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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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16299074 No.16299074 [Reply] [Original]

Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
Read the guide before asking questions.

Previous thread: >>16277099

This thread is for the discussion and learning of Japanese with raw otaku media.
If you have no interest in otaku media we recommend heading over to /int/'s 日本語スレッド.
Please use sage. This isn't /a/ or /int/, you don't have to keep bumping the thread all the time for no reason.

Let's have a nice thread by reporting and ignoring off-topic posts.

>> No.16299128
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>> No.16299134


>> No.16299139

Word of the day: 煙突.

>> No.16299158

Will I get sick of manually adding anki cards?

Is there a way to do this automatically in Linux?

>> No.16299163


>> No.16299177
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I think the American Dream says that anything can happen if you work hard enough at it and are persistent, and have some ability. The sky is the limit to what you can build, and what can happen to you and your family.

>> No.16299178

Read the Anki start-up guide.

>> No.16299184

Are you the real hard work君?

>> No.16299191

There are many, many tools for it. You can also do it via importing csv/tsv text files.

>> No.16299192
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>and have some ability

>> No.16299202

Rikaisama (Firefox extension) integrates pretty well with Anki using the Real Time Import plugin.
>highlight a piece of text to see its definition
>press a key to add a card to a chosen Anki deck
>definition, kana, etc.. are added to the card
I've added about 5k cards in ~9 months using this method and the WWWJDIC app (which is usually less convenient).

>> No.16299242

Don't forget where your home is.

>> No.16299260

Are you a 4chan moderator?

>> No.16299261

There's already a japanese thread on int, DJT belongs here.

>> No.16299270

What a hideous thread. I don't want these fags here at all but having a thread on /int/ and /jp/ at the same time is ridiculous and will end up with people from /int/ coming here.
Why can't they just move to /h/ or somewhere

>> No.16299288

When did DJT move to /JP/?

Been looking for this thread for days and had no idea where it went.



What the fuck does this mean? Context was a girl said that she didn't know how to communicate her feelings in English, and said something about the word 'cowardly'. I responded by asking her what she was trying to say and she responded with that.

>> No.16299296

>Implying Windows is any better

MacOs is a better OS than either of them, but the MacSucks maymay won't let most internet autists even conceive that.

>> No.16299297

>having a thread on /int/ and /jp/ at the same time is ridiculous and will end up with people from /int/ coming here.
Actually, it was people from /a/ coming here. I doubt that the number of posters from /int/ that came to /jp/ as a result of djt being moved there is more than one digit.

>> No.16299311

No, they went to /int/. Better off trying there this thread is dead. >>>/int/68895166

>> No.16299319


Stop posting that unsightly thread here with that disgusting whore OP image.

>> No.16299322

Flags are cancer.

>> No.16299354

Why the fuck did you people move it off /a/ in the first place

>Inb4 it was kind of unrelated to anime

Yes but /a/ was it's established home and moving it has not provided any benefits that outweigh the confusion and argumentative shit posting that it's incurred.

Fuck whomever decided to do this

>> No.16299369

Mod moved it and any new djt threads on /a/ got deleted

>> No.16299372

>this thread is dead
That's why last thread had more than two threads worth of posts before it died, right?
If you wait at the platform you will be asked about whether this is the right place for the platform you want to go to.
I think it's either that or "if this /is/ the platform you want to go to".
Mod did it, don't complain to us.

>> No.16299375

>you people
You mean the 4chan moderator kami aka kinomod? I don't know either, why don't you ask him?

>> No.16299384


Why are you getting so upset over something you don't even know the circumstances to? We were forced off by the mods, and doing that has caused much more trouble than whatever problem they were trying to solve. Every thread we have people complaining and saying the same things. All these posts are making the threads shitty, if we would just discuss the actual thread topic and stop meta posting about things we can't change it wouldn't be that bad. I don't want to go to /int/ where there are flags to identify people for no reason and the thread doesn't even resemble djt anymore. This board is a general graveyard anyway, stop acting like we're desecrating something holy.

>> No.16299401

>all this meta
Just why.

>> No.16299404

Because the thread is on the front page of the board.

>> No.16299405

>Every thread we have people complaining and saying the same things.
That happened in /a/ too, that mod post justifying DJT was posted like every thread

>> No.16299415

The threads on /jp/ have so many posts because of all the meta-shitposts and /jp/ is so slow with this thread surviving being on autosage for almost a whole week. On /a/ or /int/, this thread would have been purged so many times due to the normal speed of those boards. This thread is only a safe-space on life support for a bunch of Davido-kuns.

>> No.16299423

Japanese learning is perfect for the NEET. I finally have purpose again.

>> No.16299428

Welcome to /jp/. Don't let the meido ban you on the way out.

>> No.16299431

メイド様 is asleep.

>> No.16299440

>That's why last thread had more than two threads worth of posts before it died, right?
You slobbering idiot do you realize how many posts you could get into a thread before one falls off page 10 on /jp/? You clearly don't browse here so you don't belong here.

>> No.16299444

be used as a way of saying that you are not hetero? Context: character A describes a certain woman to character B and then adds that the said woman is a 美人, and then goes 俺の趣味ではないが。。。

>> No.16299452

>You slobbering idiot do you realize how many posts you could get into a thread before one falls off page 10 on /jp/? You clearly don't browse here so you don't belong here.
If the thread was dead it would hardly get any at all. If you actually browsed /jp/ you would know that even here dead threads don't get many posts before they get archived.

>> No.16299453

Someone has to call you out on your attitude, acting like this thread is so great with its many many posts. I browse both DJT threads, but you being dishonest about what this situation is invites all this meta-shitposting. Stop being arrogant and hostile towards /jp/ locals and maybe you'll stop attracting all this hostility to this thread.

>> No.16299454


>> No.16299457

I'm not being arrogant/hostile towards a /jp/ local, I'm being arrogant/hostile towards a crossboarder. I've been on /jp/ for several years, since tulpa threads were a thing.

>> No.16299461

It means he's a lolicon and isn't attracted to old women.

>> No.16299503

I like how language help threads used to be instadeleted here but once they became a general imported from /a/ they suddenly are okay.

>> No.16299507

They were still being deleted at first, then an upper guy told the /jp/ mod he's retarded and to stop.

>> No.16299511

They were moved to /int/, not /jp/. The users have been trying to hop the border every since and they're basically being ignored.

>> No.16299517

I wrote a feedback post asking to either kill djt or let it be posted on /jp/, but I never thought the latter would actually happen. I'm happy beyond belief.

>> No.16299601

How accurate are Rikai's pitch accent data?

>> No.16299647

わがまま=我が(archaic possessive)+まま(as in このまま)



>> No.16299715

>girl said that she didn't know how to communicate her feelings in English, and said something about the word 'cowardly'.
Post these lines too, faggot

>> No.16299787

Time for some learning.
Proto-Japonic *e and *o in Eastern Old Japanese

>> No.16299901


What does 一人もいやしない translate to?

>> No.16299904

Either ask normally, or fuck off. Thinly veiled spoonfeeding is the worst.

>> No.16299907

Ching chong nip nong.

>> No.16299908

It's somewhat uncommon grammar, so I'm not surprised you don't know.

>> No.16300000

debian forum trick etc

>> No.16300017

Does anyone know what file format bookwalker ebooks have? I'm assuming it's picture scans, not actual ebook files right?

>> No.16300038

I think picture scans are generally only used by pirates, actual ebooks are all real files.

>> No.16300062

I haven't bought any but the ones in the CoR are zips in basically the same format as epub (zipped HTML files).

>> No.16300073

Then again, maybe those were converted from something. A search on the archive shows that bookwalker uses DRM.

>> No.16300106
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Their prices seem too good to be tru-

Damn it.

>> No.16300121
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>> No.16300130
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Just wrote a test in beginners Japanese at my language school.

A wonderful F.

>> No.16300177

phew. I thought I forgot Japanese but I can at least read yotsuba without a dictionary. I know thta's not saying much but I was afraid I would have to go back to square one.

How hard is 苺ましまろ? I've always wanted to read it but the lack of furigana scared me off.

>> No.16300198

Faggot try learning japanese for 3 years before even getting classes

>> No.16300206


>> No.16300227

>How hard is 苺ましまろ? I've always wanted to read it but the lack of furigana scared me off.
Probably easy, I haven't read the manga yet but the anime was very simple.

>> No.16300236

Why learn japanese for a total beginner course?

That´s like learning running before walking.

>> No.16300248

So you can pretend to be a fellow beginner and crush the hopes and dreams of your classmates by magically mastering kanji in half an hour.

>> No.16300249

I ddint have the same opurtunities that i have now

>> No.16300261
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>> No.16300266

huh? these threads are here now?

>> No.16300270

/jp/ - blogging / random (but in japanese so it's okay)

>> No.16300327

Nope, you're obviously hallucinating. Don't browse 4chan after dropping acid.

What the fuck were you hoping to achieve with that post?

>> No.16300335

Wowzers, you seem pretty irritated.

I was literally just confirming if this was okay since the last time I checked they were on /int/ or something and there was some massive controversy and people were saying, quite explicitly, not to put them on /jp/.

>> No.16300341

The normie redditors went to /int/, everyone else came here where they already browsed anyway.

>> No.16300353

When will you learn?

>> No.16300390

>where they already browsed anyway.
This thread really is a laugh a minute.

>> No.16300410

You could have just read the rest of the thread, or searched for "DJT" in warosu, or clicked the "what happened to DJT" button in the guide. Short answer: yes, if you want further clarification use the archive.
Why are you here, then?

>> No.16300481

>How hard is 苺ましまろ? I've always wanted to read it but the lack of furigana scared me off.
You can always use OCR.

>> No.16300514

While this is true, there's really no reason to, it's not like 苺ましまろ is that much more amazing than other cute SoL manga which does have furigana. You're better off just reading them and getting good enough to not rely on it so much.

>> No.16300589

How would I say "see" as in "I don't really see [word] used much" when referring to the frequency of seeing a specific word/phrase

>> No.16300592

Anybody knows how to use https://github.com/txgio/orikaisama/releases ?
I downloaded Nightly so I could install it but I run into another problem. It has no instructions and pressing keys at random does nothing.

