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16167662 No.16167662 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>16151058

Game links:
>r18 games
>all ages games


>Eng Wiki Links (Unless otherwise mentioned)

Millennium War Aigis:
>Eng Wiki
>Jp Wiki

>English DMM Character List
>Jp ULMF thread:
>Eng ULMF thread:
>XP chart

Osawari Island:
>Jp Osawari wiki
>Osawari chat
>Jp Alchemy Page
>Osawari Friend Code List

Girl's Kingdom:
>Jp Wiki

Kanpani Girls:
>Jp Wiki
>Additional Info

Dragon Providence:
>Jp Wiki

Quiz of Valkyrie:
>Jp Wiki

Flower Knight Girl:
>Eng DMM Wiki
>Jp Wiki

Shooting Girls:
>Jp Wiki

Idol Wars Z:
>Jp Wiki


Miscellaneous links:
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Sengoku Providence:

>> No.16167672

I want to fuck Rinne.

>> No.16167708

Can't really speak on the first, but yes, it's still pretty active on DMM. Currently ranked #10 on 18+ and #28 on all ages.

>> No.16167713

What's the rapey-est game on DMM?

>> No.16167764

Kamihime is up there. Or Inyouchuu if you count tentacle rape.

>> No.16167772


I keep that a DMM game for that exists. How is it?

>> No.16167778

Keep forgetting.

It must be late/This must be good beer. Maybe both.

>> No.16167794

I played it for a month or so when it launched, non-stop ranking events that needed points from raid battle. And grinding girls high up enough to see their H-scenes took forever.

>> No.16167902

A little bit like Taimanin Arena, with a bit of sillyness. The last event had you hunting down tentacles, extract spermy kind of substance out of them then bukakke the earth with it to repopulate the Earth with those slimy substance.

Currently it's player vs player ranking event. If you defeat a guy who have Nightmare, the monster who have Horse head that likes to rape and ntr the heroines from you as the player's avatar card. It will have an image of the mc fucking it if the player lost to you.

Don't recommend playing it unless you are a big Inyouchuu fan.

>> No.16167945

I'm enough of a fan that this all sounds hilarious and interesting, but the gameplay itself doesn't sound the least bit appealing.

>> No.16168323

Apparently there's a bug where you can get more than one black ticket somehow

>> No.16168386


Finally did it. Did a few mess ups and got Cloris or the prince killed yesterday but I got a smooth run this time.

>> No.16168389

there's also http://sp.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm30109478

>> No.16168557

How? I still haven't used it yet.

>> No.16168573

No point exploiting it, it'll just get you briefly suspended while they correct your account.

>> No.16168605

1.5k rainbow crystals and I don't know what's the best use for them

>> No.16168643

Get Cynthia and Dark Knight.

>> No.16168689

Neither seems that great.

>> No.16168769

Dark knight has great ranged damage as a decently tanky unit and buffs the best tank in the game, while Cynthia aside from being able to buff your tank's defenses and the damage of units like Rion, is a great tank herself, with up to 3700 hp with skill awakening and 40 base MR.

Or you can save it for time fairies.

>> No.16168792


>> No.16168850
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I kind of messed up some units below the bottom half so this is not too accurate.

>> No.16168891
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I changed my opinions constantly throughout so it's probably a bit inaccurate but here are my top.

>> No.16169014

If only I used this before I roll for my black.

>> No.16169397
File: 125 KB, 100x948, stillcantdecide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll keep my ticket till december so i can do my monthly rolls and see what i get, minimizing the risk of doubles or overlaps. And here is my list.

>> No.16170012

I have a plat exp fairy and I have no idea who I should level up, send help.
Dont bother with the event unit, she's not even close to perfect.

>> No.16170016
File: 247 KB, 560x340, help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot image because i'm stupid.

>> No.16170076

If any kind soul would add me on Nutaku's X-Overd so I can complete the 5 friend panel task.

My ID is 74466 , feel free to take a few jabs at the Gate keeper too

>> No.16170080

Could go for the empire strategist. 1 to 50 only just barely goes under the exp given by plat exp fairy so there's little to none wasted. she's also a pretty good unit.

Rikka also is low level and used a lot in harder maps, but she might be a little complicated to use with what I assume is a fairly low level team. Leona isn't exactly easier but she helps the team a lot more.

>> No.16170087

The hardest decision for me is between the soldier and Leona really, its just that I dont know how i'd put Leona on my team, I already have some really good damage on my team.

>> No.16170093

The soldier. You will never take her out of your team, trust me.

