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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 723 KB, 2586x1800, この世の果てで恋を唄う少女.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16313225 No.16313225 [Reply] [Original]

What would /jp/ obsess about if this was the early-mid 90s?

>> No.16313245

That game was the shit. I used to have 4 big boxes stuffed full of Saturn discs. Made almost $800 when I sold them all...

>> No.16313254

We'd be having threads about pure and honest kemono mimi instead of shitty and gross monster musume.

Considering otaku wasn't really much of a word in the west then, probably talking about stuff like ninjas and samurai and cyberpunk and why Japan will own the world in a few years. The schoolgirl threads would be a lot better though. On the other hand, there would probably be jr (gravure) idol threads since the 90s internet didn't give a fuck about things like that.

VN wise I have no idea. /jp/ Would probably be into rpgs like Lunar and shit.

>> No.16313264
File: 2.41 MB, 1534x2100, MD_valisiii_jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about the Valis series?

Also il keep pretending Valis X does not exist.

>> No.16313318
File: 204 KB, 1313x917, sailormoon_20061105_165556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /jp/ you coming along to the game center?

>> No.16313342

Is this game as fun as The Simpsons, Alien vs Predator, or Turtles in Time?

>> No.16313351

The only good one you mentioned was AvP.

>> No.16313483

You can't seriously hate the simpsons.

>> No.16314149

Early 90's Usenet mentions otaku, but in the definition of enthusiast rather than specifically someone who likes Japanese animation, but it's still implied otaku were into that stuff.

>> No.16314189

I am embarrassingly stuck in this shortly after they introduce the actual traveling mechanic.

>> No.16314639


>> No.16314904

Usenet still exists: sometimes I see great posts.

>> No.16314986

absolute garbage game
the only thing good about it is the art

>> No.16315386

It aint no Knuckle Bash


>> No.16316375
File: 254 KB, 1280x960, 20120116133945a43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suck my cock dude

>> No.16316560


>> No.16317777

Probably Sakura Taisen and the Sega Saturn, and bitching about Working Designs translation.

>> No.16317810
File: 90 KB, 642x402, WS01715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The same thing I obsessed over back then.


Because I am a fucking retard that refuses to move on.

>> No.16317826

Valis series? I learned about it first in some mexican magazine back in the day. In fact, I came upon assorted minor notes and articles about eroge in what was supposed to be a Nintendo oriented magazine for kids.

Last I hears about it, it was turned into a porn series with not production values whatsoever. Is this true?

>> No.16317880
File: 118 KB, 640x480, 6fIwDsW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16317887
File: 119 KB, 640x480, gfs_46545_2_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16317905
File: 161 KB, 827x1168, sakurataisen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Last I hears about it, it was turned into a porn series with not production values whatsoever. Is this true?

Yeah and it bombed like hell was supposed to be a trilogy or something it was bottom barrel rubbish even within it's own genre

>> No.16317908
File: 143 KB, 666x380, shittymobage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That came a decade later, anon.

Not that it matters anymore. The series is dead, the IP sold to DMM to make a most shitty soulless mobage,

>> No.16317924
File: 1.49 MB, 2600x1567, 1995_01_PCFX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, now that I think about it the PC-FX would have probably been very sought after.

>> No.16317993
File: 147 KB, 640x480, CSKABE3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent an unholy amount of time playing that game.

This thing used to be my wallpaper.

>> No.16317996 [DELETED] 

Dude, I was obsessing on Eva BIG TIME back then. Holy shit. I think I watched it at least 25 times between 96-00.

Also, I was a big Escaflowne fag. Still am. Cutie Honey, Sailor Moon, Doomed Megalopolis, La Blue Girl, Ys, Devilman OVAs, 3x3 Eyes, Bubblegum Crisis, Urusei Yatsura. Too many to name.

And, of course, I got turned onto 2hu at the end of the decade/beginning of the 00s. I don't remember precisely.

>> No.16318012

>This thing used to be my wallpaper.
On what, your 1980s brick cellphone? What had such a small resolution in the 90s? Jap monitors?

>> No.16318015
File: 844 KB, 779x1024, 7857783854_7068c994fb_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laserdiscs or VHS?

>> No.16318024
File: 100 KB, 960x720, oldmonitor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, please understand. 640x480 was a normal screen resolution back in the day.

>> No.16318028


If I wasn't lazy I would post my whole valis collection.

Famicom one in box
All Mega Drive releases in box
Valis III USA in box
All PC Engine CD's complete
Super Valis complete in box

How you like that shit.

P.S. I don't have Valis X but it's not official Valis. Plus I have a shit ton of lewd Valis doujins

>> No.16318034


That anon was born when Macbooks existed. He couldn't possibly fathom such a small resolution.

>> No.16318037
File: 64 KB, 640x400, true_awesome_95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VHS, senpai. I wasn't baller enough to afford the HD stuff.

Deleted my original post because it kinda answered the question of what /a/ would have obsessed over back in the day but whatever, I was young.

I was doing a lot of pic related back then, though.

>> No.16318039
File: 519 KB, 3264x2448, Nms8245a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Back when PHILIPS was not a complete joke and brands such as GRUNDIG still meant something

>> No.16318044

I really liked Super Valis, but that game was so damn unfair. I had to exploit the golden armor or I couldn't stand a chance.

>> No.16318052

I was born in 84, and in the 90s I had at least 800x600.

>> No.16318079

Well, I am sure your father could afford that. But I couldn't possibly ask my father to dish out $2000-$4000 for a top of the line computer.

>> No.16318085
File: 38 KB, 500x283, 01_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16318091

Please. That pc that was posted was probably made in the 80s instead of 90s.

>> No.16318107
File: 2.52 MB, 3264x1840, 413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>VHS, senpai. I wasn't baller enough to afford the HD stuff.

I recently dug out my old set and turned on some old stuff I kinda forgot how nice SD stuff looked on a old TV.

>> No.16318125

The A4000 is a 1992 model, anon. 禁断の血族 came out in 1993.

Kids these days, I tell ya...

>> No.16318163
File: 8 KB, 701x333, 1344955491311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would a hypothetical 90s /jp/ include Kaiju like Godzilla and Gamera?

>> No.16318168

Was that translated into english of did you know japanese back then?

>> No.16318228
File: 55 KB, 1024x505, tvmusiccd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew the most basic of japanese back then. I struggled through it with sheer determination and by asking a very kindly japanese guy who instroduced me into it.

>> No.16318233

kill youself, frogposter.

>> No.16318244

Did you import it from Japan, buy/get a copy from someone in your country, or download it from the internet?

>> No.16318259

It was a decent picture until the frog.

>> No.16318260
File: 10 KB, 236x314, in_the_name_of_beep_boop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly this. We weren't blind back then - technology just made us think so.

>> No.16318281


Not him, but I do remember people playing Japanese games though translated scripts even if they didn't have know a lick of Moonrunes.


That image is older than you, junior.

>> No.16318285

True Love

>> No.16318286

How did people get their hands on japanese games back then?

>> No.16318287

I didn't know of any import services back then. So I got it by diskettes given by hand. Online distribution didn't truly start until late 1995.

As for the music CD, I did buy it from amazon a couple years ago.

>> No.16318293

So, you got it from some other guy who had it? And i assume he had bought in Japan?

