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1640520 No.1640520 [Reply] [Original]

Is Rin 3D?

>> No.1640523


>> No.1640524

No, she's a completely flat character.
Nasu failed so hard in UBW.

>> No.1640532

For once I agree with you, blackie.

>> No.1640537

UBW was mostly shitty but the Archer stuff at the end made the whole game.
Much better than the shitty plot in Fate and HF.

>> No.1640538

>failed so hard in UBW
>failed in UBW
>fail + UBW


>> No.1640549

>the Archer stuff at the end

What? The "call the WHAAAAAAAAAAAMBULANCE" part? The only good thing in UBW was Lancer.

>> No.1640552

Archer vs Shirou was the only well written scene in the whole game.
I can't understand how someone could dislike this route and like the crapfest of the other two.

>> No.1640554
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You're so funny.

>> No.1640558


>> No.1640560

you didn't play UBW did you?

>> No.1640563

Personally, I liked the scene in the Church's Basement in Fate, almost as much as Shirou vs Archer.

>> No.1640564

You didn't play HF, did you? UBW is pure and absolute win compared to that piece of crap.

>> No.1640568
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Hey, Jones.

Nice troll!

>> No.1640572

10/10 would rage again

>> No.1640574

something else being crap doesn't make something else win. FS/N was shit to begin with.

>> No.1640581

>UBW is pure and absolute win compared to that piece of crap

Both of them are the same shit. The only good thing both of them have are 2 fighting scenes. In UBW it is Shirou vs Archer, and Shirou vs Gilgamesh. Whereas in HF you have Shirou vs Black Berserker, and Shirou vs Kotomine. That's all there is to them.

>> No.1640582

High five!

>> No.1640612

Pray thee refrain from gippering over inane trivialities and answer my fucking question.

>> No.1640639

ruks 2d tu me bruh

>> No.1640658

I did, brah.

Rin clearly has two dimensions : Height and Width. You were asking if she has a third : Depth.

The answer is no.

>> No.1640665

My eyes would seem to indicate otherwise.
I can tell from the pleats on her skirt and from seeing a lot of 3D girls in my time.

>> No.1640685

den no matter wut neone tells you, youll tink itz 3d now f*ck off tripf*g

>> No.1640692

