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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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16196017 No.16196017 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>16165504

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.16196112

Are there any VNs where you can dump or reject girls?

>> No.16196162
File: 121 KB, 804x604, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry X’mas you, for your closed world, and you
it's free doujin vn about 3d guy stuck in 2d world.

>> No.16196168


>> No.16196201



>> No.16196258
File: 83 KB, 500x1000, Loli Tamaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this pure little girl. She would be a good girl when she's growing up.

>> No.16196292
File: 1.35 MB, 1154x747, miruku koibito ecchi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plowed the pink hair.

I don't know if I should go back and choose other girls or keep on Miruku's route to the end first. I kind of like them all. Didn't even bother watching her sex scene, I don't want to corrupt the cuteness of her character. I just like knowing they're lovers

>> No.16196314

But I thought this game was a nukige

>> No.16196320

It's a kusoge.

>> No.16196340

Is the 滅び朽ちる世界に追憶の花束を anon here? I was wondering how many chapters are in each segment.

>> No.16196364

7, but the climax is always in the 6th with the 7th being pretty short (small intro not included)

>> No.16196393

Well I've played about 8 hours so far to reach the first sex scene so I wouldn't say it's a nukige so much as it's a moege with hyper-lolis

>> No.16196402

>this little bitch killed Elf

>> No.16196415

What's wrong with killing elves?

>> No.16196506

What's your favorite obscure vn that has less than 100 votes on egs?

>> No.16196517

>>16196340 + Hadlerdrone stuff like Mushi no Me, Lost Colors, etc

>> No.16196599


>> No.16196610

Looks cool, thanks. Downloaded. Glad it's a free game and not a super-limited-physical-copy-only thing like some doujin games.

>> No.16196718
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That self-awareness.
I like this one. The other main-girls not so much though.

>> No.16196747 [DELETED] 
File: 831 KB, 816x900, 後悔しないように.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, I don't actually care enough about the mystery of the phoenix and the ghost club members' regrets enough to really want to do their routes, even with Kumi-chan trying to guilt me into it.

Even then the heroine I like the most is Wakaba, whose route probably explores everyone's 未練 worth fuck-all, and their existing relationship is pretty nice so I'm pretty sure I'm just going to put the game back on the shelf for now.

>> No.16196762
File: 831 KB, 816x900, 後悔しないように.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just hit the normal end of Workspring. Honestly, I don't actually care enough about the mystery of the phoenix and the ghost club members' regrets enough to really want to do their routes, even with Kumi-chan trying to guilt me into it.

Even then the heroine I like the most is Wakaba, whose route probably explores everyone's 未練 worth fuck-all, and their existing relationship is pretty nice so I'm pretty sure I'm just going to put the game back on the shelf for now.

>> No.16196796

> 主人公とくっついても吹っ切れず引きずり続ける、主人公はその昔の男に似ている
> (幽霊部というのは昔の男に未練があるので幽霊になってるという意味で、昔の男が忘れられず留年し続けている)
>●そして若葉バイブ事件。自分でマンコにバイブ入れるアホヒロイン若葉通称ワカバイブ (しかもチンコよりバイブのほうが気持ち良さそうにするというプレイヤーへの拷問)
> 主人公との初エッチ以降、若葉がかなりの頻度で【まんこにバ イ ブを深くぶっ刺してオナニー】していたことがばれる最悪の事件である
> 主人公が悲しそうにしてもバイブを使ったことを全く申し訳なく思わず「一時の気の迷いだったの><」という一言で終わらせようとする
> その直ぐ後に主人公がセックス2回戦を要求するも若葉は「お預け!」と拒否。「あたしが貴方に付き合ってあげてるのよ?」と言われてしょんぼり引き下がる主人公…
> バイブオナニーで満足なので主人公とのセックスはものすごい適当!デートは普通にするので愛には飢えている。心と体が完全に分離しているクソヒロイン

>> No.16196822
File: 1.08 MB, 1280x720, 時間が過ぎるのって早いのよねー.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read enough of the shitstorm back in the day to know a bunch of the reasons that the pure love faction really hated Workspring, so I knew some of that going in and honestly didn't care that much. In the end I just didn't find the characters that compelling.

>not waiting until people have beaten a game to death on the internet before starting it

>> No.16196878

Man Comyu is well written. I haven't noticed it mentioned here in a while, probably because it's so old, but it really is remarkably well written, at least in comparison to several other visual novels and even plain novels I've read, though it's much more comparably written to novels, in my experience Japanese novelists have a penchant for dropping aphorisms at the drop of a hat, like they're trying their best to be quotable. Point being, whereas most VNs I've read have writing I *endure* to enjoy the story (be it a porn game, a dating sim, or anything), Comyu is something engaging on a line to line basis. Not gonna lie, I'm still in the common route but several lines have made me tear up, not from faux emotionalism but rather because the insight they provide cuts deep into my personal world philosophy, my perspective on the world. Perhaps this is just due to being generally poorly read on my part, but Comyu is definitely striking me as intelligently written and insightful, so I'm liking it a lot.

>> No.16196913

What releases are everyone looking forward to in the coming months?

>> No.16196961

I was looking forward to 仄暗き時の果てより, but then the trial had characters acting stupid and also stupid plot development. I hope at least other heroines will get better scenarios, but maybe not, cause Kure.

>> No.16196992

I'm looking forward to playing
Chrono Box
ちっちゃな花嫁 ~まだまだつぼみだもんっ~

>> No.16197001

Why? This trial wasn't too great either.

>> No.16197011

If you look at his other choices and the lack of Akikuru, he clearly only plays eroge to masturbate.

>> No.16197034

Is my kind looked down upon here or something?

>> No.16197069

Well it seems weird to go onto the internet to talk about what you want to fap to. Also there is a nukige thread.

>> No.16197116

So guys I'd like to ask an unique recommend, is there any games that mc steal (or save) a heroine from some kind of bad boyfriend? Or maybe something like gyaru > pure transformation etc. I'd be very glad if the title isn't a complete nukige, but probably there isn't a one so I'll play the nukige ones as well.

>> No.16197133

Only two of those are nukige though.

>> No.16197157

New Game

on the vita.

>> No.16197194

I'll definitely try; Akikuru, Amakano +,Hoshi Furu Yoru no Farnese, Ou no Mimi ni Todokanai
and I might try Hatsukoi Sankaime, Himekoi * Sucreine, Ryuukishi, Shinsou Noise and Amenity’s Life as well if they get some nice reviews or if I somehow get some more free time. It'll be a very busy month for sure, I'll probably wont download anything at january just to try all of those.

>> No.16197210

Akikuru, silverio and amakano+ for this month, good month to end the year, at least for me.

>> No.16197251

Akiyume Kururu
And two that seemingly no one else cares for:
Meguru Sekai de Towanaru Chikai o! (Written by the co writer of Ruitomo, Hello Lady and &)
Hoshi Furu Yoru no Farnese (Cute art, oddball writer... has been in the industry since 1992 but hasn't written anything of note)
Both have high chances to flop but we'll see.

>> No.16197278

That one game someone posted about few months ago. Some slut asks MC to teach her and he ends up saving her from enko.

>> No.16197283

>Akiyume Kururu
Only correcting you cause Watanabe wants the difference clear

>> No.16197292

Kuk-uru, fucking whores.

>> No.16197297
File: 1.79 MB, 1284x964, バカだけどチンチンしゃぶるのだけはじょうずなちーちゃん☆_2016-08-13_09-40-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you thinking of this?

>> No.16197301

Yeah I know, I was debating whether to write Akikuru or the full name and ended up mixing them together.

>> No.16197312

Chii-chan was a good girl with low self-esteem.

>> No.16197345

This is why you bite the bullet and sit through the heroine routes for your true reward: the pure imouto route.

>> No.16197377

Incest is the sign of being a deviant slut though.

>> No.16197386

I'm completely okay with Nonoka being a deviant slut just for her onii-chan.

>> No.16197506

That's probably my favorite moege of the last 10 years.

>> No.16197513

Fuuka was a decent brocon, but yeah Orietta is easily the best heroine of the bunch.

>> No.16197528

Korie Riko art is based.

>> No.16197544

Why else would you play eroge if not to ultimately masturbate to the cute girls?
Even the most well renowned titles are still gigantic wastes of time filled with incredibly amounts of padding, and usually terrible humor or chuuni nonsense that more then drown out a handful of actually decent scenes.

>> No.16197562

It must be rough living as a dumb moebuta.

>> No.16197565

Simple, difference of opinion. Plenty of VNs - not saying eroge because quite a few good VNs are all ages - aren't wastes of time at all, with good humour and little padding.

>> No.16197800 [DELETED] 

Anyone know a non-dead download for Paradise Lost?

>> No.16197830

Nigga... You know what I meant.

