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File: 1.16 MB, 1200x1315, Toyosatomimi.no.Miko.full.726113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16437972 No.16437972 [Reply] [Original]

Remember that time when Miko confirmed that she could easily undo Kaguya's magic?
Miko > Kaguya

Remember how Miko actually helped during ULiL, while Byakuren spent her time wandering around like an idiot, almost getting her sorry ass teleported to the outside world?
Miko > Byakuren

>> No.16437983

Miko fans are really annoying honestly.

>> No.16437984
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Make love, not war.

>> No.16438023

Do not believe, my brethren, the words of OP, for he does not speak the truth. Byakuren offers the true path to salvation from earthly desires, in accordance with Buddha's teachings.

You're right about the lazy princess though.

>> No.16438026
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I remember. Praise be.

>> No.16438032
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>in accordance with Buddha's teachings
Except the part where she says those teachings can be ignored.

>> No.16438191

Such as?

>> No.16438209

Such as read the god damn print works, you secondary.

>> No.16438247

What a surprise text, you really showed me!
Also, I already read some of the print works, just not all of them: I was asking for a reason.

>> No.16438255

Such as SoPM and in HM where she explicitly states that following all of the teachings of the Buddha is dumb and you can ignore them (like avoiding being emotional).

>> No.16438259
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>> No.16438284
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>> No.16438430

I happen to have read SoPM and I can't see where she says this. And before you bring up Yamame, Byakuren does say that, if approached in the right manner, she wouldn't attack you. But Yamame had the intention to eat humans from the very beginning: she had no other choice but to reject her.
And nice screencap, but this is referring to Byakuren's disciples and she had already apologized for their behavior (and she's not aware of the other misdeeds they carry out without letting her know). As you can see, I'm not defending them: they are a source of embarassment for her. But she proved to follow Buddhist teachings, like rejecting sake and abhorring theft (this in HM). About HM, she says "You must not be swallowed by your emotions!" to Kokoro, so I really don't understand the last part.

>> No.16439946

It's in her HM ending, you can just beat it yourself and see. She talks about how although it says one thing, that thing is a little much and what's wrong with ignoring it?

>> No.16440646

Just watched it and frankly I don't see the contradiction. She criticizes the idea of pretending one can deny the existence of emotions, because humans aren't mindless, inanimate objects. It wouldn't make to sense to say such objects reach enlightenment. What humans or other rational beings ought to do is instead controlling and subduing those emotions. This is an internal effort pushed by their own will to attain enlightenment.

>> No.16440800

>Remember that time when Miko confirmed that she could easily undo Kaguya's magic?
No, I don't.

>> No.16440885

It's in PS4 ULiL. She dispels Kaguya's magic in her corridor using Taoist arts.

>> No.16440922

>She criticizes the idea of pretending one can deny the existence of emotions
Which stands in contradiction to "Buddha's teachings" as claimed in >>16438023

>> No.16440936

I see. Non-canon isn't really much of an example, though

>> No.16441040

good bait

>> No.16441101

I still don't understand the problem. She's condemning mundane attachment. She's only saying that covering your ears and saying "Lalala, these emotions are just voices inside my head, I'm perfect from the start" is stupid, because humans are sentient beings, not rocks. A rock doesn't let itself be trapped by emotions nor it chooses to discard them: it's a rock.
Humans have the opportunity/burden to choose and need to work hard in order to control and distantiate themselves from emotions.

>> No.16441125

The failed buddhist shit is a yukai, so it has my disapproval.
Though the taoist still employs a "hermit" that needs to be sent to hell post haste through propulsion by means of repeated kicks in the teeth, this drags them down at about the same level as the youkai fucking shits

>> No.16441341

It stands in contradiction to the claim in >>16438023 which was the original point.

>> No.16441505

Could you specifically tell me where's the incongruency? (Not to mention the wide arrange of interpretations of Buddhism. I even heard of schools where booze is permitted, although that isn't Byakuren's case.)

>> No.16441625

Byakuren brings up certain points of Buddha's teachings, then argues against those points (whether rightly or otherwise). This is anything but "offering the true path in accordance with Buddha's teachings," as >>16438023 has claimed - quite the opposite, in actual. Which, again, was the original point.

>> No.16441721

I heard this "Byakuren ignores Buddhism" thing for the whole thread and always provided counter-examples. I said "specifically" for a reason: this is going round in circles.

>> No.16441810

She says certain parts of Buddha's teachings can be ignored or subverted the better to suit the needs of the worshipper/Byakuren herself. This is, once more, certainly not "offering the true path, etc. etc."