>> No.16170117

Report on the latest Aigis update? My friend just pulled Misha out of the 2k gacha; what all unreleased units has Nutaku fucking FINALLY put in the game?

>> No.16170171

You mean, DevTea? Nutaku didn't do shit in all of their game.

>> No.16170186

Yeah, them. Hard to say which is worse, anyway.

Also, did some digging; for some reason we got mischa, but still no nenya, kagerou, or silver monk
I'm grateful to get at least one of them, but fucking why only the one?

>> No.16170303

We got Claire too. And the current spotlight has Fignelia.

If we got her of all people, it's safe to say we'll probably get everyone else in due time, but they still have a fuckton of problems to fix (Trading Post, shrine Liana, a consistent event schedule, etc.), and after almost two years of needing to get their shit together, it's probably too little too late by this point.

>> No.16170359
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We can only hope.

>> No.16170486

Just booted up DMM Aigis after a long hiatus to 28 crystals and a ticket to redeem a free black of my choice: Who should I pick? I'm drawn to either Olivie or Mikoto, but I don't know who's the best out of the bunch.

>> No.16170492

All black are worth having.
Let your penis guide you.

>> No.16170613
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Could go either way on Aisha/B.Iris. Dina reigns supreme.

Priestess (male)

>> No.16170647

Time is the key, they don't work fast and that happened very recently.

>> No.16170661

Nutaku FKG BF strawpoll.


>> No.16170891

All blacks are balanced but some are more balanced than others.

>> No.16171102
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So this is what disappointment feels like.

>> No.16171155

She brings a tank to a swordfight.

>> No.16171160

I don't get it
Did you pick a unit and think she's bad?

>> No.16171222

I'm extremely bored so I'm just rerolling secondary accounts for something fancy. She's from my third account's 3/3 reroll.

>> No.16171287

You can't pick Machina.

>> No.16171346

Is she that bad? From my understanding she's basically a physical estelle.

>> No.16171576

Alchemists aren't particularly great right now. When people run an Alchemist they already have an extremely strong physical damage team that is just using the class purely for it's utility and not it's low damage. The only time I think I've seen the class really used is on Majin Bifrons using multiple maxed gacha Vampire Hunters and a Dancer and even then it was just a silver because the rarity of the unit doesn't really matter. Outside of situations like that where you already have absurd multipliers and a very strong team the class doesn't bring much that you can't just use actual magic damage for.

>> No.16171591

I would actually really appreciate an alchemist, since I have exactly the kind of physical damage-focused team that benefits the most from them.

Makina also wears glasses, making her one of the best girls in Aigis by default.

>> No.16171603

There's a silver alchemist that drops from one of the final magic city maps and also a glasses clad one in the daily revival.

>> No.16171613

How do I get AW prince?

>> No.16171618

Clear mission 5/7 of the Jungle story maps. No need for 3*.

>> No.16171623

Her steam tank gives more healing than Farune and Sophie combined.

>> No.16171626

Alchemists in general, maybe, but Machina's pretty amazing. SAW is 2.5x attack and 2.5x splash on her attacks (caps at 641 base attack, so over 1600 attack with enormous splash) and she has a token that auto-heals all allies and puts -30% defense on all enemies, auto and permanent for 15 cost.

I'd be thrilled to roll her. She's a fucking beast.

>> No.16171630

Yeah, I'm definitely raising Korin once I get my main team in order.

Finish the 70-cost jungle map. You just need to clear it, even 1* is fine.

>> No.16171643

I actually didn't even know she had the token, guess I'll have to look at how it works.

>> No.16171659
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>> No.16171718

I rolled her ages ago and she's still un-CC level 1. Maybe I should start working on her.
But it takes deployment slot, so not very fair comparison.

>> No.16171719
File: 24 KB, 178x80, fkg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you gaman not spending your shit for gacha on these kind of games?
I wanted to wait until the next month in case they do something cool for christmas but now I just want to get to 150 and spend it even though I'm not interested in the current girls.

>> No.16171735
File: 4 KB, 182x31, GimmeANewIvy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I save it for something I want. In the case of FKG, there just hasn't particularly been anyone I've really wanted for a few months.

>> No.16171737
File: 143 KB, 561x331, wew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys feel about the Nutaku Aigis? I feel like I'm at a brick wall in it just waiting to farm events for crystals in hopes of getting good units but I'm probably just being stupid about what I've already got.

Here's my current team, and I'm not sure a better way to take screenshots of everything else I've got that might be notable.