>> No.16197882

you meant good gyaru?

>> No.16197957

Yeah exactly that. Is there anymore of them?

>> No.16198477

Did we ever get to know who Orietta's VA was

>> No.16198783

Your thoughts on Hello World?

>> No.16199025

'Real deal' story based games was scarce before and almost non existent now. In addition character design is very charming. But usual moebuta crowd here can't possibly appreciate any of this. So look at the mirror closely first and think of who you are.

>> No.16199388

I can't find a working download for Oretsuba for the life of me.
Anyone have any idea?

>> No.16199439

Got all the true/good endings in Gore Screaming Show, and one bad ending. Is it worth doing all the bad endings other than to see bad stuff happen to the girls? Also heard there was a Mashiro route, how would you even get onto that?

>> No.16199705

>'Real deal' story based games was scarce before and almost non existent now.
Which is great.
Really love how the industry going now.

>> No.16199709

Is is gud?

Also that's free am I right?

>> No.16199746

Slow but it's working. There are 2 seeds atm.

>> No.16199951

Do you mean the success of nekopara-like games?

>> No.16200055

What about the navel/nitro+ pack?

>> No.16200236
File: 156 KB, 644x484, 去人たち_on_吉里吉里_2016-12-03_05-59-57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't say I'm a fan of stories with dick MCs. I guess that's important for horror, because a nice guy would just help the ghost out and stuff, resolving everything, whereas a dick gives justification for the evils about to befall him, but still it hurts to cringe constantly while reading.

>> No.16200297

Is there any VN with a piano soundtrack as good as SubaHibis? I kind of gave up trying to find something that has as many good tracks as it does.

>> No.16200305


>> No.16200314

That's good (although I'd still rank it below pretty much every SH track) but I was thinking more OSTs as a whole rather than single tracks.

>> No.16200432


>> No.16200619

>The english dies irae will undoubtedly be the best version of the game by far

What the fuck.

>> No.16200628

who are you quoting?

>> No.16200634


>> No.16200642

Fuck Moogy

>> No.16200643

Sweet talk for EOPs.Why care?

>> No.16200644

Dies irae is too old, no one cares about it anymore.

>> No.16200765

It doesn't worth the praise it gets anyway.

>> No.16200775

Nekonade Distortion and Innocent Grey games - first that comes to mind. There are sure a lot more, you can find them on egs.


>> No.16200784


>> No.16200799
File: 361 KB, 1280x720, magcha_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished her route. Gotta say, I really enjoyed it. The "second" part a bit less, but it was still pretty nice. オリエッタ クロノ イスタリカ ジナスティール was a nice heroine. (Yes, I had to paste this name)

I also did the "normal" ending.. which had quite a nice song dedicated to it. This game can be rather silly. Now I'll probably start skimming a bit through some of its other routes. Unlocking cards, preparing for endgame. I don't particularly care, but maybe I'll have some fun somewhere, and it's mandatory anyway for the final part. Need cards.

>> No.16200867

sakura no uta.
white album 2 has a lot of very nice piano sound tracks too.

>> No.16200868
File: 1.33 MB, 1154x747, chichai lolis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty good. They act like you'd expect girls their age to act. Curious yet innocent.

Nono is a prodigy that becomes a teacher leaving you the only adult for miles. She starts teaching sex-ed the first day using you as an example, which becomes clear really fast that she has no idea about it at all and is using you to fill the gaps which nobody would teach her. But it's not a main theme, the real main theme is slowly escalating from kissing and touching through a board game they find with no rules so they make up cards with 'absolute orders' which must be obeyed until you finally just write 'sex' on one of the cards.

But the girls just want to do little girl things. Go to the candy store, explore the woods, play outside, have squirt gun fights, run around the beach and sometimes try and act more grown up than they obviously are. The whole thing gives me constant moegasms

I guess the only thing that would turn someone off is if you're turned off by the idea of fucking 1st graders.

>> No.16200873

the art is so fucking bad though, and I like lolis.

>> No.16200875

>But the girls just want to do little girl things. Go to the candy store, explore the woods, play outside, have squirt gun fights, run around the beach and sometimes try and act more grown up than they obviously are.

Little girls don't do any of that.

>> No.16200894

Your society's lolis are collectively corrupted.

>> No.16200905

They're a bit tomboyish I suppose.

>> No.16200954

Does anyone know where one could get the crack/patch to skip the serial code entry for Paradise Lost? The one on nyaa didn't have it and the AS ones only include it with the full game and it'd take forever to download there... maybe someone has it here and could upload it?

>> No.16200979

>[認証回避 Patch][110128] PARADISE LOST 新装版.exe


>> No.16200998

speaking about paralost, is it voiced?

>> No.16201005

Thanks! I actually googled with 認証回避 but got nothing for some reason
Yes it is.

>> No.16201105
File: 423 KB, 800x597, 545454232345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16201207
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>> No.16201214

Despite the grammatical errors, it strangely makes more sense than the average Engrish.

>> No.16201230
File: 75 KB, 640x480, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16201246

I wish Westerners still added nonsensical Kanji in their games.

>> No.16201469


What is this, a fan disc? Pretty cool OP

>> No.16201703


Shit, I was glad at the older thread's news but now I'm kinda sad, I actually enjoyed playing one xCation game at every year.

>> No.16201718

Why the fuck are they ending this? The series is fun, popular and easy to make. I don't get it.

>> No.16201726


>> No.16201842

I hope he has more of a 'presence' than otona no renai jijou.

>> No.16201972

Well I'm sure he wont fuck 50 different side characters in common route at least.

>> No.16202013

I wanted a teenager runaway route.

>> No.16202085

Iam playing re:Lief, and Iam really surprised of how much presence the MC have in the game. Over half of the CGs are about him, with a voiced lines and a proper sprite. Even the main plot and heroines routes are 90% revolves about him and about his mysteries. Its not like Tsukasa is a well written MC or anything, but his psychological problems makes a fun MC. Re:Lief is probably the first eroge I played gave this much detail to MC, which made the game despite the average writing a very refreshing experience.

>> No.16202094

The game is wholly about him, even the side heroine routes just represent different facets of him and his interactions with the world.

>> No.16202131

Iam not sure but I think the writer is a female
This somehow makes a sense.

>> No.16202230

What do you consider the best romancege that isn't infested by the moe culture? Aside from Marutos games.
I'm really craving something like Amagami again, man what a perfect game.

>> No.16202253

Bad ends are worth the fap.

Mashiro route is just a short "harem" end. Look up a walkthrough.

>> No.16202255

What are your overall thoughts on GSS?

>> No.16202256

>not moe
Do you know the meaning of the word?

>> No.16202264

Don't ever respond to me again moebuta.

>> No.16202268

Seriously do you not know what moe means?

>> No.16202283

Romance doesn't mean that something is automatically moe you braindead retard. Play more than two games before making a dumb post here.

>> No.16202291

I liked it quite a lot. Good mix of plot and faps. Heroine routes were averagely enjoyable but the true route was great.

It's also worth playing just for Gore (the character, that is).

>> No.16202372

Looks like a lot of EOPs are posting here...

>> No.16202410

lmao you are trying too hard to gain some attention so you can say moebuta to some other people

>> No.16202430

Because WA2 and 恋ではなく are moege, right? Kill yourself.

>> No.16202439

The characters are certainly moe.

>> No.16202444


>> No.16202445

Nah I'm not saying every game which have romance in it is moege, but you are trying to bait people for at least 5-6 months. At every thread you have the same type of posts which baits some people so you can fuss about the moebuta thing again. Last thread it was something else, now romancege, in next one you'll use some other shit but in the end we all know that you dont really care about the answers at all.

>> No.16202449

not in koinaku

the main heroine is like a 3D woman, which I doubt is what anyone looks for in an eroge

>> No.16202454

Nice boogeyman. Might want to get that paranoia checked out by a professional.

>> No.16202467

Nah I rarely play moeges so its not like I actually care about it, but spamming every thread with it just gets annoying after a while. If you want to talk about something different than moe shit, open a proper discussion so we (or at least I) can join the conversation and we can have a nice thread, instead of trying to bait people >>16202230. If you wrote that post without trying to piss some people off we would have a nice chat about the games we liked, now it'll just the endless moebuta or not shit.

>> No.16202496

What's wrong with you? Honest question. Like you are suffering from some extreme paranoia here. That's a completely normally phrased post and it even gives an example game, anything extra is you reading whatever into it. Hell, you just used "moe shit" which is a lot more offensive than anything in that.

>> No.16202527

I'm just bored of the idiotic "go away moebutas" "whats wrong with being moebutas retard" arguments of every thread. Actually I'd like to ask whats wrong with all of you, and how you guys dont get bored with doing this 10 years old level arguments at every day. I mean how the hell one person can get triggered with just one word at every fucking day, and how the hell the other person cant stop to baiting them at every day like he has nothing to do except that.

