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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 843 KB, 1263x1674, cute koishi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16193325 No.16193325 [Reply] [Original]

thoughts on the new episode?

>> No.16193385

That trainwreck is still going on?

It should have ended ages ago.

>> No.16194278

Still disappointed Remilia-sama stopped Satori from licking the shoes of everybody in the superior Scarlet Devil Mansion.

>> No.16194340
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>> No.16194483

Secondary cancer

>> No.16194590

wow this episode was shit i miss the shonen fight episodes already

>> No.16194624

Short haired Yukari is cute!

>> No.16194626

E-episode? Nani kore wakannai yo w

>> No.16194658

are dubs already available?

>> No.16194795

what is the name of the music that plays in the final part?

>> No.16194818 [DELETED] 


>> No.16194867

What the fuck are you doing on /jp/

>> No.16194909

japanese ones, aren't they released without voice and them fandubs are added?

>> No.16195246


>> No.16195259

It was unexpected. Can't honestly tell how the author is going to wrap everything up in a single last episode.

>> No.16195283


>> No.16195286

I missed the episode
When does the Blu-ray box set come out?

>> No.16195933 [DELETED] 


As always, music selection Is great

>> No.16195948


The visuals and drawings were beautiful

As always, music selection was great

Well, Nicovideo has this http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30147157

>> No.16196253
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Just a matter of time I suppose.

>> No.16196408

I honestly thought Yukari was Suwako at first but it wouldn't have made any sense.
I kind of miss the music from the official games but remixes fit the atmosphere way more.

>> No.16196420

what is this from
Memories of Phantasm?

>> No.16196574

Episode of what?

>> No.16196673

Koishi Komeiji's heart-throbbing adventure. It's a weird webseries. The first episodes are boring, badly drawn and edgy gore, then it becomes a mystery story then it becomes action and now it has become whatever this is. You might now it from the "My hat is my friend, it puts me at ease" quote and fishing rod in-jokes. And by people who whine about it "ruining Koishi's character", when she had already expressed her fondness for homicide in her dialogue in SA.

>> No.16196679
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I stopped following it long time ago.
Is Flan still alive?

>> No.16196690

She got executed by Yorihime. She did survive longer that most of the cast, I guess that's an achievement.

>> No.16196728
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Fucking lunarian scum

>> No.16196748

Thx for the link anon

>> No.16196765

They are the same people (the Watatsuki sisters) who were perfectly fine in CiLR with the idea of Reisen getting eaten in some human's stew. So, yeah, Lunarians being Lunarians.

>> No.16197498

There doesn't seem to be any way to wrap it up in just one episode without skipping a bunch of loose ends or the author pulling it all out of his ass

>> No.16197614

what if it was some kind of 45 minute mega-episode that takes two years to draw

>> No.16197992

Was about to say this. I'd be ok only with the first part though, this series always gets delayed.

>> No.16198168

Edgy shitlord's shitposting.

It's pure cancer. Don't watch.

>> No.16203455
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This anon's right. Too damn right.

>> No.16203969

>Don't watch

Anon, don't be a kid. Let people discover and enjoy works, they may be missing wonders just because a fag says "don't watch".

>> No.16204999

Now, this anon's right.

>> No.16205006

As terrible as it can get sometimes I prefer this over the usual stories of touhous doing mundane shit like drinking tea and being lazy.

>> No.16215400

Author probably lost interest seeing as how time between each release is taking longer. Doubt he can make a reasonable conclusion, but at least this will finally be over.

>> No.16215806
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>Cloning shit now and a time skip
>Literally nothing has been resolved with one episode left
Last episode better be a full-blown movie or else I'll be mad for being taken for a ride this long only to be disappointed.

>> No.16215914

You're going to be disappointed, Anon

This guy is just wasting time and will just probably have a CONGRATULATIONS SHINJI ending.

There was no planned end game. He's just pulling shit out of his ass randomly and throwing it on screen.

There is no Master Plan. He's just gonna crash the series with conclusion.

>> No.16215951
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I feel like there was a lot of stuff unexplained over the course of 7 years especially with Yukari till the glossary at the end but still what the shit, how? What? How dd she split from Koishi?.
Something stupid is going to finish off the series I can feel it or maybe we're being fucked with on the 'ending' and there is going to be more episodes and we're going to get more plot-plot-plot episodes like 8/9 which i'm cool with that. Its starting to feel rushed and compact.

Who is alive at this point?
Koishi, Yukari, Kaguya?
What ever happened to Koakuma?
What happen to Reisen and the other Reisen that got stabbed with the needle by Reisen then got blinded by Koakuma?