>> No.16300601

if you are refering to how often you see it written.

>> No.16300609

I would go for something like その単語を見ることが珍しい

>> No.16300631
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>> No.16300653

If anybody is interested in this, you use [ and ] keys. I just wish the author bothered enough to add a description.

>> No.16300699

What do you guys use for getting the raws of weekly or monthly releases? I can't seem to find anything on it in the guide.

>> No.16300717

I use nyaa, but it's not 100% reliable. Honestly though my manga backlog is so big that I hardly ever bother with ongoing series

>> No.16300723

Is Nyaa really the best go to for manga raws? It always feels like it's missing a lot and there are so few seeders for anything that isn't mainstream.

>> No.16300774
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>> No.16300795
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Anon who makes the OP:

Can you make the OP to the /int/ DJT? I miss your awesome pics.

Also fuck you for coming to this shit board.

>> No.16300815


>> No.16300846
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Then kys.

>> No.16300927
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I thought I can learn some Japanese from this thread but instead it made me cringe and gave me cancer.

>> No.16300934

hey guys what's the difference between 気温 and 温度?

>> No.16300942

気温とはあくまで「大気の温度」です。 同じように、体温とは「体の温度」です。 このように、温度は温かさがある、全てのものに使われます。

>> No.16300950

Did the threads migrate here after the /a/ ban?

>> No.16300956
File: 1.93 MB, 475x262, 1468279309055.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, I see you're new to 4chan. Welcome.

>> No.16300964

>that gif
Y-You too anon.

>> No.16300965


Nice non anime image dingus.

>> No.16300970

Thanks, could you answer my question?

>> No.16300979



>> No.16300996

The language learning is happening on the /int/ DJT. This one is where we discuss the meta relation DJT has with the many boards of 4chan.

>> No.16301022

The answer is 50/50 yes. It went here and to /int/

>> No.16301025
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>> No.16301040

I'm about 600 words into Core and 300 into RTK so I'm going to read Tae Kim a few times and start reading. Any other supplementary assignments I should add on? The radicals anki deck?

>> No.16301050

>Any other supplementary assignments I should add on?
DoJG after you're done with Tae Kim and have started reading, and anime for listening practice.
>The radicals anki deck?
The DJT-recommended kanji courses already teach radicals to an extent, so I wouldn't bother.

>> No.16301054 [DELETED] 

I just started learning Japanese, and I was told I'll need to know 2,000-3,000 Kanji. Now is this just base Kanji like tree and sun, or is it including the ones that are a combination of two like Japan and Queen

>> No.16301106

麗議機職曜騰 <- those are some of the "basic" ones you should know from the 2000-3000 pool.

And there are a lot of simple but unnecessary or rarely used kanji, like 狸.

Focus on learning the 2200 joyo kanji for now, by the time you finish that you will know which additional ones you might need to learn. Bear in mind you will keep learning new kanji every now and then, as there are dozens of thousands and fancy writers like using obscure ones.

>> No.16301131

Is the reading only method good or not?

>> No.16301140


The best way to get good at doing x is by doing x.

>> No.16301148

>reading only method

>> No.16301196

Dropping anki and just reading all the time instead.

>> No.16301202

There are people who have successfully learned Japanese without Anki, so there's your answer. Personally, I think Anki is far too convenient to drop completely, as long as you spend like 30 minutes per day at most.

>> No.16301208
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>> No.16301213
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>> No.16301223

Just a friendly reminder that /jp/ did not agree to this and your continued presence here is a blemish that won't go away. Have a nice Christmas.

>> No.16301244


>> No.16301251

I really despised anki as well, but after I started reading even though it was easy shit I noticed I improved a lot and even anki doesn't feel like that much of a chore anymore.

Anki is not needed but can be a very important supplement to your studies.
Especially mining and learning words you read and still know in what context you learned them helps a lot.

At least that's the case for me.

>> No.16301268
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I might be able to communicate in English. 
however I am ashamed because it did not go well.

She is very shy, so she is cowardly
you see?

> character A describes a certain woman to character B and then adds that the said woman is a 美人, and then goes 俺の趣味ではないが。。。

俺の趣味ではないが=however 俺の趣味ではない

She is a beauty. But she is not to my taste ( not my type)

>> No.16301281

There are other places, like http://haruka-yumenoato.net/
But really, the fact is that most manga just isn't uploaded at all.

>> No.16301298

It's so annoying how much easier it is to get english manga.

I wish shipping didn't cost so much.

>> No.16301309

Same problem here, but I don't even look for the weekly release, I'm looking for old ass manga and often can't seem to find it.

Also where the hell do you find LNs?

>> No.16301326
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>> No.16301330


>> No.16301332


>> No.16301340


>> No.16301366

LNs are awful because they always get uploaded to a bunch of those shitty download sites that pay the uploader a few cents, reported, and taken down, so I end up searching through a billion broken links and finding nothing.

>> No.16301369

Fuck those websites and everyone who uses them. People could just stick with Mega in this day and age but they can't resist using those shitty outdated sites just to make a little insignificant cash.

>> No.16301394
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>> No.16301442
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>> No.16301456


>> No.16301460


>> No.16301469


>> No.16301481
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>> No.16301539


>> No.16301578
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>> No.16301599
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i might have been able to get communication a little. 
however, i am ashamed that i could not describe it well

She is very shy, so she is cowardly


>> No.16301610
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>> No.16301649
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I can't learn Japanese.
I know it's stupid but I became rather confident after I was able to read yotsubato and nhk news.

But then I tried to talk to actual Japanese and they were using kanji I've never even seen before so I understood nothing.
Even if I finish core I won't even know all Jōyō kanji fuck this.

>> No.16301726
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>> No.16301741

Tell me more.

>> No.16301808

Come on, is that all? If you see an unfamiliar kanji all you have to do is plug it into anki and learn it, that's your easiest task. The hard part is learning grammar, casual abbreviations and contextual disambiguations which won't appear in a dictionary and can't be put on a flashcard.

>> No.16301822
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我がママ(my mamy) は、我儘だ
there is not any one

>> No.16301824

whats the point

youll never be accepted in japan and wont get any friends

>> No.16301838

I'm with anon here. >>16301251 I hate anki but being able to build my own base of vocabulary is too useful to drop it.

It's especially useful for words that are not necessarily repeated many times in whatever stuff you're reading. Reading it once or twice might not be enough to remember it and this is where anki can help.

With that said these days I'm wondering about the day I'll become too fed up with the English translations of words I mined, and what I'll decide to do then. Perhaps I'll restart a new mining deck but this time with Japanese definitions, eh.

>> No.16301850


>> No.16301860

Is anyone here even planning to live in Japan?

>> No.16301928

I won't make any english speaking friends either but somehow I still manage to find a use for this language.

>> No.16302074
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>> No.16302079

Epic otaku culture discussion, guys. You even got your very own avatarfag and everything.

>> No.16302151

No need to be so bitter, EOP.

>> No.16302167

This thread is primarily dominated by people who find it difficult to read children's manga and people shitposting is base-level Japanese.

>> No.16302187

Me being an EOP (not really since English is my second language, but that's besides the point) won't change the fact that this thread is only here not because of some desire to discuss otaku media (manga and anime is not /jp/ related), but simply because you are elitists and percieve yourselves as "too good" to post on /int/

>> No.16302242

That ops cute as fuck

>> No.16302250
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>2 weeks since I ordered and honto manga delivery still not here

Not gunna get it until January am I

>> No.16302295

Who are you quoting?

>> No.16302298

煩い退ける/JP/ 阿保.

>> No.16302299

My despair

>> No.16302313
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>> No.16302339
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>> No.16302372
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>> No.16302449
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>> No.16302548

I feel you. Ordered a LN December 3rd on amazon and it's still not here. I was hoping I'd get it for Christmas but it looks like it'll have to wait January.

>> No.16302549

>orders per SAL
>wonders why it takes long

>> No.16302556

The fee was only 3€ instead of the standard 12€, that's why I took this offer. It was sent by boat, I kinda expected it'd take ages.

>> No.16302574

If you order with anything faster than sal the delivery price ends up being higher than the price of the oboks

>> No.16302579



Way to goってどーゆー時に使うの?

>> No.16302590

How do you even change shipping method on amazon? It only lets me pick "AmazonGlobal Priority Shipping"

>> No.16302592



"way to go you fucking retard" みたいに

>> No.16302598

Look at the sellers (click "new" or "used" to see the full list). Take a look at the amazon from your country too, not necessarily .jp.

>> No.16302604

I mean the seller is amazonjp. Don't they offer other methods?
The other sellers under new don't ship internationally at all seemingly

>> No.16302629

Speaking of amazon, used manga and such are sometimes at extremely low prices, sadly they don't ship internationally.

I suppose buying those through a proxy would be a very good deal? I assume Japanese people take care of their stuff so even if it's not new it'll be as if it were.

>> No.16302636

I'm not knowledgeable enough to answer you, but I think you can change these things once you're in the process of validating the content of your cart. They ask you about the shipping method there.

>> No.16302657

>The other sellers under new don't ship internationally at all seemingly
But if you go to your own amazon, you should have Japanese shipping companies shipping stuff to you at low price. Amazon France has those at least. Problem is often the cost of the item is way too high so it balances out and ends up not being worth it, but sometimes you have good deals.

>> No.16302663

Yeah the shipping is cheap but the price itself is three times the original. Buying from Japanese amazon with SAL would be cheaper

>> No.16302675

Way to go↓.
>Good job.
Way to go↑.
>f*** you.


>> No.16302686


>> No.16302711
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>> No.16302717


two n's not one.

>> No.16302737


>> No.16302744
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>Way to go




>> No.16302786

Huh, really?

My bad. But the other one was okay?

>> No.16302886

It depends on the item, at least with Amazon US. Some items are only offered as priority whereas others can be selected with the slow cheap shipping.

Having said that, every single item I've tried from Amazon jp only offers priority shipping. Like another anon said, check out other sellers / different amazons. Sometimes they have places that ship directly from Japan and offer free shipping.

>> No.16302888

Stop schilling the Anki plug and play meme. We all know that memrise we can literally have our decks right there in the app.