Well whatever, I'm not going to respond anymore. Feel free to do your daily childish fight over and over again, as long as you guys are fine with it its okay I guess.

>> No.16202596

There's two replies to the post. One guy who doesn't know what moe is, and you meta posting more than anyone else in the thread. Instead of being triggered/spouting boogeymans you could have just responded to the original question with your favorite games and have a normal discussion.

>> No.16202600

>One guy who doesn't know what moe is
That's the guy who posted the question.

>> No.16202602

Here he is.

>> No.16202826

Going outside

>> No.16203042

It's the best utsuge.

>> No.16203053

My overall thoughts are that it was pretty good, not great but good. I agree with >>16202291 that the true route was best. Yuka was great. The other three were kinda boring.

I was kind of hoping it would explain a little more about what exactly Gore is but I guess it gave enough info for readers to be able to guess at it.

Specifically I was wondering more about the stones. How did Mashiro initially have them/who made them? I'm guessing the ones who put together the ritual did to control Gore when they pulled him over with the ritual. It seemed that they wanted to use him against the Americans in WW2, The stone Yoshiki had seemed to be for controlling the one who had the other stone (which gave them power over Gore) as Yamiko makes a comment inferring that it's only effective when the one who controls Gore is out of control or something.

>> No.16203115

Basically a CCG. Kinda weird that the OP doesn't have credits (though it sounds like Kawada Mami).

>> No.16203223

>actually getting 500 kb/s from baidu
did they remove their 10 kb/s speed throttler? thank you based chinks

>> No.16203700

With the upcoming anime I guess now is a good time to start Dies Irae

>> No.16204009
File: 19 KB, 200x300, 15599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anyone have any recommendations for VNs that feature a girl that is so oblivious of anything pertaining to sex, that she literally does not know what a penis is?

I'm not talking "has a vague idea" or "has heard the word before" - I'm talking about they absolutely have no clue that they even EXIST. Like, the entire CONCEPT of a penis is foreign to her. Like, if she saw one, she would have no idea what it even was supposed to be.

Ojou from Suika was a spot-on example of a character like this, but I'm really struggling to find other characters with that trait, my dudes. It's not like there's a often-used tag for characters with this kinda trope that I'm aware of!

>> No.16204019

Use a download manager, anon. I get about 750kb~1mb/s from Baidu with IDM.

>> No.16204023

Finish up KKK and Senshinkan while you're at it so you can maintain your smug superiority over the secondaries.

>> No.16204095

Did you play Shuki Shuki Daishuki? That game turned me into a toddlercon. Chicchakunai looks so good,and is next in my list, after LowSpec.

>> No.16204621
File: 124 KB, 600x600, 1472264353511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else fucking hate when the protagonist is granted extraordinary power but just want to live a boring normal life? It's so common it have to be some kind of government propaganda program to keep the population in line

>> No.16204627

I think it's because if the protagonist was any different, the story would have to be actually interest which would require talent and creativity. By wishing for a boring life, that can all be avoided.

>> No.16204639

Some times, it makes sense, like being thrown into constant life or death battles isn't particularly fun when you could just enjoy eroge MC highschool life.

>> No.16204641

Found the secondary who thinks he can talk about Shinza without having read Paralost. tz tz tz

>> No.16204645


Have fun searching. I recently played Kokonatsu and one girl sorta fits the bill, but even she should know what a "penis" is. That said, she comes from a future where sex died out and children are made in a very different way. So things like "sexual attraction" and "how babies are made" and whatnot.. she doesn't quite know.
Her reactions to all of this can be rather.. interesting. I mean her route probably has her all shy shy and stupid about it (we all know how routes of girls twist them around) but at least in the route I played (her sisters, who actually knows her stuff), she was oblivious to people being a bit uncomfortable with openly discussing these things. I mean it's win-win right? Get a cute baby, feels good. Just do it! Also please kiss again. Need to record it. For SCIENCE. (Yes, actually really FOR SCIENCE. She wants to do a report on this to show its value to the society who pretty much abolished all of this)

>> No.16204884

bad writers can't distance themselves from the idea that the protagonist has to be absolutely positive, and in Japan cultural values this means he has to be content with what he has

>> No.16205040

>and children are made in a very different way.
With buckets or something?

>> No.16205127

blue hair from https://vndb.org/v5416
it's yuri though, she's forced to watch porn and has no idea what's going on

>> No.16205235

10kb throttle is for clubbox and isn't going anywhere.

>> No.16205325

I reached like 30 sometimes

>> No.16205431

What VN would you say has the best pacing out of the ones you've read? Obviously it's subjective but I'd still like to hear.

>> No.16205442

daitoshokan except seitokaichou route.

>> No.16205530
File: 1.28 MB, 1281x768, hakui_trial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone says H-code for Hakui no Tenshi Trial by Candysoft? VNR don't want to read the text :( Thanks!

>> No.16205533

VNR is terrible, use ITHVNR instead.

>> No.16205548

**Hanachirasu**, Akeiro/Nanairo, Leyline, Lost Colors, Tonakoi

>> No.16205640
File: 489 KB, 797x598, 3443312211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16205741

you're in deep shit?
this shit is 2deep4u?
nasally french accent?

>> No.16205749

You should probably try Utarawerumono and it's squeals.

>> No.16205764

her h-scenes were so hot

>> No.16205779
File: 262 KB, 1280x720, magcha_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess I'm done with this. Should've stopped right after her route.
The other girls have way shorter routes (less than half as long), and are in comparison just underwhelming. I wouldn't have bothered if there weren't a true route, but this one.. holy shit. It sucks so fucking hard.

First of all the pacing is awful. And then once you get to know a bit of the plot, it's.. let's just say.. very human. I'll give an allegory. There's a lake and a town nearby. The lake is prone to overflow, so someone of the town needs to dedicate his days to maintain and build the dike for protection. Let's call it the human sacrifice. (you sure would like to life IN town and do something better with your life, right?) Now that person grows weaker and can't keep up the job, so a successor is needed. The human way of solving this? Get read of the lake of course! This is how humanity got rid of quite a few things on this planet.. for less human "sacrifice". (usually money, which equals labor)
So, yeah, this true route does exactly the same. Not convenient for every single human being? Let's get rid of it~

That's not all either. I dunno what kind of genre you get suddenly into, and I'm not sure if I want to know. What I do know is that the gameplay becomes awful as well. What the fuck were they thinking here. I'd probably skip myself through to the end if it weren't for the gameplay to just be a fucking headache of "trial and error", where not even a guide really helps. What a game. I really regret playing more than the main girl's route.

>> No.16205841

My main beef with MagiCha is that Orietta's route, while still mainly a pure moege has some foreshadowing for true route, whereas all the other ones are almost completely unrelated when it comes to main plot. So you end up getting a moege route with small foreshadowing > three moege routes with no plot that you're required to complete in order to unlock the true route > true route with actual plot stuff crammed in.

And yeah, the card system is nice on paper but the true route's requirements are absolutely ridiculous since the game expects you to memorize foreign numbers and card power levels that are taught literally once in the entire game and then never mentioned again. The familiar battle is also stupid since if you get to that point without having gotten any of the related cards you'll just get a quick game over without any hints to what you should do.

In my opinion they should've either just settled for a moege with no strings attached or made the game more plot heavy in other routes as well. Though like you said, the true route isn't that special so you can enjoy Magical Charming as a simple moege.

>> No.16206038

EVE: Burst Error A, version from DMM.


Which of you knows how to break DMM's DRM?

>> No.16206041


I feel like the true route is somewhat of a REALLY weird (and long) easter egg you can find. I mean yeah it kinda tells you the "main-story", but I can see people finishing the 4 main routes and assuming there's nothing major more. In fact if you finish everything but true, you lack only 3 CG. Out of like 90. You have all ero-scenes as well. So if you aren't a completion, this true route is super miss-able.

Feels like a weird game. I actually managed to get past the weird "equal power" segment. (Woulda be nice if I'd realized earlier that the "skip walking" card means reshuffling your fucking hand and isn't actually a valid card) But past that you gotta choose like another 40 fucking cards, and the plot is just.. no.

This is such a bitter aftertaste. If I had not known this, I'd remember this eroge as rather positive with a great main-route.

>> No.16206144

Oh, really? Why? I'm just comfortable with it, with ITHVNR I need also use Translation Aggregator

>> No.16206173

>true route
wait, what? I finished with imouto's route and quit

Is it worth it to go back if I was only interested in imouto?

>> No.16206176

I've only played Naisho no Naisho

>> No.16206180

Learn Japanese you pleb.