>> No.16318306

Mailorder through magazines and it was common for local videogame stores to carry imports.

>> No.16318316

Which kind of magazines? There were magazines dedicated to imports?

>> No.16318328
File: 219 KB, 640x480, dqs2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, by the japanese guy I mentioned. We were talking about games, then I mentioned him what this "Doukyuusei" thing was. And if he had heard about it.

So yeah. He gave me a short lecture what the article was really about, then we proceeded to install DOSV/J on my computer and so I could play some goddamn eroges. You could run it even without them, but you wouldn't see any kanji. Also some things weren't accesible due to some architecture things I didn't understand at the time, so DOSV/J was a must.

>> No.16318333

Anime&Videogame magazines' there was always some huge full page advertisement of store's showing off their inventory oh and obligatory sale of import adapters and modchips

>> No.16318358

What is this? Google turns up nothing.

>> No.16318372

I know it as DOSV/J since that is what came up on the screen. The thing is officially named DOS/V

>> No.16318386

So, it's an operating system? You had more then one on your computer?

>> No.16318387

-Dating sims (I miss them)
-Cho Aniki
-Script translations for games
-The charm of windows 3.1. God damn I love that OS and as soon as we went to 95 I missed it immediately.
-Japanese webrings
Also if we're going for full authenticity then one third of the board needs to be crossposted cp and another third cp posted by native users.

I miss it, /jp/.

>> No.16318405

No. I only had one DOS installed. DOS/V took the place of my normal DOS, with the only difference being the back slash being a ¥

>> No.16318427

Why did you dislike windows 95?

>> No.16318435

Which country is this in?

>> No.16318454


>> No.16318467
File: 178 KB, 1200x480, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't hate 95 as much as I really enjoyed and got used to 3.1. The style of 95 is just not something I really liked very much, it was more "cold" than lovable 3.1.
I can't really pinpoint what in these two images makes me leans towards the left so much, but I do.

>> No.16318476

The 3.1 icons were really cute, that's for certain.

>> No.16318549

What happened in late 1995?

>> No.16318560

Use the guide, you dum dum

>> No.16319495

HTML happened.

>> No.16319617

I wonder if people would make stick figure danmaku fighting videos.

>> No.16320084
File: 547 KB, 1280x1722, de5fc119591f06e9f4152dbd6860e6b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Give me back old Langrisser

>> No.16320443
File: 3.41 MB, 3528x5024, doukyuusei aw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Come on anon, look at these content (that were locked behind gatcha to suck your money in), gameplay (that has no place in a dating sim series, other than to force players to buy cash to unlock the CG of the card that they have acquired), and new original characters (that nobody cares). It's a good thing, right?

>> No.16320612

Wow, only that much?
I mean, I know inflation and all that, but that still sounds cheap for the time. I thought computers of all kinds cost thousands of dollars back then? (I mean they still kinda do in Japan)

>> No.16320672

That's a nice looking keyboard.

>> No.16321954

Holy fucking shit. That better not be Reiko in the maid dress.

Go to hell, DMM. Go to hell and burn.

>> No.16322312

Can you expand on that?

>> No.16322332

legendary kusoge


>> No.16322352
File: 27 KB, 640x448, LEWD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16322360 [DELETED] 


>> No.16322373
File: 320 KB, 1073x756, roommate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16322377
File: 55 KB, 600x544, musics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16322408

Not everything was nice though remember folks it was the beginning of the 3D fad


>> No.16322570

HTML got something resembling usability. Geocities started getting popular. Every single dork with a computer tried their hand at making a web page with pretty images, iframes, animated gifs and the ever popular MIDI background music.

In retrospect it was horrible design, but my younger self liked such things.

>> No.16322572
File: 25 KB, 460x285, FM towns add.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no FM Towns

>> No.16322586

I kinda feel like the old communities were more tightly knit or is that just me?

>> No.16322587
File: 41 KB, 538x538, roll_aw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There were also fanmade goodies you could install and styles for windows to change loading screen for windows and cursors and lots of more stuff.

God, present times seem so trite compared to the renaissance that were the 90s.

>> No.16322620

Otaku World apparently still hosts themes.
I think you can take the icons from those and use them for something.

>> No.16322632

>MIDI background music
I completely forgot about that until you mentioned it.

Good times

>> No.16322642

No, you are not wrong. Remember TASS? People commented and reviewed fucking fanfiction as a proper media instead of being fan wankery. No coddling, no hugbox. Proper literary criticism.

Webrings where people shared their sites so you could more easily find relevant info and fan sites. You could easily dientify the type of content by the web banner of the site. Forums were small compared to today, but people were more active and generous.

>> No.16322647
File: 78 KB, 555x398, happyhappy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm. The days when photoshop could only help you so much.

>> No.16322650

man that sounds awesome, I got into animu relatively late (early 2000's) and didn't bother with the community outside of /a/ until the FB era.
I feel like I missed out on a lot.

>> No.16322651

This looks really cute.

>> No.16322662

But what did it have to do with filesharing?

>> No.16322668

Was the Sega Saturn the weeb machine of it's time?

>> No.16322676

What was TASS?

>> No.16322679


>> No.16322688
File: 2.01 MB, 3573x2270, pce888888888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All systems were except N64 I guess.

>> No.16322706

People uploaded bits and pieces of Zips spread along several sites, Reycava and Plasticman being the most popular. IRC channels were common ways to get games and anime. People used school servers to stream anime and shows on the shitiest format of them all: RealAudio.

>> No.16322724

>Reycava and Plasticman
Just to be clear, those were websites?
When did this become a common way to distribute files?

>> No.16322736

Source for that picture? And why would't N64 be a weeb thing? Plenty of japanese only games released for that system.

>> No.16322738

Way back when NASA Hosted anime on their servers. Yes The space agency. MIT as well.

>> No.16322743
File: 115 KB, 500x375, gcmatome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


N64 only had a handful of stuff in comparison to the other systems around.

>> No.16322753

Wait, what? People hacked into the servers or something?

>> No.16322759
File: 192 KB, 320x352, sengoku blade.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16322765
File: 3 KB, 75x100, Marisa turnpike.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vintage /jp/ gif

>> No.16322771

I don't assume they streamed video in that format?

>> No.16322775
File: 1.98 MB, 1800x2806, 1651985-marionyuan4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16322777


No this was back when NASA and MIT were good. A lot of asian and white nerds worked for them and helped set up the networks. They were in charge and it was all official. the world was a very different place.

>> No.16322779
File: 75 KB, 363x630, shindou1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was this: http://www.tass.org/fanfic/

It is now dead. But this was where fanfics and reviews were posted by the dozens on a daily basis.

Fanart for なりぽしの部屋, a now nearly defunct site. You will have problems finding a piece of the site that is still functional.


Have some more shitty fanart.

>> No.16322786
File: 1.46 MB, 850x1225, groovef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16322800

Sounds cool. What kind of anime stuff did they host?

>> No.16322818

What kind of site is/was it?

>> No.16322822
File: 31 KB, 640x400, knights-of-xentar_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Western release of Dragon Knight was horrendous

>> No.16322848

That game was silly

>Western release of _____ was horrendous
applies to lots of games back then.

>> No.16322854
File: 70 KB, 414x600, mizu4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, they were sites. IRC was already well stablished by the time I figured the Internet.