>> No.16171750

It's a pretty bad version of the game lacking in content and units, but also the only one in English. Do what your heart/dick desires.

Team looks pretty solid. Start thinking about AW and which units you want to give priority to.

>> No.16171755

>But it takes deployment slot
So do Farune and Sophie.

>> No.16171776

Machina + Tank = 2 slots
Farune = 1 slot

>> No.16171785

Farune takes one slot and does at best half as much.

>> No.16171789

True damage > half ass two slot support

>> No.16171825

Farune is not that good. Healing is what separates her from the event unit summoner.

>> No.16171831

I would aim to AW Spica if I were you. Katie is also nice, but we might get Aria pretty soon as well.

>> No.16171863


I'm not gonna lie, I've pretty much completely forgotten about AWing shit. I also fucked up and CC'd Katie as soon as possible at level 30 because I didn't know shit.

Other plats I have:

>Pupuru (event maxxed)
>Maribel (4/5 skill, max cost reduced)
>Elva (level 1 shit, first event I could actually get something out of)

And a couple silvers like Percis, Ertel, Niel, nothing too spectacular that I know of.

>> No.16171869 [DELETED] 

We just had Aria two months ago. She won't be back for a while.

>> No.16171905

I usually store flower stones with a particular character in mind, since between NND broadcasts, the fixed revival schedule (where each event gets a revival 6 months after its inception) and character dialogue (which regularly previews future additions, we currently have Phlox, Kalmia, Artemisia, Cocklebur, Cacao and Sweet William in the "yet to arrive" category, for example) I have a decent idea whether I can roll at will or have to wait for a specific girl.

>new Ivy
We're probably getting new Apricot and Hoya today, so maybe a new version of another girl is in order too.

Ivy should at least show up in either this event or the next, so there's that as well.

>> No.16171938

Well, you can use that Katie as fodder if the planets align and we get another one one day. But a mincosted Aria will fix that mistake easily. I would aim for Spica and Garania myself. Can't go wrong with some strong dps.

>> No.16172036


Alright thanks a bunch. That's true, Spica quickly became one of my "deploy literally every single game" units once I finally saved up 200 crystals for her. Plus doesn't her AW give an archer damage buff aura too? Will help Bashira too.

>> No.16172143
File: 556 KB, 845x558, aigis2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it ok to use one of these pink haired girls that get golds to level 50 or it'd be a waste on her?

>> No.16172148

Go ahead and use it on her.

>> No.16172151

Go ahead, level 1->5 is like 1 fodder unit

>> No.16172192

So I started DMM X-Overd recently and just unlocked limited/daily dungeons. How does the current event work and do I have time to get even a single free unit out of it?

>> No.16172193
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She's stronk now.

>> No.16172278

now cc her asap

>> No.16172368

How do I get the fairy storage up to x99 that I see images of sometimes

>> No.16172371
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Looks like the compilation of posts about the second FKG convention is up on the 2ch blog, and darn, these folks sure have nice hauls.

Too bad we won't ever see most of these. I'd have liked some of these character pins and key holders.

>> No.16172382

You just keep putting fairies there?

>> No.16172399
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>Royal Princess
>Dat Anemone

Fantastic taste

>> No.16172419
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Bonus DG for lolicon knightmasters. Looks like it's by Macaroni Hourensou?

You'll need to buy the barracks before you can access it.

>> No.16172434

I bought one of them already

>> No.16172461
File: 469 KB, 717x1012, 60022021_p1_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Broom book is great too, judging from the previews. Yuri with Broomrape when?

You'll need to buy the second as well. Fairy storage comes automatically following its purchase.

I've been playing since Metus event and never really felt the need to buy even the first barracks, though, so I wouldn't rush it.

>> No.16172463

We play it but we don't hold out hope for it.
As for your team, I'd consider swapping Cypria out for Lucille. Also AW should be a consideration for you now, and sadly I'd have to recommend Iris first then Spica, or the duelist of your choice (Themis, Lolonee or even Lucille), Belinda and Garania would be a consideration for your 3rd or 4th AW.

Katie is to be not leveled any more at all and hopefully one day she can be combined with 3 fairys into a new one.

You're sitting on decent ranged units and almost as good duelists, basic healing and early deployment units, I'd say a couple more gacha units would help you out, but thats purely up to you.

>> No.16172488

>R-18 Ivy book

Someone, anyone, I'm begging you. Please deliver.

>> No.16172493
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The cutest/lewdest.

