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16174540 No.16174540 [Reply] [Original]

I love the witch of miracles!

>> No.16174545


>> No.16174574


Bern is a jerk.

>> No.16174615

she was pretty awful

>> No.16175082

Kill yourselves. I love Bern.

>> No.16175092
File: 606 KB, 1000x706, 3cfc3312dc09edc0bae8f625eed31880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to do Bern in the butt.

>> No.16175398
File: 226 KB, 700x1100, tmp_803-ee247f596d1503c970df3a017d7be3701774468989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bern is a very special kind of fun. I'm not sure love is the right word for how I feel about her, but if not, it's not far off.

>> No.16176242


>> No.16176323

I want to punch Bernkastel in the face.

>> No.16177075

she is a miracle!

>> No.16178140
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>> No.16178148
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Bern's a massive cunt.

>> No.16178155
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>> No.16178366

I want to do her in the butt as well.

>> No.16179794

I'm gonna piss in fire.

>> No.16179874


Bern is a fucking DICKHEAD!

>> No.16179922

I really liked that one line about how her scythe could reap miracles from fate.

>> No.16179985

That thing's stuck up her ass isn't it?

>> No.16180008
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It's magic. Nothing so mundane and vulgar as what you're thinking.

>> No.16180050

So ... it's a MAGIC tail stuck up her ass?

>> No.16180057 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.16180359

I can go through "why did you save me back then" scene okay, but when the actress cries in pain, my heart just starts to bleed.

>> No.16180771
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Shut up!
The bit in Episode 8 where you "challenge" Bern is actually one of my favorite parts of the entire VN

>> No.16182254

I miss when we had fun. It was boring for months, but then came the cool fights for underdeveloped characters, then came the game boards where everyone threw REDS and BLUES to each other in a battle of wits. Edit-anon did his own fun thing, but that was too RP-y apparently. Then the drinking game was great but was banned completely.
I loved seacats again, turns out that half of what I love about these threads is bannable.
Atleats game boards are allowed, right?
When they first started out there were like two or three per thread and it clogged it all up. I think it's about time we put some more game boards in here. I think nobody got banned for those atleast, so they're allowed.
Anyone willing to work on one? I might prepare one, though it'll take some time. I'd like for us to go back to the golden age of game boards. I had such good fun with those.

>> No.16182290

I used to have them on desuchan but after EP8 everyone just left in disgust at the ending. /jp/ was also angry for like a year because they thought that the goats who were suggesting theories in that episode was Ryukishi saying ''fuck you'' to all his readers.

>> No.16182313

We're past that though, right?
I always like it when someone comes up with an impossible crime and we just have to guess and work out our theories with the REDs whe've been given.

>> No.16182329

I know must of us didn't like DEEN's adaptation, but I'm seriously wondering how I would have done the Red Trueth differently. It's something that inherently only works in written text. I sort of liked the red sentences swirling around everybody as they were spoken. Any other way you could come up with for using the Reds in an animated format?

>> No.16182340
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I don't have a problem with that part. What I do have a problem with is how all the emotional impact seems to have been lost in the adaptation.

>> No.16182618
File: 351 KB, 585x900, __frederica_bernkastel_umineko_no_naku_koro_ni_drawn_by_sofy__d31d4a5317eaf3fc5e0461ee8bbd57c9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rereading seacats
>finished episode 3
>decided i should bite the bullet and read higurashi for the first time
>finished episode 1, in the middle of 2 currenty
episode 1's later half was great but i really hate having to sit through the SoL sequences. It's not that they're poorly done, there's just too much of it.

Umineko had the advantage of having its gameboard dialogue sequences be very interesting and atmospheric, with lots of talk of the inheritance and murder; higurashi just has the cast playing cards in the classroom over, and over, and over, leading up to about 4 hours of real plot as opposed to the 10 hours of buildup

umineko is superior and right now the only thing keeping me reading higu is the bernkastel quote at the start of each game, because most of the plot is like watching paint dry.

i need my curiosity of how the plots interconnect satisfied and i'll sit through every goddamn cake eating scene to get it by golly

>> No.16182682

I wouldn't call it superior, just different. Higurashi uses comedy to get you into the characters and to contrast with the darker portions later on. Meanwhile, Umineko tries to build a continuous narrative instead. While I personally prefer Umineko's approach, both sides have their own advantages.

>> No.16182891

>after EP8 everyone just left in disgust at the ending
>/jp/ was also angry for like a year
Not being a retard feels nice, am I right, guys? Guys?

>> No.16183336

I have to admit every Rika sequence is pretty funny

>> No.16183475

Higurashi is dealing primarily with friendship though, so it's important to focus on genuine moments of friendship and fun. Umineko is dealing with family so there's a lot more involved and it's more complex than just fun times with people you choose to be around.

>> No.16183560

Umineko also deals a lot more with romantic/familial love in contrast with Higurashi's themes of friendship/companionship.

>> No.16183604

I'm more into it for the horror and suspense though. I understand the padding is necessary for the suspense scenes to have their impact (I lost my shit when Rena showed up outside Keichi's house the night after he found the needle in the food). But where Episode 1 succeeded Episode 2 is failing to deliver. So far, at least.

I mean, at least in Ep1, not a lot of time went by before we got introduced to the annual murders and mystery surrounding it, but Ep2 just seems to drag on, and on, and on, kinda taking a dump all over the milieu of tone that Ep1 had set up when it finished. It's not like I don't like Shion/Mion, or the rest of the club, I can just only handle so much before I just want the plot to hurry up with itself.

I'm determined not to get spoiled though and really want to see why people enjoy Higurashi so much. I've never bothered with it before, only read Umineko.

>> No.16183689

>But where Episode 1 succeeded Episode 2 is failing to deliver. So far, at least.

Well, the horror doesn't usually start until the Watanagashi Festival. Sadly, I think Episode 1 might be the best in terms of just horror. But while Episode 2 gives you some important information, it's pretty weak overall in my opinion, so it's not like there's nothing to look forward to in future episodes. Episode 3 in particular is one of my favorites, though for different reasons. In that sense, it's pretty similar to Umineko as far as Episode quality.

Also, part of the reason why it spends time rebuilding the mood is to highlight how the scenario has reset, but if you've played Umineko then you're used to that already.

In the end, despite all their similarities, Higurashi and Umineko just have different strengths, which is why there's such a range of opinions about which one is better.

>> No.16183886
File: 100 KB, 960x834, Jessica_sex_censored.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Jessica animation.

>> No.16183902


>> No.16183944

Uncensored version:

>> No.16183970



>> No.16185800
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I don't really like Bern but I can't deny her design is really good.

>> No.16186788

Really want another fight scene or game board

>> No.16187044

Bern dindu nothing wrong, it's all Auau's fault!

>> No.16187073

Hanyuu isn't really Featherine is she? Isn't she just in pretty much the same situation as Rika, being made a piece of Featherine?

>> No.16187076


>> No.16188613

it's all featherine's fault, yeah, but bern is still a cunt.

>> No.16189176

I can't decide if I like Bernkastel. On one hand she reminds me too much of Rika who is impossible to hate (this is obviously intentional). On the other hand she is a bit of a dick.

>> No.16189193

Think of it this way. Would you rather Bern didn't exist and instead have all that negativity continue to be a part of Rika?

>> No.16189216

True, after all Bernkastel is the physical embodiment of Rika's hatred for Takano, like Evatrice being Eva's hatred for her father and older brother.

>tfw only watched the anime and it sucked despite having a good premise
>tfw want to read the visual novel but can't because my computer is dead

>> No.16189243

I know there's some way to get WTC working on smartphones, I never looked into it though so I don't know the details.

>> No.16189269

how could she be the hatred for Takano when she didn't find out she was the killer until the last 2 reincarnations?

>> No.16189323

I'm gonna get a new one soon so hopefully I'll be able to appreciate the (supposed) masterpiece that is Umineko soon.

From what I understand Bernkastel was born following decision in the dice killing chapter, aka post-Takano.

Either that or I should have phrased it as hatred towards the person who keeps killing her which turns out to be Takano.

>> No.16189376

The way I see it, Bern comes from the part of Rika that lost hope and started to give up as the loops went on endlessly, becoming disinterested in the whole thing. Like the times when Rika stops caring about the current Hinamizawa and decides to just move onto the next one. That attitude eventually took on it's own identity and named itself Frederica Bernkastel. Having long since lost interest in struggling to survive, but unable to die, Frederica began watching the loops from a distance, and eventually came to view them as nothing more than a source of entertainment to keep her from going mad due to her immense boredom. When Furude Rika was finally set free from her repeating fate, the existence called Frederica Bernkastel split away from her, either by her own decision or due to some outside force Auau. No longer a part of Rika, she dropped the "Frederica" part and became known as just "Bernkastel", and started to look for other fragments to keep herself entertained.

>> No.16189391
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I like the witch of certainty

>> No.16189392
File: 35 KB, 156x250, 2 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amount of good seacats art that will never be properly scanned frustrates me to no end.

