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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1623471 No.1623471 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever fell deeply in love with a character?

Not just you find the person attractive or would like to be with him/her, but having dreams of the character, having romantic desires (above sexual desires), and would absolutely do anything possible to be with him/her.

>> No.1623473

Shit happen.

>> No.1623483
File: 25 KB, 167x98, 1226907293511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This again?

>> No.1623486

Fourth time in 4 weeks?

I'll bite. No. I can't give substance to 2d characters the same way you guys can. Maybe Yuki, but then again, she's too abnormal to flesh out in any tangible way.

>> No.1623485

st... stop it /jp/. i start feeling attached to boards once i start remembering all the original posts of pastas.

>> No.1623491

I haven't fallen deeply in love with a human being, let alone a character from fiction.

>> No.1623498

This thread is only made once a month.

Seriously, check the archives; same picture and all.

>> No.1623502

Hmmm, I seem to be losing all conception of space and time.

>> No.1623515

I've liked a character a lot but I've never fallen in love with one.

>> No.1623522

i wish i could

anyone have tips on how to?

>> No.1623529
File: 76 KB, 1440x810, 1226907671314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I marry her yet?

>> No.1623536

It will just happen and no matter how low and (more) apathetic you become, there will be times where you'll look to the one you love and you'll heart will hurt, badly.

>> No.1623542
File: 143 KB, 400x400, 1226907823556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'll download those too.
I'll watch everything I can.
I'll listen to every little melody I can.
I'll read up everything about her.
I'll model her in 3D.
I'll try my hand at making her sing.
I'll look at the Miku figurine that's standing in front of me until I fall asleep in a few hours.
I'll take her hand in marriage when 2D can really be my waifu. If I am denied that then I will weep but continue to support her.
I'll pray that I'll be led to a place where Miku exists when the 2010 comes around.
I'll support robotic / intelligent life if the above fails to take us all out with my dead end job money just to bring her to reality.
And if each and everyone one of them end up failed productions, I will love them with everything I have.
Because I know this smile is worth it all and everything I do will be nothing more than a small debt paid compared to the happiness she's given me.

Yes, that's right.

>> No.1623551

Have you ever felt like you've read a post before?

Not just that there was a similar post about the same subject a whlie ago, but that the entire post is the same, word for word, (with the same picture attached) reposted multiple times on several different boards in the past couple of weeks/months.

>> No.1623553

Shitty pasta, my 7th time seeing it.

>> No.1623558
File: 37 KB, 355x237, 1226908095916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how's the Miku porn download going?

>> No.1623564
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Miku porn you say? Poor thing. No one let her see.

>> No.1623568

Is this _really_ true though? I mean, is apathy that corrosive?

>> No.1623571
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4263 GET.

>> No.1623590

I fapped to Miku.

>> No.1623617
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>> No.1623881
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My wife. ;_;

>> No.1623892

you bet bro

>> No.1623918
File: 52 KB, 397x600, 1226913137315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't get the obsession with Miku.
Isn't she just a singing program?
Does she even really have a character, or was it all made up by the internet?

Anyway, I fell in love with Maria Traydor.
I just became completely attached to her character, her power, and her appearance. Her VA was well-delivered and she's second only to Fayt en-combat anyway.
My heart throbs for her.

>> No.1623923

Too bad the bad English dub killed off all the interest I had in SO3. Then I get to the plot twist between discs 1 and 2 and gave it up altogether.

>> No.1623932

Yes. Even though she would concernedly discourage me from such things if she were real, she's the only emotional anchor I have in this painfully lonely existence.

>> No.1623935


Fuck yeah, Maria-Anon.

>> No.1623942
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I found most of them to be pretty good, like Cliff's and Albel's and Nel's.

But some were just odd, like Mirage's... and, well, I want to rip off my ears and kill Farleen with them somehow. Farleen has to have the worst VA ever. Fucking Farleen. Thank god she was a minor character. But the 5 spoken lines she had were 7 too many.

But I found the dub to be quite enjoyable for the most part; especially Luther Lansfeld's voice.

>> No.1623946
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And I'm not going to argue about the plot twist.


Have I become familiar?

>> No.1623962

If you want an honest answer despite the fact that this subject has been copypastaed about a million fucking times, the way I think about it is that I find it unlikely anyone can fall in love with a 2D character because they're more falling in love with a concept and a personality than an actual being. It's attachment and nothing more-- I doubt anyone would risk their life for said character because all they would be doing was protecting their hard drive, DVDs, or what have you. Deep inside, somewhere, they know that said character is not fucking real, even though they deeply wish for him/her to be.

It's not to say that a person cannot genuinely feel attachment for a fictional character, but to say that someone could romantically love a 2D character, I find it hard to believe.

>> No.1623972
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>I find it unlikely anyone can fall in love with a 2D character because they're more falling in love with a concept and a personality than an actual being. It's attachment and nothing more-- I doubt anyone would risk their life for said character because all they would be doing was protecting their hard drive, DVDs, or what have you. Deep inside, somewhere, they know that said character is not fucking real, even though they deeply wish for him/her to be.

