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File: 25 KB, 576x416, largeanimepaperscans_fate-stay-night_keithfiann_55907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1637115 No.1637115 [Reply] [Original]

Best "game" I ever "played".

>> No.1637125

The logo doesn't look too bad on a dark background

>> No.1637123

Cool story bro

>> No.1637134

still playing HF..... but i doubt that it will beat UBW

>> No.1637154
File: 4 KB, 243x181, fsk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best "game" I ever "played".

>> No.1637166

Cool ''story'', ''bro''.

>> No.1637237

Some new copypasta I found.

>Are you shitting me? Because it sounds like you're shitting me.

>Lancer isn't developed at all. Gilgamesh gets the fucking jobbing of his life. We trade the FUCKING AWESOME Assassin for this True Assassin bullshit that gets tossed around by Rider. Archer gets no real attention at all either. SABER GOT SHAFTED.

>Sakura has a personality, sure: Fucking jealous slut. Not moe at all, and I never once felt an ounce of pity for that pot of meat and worms.

>Shirou seems human? What the hell are you talking about, he seems like a goddamn chicken. The moment that weighed his whole goddamn life and his promise to the man who saved his life and he gives it all up for that writhing mass of jealousy, hate, and smuttiness. Not to mention he lacks the manly drive and conviction that brought me to goddamn tears, I fucking cried man, in the other routes. Holy shit, he went from hall of fucking heroes to goddamn fail for nothing of value.

>Rin? You must be crazy. You must be fucking insane to think that some sisterly affection is somehow more awesome than her portrayal in UBW. You must be high out of your mind. Rin is good character, always, but I wish I could just inject pure UBW Rin into my goddamn eyes because she was so much better in that route. Tsundere? Fucking check. Allowing Shirou to be a fuckwin hero? Double Fucking Check. Beating the fucking hell out of Caster!? HOT DAMN.

>In short, Heaven's Feel failed on multiple levels to keep up with the sheer fucking awesome of the previous two routes.

>Also Sakura is the worst heroine by far, and HF Shirou is the biggest idiot I have ever seen in my life.

>> No.1637244

Not new, needs pruning

>> No.1637253


How can it not be new? It was written just about a half hour ago.

>> No.1637259


Sounds sort of like EXTREME ADVERTISING.

>> No.1637262

Newfag busted.

>> No.1637263

The "sisterly affection" bit is familiar, so no.
I think this was posted a couple days after hallowe'en.

>> No.1637273

Stop weeding.

>> No.1637292

I don't understand what you're trying to say to me.

>> No.1637298


Here's the thread.

A lot of fags in it, though. I'm loling at them ragging on UBW.

>> No.1637306

Worst 'post' I ever 'saged'

>> No.1637376


>> No.1637492

Why does maturity matter so much when it comes to fictional teenage characters?

>> No.1637900


Because the ones complaining are teenagers to young adults who want to seem "mature".

Giving up on dreams is not a sign of growing up, it's just giving up.

>> No.1637913

It's true. There are better females than Sakura to give up your ideals for. Like Rin. Or Rider. But Sakura? Cmon...

>> No.1637914


I enjoyed it quite a bit, but I must say that the Unlimited Blade Works arc paled in comparison to the Fate arc.

>> No.1637920


Understandable. Saber was moe and extremely cool. UBW is my favorite, but I still enjoy Fate very much. Especially with the Realta Nua addition.

>> No.1637930

UBW Archer vs. Shirou is still the best scene in the game. Play it with voices, you'll T_T.

>> No.1637934

UBW Archer vs. Shirou is still the best scene in the game. Play it with voices, you'll shed manly tears.

>> No.1637945


Of course, those women would never make you choose, but I see your point.

>> No.1637958


Now see, I don't get the UBW appeal at all. I played Fate first and then started UBW thinking it would be epic, but I'm kind of bored by it. I'm still waiting for the hot Shiro on Tohsaka action or some kind of deeper romance element.

>> No.1637975


You've really got to be interested in Shirou to get the most out of UBW, the route is about him after all, rather than the other two being about the heroines.

IF you don't shit brix at the Archer confrontation, you may have to get your Manly Tear ducts checked out.

>> No.1638023

UBW is the definitive route of Fate/Stay Night.

Anyone who disagrees is wrong.

You are wrong.

UBW isn't about romance. It's about what it means to be a hero, what it means to choose what you believe in, and what it means to walk that path no matter the cost.

And never really regret it.

>> No.1638033

I disagree, and I'm not wrong, either.

UBW is about false hopes, and breaking them.
The hope being that it would be a good route because of Rin.