>> No.16189398
File: 1.38 MB, 1000x1476, Lambda bye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too.

>> No.16189445

I've only read the original 8 parts of both Higurashi and Umineko (didn't even bother with the anime adaptations). Is there anything written by R07 besides the fact that Furude Rika is pretty close to Frederica that confirms Bernkastel is related to Rika? I apologize if this is common knowledge but I just finished marathonning both games after going in blind so I don't know about anything past what's in those 16 chapters

>> No.16189483
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It's never explicitly stated. Most of what you hear about their relationship is speculation. That being said, there's a lot of references in stuff like the manga that implies such a connection.

What I wrote in >>16189376 is just my personal interpretation that I've arrived at over several years after hearing a bunch of theories and rereading the stories a few times. Even then, I'm still not certain and am still ready to revise my interpretation based on any new material that comes out.

>> No.16189530

Higurashi Rei has one line where Rika explicitly states that she "needs to stop being Bernkastel the witch".

>> No.16189549

Lambda is cuter and sexier.

>> No.16189554 [DELETED] 


>> No.16189570
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>> No.16189575


bernkastel best witch

you're witchfu is based off of two of the worst characters in higurashi


>> No.16189585

I fully agree with this fine gentleman.

>> No.16189595

>you're witchfu is based off of two of the worst characters in higurashi
I get Takano, but what was wrong with Satoko?

>> No.16189619

I just never really liked her personality. It came off as too needy and too clingy.

Also her VA in the anime sounds a bit ear grating when she laughs, but that's a minor issue.

>> No.16189620

Who cares who their based on. Lambda is way more likeable than Bern. At least Lambda is somewhat fun to be around. Bern's just a gloomy, spiteful, unattractive jerk with no friends.

>> No.16189623

>unattractive jerk
I can understand the rest but this is too far


>no friends
Even though technically Lambda is her friend...?

>> No.16189630

you just described yourself

>> No.16189744
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>It came off as too needy and too clingy.
Why does everyone say that? Satoko only acts that way during club activities when everyone's just playing around and being silly. It's no different from the way Rena acts retarded, or the way Rika pretends to be sweet and innocent. In reality that's the exact opposite of how Satoko really is. She thinks that she was abandoned by Satoshi for being too needy, and believes the only way he'll return is if she becomes independent enough to take care of everything by herself. Whenever there's a serious problem, Satoko always insists on facing it alone without relying on her friends, even when it's something she clearly can't handle. Like how she insists on enduring her uncle's abuse without asking for help, or how she refuses to cry while being crucified by Shion.

>> No.16189787

>Like how she insists on enduring her uncle's abuse without asking for help
This was just her being retarded

>or how she refuses to cry while being crucified by Shion.
This was just her being retarded (again).

My problem with her is that she acts under the delusion that letting others flagellate her will somehow bring her brother back (which as is obvious is not the case). Furthermore, the fact that she's "independent" for the person that she clings the most to forms a sort of paradox, where she's being independent in the name of being clingy.

I mean shit, I get that she's 10 years old and all but her concept of independence in the name of having Satoshi back so she can cling more to him is something that even 10 year old me would find stupid.

Still, she's not a bad character at all. Just my least favorite of the Hinamizawa students.

>> No.16189858

>independence in the name of having Satoshi back so she can cling more to him
That's not it at all. That's like saying Kinzo wants Beatrice II to come back to life because he wants to rape her again. The real reason is the same in both cases. What Satoko wants is a chance to apologize to Satoshi for being such a burden and to show him that she's grown to the point where she doesn't need to rely on him anymore.

And yes, it's obvious that her actions aren't going to cause him to come back. Staoko's just desperate and is using that thought as a form of escapism because she can't handle the truth.

I honestly can't pick a least favorite. I like them all.

>> No.16189894 [DELETED] 

Like I said, she's still not a bad character despite me disliking her generally clingy personality. To be honest, she's a bit like Takano if she didn't smash right through the barrier of mental sanity harder than a bullet train through a concrete wall.

For me at least

Rika > Mion > Rena/Reina/Don't assume my pronames you name assuming scum > Shion > Satoko

I'd like Shion a lot more if I wasn't still mentally shaken from the entire torture gurofest that is the Eye Opening chapter.

>> No.16189958

Personally I think I'd like Shion a lot more if they actually fleshed out her relationship with Satoshi. Instead, it feels like she went totally apeshit and killed a bunch of innocent people over a guy she talked to a couple times. But I don't have a problem with her outside of those arcs.

I also have a hard time deciding on an exact opinion on Rika since while she does have some negative traits, those traits literally become a separate character by the end, and are technically no longer "Rika".

>> No.16189980 [DELETED] 

Definitely, although going apeshit and killing people randomly seems to be a common trait with Hinamizawa syndrome. Rena would have done the exact same thing (except on an even larger scale, since Shion only attacked people close to her while Rena wanted to blow up an entire fucking school) if Keiichi hadn't stopped the bomb in time.

Outside of eye opening though she's alright. I think the "comedy" bits of each arc should have reused some of the twin fuckery every now and then but that's just my opinion.

For Rika I find that her constant struggle between her negative traits and her positive ones are part of what makes the series great, especially dice killing since that's literally what dice killing is about. You can tell that starting from the Kai arcs that she's already getting weary of having two opposites for personalities, and is just sick of having to be two people at once. If we assume that Bernkastel is to Rika as Evatrice is to Eva then it's clear that Bernkastel is the reason for "dark Rika" as they call it.

>> No.16190027

Honestly I think Keichi and Satoko were actually the least violent when affected by Hinamizawa Syndrome. With them it seemed to play up their fear a lot more than their aggressiveness, only causing them to lash out in self-defense at people they thought were about to kill them.

>it's clear that Bernkastel is the reason for "dark Rika" as they call it.
Yeah, hence the similar voice.

>> No.16190030

witches aren't real dumbass

>> No.16190045 [DELETED] 

Definitely, Keiichi only killed 2 people while Satoko only killed 1, and both were genuinely under the delusion that they were defending themselves.

Shion killed, what, 5 or 6 people? Mion, Rika (although what we saw was technically a suicide I think it's implied that Rika has been put through her torture in a previous shard), Satoko, village head, Sonozaki head, anyone else?

Rena had already killed two and was getting ready to turn that into double digits in less than 2 days.

>> No.16190049
File: 264 KB, 496x1139, Ikuko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some are.

>> No.16190084

>Satoko only killed 1
She also killed her parents, but that was the same type of situation.

Yeah, Rika was tortured to death by Shion in Watanagashi and then killed herself in Meakishi to avoid that. And Shion at least attempted to kill Keiichi, so if that counts then she's up to 6.

>Rena had already killed two
Those two really did deserve it though.

>> No.16190110 [DELETED] 

Ah shit I forgot about her parents, but yeah she was paranoid that they were going to dispose of her and Satoshi.

Ironic how it only made things worse for them isn't it?

I think Shion had the intention of knocking out Keiichi and using him as an "eyewitness" to victimize her own name while switching places one final time with Mion, and killing her to make her crime complete. That would explain her whole refusing to kill him act. Then one Keiichi had defended her name she would kill him, pass it off as an accident and disappear forever.

And technically Keiichi was indirectly killed by Shion so does that add to her killcount or not? Up for debate really.

And yeah we all know Teppei Hojo was a gigantic piece of shit and Rina was a manipulative bitch. It was satisfying to watch them get carved the fuck up desu.

>> No.16190152

Honestly Teppei and Rina really stand out among WTC villains because Ryuukishi doesn't even try to give them any sympathetic justification for being so horrible, they just are. I mean, you could try arguing the point about Teppei's brother dying, but that never really seemed to bother him much.

>> No.16190180 [DELETED] 

Teppei and Rina are definitely the most hatable characters in the series along with the orphanage manager. Holy shit if those scenes don't piss me off.

Even the cops didn't give a shit about investigating when Rina died, because she was such a shitty person that she was completely not worth finding justice for at all. I assume the same happened to Teppei.

>> No.16190213
File: 280 KB, 960x540, How the hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This part in the anime adaptation always bugged the crap out of me. They make it look like Keiichi just phases through the railing after getting pushed by Satoko.

>> No.16190235 [DELETED] 

The animation in S1 is pretty terribad by all accounts. S2 is so much better.

>> No.16190238

too bad S2 has nothing but shitty, boring stories.

>> No.16190246 [DELETED] 


>> No.16190252
File: 377 KB, 713x790, comp1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime adaptation was a mistake. It just doesn't capture the impact properly. All you end up with is a dummied-down version of the original that offers some mediocre animation in exchange for coherence of the story.

>> No.16190268 [DELETED] 

For Umineko yeah. For Higurashi the anime is quite decent.

>> No.16190295

S1 covers the best arcs because they involve the characters at their craziest.

S2 is mostly the Rika justice league arcs where she's trying to win by involving her friends against Takano, it's not very interesting.

