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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 146 KB, 446x700, youmuswords.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1617786 No.1617786 [Reply] [Original]

I'm tired of seeing all these "all womyns iz sluts XD" posts every time I come in /jp/. We have the same rights as men and we DEMAND to be treated as equals here!

Here are some of my suggestions:
1. Less /u/ and more /y/, seriously 80% of all image dumps here belong in /u/ yet /y/ is VERY rarely seen here.

2. I want to see the 'tripfriend' "athens" banned. He's the cancer pushing back /jp/ to the times of the ancients! NO! We will NOT got 'back' to the kitchen or take your shit anymore! You're as bad as the women you describe. Always talking about wanting sex and doing it any time you can have it.

3. I say we have at least one thread like this on the front page AT ALL TIMES so we femanons can discuss the future development of this board, in the most FAIR AND EQUAL WAY POSSIBLE.

That's all I can come up with now, if you have any ideas feel free to post them in this thread.

>> No.1617788

I'll help if it'll get rid of athens. I'll be a feminist, or rather a femanonimist.

>> No.1617796

sugoi sugoi.

>> No.1617791

An obvious trolling post.

>> No.1617792

I have an idea. How about you make me a sandwich?

>> No.1617794



>> No.1617795

go to /y/ for /y/.

>> No.1617797

archer youmu?

>> No.1617798


I'm not a fag, but I don't mind seeing some dick in here.

>> No.1617801
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You should team up with Haruhi1994. She is running for forum mod of /jp/.

>> No.1617804
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Thread needs more Touhou.

>> No.1617807
File: 42 KB, 250x319, 1226817160422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is obviously a man.

This is now a MANLY GAY MAN thread.

>> No.1617805

Here's a hint:
This is an anonymous imageboard. So long as you remain anonymous, you are treated equally!

>> No.1617806



>> No.1617810

With my support!

Also the only wang allowed in /jp/ is Shirou's, as well as his gorilla arms.

>> No.1617813

Haha, when you "femanons" actually start contributing instead of attention whoring and shitting things up, then we'll treat you like equals. Of course, that will never happen.

>> No.1617814

And then Anonymous was a Sandwich.

>> No.1617815


I will help you in getting athens banned.
But it is true almost 99.9% of womyns iz sluts. Please post prove disregarding that.

>> No.1617816


For shame, you won't help a fellow femanon?

>> No.1617819
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>> No.1617822

Hey I professed my support for Haruhi1994.

Also there's no way this thread is real, so no support is needed.

>> No.1617823


Thank god, I have a vore fetish. I want a woman to eat me.

>> No.1617830

Who is this Haruhi1994 and what does the 1994 mean? The year s/he was born in?

>> No.1617838

Some trip /jp/ poster who posts with a forum signature. GREAT IDEA, METHINKS.

>> No.1617839

Uh, you do this is an anonymous image board, and gender discrimination isn't an issue as long as you don't bring it up? Of course, women are attention whores by nature, and will bring up their genders to get attention up at every given opportunity, so they'll never be equal to men

>> No.1617845


I like this image.

>> No.1617851

Thanks Pygmalion. You'll make a good wife to someone some day.

>> No.1617853

To be fair, people like athens insist on assigning gender to anonymous posters based on whether or not their posts agree with their sentiment. Which wouldn't be so bad if people like athens were not basically being attention whores about their masculinity.

>> No.1617856

I just accidentally a whole verb, is this bad?

>> No.1617863

No, we her horns all the time.

>> No.1617864

Why the hate for /u/? In fact, I think /u/ is the board with the second highest number of femanons (about 30 - 40%).

>> No.1617865 [SPOILER] 
File: 30 KB, 483x373, 1226817859884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sandwich is superior.

>> No.1617868
File: 26 KB, 268x312, 1226817900819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost 30 replies already. I'm impressed.

>> No.1617871


Because /u/ is fucking batshit butch retarded.



>> No.1617873

How is anyone falling for this? Nobody should have read it past #1, let alone respond.

>> No.1617874

I'm curious to know, what do the japanese often put in their sandwiches?

>> No.1617879

Because /u/ is just /b/ with whiny women. I still frequent it, but I hate it with every fiber of my being.

>> No.1617880

Yanderes often put the fingers of their love rivals in the sandwiches they make.

>> No.1617877


Why do you think everyone falls for athens' threads?

>> No.1617878

Japanese don't eat sandvich.

>> No.1617881 [SPOILER] 
File: 178 KB, 500x375, 1226818088588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah?

>> No.1617882

I agree with suggestions 1 and 2.