>> No.16206206


Drag and drop game's .exe file (there might me a main.bin file in that case use that) on DenchiUnwrap.exe
If this doesn't work wait until I download the game and try doing this myself

>> No.16206553
File: 270 KB, 1280x720, 54382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over three years later, not a single heroine has displaced this absolute marvel of vocal work for me - not even other roles by the same actress. Time to go replay it again.

>> No.16206606

I'm so sorry.

>> No.16206672

That's a shame

>> No.16206679

To be fair, Minato splurges pretty heavily on quality voice actors.

>> No.16206681

Complete agree, Azusa and her VA are amazing. I've tried many other eroge simply for her VA and none of her other characters come close. At least she's getting a lot more work now.

>> No.16206792

Well a command line window appears and closes itself, but the game still asks to install Soft Denchi.

If you want check it out, please do.

>> No.16206816

Yeah she sure got pretty famous after that game, Voiced a main heroine at Primal x Heart 2, Senren Banka, Miagete Goran, Senmomo, Noraneko, FloFlo, got a role in both of koihime games etc etc. Well I like her voice so I'm perfectly okay with this.

>> No.16207174

Wait, is she fluffy redhead gyaru? Because that was some top-tier っす-ing that the world needs more of.

>> No.16207197


>> No.16207204


>> No.16207220

Ah okay. Don't remember much standing out about Patty's voice though.

>> No.16207223

Nope, the redhead is Kiritani Hana, one of my other favorites.

>> No.16207932

Any non-nukige with a kuro gyaru heroine?

>> No.16207939

Imouto Banchou, but only side character

>> No.16208161
File: 100 KB, 640x800, Miku_rare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure this dumb cat has more to do with her popularity than anything else.

>> No.16208266

A lot of eroge seiyuu got extremely popular thanks to Deremas. Like Yamamoto Nozomi.

>> No.16208286

Her voice was fucking awful though.

>> No.16208542
File: 378 KB, 1280x720, 47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you know wee(World End Economica)? I found and enjoyed episode 1 and episode 2, but ep3 doesn't exist anywhere..

Who could inform me where ep3 is?

>> No.16208568

ah.. additionally I'm looking for ep3 japanese version not steam engligh version.

>> No.16208577

on my harddrive?

in both instances?

>> No.16208600

I have it

>> No.16208620

oh.. please take mercy. I want to play ep3 extremely. ;o;

>> No.16208726

If I feel like it I'll upload it soon

>> No.16208732
File: 187 KB, 345x399, 236592789523235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im glad they were able to get the same artist from the lovelyxcation games but thats a bit disappointing. The xCation games were ones I had looked forward to every year.

I hope this last one will be enjoyable as 2 was.

>> No.16208745

Are there any VNs with more feminist themes?

>> No.16208754

Check out Flowers and SonoHana series and see if they suit your discerning snowflake tastes.

>> No.16208764

What is this? Looks interesting.

>> No.16208780
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, 4249148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Floral Flowlove surprisingly had some criticism of the church, the royalty and its denial of women's rights and feminism, but it's not a main theme.

>> No.16208783

very thanks! I pray for you until feel like it

>> No.16208820
File: 1.80 MB, 1436x808, 2016-12-04 22_36_44-魔女こいにっき.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same to you, brother in faith. Pray to the Lord for Japanese powerpoints and you shall receive.

>> No.16208863
File: 102 KB, 720x565, LSGSBmD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16208894

Is that a screenshot you happened to find online, or do you really run Windows XP?

>> No.16208920

She was soo fucking cute. I stopped reading majokoinikki after the sex scene with the 3 ugly girls. Should I keep reading? I kind of lost interest after all those ero scenes.

>> No.16208921

Just a screenshot I saw online, probably very old. You can tell by the pixels.

>> No.16208947

what does mean 'lord for japanese powerpoint'? do you prepare presentation for japanese language?

>> No.16208975

Your level of English is really not acceptable for this site. If you're Japanese 日本語で話してもいいよ otherwise please refrain from posting.

>> No.16209044

It's up to you. Based on what I've heard about Niijima Yuu, I'm led to believe I'm in for a quite a ride until the end, where everything culminates in a glorious trainwreck that ends with an anticlimactic whimper. It could be a good read if you're willing to lower your expectations for the latter part of the game.

Honestly, I'm in it because I get to hear one of MintJam's best title so far during Majo Koi Nikki's secret ending credits.

>> No.16209049

chuunige from grisaia author with even worse ending

>> No.16209310

Visual Novels are called powerpoints because of how they're presented (clicking to advance text/images). Pray to the lord, for VNs, and you shall receive VNs.

>> No.16209503

thank you, I got it

えと。。。 これは英語トレベルよりもこのサイト隠語ような気がしますけど。。。

>> No.16209566


>> No.16209573

I wasn't referring to that word so much as your broken English grammar. But this is fine, everyone in this thread understands Japanese fluently.

>> No.16209612

There is nothing wrong using an anonymous forum for language practice.

>> No.16209893
File: 50 KB, 512x288, images (51).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hikari best girl though

i hate eroge where the mc is treated like shit shes the only nice one who doesnt

>> No.16209916

>where the mc is treated like shit
Your bar for "treated like shit" must be very low

>> No.16209947

Shes still a sweetheart

>> No.16209952

they make him dress like a girl, the whole scene where they get drunk, and everything with that maid

>> No.16209958

Harmless teasing for comedic effect, and it goes both ways

It's not like he was beaten by his father and sold to a bunch of pedophiles

>> No.16209980

>and it goes both ways
i don't remember that at all but i dropped it after the prologue

>> No.16209990

they also make fun of him and are kinda dickish, even his little sis, i couldnt enjoy her route after that

>> No.16210003
File: 35 KB, 197x246, 1477381628191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grow thicker skin

>> No.16210007

I was born with thick skin.

>> No.16210027

i'm just burnt out from the "MC is everyone's punching bag" cliche, maybe i'll get back to it one day

>> No.16210066

i dont like beta MCs

>> No.16210099

Waiting warmly for some developments.

>> No.16210108

Yeah, being upset about a fictional comedy game not even designed to piss you off is certainly alpha

>> No.16210146

Disliking betas =/= claiming to be alpha

>> No.16210179

If you have to "grow thicker skin" to enjoy a moege, something has gone wrong.

>> No.16210198

This. I want to relax, I don't need "thicker skin" in my eroge too. This bullying shit is insta-drop for me.

>> No.16210214

You shouldn't even have to, the fact that you need to be told to grow thicker skin in order to not get upset by moege is really telling.

>> No.16210217

I finally understand why moebuta get shit on.

>> No.16210222

Man I'm glad I didn't grow up to be this pathetic.

>> No.16210351

I liked Wakaba / Nonoka's teasing more because they've known each other for longer, Kuon and Inori are a little more out of left field and probably just picked up on MC's natural beta-ness.

All things considered he sometimes gives as good as he gets so he wasn't that beta anyway.

>> No.16210370
File: 276 KB, 1280x720, bg2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If that's never happening, the MC has no reason to even exist for the most part. I mean it's a literal penis who can have any girl it wants. Need to do a LITTLE something against all the glorifying the protags tend to receive. (I shudder when I remember Senren Banka and how much everyone praised the protag as if he'd be some important god who descended to the lowly lowly village of theirs.. at least in some of the routes. Or at least in the loli route. God fuck that loli route.)

That said, I like girls being a assertive and the like, so there's that too. Pic related. A bit of teasing and impishness is nice.

>> No.16210501

At least sword herself didn't immediately worship him. Unless you're talking about the other one

>> No.16211113



Okay, so I wasted three hours yesterday trying to figure out why the tool didn't work - it didn't output any .exe because there was nothing to patch, it didn't detect any encrypted data - but I still couldn't find the game code in the debugger. Turns out there's a second executable appended right after the SD wrapper one, how could I be so dumb and not check it the very first thing, of course the debugger wouldn't show it. Cut it, paste to a new file, save as .exe, ta-dah, cracked in 10 seconds. Good fucking job Soft Denchi, protecting software so well you don't even need the license to crack it. This doesn't seem to run under non-Japanese locale by the way.

>> No.16211176
File: 309 KB, 804x604, capture_065_04122016_221240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Played through SeaBed.

Just checking I understood this right: Sachiko's perspective is real world apart from some hallucinations, Takako and the other characters in her chapters "live" in Sachiko's dream world, and Hibiki is an imaginary friend / second personality based on the doctor doll who sometimes takes over Sachiko and is thus able to interact with people in the real world as well. A thing that I think was left unclear was Kozue existing in both the real and dream world. One EGS review speculates that she's just a hallucination as well (seeing she's supposedly young Sachiko in the dream world), but she's a character who picks up on Sachiko / Hibiki's weirdness in the real world so I assumed she's also meant to be a real person. She also interacts with other characters, though according to that one review it's supposedly the same as Sachiko previously thinking Takako interacted with the office members.