>> No.16190297

Not him, but I found the Kai anime to be worse than the first season's. Not because of the animation, but because of the pacing and content. The way DEEN decided to squeeze 6 arcs into the first season and then spread out the last 2 over the second was just plain retarded. I can only assume they were uncertain about whether they would get a second season so they tried to cover as much as they could in the first one. As a result when Kai starts it feels like the pacing suddenly slows to a crawl, which isn't helped by the fact that the first few episodes feel like filler before Minagoroshi starts.

It still could have been much better, and on several occasions the Manga seemed to do it more justice.

>> No.16190302
File: 283 KB, 400x225, a50a5fd5defa59f59fb684e317d4abad626753d0_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you insinuating there's something wrong with the animation?

>> No.16190323

During that scene, I was less bothered by the animation's quality and more bothered by the fact that it didn't match up with the voice acting AT ALL. She sounded like she was muttering to herself angrily, while the animation made it look like she was screaming her lungs out.

>> No.16190334
File: 35 KB, 640x362, IMG_0476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. Not at all.

>> No.16190347
File: 96 KB, 500x375, Ufotable Umineko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does it feel knowing that this will never be real?

>> No.16190353

eyes look weird.

>> No.16190369 [DELETED] 

>he only likes higurashi for le crazie absolute madmen xdddddd so spoopy

>> No.16190381

The ones with those happen to be the ones with much more interesting storylines, yes.

Stop typing like a baby.

>> No.16190402 [DELETED] 

Except that it gets repetitive as fuck by the time you hit arc 3. You see one case of Hinamizawa (even though it's not explicitly named) you see them all. The only reason it's remotely suspensful is because it's kept purposely vague. Go back and reread/watch it and it'll come off as weak and boring.

>> No.16190426

Not for me, it's infinitely more interesting than the horrible, abysmally amounts of nothing that happens in S2. I like S1 because the characters that seem normal at first start losing their shit and become hostile to their friends.

I've rewatched S1 plenty of times and enjoyed it, not the case for S2 which I only watched once and never looked back, holy shit, what a tremendous fuck up they made.

>> No.16190429
File: 566 KB, 1000x811, Lambda pre death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I liked them both, but in the end I prefer Lambda. Without reading Higurashi Bern is just a lot harder to sympathize with. She just comes across as a total bitch throughout most of Chiru, and before that she doesn't even have much of a personality. Lambda's character on the other hand shows a lot more depth throughout Umineko, constantly flip-flopping between sides to show off various aspects of her personality. And then there's her big moment in Episode 8.

>> No.16190435 [DELETED] 

Ah, so it's just a case of ADHD then? If it isn't le scary adrenaline horror then it's not good?

There's nothing I can do if you have the attention span of a goldfish.

>> No.16190454

man what the fuck

>> No.16190463

Arc 3 wasn't about horror. The only creepy part was the stuff after Keiichi killed Tepppei, and even that's only if you don't immediately realize that Rena and Mion are just covering for him to give him an alibi.

Tatarigoroshi is about the feeling of desperation that comes from being totally powerless to help a loved one in need. Having Satoko get built up to be like a little sister to Keiichi, only for him to be forced to watch as she gets horribly abused by her uncle. He desperately tries to find a way to save her, even going so far as to commit murder, but in the end he can't do anything.

>> No.16190466 [DELETED] 

Higurashi S1 was another level of poorly animated man. If I wasn't aware of the context of >>16190334 I'd think it was Rena reacting to another of Mion's games, not her beating the living shit out of Mion with a fucking cleaver handle.

>> No.16190473

>Mion's house near the end of Ch. 2
it's like i'm really in the GHQ

>> No.16190480

It's Erika, the eyes are going to look weird.

>> No.16190488 [DELETED] 

The coincidences of of the death wishes are also played for creepiness as well as the first appearance of the GHD. Arc 3 was definitely meant to be horror, just on a more toned down scale.

>> No.16190497

>Ah, so it's just a case of ADHD then? If it isn't le scary adrenaline horror then it's not good?
why do you keep arguing like a child, nobody's gonna take you seriously if you keep making insulting assumptions about others.

S1 is just more interesting, S2 is boring because the story is boring, the characters are boring, and barely anything happens because they drag it out to hell and back. I don't know what's so hard to understand. Even if I had never known about S1, S2 would still be boring as shit on its own.

You've yet to say a single good reason as to why S2's story is better, you just keep throwing insults that only make your side look worse, are you a false flagger?

>> No.16190500

I remember that. I know this probably makes me sound like an uneducated fuck, but I really didn't care for the long tangents on history lessons that never end up playing into the plot. If your stalling for time, I'd much rather have an internal monologue or something. At least that gives the character some more depth.

>> No.16190502

I mean badly drawn and proportioned, even for a smirk.

>> No.16190507 [DELETED] 

>S1 is just more interesting, S2 is boring because the story is boring, the characters are boring, and barely anything happens because they drag it out to hell and back.
I haven't provided any reasons why S2 is good because you haven't provided any reasons why it's shit. You basically just said "BORING BORING BORING" for a bit like the ADHD child you are and then criticized me for doing the exact same thing you're doing.

Sweet jesus, this has to be bait.

>> No.16190515

Well, it is fake. It's just something someone madeto trick people into thinking Ufotable was doing a Chiru anime adaptation. Everyone got all hyped up, thinking Ufotable was going to shit on DEEN again.

>> No.16190522

Not him, but I think I gave an acceptable reason to dislike Season 2 in >>16190297

>> No.16190523 [DELETED] 
File: 135 KB, 640x362, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitches don't know bout MY 1955

>> No.16190529

>I haven't provided any reasons why S2 is good because you haven't provided any reasons why it's shit.
I told you way back in >>16190295

Character emotion rollercoaster is more interesting than the Rika's victory story. Then you just started throwing insults like a child and diminishing S1 to ''le spoopy character action xddd'', as if that were a valid form of arguing. It's like if I went and said ''le run of the mill underdog story xddd''.

And what kind of excuse is that? ''I'm not gonna prove my point because you haven't satisfied me yet about yours''? Stop pretending, everyone can see you're the one not only not arguing but also insulting people for not sharing your opinion.

>> No.16190536

Honestly part of the reason why I'm somewhat hesitant to get into RGD is because it seems like it'll be filled with that kind of talk.

>> No.16190547 [DELETED] 

Sure, the decision to divide 6 and 2 was stupid. But the whole point of the first arc of S2 was to give context as to what the actual fuck was even happening to Rika, as well as giving us character development to someone we at the time only knew for being moe and occasionally very unusual. Before that arc you're not even aware of Hanyu's existence, damnit.

It may feel like filler but in no way is it at all. It's more of exposition if anything.

You just said that you like le spooky dooky bullshit that's only creepy because it's vague over the actual important bit of the series, aka the bit where the series matures from just psychological horror to something more complex and is the actual fucking point of the show.

The series started out as psychological horror because it wanted to start with a bang. Then it moves on to a more skillful and developed style to show the change in mood.

Your "character emotion rollercoaster" bullshit is just a pretentious way of saying "I can't handle anything that isn't vague horror that appeals to 13 year olds".

I'm insulting you because your reasons are retarded as fuck and sound like something an underage would say. The guy above doesn't get the same shit because his reasons aren't just "HURR DURR MY ATTENTION SPAN ISN'T LONG ENOUGH FOR THIS SO IT MUST BE BAD".

This site is 18+, so fuck off.

>> No.16190557
File: 2.21 MB, 3844x2604, dlanor butt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to Knox Dlanor's A.

>> No.16190588

and then mion was a demon

>> No.16190695

Actually, it turns out the first arc of the Kai anime (the one with Satoko worrying about the yamainu) is an original arc that was added for the adaptation, so in a sense it kind of is filler. Hanyuu's introduction was originally in Minagoroshi.

But regardless of whether or not it's filler or not is beside the point. It was still pretty decent despite that, even if it wasn't as good as the main story arcs. But like you pointed out, it's a lot of exposition, and while that's fine when handled properly, I don't think it's a very good way to start off the season.

Also, while this next part isn't exclusive to the anime adaptation, I think it's still worth mentioning all the same. The last arc, Matsuribayashi, starts off with a flashback that reveals the culprit's backstory as well as the answers to all the mysterious incidents that occurred over the past several years. It's all very important information that is absolutely vital to the story and should by no means should be removed. But at the same time, it's also about 5 episode's worth of continuous flashbacks; As long as an entire arc from season 1. And it just so happens to be placed right after the end of Minagoroshi, one of the biggest cliffhanger in the entire series. The placement just felt awkward to me, like it's approaching the climax only to suddenly take a break to go over everything up until now before moving onto the finale.

>> No.16190722 [DELETED] 

I'm aware that Arc 1 of S2 is a donut steel arc, which brings the total number of anime arcs to 9 instead of 8.

I prefer this version of Hanyu's introduction, since it actually gives us a look at how Hanyu is normally like, rather than thrusting us into a shard that even Rika considers to be unusual.