>> No.16302898

Please try constructing a post that isn't akin to the ramblings of a madman.

>> No.16302900
File: 455 KB, 900x933, 1434186785678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ATEJI: is there a fixed table of ateji for each sound, or did these crazy chinks select any kanji they felt like that suited the sound?

Here's hoping there's a clear-cut table of them so I can study it.

>> No.16302910

Are there any other good sites for books? I actually prefer cdjapan to amazon since it offers SAL for everything, allows payment with Paypal and most of the stuff there is cheaper. The only problem is the selection is smaller and when something goes out of stock it's gone for good. Also no cheap LN sets.

>> No.16302931

There isn't, but I wouldn't worry about it. Just learn them like you would any normal word. Also, by expanding and solidifying your vocabulary, you'll become more familiar with kanji readings which will also help a lot.

>> No.16302973

>There isn't
Oh well, my intention was more having it up my sleeve for making words myself, guess I'll just have to choose whatever I want.

>> No.16303017

I would recommend just using the handful of most common kanji for a given reading. If someone asked you what kanji first springs to mind when you hear "め", your answer would most likely be 目. And indeed, the め in おめでとう is written as 目 in ateji: お目出度う.
There are also kanji which are often used for their phonetic value, like 伊 for い and 亜 for あ, and they're commonly employed in ateji; and if you take a look at, say, a chart of country ateji, you'll begin to notice some common trends, like 利, 太 and 加 being used for り, た and か respectively.

>> No.16303086

Sadly, the rule is short-lived, since we have a米rika. And 太 is used instead of 田, for instance.

I was thinking about making a table myself going the country name route, yes. It probably won't cover for ALL sounds, but that might giving a starting palette that is consistent enough.

Or maybe I should get a list of ateji words and make a pool for every sound, sorting by frequency. That would require programming though, and I have no knowledge on that.

>> No.16303101
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>> No.16303137

What do you guys think is the best resource for advanced grammar? I was thinking about doing either Imabi or Tobira.

>> No.16303138

reading and looking up stuff you don't get

>> No.16303149

Won't work for idiots like you.

>> No.16303154


someone call the fire department because we have a BURN!


>> No.16303156

i'm sorry you have brain problems anon

>> No.16303219
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>> No.16303227

Why the hwabyung?

>> No.16303286

What should I read after I'm done よつばと!?

I want slightly more difficult but not severely so.

>> No.16303293

Whatever you want.

>> No.16303301


>> No.16303310

Epub with an additional layer of encryption on top

>> No.16303311


>> No.16303386

Here's a partial transcription of the first volume of SZS.

This is exhausting work, so I'm going to take a hiatus. If someone else wants to finish up the volume, feel free, but please either use the same formatting standards I did or reformat my transcription to your own standards.

This covers somewhat more than half of the volume.


>> No.16303462

Why would you do this?

>> No.16303467


>> No.16303599

This is not Reddit anon. It's 4chan grow up or get over it.

>> No.16303604

Japanese the manga way for reading as it does give good examples and Tae Kim.

>> No.16303636

I'm sorry, what?

>> No.16303672
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>> No.16303679

I think he's saying that he's crazy so you shouldn't reply to him anymore.

>> No.16303683

Good idea, thanks for the advice.

>> No.16303756

Japanese grammar is easy peasy. Just read.

>> No.16303788

The actual grammar is pretty simple sure, the tricky part is figuring out what it means. Since the Japanese mode of speech is so ambiguous you need a massive mental library of different turns of phrase and special contexts in order to figure out where somebody is coming from

>> No.16303792

There's a whole lot wrong with this sentence alright.

>> No.16303803


>> No.16303821

KonoSuba often pops up in the easy to read LN recommendations. How does the superior isekai, Re:Zero, compare difficulty wise?

>> No.16303834

>superior isekai, Re:Zero

>> No.16303841

If you have to ask everything is too hard for you.

>> No.16303876
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>> No.16303886

It's a whole tier up. You can see for yourself by looking at the webnovel, but it's far too hard for a beginner.
Take a look for yourself: http://ncode.syosetu.com/n2267be/

>> No.16303889

Just download it and see for yourself, why even ask?

>> No.16303922

Unless I'm blind it's not in the CoR and Nyaa has 300 different torrents. Don't have time to deal with that at the moment so easier to ask.

>> No.16303929


>> No.16303945
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>Good idea, thanks for the advice.

Hi samefag :) are you done trying to make yourself feel better and being a fail troll?

>> No.16303953

You have to go back.

>> No.16303963

I'm sorry, what?

>> No.16303973

I think what he is saying is your a faggot and should drink bleach.

>> No.16303977

Just report and ignore. Unlike /a/, /jp/ actually has mods who do their job

>> No.16303982

Looks like meido-kun is asleep, sadly.

>> No.16303994
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>Responded back

What happened? I thought you were not going to respond anymore.

>> No.16303997

Who are you quoting?

>> No.16304048
File: 125 KB, 1375x749, 1476924615058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Relying on /jp/ mods to protect your thread.
>Wanting a personal mod army to get rid of what you do not approve of.

Someone is new here :). You better get use to it or move the thread somewhere else.

>> No.16304059

Go back to shitting up the /int/ thread, leafy

>> No.16304060

Thats nice, but who are you quoting?

>> No.16304097

Keep reaching you might get me in 300 years :).

>> No.16304136
File: 219 KB, 600x800, 1472516143457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there an anki deck that has at least one word for every jouyou kanji in it? how about core 10k?

Alternatively is there a deck that has all jouyou kanji + example words?
I could use that to make my own.

Worst case scenario, I would use the "All in one kanji" deck and create cards based on that.
I would to avoid that though, drains too much time.

>> No.16304144

Just make a mining deck like everyone else. It's better to learn words as you read instead of learning them by a preset order.

>> No.16304153

Or you could just be a normal person and read while mining words you don't know. Not only do you learn more because you're immersing yourself in the language, but it's also a lot more fun than ankidroning! Isn't that great?

>> No.16304160

I also find the few seconds it takes to make a card helps you learn the word better. Lately I've been at 100% correct ratio on anki since making my own cards.

>> No.16304161
File: 18 KB, 153x298, 1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, this poor image quality is really fucking my shit up. Can anyone help me figure out what the second kanji of the first word is? I'm pretty sure the first one is 暗, but no combination of radicals I can imagine for the second one seems to exist.

>> No.16304163

この素晴らしい世界に祝福を!is in the CoR, in several formats.

>> No.16304167

No because the jouyou list has a bunch of kanji that are almost never used or only used in place names and such. Like the emperor's seal one.

>> No.16304173

Let me explain m yset up. I have 1 desktop space that is full screen manga. The next desktop space is a browser taking up half the screen, and anki taking up the other. It has the card making window open. The browser is navigated to jisho.org. If I see a word I don't know, I switch over to jisho, look it up and then type it into anki. This time helps me learn the word better than insta adding it with rikaisama. It only takes a few seconds longer, too.

>> No.16304178

This is an extremely common kanji. If you can't identify it, you shouldn't yet be reading print material that doesn't cleanly OCR.

>> No.16304179

That's fine and all but please keep in mind that manga isn't reading.

>> No.16304181

I just don't get you, man. It's like we live in different worlds.

>> No.16304187

I do have one and it is really great I agree, reading is also great to improve obviously.
I just hate when I encounter a kanji I don't know when I read something rather easy.

But considering this >>16304167 it might be better to just mine.

Well I might still create a deck in my free time.

>> No.16304189

What verb should one use for manga?

>> No.16304212

Literally sleep-inducing.

>> No.16304219

The same as anime, watching. Viewing is OK too.

>> No.16304224

Re:Zero is hard

>> No.16304226

Most of it is pretty clear actually, and the main points often use furigana or katakana. It's just these little asides that use the microscopic blurry kanji writing, so it's probably not a big deal if I have to skip a few for now.

>> No.16304231

no lol

>> No.16304233

The anime was hard to watch due to its quality, I imagine the same is true of the novels.

>> No.16304292

Was talking about Re:ゼロから始める異世界生活.

>> No.16304548

Core 30k is PRETTY complete, not sure if it has a 100% coverage though.

Core 10k has almost every joyo kanji, only about 100 lacking, so you might consider doing that.

Whenever I finish the Core10k, my intention is getting Core30k for mining the remaining joyo I can find there. Then, if there are still joyo kanji left, I will manually pick them from dictionaries and learn a single word containing them which I consider the most useful-looking. (If there is a verb form with just that kanji, I'll also learn it).

>like everyone else
>be a normal person
Is this what /jp/ has become? You of all people should be aware this is not a thread for normal people learning normal stuff and understand assburger minds have assburger needs.
Kanji lists are excellent metrics, fuck off with that "improvise as you go" mentality.

>> No.16304568

>Whenever I finish the Core10k,
>my intention is getting Core30k
Well you weren't kidding with the assburgers. And I thought I was breaching excessive levels by doing nearly 3k core words before mining...
Enjoy taking several times longer than everyone else to be able to read fluently, I guess.

>> No.16304581

In /jp/ you have to choose an autismal form of reading if you want to be important.

For example, I'm currently reading directly through a kanji dictionary front through back, for the superior Japanese learning experience folded over one thousand times.

>> No.16304607

Are LNs often available in pure text format? I want to read one in a paste bin with rikaichan.

>> No.16304616

Set up a firefox html and switch to rikaisama. And the majority of them are available in ebook formats, yes.

>> No.16304617

>>my intention is getting Core30k
DId you stop reading there by chance?
How are you schooling me on reading fluently if you can't even tell I don't intend doing the full 30k deck from my previous post?

I guess this inability to juggle more than one clause at a time for context is what drove you to the improvising route of learning instead of a structured approach.
Visit Gensokyo anytime!

>> No.16304851
File: 354 KB, 1190x1756, イリヤの空、UFOの夏_4_089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the person who recommended me イリヤの空, I just want to say, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. I'd say you can't possibly know how much it meant to me, how life-changingly powerful an experience it was, but you've read the book too. You know what it is. Thank you.

>> No.16304869

That's how I felt about 聲の形

>> No.16304872

That's how I felt about ゆるゆり

>> No.16304890

This is going to be a dumb question but what's the way to express that something is a mistake in the sense that it is the way it is but was never supposed to be that way.

