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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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16377921 No.16377921 [Reply] [Original]

>Buying music from one of your favorite Japanese artists instead of pirating it

Be honest, how much of your music have you paid for?

>> No.16377925
File: 150 KB, 364x469, dla_majimea2a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are you QUOTING?

>> No.16377927

Giving money to artists you like is a good thing.

But I'm still not sure who you're quoting.

>> No.16377933
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I'm quoting my own feel after buying music from one of my favorite Japanese artists instead of pirating it. Do you know this feel?

>> No.16377936

Five albums, of a few thousand.

>> No.16377947

Nearly all of it for the last year and a half, none of it before then.

>> No.16377953

All the artist I liked are ded.

>> No.16377957
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Please don't do that again

To answer your question I'll probably buy my favorite music after I get a real job even if I only like 1-2 song in one album

>> No.16377958

Who has money for something like that?

I tried collecting CDs for a while but I'd literally have to quit spending money on everything else. It's fucking impossible.

>> No.16377995

I use spotify.

>> No.16378027

I steal them

>> No.16378103

Stealing is a form of bullying, anon

>> No.16378720

I buy stuff I really listen to a lot, unfortunately a good portion of that has to be bought second hand by now so the creator doesn't get anything.

>> No.16378735


>> No.16378749

Personally, I don't understand the point of buying second hand when the creator gets nothing. At that point, you might as well pirate, since the whole point of buying is to support the creators.

>> No.16378802

Depends, if I can get the soundtrack with a game or easily off iTunes I'll pay. Otherwise I usually just take youtube videos though the mp3 converter.

>> No.16378856

The creator does get something from second-hand, though.
If not what's the point?

>> No.16378884

He's not an anon, anon.

>> No.16378923

Every retard is just another anon from my point of view

>> No.16379056

I acknowledged that in my post, I like having physical discs of stuff I like. I mean I buy stuff that isn't second hand when I can it's just some things aren't printed anymore at all, or certain editions aren't.

>> No.16379829

>Buying music from one of your favorite Japanese artists instead of pirating it
The only reason why I even like any of my favorite J-music artists was because of pirating.

>Be honest, how much of your music have you paid for?
I don't have exact numbers, but the CD collection I have on me, I can say that I bought & paid for 90% of it (the other 10% was either someone else bought or gifted me). I only buy CDs for bands/artists that I obsess over & go completionist for or if I had a CD long time ago, but the it's too damaged/lost it.

>> No.16380024

Every time I visit Reitaisai I spend about 100-200 on CDs.

>> No.16388467
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What if I only like one or two song from an album? Should I import a CD just for them?

Is it possible to just donate?

>> No.16388781

I own a collection of 20 music CDs from doujin artists, but I probably have around 300 pirated albums

>> No.16388960

$0, losers.

>> No.16389064

Very little.

I've bought, I think, 3 individual tracks; 1 from itunes, and a vocal/instrumental tune from online (so 2 tracks)

I've bought one Japanese music CD and one doujin game CD. I didn't even want to buy the doujin CD because it was used, but buying it new was impossible. I don't like buying used, it's like the money goes nowhere.

Anyway I have a shitton of music but buying music is a pain. If there's a "recovering from piracy" program that scans through all your music and lets you buy it all, that'd be nice.

>> No.16389330
File: 318 KB, 720x708, bach.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I buy classical vinyls because if anyone ever comes to my house and sees my collection they might ask if I listen to classical music to which I would reply with yeah I guess and then they will think I'm quite cool for listening to classical music because not many people do and it is deemed very patrician and high brow. They might also say that they like classical music too but I know that they dont and only listen to 10 hour classical compilations on youtube for when they pretend to study and if I were to question them on Chopin's Mazurkas or Bach's Orchestral Suites they wouldn't know what to say even though they are pretty famous and their ignorance would only prove they don't actually know anything about classical music despite them claiming otherwise. This would serve to greatly caress my ego as I derive great satisfaction from exposing people who pretend to have certain interests when they don't. At this point the atmosphere in my room would become very awkard and they should probably take a hint and leave, and if they don't then I will ask them to do so. Once they leave I will watch them walk away until I no longer see them, at which point I will return to my room and listen to anime music because as it turns out I just now googled what a mazurka is because I don't really like classical music and only bought the vinyls so that I can feel superior to others for having such high brow taste because I am very insecure and this entire post is a great projection.

>> No.16389603

I wish the artists that I care about were still active or even famous enough...
Even so: NO. Unless the product itself is super-mega-duperhyper exclusive and limited, then nope

>> No.16389617

I bought Yonekura Chihiro song many years ago

>> No.16390116

Spotify has /jp music?

$15 for the OST of a VN I real liked. Planning on buying all of it when I get a full time job. Should only run me around $400-600.

>> No.16390123

I bought Mazinkaiser Superstar by Nick Turbo because I absolutely could not find it anywhere else. Youtube, Google, nothing. This was also like five years ago.

>> No.16396119

I was going to buy the Pokemon XY&Z movie version theme, but amazon wouldn't let me buy.

>> No.16400365

Some doujin artists use Bandcamp now, which massively saves on shipping (like j-neration for example). It's not common but it doesn't hurt to check. Next up is diverse.direct, which ships to the US so you don't have to pay proxy fees. Finally, it's crawling to melonbooks or tano*c or whatever with a proxy. Or going to the event.

I only have ~100 CDs.

>> No.16400396

Does listening to them on my (parent's) Apple Music subscription count?

>> No.16403420

Why does your parent listened to weeb songs?

>> No.16404767
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I want to support a band but they are already disbanded.


>> No.16404814

I haven't paid a penny for anything otaku-related, ever.

>> No.16405135

Since when?

>> No.16405200

Since 2013, appearantly.

Shuzo is still composing 2hu songs but it's not the same.

>> No.16405847

I bought 1 JAM project album on Itunes if that counts.

>> No.16406139


>> No.16406276

I don't pay for shit mostly because I can't afford shit. However, any musician worth a damn doesn't care about illegal internet downloads and usually they welcome it because it brings their work more exposure

>> No.16407330

>usually they welcome it because it brings their work more exposure

How do you know they do?

>> No.16407445
File: 37 KB, 600x600, party maker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought 4 Perfume blu-rays

>> No.16409011
File: 212 KB, 1268x1695, woah there.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wew lad

>> No.16410015

You're trying so hard to rationalise your selfishness it's funny