>> No.16172505
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The preview for that is on Pixiv here, if you're interested: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=59846607

That sure is some admirable devotion to Ivy, though.

>> No.16172720
File: 148 KB, 952x539, guess ill choose you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pulled three times by now. Three times I got her as the guaranteed SSR. I hope she's good.

>> No.16172736


Why Iris first? I didn't think she does anything special, but I can see why having a higher healer would be good too.

Also, I'm 100% free and just now broke 50 SC, and I heard a thing about you're supposed to save them up for big burst purchases.

>> No.16172768

Not him but Iris's AW passive is pretty nice to have, much more so in cost tight or desert maps. Her, Spica, Garania or Belinda are solid AW picks.

About SC, ideally you would save 150 for the ticket but...Devtea.

>> No.16172917

Iris can be one of your first if you want, but I'd probably pick someone like Spica over her as one of my first few AWs. Her healbomb AW passive is nice, but I find myself generally not needing it.

>> No.16172963

On DMM I'd definitely prefer Iris first, because the abundance of Alegria makes it very easy to max her out and an AW80 healer is definitely not to be trifled with. On Nutaku though, Spica is probably the better choice.

Though well, if you're just beginning to AW stuff on Nutaku, then switching to DMM is the best option, especially with the black tickets they've just implemented. "Free B. Iris to everyone at rank 10" is a pretty convincing deal.

>> No.16173089
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Maybe it's time to quit this game...

>> No.16173126


What if I don't know enough moon to be able to play on DMM though?

>> No.16173152

You don't need any.

>> No.16173155

Everybody knows enough moon to be able to play on DMM, especially if you've played on Nutaku first. The UI is intuitive enough.

If you're worried about class perks, skills and AW abilities, there's an English wiki for the DMM version now. If you're worried about not enjoying the game much because you can't read the event text, there's a guy on ULMF who regularly translates them.

It also makes for a good excuse to actually start learning moon, which helps you in a good range of /jp/-related interests.

>> No.16173186

I'd have already quit many games for good if they didnt made me discover I have a gambling addiction.
j-just one more coin...

>> No.16173316
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What's the most OP black unit you can get with the ticket? I need something that will help me cheese through the game. From what I've been reading, a lot of people seem to say Iris, would that be right?

My current team, don't mind the double necro.

>> No.16173365

Iris, Nanaly, Aisha, Kayou.

>> No.16173389

Aisha and to a lesser extent Kayou are only good once you've raised them a bit, in that sense Iris is a better choice. Rion is also similarly good to Nanaly.

I think Grace, Nataku, Rinne, and Minerva are all good choices too.

Probably the best unit to cheese just the early game is Mortena though, she can solo a lot of early content.

>> No.16173398

Iris can turn nearly everything into a beastly physical tank for a very generous duration, has a pretty neat AW passive on top of that, and as a healer is one of the core classes that you can't do without. She's the default black ticket choice for a good reason.

Aisha is an alternative, but she's more of a "win more" character and requires substantially more investment to be worth her salt. Between the screen clear button, 14% extra HP to everyone, and the -30% cooldown class ability, however, it's not hard to see why she's the other no-brainer option.

Rinne (area healing at an absurd range, 30% dodge to everyone in that range, death insurance token), Rion (the single best DPS skill in the game, made even better by dancers, a core unit in majin stages), Kayou (every boss starts with 80% HP, strong magic damage to multiple targets in range) and Cornelia (a tank that handles everything that can possibly be tanked) are other popular choices. But if in doubt, go with B. Iris.

>> No.16173408

Mortena can also cheese any map that features tough melee/short-range units (or melee bosses) standing around at the beginning of the stage, most notably orc heroes and silver bolt demons, with 5-cost cerberuses that rapid-fire nuke for 500 magic damage apiece unboosted.

>> No.16173415

Bah, so many choices. I kinda like the idea of Cornelia, since as you notice, I'm completely lacking in a real tank for my current team, but I feel like healer is probably the most important role and Iris is probably the best at that.

And yeah, I read that Aisha is more of an 'endgame' booster, so she won't do me too much good unless I can actually get there in the first place.

>> No.16173417

I never hear anyone speak of Moltena. How does she work? Don't really feel like choosing someone like B. Iris that's kinda plain and boring.

>> No.16173440

Think of Mortena as a necromancer, but instead of getting 5-cost 7-9 disposable skeleton soldiers that do little damage, you get superior 2 5-cost melee orthus(cerberus when awakened) with ranged magic damage that's three times the fire rate of a necromancer. Her skill refills 1 more cerberus and also buffs her and her dog's attack.

