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1616915 No.1616915 [Reply] [Original]

Lets discuss the cancers that are killing the VN industry:

1) Over used archetypes eg. Tsundere, Manly bad ass, wimpy high schooler.
2) Out of place fan service
3) Generic run of the mill stories i.e high schooler gets powers, boss appears hilarity ensues.
4) Over saturation of high school themed romances.

So /jp/ what do you think?

>> No.1616924

what did /a/ think about their cancer?

>> No.1616926

I think that that is the cancer killing Japanese storytelling in general

>> No.1616931

Sup /a/ repost.

>> No.1616933

5) No good endings just to make it dramatic and "DEEP"

>> No.1616944

Ya this is nothing at all like what is happening to anime.

>> No.1616953

OP, what's your favorite VN?

>> No.1616958

VN industry?
No, it's the tendency of choices of gaijins who play/translate VNs.

>> No.1616963

Ever 17

>> No.1616974


You wouldn't like Ever17 as much if everything was like it, now would you?

>> No.1616978


It basically turned into a shitstorm with half of the people bitching and the other half to shut the fuck up.

>> No.1617004

The cancer killing Japanese animation is the flood of generic Shonen + Shoujo bullshit, every Shonen is just rehashed Naruto + One Piece, while every Shoujo is just rehashed Ranma + Tsundere.

>> No.1617011


That is the point, Ever 17 is unique, nobody even attempt to copy it.

>> No.1617018


Don't forget the flood of tsundere. Shana at least had an overarching plot and ACTION and whatnot, but Toradora is basically just "here's a tsundere and nothing else, and you'll still eat it up because you're a bunch of mindless trash, n-not that I care if you like it or not".

>> No.1617024

all my visual novels are from type-moon or key. do i win or fail?

>> No.1617043

Toradora is funny though, you are supposed to watch it for the humor, Shakugan no Shana is just a shitty naruto wannabe + Tsundere main female character.

>> No.1617052

You could use some Nitro+ in your diet, but I approve.

>> No.1617073

Toradora actually has legitametly likeable characters and is pretty damn entertaining, Shana was boring as all fuck on top of a generic shounen plot.

>> No.1617076

oh yeah i have chaos;head as well.
what else have they done that's translated?

>> No.1617079


>> No.1617086


Phantom of Inferno.

>> No.1617081

Toradora actually has legitimately likable characters and is pretty damn entertaining, Shana was boring as all fuck on top of a generic shounen plot.

>> No.1617094


Waiting for Saya and GnC patiently.
Lets hope the VN translation community notice how awesome Nitro+ is start translating them.

>> No.1617096

Phantom of Inferno. It's hard as hell to track down a working torrent and the format for the English version is shitty, but it's a fucking badass VN all around.

>> No.1617105

Wasn't there some rumor about Hello, World getting a translation too?

>> No.1617114

Didn't I just counteract this shit on /a/?

>> No.1617121

Wasn't Ranma a shounen series?

>> No.1617117

ugh. at this rate i'll actually have to learn how to read japanese instead of just speaking it if i want to enjoy any other visual novels.

>> No.1617163

quick question: why is ever 17 the only non-eroge visual novel released in english?(as far as i know anyway)

>> No.1617167


Because it's fucking awesome.

>> No.1617174
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Maybe because it is good?

>> No.1617179

and apparently phantom of inferno too but that seems to be buggy as hell.

>> No.1617183

Assuming you mean officially released, I'm pretty sure everything released by Hirameki was either not an eroge originally or had the H scenes removed.

>> No.1617200

have to look into those then even though theres only like 10.

there are OTHER good ones too though.

>> No.1617241

and sadly that company decided to stop translating games.

>> No.1617262


I wonder what was Hirameki thinking when they decided to release it on a DVDPG.
I am sure they would have higher sale if it wasnt in some shitty DVDPG format.

>> No.1617264


They went bankrupt.

>> No.1617278

i hate our economy and the fact that the smaller companies that try to release visual novels end up dying. now if some insanely huge company with money to burn was releasing these then there'd be no problem.

>> No.1617294

hourglass of summer was a commercial non-h vn release

>> No.1617299


Try convincing General Motors there's an aftermarket in servicing visual novels then. They love burning billions of dollars on stupid shit.

>> No.1617307


Electronic Arts: Visual Novel branch. If you think Chaos Head was bad with the product placement, wait until you see the re-translated Ever 17's "I'm sick of these TYSON chicken sandwiches" scenes.

>> No.1617319

VNs mostly appeal to ronery virgins. There is no money to be made in the US market.

>> No.1617341

sadly enough that was the first group i thought of to do that and knowing them thered not only be tons of ads but theyd be on every console known to man.

no that's not it. just too lazy to read.

>> No.1617366

Yeah, which is why no one has bothered to create an English community for discussion of VNs.

>> No.1617432

the more i think about it the more i realize america does not have things relevant to my interests anymore.

this isn't really related but it's similar situation, is it just me or does anyone else think it's kinda annoying that you can buy american music in the japanese itunes store but you can't buy japanese music in the u.s. itunes store?

>> No.1617463

Most ronery virgins know how to pirate VNs