Overall a pretty neat game, though I was kind of hoping it to pick up the pace after the first chapter. While there's mystery, the game in general is very slow paced and it's more about the characters' inner drama and slowly unraveling the past rather than some constant suspense. At least style and atmosphere wise it felt really different.

>> No.16211601

Is there any good princesses in VNs?

>> No.16211606

Eroge developers aren't exactly paragons of technological brilliance. I've had a handful of times where all I needed to do to bypass serial authentication was to open the image in 7zip and drag out the .exe and the contents.

>> No.16211608

The one in Aiyoku no Eustia

>> No.16211724

This isn't the eroge devs' fault in this case, this DRM is complete bullshit and they have the audacity to sell this crap. It's been on the market for close to 5 years (nitroplus eroge had it for example) and its devs still didn't have the genius idea of encrypting the whole executable (they encrypt some entrypoint bytes which can be guessed/transplanted from some other exe instead), destroying imports, including antidebug checks, you know, the basic features DRM had since forever.

>> No.16211885

Have read it but I didn't really like her. Any girls with 和風 vibe like the ones from Muramasa?

>> No.16211896

Last Cavalier

>> No.16211937


>> No.16211960

There are no princesses involved in that VN.

>> No.16212009


>> No.16212428

Thank you.

Perhaps it would be cool if someone PM'd the game and this crack to some girlcelly or someone, considering some guy took effort to upload it and you to crack it.

>> No.16212469
File: 95 KB, 700x700, neat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A big thank you from /vr/

>> No.16212649

Maybe Sayo from Amatsukaze

>> No.16212742

How to unlock vivid epilogue (8th chapter)? Already read all of remembrance mode little flowers and seven main chapters.

>> No.16212909

Not there yet, couldn't tell you. My game is a little buggy though, marking parts unread when they are, so it may be locked for that kind of buggy reason. The website has the epilogue on it iirc but it's down right now.

>> No.16213324

Feel like playing the Ikusa Megami series but not sure where to start.

Can I start with Verita or should I go back to Zero or 幻燐の姫将軍?

>> No.16213349

Zero, it's also the best.

>> No.16213378

Zero -> Genrin 2 -> Verita -> Memoria

>> No.16213404



>> No.16213439

Cool, thanks

>> No.16213460

What's the most lynchian VN?

>> No.16213478

Other games over Akikuru? I've never seen such shit taste. Are they deliberately deluded or have they just never read the other games?

>> No.16213479

Thanks, dodged a bullet there
Thanks anons, you made my day.

>> No.16213487

Neither of them have read the other games and both of them are hardcore moebuta. They don't like anything that is trying to be even remotely unique and only really praise the extremely generic titles.

>> No.16213506
File: 77 KB, 245x225, 1478785692980.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is Sumikko Soft’s final project.
Hold the fuck up, is this true or is this Micchi bullshitting again? What about Winter? There has to be a Fuyu! You can't thematically blueball me like this, Watanabe!

>> No.16213510

Higurachi, pretty hard to find anything similar to lynch style, Kara no Shoujo 2 maybe

>> No.16213519

You could just, you know, look at the cover of the game. Or go on their website. Or read Sumikko/Watanabes twitter.
It's true.

>> No.16213528

I love moege just as much as anyone. What made Haru and Natsu so great was that they were simultaneously both amazing moege and amazing plotge. These guys are no true eroge fans.

>> No.16213531

I'm upset! Too upset for rational thought!
seriously though, that's a drag. ah well, too much of a good thing cheapens it I suppose.

>> No.16213553

I don't think the green guy has read anything in years.

>> No.16213595

What are some good heroines stuck in not so good eroges?

>> No.16213698

>If they don't think exactly like me they have shit taste

I read both Harukuru and Natsukumo, and Akikuru isn't my most expected game this month. I liked them and will read Akikuru for their novelty and interesting ideas (as I'm STEM) but I just hate Watanabe's text.

>> No.16213713
File: 229 KB, 1024x600, just the tip, just to see how it feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So good she's still the best girl in another girl's route.

>> No.16213786

What's wrong with Watanabe's text?

>> No.16213812

Is there some way of making Phantom Integration work on W10?

>> No.16213863


>> No.16213951

If not liking the writing of one of the best authors in modern eroge and looking forward to generic unoriginal other games over Akikuru isn't shit taste, I don't know what is.

>> No.16214122

Which game is this again? She's not listed under the Wagahai tag on VNDB.

>> No.16214155
File: 117 KB, 1024x600, joy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soranica Ele
It's a mixed bag to be sure. It's got a nice end-of-the-world feeling, half the characters are loveable and surprisingly decently written, and the music is top notch.

On the other hand the plot is a schizophrenic mess, the other half of the cast falls embarrassingly short, and it doesn't quite seem to have any idea what it wants to do.

But Kaguya is best wagahai, best sexual poet, and damn near saves it all herself. Brown girl also has a good route.

>> No.16214168

You had me at sexual poet.

>> No.16214203
File: 222 KB, 1024x600, M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She does one of those japanese poems where each line uses one of the AEIOU kanas, hell if I know what they're called but it was about why they ought to fuck.

Can't believe I capped all these dumb images but not that one.

>> No.16214246


I hope that branches into distinctive routes which illustrate the major differences between those choices.

Speaking of choices. I feel eroge really do too little with those nowadays. I really like the silly joke-choices Akatsuki no Goei has at times. Like "Knock on the door" - "Lick the door". And when you say "lick" often enough the MC does that.. which gives an.. uh.. ending of sorts. More of that stuff should exist.

>> No.16214263
File: 97 KB, 960x537, kawhy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does absolutely nothing of the sort, as you've probably already guessed.

Make joke choices popular again, Japan. You can do it, I believe in you.

>> No.16214269 [DELETED] 

It's just something personal, it's no objective opinion. Have you ever met someone and you can't stand him for some reason you can't explain? That happened to me with Watanabe's text. It just annoys me. I also don't find dick jokes funny. I can't stand him over Twitter either. But I think what he does is interesting.

>> No.16214355
File: 32 KB, 431x165, girla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I also don't find dick jokes funny
we don't like your kind 'round here.

>> No.16214849

Did you delete this yourself? Having different opinions from other people is okay, even if your taste isn't the best.

>> No.16214900

The mods deleted his post because his opinion was too objectively incorrect to conform to the rules of this board.

>> No.16215017

I did because I didn't want people sperging out over it but I have no problem in reposting it.

>It's just something personal, it's no objective opinion. Have you ever met someone and you can't stand him for some reason you can't explain? That happened to me with Watanabe's text. It just annoys me. I also don't find dick jokes funny. I can't stand him over Twitter either. But I think what he does is interesting.

I never talked about his quality as a writer, I think he's a smart writer and his serious scenes and infodumps are extremely interesting. Which is why I said "text", not "scenario".
But "テキストが人を選ぶ" is a common description of him both in 2ch and EGS so I'm sure I'm not the only one.

But that scene was funny.

Sorry for not conforming to your safe space.

>> No.16215065

But you don't mind people sperging out over it now? Your actions make no sense.
Anyway I'm interested in which author's text you do like, if you don't like Watanabe? Because I consider him one of the best.

>> No.16215199

I'm not that guy and I'm personally a fan of Watanabe, but I could see his brand of eccentric ハイテンション humor rubbing some people the wrong way. His sci-fi stuff doesn't really hold up to much scrutiny either, so if you're especially critical of that sort of thing you might not like his stuff.

Any time you have a writer with a particularly distinctive style like Watanabe there will be some people who don't like them. Just ask Mareni fans.

>> No.16215213

>But you don't mind people sperging out over it now?
You sounded like you'd actually listen to it instead of just getting defensive so I don't mind now.

>Anyway I'm interested in which author's text you do like, if you don't like Watanabe? Because I consider him one of the best.
I do too. Again, I see him as a good writer. I always try to separate my personal stances from any objective evaluations.

As for my favorite writers, it's a hard question but some of the writers I've generally and personally enjoyed that quickly come to mind are Hiei, Hayakari, Hikaru Sakurai (and codeX in general), Romeo, Hino Wataru, Kazuki Fumi, Lucle, Setoguchi Ren'ya, Haganeya, and to a lesser extent Kinomoto Mike, Mikage, Hato. Many others I've enjoyed but wouldn't put them up there.

I've also gotten a good impression of G.O. and Earu lately. And I also like Shimokura for his ideas, but if he improved his writing he'd also be one of my favorites.

I think that's actually a good thing. It means you have your own writing style; writing that tries to please everyone tends to be dull or not particularly interesting.

>> No.16215357

Wow, finally someone with original opinions here (no irony intended).

>> No.16215848

Why does loli = peeing?