Hecatia Kaiju sounds absolutely insane but that wont happen by the looks of it.

>> No.16216119

It won't be explained.

Hell he probably doesn't even remember why as he needed a lot of random shit to get out of the fact he painted himself into the corner a few times.

>> No.16217363

Don't be so negative, all possibilities are open until the last episode is shown.

>> No.16217944

Reisen got torn in half by Yorihime when the barrier was still intact.
People who are shown to be alive: Koishi, Yukari, Satori, Toyohime, Koakuma, Patchouli, Sagume, Ringo, Seiran, Reisen II (? Don't remember), Sagume, Kaguya (depends on whatever that Kaguya is), probably Eirin and Tsukuyomi.

Where were you when part 7/9 made the foreshadowing happened like 15 episodes ago come true?
The whole thing about pork meat and rye bread is obviously going to be a metaphor for something, probably Koishi's status.

>> No.16219078
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Didn't Patchouli get captured or something and turned into Koakuma's sex slave? I can't see her doing anything for the final episode IF its the final episode.
There was also a lot of off screen deaths, so could Utshio still be alive? She turned into a kaiju but still looked sane

>> No.16219203

Same as always.
The maker should have drank bleach years ago.

Pure cancer.

>> No.16219220

His history of asspulls and going random stupidity give NO reason to expect it to be anything but pure shit.

Still this finally getting a mercy killing will be how many years too late.

>> No.16219248
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What if Zounse made his/her doujins into slideshows with music? Would you cry because its too edgy too?

>> No.16219263

It's Zounse. He should have walked into traffic years ago as well. Pure cringe there.

>> No.16219295

That's true for you then.

>> No.16219509

>Didn't Patchouli get captured or something and turned into Koakuma's sex slave?

Yup, thats exactly what happened. Also Utsuho is dead.

>> No.16219644

Does anyone that's over 15years old really enjoy this?

>> No.16219704

No, it's boring.

>> No.16219714

It's trash

>> No.16219973

Heart Throbbing Adventure is by far way better than the Kaleidoscope series. I don't see why everyone hates this so much

>> No.16220649


Hive mind my friend, everything that is not appealing for the moe otaku demographic tends to be "cancer" or "shit" for those people.

I am not saying that everyone has to enjoy KKHTA but at least respect the amount of work that the author has put into it.

>> No.16220668


It's deep in a teenagerish way but I'm still going to finish it.

I say though, is this what I should expect of fanfics? There's not too much regard for the canon and ethos of touhou.

>> No.16220685

>implying that KHTA isn't massive secondary teenage weeaboo bait

>> No.16220712


Like 70% of the Touhou fandom famous creations

KKHTA can be as you said a "massive secondary teenage weeaboo bait" but that doesn't mean that I or others can't enjoy it and give credit to the author.

I bet you enjoy a lot of fan creations that are not are not faithful to the canon.

>> No.16220855
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Clockwork Koishi when?

>> No.16221509

I don't think you know what weeaboo means.

>> No.16221557

I think it's pretty shallow, but I enjoy the artstyle and some of the stuff that goes on. The end of 7/9 was pretty cray

>> No.16221811

You don't need to be a kid to enjoy an incredibly dumb plot combined with hilarious levels of violence. Even the parts that are supposed to be sad and depressing end up being funny because they're just as over-the-top as the gorey bits, and really despite its stupidity it's easy to keep watching since it's unpredictable.
A common comparison I see and think is pretty accurate is that KKHTA is basically Tails Gets Trolled but without the self-awareness. The same humour is still there, but with this one it's more at the creator's expense.

>> No.16221984

If you're about 15 and a secondary you'll eat it up. That's the same demographic which considers Evangelion as being the greatest anime ever because of how "Deep and Thought Provoking" it is.

It's about as shit as fucking Diamond in the Rough and that damn thing is hard to even mock because of just how bad it is.

At least the LOSS.JPG end is hilarious.

>> No.16222756
File: 404 KB, 1008x403, Koishi Komeji's Heart Throbbing Adventure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this fucking show

>> No.16222798

So can we conclusively say that KKTHA is the Evangelion of Touhou?

>> No.16222811

Oh god, not the "DitR is edgy" meme again.

>> No.16223022
File: 190 KB, 478x347, 1420868770368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why doncha' SMILE anon?

>> No.16223068

So, any summary on why suddenly everyone likes this serie again?
I dropped this thing two episodes after the author decided that he wanted to be taken seriously for this serie and switched style.

>> No.16223113

Because he decided to take it seriously instead of having generic gore that became boring after the first episodes?