Yep. It was originally just for music, but afterwards it included video as well. This was when Winamp was king, mind you.

ELF back then uploaded a RA and MOV files to promote the Saturn release. Back then I was under the impression this was the best shit ever whenit came to online video.


Together, or not together. Those are the last traces of those dreamlike days.

>> No.16322855


Knights of Xentar is a special case because the western release does not let you control the actions during the random encounters it's all automated.

>> No.16322867

You guys want some games?


A site about a japanese guy obsessing over Reiko from Kakyuusei. He posted fanart and Side stories which ranged from the romantic to the sickeningly cute and comedic.

>> No.16322883

>the time I figured the Internet.
Which was when?

>> No.16322887
File: 32 KB, 640x400, Nocturnal Illusion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16322896

Amazing what they could accomplish with such a limited palette, wasn't it?

>> No.16322912
File: 1.68 MB, 1600x2978, wdcataloglarge1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When it comes to the domestic market, you either loved or hated them retrospectively.

>> No.16322914

How do you run the file called hellbound? And for whatever reason, running Tokimeki Memorial fucks up my computer a bit.

>> No.16322915
File: 138 KB, 500x375, reikoanime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I no longer remember.

>> No.16322934

Some guy remade this game on RPGmaker for the PS1.

>> No.16322938

I figured it out. But how do you play the game in windowed mode?

>> No.16322943
File: 84 KB, 640x480, puzzlerama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LZH is an old compressed file type. You need a file extractor.


As for Tokipazu, I am ashamed that you need a way older computer. The reason it fucks your computer up is because the programmers of the time were shitty, and made the damn thing thinking nobody would want to play it a decade later, so the thing doesn't have a proper clock to limit the number of times it cycles.

It is one of those miraculous cases where you actually need a toaster. An old one.

>> No.16322947

I won an award for tenchi muyo fanfiction in the 90s.

Okay that's my story god bless.

>> No.16322957


It was the 80's 90's so Gundam..Dirty Pair, Yamato, Sailor Moon, Gatchaman, Orguss, Macross, shit like that.

>> No.16322960

I don't think you can.

>> No.16322961

Okay, thanks. Any way to make the game run windowed?

Kakyuusei install says my version of windows isn't compatible with the program. Any way to fix that? Do you need the hdi file for anything? I'm running windows 7 64 bit BTW.

>> No.16322965

You need a DOSBOX configured for running japanese games or have a PC98 emulator. Remember that all of this is damn old.

>> No.16322967

Okay. What's the hdi file for?

>> No.16322968

reading this thread while listening to vaporwave makes me so damn nostalgic

>> No.16322969

Dis they host actual videos of episodes?

>> No.16322981

That's the rom file for the PC98 emulator.

And fanfics, music, videos, sites, porn, etc.

>> No.16322983

Why is the screenshot like that? Did someone take a picture of their TV?

>> No.16323001


Yes you had to download everything though. FTP etc.

>> No.16323002

Why did NASA and MIT allow that?

>> No.16323012

What is FTP?

>> No.16323022

Because at the time the people in charge were a step beyond apes when it came to technnology.

Are you retarded?

>> No.16323046

>Are you retarded?
I don't think so, i've just never heard of the term.

>> No.16323053

Use google then.

>> No.16323062

File Transfer Protocol

>> No.16323069

>Because at the time the people in charge were a step beyond apes when it came to technnology.
What do you mean? Why would this make them allow anime stuff to be hosted on their server?

>> No.16323085

Ever heard a techie talk? Have you seen the look of confusion on people's faces as he goes on about some doohicky the average person cannot even begin to comprehend without the need of puppets and user friendly powerpoint presentations?

You really think the people in charge back then even understood what was going on in their servers? What was stored in them?

>> No.16323090

>This was when Winamp was king
What do people use now? I just use winamp.

>> No.16323115


>> No.16323140


>> No.16323148

see >>16323012

>> No.16323183

What programs did they use to make the sprites and backgrounds?

>> No.16323208


Different era. Nerds being nerds. MIT had the first anime club in the country with basement VHS and BETA showings and in some rare cases film projectors and audio cassette tapes. Infocom later satirized early MIT nerd/Hacker culture when they released the Lurking Horror.

>> No.16323254

with the lack of power the PC-FX has, it was pricy
although, the only thing that even made it terribly expensive was the fairly advanced video decoding hardware it had for '94 and the expandable design

they fucked up and pursued FMV heavy anime games and barred Hudson from putting its popular PC-Engine titles on the machine

WD deserves a lot of hate, even with all the good they did.
I'm still mad about Silhouette Mirage in particular, they really shouldn't have been fucking with game mechanics at all.

>> No.16323261

>I'm still mad about Silhouette Mirage in particular, they really shouldn't have been fucking with game mechanics at all.
What'd they do?

>> No.16323287

Maybe in the 80s we'd be saying Japan would own the world, but not the 90s. They came crashing hard back to reality due to recession and bubble economy failing during the early 90s

>> No.16323379


>> No.16323547

Those are some crappy looking toys.

>> No.16323583
File: 2 KB, 455x75, bullying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you mean in your room? Yeah you have to click around a whole bunch. It's a bitch. Just keep clicking on shit.

>> No.16323621

>This was when Winamp was king, mind you.
Winamp is still king.

>> No.16324204
File: 3.95 MB, 7500x4341, doukyuusei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That better not be Reiko in the maid dress.

Good to know that you can still recognize the characters with the new art.

>> No.16324219

Izumi's breasts were a lot more modest than that. The generic art and lack of details annoys me as well.

I am mildly bothered that Aya Kadoi is not the one in charge of the art, but after the whole fiasco and seeing how she is now a proper mangaka, I do not blame her for distancing herself from this.

>> No.16326585

Anybody has tried to decompile Glo~ri~a? I am trying to find out the reason why it fails to start on new OSs. I think it was made in Visual C++, but have been unable to retro engineer it into code.

>> No.16326667

Can i get some help with the hellbound controls. You shoot be pressing shift wtf.

>> No.16326702

DOS/V is like an extension of DOS that allows Japanese characters to be rendered properly on a non-Japanese machine.

There's some builds of DOSBox that have DOS/V baked in too I think.

>> No.16326760

Nowadays you can just use Neko Project II fmgen


>> No.16326891


Wow, it's still being maintained. I know that some PC98 roms are still popping out every now and then, but I didn't expect the thing to still be getting updates.

>> No.16326970

New PC98 emulators are made constantly.


>> No.16328082
File: 65 KB, 1366x723, gloriaassembly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally managed to decompile this. I *think* it was made in Visual C++ 4.0, but no decompiler for that particular language worked, so I had to go with assembly.

>> No.16328112

Don't forget FTPs.
I still reminisce about getting SNES and other ROMs from IRC and usenet.
When I first started on usenet I had to download bulk text and manually copy/paste it into a program to compile it into the desired file. I was still a kid so I felt like an elite computer genius when I did that. This was also the time that fan translations of games began and it was so cool to see.
What were you prized files, /jp/? I had some La Blue Girl REAL files. Yeah the resolution and quality was awful by today's standards, but oh how I treasured it.

>> No.16328127
File: 30 KB, 280x198, 116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

N64 is weeb!