>> No.16442189

Seiga isn't being hunted by Oni for doing anything wrong, she's hunted because she's a hermit.
And everything Seiga does she does for glorious Taoism. Yes, even stealing Christmas.

>> No.16442245

Ok, we clearly don't follow the same definition of "specifically", because this has been said at least three times in this thread and I answered every time. The only thing I can think of that goes against Buddhism is having long hair and that can be easily explained as an artistic license ZUN took with her design (also, some Buddhist monastic orders allow monks/nuns to keep them for a month before cutting them. Super fast regrowth?).

>> No.16442277
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Let us ignore for a moment any sort of hypocrisies that Byakuren may have uttered. Let us even ignore how one could claim that Byakuren is a hypocrite because she resorts to violence rather quickly, despite coming from a faith that preaches non-violence. Instead, let us judge her by her actions.

Unfortunately for her, her actions show her to be an even greater hypocrite than her words do. When confronted with the idea of death when her own brother passed away, Byakuren did not turn to her teachings, accepting that death is simply an illusion, it is not an end but the beginning of something else. However, when confronted with this cold reality, Byakuren did not accept this as the fate of all creatures, but instead panicked, seeking a way to avoid this fate. She seeked to extend her life span indefinitely (ironically making her closer to the Taoist she claims to despise than her own religion), even if it meant taking up unnatural means such as dark magic to do so. And do not tell me that she overcame this "attachment" to her life as a result of her learning to accept and love youkai, as she clearly went through with the ritual regardless, and has no need to fear for her demise in the future. She shows that she herself, for all her talk, is incredibly attached to both this world, and her own existence within it.

Also, for someone who comes from a faith that preaches open mindedness, Byakuren is shockingly close minded. She came to a world where youkai ruled, and started preaching against youkai oppression! She often charges into situations, assuming that she knows right, yet she never truly does. This is opposed Miko's own methods of problem solving, where we clearly see her several times keeping an open mind and critically observing the situation.

Praise be to the Tao, and those who uphold it.

>> No.16442389
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>> No.16442454

Except not.
Come on, her backstory? Really? She openly said in SoPM that it was a mistake and that she isn't interested in immortality anymore, calling it (in the fighting games this time) "nothing but a fraud".
Also, youkai still suffer a lot of social stigma: just look at the Underground youkai, she notes how they were sealed for unjust reasons (what I said about Yamame doesn't conflict with this, as they're hated regardless of what they do. Just look at Satori.) Don't tell me Miko doesn't jump to conclusions (really, everyone does in this series) too: the first thing she wanted to be after awakening was becoming Gensokyo's administrator. Fortunately, the other members of the symposium explained the situation to her but she still considered Byakuren "a monk of evil power" just because she was a youkai.

>> No.16442478
File: 157 KB, 289x325, ǝɔuᴉɹd‾ʎɐƃ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boku no Miko

>> No.16442491

>Seiga isn't being hunted by Oni for doing anything wrong, she's hunted because she's a hermit.
I don't care why it's being hunted. It could be a perfectly normal human, a slav, a fucking pangolin for all i care. It needs to be dropkicked by a freight train into the maw of hell, straight into the lowest level.

>> No.16442526

>She openly said in SoPM that it was a mistake and that she isn't interested in immortality anymore, calling it ... "nothing but a fraud".
Those are some tough words for someone who's no longer confronted by the concept of dying. Byakuren has already shown herself unwilling to accept death when it is a close reality, and only time will tell if she succumbs again when death is nearer.

>just look at the Underground youkai, she notes how they were sealed for unjust reasons
It's important here to note that they were sent by other youkai. They live down there for the sake of the bigger picture, because they threaten the stability of Gensokyo (a concept that Byakuren has trouble processing.) And they aren't even truely sealed. They can leave, Yuugi, Suika, and Orin clearly showcase this. It's aboveground Youkai that are forbidden from going down.

>Don't tell me Miko doesn't jump to conclusions (really, everyone does in this series) too: the first thing she wanted to be after awakening was becoming Gensokyo's administrator.
To become a leader that humans lacked, yes. However, upon learning the truth, that there was no human leader, she adapted, and took on new goals. Byakuren criticises and unjustly makes assumptions about the state of Gensokyo, while Miko adapts to her surroundings, becoming part of Gensokyo rather than acting against it.

>> No.16442545

Miko fans aren't numerous or loud enough to be annoying.

At least not more annoying than Byakuren fans with their momfaggotry or holy mother youkai jesus can-do-no-wrong junk

>> No.16442547

Oh yes, and of course,

>she still considered Byakuren "a monk of evil power" just because she was a youkai.
Byakuren literally used dark, forbidden magic to attain longer life, yes.

