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File: 71 KB, 640x480, 03-06-08_2244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
163241 No.163241 [Reply] [Original]

So, good end advisable in Day 2?
Also, this is getting way too branched...

>> No.163269


Good ends will ruin the game.
There should only be a ronery end. Spend each day staying inside browsing 4chan, and always say "so ronery ;_;"

>> No.163284

how do I use photoshop?

>> No.163278

write smaller and try to shoot photos in a lower resolution next time

>> No.163309

>3rd world cameras
and how dare you talk like that to anon of colombia

>> No.163313


>> No.163323

seriously, youre the worst tripfag ever

>> No.163340

I like your style kid

what's your name?

>> No.163342

I was thinking, maybe make a Good End as an After Story sort of thing. Once you have experienced all the different Bad Ends, I guess you deserve an epilogue.

>> No.163344

wow, even my cellphone takes better pictures, and im from peru.

>> No.163354

yeah, its sad

>> No.163359


Still doesn't have to be a good end.

>> No.163361


I can't aim.

>> No.163360

anyway, have a nice day colombia

>> No.163365


>> No.163373

take your time; if you saw the branch diagram of tsukihime it's fukken hueg and and it's a smaller game than F/SN

>> No.163374


>> No.163382

is this insomniac-tan gaem ?

>> No.163384

While i think this is sort of an dessert for the whole thing, i still manage to stay anonymous and bitchfuckshit it out of the window. I think anonymous should deserve a good end, even if just one of them, yet it just doesnt fit into the whole concept yet.

Are you guys planning to make this a real independent (as in fuck day 1, we got this here dun dun dun) VN, or a continuation of the original so ronery ;_;?


>> No.163389


No. Anon the VN.

There is no good end.

>> No.163398

we already play that game IRL ;_;

>> No.163397

This anon speaks the truth

>> No.163405


Yeah, but now we can play it as a VN too.
There's a downloadable version on megaupload

>> No.163413

If you can't even draw a flowchart on the computer or take a decent photo, I doubt you'll turn out anything decent.

>> No.163420


>> No.163433


>> No.163437

you dont even know who anon of colombia is, youre a faggot

>> No.163439

soon, normal people will be able to feel our pain, right ?

>> No.163447

who the fuck is this faggot?

>> No.163451

Eat shit nigger, as much as you would like this to be about tripfags/namefags (which it is in the end) you still cant hate on these innovative Anons for a great idea. If you try, you might as well make like troll and get B&

>> No.163452

Bad Ends for everyone it is then.
But I don't want to write a full VN, this is just a short thing for fun.

As for the crap quality of image, I regret nothing. It's just a doodle of the ideas so far that I did in class.

>> No.163450

same fag bashing Anon of Colombia, disregard him.

>> No.163457

Next time post with your tripcode fag.

>> No.163468

got a number of days planned already ?
just to have an idea of the size.

>> No.163474


>> No.163469


>> No.163478

colombia si quieres te lo paso a ordenador no es TAN dificil

>> No.163487

you did that on purpose, did you ?

>> No.163503

i think think he can do it himself

>> No.163504

Two. As for the size, I'm going to expand on day one, improve the scenes since I'm not on the 2k character limit now, and extend the bad ends so it doesn't ends around noon of Day one.
>Colombia, if you want to, I can digitalize it. It's not THAT difficult.
That's not the problem. Besides, I'm gonna have to make some drastic changes to it

>> No.163508

Back from the outside world.

Okay, shouldn't be hard to code, I'm okay with that.

>> No.163516

>>But I don't want to write a full VN, this is just a short thing for fun.
Yeah, and I want to finish it too, it's fun to do.

>> No.163512

"Anonymous : the visual novel."

ten minutes into the game you are given the choice to make yourself taller.

I like it.

>> No.163533

drawfag here
do you need any type of graphics?

>> No.163535
File: 56 KB, 549x549, 1204926216264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.163538

Oh lawd is that some credits song

>> No.163543

Yeah, that's mostly my life actually.

I would have come home later if the restaurant wouldn't have cost so damn much.