>> No.16328157

Anyone know what happened to the writer of that?

>> No.16328164

Which year was that?

>> No.16328247
File: 64 KB, 500x300, alibat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16328258

Wonder Project was a great game. A pity we have not seen anything like it in decades.

>> No.16328279

For the usenet converting? Looking through events in my head I think it would be around '97. FTPs I started using in '98 or '99.
There was a great Japanese game music site that essentially had an FTP "community" that started around that time (rpgamer.net). You'd start searching and downloading and once your collection gets good enough you start hosting your own, and people put requests on their servers for people to upload stuff. Of course this was the age of dial-up still, so persistent FTPs were a godsend. God bless those guys on college campuses with incredible upload speeds.

>> No.16328301

Ha. Tell me about it. My shitty dial up connection had to stay downloading a file through the night and the next day in order to get anything worthwhile, and event then it would take days if I wanted to get something big like a game.

I do not miss those days one bit.

>> No.16328317

When did you start getting decent internet speeds?

>> No.16328334

I found old timey /jp/!

>> No.16328343

I want late 90s /jp/ to make a Tohou Annihilation mod for Total Annihilation.

>> No.16328382


Goddam, reading these is making me so emotional. These people are the settlers of our culture, /jp/

>> No.16328404


They even had thinly veiled offtopic threads

>> No.16328508

Pretty sure by 2004, before 4chan was born, we had some decent internet around.

>> No.16328533

4chan is from 2003

>> No.16328537

The true 4chan didn't exist until /jp/ was created!

>> No.16328543

These are specially cringeworthy because I was one of them.

>Ben Taylor
>Center for Machine Translation
>Carnegie Mellon University
Christ. Like that one anon said, it was the dorks at universities with no jurisdiction over them who started all this.

>> No.16328550
File: 65 KB, 640x480, contemporaryartistrash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean I have spent 13 years on this site?

>> No.16328554

> OVAs
> love pillows
> 2hu
> onaholes

You really think shit would change?

It would be closer to /a/ though because there is no mainstream content so niche raw content wouldn't leave anons feeling pretentious.

>> No.16328560

I'm pretty sure dakimakura only really became a thing in the 2000s.

>> No.16328576

Not to say that you were wrong; I don't really know the prevalence of them in the 90s

>> No.16328606
File: 80 KB, 639x480, theancients.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were around, anon. They were around.

Behold, the predecesors of /jp/.

>> No.16328616

Anyone know who those characters are?

>> No.16328641

Here's a link that has some old VNs emulated with JS.


>> No.16328646

Characters from Sailor Moon, Doukyuusei 2,Tokimeki Memorial. I do not recognize the posters on the lower right. Mostly Tokimemo girls as dakimakuras.

I think the one blue haired girl in the background is Rei.

>> No.16328661

Dude! I had used this as a forum signature for a couple years back around 2002. I was going to even try and track it down to post, but you saved me a lot of effort.

>> No.16328685

That doesn't really look like Rei. Could still be her in an artstyle that differs from the official one.

>> No.16328691

What the hell is that room? Some kind of otaku dormitory?

>> No.16328715
File: 20 KB, 199x380, SAKI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not mean Saki Nijino (see picture). She is on two of the deakis. I mean the one waaay on the back, near the ceiling.

>> No.16328724

Easy to find by typing 抱き枕 キモオタ as your search.

>> No.16329069
File: 55 KB, 480x600, page0015-480px-SSM_JP_19970620_1997-20.pdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That poster under Doukyuusei 2 poster is Houkago Ren'ai Club.

Speaking of which, how big is Doukyuusei and Kakyuusei in Japan back then? I see old second hand merchandises of it sometimes pops out when searching the title on google.

>> No.16329097

jaypee mansion v1.0

>> No.16329131
File: 43 KB, 480x270, ad893787-s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doukyuusei was massive. Really, really massive.

All the boards are dead now, but I recall people debating the morality of the games for nearly a decade. As you probably know, the other name the series in China had was nanpa (no thanks to the damn executable files named that). Since the game had extremely thorough guides to be able to pick as many girls as possible in one playthrough, people fel that the protagonist was cold hearted, as evidence by Saki saying that she dumped her boyfriend, the protagonist of Doukyuusei 1, for being unfaithful. Doukyuusei 2 added the rejection ending scenes, where you had to confront the girls and reject them.

This is one of the reasons you had to be monogamous in Kakyuusei, and had to build a relationship throughout a whole year. Kakyuusei was kind of an answer to Konami's Tokimemo, where you were forced to ge a giggolo. You can notice this by comparing Mizuho with Shiori. Shiori is the perfect girl. Perhaps too perfect. While Mizuho behaves like a human being.

>> No.16329220

Man, that blows my mind. Woulda been cool to live in a world like that.

>> No.16329232
File: 78 KB, 413x550, ps_chip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sort of want that poster over the right guy.

>> No.16329257
File: 2.90 MB, 3519x2751, Chip Chan Kick! [back high res].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually I never got around to playing this. I played something else related which was some matching puzzle game that I forget the name of.

>> No.16329306


>Doukyuusei 2 added the rejection ending scenes, where you had to confront the girls and reject them.

I think you can also reject them on a obvious point before the sex scene, but I feel like rejecting the girls on that point feels hard since they had invested so much time with the MC. But then again, rejecting them after the sex is worse.

Also, I was mad when I found out that if you will get locked out of Tomomi if you act nice to Izumi. Thought I could be friendly to her since they're close friends, but no. Have to stay away from the cafe/home so that Izumi event won't be triggered.

>> No.16329364

>Chip Chan Kick!
So that's what it was. Never even heard of it, or I just don't remember it being mentioned.


The game style is exactly the same to some arcade game I saw a while ago.

>> No.16329392
File: 120 KB, 800x600, p5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or having sex with Yoko will lock you out of EVERYONE. That one was funny.

>> No.16329608

Threads like this make me wish I was born 10, even 5 years earlier. I was taught to be self censoring when I was young, so I missed out on alot of things. Sorry to fit the 'I was born in the wrong generation' sterotype.

>> No.16329647
File: 243 KB, 1204x1228, candy20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You would probably have grown into a trekkie or star wars fan. Anime was super niche, and finding out about stuff like this was extremely rare, and even more difficult someone who you could share information. I merely found out because I met the right person in the right place.

>> No.16329680


I was born in the early 90's and I don't really feel too disconnected since anime at least became big enough that you can now go and find old stuff to enjoy even though the industry is cutthroat and soulless now.

What I do regret is some of the more niche stuff like dating sims never getting a good chance outside of Japan. The west in the closest that happened in this area was JAST translating some low/average quality titles and then not doing anything else. The genre is practically dead now in Japan, where they have simplified down to visual novels which has devolved similarly with mobages everywhere or going the way anime did mostly.

I wish I could get the chance to experience Tokimeki Memorial or ELF's various games like Kakyuusei.

>> No.16329715

You can always do that.

Grab a PC98/SNES/PSX emulator, get the PC98 torrent by BTAxis or the Super Famicon release of Doukyuusei and Tokimemo, and play the night way.