>> No.16442596

I don't know man. Their desire to criticize Byakuren is pretty loud.

>> No.16442616

Miko doesn't have big boobies

>> No.16442678
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Excuse you.

>> No.16442684


>> No.16442706

This thread is pretty much exactly why I find them annoying. It's pretty much all about Byakuren and how much they hate her, not even about Miko. The holier-than-thou attitude is really annoying. The Byakuren mommy crap just gets thrown onto the pile with all the other threads about sniffing Sakuya's ass and shit.

And no, I don't care for the religious war stuff in Touhou at all so I'm not a Byakurenfag.

>> No.16442723
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Miko knows my desires and can fulfill them

>> No.16442727

your gay desires?

>> No.16442774

It isn't very hard to be holier than Byakuren, considering.

>> No.16442787

Just to make clear: I'm not that anon, nor I support secondarism-filled threads like the one we currently have for Byakuren.
But she isn't immortal. She just has a longer lifespan (and becoming a youkai would grant you one anyway) and that happend more than one thousand years ago. And during panic: there's a huge difference between making a mistake under high pressure (where you might get overwhelmed by impulses) and hypocrisy (where you never believed in a thing in first place).

Underground youkai could still be rehabilitated (granted, as long as the dangerous ones don't just waltz in declaring to continue their habits. In that case, Byakuren has the right to defend the weaker in that place, like she has shown) and some of them, as I said, didn't do anything wrong in particular. There's still the fact that even above ground youkai carry some stigma. I don't get this part though? Byakuren says she does visit the Underground from time to time. (Kanako does it too, for Utsuho-related business)

I acknowledged that, it was to show Byakuren isn't the only one who jumps to conclusions on the basis of her own values. She believes in those and wants to change Gensokyo by helping those who willing to follow her with their training. It's not like she's a hipster who disagrees with the established system just for hell of it.
As I said, it happened a long time ago. Miko isn't even referring to that: she's disgusted with the idea of a temple with youkai monks.

>> No.16442790

I can see her vajayjay.

>> No.16442794

blah blah blah
>this is moral
>this is not
pretty much every single religion war thread

Who am I quoting?

>> No.16442810

If you don't want actual discussion, there are tons of image dumping threads.

>> No.16442814

It goes nowhere.

>> No.16443004
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Is this "holier-than-thou" attitude to blame, or is it the persecution complex of the Byakurenfags that results in these discussions? I had simply started this thread in order to discuss the majesty of Miko, and how people underestimate how powerful she is by comparing her to other final bosses. In fact, what had really prompted me to make this thread were Miko's comments on Kaguya's powers. Commenting on Byakuren was just an afterthought, added so that Kaguyafags wouldn't feel needlessly persecuted.

And while I have the upmost respect for humanity's savior, I would not consider myself a Mikofag (Marisa is my waifu); I simply enjoy honoring her.

>> No.16443022
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>Marisa is my waifu

>> No.16443036
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Still going?

>> No.16443037

Treat others the way you want to be treated.

>> No.16443043
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I love her so much! I want to become a hermit with her!

>> No.16443046
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>> No.16443050

In case there are people who seriously don't get it, my very first comment was mostly a joke, considering the stark contrast between the first, solemn-sounding comment about Byakuren and the second, plain comment about Kaguya. Then >>16438032 happened and I got interested. There was also a Miko fan I was discussing with in the old touhousort thread, don't know if he's here.

>> No.16443062

These discussions are just as circular as the idiotic fortune teller shit or the guy that cried really hard about Ran because he didn't understand how shikigamis worked for like a month

>> No.16443070 [SPOILER] 
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Oh, I know. Religion War arguments are all in good fun.

We all know what the true religion is.

>> No.16443084

Again, if you don't want to read, you're free to leave. Nobody is forcing you to check certain threads.
Eh, I prefer Reimu over Marisa.

>> No.16443116
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Reimu and Marisa are friends!

>> No.16443120

I'm free to offer my opinion that Miko fans are self-righteous cunts.

>> No.16443123
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Best friends!

>> No.16443162
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That filename is rude.

>> No.16443170
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It's not rude, it's cute!

>> No.16443203
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Righteous, conceivably. But leave the obsession with "self" to Byakuren.

>> No.16443229

Found the shotty.

>> No.16443235

Fuck off shotty.

>> No.16445204
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>> No.16447174

Miko doesn't employ Seiga, Seiga is just clingy.

She's a hermit, so technically she values individuality, not followers. She'll accept other followers but doesn't seek them or anything.