I suppose you've fought enemy cerberuses before, especially on the last event (Ruchia's). That's Mortena's tokens' attack speed.

>> No.16173452

Actually, both Moltena and her tokens deal true damage.

She, like almost every black, is solid for normal content, though she does suffer in majin stages. But if you aren't looking for long-term utility, just pick whomever you like.

If you are, however, looking for long-term utility, then well, enjoy your Iris.

>> No.16173460

Only on SAW automatic skill activation. Otherwise she and her dogs deal magic.

SAW Mortena can melt down entire hordes of angels and demons, which are notorious for their high MR.

>> No.16173494

I see, my bad.

Though well, I never had too much problem with angels or demons. Physical damage tackles them just fine, I don't think they're worth spending a black ticket over.

>> No.16173506

The point on using Mortena isn't for angels and demons though. You're using Mortena to cheese boss fights, killing them before they even started moving.

>> No.16173565
File: 85 KB, 443x115, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do these fodder units do? Just got Iris with the ticket, and not sure if or when they should be used on her.

>> No.16173574

Ah, didn't mean to select the normal fairy. The other 3 is what I mean, obviously.

>> No.16173592

Can she do that with stuff that's ranged? Like if those big elephant things with a mage on top was shuffling about

>> No.16173594

In order:

Light fairy maximizes your unit's skill level

Revival fairy is a rainbow fairy that increases the skill level of only one particular skill. Check what each of your revival fairy's skills give.

>> No.16173596

>And yeah, I read that Aisha is more of an 'endgame' booster, so she won't do me too much good unless I can actually get there in the first place.

Aisha's good for everything. And honestly not particularly astounding at "endgame."

They boost the skill of whatever revival unit you got them during the revival of, or any other unit with the same skill.

Your screenshot is a little weird, being four units of the five unit row. I'm sure you know what the iron fairy does. Far left is max skill fairy, if you wanted to know that one, too.

>> No.16173608

Maximizes unit skill level? That sounds pretty valuable. Is it a bad idea to use it immediately on Iris, or does skill level go down from CC/Awakening or something like that?

Also, yeah, I used the snipping tool to take the screenshot and accidentally included the iron fairy.

>> No.16173622

I used one of my three light fairies on Aisha, so I personally don't see it as a waste.

Light fairies are good on units with a lot of skill levels (see: Odette) that require an unrealistic amount of rainbow fairies to max it.

>> No.16173633


>> No.16173636

Mmm. Guess I'll just hold onto it I guess. If the skill changes and I lose the level, either one CC or awakening, not much point to using it now.


>> No.16173647

No unit changes skill on awakening. Once you CC her, you can use it on her if you want.

>> No.16173680


Alright, I might try it out. I guess I can power through a lot of it since it's really easy at first. I don't like the idea of restarting at all, but hey.

>> No.16173688

Lot of us restarted that way. Back in the Odette drought I made the switch and it's been so much better aside from the whole not understanding the language part. Get so much SC and events.

>> No.16173701
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>99% original assets

So the 1% is gonna be the loli, obviously.

Abandoned before it even began.

>> No.16173713

Just play both and see if you like DMM enough to switch or you'd rather keep playing in English. If you think it's a hassle, just quit. No big deal.

If nothing else, it gives you more Aigis to play since it takes all of 10 minutes to blow through your resources in any version.

>> No.16173722 [DELETED] 
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Can't be the loli.

>> No.16173726
File: 61 KB, 480x459, 15178067_1337269846325182_7802735147857400856_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't be the loli.

>> No.16173732

Do those tengu that drop a spike that does a shit ton of damage just target your last dropped unit within their range?

>> No.16173734

Boobjob in H-Scene

>> No.16173750

Every ranged enemy in Aigis targets your last dropped unit within its range, with very few exceptions (like Palfy/Chizuru's taunt skills).

Any kind of cheap token is very useful against these tengu for that reason.

Yeah, that plus paywall before the game even begins means it's confirmed shit.

Time to drop it.

>> No.16173767 [DELETED] 
File: 769 KB, 1136x640, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks fine to me.

>> No.16173774

How does this even happen?

>> No.16173775 [SPOILER] 
File: 769 KB, 1136x640, 1480309147012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks fine to me.

>> No.16173794

three arms?

>> No.16173832

that's an oppai loli by default tho.

Where's the real loli?