>> No.16329733

Guy you replied to, I was born in the mid 90s and was exposed to Japanese pop culture and video games through my cousin, who was into primarily video games but a few manga/anime such as Excel Saga. His mother liked Star Wars and I like it too, still, but I've grown to prefer fantasy more than scifi overall. I'm trying to read and watch more scifi titles at the moment.

>I merely found out because I met the right person in the right place.
That's part of the appeal for me, it being a niche hobby that you have to get into by meeting someone or happening upon something that can tell you about it. Secret club exclusivity I guess.

>> No.16329742


Except for the learning Japanese part.

Been putting it off for so long but I might actually start working with it now that I actually have landed a decent job after university and can start actually having disposable time and money that I don't have to spend on getting farther in school and tuition respectively.

>> No.16329776

>You would probably have grown into a trekkie or star wars fan. Anime was super niche
It's funny how you have to be one of the other in the west but japanese otaku can be both.

>> No.16330300
File: 132 KB, 372x600, tcchip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like Bubble Bobble or Snow Brothers seems like.

>> No.16330331

To heart.

>> No.16330372


i think you meant frames

iframes are modern and werent in the standard for years to come

>> No.16330502

Is it nostalgia or this was truly a golden age? i just got good memories of games at that time though i never learned japanese and just played whatever was translated.
Rather fond of old VN's


>> No.16330596

>The genre is practically dead now in Japa
How is it practically dead when over a hundred titles get released a year?

>> No.16330768

Does anyone know where this picture is from?

>> No.16330800

Huh. someone mentions /jp/ in the comments.

>> No.16330808


>> No.16331328

He said dating sims, not visual novels.

>> No.16331346

How are we defining dating sim here? Most visual novels involve falling/having sex with some heroines, but don't have stuff like getting the right stats or getting affection points or whatever with a heroine.

>> No.16331386

Game like harvest moon and stardew valley are still made. And if you want eroge stuff there are games like purely/pretty/whatever x cation games out there.

>> No.16331391

>we defining dating sim here?
As dating sims, most likely. I don't know what that poster had in mind, but since they said "where they have simplified down to visual novels", they obviously don't just mean VNs where you select routes of cute girls. I'd assume they'd include ones tied into RPGs as minigames, for example, and exclude the type you mentioned.

>> No.16331401
File: 61 KB, 450x339, 1856923-jokeltd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /truelove95/ here?

>> No.16332082

They simly fell out of style, just like the old ADV type of games with the THINK, LOOK, TALK, FUCK HER format did.

The stats were seen as too complicated and in the way of the story, not to mention that it required something resembling gameplay, which also took time and resources. And seeing how eroge companies are all about maximizing profits, it is not wonder they went this way.

>> No.16332201
File: 2.33 MB, 1024x1200, gamefan 1994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16332210
File: 42 KB, 640x480, uh_huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gang in this bitch.

>> No.16332249

Holy fuck some of those are expensive (i'm assuming it's US dollars).

>> No.16332314

Here is the holy arc of online anime fandom, the most ancient archive of them all, the Venice FTP (mirrored by SUNET for literally decades until it went down and now has this mirror): http://ftp.acc.umu.se/mirror/archive/ftp.sunet.se/pub/tv+movies/anime-manga/

Have a look at the thousands of ancient digital pics here: http://ftp.acc.umu.se/mirror/archive/ftp.sunet.se/pub/tv+movies/anime-manga/sorted/

There are many images with file dates from the 1980s digitized on archaic capture devices and scanners. Digging through this time capsule is really something, and we are lucky it hasn't disappeared along with all of the other ftps mentioned above.

>> No.16332486

What? I got my FFVI music CD straight from Square mail store at 30 something bucks. This is highway robbery.

>> No.16332547

Yup, I didn't order from that particular importer but I played through a ton of Japanese games with no understanding of the runes. The translations were pretty bad and difficult to follow (especially the Ys stuff holy heck) but you had to want it.

I wish I had known of a solid importer back then. There was only one guy in Miami who stocked JP games and you literally had to know the secret word to get him to sell to you. He had a whole warehouse full of knock-off shit, textiles, appliances, electronics and (even though those were higher ticket items and obviously fake) he'd sell 'em to anybody. But to get the games, someone had to refer you, then you'd be led into a section partitioned off from the public and you could buy pretty much any game or system you wanted. The shit was pretty exciting. I only had SF but it was more than enough for me.

I wonder what else he had back there. I was too young to be suspicious.

>> No.16332554

Any idea why it was like that?

>> No.16332566

>someone had to refer you
Man. So it was like this everywhere, huh?

Japanese stuff was so damn niche you had to treat it like the black market. Which is not surprising, seeing how the banned fucking Robotech/Macross for corrupting the minds of children in my country. They obviously had no issues with soap operas being literal garbage.

>> No.16332580

The only thing I can think of is SOMEHOW he'd get in more trouble selling the games than the knock-offs. The games were legit, as were the systems. I'm guessing the games were undeclared or something so he risked U.S. customs shit more than the knock-offs which were probably properly imported.

Yep. Years later I went into business with a guy who had basically the same arrangement with another importer but his guy was in Central Florida.

Oh, yeah. Anime was pretty vilified in the late-80s/early-90s. All the excellent shit was being flagged as dangerous to public health by the PMRC. Censorship was running amok. Dark times.

>> No.16332591

PMRC was just music. Same philosophy applied to the groups attacking other media forms, though.

>> No.16332628

Did stuff actually get censored or did mainstream stores simply refuse to sell the stuff those kinds of groups objected to?

>> No.16332658


Irrelevant but what's the image source?

>> No.16332681

How old are you now, 30s?

>> No.16332837

Yeah, stuff got censored. Sailor Moon was notoriously butchered before it went to air. Go-Lion was censored for violence. A lot of licenses were denied across the board.

Retailers were being pressured not to carry certain titles, which they caved on. I mean, back then I was getting >50% of my stuff just shipped to me from my JP penpal on VHS. Then I'd take my VHS tapes to the local anime club and one of the elders would translate and hardsub it for us all to watch at a meeting. He didn't mind doing it because I got really good quality tapes and even 2nd generation copies could be resold at conventions. Believe it or not, these were in abundance on the convention circuit up until the 00s, when the anime boom happened and the bootleggers were (rightfully) put out of business. We had to do what we had to do, though.


>> No.16332901

Did you pay for those VHS tapes or did you get them as gifts? I assume you paid for them.

Also, is there any reason you got VHS rather then laserdiscs?

>> No.16332940

Holy shit what are those filetypes? I can't find any info on the internet about a substantial portion of them.

>> No.16333039

Actually, my penpal just sent them to me. They were just copies of stuff he recorded from the television but I did buy a lot of VHS, sticking with that format because I couldn't afford laserdiscs. VHS was a lot more available than laserdiscs, too. I wanted the laserdiscs, though. My friend had the laserdisc set for Record of Lodoss War and I was super jealous of him. They looked stunning.

>> No.16333065

The ultimate experience was watching NTSC VHS cassettes on a PAL VHS Player because fuck colour right?

>> No.16333079 [DELETED] 

wwwww I memba~

>> No.16333905

We did have big threads about this in the VN threads

I love older VNs.

>> No.16333969

which are your favorite older VNs?

>> No.16333970

Thank you

>> No.16334037

Some older PC-Engine ones like らんま1/2 とらわれの花嫁 and Win95/98 ones like ああっ女神さまっ, Tenchi Muyo! Ryooki, Pretty Girl Sammy.
There a number I have physically in a box.