Like "Having this child was a mistake" in the sense that there was never an intent to have a child. Is it still chigau? Because that doesn't feel right I guess and seems like the sort of thing when you want to express that thing is X when the reality is Y, or something to that degree, I don't know.

And while I'm asking, what's the difference between chigau and machigau?

Is this the right place to be asking? It was the first place that came to mind.

>> No.16304911 [DELETED] 


>> No.16304937
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>> No.16304949


>> No.16304961
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>> No.16305082


>> No.16305090

I read for hours everyday and read websites online. I add every word to anki. It's like 100 per day. Is this too much? I only review 20 new ones per day but it seems like this is going to add up very quickly. I only started using anki yesterday and have 200 cards already.

>> No.16305147


>> No.16305157

Just started watching 舟を編む and it has some rare vocab for you vocab hunters to add to your anki collection

It also seems like a pretty good anime about making a Japanese dictionary

>> No.16305221
File: 23 KB, 835x693, 読んだもの.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May I ask why? It's one of the first things I read and I think it's been the manga I liked the less out of everything I read raw so far. Looking back I still feel frustrated and disappointed about it.

>> No.16305229

It was one of my favorite shows this season, if not my favorite. Highly recommend to you folks in here.

>> No.16305234

I loved it everything about it. It made me cry literal tears.

>> No.16305246

Well I did cry and tear up a few times as well, and was sad to finish it, but that's because I'm crybaby.

If we're talking emotional impact, I still haven't recovered from おやすみプンプン and that's the reason I haven't read much these past two weeks or so.

>> No.16305345

How was Oyasumi Punpun's difficulty compared to the other stuff?

>> No.16305531
File: 1.62 MB, 1437x2127, punpun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Much harder, but for this reason this is also what taught me the most. おやすみプンプン was also one of the reasons I had learned Japanese so no matter how ready or not I was, I wanted to read it.

So from that experience I can assert that you should not pick your reading materials depending on your level but based on motivation. If you want to read it (or read something that's said to be "difficult"), read it.

>> No.16305539

Almost like an LN!

>> No.16305543

So DJT finally got banished to /jp/.
Anyway, assuming I have 6 hours a day to study for Japanese, how should I allocate my time?

2 hours for Anki and then 4 hours for?

>> No.16305549

30-60 minutes on anki, rest on reading and anime

>> No.16305550


IT's the most important thing you can do. You could even drop anki. But you can't drop reading. There's no use to all those vocab you're learning if you aren't using it.

>> No.16305663


Yeah if you have 6 hours a day and you're honestly going to spend that time studying, you can just read.

Anki is just for people that spend far less time than that. Even an average person can handle 50-100 new words a day with 2 hours of anki time. You'd be spending 10-15 mins at a time waiting for a new word within 2-3 months at that rate.

>> No.16305669

>you should not pick your reading materials depending on your level but based on motivation

I thought this at first, but I changed my mind pretty quickly. I started reading G線上の魔王 and I was really struggling. Then I switched to Red Night and I cruised through that at a comfortable pace even though in English I'd probably like the former more than the latter.

>> No.16305671

Red night? Google search is not showing anything.

>> No.16305677

Sorry Unred Night.

>> No.16305687

>2 hours for Anki
Absolutely fucking not. Do this: >>16305549

>> No.16305689

Admittedly I was only speaking manga-wise. I should've precised it.

Only VN I've read so far is はなひらっ and LN-wise I had read a few chapters of Re:Zero before giving up because way too many unknown vocab which was just too frustrating (and reading things I had just seen via the anime wasn't particularly enticing), so I can't pretend to have a say regarding those two mediums.

>> No.16305691

I spend more than 6 hours per day studying, only doing anki. I don't see the point of reading when I have to look up half of the words. I'd have to put the newly encountered words into anki to learn them. Might as well just learn vocab with anki without reading. I'm 800 cards into core6k.

>> No.16305694

That early in I didn't see the point either. But once you start trying to read the grammar-dick is gonna go HAM on your asshole and you're gonna be like fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck wish I knew what was going on.

>Only VN I've read so far is はなひらっ
That was my first one. It's the worst. Holy shit that thing is boring. It's literally Lucky Star without good characters or tasty snacks.

>> No.16305697

One of the issues of recommending Hanahira to everyone is that a lot of people here have never read a VN before, so they'll come in, think that it's representative of what VNs are like and never read one again.
So everyone, in case it's not obvious, Hanahira is nothing like your normal VN.

>> No.16305698
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>> No.16305702

It was really bad indeed. I like slice & life but はなひらっ is just a whole different genre in itself, and not a good one.

Oh I wasn't recommending it. I agree with your post completely.

>> No.16305712

Should I force myself to only watch raws?

>> No.16305716

If you're still at the stage where you have to "force yourself", then no. Watching subbed anime is still good listening practice, as long as you actually pay attention to the dialogue.

>> No.16305717

Depends on your level. If you're new and can't understand anything, then it's almost pointless. If you can hear at least 50% of what's going on, it helps with listening skills. But anime is pretty limited anyways. But if that's all you're using it for then fuck yeah, watch away.

>> No.16305718
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>> No.16305725
File: 115 KB, 224x309, 1463223193543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I spend more than 6 hours per day studying, only doing anki
>just learn vocab with anki without reading
You anki drones are absolutely hilarious. Have fun trying to read some random moege after a few months of nothing but anki and realising that you're still just as shit at reading as you were at the beginning and that you still have to look up every other word.

Also how the fuck do you spend more than 6 hours only doing core6k?

>> No.16305732

I've been learning for a year. My listening is absolut shit and isn't getting any better from watching subbed anime. I can only read.

>> No.16305735


I grabbed most of the decks here and have built a routine around it. I have cut some of course, right now I'm at 24 decks total.

>> No.16305737

Don't force yourself, just find a show you really like and enjoy rewatching it.

>> No.16305738


He's putting fighting spirit in from sneezing and that's why he's having outbursts? I dont get it.

>> No.16305739

Stop being a little bitch and start watching 8+ hours of anime per day

>> No.16305742

I can read sentences where I know the words pretty easily, as long as they have basic sentence structure. No need to worry. It's only a problem of lack of vocab.

I do a lot of cards and try hard to remember each one.

>> No.16305747

He's probably been doing it for a short period, not enough to be an Anki drone. And probably bruteforcing his way through Anki to be able to read and not become one.

I am a true, state-certified 12-month old Anki drone and until last month I had never read anything. Now I can read simple books looking at a dictionary only once or twice per page (I skip some words that don't look important).

So no, it's not the same level as I was before, since I had no vocabulary nor kanji knowledge. Looking stuff up is what hindered me back and now it's reduced enough that I don't feel unmotivated.

But I still only read occasionally, Anki is the only study I do on a daily basis.

>> No.16305769

I think it's "the old guy was cheering while sneezing and it unintentionally made me laugh"

>> No.16305782

I'm a linux user. I'm thinking of moving to windows so I can play VNs. But first, I need to know. Is the anki folder cross platform if I put it on a usb drive and put it My Documents? I don't want to lose my progress.

>> No.16305789

You could always use the syncing to save it online and then sync it on your windows install

>> No.16305793

If in doubt, use the online synch. And keep a file backup. And test the synch in another computer if you can.

>> No.16305797

Thank you.

>> No.16305863
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>> No.16305952

Wrong, >>>/int/68957313

>> No.16306054

someone transcribe the time segment 1:45-1:58 for me?

>> No.16306121
File: 277 KB, 1280x720, Koyomimonogatari - 06 (BD 1280x720 x264 AACx2).mp4_snapshot_09.25_[2016.12.24_20.18.03].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16306169
File: 280 KB, 1280x720, Koyomimonogatari - 06 (BD 1280x720 x264 AACx2).mp4_snapshot_09.30_[2016.12.24_20.18.29].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16306223
File: 294 KB, 1280x720, Koyomimonogatari - 06 (BD 1280x720 x264 AACx2).mp4_snapshot_09.32_[2016.12.24_20.18.36].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16306224
File: 1019 KB, 1280x720, 1482563940426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh, how the hell did they get away with that one?

>> No.16306252
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>> No.16306256

Does literally everyone here use Anki? From the way people talk about it here you would get the impression that it is absolutely essential but I see other resources that don't mention this kind of thing at all and it just seems really dull.

>> No.16306266

How's it different?

>> No.16306291
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>> No.16306309

A traditional VN is told from the first-person perspective, with the intent of the player "self-inserting", or taking on the feeling of becoming the main protagonist. This is reinforced with the choices by the MC reflected in the events of the game, and the artistic style of having the other character's sprites facing the screen, as if look out your monitor at you as they talk to you. It creates a level of immersion and emotional commitment not seen in any other medium when you're not just watching events happen to other people, they're happening directly to you.

Route structures vary, but typically a VN will open with a common route and then split into a series of routes dedicated to specific primary characters. These can be time-synchronous and follow on from on another, but more often occur simultaneously, following the standard multi-universe theory of decision splitting, where you can see the "what if" of your choices. The idea of focusing on characters allows for emotional investment in a specific person's backstory, personality, likes and dislikes, lifestyle, and most importantly, relationship with the MC. This will usually lead to a sexual romance and a level of personal connection built between you and the character featured.

Now Hanahira is reminiscent of a laid-back SoL anime, a series of events in the everyday life of some cute girls. There is no overarching plot, no on-going development of events and building up of ideas. In contrast, a standard VN will introduce the characters and the setting, have you meet them for the first time, build up interpersonal connections, and develop a overarching plot. This plot might be a serious threat to the future of the planet and the human race, or it might be the blossoming romance between two high schoolers, but in either case there is a clear series of ordered events here.

Now we divulge into genres. VNs are commonly divided into "moege", "nukige", "nakige" and "plotge", and while there is a strong level of overlap between them in many cases, let's discard that for now. Moege are a romance, a chance to fulfil the idyllic high school dream of meeting a cute girl, getting to know her, building a friendship, asking her out on a first date, seeing her smile and her frilly clothes, and then having sex and living happily ever after. Nukige are intended to be, for lack of a better word, fapbait, and focus primarily on serving as masturbation fuel for the reader. Nakige inspire the feeling of sadness, shock or depression in the reader, by growing attached to a loving character and then having her torn away from you. And plotge are more reminiscent of typical novels, a series of events and an overarching problem to be resolved, maybe a mystery, a war, an adventure, or a mission to save the world. Of course, each of these will often draw elements from the other formats, but the distinction is still helpful.