Is it the best arc to ever arc? No. Is it a fantastic masterpiece of an arc? No. Is it a decent introduction to the new moods and themes of the new season? Yes.

That's how I view it.

To me the placement of the "true answer" arc is quite well done. Rather than just blamming you in the face with endless suspense, you instead get character backstory as a calm before the storm. I'd argue that it's one of the most tastefully arc segmentations in the series, because it flows perfectly. Directly after introducing Takano as the villain, we get her backstory, and understand what her motives and goals are. This would literally fit in nowhere else. Before Minagoroshi would spoil the great reveal, while after Matsuribayashi would leave the audience uninterested, because the main plot is over, and therefore a backstory sequence would be redundant.

Making atmosphere isn't about hitting the reader/viewer with nonstop intensity, it's about gracefully ebbing and flowing with the inevitable rising heat of the series.

>> No.16191190
File: 781 KB, 2288x1712, Witch Portraits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16191227 [DELETED] 

That's actually pretty fucking cool senpai.

>> No.16191320

i remember this guy

>> No.16191428 [DELETED] 


Kill yourself

>> No.16191436 [DELETED] 

>Kill yourself
K you'reself

>> No.16191611


no it's not

>> No.16191614
File: 58 KB, 768x430, Snapshot20100625141051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

K yourself

>> No.16191635 [DELETED] 

That episode was just nonstop shitposting.

>> No.16191648

I liked this fanservice episode more than the entirety of S2.

>> No.16191678
File: 28 KB, 500x281, Rei04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16191685 [DELETED] 

K yourself, thanks.

>> No.16191690

Nah, anything that doesn't make me fall asleep is by default better than S2.

>> No.16191705 [DELETED] 

ADHD anon pls, just k yourself and k your wifi router.

>takano running around with those needles
>chie sensei with those fucking t squares
>shion with her taser
>"I was wondering what I was going to do if I didn't show up in this episode"

How did they manage to make this thing so good but Kira so shit?

>> No.16191721

>ADHD anon pls,
ADHD has nothing to do with finding a dragged out arc that has zero interesting development, character interaction or progression boring, dude, stop being such a baby who can't handle other people's opinions.

>> No.16191727 [DELETED] 

You need to take your Ritalin.

Go on, it's in the fridge.

>> No.16191770

Kira had it's moments. They were just... different.

>> No.16191782

>You just said that you like le spooky dooky bullshit that's only creepy because it's vague over the actual important bit of the series
I don't give a rat's ass what ''the point of the series'' is, it's far more interesting than the run of the mill underdog victory story in S2.
> to something more complex and is the actual fucking point of the show.
By complex you mean ''it's multiple universes now''? Does that make it automatically better?
>Your "character emotion rollercoaster" bullshit is just a pretentious way of saying "I can't handle anything that isn't vague horror that appeals to 13 year olds".
I'm saying that's far more interesting than the shallow, dragged out turd that is S2 that has nothing interesting happen in it, please tell me something in it that makes it better than S1.

Again, if I had watched S2 on its own I'd still would have found it boring. If ''vague horror'' was all I cared about I wouldn't have Umineko ep 1 on the bottom of my preferred episodes despite being the one that's the most horror-themed and not meta.. In other words, the opposite scenario for my tastes in Higurashi, where the enigmatic, non-meta S1 episodes ended up being more interesting.

There's a reason Higurashi is more popular due to its S1 episodes than S2 you know, S2 not only lacks the personality of S1 but also doesn't excel in anything on its own, unlike Umineko which does manage to outdo its first arc from then on.

See above, I wouldn't prefer the latter, deeper, more complex Umineko episodes if that were the case.

Higurashi characters are weak, they do not excel in anything when the situation isn't dire AND start losing their senses, that's why S2 is boring, S1's character lunacy was all the series had going for to me. Higurashi would be absolutely nothing if it weren't for the arcs that S1 covered, it's where the series popularity comes from.

But no, just keep thinking that anyone who disagrees with you must have issues, you tremendous baby.

>> No.16191788 [DELETED] 

I'd say the only redeeming bit of Kira was the final episode. Nothing beats the glorious double NIPAH~

But holy shit eps 1 and 2 were so bad. 3 was just forgettable.

The fact that you even think S2 is anywhere near an "underdog story" to put it your way already invalidates your entire argument.

Just take your ritalin and go to bed.

>> No.16191808

Course it is, it's the the village kids finally beating the evil corporation, this is especially the case for Rika who's been trying this scenario a ton of times.

I don't find that interesting because the characters are boring when they're normal, they don't have any depth or development on their own.

Good job childishly dismissing an argument like that. You also ignored the part where I mention preferring Umineko's later deeper, more complex episodes so you keep using the ''you must have adhd! it's impossible to find S2 boring!'', you sound like a fanboy.

>> No.16191819 [DELETED] 

Boy, your mom must be really lax with your meds these days. I can't imagine what her reaction would be if she saw how hyperactive you were online. She'd probably have you locked up in a kid's psych ward or something, with no internet.

Now excuse me, I'm here to talk to other people who are old enough to use this site, and don't suffer from severe ADHD that requires use of medication to treat.

>> No.16191834 [DELETED] 

I sure got told.

>> No.16191845 [DELETED] 

I mean, all I did was turn the baiter into the baited, I'm amazed you actually bit that hard.

There's a reason I'm not putting any effort into this, because a): your argument is full of redundant points that would be easier to counter than 90% of anime Battler's theories, b): I already know this is bait and that this just leads to a drawn out and pointless argument, because you have nothing to say aside from everything you've already laid out onto the table, and c): I just don't really care enough to bother typing a long post.

It was fun while it lasted, ADHD anon. I hope you find peace in your shitposting and ritalin.

>> No.16191854
File: 421 KB, 656x518, WITCH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16191877

Is Umineko Hane worth checking out?

>> No.16191884 [DELETED] 

>Higurashi characters are weak, they do not excel in anything when the situation isn't dire AND start losing their senses
While I agree about S2 being less entertaining, I call bullshit on Higurashi's characters being weak. Keiichi, Rena, Mion, Satoko, and Rika all have plenty of depth to them and are all interesting to some degree. They don't need to be under the influence of Hinamizawa Syndrome to be interesting.

>Now excuse me, I'm here to talk to other people who are old enough to use this site, and don't suffer from severe ADHD that requires use of medication to treat.

It's funny because I'm one of those "other people" you've been talking to, and I actually do have ADHD for which I take medication.

That depends. Do you like Black Battler?

>> No.16191890

Sure, it's pretty good. It's really short though, reading the whole thing probably takes an hour or so

>> No.16191899 [DELETED] 

Well as long as you're old enough to use this site and don't bait like an underage you're fine by me.

>> No.16191935 [DELETED] 

Sad how decent posts were deleted but yet the mods still kept all the shitty bait up above.

>> No.16191992 [DELETED] 

Remember when this thread was about Umineko and not baiters baiting baiters on whether Higurashi S2 is good, followed by janitor purging everything even if it was actual discussion?

So, who wants a shot at ranking the seacats?

>> No.16191998
File: 792 KB, 900x450, stakes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate them.

>> No.16192005

Oh god I just said the seacats not the god fucking damn stakes

Not even I can do that

>> No.16192045

I would bully them all. With my dick.

>> No.16192053

Don't blame us if you suddenly find yourself lacking a dick.

>> No.16192101

Why would you make me do this? Well if I must, then.

>> No.16192130 [DELETED] 

You've suddenly been given the opportunity to perform a single sexual act with each one of the stakes in turn. No repeated acts are allowed, you must do something new with each sister. Now, what would you do with who?

>> No.16192179 [DELETED] 
File: 75 KB, 640x480, 0e0c0f05f61445af4cc6b7ab41a108120684574f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mating press

>> No.16192217

posting high quality rips

>> No.16192243 [DELETED] 
File: 319 KB, 820x837, lucifer busty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lucifer: vaginal
Leviathan: anal
Satan: tittyfuck
Belphegor: handjob
Mammon: buttjob
Beelzebub: blowjob
Asmodeus: intercrural

>> No.16192249 [DELETED] 

whoa, Kaguya looks weird in that outfit.

>> No.16192266 [DELETED] 
File: 318 KB, 902x768, Lucifer breast grab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can understand your mistake, but Kaguya doesn't have these.

>> No.16192273 [DELETED] 

Looks like the kind of art quality you'd see in the back of someone's notebook in highschool.

>> No.16192315 [DELETED] 
File: 483 KB, 700x700, sisterly love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It can't be helped. There's just not enough fanart of the stakes. I'll take what I can get.

>> No.16192766
File: 357 KB, 1080x1500, 81cMlwpVmRL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of which, there has to be higher quality scans of the Gold Edition covers somewhere. I've only been able to fine a couple along with a real nice res image of the Jessica dakimakura art. If anyone has any to post, much appreciated.