I need to try and buy more PC-Engine games, they have so many full voiced VNs, They go for cheap as fuck on auction.

>> No.16334409


Kakyuusei 2: Hitomi no Naka no Shoujo-tachi

The only depiction of Rouma with blue hair.

>> No.16334948

I've always associated 3.1 with poverty since my old school back home didn't upgrade their computer lab to 98 until it became an embarrassment for the school board

>> No.16335013

>Proper literary criticism.
I guess you must have gotten lucky, because all I remember is deviantart-tier drama

>> No.16335159

>didn't upgrade their computer lab to 98 until it became an embarrassment for the school board
When was that?
Mine used Apple IIe, IIGS and 1990 ish macintosh computers until changing to win 95 PCs, though I'm not sure if that is bad since it was actually '95 or '96 at that time.

>> No.16335379

>a trekkie or star wars fan
Add ham radio to that list, especially if you enjoy funposting. It was common for assholes to start shit on the waves, mouth off while drunk, or even jam whole frequencies for the giggles.

Of course, it hasn't totally disappeared - I remember seeing a QSR card on pixiv with a Rumia

>> No.16335418

Memory is really fuzzy, but somewhere around 1999-2000 I believe.

Of course, I also remember that my university used ancient as fuck macs as physics tutorial terminals up until around the beginning of 2009. They crashed constantly.

>> No.16335452
File: 261 KB, 1004x708, 20161220_1827434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came across this and thought it'd be perfect for this thread, just found out that HoneyDipped, CUT A DASH !!, & BLAZER ONEare doing a collab manga this Comiket called "16bit Sensation"

Which from what I can gather is that it takes place in 1992 where two girls join a game company and help in developing an eroge.


So far no plans for selling in bookstores, but hopefully they change that.

>> No.16335473

I saw that and wondered what it was.

Did one of them do the art for underwater ray ramano? That is what it reminds me of.

>> No.16335482

>sailor moon style turtles in time game
yes please

>> No.16335483

The artist from CUT A DASH is Mitsumi Misato who also did that and stuff for Pia Carrot, To Heart 2, and Comic Party.

>> No.16335783

On the lower right it's Chip-chan from Magical block Carat and Chip-chan kick.

>> No.16336432

>Since you asked, there are only four anime fans in America, but they use hundreds of different aliases! =)

So that's where that classic /jp/ humor came from.

>> No.16337435

Could be a 16-bit executable.

>> No.16337527

Eva, Princess Maker, Joshi puroresu, kogals.

>> No.16337584

this is a weird coincidence, i literally just downloaded the valis collection for pc
not sure if it even works on modern computers but whatever here's a link https://mega.nz/#!DpJEjBab!YavHWUO7ylpuWKyiEK9vywMV0gqAe4GllRHZC62seN4

>> No.16337620

Remember when Internet TV (when it really was just prehistoric streaming) was advertised as the next big thing? Remember when

>> No.16337755

>Cutthroat and soulless

It was the same deal back then. Only different flavor. Ever since Doukyuusei came out, everyone was trying to make clones of it. I know this because of my cousin who lived in Japan was the classic kimo ota and he would report about the latest goings on in the scene.

>> No.16337764

Really hilarious how this artstyle was more otaku pandering than stuff like Yuru Yuri or K-ON.

>> No.16337833

Hey anon...did you try setting the Compatibility Mode? As when I set it to "Windows 98 / ME" the game started up.

>> No.16337834

Are you ethnically japanese?

>> No.16337841

Why is that hilarious?

>> No.16337856

I did that and it starts up but crashes after a while.

>> No.16337859

Just makes the run of the mill anime elitist #540523 lamenting that anime is now sexualized moe garbage when it always has been to be full of shit.

>> No.16337867

Part of me is. I also stayed there and other parts of East and SE Asia which means stuff like this was a constant in my life.

>> No.16337902

>I know this because of my cousin who lived in Japan was the classic kimo ota

And he still is or has he given up his ways?

>> No.16337903

So you're a haafu? Are you part white?

>> No.16337916

Haven't kept in touch with him for awhile, but last time I checked his twitter he was talking about Kancolle and Granblue so I guess he's still trucking it.

I'm a mongrel with European Spanish being my only white heritage.

>> No.16337925

Ah yeah I see what you mean, apologies, I'll try blindly poking around with OllyDBG to see if I can find a cause

It's a 32-bit one, icon shows and it can be ran on 64-bit Windows.

>> No.16337928

>Haven't kept in touch with him for awhile, but last time I checked his twitter he was talking about Kancolle and Granblue so I guess he's still trucking it.
Will you give a link?
>I'm a mongrel with European Spanish being my only white heritage.
So how much japanese are you?

>> No.16337938

Uh, yeah sorry. That's all the personal info I'm giving. I'm already breaking my policy of being an anon as it is.

>> No.16337961


Maybe cutthroat but I doubt those clones were soulless.

They had to be at least average or something to sell and quality overall had to be better relatively also.

>> No.16337970

That's fine, if you don't want to.

>> No.16337972

Oh to be young and naive to think everything in the past was all artistic integrity and creativity.

>> No.16337973

Why do think that more true back then then it is now?

>> No.16337996

Familiarity breeds contempt. If you actually played these games, you'll see why they've become forgotten as time went by.

>> No.16338031

Same anon as >>16337925

Within OllyDBG just when it crashes the exception that it catches is

>MS C++ exception, module arc2load class '.?AVCString@@' object 03F6F784

And I noticed there's that "ARC2LOAD.DLL" file in the game's directory, so guessing that might be the culprit, trying to see if I can find a different version/copy of this file as well. Checking the DAT file, that's in this "ARC2" format, so it seems what's going on here is something within ARC2LOAD.DLL does something when accessing the DAT that modern Windows doesn't like and causes the crash.

>> No.16338049


Because of the base game/material upon which the clones were based upon. But meh, that's just my impression of looking at clones like True Love or True Love Story. What is actually reality may differ but I don't know. Would love for someone to elaborate with anecdotes or something here.


Time erases everything eventually. Even good retro games get forgotten sometimes.

>> No.16338055

>Because of the base game/material upon which the clones were based upon.
Which is better then what? Popular games today?

>> No.16338077

True classics stand the test of time. Explains how Casablanca and Dirty Harry are still mentioned by even posers who never even watched them in their lifetimes.

>> No.16338082

>hollywood movies
You spend too much time with normies.

>> No.16338088


>> No.16338094
File: 210 KB, 500x281, euphoric marisa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16338098

So, have narrowed it down to how ARC2LOAD.DLL loads MIDI files, as I turned off the BGM and was able to play further but the moment I turned it back on the game crashed with the same error (different address though).

No clue if installing alternate MIDI drivers or what-have-you on Windows 7 might change how it works.

>> No.16338112

And what is that supposed to mean?

>> No.16338186

That's because C'sWare had the custom of using MIDI files as SFX. You can see that happen with previous titles.

>> No.16338204

Looks like it shits itself around midiStreamOut.

>> No.16338208


Correct, according to my observations.

>> No.16338210

Take off your fake nostalgia goggles then.

>> No.16338220


As said above, that's from an uninformed outsider observer's view.