What... can people not love concepts?
Do not some people love peace?
Do not some people love freedom?
Do not some people love combat?
One can love one's God or gods, despite many people claiming them not to be real.

Concepts cannot be considered "not real", else they wouldn't even be a concept.

Reality is what you goddamn make of it.

- Maria loving dude
- By the way that was the entire point of Star Ocean III

>> No.1623974
File: 60 KB, 378x531, 1226914693038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh and I realize the flaw in these examples is that they are not romantic loves.

But still.

One can love whatever they please.

>> No.1623975

You are stretching the definition of love too far.

>> No.1623976


Absolutely. People can fall in love with ideas and things, I mean, that's how some people fucking drag themselves to work every day. I never meant to suggest otherwise.

The question is asking about romantic desires and I said I found it unlikely anyone can have a romantic, altruistic desire for a 2D character. You are free to disagree.

>> No.1623980

are you a girl?

>> No.1623982
File: 53 KB, 450x568, 1226914996611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey, noone said loving a concept romantically was HEALTHY, just that it can happen.

It's quite possibly the result of a disturbed mind.

God knows how many people here on /jp/ are not quite mentally healthy people.

>> No.1623983

You can't express altruism towards a 2D character quite simply because they don't exist. However, how would you classify people who think about a character constantly over a long period of time (e.g. many months/years, not just weeks) and feel happy just thinking about those characters? I don't see why these feelings can't be considered a form of unrequited love.

>> No.1623986

No. My point was that equating loving freedom to romantic love is pointless, just as when you say that someone loves dogs you aren't talking about romantic love (I hope).

>> No.1623987
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Yeah, you always post about her.



>> No.1623991
File: 62 KB, 765x600, 1226915195213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well through Solipsism we can basically conclude that since NOBODY can be proven to exist that loving a "non-real" person would basically be akin to loving a person 4000 miles away despite never meeting her but reading up on her.

So you're loving somebody who doesn't know you at all and you have never (and in these cases, will never) make contact with.

Basically, we're inter-dimensional stalkers.

>> No.1623992


You make a very good point and I would have to say perhaps I was thinking things too narrowly.


Likewise here.My personal thoughts on romantic love naturally differ from others so you have a great point.

>> No.1623996

For a long time it was Tsuruya. It all happened after I had a dream about a green-haired girl. I don't remember much about the dream, it wasn't the kind of dream you actually remember the details of, but it felt good. Dreams are pretty much my only source of significant emotions, but after this dream I had something I could relate the experience to while awake. It lasted for quite a while, but eventually began lacking fuel. This allowed Tenshi to take over the position, but I grew bored of her pretty quickly, since all she had going for her was her masochistic tendencies. Now I just have more of a harem mentality, there are of course girls I'll acknowledge as desirable, but I feel no dedication towards any.

I wish I could dream about someone again. I miss just feeling admiration for something..

>> No.1624017

How can a musician love music so much that he is willing to dedicate his life to it, even though he knows that music is just a concept which is unable to feel any kind of emotion for him? All he can do is to let the pleasure the music brings him, like the caress of a lover, be the love it returns to him.

>> No.1624023


Hey !Nipaa0mi0.


>> No.1624026

Hello Shinjianon ;_;

>> No.1624048

Hello Kafka ;_;

>> No.1624921
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>> No.1624925

Masturbating to this picture.

>> No.1624996
File: 31 KB, 375x400, 1226940694970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes ;_;

>> No.1625003
File: 5 KB, 102x187, 1226940791678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes ;_;

>> No.1625009

You wanna fuck our daughter?

>> No.1625017
File: 114 KB, 512x683, 1226940969820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes ;_;

>> No.1625023

Your 'daughter' is a doll? OK...

>> No.1625029
File: 98 KB, 720x540, 1226941225956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's difficult though, is that she's in love with someone else.

>> No.1625030

Eventually Alice will find a way to give her a soul and she will turn into a doll youkai and we will adopt her as our daughter ;_;

>> No.1625034
File: 123 KB, 430x600, 1226941291271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the one I love.

>> No.1625035

I like rape and tears so that only makes it better for me.

>> No.1625039

I don't think it counts as love if you want to rape her.

>> No.1625064


This is actually touching.

>> No.1625071

Why not?

>> No.1625073
File: 85 KB, 460x639, 1226942086974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes ;_;

>> No.1625074

>I doubt anyone would risk their life for said character because all they would be doing was protecting their hard drive, DVDs, or what have you.

I definitely would if there was a chance I could meet her afterwards.

>> No.1625159


You don't know me very well at all if you think I wouldn't die for my hard drive.

>> No.1627188

Show love for your waifu, anon.

>> No.1627195
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>> No.1627434

So anonymous, what are you doing to let your waifu know you love her?

>> No.1627459

No Osaka pasta?