>> No.16223140

I have no interest in a crappy story, and you're right I got bored of the first part too, I just wanted to see it end or at least drop it after Sanae goes to get Kogasa back.

>> No.16223231

>All these tears
Who am I quoting?

>> No.16223257 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 374x350, 1481081747195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was playing touhou on easy mod like 3 or 4 years ago, never got the hang of the gameplay cause my brain is limited

how to get into it? im so clumsy and slow nowadays i can't even play games... only fap, to everything out there.

>> No.16223264

Still not entirely sure what happened there, to be honest.

>> No.16223296

...except Kogasa killed Sanae? Did we watch the same thing?
Get Embodiment of Scarlet Devil and play on Normal. Read the controls on the Internet.

>> No.16223346 [DELETED] 

>Read the controls on the Internet
And how is it going to help me with the game?

Im a clumsy and retarded nowadays but i will try

>> No.16223353
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What other touhou webseries do you watch, /jp/?

>> No.16223371 [DELETED] 


>> No.16223466

After all the war had left Earth (and migrated to Gensokyo, turning everyone into Kaijus which were then killed), Earth was ready to become pure again so it could reunite with the Moon (embodied by Tsukuyomi). The Moonlight Descent ceremony linked the Earth with the Moon, which opened Earth's eye, opening everyone's mind to the other and basically turning every species on Earth into a satori. In this world, there's a collective conscioussness, as everyone knows everything about the other. Everyone is the same. Kinda reminds me of TWEWY, now that I think about it.

I watched DitR, but for completely different reasons from the ones for KKHTA.

>> No.16224208

It's not edgy. It's just pure shit.

In terms of being godawful secondary magnets? Sure.

/jp/ is contrarian again.

None because they're all made by secondaries who don't know what the fuck they're doing and just want youtube monies

>> No.16224897

Yeah I noticed that talking apparently became an unusual thing in the last episode, I was just really confused about why everyone had eyeballs on them. Thanks.

I'm not quite sure the red badge plan was the same thing though? If I recall, the idea of the red badge was that normally, someone on the UG could force a thought into the forefront of someone's mind, as opposed to say, the back where it would be less regarded. The red badge enabled such a power to happen on an amplified and massive scale.

So, then instead, if everyone was rendered a satori, what would be the case is that everyone could read what was in everyone else's conscious mind. Consequently there would be no such thing as a misunderstanding afterwards, leading to less and less conflicts.

I'd say the differences are in the nature of the networking, TWEWY's deal having everyone linked to a master controller versus KHTA creating more of a network instead, and that people seem to have retained some sense of free will in here too, it's just that the vast majority of people would be expected to do the exact same time in a given circumstance now.

>> No.16225230

>It's not edgy. It's just pure shit.
Stop there already

>> No.16225726

Its a beautiful trainwreck

>> No.16225798

I laugh at your competitive whining. Next you're going to say touhou genso rondo bullet ballet is good.

>> No.16226091


>> No.16226377

>DiTR is edgy meme

Explain please? Besides, isn't the MC was supposed to be a parody of Mary Sue OC?

>> No.16226798

Why the fuck would I say that?! That thing is pure garbage!

>> No.16226804

Supposedly but was just so badly made that he was just eyerollingly bad.

And as a parody he failed massively. And the fucker gets a GOOD ENDING because for one moment he's self aware an that apparently absolves him of ALL the shit he did.

He shoulda burned. Was hoping for him to burn. But NOPE didn't burn. Biggest let down since LOLK

>> No.16227016

Yes, it's different in the way it's implemented, but my point was the idea underlying it: the Composer was disgusted with Shibuya's variety and Kitanji decided to made it look appealing to him by uniforming every individuality through the red pins. Eventually, the Composer decides to spare Shibuya because he realizes the diversity characterizing the various people in Shibuya wasn't a negative, but the exact thing that made it "a wonderful world" (like in the original Japanese title).
In the same way, the Lunarians reject both death and LIFE. Their ideal world is one without passions and diversity, they seclude themselves in their world of "perfection". This absurd way of thinking is best exposed by the aphorism at the beginning of CiLR: "If thinking reeds stopped thinking, the Earth would surely become a less impure grassland, I guess. Do the Lunarians desire that?". This means abandoning yourself to void and stillness. That's why the meaning of Yukari's victory as explained by CiLR was subtle yet humiliating for them: she showed them they can't just run away from life.
"Good ending"? He was forced to commit suicide, nobody will remember his sacrifice, the only ones (like Sakuya and Sanae) who know the truth about Tenshi's plan can't open their mouth because that would cause an even bigger incident, the ones who actively sided by him got unfairly screwed over (Aya and Momiji, Reisen, Reimu), he didn't get to properly to express his regret to Reisen and Yukari is still fooling around again. Even Tenshi had to kill someone she somewhat cared for.
Brolli rightfully got to be reincarnated, since, starting from the middle part of the story, everything that was happening wasn't his fault anymore and he genuinely cared for those around him. If you truly think Eiki would have convicted him, I guess you're a secondary who thinks of her as the one in IOSYS' video and never bothered playing PoFV.