>> No.16173885
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Can't be arsed to double check, but I think that's all the plats. うぇ~~~い

>> No.16173893
File: 46 KB, 328x407, pXKwVnq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


good job

>> No.16173917

Who would you all say are fun black charas to use? Being useful is a bonus too

>> No.16173926

What do you mean fun? I have fun winning so anything that lets me win is fun.

I also find blacks like berna and despia hilarious where they can be put on a choke point and anything that tries to go through it dies.

>> No.16173935

Syballa is fun for her hotdrop zone of death and destruction ability. She clears armor heavy maps mostly by herself.

>> No.16173939
File: 81 KB, 960x640, csNGLNA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorimura Youji is pulling no punches.

Purslane here is the rainbow, while the gacha golds are new versions of Maple and Hoya.

>> No.16173941

I picked Alice and had fun watching her spin kicking the goblins. Can't stop smiling and happy that I picked her when seeing her in action.

>> No.16173948

I love Alice. So deceptively tank for a small girl. Can't wait for her 2nd AW. The only thing I don't like is she doesn't spin all the time.

>> No.16173958

My only blacks are Aisha and Rion. Who should I pick?

>> No.16173959

yes left one got three arms.
two left arms one right

>> No.16174016

Just gimmicky units or units that work very differently from regularly used units. I think Rakshasa suicide bombing looks fun to use if it works like how I interpret it

>> No.16174185
File: 162 KB, 1000x1000, CyU_6a-VEAAdO20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kamihime had a big update today.

Aside from [Santa]Satan and others in gacha there are two new features:
-Ability autobattle. Now you can switch to the second autobattle mode in which characters will first spamm all of their abilities before attacking and will continue to use them when they go off cooldown.
-Accessories and Accessory quests. Not sure what these do, twitter said they 'further enhance your Kamihimes'. Rings on the accessory screen all have attack and hp stats, first I thought this was some kind of a marriage system.
-New tier 1 and tier 2 Eirei - Yukimura and Masamune. Use spears and bows.
-Tyr got maximum limit break treatment.(5 stars)

>> No.16174195

I love how they keep repeating "they are MINOR changes, you don't need to know, move along".
So much for "transparency".

>> No.16174202

Yes, they changed all minors into majors ...

>> No.16174239
File: 183 KB, 829x560, kamipro147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I see how it works now. It's basically an equipment which increases individual stats. The accessory element must match Kamihime's element to be equipped.

>> No.16174254


>> No.16174280

anyone playing xoverd invite me for friend 146312

>> No.16174352

happy now?

>> No.16174437 [DELETED] 

Maintenance Period
November 29, 2016 (Tue) 2AM ~
November 29, 2016 (Tue) 4AM (EST) (Estimated Completion Time)

Maintenance Details
Limited Time Event
- The Urgent Mission "2 saints" is now in progress

Other Changes
- Changed the Unit boosted in Premium Summon


>> No.16174452

more lolis?

>> No.16174453

Maintenance to change gacha units.

>> No.16174457
File: 1.74 MB, 963x3656, 300miss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks, I needed that. Not pictured: an extra 2 10+1 rolls of FAIL with purchased gems. The wait continues.

>> No.16174571
File: 595 KB, 700x444, event.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These events make me forget that I'm a poor fag.

What do you guys do with your duplicated 6*s? they get eaten?

>> No.16174596
File: 966 KB, 957x635, baa and other incredible tales.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best part is that the event girl is the cutest.

>> No.16174666

What are the chocolate cakes and hearts you get from this event for?

>> No.16174749

Looks like nutaku aigis has a update tommorow too, at most they're adding a new unit or two though, the star event isn't being touched.

>> No.16174786

someone posted about it already but deleted post for what ever reason

>> No.16175376

Palemoon has a lot of trouble running Aigis all of a sudden. Was there some kind of update?

>> No.16175389


>> No.16175434

Yeah, palemoon 27 was launched. I have downloaded a portable 26.5 version while I wait to see if they fix it or not.


You can downgrade or find the portable version there.

>> No.16175560

This is pretty awful. It keeps stuttering every half a second. Are a lot of people complaining? I really don't want to bother getting an older version.

>> No.16175618

Which r-18 game has the most lolis?

>> No.16175636


>> No.16175838

Just a cute reskin of normal affection items.

>> No.16175867

What makes cornelia such a good tank?

>> No.16175916

Her class, her stats and her skill.

>> No.16175988
File: 956 KB, 833x606, FLOWER KNIGHT GIRL ~X指定~ - オンラインゲーム - DMM GAMES R18 (16).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Ringo-style nosebleeding*

>> No.16176316
File: 975 KB, 961x639, DragonBro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck it. My main team has no room for gold units. May as well boost my male team. Seems like he can take a pretty good beating now.