>> No.16193049
File: 436 KB, 1783x2525, maria dakimakura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there has to be higher quality scans of the Gold Edition covers somewhere.
Sadly there doesn't. There's a good chance they were never properly scanned. I'll keep looking, but I haven't found much after quite a while. Here's Maria though.

>> No.16193065
File: 370 KB, 1593x2207, 03002670262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a Satan/Asmo I found. This and the Jessica daki I found on Japanese versions of sites like Amazon so I figured somewhere there were hi res scans advertising more of them.

>> No.16193094
File: 45 KB, 280x296, 129886530864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the Bern/Lambda one.
I'll scan it tomorrow if you want it.

>> No.16193123

I would love that!

>> No.16193147

for >>16193094

>> No.16193676

I felt the same way about the whole flashback segment at the beginning of Matsuribayashi. The previous arc ends with Rika finally determined to win, and then you're stuck with 5 or so hours of Takano's backstory. Really made me care less about Takano as a villain, since I just wanted to get back to the main story instead.

>> No.16193752

Skipping through these segments ruins the enjoyment of the game so we're forced to read them.

Ryukishi has a talent for misplacing effort, while all the anime adaptations of his work lack talent entirely.

I just started Tatarigoroshi today and I'm dreading another ten hours of slice of life scenes. It's like eating vegetables before meat.

>> No.16193757

>I just started Tatarigoroshi
Have fun with that.

>> No.16193771


>> No.16193982
File: 556 KB, 716x1430, Screen Shot 2016-12-01 at 10.52.36 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hot principal

>> No.16195485
File: 55 KB, 640x479, Realization.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16195490
File: 13 KB, 225x203, Principal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chie isn't the principal, she's just a teacher. The principal doesn't have a sprite in the game, but he looks like this in the anime and manga

>> No.16195495

Fu Manchu?

>> No.16195727
File: 1.96 MB, 1700x2431, umi_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PNGs :

>> No.16195746
File: 1.86 MB, 2328x1692, umi_1_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16195829

toothpick thighs

>> No.16196011
File: 390 KB, 470x500, bernkastel_by_ririisia-d7yp5i2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her more. And my Bern daki.

>> No.16196132

Is Aurora/Ikuko hated in Japan or what? She has almost no fan art. Why is the strongest witch also the most unpopular?

>> No.16196578
File: 552 KB, 500x1000, ikuko daki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16196606

Thanks a bunch anon

>> No.16197474 [DELETED] 


>> No.16197481


>> No.16197557

>Bern wears frilly pink string panties
>Lambda's bra looks light violet
Is this canon? I like to imagine they'd both wear the other's favorite color underwear.

>> No.16197568

>Is this canon?

Considering they're drawn like toddlers here, I'd say no

>> No.16197597

Why would something from the anime be canon?

>> No.16197605

I meant just the underwear. The proportions are just based on the anime, which is why they look like lolis instead of just petite women. Normally I wouldn't accept the anime design as canon either, but as far as I know there isn't other official artwork that indicates what they wear under their dresses.

>> No.16197620

also meant for >>16197597 as well.

>> No.16198991

Is that you sysadmin? Have you moved out of your rape cave?

>> No.16199639

Did Feathers get that medal for shitposting?

>> No.16200823

That's an interesting idea.

>> No.16201623

Featherine Augustus Aurora, great witch of lurking, shitposting, and ban-evading.

>> No.16201745

Can someone post some post-EP8 interviews with Ryukishi regarding Umineko for further reading? I know about Answer, but that's it.

>> No.16203408

it's the Worst Cunt Of All Time award.

>> No.16203413


>> No.16203789
File: 177 KB, 649x243, 1478239843342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how will gaap take advantage of this?

>> No.16203796

Fully. As in she'll likely spend an entire part on them.

>> No.16203809

sounds marvelous

>> No.16203810


>> No.16206058

Why Ryukishi reject creating original sprites for side characters in Higurashi?

>> No.16206102

side characters got sprites in later versions.

>> No.16206667


Battler was staying over at the Ushiromiya family adn slept in the guest house. Jessica had joined him for a game of cards and they both fell asleep (in seperate beds) late into the night.
The following morning, Battler woke up to the sound of the shower coming from the bathroom. As he stood up and walked slowly towards the bathroom (in order to catch a glimpse), he stumbled over his shoes and fell. He got back up again to walk towards the bathroom but now the sound of the shower was drowned out by the sound of music playing. As Battler approached the door, he could see it was locked. He quickly grabbed a screwdriver and worked the bathroom lock, clunking it open. As slowly opened the door he could see a portable radio on the sink set to full blast. Throwing caution to the winds, Battler walked to the shower and opened the curtains, hoping to see Jessica's naked body.
What he saw, however, was her mutilated corpse. The warm water rose like steam over her naked body. Her throat had been cut, blood was everywhere. She was dead. He stared at her for a few moments, gobsmacked. Realising the gravity of the situation, he turned around to see if there was anyone there, but he couldn't see anyone.
Quickly, he ran downstairs where he met nobody. Finally, he caught up with Genji and Kumasawa in the Mansion. They gathered the rest and went back to the bathroom.
Battler, Genji, Kumasawa, Gohda, Krauss, Natsuhi and Kinzo stood there, looking at the dead heir to the Ushiromiya line.

How did the killer escape the bathroom? Why was Jessica killed?

>> No.16207632

I haven't been to /jp/ in years so I was wondering, was a new When They Cry arc ever made?

>> No.16207772

Not really, but there's Hotarubi and Trianthology, both of which have some connection, and neither of which will ever be translated.

>> No.16208813
File: 143 KB, 1280x720, FErika264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16208841

She always looks so god damn smug.

>> No.16208853

Did Bern or Lambda show up in Hotarubi yet? There'll probably be someone who will start translating it when that happens, since it seems like most people are interested in it for that reason.

>> No.16208916

I don't know. As far as I can tell, it's not even being scanned, so there's no raws available.

>> No.16208944

Volume 1 can be bought digitally, so there isn't really any need to scan it

Lambda and Bern hasn't appeared yet, at least not in the first volume

>> No.16210759

>I just started Tatarigoroshi
I envy you
tatarigoroshi is probably my favourite WTC arc
it's just absolute insanity

>> No.16210775


>> No.16210860

It's also one of the most emotionally frustrating in my opinion.

>> No.16210902
File: 994 KB, 720x1028, 98.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon.

>> No.16212858

Can someone explain to me how Shannon's costume works? I don't get that bolero thing. Is it connected to the corset or what?

>> No.16212885
File: 992 KB, 3400x2416, 040-041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like it.

>> No.16213212


>How did the killer escape the bathroom?
He didn't until Battler opened the door.
When Battler was distracted by radio and relaxing his guard for details, quickly lunging for shower curtain, the killer just walked past him which he was hiding behind door and steam aiding the situation.
>Why was Jessica killed
Who knows, the killer must have not liked her.

>> No.16213697

By bolero, do you mean her tits bowling over the corset?

>> No.16213722


>> No.16213954

>just started ep8
>kinzo acting like the best granddad ever
i want to believe

>> No.16213960
File: 396 KB, 900x1291, golden land breasts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're still real in the Golden Land, and with everyone already dead nobody's going to notice.

>> No.16213981
File: 124 KB, 748x629, grandpa kinzo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be sure to read Episode 8's manga once you finish. It adds a lot and has some great art.

>> No.16214000
File: 145 KB, 640x480, 1466692659978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just don't find it possible.
Imagine yourself. Pushing 99 years old, only thing thats confirmed is your craze for Beatrice, huge interest in occult and alcohol to drown you from your suffering.
Do you think HE would find mundane things such as grandkids a joy?
He probably doesn't even think of anything but of his own world since he is locked in his room all the day and doesn't want to interact with outside world.
1985 Rokkenjima red truth shows it.
He definitely wouldn't change in a year.

>> No.16214004

And let's not neglect the upbringing his children had either

>> No.16214026

Thats not even important, he could of changed his character to be caring for his grandkids. Happens a lot of time.
But since the whole of part V's 1985 is deemed as complete truth and that means Kinzos behaviour too, I find it impossible that he changed to that way in a year and that family members find it normal for him to act that way.
Beatrice is the only thing he cares for.

>> No.16214039

Ep 8 Kinzo is definitely fake. But I think it's supposed to show how Kinzo could have turned out if things had gone a bit differently, like if he'd been able to move on from the loss of Beatrice and decided to accept his family.

>> No.16214088
File: 114 KB, 640x480, 1475758260175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>able to move on from the loss of Beatrice
>bit differently

>Kinzos daughter doesn't get raped
>Yasu has a mother
>Yasu stays Lion
>Lion becomes heir therefore ending all the retarded infights between siblings.
>Umineko no naku koro ni doesn't get made

>> No.16214106
File: 28 KB, 640x480, gfs_138328_2_16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not so fast

>> No.16214107

I've wondered about this for a while, but just how much control does the Game Master/Player have over the pieces? It's said that they can't make the characters do things they couldn't do, but can make them do things they wouldn't do. But what exactly does that entail?

