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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 137 KB, 809x1000, trapthegame1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1636711 No.1636711 [Reply] [Original]

Had this idea while on the train. Trap: The VN , where you get to actually meet traps and guide them on their path to trap-dom.

very rough, depending on interest levels, project can be initiated to not.

>> No.1636720
File: 16 KB, 305x305, temp2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool VN, bro.

>> No.1636727

How bout trying to be original next time?

>> No.1636827
File: 155 KB, 1000x670, trapthegame2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol wut? such a game exists? i can tell you its not similar to trap vns like cherry boy.

>> No.1636843

Trap Maker?

>> No.1636855

Hmm... I'd pirate it,sounds interesting.

>> No.1636866

Hi kekekeke

>> No.1636870

Basically, but in VN modo

probably making it free

>> No.1636887

Another trap vn? what about a futa vn? at least that would be interesting.

>> No.1636898

lol hi, are you my stalker or something?

>> No.1636905

I'd gladly and respectfully pay for a legitimate copy of it.

>> No.1636909

Wouldn't it be better with less penises?

>> No.1636918


>> No.1636925

Rather than a VN, I think it might work better as a Princess Maker-type game...a non-linear, more game-like format. Still with a bit of a story, but not just clickan and readan...some more stat-based stuff and making wider choices.

>> No.1636928


>> No.1636981

A game all about making traps, you say? Sounds pretty good!

>> No.1636990
File: 66 KB, 600x400, 1f0116c813196671005941d55bb72c8d0c8cc906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A game all about making traps, you say? Sounds pretty good!

>> No.1637264
File: 124 KB, 748x1000, trapthegame3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am really just planning to get my hands dirty and use renpy for it. i dont know anything about coding vidya games.

moar art, nothing explicit since this is a work safe board amirite?

>> No.1637325

I don't know what to think. I'm simultaneously intrigued and intimidated by this D:

>> No.1637406

Well, I guess that's fine if you don't have much coding experience...but simple "point and click" style games like this would be pretty easy to do, without any fancy graphical effects or danmaku to code. Heck, even I could do it, with the one introductory-level Java course I took last year.

In fact, you could make a Princess Maker style game purely

>> No.1637415

Well, I guess that's fine if you don't have much coding experience...but simple "point and click" style games like this would be pretty easy to do, without any fancy graphical effects or danmaku to code. Heck, even I could do it, with the one introductory-level Java course I took last year.

In fact, you could make a Princess Maker style game purely in Ren'Py. It wouldn't take much coding expertise, just a bit of cleverness in breaking the system. I remember one Anon talking about how he'd made a classic FFVI-style RPG battle system in Re'Py in an evening.

Either way, art is probably a more rare (valuable) skill than coding on /jp/, so just work on that for now.

>> No.1637429

Shit, I've been looking for a coder to my VN idea like, since ever...

>> No.1637437 [SPOILER] 
File: 52 KB, 400x400, 1227146461560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will be able to make reverse traps too, right?

>> No.1637450

Whatever you do, for God's sake, don't make it set in Japan or have Japanese names. That's retardedly weeaboo and embarrassing.

You could have a foreign exchange student if you wanted though.

Oh, and there are lots of American/British schools that have school uniforms, if you need that moe aspect going on. Even sailor fuku. After all, the Allied boys invented the serafuku.

>> No.1637451

got a good plot already?

>> No.1637452

Idea? Brother, you'd better have ALL of your art done, ALL of your writing done, and ALL of your voice acting done before you go looking for a coder.

>> No.1637455


>> No.1637456


Is that really how it's done?

>> No.1637471

Uniforms aren't required; that just limits the variety of ribbons and lacy dresses you can put on them, anyways.

>> No.1637486


RPG Maker?

>> No.1637488

Given the number of people that "have an idea", versus the number of people willing to actually code one up? Yes. You don't necessarily need EVERYTHING done, but you DO need to provide some evidence that you're not another prick that is going to come up with some vague ideas, ask for the code to be made, and then disappear into the ether of the internet when you decide it's too much work and lose interest.

>> No.1637490

Sounds gay. Where would the drama come from?

>> No.1637494

No, Anonymous is just being harsh and overly demanding.

>> No.1637510

Ohho, trap drama is the best drama. I can think of tons of ideas.

>> No.1637527


I realize that. I'm also on the other side of highly demanded personnel spectrum (artists) so I know how that goes.

I don't look for coders at 4chan. But I don't know of anywhere else I could go to say 'hey, take a look at this, do you think I could interest you in coding it'?

>> No.1637533

Sounds good to me. Get to work!

>> No.1637534

A solid stable story (not what I'm doing, man I'm going nuts) idea and art of all the characters are a good business in VN making (or so I think).

