yes; most of the main characters you actually see are.

>> No.1653533

Even during the H-scenes...?

>> No.1653579

Yes, but the H scenes aren't like H scenes you're probably used to - there's not much in the way of moaning etc. Besides, there's plenty of eroges with voiced males in H scenes (Ayakashibito and the like) where the males don't make a lot of noise.

>> No.1653599

Another never-going-to-be-translated game ;_;

>> No.1653606

My main hope for Ayakashibito is an extremely vague one - if PP licenses Bullet Butlers from the results of the forum poll and it ends up doing very well, they may consider licensing Ayakashibito as well.

>> No.1653676

Wow I just saw the demo movie, fucking good.

>> No.1653806

OST is awesome, thanks faggot
and know someone just have to translate it.


>> No.1653807

I hate the RUN AWAY RUN AWAY RUN AWAY game, it's not that hard but it take too much time.