Obviously they can't make a piece do something it's physically incapable of, like having Maria overpower Gohda. But could they make a piece act in a way that blatantly contradicts it's personality/motives? For example, could they have George murder Shannon?

>> No.16214131
File: 52 KB, 640x480, 1475611167098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally doesn't have any foothold.
Kinzo, Lion, Kuwadorian Beatrice are in line as a main family.
The only reason 1986 was possible because no member had a clear shot at title/gold.
If Lion was the clear heir, everyone would bow to Lion in order to gain favour with her, in order for them to get her to lend them some gold.
Killing would be hard with so many members of family and no real weapons besides knives.
Even Kyrie said that 1986 was an accidental chance that she decided to take, because accidentaly a convenient amount of guns,bullets and explosives appeared. And if not she wouldn't have gone against the other 16 members of family.

>> No.16214133
File: 271 KB, 960x1080, Bern and Lambda's prank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still have a bit of a pet theory, that Lambda and Bern were responsible for Asumu dying naturally, thus setting everything in motion. It's mostly based on that one strange line Kyrie says when talking to Jessica about love.

Without that, Kyrie would have killed Asumu and likely gotten arrested. At the very least Rudolph wouldn't have remarried with her and Battler wouldn't have left the family.

>> No.16214145
File: 47 KB, 848x480, srslybuttler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You had Jorge dragon kicking his mum.

>> No.16214163

Was going to argue against this, but you're very possibly right. I just have a hard time believing that even with Kinzo "moving on" the children would be brought up in a miraculously happier environment without hating each other and without later quarrels about a certain sibling's child becoming the successor. I don't know if Kinzo's madness was necessarily 100% connected to Beatrice based on the traditionalism he forced upon Krauss and Eva.

>> No.16214180

I was talking more along the lines of Kinzo recovering over the course of the 19 years following Beatrice II death Yasu's cliff incident.

But that's beside the point. I'm not saying it happened, or even that it was feasible given his devotion. I'm saying it's sort of like a what-if situation.

>> No.16214201

I always found it odd how Kinzo had such a traditional idea of how women should behave, given that the love of his life went completely against that image.

>> No.16214218

George has already been shown to be willing to kill in order to be with Shannon, and his mother was the single biggest obstacle to their marriage.

>> No.16214244

Well, it also depends on the point of time he comes to his senses from loss of Beatrice.
If its at the time when Kuwadorian Beatrice is still an infant, I would assume he would raise her properly.But unless the love was going both way, Lion wouldn't be born. The heir would also be "proper" and not born of incest.
Siblings wouldn't be mad and would accept the order easily. Eva wouldn't shoot for hard work because she knows for certain that the position of Kuwadorian beatrice takes high precedence above any other sibling (unlike with the case of Krauss shaky chances).If Krauss was doing a good job Eva wouldn't even try it. Krauss remains the same, but Kinzo doesn't even force teaching him of leadership, and Krauss becomes more of a Rudolf type son that knows he has no shot at title and just lives life.All since he is raising Kuwadorian Beato to be heir.
This is all derived from Rudolfs and Rosas behaviour. They seemed pretty relaxed about their positions since they are 3rd and 4th sibling respectively. The only real heat comes from 1st siblings lazy leadership and 2nd siblings tryhard attitude that was born out of Krauss easylife lifestyle.

All things considered, they would get much more lenient father, no reason to compete and none of them growing to be ugly characters.

>> No.16214474

Exactly. Imagine his mood changing uncontrollably.

>> No.16214489

>>Kinzos daughter doesn't get raped
>>Yasu has a mother

>> No.16214704

eat up Maria.

>> No.16214716

Looks like they aren't separated in this version at all. So they're sewed together after all?
I mean, how are you even supposed to call that thing?

>> No.16214757

But it was padded, look George and Yasu on a date to aquarium.

>> No.16214778
File: 309 KB, 850x1213, Shannon tits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what it looks like, her outfit consists of a white undershirt beneath a black dress with a built in corset that has the chest portion cut out.
>Shannon went so far as to include beads or something similar in order to simulate nipples.

>> No.16214829
File: 1.36 MB, 912x1149, Shannon big grab.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Even these ones?

>> No.16216348

What's more important, truth or happiness?

>> No.16216375

Truth. Happiness is something you can lose but always find again, and if you accept the truth and move on then you will be happy and also stronger.
Don't be a melodramatic nerd, nerd.

>> No.16216398

In the end, happiness. But the two aren't really mutually exclusive.

>> No.16216407

>if you accept the truth and move on then you will be happy and also stronger.
True, but that just means you ended up getting both. What if you had to pick just one? Like if it was guaranteed that you wouldn't be able to move on and become happy after learning the truth?

>> No.16216416

That's impossible. Happiness is always a possibility, is everywhere. You just need to go and look for it. In the end, the truth is the most important. People who likes to fool themselves are uninteresting and not worth the time.

>> No.16216472

What if it's not a matter of fooling yourself, but simply not being interested in the truth to begin with? What if you're already content? It's not like everyone should be obligated to sacrifice their current happiness for the sake of some far off truth.

>> No.16216488

>What if you're already content?
I was talking about everything that might affect me and the ones I care about, not living a lie and be content knowing it. I don't care about the rest. In that case yes, happiness.

>> No.16216727

What does the cake do in episode 8?
is it possible to not get the almond or something?

also does the number of hints you use affect anything?

>> No.16216753
File: 591 KB, 800x500, sbg_02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you just automatically get the winning piece. I don't think hints affect anything, but I'm not positive. There's several possible prizes you can get, but I'm not sure if it's based on how many right answers you got or what.

>> No.16216915
File: 130 KB, 378x600, nat_a11_warai2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that the odds of Natsuhi accepting Yasu were less than 1 in 2 million, which was likely even worse than the odds of Rika surviving in Higurashi. In other words, the fate made by Natsuhi's refusal to adopt a baby was even more certain than the one made by Takano's determination to become God.

>> No.16216937
File: 17 KB, 120x120, _thinking_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the odds of Yasu surviving the fall with his penis intact?

>> No.16216973

No idea. I'm pretty sure the catbox only contains possibilities that take place after that, which is why in order to find Lion's world Bern had to search outside it in the sea of fragments. The only variable from that search who's odds we know is Natsuhi's acceptance of Yasu.

So as far as just the gameboard goes, apparently none. Yasu somehow always survives, and somehow just the dick is lost.

>> No.16217102

>kumasawa's desert question
fucking hell these are annoying

>> No.16217180

OP here
I just wanted to express my love for my wife Bern. I didn't mean to start a /seacats/ thread.

>> No.16217289

That's the question at the end.
Happiness for me personally.

>> No.16217491

>black dress with a built in corset that has the chest portion cut out.
Oh shit, that actually makes sense. Thanks.
If you really want them to. Reaching the golden land would be a problem though.

>> No.16217508
File: 2.80 MB, 1920x1080, FErika230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Anges case, I'd be happy by knowing the truth. I could finally move on from there.

Obviously you can argue that you could move on just by letting go, but personally the curiosity would eat me alive. Even something as horrible as your dead mom and dad being literally Satan, for me it would be better to know than to not know.

>I just want to be happy

You can close your eyes as hard as you like, one day the truth will slap you with a trout so hard, you'll wish you had looked at the truth to see it coming.

>> No.16217804

>Yasu somehow always survives,
You mean in the fragments we were shown.

>> No.16217809


The exposure of truth sometimes results in tragedy. However, no matter how tragic the truth may be, it would be an even greater tragedy to avert one's eyes from it.

>> No.16217851

All three depending on your beliefs, reality is subjective.

>> No.16217883

Not when the truth is uneeded.

>> No.16217895

>he doesn't need truth in his life

Let me tell you about our Lord and savior knowledge

>> No.16217903

Yeah, let's reveal to our relatives all our worst fetishes.

>> No.16217990

You worded that wrong. We should strive to find out every little secret of our relatives and not reveal ours, that way we understand our dearest better

>> No.16218130

>We should strive to find out every little secret of our relatives
did you learn nothing from Higurashi?
some truths are unnecessary

>> No.16218397

Obviously meant to

>> No.16218819

>did you learn nothing from Higurashi?
>some truths are unnecessary
Did you learn nothing from umineko? Knowledge of your close relatives and friends could prevent disasters and Internet warriors destroying a small child's life

>> No.16218861

>Not when the truth is uneeded.
Don´t be a coward, the truth is always needed. Besides, without knowing the truth you cannot even decide in the first place if it is indeed uneeded. Thing that is impossible.

>> No.16218868

Even if it's really embarassing and not that important?

>> No.16218920

>Even if it's really embarassing and not that important?
Learning the truth of your relatives´ deaths is always important. And how can that be embarassing?

>> No.16218924

I'm talking generally here, since you said "the truth is always needed".

>> No.16218945

And the topic is still Ange learning the truth, don´t try to make ridiculous claims. Besides, my first post centered around tragedies and not wanting to learn from them, not embarassing incidents. Don´t bring in stupid stuff.