I have been given or see no real compelling on why I should change this view besides various comments like yours saying essentially my viewpoint is bad and needs to change. That isn't a good reason to do anything and unless that changes, I'm not changing my viewpoint

>> No.16338230

Only more embarrassing than being outed as a poser is defending it because "reasons."

>> No.16338245


I never denied being a poser but personal attacks without merit ring hollow when you have no skin in the game and don't defend those attacks with anecdotes which would at least give you a position of authority.

In all seriousness, don't treat people here like this. Even if I'm a young'un compared to some other people here, I've been here long enough to recognize these things. This just wastes time and bandwidth on the website.

>> No.16338252

The more you babble on, the more we find out you don't belong here.

>> No.16338272
File: 246 KB, 561x629, cooked to a crisp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are a fedora flipping homosexual suffering from HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder.

>> No.16338282


Don't use "we" when you're the only one attacking me. And it's not like me as a single user affects the board quality of /jp/ when we have far worst with the amount of idol and Touhou shitposting these days.

Since you refuse to talk regularly and I keep on receiving ad hominems, I'm going to stop replying along this line of discussion.

>> No.16338286

Please stop it with the autistic exclusive sekrit club bullshit.

>> No.16338294

Here, have an upboat on the way out.

You can join junior too.

>> No.16338300 [DELETED] 

Because he doesn't want to associate with normalfags? Are you a normalfag apologist?

>> No.16338319

>You would probably have grown into a trekkie or star wars fan
I was both as a kid, now I'm an otaku. I probably would never have even considered trying out anime, manga, and everything else if I hadn't already spent my entire childhood filling my head with fantasy, completely oblivious to reality. When I did wake up and realize what the real world was like I was disappointed.

>> No.16339077
File: 1.32 MB, 2000x1986, 3222255187830b21edf60a4a2d5098e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Really hilarious how this artstyle was more otaku pandering than stuff like Yuru Yuri or K-ON.
I sort of miss that kinda thing. I hate how everything (otaku oriented in anime) has to be all pure and clean to pander to otaku now. Although in heavily otaku oriented games, it seems to be fine.

>Just makes the run of the mill anime elitist #540523 lamenting that anime is now sexualized moe garbage when it always has been to be full of shit.

A: It's a lewd game company character, not an anime
B: 80s-90s were a time full of that kind of thing, there's less sexualization outside of explicit soft core porn anime now. They'd have to be lamenting compared to the 70s or something.
C: Pandering to otaku means pandering to how pure and innocent and gay characters are or whatever now, so they're not really less otaku pandering.

>> No.16339085
File: 30 KB, 640x400, 4aaa62bb403151427aab26cf785e0be5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like her design though.

>> No.16339111

>B: 80s-90s were a time full of that kind of thing, there's less sexualization outside of explicit soft core porn anime now. They'd have to be lamenting compared to the 70s or something.
I don't think that's really true.Plenty of regular anime have loads of fanservice.

>> No.16339132
File: 215 KB, 1024x768, 5ca8eb731c106b8c577c2d0a5e7a240b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A strange comparison here between this and >>16330300 Same artist but different eras of style

>> No.16339177

>Plenty of regular anime have loads of fanservice.
I can't think of any that don't go out of their way to be fan-service-y, not just fan-service-y by the nature of the characters being present.

I was comparing to his so-called moe girl shows in terms of otaku oriented things. There's like beach episodes or times where characters will spend an undue time showing off their body or something, but what "moe" show has a character whose panties are always being shown and you can actually see the panties when? And I mean the same thing you mean by "regular" anime- i.e. not ones where the character is going around flipping skirts and groping tits all the time ecchi/softcore ero anime.

>> No.16339209

I can see what you mean if you're talking about moe slice of life shows. But i can actually think of one that aired recently. New Game.

>> No.16339220

Of course it doesn't qualify if the standard is
>panties are always being shown
But there are quite a few episodes where they show panties.

>> No.16339282
File: 1.05 MB, 3208x2330, _1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to have PC-98 copies of every game Hiroyuki Kanno wrote for the system. I miss them.

>> No.16339305

Where did you get that picture from?

>> No.16339311

if you have to ask you don't need to know

>> No.16339375

Fuck off. I obviously know which game it's form, idiot. That's not what i'm asking.

>> No.16339635
File: 438 KB, 572x800, 2cffd44402f35369573bf3372524d378.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mean panties literally always being shown Strike Witches/Aika style, but a character that wears some sort of outfit that would show them off a lot, or something you'd see in an erogame probably but as normal clothes, since that guy was talking about the character design being more otaku pandering. That one chick from Saki's one outfit (pic related) probably fits what I mean, though I gather that Saki is a fanservercy series in general.

>New Game.
>there are quite a few episodes where they show panties.
Anyway, are they(the anime makers) going out of their way to show panties in those episodes and comment on them while panning across them in closeup, or are they just casually showing them off while the character is bending over or something and not really pointing it out? 80-90s had stuff like that(fanservice focus scenes) too, but they also had like... casual lewdness?
Oh, I think Sekai Seifuku would qualify. It's definitely otakuish and doesn't really go out of the way to be lewd while still having characters that basically, actually literally, walk around in underwear.

>if you're talking about moe slice of life shows.
I don't know if the original guy meant moe as in exclusively slice of life, but action things are included for me. Most of the 80s-90s shows I was thinking of was about were about cute girls doing action things anyway.

I'm not sure how much Sekai Seifuku qualifies on the moe girl front though. It's a show that's full of moe girls, but there's a male protag, even if he looks like a girl too. But then that's probably to make him seem non threatening, so it probably does apply after all. Its definitely otaku oriented at the least.

Anyway it's not really meaningful to compare to slice of life shows in that way, I guess, since the point was anime moved to those kinds of shows to pander to otaku with cuteness and innocence, so it's kind of weird to say "here's a slice of life with panty shots a-plenty". Basically, I got off track myself.

My point should be about moving from those kinds of pandering of pointlessly sexual character designs to pure ones because anime became about pandering with pure characteristics, about that creating a division between these pure shows and ecchi fanservice shows without much mixing, and that people who say anime is more pandering(in the sense of 'anime is now sexualized moe garbage') now are incorrect. It's much less sexualized moe garbage and more pure and innocent moe garbage, at least among shows featuring lots of cute girls. Hence, you don't really get those kinds of designs much anymore outside of anime specifically about lewd characters.

>> No.16339644

good thread, my only 90's nostalgia of anime is watching db:gt cuts on realplayer on those dragonball geocities portals and seeing end of evangelion in my local video store and never forgetting the oddness of the red post-instrumentality cover despite not actually knowing or watching it til a decade later

>> No.16339679
File: 1.04 MB, 1280x851, yu-no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's from the Yu-no art book

>> No.16339694
File: 2.77 MB, 1280x720, New game.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a good example. So, it's definitely what you call "casual lewdness". But that type of fanservice still occurs (I even saw some examples while i was watching PVs of upcoming shows). But i haven't watched enough 1980s and 1990s anime to say whether it was more common back then.

>> No.16339700

>it's not really meaningful to compare to slice of life shows in that way
>Hence, you don't really get those kinds of designs much anymore outside of anime specifically about lewd characters.