Hanahira does not come under any of these categories. Thus, despite using the medium and being told through a computer program with girls on the screen and text on the bottom, it is not what we would typically consider a normal VN.

>> No.16306320
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>> No.16306333
File: 140 KB, 600x450, se01ev05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

「はなひらっ}はsmall labiaを連想させる

>> No.16306335


>> No.16306337
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>> No.16306356
File: 62 KB, 480x600, rankingshare-a3e602104f9c11e49ba006e0b9b52e4f2ccadcfb54a4ff1dc5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16306533
File: 63 KB, 361x500, imouto.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.16306594

didn't read because too long but the last line is false. hanahira is a moege by every definition.

>> No.16306606

Glad to hear. It's definitely one of my favorite pieces of fiction too and testament to how great subculture can be at its very best.

>> No.16306615

What application do you guys use to text hook vn?

Every result I get on google seems outdated and some sounds really complicated to install.

>> No.16306621

read the guide

>> No.16306631

>A traditional VN is told from the first-person perspective
That's wrong in every way.

>> No.16306641

While we are talking about text hooking, is it possible to hook text from a emulator such as PPSSPP?

There is a VN that is only available for PSP that I want to read.

ithvnr didn't work

>> No.16306649

Would I be able to magically remember the kanji by reading the furigana after some time?

>> No.16306652

Yes. That's how literacy works.

>> No.16306653

No. The first thing you should do after installing your hooker or whatever is disable furigana.

>> No.16306654

ITHVNR can hook PPSSPP in particular. I don't think there's code for any other emulators. For other emulators you have to use Hook Any Text.

Oh, if you're using a texthooker, don't use furigana. I assumed you were reading a manga. Automatic furigana is horribly wrong on a regular basis.

>> No.16306655

Extra CCC?

>> No.16306661

>ITHVNR can hook PPSSPP in particular. I don't think there's code for any other emulators. For other emulators you have to use Hook Any Text.

>> No.16306664

What part of that sentence are you responding to?

>> No.16306670

>ITHVNR can hook PPSSPP in particular
Sorry my bad
Do I have to use different settings or am I fucked if it doesn't hook text by default? (heard some games simply dont work)

>> No.16306672


But it's bothersome to look for words every single time. I think Anki is the most efficient way to learn a kanji but from reading this thread, it seems like Anki is getting shit on.

>> No.16306676

The more modern a console uses, the more likely it is to supply games with a firmware function they otherwise would have implemented independently. For example, the PSP probably has text rendering functions in the BIOS, which could be hooked into to get texthooking.


>> No.16306677

Welcome to languages. If it isn't bothersome, you aren't learning. There aren't any shortcuts. And Anki is fine for mined words.

>> No.16306691


Eh, I want to be as efficient as possible and alt tabbing every single time I encounter a word right now doesn't sounds good especially right now since I'm a beginner(only in kanji. My kana, grammar, listening is way ahead).

>> No.16306696

It really is.
I assume I should go on and read all of the author's other works? I would be very much interested in learning what your other favourite pieces of fiction are.

>> No.16306725

Is there a deck for word that looks something like this:

皆殺し - みなごろし - Massacre

Kanji used: (also includes different readings if there is any)
皆 - Everyone
殺 - Murder

Core pisses me off with all the retarded katakana words.

>> No.16306728



>> No.16306738

It seems the CoR only has the scans. Is there a text version somewhere? Not that scans bother me per se, but it's definitely faster to mine words like this, and I don't consider myself advanced or anything like that yet.

>> No.16306740



>> No.16306760



>> No.16306772

I haven't read his other stuff so I dunno. A friend is reading his on-going series but he said it doesn't look like Akiyama is very motivated to actually continue writing it so yeah...
If you want LNs, my other big favorite series besides Iriya is 人類は衰退しました. By the same author you could try AURA first which is only a single volume and gives you a decent taste of him. Then there's 紫色のクオリア which is probably the best single volume LN out there, really tight story. For Non-LN books pretty much everything by 森見登美彦. 戯言シリーズ is incredibly fun and reads very, very fast. And then there's a whole bunch of VNs too... I could go on and on. Whatever you pick I look forward to your reactions, it's nice to see someone else actually read outside of the usual boring beginner recs.
If you want the comfort of text you can buy the Kindle version of Amazon, convert it and read it in your browser.

>> No.16306777

>Core pisses me off with all the retarded katakana words.
Well, they're words, and they're used commonly. If you think you never need to see ライト again, feel free to delete it, it's one button press.

What you're asking for is braindead retarded. 皆 doesn't mean everyone, see 皆勤, it's closer in meaning to all. 殺 doesn't mean murder, or even kill, 殺ぐ is just a reduction. Kanji don't fit into nice single word definitions like you think, and if you broaden them out enough to do so, you'll find there are dozens of kanji with the same broad meaning.

>> No.16306785

Most people don't really shit on anki so to speak, they just like to have a good moan after bombarding themselves with it day in and day out for years at a time.

>> No.16306807

Do stats in anki even mean anything? It's completely random, one day it'll throw a bunch of words at you that you're familiar with and you'll get like 90% retention, and then the very next day it'll throw a bunch of obscure words at you that you haven't seen in months and you'll get like 70% retention

>> No.16306815

My days go from about a 95% to a 92% at worst. You're either fucking retarded, or you forgot to disable the review limit so you're occasionally seeing cards well past when you should be seeing them.

>> No.16306821

It can vary but not by 20 fucking percent. Mine vary between 87-95%.
If you have trouble with older words you probably aren't reading enough.

>> No.16306822
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>> No.16306827

Hope you're using true retention if you're reading your stats.

>> No.16306834
File: 20 KB, 168x237, ad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happens to me all the time, my mining deck has a bunch of really obscure specific words that you see once every half a year while reading if that and sometimes anki just decides to show them all to me at the same time

>> No.16306843

Yeah I don't believe that. Those "obscure" words are probably so few in number that it doesn't matter, and if anything remembering them is easier because of how unique they are.

>> No.16306850

>Those "obscure" words are probably so few in number that it doesn't matter
You would be extremely wrong.

>> No.16306852

I have 14k mined words, when anki decides its time to fuck up my day it can easily throw a huge amount of words at me that I literally haven't seen in anki or while reading in half a year or longer

>> No.16306856

Doubt it. Post 20 of those obscure words right now if you have so many of them. Shouldn't be hard, right?

>> No.16306860


>> No.16306912
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>> No.16306928
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>> No.16306992


>> No.16307042


>> No.16307047

I haven't been to DJT since they got purged off /a/. /int/ is obviously out of the question so I'm posing this question to all OG DJTers: Is this thread a worthy successor or should I not even bother coming

>> No.16307049

It's certainly worthy if you refuse to use /int/.

>> No.16307059

This thread is so dead I actually study now.

>> No.16307062

I like it here.

>> No.16307066

Get a second screen

>> No.16307074

Checking the post times, it looks like it was made less than 2 days ago, and it's over bump limit already which is lightning fast for /jp/ (though the last time I frequented this board was around 5 years ago so it might be different now)

>> No.16307083

It'll still take 2-3 days to drop off the board though, so plenty of life left in the thread.

>> No.16307084

Nah it's pretty fast overall. /djt/ on /a/ extremely was slow at this time of the day too, that guy is just new.

>> No.16307098

i think this thread is pretty good
got a month-long ban on /vg/ so i really needed a new place to shitpost

>> No.16307100


>> No.16307121


It's there, just not linked individually yet. That will be done soon.


>> No.16307136

Thanks anon!

>> No.16307178
File: 133 KB, 1200x884, Cx8AHwhWIAEnsvA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

鹿+金で何故に、「みなごろし」の意味となったかについては、 鍋に鹿を入れて殺したとか、趙高が鹿を鹿と言った人間を殺したとか、鹿は金になるのでみなごろしにしたなど、諸説ある

>> No.16307291

What does "右の頬を打たれたら左の頬を差し出す" mean? All the explanations on google are too long and I can't be assed to read them

>> No.16307303

Luke 6:29
If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to them the other also.

>> No.16307308

Ah nice, thanks

>> No.16307325
File: 47 KB, 480x271, o0480027113687389298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a quotation from the Bible;

You have heard that it was said, "Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth. " But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person.
"If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also."
And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you. (Matthew 5:38-42)

you see?

>> No.16307363


>> No.16307381

It's just a good way to help study words you already learned why reading. The way some people use it sounds really dull though. Using it to learn brand new new words in a preset order instead of reviewing what you've read sounds like torture.

>> No.16307382


>> No.16307395 [DELETED] 

Christianity is such a cucked religion.

>> No.16307412

The reading thing makes sense to me it just seems like it would be unbearably boring to sit there for hours a day studying thousands of words devoid of any context. I tend to just try to read articles and things that interest me because a lot of the reason I started learning was because how factually incorrect a lot of western reporting on Japanese media seems to be.

>> No.16307422

I just use the default settings. That's only 20 new words per day. You're done within half an hour, sometimes less.

>> No.16307433

Why do retards like you think the only options are doing Anki for 5 hours or not doing it at all? You start your day with doing it for 20-30min then you spend the rest of your day reading.

>> No.16307448

I'm just basing it off how my impression of how people portray their usage in these threads.

>> No.16307453

There are anki addicts. They abuse anki just like someone might abuse drugs.

>> No.16307476

20-30 minutes isn't enough time to do any decent amount of reviews / new cards. You might as well not bother if you're only going to dip your toe in the water.

>> No.16307481

20 new cards is more than enough. Any more is a waste of time and should go towards reading instead.

>> No.16307507

It's 7,000 words a year at that rate. That isn't bad at all.

>> No.16307525

It's not possible to do them in that time limit.

>> No.16307529

If anki takes hours then it's not worth using at all.

>> No.16307538

Do you suffer from brain problems by any chance? 365x20=7300.