>> No.16219303

Once again magicfags show they're unable of any critical thinking

>> No.16219544

I really think Ange didn't need the truth. But it depends on your point of view obviously.
>acting as if there's a heated argument going on

>> No.16219712

>acting as if there's a heated argument going on
I'm just playing my part

>> No.16227573
File: 531 KB, 800x500, sbg_18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a Beatrice plushie.

>> No.16227602
File: 500 KB, 800x500, sbg_17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>These aren't real merchandise.
Come on.

>> No.16227770
File: 307 KB, 640x480, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did she mean by this?

>> No.16227924

i want to be torn into bloody pieces over and over by bernkastel

>> No.16227968
File: 459 KB, 800x500, sbg_07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So upon completing her journey, Ange gains an item to remember everyone by, and you're telling me THIS is one of the options.

>> No.16227975

I just started reading Umineko, and I'm on episode 4. Is there actually a human culprit answer to all this shit? I mean, there's magic thrown left and right thrown in the narrative and a lot of it seems like nonsense.

>> No.16227994

There is a human culprit. The magic's just unreliable narration, like Virgilia said in Episode 3 with her catbox explanation.

>> No.16228015

So are the non-fantasy parts actually considered real? I mean those parts can be fabricated too can't they? It's really hard to think about this when anything that's happening could be false or fabricated.

>> No.16228146

As the detective, Battler's perspective is objective. What his piece sees is what really happened, with the possible exception of the end of Episode 2 when he was drunk and had already surrendered to the illusion of the witch.

During scenes in which Battler is not present, in other words when we're seeing things from someone else's perspective, then what's being shown can potentially be a falsification based on that narrator's subjective point of view. This applies even outside of magic scenes.

>> No.16228156 [DELETED] 


>> No.16228165 [DELETED] 

Nani, my honey?

>> No.16228260 [DELETED] 
File: 482 KB, 960x960, beato cleavage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something just seems different about you today... Maybe it's nothing.

>> No.16228471
File: 694 KB, 640x480, 2016-12-08_20-49-43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The PS sprites were a mistake. I don't know if I should use the Steam ones or the originals.

>> No.16228570
File: 299 KB, 1280x1092, satoko eager.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the steam ones personally.

>> No.16229158

Thank you very much. I'll keep this in mind.

>> No.16229292

Delicious Satoko.

>> No.16229305

Best loli. I still need to try editing that towel out.

>> No.16229329 [DELETED] 


Beato I need a drink and a cigarette are these plentiful in the Golden Land?

>> No.16229399 [DELETED] 

Sure, would you like Absinthe, Bloody Krauss, or Bernkasteler Badstube to drink?

>> No.16229463 [DELETED] 
File: 310 KB, 640x480, ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well I accidentally blew up an Absinthe fountain before so let's go with the bernbad.

I am guessing the nightly bleedings of Krauss drink comes pre-filled with date rape drugs so I will avoid that one.

>> No.16229621
File: 253 KB, 498x747, 132690147195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Riddle me this, seacats.

/RED/Gohda is found dead in the kitchen.
/RED/Gohda definitely died in the kitchen.
/RED/Gohda can't lose in the kitchen.

Give my your Blue Truths.

>> No.16229654 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.76 MB, 2133x2214, 1481238676805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The human culprit is someone you don't expect.
Do NOT click on the spoiler pic.

>> No.16229679

/BLUE/ Gohda killed himself

>> No.16229684
File: 111 KB, 850x637, b490890ke85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a logic error, anon. The highest order of red truth in Umineko is that Gohda can not lose in the kitchen

>> No.16229717

/BLUE/ Gohda was defeated outside the kitchen and was mortally wounded. He succumbed to his injuries after escaping to the kitchen.
/BLUE/ Gohda starved to death in the kitchen

>> No.16229779

/RED/ Gohda was murdered!

/RED/ Gohda was attacked and killed while he was in the kitchen!
/RED/ Gohda did not starve to death!

I will deflect these measly Blue Truths!

>> No.16229853

I think I get it.
>Can't lose in the kitchen
It doesn't count as losing if there's not actual fight or contest going on. So it's possible that Gohda died in the kitchen without losing.
Someone shot Gohda dead through the kitchen door. That way Gohda died in the kitchen, without "losing".

>> No.16230143

A different Gohda killed Gohda.
Gohda died in the other Gohda's kitchen.

>> No.16231063
File: 483 KB, 865x623, When The Game Ends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ryukishi's new manga looks like something akin to To Love-Ru

>> No.16232958

>h-he's a really good author i swear!
>his works have very interesting themes... n-no really!

>> No.16232972

Her towel's shorter in the original though.

>> No.16232994
File: 548 KB, 1195x1676, 4fc1ba195592bb0a4d1c17571784ecaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The character's are really interesting and complex!

>> No.16233002

Yeah, well she was also explicitly shown naked in the original, something no adaptation since has had the balls to do.

>> No.16233014

Bern is not a fucking flower

>> No.16233088

>h-he must always work in the mystery genre!

>> No.16233103


>> No.16233125
File: 570 KB, 865x621, When The Game Ends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does have some sort of plot as well. I can't read Japanese though, so I have no clue what's going on here

>> No.16233146
File: 1.52 MB, 3536x5000, 5c88671761d0583cc5e3ec9306756113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16233152

I read "love love harem game" and "harem battle" on that page.

>> No.16233252

My nihongo's not very good.
"Yes, it's decided"
"My name's Zepafur! I am the one who controls love of men and women! Here and now, I will use all your mana and proclaim the great magic's activation!"
"I name it «Love love harem game»!"
"This is the beginning of a harem battle between the beauties surrounding you!"

>> No.16233258

WTC universe confirmed

>> No.16233292

So, is it a boy or a girl?

>> No.16233318

Oh shit, now we're in trouble. She said "waga", which is gender-neutral.

>> No.16233385

The manga's title also ends with "-koro ni"

>> No.16233392

Does Ryukishi's self-referencing know no bounds?

>> No.16233432

When did this happen?

>> No.16233442

After episode 8, In the Golden Land with Kanon.

>> No.16233460

But Kanon is an imaginary person.

>> No.16233512

Which part of the Golden Land do you not understand?

>> No.16233583

With an imaginary dick. What's your point?

>> No.16234903

>want to come up with fun mystery for /jp/ to solve
>terribly uncreative and no inspiration whatsoever
one day, anons

>> No.16234986

It's not easy, but there's a way.
First you need to make an impossible situation (locked room mystery/everyone has an alibi/footprints in the snow etc.)
Then the tricky bit is coming up with about 10 explanations that would work with the impossible situation.
Finally, discard all of those, and think of another one.

It really isn't easy, but it's possible. It just takes time.
Not trying to humble brag but I was the anon behind most of the mysteries in these threads. Also, I don't know who this new guy is who posted a Jessica mystery and a Gohda mystery, but it's not cool to just leave without giving an answer.

Long story short, keep trying anon. Hundreds have done it before you, and you can do it too.

>> No.16235028

This is gonna be a bit of a weird question, but imagine the entire Ushiromiya family went to Hogwarts. Which house would they be in and why?

>> No.16235055
File: 234 KB, 1318x1249, 04743809726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Krauss would be in Hufflepuff. He'd get a nice supply of Polyjuice Potion, grab some of Eva's hairs and rape everyone endlessly, man, woman and child. He'd feed Snape the potion and fuck Eva-Snape.

>> No.16235060

I still dont get why Krauss is made out to be a mass rapist suddenly
He was best uncle

>> No.16235076

Stupid forced meme

>> No.16235083

He'll force his Ushiromidick down your throat, that's for sure.

Best uncle was always Hideyoshi.

>> No.16235267

In fact, if you want help, you could always email me at comrade_cd@quitehotenvelopes
Don't think I can post actual email adresses, so work that out if you wanna talk

>> No.16235293

To the nearest dozen, how many chicks did Rufolf fuck?

>> No.16235363
File: 219 KB, 600x607, 5656355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's one catbox I don't want to open

I just realised I have a disturbing lack of Rudolf pics in my folder, anyone want to post some to help me out?

>> No.16236387

Will reading the manga refresh my foggy memory of umineko or is it a whole other beast?

>> No.16236421

It's pretty much the same except for Episode 8, which has a lot of new stuff

>> No.16236426

new stuff in addition to the VN or replacing the VN version?

>> No.16236452

Mostly in addition. There are some small changes like the quiz party being changed to hide-and-seek, but nothing major

>> No.16236477

Thank you I'll check it out.

>> No.16240565


>> No.16240687
File: 133 KB, 342x600, enj_c12_komaru1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the worst female outfit Ryuukishi's made? It just looks so unappealing.

>> No.16240818

Not as bad as Casual Shannon

>> No.16240916
File: 135 KB, 420x600, sha_c11_warai2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Casual Shannon's not great, but at least there's some colors. The St. Lucia uniforms are just those ugly browns.