These two statements should be tied together, but if it sounds unclear: It'd be weird for moe slice of life shows to have those kinds of designs because they're moe slice of life shows and not, say, fantasy shows or fighting things shows or something. I guess they could make a moe slice of life about maids or anime store workers or cosplayers and have those kinds of designs though, but in general, calling shows like K-on or Yuruyuri sexualized moe garbage is silly. It's otaku pandering, but not in that way.

>> No.16339740


>> No.16339748

This should be "definitely not".

>> No.16339750


I'm pretty sure the sexualized nature of characters only got scaled back for these shows because that innocent SOL shows with a lot of cuteness got popular, exemplified especially with K-On.

If you are able to not be overtly lewd and whatnot, you are able to in general pander to a wider audience and not have to be put in a late night timeslot. IIRC, K-On was able to secure a daytime slot which was highly unusual.

I guess the popularity aspect of innocent SOL faded and isn't as popular anymore but no one is going to go back to having overly sexualized characters again with how the industry is nowadays. So I guess it's just a matter of slowly moving back to fanservice but not really gunning hardcore with it.

>> No.16341141

Stop lying, fag.

>> No.16341855

Anybody has a download for the recent remake of EVE?

>> No.16342011

And where is that picture from? I thought it would also be from the guidebook, but it doesn't seem to be.

>> No.16342014
File: 1.03 MB, 2712x1200, monitor manual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lying about what? I dug out my manual for the monitor. I don't remember what the PC was itself and can't be assed looking for that manual. Anyway you can see it was 1993 at the time.

Here's the detail from the HP site since they took over Compaq.

>> No.16342390

Well, how expensive was it? Not everyone had rich parents.

>> No.16343055
File: 96 KB, 573x473, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dunno, lol. I was like fucking 9.

My family is not anywhere near rich, but not third world poor either. Certainly were much less so back then. I used that PC and its win3.1 til like 98 or later. Vaguely estimating from what limited things Wikpedia and google can tell me, possibly around $1700 combined, Including the probability of some sales and deals involved. 2k is like the upper end of possibilities, not the lower end. Hardly bank breaking, though more expensive than any PC I've had since. (not counting upgrades/replacements over time)

What model is that monitor in >>16318024 ? I haven't been able to find it through searching.

>> No.16343272

>Certainly were much less so back then
Certainly much less what?

>> No.16343314

>>Certainly were much less so back then
>Certainly much less what?
Much less closer to being rich

>> No.16343934
File: 717 KB, 1024x768, kor ldbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's interesting is how rich a hardcore otaku had to be back in the day. Consider the game prices in >>16332201 and add in a collection of anime laserdiscs for the high end experience. For example, this Kimagure Orange Road JP laserdisc box set cost nearly $1000 new, and digging through old anime fan pages I found a guy who inventoried his LD collection and found he had spent $15000 USD.

Of course there were fansubs and raw VHS copies of shit, but having treasures like this was brutally expensive. The Urursei Yatsura TV series box set came on 50 laserdiscs and cost almost $3000.

>> No.16343966

Shit still costs a lot. It's just people can pirate all media so it cuts the costs a lot. Physical goods are a fuckload though.

>> No.16343998

Those prices are inflated though. Price in Japan wouldn't have been nearly as much.

>> No.16344001

Yeah, and what makes it worse is the cheap packaging DVD and Bluray usually come in. The Japanese charge crazy prizes for discs still. With laserdiscs, the luxury packaging made it feel like you were really getting something for the money-I have a copy of that KOR ld box and the 12 inch sleeve art and thick box are impressive (paid only $50 for it on eBay a few years ago). Some new discs are nicely packaged, for example Bandai's beautiful boxes for the Patlabor movies (with storyboard books), but paying the JP prices for nothing more than a disc in a flimsy plastic box with tissue-paper thin insert is hard to swallow (may as well download at that point).

>> No.16344018

For laserdiscs though, not by that much. Here is a contemporary price list for LD in JPY and it's brutal: http://www.timecave.net/anime/misc/LD_index.html

The Urusei LD50 was 330000 yen and even given the exchange rate back then the going US price of ~$3000 was about right considering stuff like it's massive weight (along with importer profit margin).

>> No.16344021

Man, I really envy you oldfags. Even in just the past several years there's been an explosion of uninterested half-baked self-styled "otaku" in the west. There was more faggotry and stupid drama going on before but at least most people actually cared about the stuff. I can only imagine how it might have been when everything was so compact and discrete. I'm sure many of you will say it wasn't that great but I'd really rather have a small passionate community than a large and well-served one that doesn't really care.

>> No.16344041

How did you find that? Google?

>> No.16344077

I've been sifting through the digital otaku ruins, in places like archive.org and ftps like >>16332314 for years now and remembered it's name as an old FAQ textfile.

You would be amazed at what ancient stuff turns up when you start following long dead links on the archive. A good starting point is fan pages indexed on the archive of anipike, and just go from there: https://web.archive.org/web/19971211090850/http://www.anipike.com/

>> No.16344122

Yeah, google is usually shit for old stuff. I've actually tried to find old laserdisc price in Japan and never got anything. Probably because google's algorithm heavily prioritizes new stuff. That page is indexed on google it seems, but would probably never show up on a search.

>> No.16344180

You might find this interesting too then: the alt ant importer LD price list from 1997: https://web.archive.org/web/19970721215338/http://www.book.uci.edu/Anime/Catalog/ldj_597.html

The story of alt ant itself is fascinating. The bookstore at UC Irvine decided to get into anime, and became a key importer in the 90s with their early e commerce site. Imagine going to a university bookstore and digging through bins full of imported japanese anime LDs alongside the textbooks...just one of the stranger chapters in this story.

Here is the archived main alt ant site, with stuff like an upcoming release calendar and a useful full inventory list which still works (some links are naturally broken, it was quite hard just to tease this mostly complete save from the archive, as you said this stuff is not indexed on current search engines):

>> No.16344231

Holy shit there had something for more then a thousand dollars.

>> No.16344250

Any idea when they stopped selling anime stuff /when the store stopped operationg BTW?

>> No.16344513

They stopped the anime sales in 1998: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/1998-11-11/alt.ant-uci-bookstore-phases-out-anime-imports

The guy who masterminded the UCI anime operations went on to co found TokyoPop, and was really ahead of his time in e-commerce according to this interview from '99: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/feature/1999-04-01

>> No.16345062

Probably someone noticed the whole anime/manga thing going on and with titles like Crying Freeman, A.D. Police and Goldo 13 being there they stopped them.

When I was 13 a library in Houston, Texas had a very good collection of manga, like Kiseijuu and Gunnm.

>> No.16345633

I think it's included in the English patch of Yu-no. Probably omake stuff.

>> No.16350036

back in the 90's i was THAT GUY with the anime, so i had the requisite The Right Stuff catalog. I wish i had those catalogs still because kids today dont believe me when i would tell them of 2-4 episode VHS tapes cost $50, and the Laserdiscs were basically starting out for the shitty ones $75.

I know for a certain in 1996 that the streetfighter 2: the movie anime was $99 from almost everywhere. my local weeb spot's owner would sell bootlegs of laserdiscs he bought for his own collection that he would copy on VHS. they were these 6 hour mixtapes for $50. it would be whatever he decided to put on the tape, no requests.
