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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 62 KB, 810x656, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1623075 No.1623075 [Reply] [Original]

This is the best game ever

>> No.1623077

And then you fuck her. True story.

>> No.1623088


>> No.1623099

Not pedo?

>> No.1623097

Thought it was shift, no wonder that never worked. Thanks anon!
Also, goddamn this game is cute.
The fucking is good too, but man.

>> No.1623101

I like DFC too if that's what you're implying.

>> No.1623107

>if that's what you're implying
Don't mind me, I'm just spouting memes.

>> No.1623110

where do i get it?

>> No.1623112

Also, everyone in this game seems so laidback about petfucking.

>> No.1623116

And then she gets run over by a snapple truck.

>> No.1623125


You might need the game too I think, it's on /rs/.

>> No.1623124
File: 97 KB, 800x600, wankotitlesg1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1623129

Wait a couple days and the entire patch will be done.

>> No.1623127


>> No.1623130

Do you get to fuck the blond loli (not the dog one)

or even see her fucked?

>> No.1623156

It's a Sony

>> No.1623186

She gets fucked by her dog. She doesn't enjoy it. Kaie's such an asshole.

That's about it.

>> No.1623292
File: 81 KB, 799x590, WankoSEXYBEAM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait to emit my sexy beam all over Risa's route.

>> No.1623323

She's just fucking frigid. The cat and other dog liked Kaie's dick.

>> No.1623326
File: 117 KB, 263x495, WankoSeikaMou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's just an ojou-sama. Ojou-samas must discipline their servants.

>> No.1623344

watch out guys that orange is very cuddly

it will kiss you and hug you all night :3

>> No.1623392
File: 240 KB, 719x999, Wankology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1623411

Well, I've found which degree I'm majoring in.

>> No.1623445

I'm a pervert, but fucking anthros is a line I will not cross.

Pity you couldn't fuck the little oujosama.

>> No.1623460
File: 123 KB, 288x501, WankoMikanHawawa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean veterinary studies, right?
Don't hurt Mikan's feelings.

>> No.1623464


No, Wankology. Don't be trying to change my major for me again, mom.

>> No.1623467

yep, furry pedo shit.

double fail.

>> No.1623487
File: 417 KB, 1280x960, WankoToKurasouFull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is nothing sacred from your touch of ruin?

>> No.1623496

You'd like this game, athens. The girls aren't sluts.

>> No.1623505


This. It's honestly right up his alley.

>> No.1623509

Nah, I've only played a few VNs as I said. I've really gotta get around to playing some more.

>> No.1623639

Rapidshit? Plox.

>> No.1623649




>> No.1623679

Better play this before the vidya-hating Democratic majority starts reining in "inappropriate" material in games again.

>> No.1623719

What is that even supposed to mean? This isn't sold anymore and it was never sold in countries outside of Japan.

>> No.1623746

You have to wonder how much popularity it will gain with it being translated in the west. Might be more than it ever got in the east.

>> No.1623787

I think we'd see a translation of something like Idolm@ster long before we saw loli furry porn.

>> No.1623801
File: 26 KB, 736x736, Awesome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you.

>> No.1625190

>Wait a couple days and the entire patch will be done.

I am waiting as fast as I can!

>> No.1625192

guess again....

>> No.1625215

I see what you did there, Anon. And I like it.

>> No.1627300



>> No.1627347

how big is the file supposed to be? the unseeded torrent I have is a gig but most of the files in /rs/ are only 100mb

>> No.1627380

you can't play this on Vista... seriously?

>> No.1627405

There are workarounds.

>> No.1627419 [SPOILER] 
File: 69 KB, 797x595, WankoTears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1627421

Okay, so the ending I got with the store manager doesn't end up with you shacking up with her. What the fuck. That stupid 32 year old DFC.

>> No.1627427
File: 77 KB, 798x600, Wanko32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1627744

Needs more Snapple truck.

>> No.1627787


its not furry its Wanko :3

>> No.1627802
File: 171 KB, 800x600, AMIK_E0705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1627816


It's a shame she didn't get permanently disfigured or paralyzed or something. That would have been amazing. I want her pretty little face to be burned to the point where she cries whenever she looks in the mirror. I want to her be a paraplegic who is dependent on others for everything. I want to she her look so ashamed and holding back tears while getting her diaper changed. I want to see the frustration build in the people around her, I want to see them lash out and hit her for being a burden on them.