>> No.16242102

>As in she'll likely spend an entire part on them.
Is this already available somewhere?

>> No.16242345

Not yet. There's already enough for another part, but I've been trying to finish the breast part in a single big part. Currently it's at over 1000 words.

>> No.16242421


>> No.16242426

Which witch would you leave in a ditch?

>> No.16242469
File: 165 KB, 605x600, mar_b11_komaru1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Goldsmith count? If not then MARIA.

Which witch would you hitch?

>> No.16242485

Bernkastel, I fucking hate her. She is loved by Lambda and Erika, yet she continously hurts them or ignores their love for her. Not to mention all the horrible stuff she did to others through the entire story. Ep 8's ending at least showed how she improved a little her relationship and attitude with the persons that care for her.

>> No.16242491

Gold is fine.

Also beato.

>> No.16242527
File: 646 KB, 1280x720, END_STORY_40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depending on how you interpret it, Bern was purposefully playing the role of villain in her game with Lambda, which is why she seems way less spiteful during their sleepovers outside the gameboard.

>> No.16242540

Lambda ends up hitting accidentally Erika with that magical arrow which makes her fall in love with her. Lambda at first tries to get away from her and ignore her annoying love to continue focusing on Bern. Eventually Lambda develops a soft spot for Erika and starts to return her affection/love. Lambda and Erika forget about Bern and decide to marry.

Best ending ever.

>> No.16242557
File: 452 KB, 898x926, dlanor wedding dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fine with Bern being forgotten, but there's someone else Erika could have been with.

>> No.16242609

meh, I think it's cute
just because it's plain doesn't mean it's bad

>> No.16242617

That's the most retarded post I've ever read

>> No.16242630
File: 266 KB, 1276x1200, __amakusa_juuza_beatrice_eva_beatrice_ushiromiya_ange_ushiromiya_battler_and_others_umineko_no_naku_koro_ni_drawn_by_niso__dd49512d4f8d42e8f4fd56c603da80c5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being able to make Ange look plain is quite an accomplishment.

>> No.16242677
File: 623 KB, 600x852, top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is your favorite stake?

>> No.16242730
File: 507 KB, 1280x720, 345665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16242811

I like it. I just though it looked like an overcoat too much.
I'm not a fan of this silhouette, but I think it's okay.

>> No.16242840

I think I mostly dislike the color scheme. Brown is very boring, not a color you'd typically make the main part of an outfit.

>> No.16242891

>Brown is very boring, not a color you'd typically make the main part of an outfit
it's a public school uniform
it's not gonna be bright fucking orange is it

>> No.16242924
File: 206 KB, 908x629, __furude_rika_hanyuu_houjou_satoko_houjou_satoshi_maebara_keiichi_and_others_higurashi_no_naku_koro_ni__9c29b3b62486e062a903d77edc386eec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but brown? All the other school uniforms from Higurashi looked more interesting.

>> No.16242935

St. Lucia is a private school.

>> No.16242961

meh, in britain it's the same thing

>> No.16243321

Ange dressed as Maria looks so silly. The hair ties just make the crown look even more childish. The Beatrice cosplay suits her though.

>> No.16243758
File: 3.95 MB, 1918x2112, Ange welcome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ange is for _____

>> No.16243967

I'm about to start my 3rd Umineko read-through in a while, and planning on drinking some Riesling with it. Has anyone ever made Bernkastel's cocktail from Higurashi (one part Riesling wine, one part orange juice, one part water). Is it horrible?

>> No.16243987

It sounds like it would be horrible.

>> No.16244014

being the best Seacat.

>> No.16244022


>> No.16244049
File: 412 KB, 1098x720, umineko loli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That applies to most seacats

>> No.16244087
File: 916 KB, 1925x574, Ange.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But which Ange is best of the best?

>> No.16244164
File: 343 KB, 640x480, 2016-12-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want someone to look at me the way ange looks at anything

>> No.16244206

Disinterested with a hint of disgust?

>> No.16244356

I don't recognize the last...where is it from?

>> No.16244369
File: 532 KB, 2000x1450, img000032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Episode 8 manga

>> No.16244372

Episode 8's manga. It's Ange as Witch of Resurrection.

>> No.16244790

Ah, I haven't read that yet.

>> No.16244797

I'd recommend it. Lot's of new stuff was added.

>> No.16245069

I wouldn't recommend it. Lot's of new stuff was added.

>> No.16245086
File: 2.32 MB, 1036x4966, Mother and daughter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not liking the new stuff

>> No.16245338

What do you think Nanjo smells like?

>> No.16245539

Chloroform, syringes and gunpowder

>> No.16245617
File: 1.35 MB, 491x5000, Shitty retcon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Liking the new stuff

>> No.16245631

Witch of Truth Ange is best Ange.

>> No.16245639

How so?

>> No.16245699

Oh, I dunno, the fact that Meta-Battler was implied all throughout the game to be Legend-Battler? The fact that TP1, where Meta-Battler first met Beatrice, came directly after EP1 and not the other way around? The fact the the boat ride was framed as a semi-happy ending for the Metaprotagonists (and a goodbye to the catbox for us) and not their prologue? Or maybe it's just the fact that it's complete bullshit. Yeah, let's go with that.

>> No.16245961

But the whole thing makes more sense this way. Stuff like who wrote which Episodes in the real world, how Meta-Battler became a player, and Rokkenjimma Prime's relationship with the gameboard.

In the real world, Legend was just a fictional scenario dreamed up by Yasu. Meta-Battler is supposed to be Beatrice's opponent, so how does it make sense for him to be a character that she wrote? Was Beatrice just reading Legend to herself with no opponent until the fictional Battler suddenly became sentient and challenged her? That doesn't make any sense. Meta-Battler had to exist before Legend began, and he needs to be a real person, not some piece.

>> No.16246264
File: 3.18 MB, 943x7517, stakes cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stakes are cute.

>> No.16246300
File: 191 KB, 599x505, Cor_a13_majime2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cornelia alone is cuter

>> No.16246368
File: 668 KB, 736x900, __cornelia_umineko_no_naku_koro_ni_drawn_by_kanene_nono__294ac22a16a86675e4023f535a7688a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's pretty cute for a roll of duct tape.

>> No.16247215
File: 136 KB, 405x480, bea_akuwaraib2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking the meta gives a shit about the 'real world' outside of the catbox
>'gameboards don't real'

>being this much of an anti-fantasyfag

>> No.16248641

I'll be reading it eventually, but once Yen Press puts it out.

>> No.16248667

Looks like we're autosaging. Does anyone know how that works? It's been a few years since I last used 4chan.

>> No.16248764

Threads start autosaging when they reach a certain number of posts. It's 310 on /jp/

>> No.16249024

Anyone taken a look at this? Looks neat.


>> No.16249277

Sorry, but who can help me with this 0:06-0:30 music? I just cant find it in BGM

>> No.16249302

Golden Sneer by Luck Ganriki

>> No.16249331

Jesus Christ, how shameful

>> No.16249415

in the BGM folder it's called 黄金の影修正版(ラック眼力)

>> No.16250356


>> No.16250418
File: 277 KB, 900x1323, 022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The new stuff is great though.

>> No.16250437

so Yasu is confirmed a girl?

>> No.16250467
File: 205 KB, 900x1323, 019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. Boy who thought they were a girl.

>> No.16250477

could that not be something to do with the cliff injury?

>> No.16250497

I mean, I guess it COULD. But being a guy seems to make more sense.

>> No.16250509

Technically all that's been confirmed is that Shannon's breasts are fake and that she's sterile. Whether that's due to being male or not is up to interpretation, but most seem to take it that way.

>> No.16250520

Some is, sure. But the Confession of the golden witch fucking infuriated me. "Look, I've found this bottle, what a coincidence hrrr". Also
>>16245617 (Holy shit, is this guy me?)
And I think including rules "just like in my higurashi" like that was completely unnecessary, if not retarded, I'd say.

>> No.16250548

>And I think including rules "just like in my higurashi"
That isn't from the manga though, they're first mentioned in Tsubasa

>> No.16250568

Sure, the setup for leading into Confession was kinda dumb, but it's execution was really well done. I also liked the new Erika vs Battler fight scene, the hide-and-seek instead of the quiz tournament, and Black Battler's appearance in the siege of the Golden Land.

>> No.16251221
File: 564 KB, 1223x900, Natsuhi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Natsuhi makes the family wear suits all the time at home.

>> No.16252415

No, but I'm glad to find someone who actually agrees with me on this. Only people who ever reply when I mention it do it to say "NO IT'S TOTALLY NOT A RETCON"

>> No.16252426

yasu confirmed for reverse trap sterile from superincest

>> No.16252465

Personally, I don't really mind if it's a retcon or not. I like the idea of meta Battler being Tohya's lost identity. I think it gives the final scene even more emotion.

>> No.16252476
File: 297 KB, 960x960, kanon reverse trap final 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reverse trap Yasu
So Jessica really was a lesbian.