>> No.16227052

He still should have burned in hell.

Fuckstick should have burned to hell.

He was an utterly unlikable character who deserved it because you dragged me through 4 hours of my life I won't get back?

But the entire setup is just stupid as fuck. Every twist is called stupidly early and really the LET'S GET META and Non-sequitur only added to pad out an already painfully padded out story.

Also fucking fix your audio balance goddamnit

>> No.16227072


So basically, the maker criticized the maker of Brolly by making it 2edgy4me and 'deconstruct' it so hard that it becomes a shitty fanfiction.

Am I correct?

>> No.16227124
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Suprises with Kogasa. So far that's been totally fine.

>> No.16227136

It's not edgy. Everyone who thinks DitR is edgy probably reads only moe slice of life stories. Most of Zonouse's stories are edgy. The silence of the rabbits is edgy. The first episodes of KKHTA are edgy. DitR is not. Besides, the maker didn't just criticize the work of the original Brolli: he actually tried to explain him what went wrong in his stories and, iirc, made him assist to the production of DitR.
If you want, you can always try it to judge it yourself instead of listening to jp's "Everything that doesn't suit me is shit" usual advice. I binge watched it during holidays in 2-3 days. There's also a "guide" made by the creator himself, with comments and bonuses (early draft and stuff like that), but it assumes you've already watched the entire series.

>> No.16227138

Well it IS shitty fanfiction either way.

>> No.16227310

I binge watched it with friends. They didn't talk to me for a week after seeing that shitshow.

It's just tryhard shit trying to be "DEEP" and being a "DECONSTRUCTION" which I can only assume the maker only heard of from TVTropes and tried to emulate it.

>> No.16227571

Not my fault if you have shitty friends, anon.

>> No.16228192

>That thing is pure garbage!
Finally something we all can agree on.

I can't understand how that game got the green light

>> No.16228336


I hate when people say this, it's the internet equivalent of putting your hands on your heads and scream because you don't want to hear an opinion you don't like.

>> No.16234103

>It's pure shit and edgy but I'll watch and talk about it anyway

>> No.16241449

Were they purposefully trying to eliminate individuality by rendering everyone a Satori, or was that a side effect of doing to the Earth what they did?

>> No.16241657
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I just thought that the Lunarians found out the history of the moon and the earth being the purest beings so they brought the moon and the earth back together turning the earth pure again and turning all the earthling pure and that turns them into Satoris.
I'm probably off by a long shot and i'm not too sure the reason to royally fucking up gensokyo the edgiest way possible by turning the tables between war and peace by making the outside world peaceful and in turn making the fantasy world into a hateful wasteland.

I like the story even though I can tell what its based on, a lot of unanswered questions, a shit-truck load of weird edgy moments like Patchouli getting raped, or that fucked up backstory of Satori and Koishi being a cat and dog. Even after all that I find this as one as my favourite projects somebody has done with the touhou fanbase... Its clever and brutal and I like that dark side of the touhou fanbase.
>Byakuren is making Buddhism into the next Nazi party.
>Love Koishi as a spaced out-free spirited psychopath.
>Turning Sanae from an already 'exterminating all youkai' miko to a 'exterminating all youkai' ISIS level miko.
>The fight between Reimu & Reisen vs Koakuma & Reisen ll was more enjoyable than some kaleidoscope fights (even if it was drawn by a different artist).
>KKHTA version and representation of Yukari is my favourite as she stops being care-free and how frightening, deadly, and serious she can be.
>Its was downright awesome and cleaver how they killed off Mokou by blasting her point-blank with a lazer cannon into the atmosphere from a skyscraper size golden evangelion, slowly turning Mokou's age backwards the longer shes getting hit by that lazer. By the time she reaches orbit shes already a fetus then the pilot from the evangelion busts out a 'time warp' rifle (same type of rifle that fucked over Yukari) and fucking downright aborts Fetus Mokou by shooting her in the head from orbit.
I like this series for reasons... Its not the best but I give credit where its due