>> No.1638040


Except HF is exactly like that, expect being HARDER for him.

UBW is just Fate/2 as HF is the reverse of Fate/UBW.

>> No.1638054


It's a fantastic route because of Shirou/Archer dynamic and Lancer being a fucking badass.

>> No.1638070

Lancer is the only reason I bothered finishing that route.
Well, that and the tiger stamps.

>> No.1638075

You're such a cute little troll, Jones.

HF was about abandoning everything he believed in in order to save Sakura, who wasn't compelling enough a character to bother saving.

HF was only good for Shirou, Rider, and Rin.

>> No.1638108


I know what HF is about and Sakura is a compelling character, at least far more that Caster is.

UBW was boring ... too much Caster, the only good bits are Archer and Lancer since Gil makes a even worst enemy that Caster.

HF make me sick but it answers everything and like it or not, he was being selfish ... he did not denied his ideals, he understood what they meant and accepted the responsibility.

>> No.1638121

Everything about your post is wrong. Simply this.

>> No.1638127


At least spout your bullshit in proper English.

>> No.1638154


So that is the best you can come up?

I like Saber, she always get shafted ... Sakura have her own charm as a character and it seems Rin always ends up liking him.

I prefere HF for a reason ... it explains everything and provides a ending, so much that F S/N A is based on HF true ending.

UBW is just wishful thinking and its unfortunately the only route were Shinji does not die.

>> No.1638169


HA is based off of no particular route, HF is the least likely one because the whole game is based off of Waver dismantling the Greater Grail, which is totally destroyed in that.

Know your shit, retard.

>> No.1638202

Come on, the guy wanted to save his girl and kicked reason to the curb. How is that any less of being heroic than in UBW of wanting to save everyone and kicking destiny to the curb?

Also, fuck you people who said giving up your dreams doesn't make you a grown up. In Spiderman 2, Spidy had to give up his dreams and no one bitches about that part.

>> No.1638220

The problem is the girl, not the actions of the guy.

>> No.1638216


It doesn't make you a grown up. Sometimes you do have to abandon a dream because it is impossible, but that's not growing up.

Even adults can have dreams and ideals.

It's also less heroic because he could have saved everyone, but chose not to.

>> No.1638248

Fuck that. I hated Mary Jane. Cunt should've died. Spiderman shouldn't have given up on his dreams. He should've found Black Cat.

>> No.1638410


And this is what Web of Shadows is for.

Anyways Sakura wasn't at all interesting before HF. So claiming she was a more compelling character than Caster before you played HF is utter bullshit.

Gil was at his best in UBW because he didn't have Saber holding him down.Sp much shit he did, and it was all awesome. Including tearing out Ilya's heart. Even though I love Ilya that scene was fucking awesome.

>unfortunately the only route were Shinji does not die.

God forbid we had a route that showed him actually change and become nicer to his jealous bitch of a sister.

>> No.1638446


>Come on, the guy wanted to save his girl and kicked reason to the curb. How is that any less of being heroic than in UBW of wanting to save everyone and kicking destiny to the curb?

Easy. He put the life of one above many. This is the opposite of what a hero does.

Then again he was enough of a pussy to abandon his ideal, so don't mind me.

>> No.1638470

UBW Shirou is a hero. HF Shirou is another kind of hero.

Neither of them are wrong. They're just different people.

>> No.1638478


I guess.

>> No.1638547


HF Shirou is NOT a hero.

>> No.1638571

Shiki: well, I guess it cant be helped, I will do what I can.


pretty much why I dont like fate that much

>> No.1638583

HF was only good for Kotomine... and erm, the two or three slice of life Rider scenes.

>> No.1638625
File: 12 KB, 250x188, Koto..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: people forgetting about the best part of HF

>> No.1638635


>> No.1638639


The curry?

>> No.1638652

Shiki's a true bro.

Shirou's just a bustah.

>> No.1638792

>>1638446 He put the life of one above many. This is the opposite of what a hero does.
He refused to kill an innocent and sought a third way. This is exactly what a hero does.

>> No.1638817


>>The curry?

So, Kotomine is the curry-ass version of FSN?

>> No.1638824

>He refused to kill an innocent and sought a third way. This is exactly what a hero does.

Quite, but in this situation saving that innocent ended up in other innocents getting killed. The decision was selfish, but that's precisely the point, to show Shirou can be like any other human.

>> No.1638827
File: 55 KB, 700x584, 1175752276060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fate stay night.

>> No.1639148
File: 962 KB, 1500x2962, FSN-HolyGrail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are forgetting the real reason.