>> No.16307554

Work on your reading comprehension first, champ.

200 reviews + 20 new cards / 20 minutes = impossible.

>> No.16307555

i have a question fr you guys
the core 2k sample sentence for 天気 is きょわいいてんきです which i understand but why is it just 良い天気 as opposed to something like きょのてんき

does it mean the same thing?
is what i typed even grammatically correct?
did i even use no right?

im so confused

>> No.16307558

>200 reviews + 20 new cards / 20 minutes = impossible.
Says who? I do it within that every single day. Also the original post said 20-30, maybe you should work on yours.

>> No.16307559


Don't overthink grammar just absorb it. There are many ways to say the same thing in Japanese just like in English.

>> No.16307565

>Says who? I do it within that every single day.
Sure you do.

>Also the original post said 20-30, maybe you should work on yours.
I was using the shorter time limit to make it seem more impossible.

>> No.16307570

So you have brain problems and are projecting those onto everyone else, gotcha.

>> No.16307577

Not seeing any Anki graph. You do it every single day so it should be very easy to prove.

>> No.16307584


I personally won't be convinced unless I see a live stream. Images are easily doctored.

>> No.16307616

You could do that in less than 20 minutes.

>> No.16307621
File: 66 KB, 600x338, CXENNHzUQAASchh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what you want say is


we can say 今日の天気はいい天気, that means 今日はいい天気

今日の天気はいい天気 today's weather is fine weather, so 今今日はいい天気ですit's fine weather today

>> No.16307622

No, if he can't do something it's impossible for everyone else in the world. Meet the textbook narcissist.

>> No.16307627

*so 今日はいい天気ですit's fine (weather) today

>> No.16307652

Break it down for me.

How long should each card review take?
How long should each new card first look take?
How long should each new card second/final take?

How many new cards would you fail on first sighting?
What would your new cards be set at? 1 10?
What would your learn ahead limit be set at?

>> No.16307672


>> No.16307679

So you're full of shit. Thanks for answering.

No anki graph. Not even some figures plucked out of thin air. Disappointing.

>> No.16307680
File: 85 KB, 708x483, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How long should each card review take?
>How long should each new card first look take?
As long as it takes to pronounce it and read the definitions, around 6s.
>How long should each new card second/final take?

>How many new cards would you fail on first sighting?
I usually fail half.
>What would your new cards be set at? 1 10?
1 1
>What would your learn ahead limit be set at?

The only thing stopping anyone from accomplishing 200 cards in less than 20 minutes are the new cards, you can fix this by gaming the steps and learn ahead limit.

>> No.16307682

>>How many new cards would you fail on first sighting?
>I usually fail half.
That should be zero. New cards have to be confirmed multiple times for a reason.

>> No.16307684
File: 1.75 MB, 200x293, Really.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 1

Also none of your full days are below 20 minutes.

>> No.16307689
File: 101 KB, 708x483, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just press easy on cards I can read.
I do 50 cards a day.

>> No.16307694

Yeah. Pressing "again" on new cards doesn't do anything but lower your correct% rate, just like having lots of small steps doesn't do anything but increase your correct%. (Having extra, large, steps, however, like "1 10 30", is fair game)
>I just press easy on cards I can read.
I usually suspend them on sight. No need wasting precious minutes of anki with things I already know.

>> No.16307697

>Yeah. Pressing "again" on new cards doesn't do anything but lower your correct% rate, just like having lots of small steps doesn't do anything but increase your correct%.
So you press good on cards you don't know?

>> No.16307699

Well you're using anki wrong. It isn't a tool to jack off over percentage but to learn.

>> No.16307705

I press good on new cards I don't know. That only applies to cards that are marked in the far left column. This is how anki is designed. If you were supposed to press "again" on new cards you don't know, it would not send them to 1 minute.

The "again" is only available on new cards because you can make deck formats where it makes sense. With recognition and recall cards, it definitely does not make sense.

When you answer a new card for the first time, it ceases being a new card and starts being a learning card.

Nice samefag.

>> No.16307708

>I press good on new cards I don't know.

>> No.16307711

if you weren't supposed to press it, it wouldn't be there

>> No.16307712

yess thats what was confusing me. i was thinking that it HAD to be said in that specific way

>> No.16307714

>I press good on new cards I don't know.

>> No.16307723

Anki is designed to test retention. If you can retain a card for N minutes, then passing the N minute step means that you passed the N minute step. It doesn't care about anything else. If you can press good on new cards and then remember them 10 minutes later, then you are using anki correctly.

>> No.16307739

>and then remember them 10 minutes later
But speed anons are using 1 minute steps.

>> No.16307741

Good for them.

>> No.16307743

As it should be, I wanna finish this boring crap as fast as possible and start reading.

>> No.16307745

メリクリ you cunts

>> No.16307749

It doesn't affect how long anki lasts unless you configured anki incorrectly or would relapse the cards without such short steps (resulting in more reps and more learning).

>> No.16307752

>This thread is for the discussion and learning of Japanese with raw otaku media.

Please remove this from the OP next thread, lying is wrong.

>> No.16307757

That's to keep out /int/ rejects that found the "japanese" board and want translations. It needs to stay.

>> No.16307758

>I do 50 cards a day.

It looks like you do a widely variable number of cards a day.

>> No.16307762

My routine broke down some weeks ago, I've gone days doing no new cards or reps, and days where I did 450 new cards to compensate these days, it averages 50 new cards a day in the end though.

>> No.16307769

So you're not even trying to pretend these threads are related to /jp/ anymore? It's basically a vacation home for elitists who think they're too good for /int/

Doesn't stop you from having avatarfags and blogposters though.

>> No.16307770

It doesn't matter. The thread is a hugbox where nobody wants to learn anything and will shit on you if you even dare make any mention of improved methods. It was never about learning a language; that's why it got kicked out of /a/ in the first place and sent to /int/.

>> No.16307773

When haven't these threads been related to /jp/? I just gave the most important reason for that text, which supersedes anyone's (yours) opinions on whether DJT is relevant to /jp/.

>> No.16307776

You seem to like them enough to make the same shitpost here every day though.

>> No.16307785

>When haven't these threads been related to /jp/?

The entirety of their existence. You've been on this board for two weeks, don't pretend like you've always been here. Mods moved your threads from /a/ to /int/, the board about language.

>I just gave the most important reason for that text

Yeah, to keep people from /int/ out because you percieve them to be from a low quality board.

I just want some honesty. Don't write shit about using otaku media on the OP when it plainly isn't true. Just say it like it is, "we are here because we don't want to post on /int/".

>> No.16307787

Why did you come into this thread to shitpost about how you think your safe space is being violated?

>> No.16307789

I'm actually here because I don't want to post on /int/.

>> No.16307794

Go back to trolling the int thread, leafy

>> No.16307795

I know you're mad right now so reason might not work but 90% of my learning consists of consuming """"""otaku media"""""" and the other 10% is anki. Though I can somewhat understand, I'd be mad too if I was born too stupid to learn the language necessary to consume my favorite hobbies.

>> No.16307796 [DELETED] 

I'm not the one posting in a literal safe space made by people who don't want to post with icky /int/ users. Well I am but to tell you to fuck off.

>> No.16307800

This isn't a safe space, though. Your judgment is objectively wrong.

>> No.16307806

Could you learn Japanese purely through otaku media? The grammar side of it seems a bit scarce.

>> No.16307807


Can someone break this down because I can't wrap my head around it. Probably doesn't help that I have no knowledge on the subject.

>> No.16307808

Japanese: The Manga Way

>> No.16307810

Why make a thread here instead of using the /int/ one? And don't tell me to discuss otaku media because I sed no discussion like that going on, it's just about anki cards and asking about doubts on the language.

>> No.16307811

I initially reached N3 by just watching anime.

>> No.16307814

Keep your flag cancer in /int/ please.

>> No.16307817

>Why make a thread here
So I can talk about the VNs that I'm reading to learn japanese.
>instead of using the /int/ one?
The /int/ thread is an unmoderated safespace for east asian nationalists. If I have an option, I'm not going to post there.
>no discussion like that going on
Did you miss the discussion that's going on?
/jp/ is not a fast board. If you start an argument in a thread that has already hit the bump limit, that argument is going to subsume the entire thread.
Yes, there is discussion about otaku media being used to learn japanese. Right here. In this very thread.
>it's just about anki cards
Anki is inescapable for self-learners in the early stages.
>asking about doubts on the language
Literally any language learning discussion will have questions about doubts without context.

>> No.16307825

Believe it or not, most people's Anki decks consist of words they came across while consuming otaku media. That aside, this thread has plenty of otaku media discussion, you're just ignoring it for the sake of your petty "argument". The /int/ thread has an entirely different purpose and mindset, they don't want us there and we don't want to associate with them either.

>> No.16307826

There isn't anything complicated here so you're probably overthinking it. "Instead of doing it like this, it's better to do it like this to reduce..."

>> No.16307828


using it as fuel or letting it wither
より instead of ↑
→ 木材として長期間地上に留めておく方
safely letting those at earth's surface

acting against greenhouse effect gas

>> No.16307836

>i don't post on int because int doesn't want us
>i post on jp because jp doesn't want us

>> No.16307837

Will do when you keep your shitposting there

>> No.16307838

What do you mean? I'm /jp/ and I want them here. A lot more productive than most of the other recurring threads.

>> No.16307839

>i post on jp because jp doesn't want us
Do you represent /jp/?

A couple /jp/ lurkers wandered in here and were like "huh, this is here now?" and then posted something related to the japanese language and otaku media. It's not unfitting.

>> No.16307847

Who are you quoting? Certainly not me, because I was talking about /int/DJT, not /int/ as a whole.

>> No.16307850
File: 205 KB, 1024x683, バスぞい.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop replying to him, we've had hundreds of conversations on this topic already. He just wants attention, don't give him any.
>Let's have a nice thread by reporting and ignoring off-topic posts.
Is it so hard to ignore and prevent these mindless and pointless conversations? We both know he will never stop and will pull new goalposts after goalposts for the sole sake of arguing.

Shitposters and argumentative autists will always remain shitposters and argumentative autists, but it's still up to you whether they ultimately have an impact or not on the thread. Do your part.