>> No.16176344

Who /still haven't used black ticket/ here?

>> No.16176457

If you haven't raised Margret, she's usable in Majin maps despite being gold.

>> No.16176620

Anyone got a good strategy to 1 star the current nutaku event?

>> No.16176653

Do you really need strategy to 1* it?

>> No.16176660

Well, I sure as hell will never be able to 3* Whirl Power G, fuckin liches and the fact I dont have a third healer.

>> No.16177440
File: 533 KB, 760x489, Vergamot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why aren't there more 4*s from that country?
My teams are a shit.

>> No.16177445

>just pulled Rosetto from the crystal gacha
>skill is literally the fucking Sword of Damocles

I can't imagine she's better than Sukuha (my only other princess on DMM), but how good is she? What does Damocles do? Is there any particular significance to silver now apparently getting 5 extra levels?

>> No.16177451

>he doesn't have at least 4 healers and a priest armor

>> No.16177507
File: 298 KB, 317x459, 317x459xE38395E382AFE382B7E382A2_E38395E382AFE382B_(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy moly. I'm definitely going to kai this girl.

>> No.16177566

Sword of Damocles - For 50 seconds, all silver units gain 1.2x attack and defense. Upon expiry, HP is halved. 75s init/cd

Ability: Silver Charge - While in the active team, all silvers' initial timers are shorter (by 30%, I think).
lv55 Ability: Silver Full Charge - Same as above, and all silvers gain 5% max hp.

lv55 is basically AW for silvers; they all gain an ability.

>> No.16177582

I hate most evolution art for being stupidly skimpy and badly designed, but this one is among my most hated of all the units I have.

My enthusiasm for her bloom is only due to wanting something better than -that.-

>> No.16177605

I like how her raincoat still looks like her flower, but yeah, her base form is so much cuter that it's not even a contest. At least they're aware of evolved versions not being too well liked, since pretty much every bloomed art is based on the base art instead.

Thankfully Shuz is a very active artist, so she may end up getting her next evolution soon.

>> No.16177650

Holy damn, that's pretty amazing, especially since I don't have that many great units yet. I assume the HP halving effect is just for Rosetto, and not every silver?

>> No.16177837


>> No.16178024
File: 44 KB, 486x530, CyZetYlVIAAspIU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twitter has now announced the new empire gacha this coming Thursday featuring 3 empire units.

Black-rarity swordmaster Siegleide.

>> No.16178028
File: 50 KB, 650x530, CyZesEcUsAA4V-q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Platinum-rarity monster slayer Ralf.

>> No.16178032
File: 28 KB, 357x530, CyZeqlEUUAAAN9c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gold-rarity sailor Frey.

>> No.16178069

Not as cute as Marie.

>> No.16178132

I'll be getting all of these if I can regardless, with my entire stockpile of 30SC. I have a huge boner for the empire faction.

>> No.16178332

And more to come.

>> No.16178410

I wish we have male gatcha. I want to make male only team.

>> No.16178431

A few years ago the producer mentioned he was entertaining the idea of adding optional BL with the prince maybe with a pretty boy unit available at the trading post, but it doesn't seem there was much support for it.

>> No.16178521

>pretty boy

>> No.16178878

Pretty boys are faggots.

>> No.16178931

Bros like Jerome or cute boys like Conrad

>> No.16178967

Yay more lolis for nutaku aigis!!!

>> No.16178979

Niel being in the game is a pretty good compromise.

>> No.16178981

An update just for Diina. That double i is going to annoy me though.

>> No.16179086

What do swordmasters do?

>> No.16179088
File: 432 KB, 1275x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, I can set the secretary again.

Rest in peace heartmark thingy, you will not be missed.

>> No.16179097

I wanted to play this but there's no lewds, alas.

>> No.16179188

masters of one specific things

>> No.16179387

Where are the girls that give you money or stamina for touching them??

>> No.16179420

you need to to become gigolo for that

>> No.16179446

i should really save up some money for food and clo... roll roll roll...

>> No.16179465

>even saving up for 150 SC rolls only gives me around 60% chance of rolling at least one black
Man, after all that time I really wanted to have a better chance

>> No.16179528

they just gave away a free black for everyone...

>> No.16179532

Doesn't really change any of what I said.

>> No.16179549

Just did 6 phalanx III on nutaku aigis... these droprates rival fairy rescue for shit tier.