I have a peeing fetish anyway but I find it odd that I can't even think of an example of a lolige without peeing in it.

>> No.16215879

Wetting yourself is a very childish thing to do, I suppose. I find it strange as well. I can tolerate it to an extent, but it's definitely not my fetish and I tend to skip those scenes.

>> No.16215880

Loli's urine is sacred.

>> No.16215890

"You have shit taste if you don't like popular stuff"
Very original idea

>> No.16215895

It's moe

>> No.16216037

Little kids are associated with wetting the bed and whatnot. It's a childish/cute thing to do.

>> No.16216304


Law of balance.

When it comes to eroge, people will play routes of characters with big tits no matter what. As such the characters without those (especially relatively flat ones, or lolis) need something else to make them stand out. As such they get the best stories, become the most likeable characters and so on. But to balance that out you get crap for ero-scenes including pissing in the vein of "look how much of a child she is! Go back to tits!". And thus balance is maintained.

Jokes aside, it's really strange as this isn't just a loli thing. Also just "is kinda flat" gets this way more than girls with bigger breasts. That said, with the recent games I played, I actually really found most of the flatter characters to be the most interesting, have the best routes or whatever. Exceptions do still exist, but I feel that's kinda funny. (and awkward, because it usually comes really down to sexy vs. good character, at least for me. I don't have a piss-fetish either...)

>> No.16216728
File: 290 KB, 1279x718, pictured - sexual deviant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how do we make her interesting if she doesn't have big tits?
>iunno, give her a personality or something

this is one of those things where I laugh a little bit at how absurd it is and then die a little bit inside because it's true.

maybe they get all the weird sex stuff because they assume if you didn't go immediately for the biggest pair of tits that you're some sort of sexual deviant already.

>> No.16216945

Guy who uploaded the original game here. This is some pretty cool shit. By the way, is there a way to properly unpack the archives the game's engine, buriko general interpeter uses, so we can get the cgs and script files out? Thanks in advance

>> No.16217052


But I doubt they'll work on a new game with a new version of the engine.

>> No.16217081

There are many tools for BGI but I think every game uses a different encryption key. It is possible but it takes some effort (I never wrote an extractor before). Haven't the chinks uploaded the cg rip on exhentai? They have this game in their VIP section but they always upload CGs.

>> No.16217268
File: 422 KB, 1280x800, buttplug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> if you didn't go immediately for the biggest pair of tits that you're some sort of sexual deviant already

They should do that with imouto heroines.

>> No.16217280

Now this I can get behind.

>> No.16217292

that game was pretty bleh but good lord that imouto did terrible, wonderful things to my lower half

it's n-not like i wanted to not be a sexual deviant, you know

>> No.16217380

I completely agree. People throw their hands up once they've got the character's raison d'etre and selling point down, and big titted characters more often than not have nothing interesting outside of their tits. Exceptions exist; these have designs that don't push their badonks in my face 24/7 and after listening to them for a while I forget about their appearance entirely.

>> No.16217666

It's a nukige with a bit more lead in than usual to the H-scenes. I don't think anyone would expect decent writing from it in the first place.

>> No.16217674

>It's a nukige with a bit more lead in than usual to the H-scenes.
A nukige cum moege, then?
>big titted characters more often than not have nothing interesting outside of their tits.
Do you honestly believe this?

>> No.16217685

Yeah kinda, its a borderline game. Have too much ero elements in it to call it a moege, and dont have enough to call it a proper nukige.

>> No.16217719

It's not what I believe, it's what I see.

>> No.16217889

The chinks have only uploaded the CGs from R, the All-Ages version, not A, the adult one, and their rip has all the CGs upscaled to 1080p instead of being in their native 720p res.

>> No.16217935

According to BHVC.exe, which checks the hashes of all the files, removing the soft denchi layer through hex editing like you did is all it takes to get yourself the original unpatched exe. Some protection, huh?

>> No.16217943

By the way, forgot to add that the hash check fails if you use the soft denchi patched exe. Also, by unpatched earlier I meant that it doesn't have SD's protection layer.

>> No.16218023

Anyone tried Yomegami?

>> No.16218037

Clephas gave it a 9

>> No.16218046

Clephas also gave Fate/Extra (the original) a 9.
Who cares

>> No.16218104

>machine translation reader

>> No.16218156

Same could be said about lolis though.

>> No.16218219


Usually not. It's either dedicated lolige or a token loli. Big breasts make it on more than half the girls of most eroge casts.

>> No.16218221

Oh? Judging by his prolific reviews and how vocal he is, I thought Clephas was fluent enough to read VNs without any aid. Was he an EOPigdog MTLer all along?

>> No.16218239

Clephas is just vocal about his support for use of texthookers as tools to assist reading, at one point he even said he used jparser's romaji function to read without kanji. At this point he probably doesn't need it that much.

>> No.16218262

I can begrudgingly understand converting the text to furigana, but why on earth would he read it in romaji? If anything, it would be more confusing to parse a string of English letters than a string of kana third its length.

>> No.16218310

Same what? There isn't anything about their design that could affect their character. Nothing speaks vapid sex appeal more than something targeted at every male's boner.

Not that I even once mention anything about them to begin with. If that's what you took out of the post(s) then you completely missed the point. If you think a character can only be either big titted or a loli then you're just a moron.

>> No.16218427

He definitely still needs it. When you use a tool as a crutch like that, you never improve.

>> No.16218450

>There isn't anything about their (loli characters') design that could affect their character.
Let me play the devil's advocate for a second.

If giant breasts could act as padding for an otherwise uninteresting heroine due to their appeal to readers who find them sexually attractive, can't the same apply to token loli characters who are designed to appeal to a demographic that's more niche, but is no less prominent? No matter the bust size, the aim is still sex appeal.

I've come across quite a few eroge whose loli characters/routes were blatantly thrown in as an afterthought. Filler routes, of which understandably heroines with big breasts have the lion's share, but those with more modest body types definitely have their place in. Speaking from experience, loli/DFC characters with stories just as flat as their chests aren't as rare as you think, and the inverse also holds true in that a surprisingly decent proportion of F-cup+ characters have good stories behind their more superficial aspect.

>> No.16218542
File: 212 KB, 768x1024, recording blowjob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16218641

Sure, if something is designed for sex appeal then the issue remains. NIS's flattys are plenty guilty of this.

>can't the same apply
No, because "the same" doesn't exist. What acts as the padding in this case? What is the object that serves practically no purpose but get an erection out of the viewer in this case? Saying "appearance" is redundant because everything has an appearance and thus guilty for simply existing. I will say this again: nothing speaks vapid sex appeal more than something targeted at every male's boner.

The last paragraph is unnecessary as I already acknowledged the rare exceptions up there, and it's a lot of mental gymnastics on your part to conjure up the part about me thinking less busty characters with flat stories are rare or non-existent because I never said such a thing.

>> No.16218643

>What is the object that serves practically no purpose but get an erection out of the viewer in this case?
The flat chest and petite body, really.

>> No.16218659

I love eroge

>> No.16218670

>What is the object that serves practically no purpose but get an erection out of the viewer in this case?
I refuse to believe you can't make sense of this, considering you're posting on /jp/ of all boards.

>> No.16218675

I'm curious what your first language is, anon.

>> No.16218747

My head's conjuring up a vivid image of a grizzled Russian bear wrestler using his free time to play eroge and take shots of vodka when the voiced lines play. He sometimes takes a small break to present reviews of the game on /jp/ along with a nugget of Russian folk wisdom expressed in the form of an allegory, which is charming, if a little crude thanks to the copious consumption of vodka getting to him.

>> No.16218753

A viewer with a particular fetish might see it that way, but the same happens to practically every other possible body type. Having a body is incidental, having a body part carefully manufactured to give the viewer a boner is not.

>> No.16218866

It becomes a lot less incidental when you realize that a significant proportion of the (niche) demographic which the eroge medium attracts are drawn to petite characters specifically because their physical traits evoke sexual appeal. Eroge developers are aware of that trend, and deliberately design younger-looking girls (flat chests, slimmer curves, short height, proportionally bigger eyes, etc.) to cater to their potential customers: which, using your words, falls under "having a body part carefully manufactured to give the viewer a boner."

>> No.16219018
File: 243 KB, 1280x720, chuu1_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now that's an.. interesting idea. Guess I'll let you keep your idea and not actually answer this one.

>> No.16219028

Oh, but you can never tell. There are designers doing it to appeal to a specific niche demographic, there are designers doing it because they prefer modesty over exaggeration. That's why it's incidental, the boner is up to the viewer's discretion.
Giant tits, on the other hand, are the universal "please get erected" beacon. It works on you, me and everybody.