>> No.1617885

So tsundere

>> No.1617887

/u/ is terrible. No moderation at all. Shitty posters. Walls of text. Trolls everywhere. Overflowing with underageb&. Sauce and /r/ fags by the dozens. Gaiafags galore.

>> No.1617888

Also no mention of loli is lawl.

>> No.1617889
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>> No.1617891

Ladies, ladies... You can both make me sandwiches!

>> No.1617893

Barf on hamburger?

>> No.1617896


That's what happened when I saw your face while eating.

>> No.1617898
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>> No.1617903
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But its probably this that gets us all in here:

>We have the same rights as men and we DEMAND to be treated as equals here!


>> No.1617905

Why is a girl making sandwiches for a guy considered sexist? I would be very happy if my lovely girlfriend made for me a delicious one.

>> No.1617912

So, would you make your girlfriend a sandwhich if she was too tired to make one herself?

>> No.1617913

Women don't want equality, they want superiority.

And they'll never have it.

>> No.1617914


>> No.1617916

Sure, why not.

>> No.1617929

Being my ronery self I think I'll go make myself a sandwich

>> No.1617930

Unlimited Sageru works.
Unlimited Sageru works.
Unlimited Sageru works.
Unlimited Sageru works.

>> No.1617931

No, women don't give a fuck about how nice you are, they just want to know that you're in charge, and me making her a sandwich would make her doubt my authority.

>> No.1617935

Double penetration?

>> No.1617939


>> No.1617940

>51 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
Come on /jp/...

>> No.1617944

We're having a perfectly reasonable discussion about sandwiches.

>> No.1617948


I always make my wife something to eat when she gets home from work.

>> No.1617949

ITT: blind leads blind

>> No.1617953

Do you put in aphrodisiacs?

>> No.1617956

Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be a girl, just to get triple penetrated. I'm happy with my two holes as it is, though, I wouldn't switch.

>> No.1617957
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>> No.1617959

If you come home late does she make you meals as well?

>> No.1617962

She gets home from work after you do? Haha, some provider you are,

>> No.1617965

Making food for others rules. After you're not hungry and you just watch them eat and have tea and be satisfied.

>> No.1617967

There are actually no true aphrodisiacs. Not even viagra is an aphrodisiac, it just helps you get it up on the off-chance that you do get aroused.

>> No.1617968

Here is my contribution: Get back to the kitchen

Also, make me a sammich

>> No.1617973

Depends on the genders. Guys making sandwiches for girls or girls making them for both guys and girls are fine, but I'll punch you if you make me a sandwich.

>> No.1617980


I don't have a job, lol


Nah, she's usually asleep by then. I rarely come home late anyway so I don't mind.

>> No.1617982

I hope you punch your woman if she doesn't make you a sandwich.

>> No.1617989

all womyns iz sluts XD

>> No.1617991

I just wandered here from the front of 4chan, and although I am a male anon I support this.

>> No.1617993

Dammit ! Now what I am i going to do with all the powdered tiger penis that I bought?

>> No.1617994

Go back to /b/ you piece of shit.

>> No.1617998


Your wife supports you? My God, you're fucking pathetic, a complete failure as a man. Kill yourself faggot

>> No.1617999


>> No.1618004

>complete failure as a man

I think most of us fit into that category.

>> No.1618010


>> No.1618011

Snort it like cocaine?

>> No.1618012

My mother supports me, am I a failure as a man?

>> No.1618019

This thread is an eyesore.

>> No.1618026

Guys, what's so wrong with making sandwiches? I cook all the time. It's nothing special.

>> No.1618031

Yes. Do you even have to ask?

>> No.1618035


>> No.1618056

>nothing special.



>> No.1618061

I shamefully admit to have masturbated to kanji picked at random from a dictionary.

Do I need medication, Anon?

>> No.1618068

No, that makes you anonymous.

>> No.1618071


Well my parents send me money, too.

>> No.1618082

Jesus fucking christ..

>> No.1618102

A+ for effort.

>> No.1618105

Gee, anonymous, if you hate women this much you should start liking men. It's a lot better, really.

>> No.1618114

we only like 2D, what's so hard to understand?

>> No.1618130

Men can come in 2D.

>> No.1618140

I hate men, too.

>> No.1618147

The OP is gracious to me. What a kind woman.

>> No.1618155


>> No.1618157
File: 76 KB, 358x500, 1226821963619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3. Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry"), grotesque ("guro"), or loli/shota pornography.

This thread is technically reportable, although it has been derailed. I have done so, and invite all sages and silent onlookers to do so as well.
