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16395784 No.16395784[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can hot moms solve Japan's birthrate problem?

>> No.16395895

Maybe if Japanese women looked like Raita's character designs there would be no birthrate problem.

>> No.16395914

Population decline isn't an issue. Japanese society wont fall and collapse, it will simply adapt and less people will be living out in the country.

Don't believe the globalists lies. They want to spread this rumor to pressure japan into taking immigrants so they lose their identity.

>> No.16395923

wow, i never even thought of this, guess it could be true...

>> No.16395994
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Maybe if we banned Raita's art Japanese men would actually want to have sex with their women instead of lusting over an unattainable ideal.

Look at this image and tell me this man doesn't know he's destroying the sex lives of an entire generation.

>> No.16396034
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That proportion hurts my eyes.

>banned Raita's art
Even if we do that, someone will take up the mantle anyway. It's pointless I say, pointless.

>> No.16396101

pretty much this.

Globalists act like the post world war 2 baby boom is the status quo, when in reality, it's just a momentary population spike. They treat the baby boom numbers as if they're the norm and try to trick people into keeping things as they are, when they really shouldn't stay that way.

>> No.16396118

Women aren't the problem, it's the work demands.
When are they going to stop working 80 hours a week?

>> No.16396175 [DELETED] 

Please put this thread out of its misery before it's flooded with frogs and merchant images. I want to forget you people are here.

>> No.16396196

Please put this thread out of its misery before it's flooded with frogs, merchants, and other epic memes. I want to forget all the human trash that has washed upon the shores of /jp/.

>> No.16396212

The ideal is only unobtainable if we believe it is. If you told someone in the far past that you could communicate with people around the world almost instantly, they'd call you a witch and burn you at the stake.

>> No.16396419

No, old women are much less fertile and have high rates of birth defects

Raita's art is shit.


>> No.16396899

>Population decline isn't an issue

But aging population is.

>> No.16397620

>pathetic jp faggot
>opens his trap about human trash

>> No.16397790

Raita's natural art is shit. Looks like giant water balloons bolted unto holocaust victims, he wasn't so crazy years back.

Reminder they had to hold him back from going full retard with proportions during Valkyria Chronicles 1's development. Reminder they had to stop him from drawing Selvaria porn.

>> No.16398070
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>Population decline isn't an issue
Like what >>16396899 has alluded to, population decline isn't that big of a deal so long as the composition of society stays the same. Ratio of old people to working-age people staying roughly the same in twenty, forty years. That's not what's happening - you have a large cohort of elderly boomers placing a strain on services while contributing nothing to the economy at the same time as fewer workers are being produced to replace them. What you have now is a situation where the need for tax dollars is rising at the same time that the tax base is shrinking. This is going to come at a time Japan's public finances are already drowning in debt.

Even if Japan isn't going to collapse financially in the near future, this is completely unsustainable unless drastic changes are made. The only real solutions are:
1. Raise taxes to raise revenue. Abe actually tried this a few years ago with a sales tax increase and it sent the economy back into recession.
2. Cut public spending. This would necessitate cuts to health spending.
3. Bring in immigrants to increase the tax base. This is politically unpopular and probably wouldn't happen (although the government is kind of doing this through the backdoor by expanding temporary worker programs: http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2016/04/27/national/japan-eyes-foreign-workers-stealthily-challenging-immigration-taboo/))
4. Do nothing and let shit collapse when the government can't pay bondholders interest on its debt mountain.

Looking at how the Japanese government is moving over the past few years, it looks like the likely course of action will be a combination of 2 and 3, depending on how much the government also chooses to spend on the JSDF. This means cutting health care to seniors.

Remember the plot to Ghost in the Shell Solid State Society? Part of it involves the government cutting health care costs through the "Noble Rot Senior Citizen" program, which is basically hooking seniors up to life support pods and letting them die in their apartments. It's not going to be that bad I think, but you might very well see senior citizens die from illness because cuts to health authorities in Japan might stretch health resources so fucking thin that you'll see people die on waiting lists.

"But muh robots"
Robots don't pay taxes and automation would accelerate the shrinking of the tax base by eliminating jobs permanently.

>they lose their identity.
I think you're forgetting that we here on /jp/ don't care about Japanese culture, we care about otaku culture.

>> No.16398095

Nice post. I think the third option you presented would be most likely. I saw this http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2017/01/10/national/learning-bow-japan-reluctantly-opens-door-foreign-housemaids/ as an example. Maybe increased access for foreign scholarships or skilled overseas workers. You'd wonder too how their military is going to work if they want to push their military while a supply of young people is drying up.