>> No.16219228

Speak for yourself. You're just imposing your personal tastes on everyone. Fuck cowtits I only like flat chests and lolis, cowtits actively put me off getting aroused.

>> No.16219290

Didn't I just say it works on me? You have been consistently getting upset over things I never said. I suggest getting treatment for your schizophrenia asap.

>> No.16219297

Funny that you mention schizophrenia. You're talking to a different anon.

>> No.16219308 [DELETED] 

That has nothing to do with schizophrenia because I'm guilty of talking about something that doesn't exist.

>> No.16219361 [DELETED] 

That has nothing to do with schizophrenia because I wasn't talking about things that exist only in my head.
If mistaking anonymous posters is something that bothers you feel free to put a form of identification on yourself. It wouldn't change my assessment on you either way.

>> No.16219367

You said giant tips works on everybody, did you not?

>> No.16219379


>> No.16219416

Was the third sentence your own words and not some crooked paraphrasing of what I said? Then I admit my mistake.

>> No.16219493

How do I look up DMM rankings, such as hourly, daily, weekly stats?

>> No.16219741

Why is Marina and Kojiroh doesn't have sound in Eve burst error A even though there are voice setting for them ?

>> No.16220201

chinks usually only release CGs if they expect a game will be leaked soon otherwise they hold on to it for as long as they can

>> No.16220545

What's a vn with lots of dialogue? I'm tired of every sentence being interrupted by the MC's uninteresting thoughts.

>> No.16220554


>> No.16220612


>> No.16220832

axanael, akagoei

>> No.16220872

Just admit you're a beginner that can't read by himself.

>> No.16220966

If it's like the original voiced versions then they are only voiced when not on their POV.

>> No.16221015
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>> No.16221097


Thanks, any reason not to read the psp version? Other than no porn?

>> No.16221098

You should go for trinity, it's the three games in one package.

>> No.16221099

In typical retro eroge fashion, the protagonist does not have a voice, unless they're not the protagonist anymore

>> No.16221111


>> No.16221242


Different anon, but narration padding is actually a common thing in eroge. It's not like it's always bad. But some do really overdo it. When I played Izumo 4 there where some initial scenes where there was a "normal" dialogue scene between a few characters, and after every short line a character said, there'd be 4 random big lines of narration. It killed the flow. Fittingly you also had narration that just narrated exactly what a character said. (i.e. "I refuse." - She refused my proposal.) It was just.. bad.

I mean I'm not 100% sure why this is such a thing, but I feel it's in part at least because the writers are asked to, for padding reasons. Dialogue costs money. (and in Izumo 4 you can't even do free protag dialogue as that's voiced too) So the only way to pad is narration. Fittingly high amounts of narration is also in many other "full voice including protag" works. And if there's not a ton, the games are short. (Sono Hana New Gen, Rainbowstage, Axanael..)
Understandable I suppose. And I don't even mind it, if it's.. you know.. narration well used. But it really depends on the work. (i.e. I found it alright in Chaos Child, as it didn't hurt the flow and was part of the atmosphere)

Well, anyway, as sad as it may sound to call narration "padding", it really becomes that a lot of times in eroge, as narration is the only truly free thing you can integrate at any point as much as you want. No need to adapt backgrounds or sprites, no need to have characters react to that (as in no need for any voice-acting), it's free. Which means that can backfire with certain authors, although it's also kinda taste depended I guess. It's the funniest when you could actually completely skip the narration and would still get all the information of the plot and understand everything. Exercitus has kinda narration like that..

>> No.16221295


I can English a bit.

>> No.16221316

I know exactly what you mean, this is so true. I randomly found myself disliking certain VNs and couldn't figure out why, until I realized it was because 50% of the game literally was pointless, dull, repetitive narration. No matter how good a game is, if it has terrible narration like that I can't stand it.

>> No.16221327



>> No.16221378


>> No.16221409


>> No.16221417


I say it again - 冠を持つ神の手 "God Hand has Crown" and it has a very interesting relationship system.

download (free)

play video

cretor blog
http://wheat.x0.to has always so much middle Europa information.

playing wiki

I write an outline of this game.
This isn't eroge. I accept art is not moe style, but this is very serous game it's VN. isn't porn. it have a state system of similar to tokimeki memorial but completely different human relations and stories.
The world is almost equal to low fantasy. player is human kind of 三足族 (Sansoku race) who lives in world グラドネーラ(Gladnerra , and they don't have gender naturally. They choose male or female by adult's ceremony and get gender via a period of holy hiding in one month. (you can choose gende just before ending. Homosexuality is a taboo in this world/ages, so when there was fiance for you, it's possible to betray him or her.)

player character was born in countryside. But he had "king's sign" in frame. The Kingdom Littant welcomed him with regulation. the kingdom had another prince with same sign. You have to spend during one year and compete for this place by him (Weill, he still not got gender too) . But when having no interest in a king, you can practice sword, meet friend , and spend freely anything.

This game has a romance. It isn't only love. There is 4 of feeling status of love, friendship, hate and dislike.
friendship - dislike, and love - hate are on 2 lines which correspond respectively. main characters of everything has this to player character. And "player character have it them" too. player character is not player. player likes more god of hand.
In other words, you're loving her, but you can makes situation that she isn't loving you same time. can opposite of course.
When you gave feeling state big as a fascinating point, only one times can use "treversed switch". people has big loving becomes very hateful suddenly. That was expressed. Of course, a player character and the NPC are confused. a one character NEED this switch for romance. it's is really original game system. (For example this character hated player characrer from starting point for some reason.)

for moe fan -
The art is quiet. But there is a maid girl in this game. She's a hick person and has intimacy in player character who comes from country too. It's friendship. When you keep not standing out, to get her romance would be easy. But if you aim at a king, that isn't easy. She have big complex hersef. she is ignorance and country her accents. another maids mean to her. She's getting away from you so when polish yourself. You have to keep foolishness certain degree of in front of her.
If you want mean her, it's possible to spite and abuse her grossly. even killing is possible by the end.

To fantasy fan.
There is a swordsman. He's a friendly man, and He's similar to our a bit. he is not negligent of practice and am also good-natured, but the skill of sword is while being ordinary forever. before some years, he had the big dream of knight. and going to kingdom. his familyr waiting his success on hometown. He feels that in a complex terribly.
You can bring friendship with him up. But if you improved your sword skill and defeated him by kingdom official match, he'd hate you eventually. The human heart isn't easy. All people of this game have" life".

And. There is "king" in this country. She isn't a queen. There are no words equivalent to "queen" and "sister" also "princess" in Sansoku race.
She's strict and is a good king for political. There is an age difference of the 30 years old of role. You can yearn for her like mother. she accept - she is strict king but another face is mother of prince. But it's a romance? I want you to make sure her "love ending" by yourself.
When seeing Toriel in Undertale, I remembered her.

This game has the quite many ending variations. with character is have 4 lines, married, betrayed and friendship, killing, almost them so variationable (prince have 4 root of kill ending!). plus your own destiny also reflected to ending. whether you're a king by the behavior you took and its ability will walk the way besides that. knight etc.

" God Hand has Crown" or your hand is a god, and whom to give a crown entrusts you. finally, I can say this game is you control player character and NPC story and destiny like clown or toys. but NOT easy. they have egos.
There are no cases that I watched a game of a similar concept in other ones. Regretted is that all this is Japanese. A good player is hoping to appear.

>> No.16221435 [DELETED] 


>> No.16221442


>> No.16221452

それに、the last guardianが出ちゃったから、そっちをやると思う。ポケモンもやれてない。仕事したくないよーーー

>> No.16221453
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>> No.16221465


>> No.16221469
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>> No.16221478


>> No.16221499

Noratoto, most of the script is presented in drama style

>> No.16221504

art looks pretty good, thanks for the plug

>> No.16221514

Too bad the game itself is pretty terrible. Well, that's saying too much, but it's not good. Boring moege embodied. Only good parts were the prologue-ish parts of the game because it showed a lot of bare breasts and girls in bras due to MC being in cat form.

>> No.16221538

It's very good at what it tries to do (comedy) and also quite different from the average moege, not sure what you're talking about. "Boring moege emodied" would be Senren Banka for this year.

>> No.16221592

The comedy was okay, but nothing special, and the routes are so boring with their dabbling in drama and wasting time it's a boring moege to me.

>> No.16221596

Yea the narration in some visual novels is terrible, especially the ones that drone on and on about the town the characters live in, or how any time a new character is introduced you get a 12 page summary about that character's back story, likes, dislikes, and how everyone in school thinks she is so cool info dump, breaking every writing rule about show don't tell, then Girl A and Girl B (because the author is too lazy to give them names) start yelling like school girls that have seen their favorite pop star to push the point. Most of the narration in vns is just bad or too long, or breaks the rhythm of the conversation. Yes 99% of the time it's to pad for length. Weirdly some of the longer vns don't have this issue, I loved most of the narration Sakura no Uta. Most writers are just hacks. I should really just read Murakami, not sure why I torture myself with mediocre vns. Also I didn't respond to that guy for a reason, he was just baiting.