>> No.16307855


I see now. Thanks.

>> No.16307871

I'm not the same person. You're shitposting quite hard, though.

>> No.16307879 [DELETED] 

>don't reply to him
>replies to him

>anonymous is one person

Maybe you keep getting shit on because you can't put two words together and have them make any sense. You're only proving my point. This place is all about backpats and actively works against betterment. You can't cry about safespaces when that's the definition of one. You CAN'T talk about improvement because that would expose the fact that some people learn faster than others, and that upsets the slow ones. (The ones who need the improvement talk the most!) The people matter more than the topic, so you HAVE to blog and post playlists and do everything else except talk about the topic. AKA a general.

Take your own advice and don't reply to this post.

>> No.16307882

Reminder that trolls like >>16307810 just want to derail the threads with meta discussions. Ignore them.

>> No.16307884

Who are you quoting?

>> No.16307889 [DELETED] 

Place your bets, what will be the next /a/ general to be dropped on /jp/? Buyfag and sadpanda are looking strong but Waifu Wednesday looks like it could have a nice underdog run.

>> No.16307892

Waifu wednesday isn't a general, it's a weekly thread.

>> No.16307894

Buyfag looks like it could be dropped here without many problems.

>> No.16307904

I don't know, why don't you ask the mods on IRC instead of making passive-aggressive off-topic meta shitposts?

>> No.16307915

Sup weebs, why are these threads here instead of on /a/ lol w (w is the japanese sound for laughing)

>> No.16307916

You don't need a "buying things general" when there are plenty of specific threads or preexisting generals for you to ask about purchasing goods. All that does is bring in floods of mouthbreathers. There's nothing a "buying things general" can offer that can't be solved with a sticky of online shops, which no otaku would have any use for since they're into specific things from specific shops, makers, and other independents.

>> No.16308113

I forgot so much kanji.

Should I keep just mining or should I get a jlpt 5 deck for refreshing? Or maybe skimming a list owuld be enough...

I'm not adding most of the words to my anki deck because it's 1. read them 2. OH YEAH THATS WHAT IT MEANS without having to use a dictionary. So those words are all in there but I still am worried about now knowing them.

>> No.16308117

So read more.

>> No.16308174

What is the most efficient way to study if you have 1-2 free hours per day, know about 5000 words, and know basic grammar?

>> No.16308175

Thanks heaps. Obviously I'll read all of Romeo-sama's works eventually, I'll look into those other books you listed. Could you post the VNs as well? Likely most of them are on my read or to-read list already but maybe I missed something amazing.

>> No.16308179

Mining deck and reading. Do you really have to ask?

>> No.16308181

Read for 2 hours and find some more time in the day to do anki. You definetly have some idle time every day you could be using on anki

>> No.16308191

Read and do Anki in your phone when you take a shit.

>> No.16308192


I was wondering if ditching the Core deck was a good idea, and if it was a good idea to incorporate studying grammar books

>> No.16308201

If I add cards to anki manually, will it warn me of adding duplicate cards or will it be fin ehaving dupes of everything that I'll never even be able to find because there are so many cards?

If dupes are possible, Is there a way to find and eleminate duplicate cards in a large deck?

>> No.16308202


Just mining deck or mining + Core?

I would probably have to limit myself to 5 new cards a day or less if I were to do the Core deck also

>> No.16308206

Yes ditch Core, it's unnecessary at your stage. For grammar, just look up stuff using the DoJG as you read.

>> No.16308215


The only thing I'm worried about is forgetting a lot of the words that I learned with the Core deck by not continually reforcing them. Does this matter?

>> No.16308220

Don't bother with core, the more you'll do it the less likely you'll get rid of it because you'll feel like you've invested yourself too much to quit. So best quitting now.

t. dude who did 10k

>> No.16308232

You'll see them all the time while reading, don't worry about it.

By the way, reason why reading is emphasised so often in these threads is that it gives you an intuitive sense of what the word means by relating it to the context, rather than just associating it with an English word.

>> No.16308240


I heard someone say that mining only works well with VNs (probably due to the ability to extract whole example sentences from the text), so I was mostly going to read those. Is this true, and is this a good idea?

>> No.16308251

Mining easily works with everything that has text. So no, not just VNs.
And you should just do what you want. What the hell did you learn Japanese for? People like you confuse me since there is so much stuff I want to read.

>> No.16308270


I'm just not sure how to go about making a mining deck. Right now I've just been reading manga with a very faint idea of how to actually create a mining deck. I have the Rikisama real-time import feature set up, but I'm not sure how to utilize it with manga. If anyone could point me to any guides detailing how to mine words in different types of Japanese media, that would be amazing.

>> No.16308282

Read manga, have jisho.org in a browser. See word you don't know, look it up in jisho.org and then add it to your deck. It's easy.

>> No.16308284

Well manga is the sole exception because it has no text. You can just use the usual html firefox rikai set up. You see a word you don't know -> type it somewhere -> hover over it -> R -> done. Type the whole sentence and it gets imported as well. With novels or random stuff you see on the internet you don't need to type it yourself since it's already laid out.

>> No.16308296


In either of these methods, will I still get pronunciation of the word/pronunciation of a sentence containing the word? Is this necessary, and is this something people usually incorporate into their mining decks?

>> No.16308301

If you want, sure. But I think it's unneeded and I didn't bother with it myself.

>> No.16308308

having the kana somewhere on the back of the card is a good idea. You'll get pronunciation the more you read. I make all my cards manually and they only have 3 fields. word | kana, definition

>> No.16308326

Anyone know of any Business/Email etiquette textbooks that I can import?
Can't find the one on the guide anywhere online to import.

>> No.16308346

Just use 敬語

>> No.16308374

In that case, any good keigo textbooks?

>> No.16308388

Just use です and ます。you're gaijin it doesn't have to be perfect. nobody expects you to be proper.

>> No.16308426

You won't get pronounciation of the sentence, but you can add sound for the word, spoken by a native jap voice. I would definitely recommend adding sound, sometimes the pronounciation you imagine in your head doesn't quite match what people actually say in the real world.
Sound can also act as a last resort "hint"- if you are really struggling to recall a card you can close your eyes, press space and listen to the audio, and if you still can't remember what it means then you absolutely definitely need to relearn it. If hearing the word made everything come flooding back, then you might be able to get away with a cheeky "hard", so long as the interval is not too long.

>> No.16308466

>you're gaijin it doesn't have to be perfect. nobody expects you to be proper.
This is actually really good advice. Make sure you make a minor mistake here and there and they'll eat up your nihongo skill.

Just don't do this for job applications.

>> No.16308523


>> No.16308524



>> No.16308535

I feel like my english and japanese reading comprehension are both getting worst.

>> No.16308546

I'm trying to watch raw anime and even though if it was written down I could read it, since it is not written down I can't uinderstand almost any of it. I don't get it. I'm going to try watching the same series over and over untill my listening comprehension kicks in.

>> No.16308550


>> No.16308572


>> No.16308576



>> No.16308619


>> No.16308620




>> No.16308632


>> No.16308633


>> No.16308657



>> No.16308682

そのつもりはない アノンさんみたいな日本語の使い方を覚えたい 俺の日本語は本当に下手です

>> No.16308772



>> No.16308775

The Japanesepods with Yuuichi and Kiyoko in are fucking hilarious

Kiyokos such a babe

>> No.16308786
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>> No.16308789

Link? Are they all in Japanese?

>> No.16308804


They're in there in the "advance" folder

The ones at the start don't have Yuuichi and Kiyoko in tho

>> No.16308882
File: 64 KB, 547x654, wot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did i just discover some ヤクザ exclusive expression or what

>> No.16308883



>> No.16308895



>> No.16308902


>> No.16308907


>> No.16308908


>> No.16308916 [DELETED] 



>> No.16308927


>> No.16308929


>> No.16308938

俺に日本語の一番難しい言葉です なんの意味、わかんない

>> No.16308947

まだもらってない 明朝にもらうよ

>> No.16308965


>> No.16309001


>> No.16309123

Having a transcript seems really helpful desu. I always looked over these but seems like they could be helpful

>> No.16309345

Since the last gamecenter cx episode I linked here was the first part, here's the second part for anyone who is interested

Here's the first half again

Get some of that listening practice

>> No.16309400

I just started using anki 2 days ago and I already have 300 cards and I'm only doing 20 words per day... This is going to be a long road.

>> No.16309411

You only need one card type, breh.

>> No.16309419

I mean, I mined 300 words but only doing 20 of them per day, so it's going to add up a lot and i'll never finish.

>> No.16309436

Am I doing it wrong? I'm adding words I "sort of" already know and it might be multiplying the number a lot. Or maybe anki and reading for 8 hours a day doesn't fit together.

>> No.16309443

>anki and reading for 8 hours a day doesn't fit together.
It works for me.

>> No.16309449

I do the same and it's going fairly well. Biggest problem is that somewhat often I try to mine a word and get the "error: duplicate" message; turns out it's already in my deck but I haven't gotten to it yet.

>> No.16309479 [DELETED] 


>> No.16309533


>> No.16309560
File: 8 KB, 312x87, 暗鬼.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anki, not even once

>> No.16309567

i can't translate it at all but:
'If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you're mis-informed'

>> No.16309574
File: 10 KB, 292x94, Screenshot_6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spending 2 hours on anki daily
This is my time despite writing as well

>> No.16309577

I would quit anki if I had to do it for 2 hours a day.

>> No.16309583

How much new cards per day?

>> No.16309589
File: 12 KB, 278x97, 日.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>missing days
someones not getting a head pat

>> No.16309593
File: 85 KB, 708x485, 無念.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't remind me.

>> No.16309628

What kindle is best for reading japanese light novels and manga?
Does it need to be specifically from japan in order to use the built in dictionary?

>> No.16309631

Tried to load LNs onto my kobo touch and it didn't have japanese support at all.

>> No.16309654




>> No.16309678
File: 66 KB, 752x635, 1231232131232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got fed up doing Heisig deck around 1000, and decided to learn words instead.

I'm using

it looks good so far, but noticed that it's teaching me a lot of not uncommon words.

Any alternative that isn't core?