>> No.16242312

To enact the Moonlight Descent and have a pure Earth, Lunarians had to get rid of war in first place. They showed up on Earth and soon became its leaders, promoting peace and eradicating war, fully aware that this would have migrated to Gensokyo and turned its denizens into kaijus. But the Lunarians had prepared specific Vijokas for the various kaijus and Koakuma, who, acting as recipient of the powers of the killed Gensokyo denizens (now kaijus), stopped their cycle of reincarnation (the Sanzu River is completely dry) so they couldn't retaliate. After having established world peace and defended it from the "invaders", they get to be hailed as saviors of humanity and to activate the Moonlight Descent. They had orchestrated everything from the moment they showed up on Earth.
Keep in mind that they were only inhabiting those dead animal bodies though: in KKHTA, a satori is a parasite-like being that can plant its roots/tentacles in a body (the animals, the two canon bodies the Komeijis got from Toyohime), even revitalizing the dead host (Koishi absorbing the remnants of a blown-up Yukari).
Mokou's death didn't make much sense, but I guess, just like Eirin produced a Hourai Elixir, that an anti-Hourai Elixir can be produced as well. Cool "2001: A space odyssey" reference nonetheless.

Whoever thinks Koishi being a psychotic murderer is out of character certainly hasn't played SA though.

>> No.16248762

Is Eirin even still alive
Last time I saw her, she was trapped by Lunarian bullshit magic

>> No.16248790

She probably got spared, she's still the co-founder of the Lunar Capital. A quite important Lunarian, just like Kaguya who got spared as well. Mokou was just an earthling for them, so they probably decided it was ok to turn her into a kaiju and engineer an anti-elixir to kill her.

>> No.16250558

So many of these tekaki series start out interesting, and then never get finished as the authors disappear off the face of the earth. I give this guy respect just for sticking with it for all this time.

>> No.16255517
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It got bad after it got flagged and one episode had to be redone when one episode had people dying around the world including Paris and that was the same time Paris got bombed. The episode changed where everywhere is deserted

>> No.16256039

That was really unfortunate. The series was supposed to end in May and we don't know when the last episode is yet. If it gives him more time to think about how to finish all the subplots properly, then good for him, even though I feel the author has already decided the ending episodes ago.

>> No.16256689

How the fuck can anyone watch this? Holy shit I've been avoiding it since it didn't really seem appealing but I've decided to give it a try today and this entire thing looks written and drawn by a 12 year old trying to be as edgy as possible.

When does this get "good" and stop being garbage fights like Part 3?

>> No.16256768

if you don't like it right away you're never going to like it. some crazy stuff happens a couple episodes in to give it some potential, but the guy decided just to make a couple years worth of sidestories without the plot moving forward before wrapping it up in like 2 episodes with some nonsense.

>> No.16257485
File: 129 KB, 500x291, When you're 9 times over the mushroom limit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just because it doesn't look good doesn't mean its not going to be generally good. I mean look at ONE's work, it looks like a 16 year old drawings. Besides, the artwork gets better and more detailed after each episode. Look at episode 1 to the latest one.
KKHTA has a lot of good moments like the final moment with Cirno or those 2 episodes when a different artist had to step in for a the gensokyo civil war or the entire time after the gensokyo boarder collapses and everything went to hell.

>> No.16258328

Nobody said it looked bad so it's bad. It's just bad, and it also looks bad.

>> No.16258462

Not him, but I've always been hit or miss with this series. I'm usually completely repulsed by guro but for whatever reason I was able to put up with it for this series. I haven't even watched it since the episode where satori and koishi was a dog and the moon bitches were there or some shit, but stuff like episode 12 (http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19174980)) with the alice/mamizou vs nue fight are stuff I'd put up there with the best tekaki stuff I've seen on niconico. Ichirin getting rekt by miko, marisa smiling when ichirin got rekt, kyouko's doubt, mamizou's conversation with nue were all hype as fuck. After that it kind of got boring again, but I'll eventually finish it.

>> No.16259276

For me it's the opposite. I found those shonen-esque fighting scenes really boring (but if you like them, there are more of them in later episodes), while I enjoy the WTF backstories and the psychological conflicts between characters.

>> No.16259536


>> No.16259536,1 [INTERNAL] 

Just watched this absolute horrid masterpiece, am I late?

>> No.16259536,3 [INTERNAL] 

Huh. Never expected to see a ghostposter here.

>> No.16259536,4 [INTERNAL] 

KKHTA is to Touhou what Shadow the Edgehog was to Sonic. I like the first 9 or so parts for being so horribly shit but then it just gets bland.
