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16289769 No.16289769[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Chrismassu thread! What are your Chrismassu plansu, /jp/?

>> No.16289777

sleeping most of the day, eating christmas dinner at mom's, getting heavily drunk and then going in to work that night praying for a blizzard or the building catches on fire.

>> No.16289783
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I hope you get a Christmas miracle and your place of employment burns to the ground, anon!

>> No.16289804

Jesus, Chen, on Christmas you are supposed to go at the home of some relative and eat tons of food with your extended family while getting pelted with questions by them.
Who told you this crap about going out?

>> No.16289909

She's supposed to be under the kotatsu.

>> No.16289932

Chen is a savage.

>> No.16290066
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>> No.16290073

I'm going to my families place over christmas. I guess like each year my mom will question me about my love life and that it's time for me to get a girlfriend. So i will bring my Remilia fumo and introduce her as my girlfriend.

>> No.16290171

Fighting suicidal urges

>> No.16290183

wake up with a hangover
play games all day
pass out

>> No.16290203

Sleep the day off.
Distract myself with the Internet.
Maybe write a little.
Get some amount of money as a gift.
Still be jobless poorfag.
Have a sibling who's staying over for Christmas be like "Why doesn't [Anon] ever buy me ever gifts? I'm tired that this family secretly hates me!"

>> No.16290209


Hah! As if you Chen, a slave could look down on me. Maybe I currently lack in what love and companionship I once had, but this still completely outclasses your own experience which is zero. Nothing. Utterly indivisible.

I am free to regain what I once had, unlike yourself. You are a tool and will be discarded once your usefulness ends. I will wither and die, but nobody is my master.

>> No.16290437
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im gonna get some burgs and enjoy

>> No.16291531
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>> No.16291566
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I might finally hang myself.
Wish me luck

>> No.16291657
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>> No.16291672

I'm still alive because I need to play the next 2hu game

>> No.16292967

Eat dinner with family, get asked repeatedly when I'm moving back home and where my girlfriend is.

Thanks for asking Chen

>> No.16293017


Please do not be rude to the cat

>> No.16293222
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I'm a parasite

>> No.16293257

I'm proud to be to be a parasite

>> No.16293341

Pride is the worst thing ever.

>> No.16293388

Eatu Chrissumassu dinner-o-ne
getto presentu desu kawaii bukkake

>> No.16293446


this cat is a fr*cking bitch

>> No.16294413
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I plan to fast travel to Gensokyo jumping from a 10 stories high building. Until then, lots of sleeping, eating and pills. Wish me luck on my travel a-anon!

>> No.16294433

it's kuRISUmasu

>> No.16294457
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I'm struggling with that. also struggling to find a job.

>> No.16294999

Funny enough, my life was better when I was unemployed trash living at home.

I had all the time in the world and could manage to keep my family stable. Now that I'm not around anymore to mediate all of the petty arguments and meltdowns everyone is tense and borderline abusive.

I'm on edge all the time, I lock my door at night when I go to bed. I don't want to complete abandon my family to their disorders but I feel I might have to.

Merry fuckin Christmas!

>> No.16295038

Hope WW3 kicks off with a bang. Probably get woken up by my overpopulated family and browse all day while they get increasingly angrier that I prefer to be alone as if christmas changes anything for me.

>> No.16295060

>get asked repeatedly when I'm moving back home
I you mean that in a way that they want you back then things aren't so bad.
Otherwise I'm sorry.

>and where my girlfriend is.
I'm pretty sure everyone here deals with this.

For myself I am going to open presents with my family and set up a computer I built for my sister for Christmas. Then probably get really, really drunk.

>> No.16295081
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i'll wank and go to sleep.

what do you fucking expect to hear, we're on jaypee.

>> No.16295095

I'm proud of not feeling pride

>> No.16295099

I'm going to open some presents, eat a nice roast with my mommy, and then go back to masturbating in front of my computer like I do every day!


>> No.16295109
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>> No.16295137
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Blaze it, masturbate to the boobhu thread while inhaling poppers.

>> No.16295399

My pride is a rebellion against a world that values me only through the profit I can produce.

>> No.16295914

Dinner with my parents, you must spend those days with family

>> No.16295954

Dinner is what all true warriors strive for, my boy.

>> No.16295962
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This guy seems like a real cool dude
Would celebrate with

>> No.16296089

Have a stressful time with family. New years eve and new years day, however, are my favorite holidays of the entire year.

>> No.16296144

I live with my parents so: wake up, help with the foods, visit graveyards and leave candles there, get back home, eat a ton, hand out gifts for my parents and brother, eat chocolate, take a nap, go to sauna, spend couple of hours there bathing, drink some booze a bit, eat a late night snack, go to bed and sleep

>> No.16296348

Do you live in Finland or something?

>> No.16296369
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Yea, Finland. Lemmy guess sauna gave it away?

>> No.16296405

Staying at home playing eroge all night.

>> No.16296431

Christmas dinner with family

My mother host a party on boxing day, and I bartend for the course of it

it's all pretty stressful but necessary for maintaining relations and whatnot

>> No.16296475
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Just leave, no goodbye letter or anything. They are dead weight.

>> No.16296508

Not him, but not everyone has easy access to tickets to gensokyo.

>> No.16296567
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The same traditional Christmas we always have. All of my mother's family comes over so we have about a dozen people eating, drinking, telling stories, and laughing. Gifts and good sentiments are exchanged alike and we are reminded of relatives we may normally forget about.

Don't let the holiday season get you down /jp/, it's supposed to be a joyful time where you forget your troubles!

>> No.16296793

For christmas day, dinner with family. I plan on treating myself with a bunch of touhou doujinshi from C91 as well. Currently trying to figure out what to get and what proxy service to use as well as why japan wants a picture of my id card to import stuff from them.

>> No.16296935
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Oh, I've moved out of state three years ago. They're not telling me to go back to Germany or something.

Do any 2hus even celebrate Christmas? Xmas?

>> No.16297059
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Christianity isn't a religion in gensokyo, so no.

>> No.16297061



Here's the canon Gensokyo position on Christmas

>> No.16297094

kill myself
my dog died last saturday
they were the only reason i lived
it's time to die

>> No.16297100

What breeds of dogs? Any photographs?

>> No.16297103

german shepard
all my photos are on my phone
i'm too depressed to even recharge it

>> No.16297108

I see.

>> No.16297121

smoking cigarettes

with my ass!

>> No.16298098

Holy shit! A talking kot!

>> No.16298395

Harder to do than to say. I know I would never forgive myself if one of them killed themselves right after I left.

None of my family are bad people, they just can't control their problems.

>> No.16298458
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Why, I'm gonna do the usual capitalist shuffle and drink lots of Coke. What, they don't have Coca Cola in Gensokyo ?

>> No.16298541

They do you filthy secondary.