>> No.16309688
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>> No.16309696


>> No.16309713

Those numbers imply 450 daily reviews, so I'm assuming you do 40 new cards a day, is that right?

If that's right, 511 days equals 20.440 words.
By that point you must already know every useful kanji there is, can you talk a bit more about it?

>> No.16309768

いもうとうさんはかっこいいとか可愛いとか(´ε` )

>> No.16309782


>> No.16309802

subs2srs ;)
Actually I was considering doing just that with Relife but I feel that my time would be better spent just adding the individual words I don't know yet and listening to the audio tracks over and over.

>> No.16309842
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>> No.16309888

I think I'll just wait until I have a larger vocabulary before I start to listen seriously. There's just too many times where I can make out what is being said but I don't know the words so I always lose track of what is being talked about

>> No.16309892

Watch things with simpler vocabulary, like SoL anime.

>> No.16309925



>> No.16309952

what does 赤ちゃん返りが治った exactly mean? I understand the words not the phrase.

>> No.16309968



>> No.16310026
File: 96 KB, 500x415, 359425_d285cfec738955f2ec92f860253e0516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's fine because 8 is the longer one so you can use that as a little trick to help you remember it. :)

>> No.16310028
File: 26 KB, 447x146, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you make sure to do at least 1 card a day?

>> No.16310040

I did 10k too and second this

>> No.16310068
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>> No.16310085

I try to watch talk shows and shit but it isn't enough. SoL anime isn't compelling enough

>> No.16310097

What could possibly be more compelling than masterpieces like のんのんびより and 苺ましまろ?

>> No.16310108

One thing I found useful was watching the anime adaptation of a manga I read raw, namely To Love-Ru. It meant even if I miss things I know it from the manga anyway so it's not a disaster, but it's not the same level of repetitiveness as rewatching stuff.

>> No.16310117

Good idea, I'll do that. With To Love-Ru.

>> No.16310130

I never read manga until I started learning Japanese, and even then I've only read things I've seen the manga of so there's not much I can really do. If i did go to watch SoL anime then I would find Japanese subtitle but I really don't find any SoL compelling to watch

>> No.16310141

>To Love-Ru
I thought the anime was supposed to be very different from the manga. No? I've only read the manga though so I can't speak from experience.

>> No.16310155

The first season is, but the changes are all shit so even if you miss them you're not losing anything. After that all the other seasons follow the manga pretty closely and are great.

>> No.16310168
File: 302 KB, 1369x2000, santa2015112424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

友邦=friendly nation
アラブ首長国連邦 (United Arab Emirates)
ドイツ連邦共和国 (Bundを連邦と訳す)
オーストラリア連邦 (commonwealthを連邦と訳す)


>> No.16310209
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あかちゃん返りは infantile regression と訳します

>> No.16310502


>> No.16310547
File: 150 KB, 693x665, salarymanlife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the key is to make it a routine and if you must take it easy, at the very least finish all your reviews -- I've always completed all review cards that were due for the day. If I'm busy, new cards are the first thing to go and as you can see I pretty much stopped adding new cards two months ago and now I"m struggling to get back into the routine of adding new cards.

>> No.16310583
File: 188 KB, 848x1200, ff619a6ecc29eaa654305e28515c6d02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This picture is giving me trouble, I probably understand all separate words but I don't get "別に地味はありません". What did she mean by this?

>> No.16310637




>> No.16310677 [DELETED] 

Thanks, I'm fucking blind.

>> No.16310683

How could I even misread it so badly, I think I'm going blind. Thanks.

>> No.16310760

By the way, someone in the /int/ thread uploaded a whole bunch of the manga in the CoR which had broken links: >>>/int/69053501
If there's anything here you might want, I recommend downloading it now, just in case the links get taken down again.

>> No.16310779

Meh, doesn't seem like anything special is in there.
>/djt/ will never have a resident richfag who buys requested Kindle books off amazon and uploads them

>> No.16310868
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>> No.16310929

It's Christmas, you little shit. Where's your roast turkey?

>> No.16310977
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>> No.16310979


>> No.16311006
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>> No.16311019

If it's going to be that way at least make sure you have a sentence for each word. Even if it's from a manga and you have to type the whole bloody thing out, it's worth it. Remembering the situation where you read the word and the context that led to it will help comprehension and retention both at once.

>> No.16311037


>> No.16311049


>> No.16311081
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>> No.16311112


>> No.16311232

Doesn't matter, they all support japanese, just install the free jaanese dictionary from your account after you've set up the device.
You should get one with a light though (Paperwhite, Voyage, Oasis) because it's really nice. Screen resolution is the same for all 3.

>> No.16311314

アンキなしで日本語が覚えられる? たくさん読んでると覚えられるか?

>> No.16311456



>> No.16311475


>> No.16311799
File: 270 KB, 1918x1035, clipboard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought the first Neptunia game on steam. Not only can you set the text language to japanese, but ITHVNR just hooks the text without having to screw around with /h codes or anything.

>> No.16311804

My condolences.

>> No.16311823

Why would you buy kusoge?

>> No.16311876
File: 28 KB, 608x469, おうしょくじんしゅ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why in the name of all that's holy did I bother to mine this word?

>> No.16311879

How do you say "[number] or [number]", as in "I usually doze off for an hour or two after lunch" or "after the fourth or fifth text message, I decided to block her"?

>> No.16311884

Wow that's pretty sweet. I didn't think it could do that. I tried for a while to get some VNs I bought on Steam to work with text hookers and I couldn't.

>> No.16311890

I asked myself this question the other day and I believe it's natural to simply say 一二時、四五~.

Otherwise put a か in between.

>> No.16311902

Nice to know anon, I bought it in a prior sale as well.
Looking forward to play it even though I heard a lot of bad things about it.

>> No.16311947

I see, thanks. Though, in the latter case, where would the 目 go? In between the numbers or after the counter?

>> No.16311976

If a book isn't in nyaa or CoR am I out of luck?

>> No.16311989 [DELETED] 

Reposted from another thread

Thought this would be the most appropriate thread to ask

Why did nips from futaba move to this "librechan" and then later "endchan" (librejp is the board 's name). What are these librechan and endchan anyway, from its design it seems endchan is some kind of 8ch copy? Did some shitstorm happen over at cripplefuckchan?

>> No.16311996

You can try Perfect Dark.

>> No.16312032

ノックノックノック 夢幻の傷心にあふれ
ノックノックノック なくした重力のせいで

>> No.16312058




>> No.16312087

you could buy it

>> No.16312142
File: 130 KB, 655x997, 37241147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we say 十二時と四十五分
not use か

>> No.16312157

I would but amazon only accepts credit cards

>> No.16312158

You're misinterpreting him, see my question at: >>16311879

>> No.16312219

I would say stick 目 once at the end of the last number. So 五 in this case.

Once again all of this is just my opinion, I'm no expert in production skills.

>> No.16312328

Evenicle is a better game and has a better story
Enjoy your kusoge

>> No.16312337
File: 89 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_2016-12-25-20-41-35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why on earth...

>> No.16312345

What about it? Makes perfect sense.

>> No.16312350

This is actually pretty good.

>> No.16312361

prepaid mastercard from 7-11

>> No.16312363
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>> No.16312368

> 紫色のクオリア
Thinking about reading it in japanese, so how is it in terms of difficulty? I guess all these scientific terms going to be in katakana anyway, but what about grammar? Should I start as long as I finish Tae Kim, or it's not good enough?

>> No.16312372

Atleast the first kanji doesn't change and the other ones used are common so it's not hard to guess what the combinations mean

>> No.16312412

>Tfw 1 and a half hours to watch one anime ep raw

Feel like my time could have been spent better

>> No.16312474

Where I'm from prepaid credit cards are actually more expensive than real ones, especially when you use them internationally.

>> No.16312581

Scientific terms are often really easy to understand when they're in kanji.

>> No.16312584

And completely incomprehensible when they're in katakana

>> No.16312596

Especially if your native language is english, because they use the original latin/greek (or german for some reason...WW2?) pronounciation a lot when katakana-izing science words

>> No.16312614

What do you mean, especially if your native language is English? I imagine anyone will have trouble with them unless you speak fluent Latin/ancient Greek.

>> No.16312621

English speaking people keep complaining about how words like エネルギー or ウイルス are wrong

>> No.16312642

Watch 4 episodes with English subs while paying attention to the Japanese

>> No.16312815

What about the manga kindle?

>> No.16312820

That one just has more space (8GB instead of 2). Doesn't matter if you're just reading ebooks. The screen is still the same.

>> No.16312834

I see, thanks.
I'll miss your smell, physical media.

>> No.16312924

Hey guys. I have a christmas question.

Someone Japanese reviewed a bunch of headphones in one post and used "これはちょっと" for the cheap ones and "何となく良いのは" for the expensive ones and "残念" for the crap ones.

So I can tell that 何となく良いのは are good ones

But これはちょっと suggests they are not as good as the rest (like "these are just okay"), or that they are the cheap ones (as in "these aren't worth much"?

>> No.16312939

Literally means "This is a little..." it's supposed to be vague, which is a polite way of saying that you don't like it or it doesn't work for you.

>> No.16312941 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 212x300, 1482706334055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's right.
kore ha chotto is literally "this is a little..." with the rest of the sentence implied -- and it's implying they're shit, too expensive, or something along those lines; you need to figure that out by context but it sounds like you got it.

>> No.16312943

It's strange that they sai dthe good ones were surprisingly good, like they went into the whole thing expecting not much from anything.

>> No.16312950

The books in the azw3/epub/mobi/txt collections now have individual links in the CoR.

>> No.16312984


>> No.16313058



>> No.16313124

What's a good first VN that isn't yuri shit?

>> No.16313136
File: 1.60 MB, 1148x2372, 1473185068411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16313143

Thank you.

>> No.16313149


Read whatever sounds interesting but just understand that you will miss things. Read something you will enjoy but don't value so much as to want to understand every single line perfectly. Don't read something that's "easy" that you aren't interested in.

>> No.16313180


>> No.16313217

俺も今はそう思う はははは ノーパン??何それ ははははは

>> No.16313235



>> No.16313240



>> No.16313244

>tfw you were thinking why "nopan" means notebook PC
Fuck ソ