Praytell, if you can get this game up (and with a better title than Trap: The Game), then I'll be there to enjoy it. And then give a standing ovation!

Summary: Go for it, it's not like anything's stopping you.

>> No.1637535

Of course, it's not like the uniforms in the average VN really have any basis in reality ww...you can make it as unrealistically cute and pretty as you want. VN's are all about being better than real life, not similar to it!

>> No.1637544

While it is true that you COULD find someone to write a program for your visual novel, the fact is that there are a lot of people that want a programmer to help them do all kinds of shit; if your request for someone to build you a custom-tailored visual novel engine, it helps to be able to convince them that you are actually going to do something with the results of their time and effort.

>> No.1637556

Remember, your potential audience for this game includes women as well as 4chan-lurking otaku. Most yaoi is just as or perverted than this.

And don't forget to add in shota characters. Make a little sister, heh...

>> No.1637578
File: 113 KB, 1000x673, trapthegame4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No plot as of yet, still trying to design some characters before I go into the process of fitting into a coherent plot.

Setting is still undecided, but i agree, i am also against japanese names.

>> No.1637579

I'd play it.

>> No.1637639


Well, I'm not asking for some to write a code out of generosity... It's more of a co-authoring kind of thing.

>> No.1637641

Also, remember... ZUN practically made his games by himself.

>> No.1637645

You're not http://pieceofshyst.deviantart.com, are you?

>> No.1637862

the main focus of this game is not about yaoi at all, its about traps, and i consider those completely different categories. I have no intentions of including any yaoi bear naked man ass in this.

>> No.1637877

Interestingly enough, most fujoshi consider yaoi and bear to be separate categories.

>> No.1637881

And I don't think Fujoshi are into traps.

>> No.1637895


>> No.1637899

On the contrary, fujoshi dislike males who look male.

Lesbians in denial.

>> No.1637907

Who are we to judge, who do not like girls with all of their dimensions?

>> No.1637928


Wait, seriously?

God fucking damnit. So that's why those fags with the pierced ears and girly hair get them.

>> No.1637938

Yeah, the hairy gay man aesthetic is mostly popular with (surprise!) hairy gay men.

>> No.1637971

You did some of the previous older work on Katawa Shoujo and had joined FDM 0bsidian before right?
If so, your artwork isn't too hard to recognize, not that it's a bad thing. I quite like it.
Though the general concept sounds different it reminded me of Catear's games, which are entirely based around trapdom.

If you really think you've got something going then go for it. Imagining the possibilities would at the very least be fun.
If this project ever takes off, I dunno, I feel like I want to be apart of it despite not having any particular talent or skill useful for just a job.

>> No.1637982


>> No.1637992

How did he grow his hair so long, so fast?

>> No.1637998

correct i was the first artist for katawa shoujo, never heard of FDM obsidian...currently not looking any people

>> No.1638009

>I feel like I want to be apart of it despite not having any particular talent or skill useful for just a job.
>despite not having any particular talent or skill useful for just a job.
>not having any particular talent or skill useful

You're pathetic, Anonymous..

>> No.1638025

I wanna see this happen anyway. Not least cause it'd be hilarious.

>> No.1638096

I'd play it, but only if it had a good story.

>> No.1638106

I imagine its a wig

>> No.1638137
File: 136 KB, 245x600, rinnEyesClosedSmile2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems you already had a head start.

>> No.1638199

Oh you! Come here and give me a high five!

>> No.1638299

take ur time, you should try and write it down too as you think about it, learn to brainstorm so you can easily pick one out that could be an interest for the story, character design is no big deal as long as you know where to look, you typical neighborhood is full of references and inspiration things you can look at

>> No.1638496

Drill hair is kind of cliche and boring now...

>> No.1638531
File: 113 KB, 933x1513, 1215556466096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeaahh Imma go work on this....

I really should start working on some coherent story.

But first! I must refine myself a bit

>> No.1638712

Fucking work on your coloring and anatomy, this is passable for now, but seriously work on it.

>> No.1638720


And don't write like this guy. Please.

>> No.1638721

Make the protagonist female.

>> No.1638723


>> No.1638736

Downloading now.

>> No.1638752

Jesus christ I nearly came.

>> No.1638753

I support this idea. Will you be doing it all by yourself?

>> No.1638759

Bad idea. The majority of people into traps are males, and VNs are supposed to make you identify somewhat with the protagonist. If it had a female protagonist, it'd appeal to around 2-5 people.

>> No.1638767

in this game, you are the trap. you earn money to buy clothes

>> No.1638769

I'm male.