>> No.163546

looks like an awesome VN. needs a make yourself taller option as previously stated by another anon

>> No.163550

show us what you got

>> No.163563


Seriously guys, ones writing, and ones supposed to make like a VN and give us so ronery ;_; , yet i still think this cant happen without you two taking contact(yeah, gays and shit and all that jazz) and OF COURSE informing us about the progress. /rant


>> No.163566

At first I was like, "WHOOOOOH-"
But then I was like, "Oh, A drawfag, not Drawfag."
Well, I shan't judge you before I've sampled you; care to post some of your work?
>>Any Colombia post.
Looking good, so far. Keep up the hard work.
>>rest of thread

>> No.163567
File: 18 KB, 596x680, 1204926599727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a thought...

>> No.163579

Just the man we need. We need character art, in varying emotions. I leave the actual design to your interpretation of the game.

I never thought it would go this far, but at least it's more feasible than Insomnia Project, seeing that you are meant to play through it in less than 45 minutes.

>> No.163585

a choice that leads to the same follow-up scene but triggers a flag may be better for some situations

>> No.163594

anything's better than the illusion of choice that changes nothing. It just serves to trick the player into thinking there is a level of interactivity, when there just isn't.

>> No.163598

that drawfag better be drawing something right now

>> No.163604

triggering a flag actually changes something later in the game

>> No.163606

>>I never thought it would go this far
Neither did I. Aren't you kinda moved? (Even if there's lolipron)

>> No.163609

so wtf are you arguing?

>> No.163614

Optional scenes that don't affect the outcome, but anon might enjoy seeing them anyway.
All of them in the OP image is the same two choices:
sage or ;_;. It doesn't matters what you do, you still feel bad.
sleep or fap. Depending on the route, the familiar images of your 2d waifu are suddenly replaced by a real woman (sister, maid, anon-tan) You come, but remain shocked for a good while. It's been years since you fapped to pig disgusting 3D. It feels so dirty and unnatural...
Of course, in the ronery route, the 2d waifu remains.
And, in the morning, you feel embarassed about fapping to her when you talk again, but it doesn't affects outcome.

>> No.163611

After seeing your asshole of a whateverthefuckthatssupposedtobenigger,imdrinkingbeeroverhere i inspected that you propably are a bit left behind in this whole scene shit. SCENE, GET IT!?!?!!?!?!!???!???!?!!?!?!??

Yeah i have nothing more to add. sry! xD >D ;P etc.

>> No.163642

No good end, only some bad end, and a very bad end.

>> No.163643
File: 9 KB, 495x415, 1204927304285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But wouldn't that look more like
For the sake of clarity/neatness?

In Colombia's diagram, what you've got, in effect, is two separate choices.

>> No.163663

So, what happened to that drawfag?

>> No.163666

What part of this game is Japanese?

>> No.163667

Probably drawing

>> No.163668

Is there a mom route yet?

>> No.163673

were not weeaboos

>> No.163674

Shut your whore mouth, maggot

>> No.163680

I see

>> No.163684

Just draw the stupid chart in mspaint so you can post that.

>> No.163685

Good end are for faggots.

Bad end is what we all deserve.

>> No.163697


>> No.163705

Welcome to /jp/. You're a weeaboo.

>> No.163710
File: 351 KB, 683x905, 1204927930612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok what the fuck my internet is being a bitch with me and not letting me upload a 300kb pic!!

but yea, i wish i had the skills of Drawfag, if ill post a bettr pic, when i got home, for now i give you this, is pretty old (6-7 months)

>> No.163715

So youre not the drawfag?

>> No.163726

he is a drawfag but not the Drawfag.

>> No.163727


That's fucking perfect for what we want! Shit, that's better quality than a fair number of published VN's.

>> No.163729

Wow, such a forehead

>> No.163735

As i expected

>> No.163739

It's kind of QUALITY but you're doing it wrong. You need to aim for 07th Expansion QUALITY.

>> No.163744

no im not the god almighty Drawfag that dwells on 4chan im just a mortal soul wandering around