What would you do with a Holy Grail?

>> No.1639328

Lol, that thing sucked. The most boring thing I have ever looked at. Clicking the mousebuttons have never been more depressing. I deleted this crap.

>> No.1639577
File: 9 KB, 2365x2338, 1227193591108.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Open this image.
2. Save it as 4chan.js
3. pen the file you saved.
4. ???
5. Shit bricks.

>> No.1639711
File: 9 KB, 2365x2338, 1227196272866.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Open this image.
2. Sve it as 4chan.js
3. Open the file you saved.
4. ???
5. Shit bricks.

>> No.1639720
File: 9 KB, 2365x2338, 1227196465056.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Open this image.
2. Save it as 4chan.js
3. Open the file you saved.
4. ???
5. Shit bricks.


>> No.1639730

>>1637237 We trade the FUCKING AWESOME Assassin
I stopped reading here

>> No.1639738

Funny how sakura is full of worms and stuff, to bad she only has one worm.

>> No.1639749
File: 9 KB, 2365x2338, 1227197124584.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Open this iCDmaShge`.
2. Save it as 4chan.js+
3. Open the fiJle you saved)f.
4. ???
5. Shit bricks.


>> No.1639791
File: 9 KB, 2365x2338, 1227198095420.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Opent this image.
2. Sav e it as 4chan.js
3. Open the file you saved.
4. ???
5. Shit bricks.

>> No.1639792

>>Not moe at all

Yeah, this is my single greatest problem with HF. Kohaku is so moe that I can't even play Hisui's route without forcing myself to go through it and when I do, I feel incredibly guilty afterwards.

Sakura... fuck, I cared more when I played it with Atlas and I missed a quarter of the text than when I played the translation. She's absent for most of the story and when she is there, she's just useless dead weight, Shirou never really discusses anything with her and she never does anything. Sure, F/SN isn't as harem-focused as Tsukihime, but the heroines are still important.

>> No.1639922
File: 9 KB, 2365x2338, 1227200607470.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Open hthis iage.
.2. Save it as 4chan.js
3. Open the file you save.d.
4. ???
5. Shit bricks.

>> No.1639926

HF was a really nice route, I just could not like Sakura but the background info, Kotomine, Ilya and Rin are fucking awesome.

>> No.1639946

HF was too long for its own good, there were like 2-3 really good scenes and lots of boring shits in between.
Actually that's a problem with FSN as a whole but it was even worse in HF.
Overall it was a pretty average route, for the me the only thing that make FSN above average is the whole Shirou/Archer conflict in UBW.

>> No.1639969

>I like Bleach and Naruto

>> No.1641053

I liked HF. Mostly because it contains the obvious leftovers of the scrapped Ilya route. Best Shirou and Ilya interactions. Such a cute imouto!

And she still kills you a bunch of times anyways,

>> No.1643117

I'd kinda have to agree some of the anti-Sakura sentiments.

I really want to like her, since she's the best looking TM girl, and she's cool when everybody's just hanging out casually, but she's kind of irritating when it comes to anything more serious.

Maybe she'd be more likable in something like F/HA which is probably more light hearted and less srs bzns.

>> No.1643154

HF made me go from thinking Sakura was just a tool to thinking she's possibly my least favorite heroine. Ok, maybe Ciel's worse... but still.... jeez

>> No.1643160


Sakura is different, you have Saint Saber that kicks Ass and Tsundare Rin that also kicks ass.

Sakura ... does not kick ass, I agree she is relegated as "prize" and does little besides being normal and HF does not change much of Sakura core personality even with the "Dark Sakura" twist but ... her route requires sacrifices and struggles that are not present in neither UBW or Fate and that is why I enjoyed it.

Also in a way she perverts a lot of the things we come to assume of the "doormat" type (as being a virgin) but still remains a victim, her only notable action is getting rid of True Assassin and digging out the Soul Worm from her heart.

She does shine a few times, like when she and Rider corner him to ask who is the most prettier after he praised Rider.

>> No.1644263

Great, now go play Tsukihime.

>> No.1644297

So who kills Shirou most in the 40 bad/dead ends? I have a feeling that it's Ilya, but one Tiger Dojo said it's not.

On topic, I must say I enjoyed HF. Mostly because of KOOTOOOOMINEEEE

>> No.1644303

Sakura/Shadow related bad ends are 6 or 7 IIRC, while Illya is 4-5.

>> No.1644318

Doesn't Ilya have like 4-5 deaths in Fate alone, and at least one in HF?

Meh, well, the Shadow killed you constantly. That's true.