>> No.1638793

I'm a faggot, I'd prefer to see female/trap than trap/trap or male/trap

>> No.1638802


This. I'm not particularly uncomfortable with my sexuality, but I would much rather fap to h-scenes of a girl getting pounded by a guy who looks like a girl than seing a guy get pounded by a guy who looks like a girl.

>> No.1639088
File: 9 KB, 2365x2338, 1223444976789.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.skcirb tihS .5

??? .4

.devas uoy elif eht nepO .3

sj.nah4 sa ti evaS .

.egami siht nepO .1


>> No.1639261
File: 9 KB, 2365x2338, 1227187628795.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.scirb tihS .5

??? .4

.devas uoy elif eht nepO .3

sj.nahc4 sa ti evaS .2

.gami siht nepO .1

>> No.1639770

It'd be best to put in both trapxfemale and trapxmale content, depending on the routes. Appeal to all bases.

>> No.1640141

Is this available in english?

>> No.1640154


>> No.1640169

Care to elaborate?

>> No.1640354

It's not very good.

>> No.1640356


>> No.1640369

Also goddammit why are there almost no trap mangas/VNs that aren't porn?

>> No.1640380

>trap mangas that aren't porn
There are fucking tons of those.
There's one or two of those, but they're ports.

>> No.1640386

Is there a list of those mangas somewhere?

>> No.1640453

Uhh, what exactly'd be the point of such a VN? Unless it's supposed to be filled with trap porn, I don't get the apppeal it seems to have to you guys.

>> No.1640569
File: 762 KB, 1940x1400, GB_v05_study33_090-091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, OP, I'd had something to ask you. You want to make this as timekiller or really put some effort and do a semi-fullfledged game out of it?

If you are going to do that you mean the main character is going to be the trap or you mean the harem will be traps?

Because, you know, that's two different things.
In the first one you're have to put a lot more enphasis on the MC and his psyche aswell as detailing his process to become a trap (by this I mean just applying make-up, dressing up, etc or going a bit deeper and seeing how he slowly accepts dressing up as a girl and acting as a trap in front of people).

Also, you can use this for reference (it's in japanese but some stuff can be understood without moonrune knowledge):

If you want some manga suggestions or CG Packs you could also ask /d/ (for pornographic content) and /a/ (for more worksafe content to develop the story). Yubisaki Milktea has a Trap MC for example (one that switches between clothing as male and/or female).
Also, GoldenBoy chapters 22-33

>> No.1640590

Game of pretend (quite literally).

>> No.1640593


Deepening the experience is moot. How should anyone here know how a trap feels? And what kinda trap is it supposed to be? Just the typical trap, meaning a transvestite, or a transsexual?

>> No.1640601


So the appeal lies in managing to hide the fact that one is actually male?

>> No.1640634

Trap normally refers to transvestite in 4chan (read: /d/ ) lingo. The other thing would be a futa.

Also, that's why I provided ref material.

Rather trying to lure males so they want to do it with you and by the time they realize you have a weener they don't care anymore.
Or lure females into lesbian sex only for them to find out "Surprise, penis"

>> No.1640657

Ah, ok.

>trying to lure males so they want to do it with you
>Or lure females into lesbian sex only for them to find out "Surprise, penis"

And which one of these two options would you recommend for the game? I'm not the OP, just interested.

>> No.1640688

Both. Why limit your options?

Then again, if it really uses bad ends we'd have to ask ourselves, if fucking guys and/or women are the good ends, what would be the bad ends?

You could make blackmail and cumdump ends and stuff but those are not really bad ends in the eyes of /d/. (As I said, I think /d/ would have a better idea on the specifics of relationships and good and bad endings while /jp/ would be better to ask for structure and pacing IMHO).

>> No.1642167

There are plenty of games where the "Bad Ends" unlock erotic content. Like that Pretty Soldier Wars, when you get beaten on the tactical mode and get to see your troops tentacle raped.

>> No.1642354

If anyone is to do this, they must understand that there is a tremendous gap in the mindsets between a casual crossdresser and someone who is gender dysphoric, and that both types appeal to different people.
(And thus both should be offered. And hopefully presented somewhat realistically)

>> No.1643497


>> No.1643697
File: 26 KB, 704x400, 1227254489662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woah, drawing futa... err traps might be interesting
go ahead, DO IT FAGGOT
and i want to see reverse traps as well

>> No.1643815


With art like that I can say me and my penis will be very happy when this comes out. Saved and looking forward to it.

>> No.1643870


>> No.1644202

Me too.

Did anyone else notice that the tented skirt?

>> No.1644702

What does make you think they won't be presented?

>> No.1644708

Something tells me kekekeke doesn't have the attention span for this