>> No.1627839

You are a sick bastard.

>> No.1627841
File: 157 KB, 800x600, AMIK_E0501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But instead she is healthy and strong, running free under a limitless blue sky. She has friends, family, is well loved and successful. An admired older sister, a successful parent, holds down a part time job, and still helps out around the house with her tail wagging.
Mikan is love, and love always conquers.

>> No.1627842

Katawa Shoujo should be out soon, relax.

>> No.1627851

How about she stays cute?
What's wrong with plain old cute?
Damaged goods isn't really my thing.

>> No.1627857

Her getting hit by a snapple truck was good enough for me. Who knows what miraculous thing was created when all that delicious snapple collided with something so moe.

>> No.1627873
File: 136 KB, 800x600, AMIK_E0401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can promise you two things:
It was orange flavor.
It will give you cavities.

>> No.1627919

Fine. She doesn't get horrible injured...how about this?
She wants to surprise her master and do something really special for him, so she spends all afternoon baking him a delicious cake. When he arrives home, she rushes to the door to meet him, beaming smile, tail wagging, holding the cake saying "Master, Master! Look what I made for you! It's your favorite!"

He doesn't smile back. He picks up the cake and throws it at the floor. He calls Mikan a worthless fucking mutt and slaps her across the face, knocking her to the floor. He spits on her and asks himself why he didn't just let the bitch die on the street. And with Mikan in tears, he walks back out the door without saying another word.

>> No.1627922


>> No.1627927

Jesus. Work out your own psychological problems in another thread.

>> No.1627944

He does tease her already. The scene where he talks about selling her is rather funny.

>> No.1627951

Actually, he simply says "The cake is a lie XD!!!", and Mikan bitchslaps him across the face.

>> No.1627959


That wasn't very nice.
Also, psychological problems? Shit man, take a look at the game you're playing, if you are into you certainly are not a shining example of what's "psychologically normal".

>> No.1627965

>if you are into it, you certainly

My mistake.

>> No.1627988

Just seemed a little odd to want to be that damn mean.
I guess I might have an overdeveloped case of morals with one or two huge gaping holes in it.

>> No.1628012


It doesn't really matter, anyway. Whether you want to love, care for, fuck, share the wonders of life with a young loli dog girl, or just abuse her...it's all fantasy.

Nothing that exists solely in the imagination can ever be called immoral.

>> No.1628022
File: 217 KB, 800x600, AKUU_E0102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about you guys, but first thing I'm doing with the full patch is read the Kuu/Kana scene. Because Kana likes that rough kitty tongue.

>> No.1628031


>Nothing that exists solely in the imagination can ever be called immoral.

There's an argument to be made here, but I just don't feel like it.

>> No.1628042

>I don't know about you guys, but first thing I'm doing with the full patch is read the Kuu/Kana scene. Because Kana likes that rough kitty tongue.
>but first thing I'm doing with the full patch is read the Kuu/Kana scene.
>read the Kuu/Kana scene.

Yes, I can't wait to "read" that scene too. But yeah, Kuu is fucking awesome.

>> No.1628044

Oh, hello there Orwellian thought police.

>> No.1628051


I can't fathom why someone on /jp/ would have an argument against it. Surely you are into certain things that others would call immoral, even though they only exist in your mind. Or are you a self-hating lolicon?

>> No.1628062

Notsamefag, FYI.

>> No.1628086

I remember when I first saw threads about this, someone set up screenshots to make it look like you have a choice to hit Mikan... then I get to that point and it turns out the choice is actually whether to bitchslap Risa or not

>> No.1628089


You misunderstand. I'm not self-hating, and I'm fully aware of my immoral interest, even if they only exist in fantasy. I'm just saying the thought itself is immoral.

>> No.1628096


This could actually be a pretty cool discussion, but I'm sure you would agree that things would degrade into meaningless bitching pretty fast over the internet.

>> No.1628157

I personally don't believe in morals, and instead base my actions based on how I'd like to see the world.
