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1652055 No.1652055 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone remember the first time you played this game? I loved it, but it didn't make me cry or anything.

>> No.1652057


>> No.1652063

I cried like a little girl while playing and was later so depressed that I'd start crying if I even thought of Reverie.

>> No.1652072
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>> No.1652075

I played it close to the end of summer two years ago, I remember it was so engrossing that I even got an instant message and I just ignored it, put the game in full screen and kept playing. It was like a page turner, only in VN form. I cried so hard I was afraid that I would wake up my mother.

>> No.1652132

>I cried so hard I was afraid that I would wake up my mother.
You were actually... making noises?

>> No.1652137

shlick shlick

>> No.1652143

clang clang clang

>> No.1652149

I cried at it. My dad came into the room and asked me what was wrong. I responded with "Oh fuck off, you wouldn't understand.", and he slapped me.

Our relationship hasn't been the same ever since.

>> No.1652165


>> No.1652186

I liked it more than Narcissu
But I didn't cry, just made me feel depressed whilst reading it

>> No.1652190


This post becomes much funnier when read in a Scottish accent.

>> No.1652195

GENTLE JENA is nao playing in your head.

>> No.1652196

Planetarian made me bawwwww like a baby, but after i played it everything was fine.
On the other hand, Narcissu didn't make me bawwwww at all, but I had a couple of sleepless nights thinking about it.

>> No.1652245


>> No.1652250


>> No.1652256
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I think True Remembrance made a bigger impression on me than any of these. Part of it was the music and the atmosphere of the whole thing.

>> No.1652274

Yes, this is actually my favorite VN.

>> No.1652276


Same here. I think the realization that no blackiris, you are the patients hit harder than anything else.

>> No.1652314

Planetarian made my cry for a while at the end and for a bit after. Narcissu pretty much had me feeling down the whole way through, but it was an ending that just felt right. True Remembrance really mind fucked me at the end though. I could see something was going awry, but didn't expect what actually happened.

>> No.1652316

It would have cried like a little cried girl being raped if I hadn't hold back my tears.

>> No.1652321
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They need to make an anime out of this; perhaps a short series of OVAs.

>> No.1652343



>> No.1652345


>> No.1652349

I actually didn't cry until I listened/read/watched the first short story, the one about Reverie's memories before the war.

>> No.1652581

Oh man, I loved True Remembrance. Definitely my second favorite VN. Is there anything else similar to it?

>> No.1652607

Planetarian is the only fiction to make me cry like a girl. Other things have made my eyes damp or maybe 1 or 2 small tears maximum (eg. Tsukihime Arc True), but Planetarian is god tier emotional manipulation.

True Remembrance I found very boring. It failed to induce any emotion at all. I disliked the extremely repetitive music.

>> No.1652623

Soudentou no Mimei is thematically similar on a lot of points (and even written and graphic'd by Shiba Satomi), but it's not quite as good. Still, it's freeware. Now if only someone would translate it..

>> No.1652662


>Now if only someone would translate it..

Yes, that would help.

>> No.1652673

I actually haven't finished True Remembrance, but I suppose Narcissu could be similar

>> No.1652686


I wouldn't say so, Narcissu is shorter and more somber, and has more to do with death than anything else; while TR is more of a mystery and deals with what our memories mean to us.

>> No.1652694

Fuck every single one of you.

I need your help. Everyone says "Planetarian is win!"

I don't see planetarian as anything more than the tale of a junk stealing nigger who gains a small interest in an annoying robot who repeats the same thing over and over and over and over again and (warning: logic failure ahead) he starves himself in an attempt to fix the definitely broken starball and succeedfails anyways, then the robot he sort of cared about got pwned by machine guns and he stands there like a fucktard and realizes "oh hi, i'm fucked."

So tell me, how am I supposed to feel bad about an annoying robot? The only thing that kept me going was the hope that maybe, just maybe, they will return to some junker town and more characters will be involved and THEN things will get interesting. But.no. That doesn't happen.

>> No.1652696

No, actually, since I haven't played it. There's no point.

>> No.1652700
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>> No.1652702

My favorite VN.

>> No.1652723

Nobody can troll Planetarian.

It just doesn't work.

>> No.1652732


I have read Narcissu as well, but didn't like it nearly as much as True Remembrance. The latter had a much more interesting story, and I actually cared about the characters.

>> No.1652734

I'm not trolling. Am I missing some emotions, or something?

>> No.1652745

I refuse to believe that anyone who isn't a troll would use the term "pwned"