>> No.16221597

What games do you think do it better?

>> No.16221611

The recent Kanojo Step, while naturally not something everyone will find funny, certainly had a enjoyable sense of maniac humour that actually brings out laughs. Thinking about it, the humour of Noratoto feels kind of like someone trying to write a smee game without having the actual talent for it.

As for drama, there are infinite games that do it better, such that I'm not even sure if listing them is a worthwhile use of time.

>> No.16221622

>Kanojo Step
That explains.

>> No.16221950

>It's very good at what it tries to do (comedy)
If teh routes weren't terrible drama I'd agree.

>> No.16222217

What's terrible about it?

>> No.16222225

The conflicts are poorly done and the mood swing from the common route and comedy parts is too heavy to even be taken seriously.
The game would have been way better with lighter drama that didn't hog so much time.

>> No.16222240

The drama was light, and so was the "conflicts"
What was these heavy drama you're talking about?

>> No.16222242

what's the most average, uninspired yet not completely shit VN you can think of?

>> No.16222244


>> No.16222248

Rina's healthy ass was quite inspired

>> No.16222263

Dies irae

>> No.16222266


>> No.16222280

Everything by Yuzusoft

>> No.16222283

>not completely shit

>> No.16222309 [SPOILER] 
File: 815 KB, 1105x605, 1481131487651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On C91 you can get erokawaii daki of peak cute Hotori-chan.

>> No.16222324
File: 147 KB, 298x236, 234234234234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better come with a voice button of her yelling at dirty american pigus to get out of japan

>> No.16222326

She was so damn bland, like most of the cast but still.

>> No.16222335

I was pretty unhappy with the her route, can't deny that.

>> No.16222343

I was pretty unhappy with all of Senmomo

>> No.16222640

The choices early on in the Akikuru trial, do they lead to the respectives heroines H-scenes? I'm guessing those will be gone in the real game right? Because it's kind of early.

>> No.16222888

In the trial, the choices mean literally nothing, even if you choose the knife you don't get it. Highly disappointing.

>> No.16223470
File: 528 KB, 1280x720, capture_052_12062014_164727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did we ever get to know who Orietta's VA was
愛理サクラ = 狩野茉莉

>> No.16223676
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>> No.16224139

It's one of the best moege this year. The comedy was fun (better than this year's AsaPro) and the drama in Patricia's route about living was honest. I agree about the rest of the routes though, they were weak and kind of forced.

>> No.16224157

I honestly just didn't find it funny. The MC being a standard blando really didn't help.

>> No.16224251

Please recommend me something funny

>> No.16224254

I got bullied before so I'll leave comedy recommendations to other people

>> No.16224295


>> No.16224352


>> No.16224369


Funny how I'm currently trying to get into that game, as I find the cast so much weaker than the one of Harukuru and feel that the comedy is just not working either. Well, taste and whatnot. Weird though, as I did enjoy Harukuru's humor.

>> No.16224393

Interesting, I thought Harukuru was the better game in general but Natsukuru had funnier humour. Shun and the buchou added a lot to the comedy, it was absolutely hilarious at times.

>> No.16224406

Speaking of Harukuru do I miss anything if I skip all the H-scenes in the beginning? Not really a fan of group sex at all.

>> No.16224425

I think Harukuru is better too, both in cast/humor and scenario. Natsukuru is more consistent though.

You should read the ones in the prologue. They're short, pretty funny and build character. The later ones are not written by Watanabe so you can skip those.

>> No.16224436

Yes you do. Skipping it ruins the entire atmosphere and initial character development Watanabe builds up. Read them all, if possible masturbate to them all, and you will appreciate the VN as a whole much more.
Pay attention and you'll notice the foreshadowing for future events as well.

>> No.16224445

Damn, I guess I'll just read Natsukuru first instead then. Girls are cuter anyway.

>> No.16224453

That's not what the post meant anon. Read them in release order.

>> No.16224532

Same here. I'm playing Natsukuru right now too immediately after finishing Harukuru. I'm halfway through it and the cast and humor felt much better and natural in Harukuru (aside from the nukige prologue).

How's Akikuru's trial in that regard, for those who checked it out?

>> No.16224564
File: 559 KB, 720x380, eu18_top161207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking finally. Kamidori gameplay with some city-building from Madokaku, and improvements for crafting. No more retarded entirely new systems, just building upon most successful parts of past games.
Story doesn't seem too retarded too, and excerpts in screenshots look comfy.
Also, holy fuck, Suigintou. I'm hyped despite being burned by previous two games.

>> No.16224662

It's a little early to judge, but I felt Akikuru's humour, while great, wasn't as good as the other two. The cast are great though, a wider variety of side characters and past acquaintances, which might be a bad thing if you preferred Harukuru's tight-knit isolated group, but I like it. The characters all have strong, natural relationships with MC, although I hope we'll get more inter-girl interactions than we've seen so far. I feel the setting and world-building is definitely the most developed and in-depth so far.

>> No.16224686

Akikuru is a gigantic improvement in every department. It's interesting right from the get go and the characters are also a lot better imo. I don't know if any of them will go through enough character development to touch Shizuka but I'm optimistic.

>> No.16224701

Anyone here read Hikoukigumo no Mukougawa? Thoughts?

>> No.16225018

A game called ふたあね and it's not about futanari older sisters. Very disappointing

>> No.16225295
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I did. It has some issues (doujin-tier art, a lot of bugs and scripting errors, the writing being full of typos and ツッコミどころ, etc.), but I enjoyed it nonetheless. It feels different and fresh in a lot of ways, and the epilogue in particular is pretty unique. Anyway, it's cool, give it a shot if you have a high tolerance for shockingly low production values.

(It's particularly hilarious when you realize a game that looks this bad was made by the parent company of Lose.)

>> No.16225373

I loved it, it had some really nice mystery and yandere vibes. I felt it kind of teetered out once the sex scenes started happening.

>> No.16225989

I want more info, all the info on this

>> No.16226382
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>> No.16226387

新作もいいんだがはやくAngel Beats 2nd 出してくれ

>> No.16226393
File: 38 KB, 344x490, 1438540410552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>summer pockets

>> No.16226461

AB is a kusoge and it'd be better if they just forgot about it completely.

>> No.16226473

まさかangel beatsに期待してる人がいたとはw

>> No.16226506

>Jinsei Tsuukoudome's new game drops tomorrow

MY DICK IS READY to wait for a dl and crack.

>> No.16226650

What's the best SMEE title, Fureraba or Pure x Connect?

>> No.16226658

Connect because no high school

>> No.16226701 [DELETED] 

>scenario: Niijima Yuu
Are we going to have a new cucked game?

>> No.16226714

>Scenario: Niijima Yuu
Are we going to have a new cucked game?

>> No.16226717

I thought he had killed himself after that fiasco, he started tweeting only a couple months ago

>> No.16226725

Because it's key, they won't actually fuck, so it won't really count when heroine-slut dumps mc-kun.

>> No.16226774

Hopefully he won't make some shit like koikake this time

>> No.16226787
File: 13 KB, 480x68, firefox_2016-12-08_08-39-40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- Jun Maeda

And yeah the reaction so far over at 2ch isn't very good so far. It seems they don't trust Key anymore.

>ライター魁の時点でダメだろこれ ハサマとかいう無名までいるし
>作品として世に出るのは10年後? 発表だけして期待できないからな

Pic related

>> No.16226820

moebutas should kill themselves

>> No.16226919


>> No.16226930

>作品として世に出るのは10年後? 発表だけして期待できないからな

>> No.16227322

Seeing his name turned me off already. Also Key, so no thanks.

>> No.16227440

I liked Koikake.

>> No.16227762

Wow man, that is one confusing description.

Saw it before on some jap freeware ranking site and wasn't really interested because seemed Otome or at least female oriented.

But well seems halfway interesting, so some questions.

So regarding low fantasy, because fantasy usually doesn't mean sword fighting which is just normal stuff and not even worth mentioning really, are there dragons, monster, anyhting to fight, magic,?

So is it just a VN or has it some Simulation/Training elements like princess maker and has it RPG elements or anything or how can you train with sword?

Wish that instead of the newest freeware games, rather older and rare games would get some spotlight.
Like Grand Intention (old version).

>> No.16228126 [DELETED] 

I'm definitely with you, it has the best comedy of this year imo and all the characters were pretty good. Yeah the routes are sucked, specially how two heroines got very short, only h-scene oriented but still I enjoyed it very much. I'll probably buy the FD and hope that they'd make a proper after stories for heroines this time.