1. crystal
2. nothing
3. crystal, ruby, plat
4. nothing
5. crystal, plat
6. crystal

This was with celia (aw) and cuterie.

>> No.16179726
File: 241 KB, 900x1080, 5dc88ac38f43947ff3da402f1425fad9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I don't even like lolis!
Though Dina (Diina?) actually has some mosquito bites on her, she's not completely flat...

>> No.16179734

she's also damn ugly in her ingame art
Her only hope is 2AW, but thats never hoping to nutaku

>> No.16179769

Is it too late? Every whale and their mom are hopping on DMM train already.

>> No.16179892

I play both. But dmm is just too far ahead and devtea has to do a lot more then a half assed gold rush and adding some units we should have had years ago.

>> No.16179910

I'm sure there are thousands of facebook-tier normie players who never heard about DMM.

>> No.16179957

Kinda to late but i guess that's better than never.

>> No.16179965

The same with me, hard as fuck to get these crystal besides the one they give you, and this shit gacha was the last drop, never touching it again

>> No.16179984

On Nutaku when?
That gacha is perfect for Nutaku, awful ratios aimed for whales.
With all these whales on Nutaku that game would be a perfect pick.

>> No.16180014

>This event is Robinia. Next event will be Holly, followed by Pine. Sandersonia will happen after Fatsia, assuming no calendar shifted event gets inserted inbetween. http://pastebin.com/mCrUptQU

Well, shit.

On the one hand, I can try for Christmas Rose earlier than expected. On the other hand, Ivy and Apple will have to wait a long while.

>> No.16180066

>she's also damn ugly in her ingame art

>> No.16180269


Would it help if they started doubling up on events? I'm glad they haven't taken a break in a while but two week events feel like they drag on for me personally.

>> No.16180343

its a matter of lost trust and a better version avaiable. They need to keep up the nonstop events for a while to regain trust and implement the ui update and daily revival to even out the versions in terms of content. Skipping gold rushes, events and anniversarys is also a nogo in my book. Otherwise the players keep leaking towards the better, more advanced version.

>> No.16180390

And here I am, having insane luck on Nutaku and a silver fest on DMM.

For free players, it's often not a matter of trust.

>> No.16180494

free players may turn into paying customers if they deem the game worthy of some bucks. And i invested into nutakus version quite a bit before i lost that trust. After a long while i finally tried out the dmm version and leave my money there now, because i trust that version more to keep being updated with all the content. So free players arnt the issue here, its a matter of where do the premium players go to.

>> No.16180592

Most paying players have nowhere to go to and are very anti playing in japanese, this means positive improvements to the game can pull them back in.

Ofcourse you won't see them here, where most people aren't fussed about it but english players playing on DMM is very much the minority now compared to a year ago(not because people are leaving DMM, Nutaku players joining are far outstripping those leaving for DMM).

>> No.16180655

Yes, eng aigis has improved a bit, maybe enough to draw in new players. But they shoudnt risk another 5 weeks of no events either. And the older players still remeber that.

>> No.16180666

Fuck me, never saw that coming.
And now I have less chances of getting her superior older sister...

>> No.16180700

I remember it twice. And it's why I'm never going back.

Except this morning to do five rolls for Dina so I could quit for real because I still had crystals on my account. No Dina, though. But I got Elizabeth.

>> No.16180955

Its the opposite for me, got 3 blacks on DMM plus anna and ticket.
But on Nutaku I have a single plat unit and like, two or three golds. If I didnt stop playing long ago I'm sure my team would be full of event units.

>> No.16180972

Is magic fencer シエナ any good?

>> No.16181011

Yes, she's pretty good, her SAW has permanent duration, turning her into glass canon, with high magical high-range attack but low hp.

>> No.16181076

Does DMM ever offer up Music from their games? one of the more recent games "文豪とアルケミスト" has a really good start up/battle OST and I really want to listen to it for hours without playing the game.

>> No.16181104

How long will the current 10000dmm points deal for aigis stay up?

>> No.16181130

Its permanent.

>> No.16181427

X-Overd question: Which unit is the one people get as a partner? Is it the leader in your first team or the leader in your currently set team?

>> No.16181443


What are we calling the event unit?


"I am a fashion-obsessed girl, look at this earring my dad made for me. I will now dress like this for my evo." It was a great disjunction.


Nameless never understood what Sandersonia event meant. Never mind how far people had planned their budgets around the assumption it'd be today.

>> No.16181502
File: 90 KB, 521x254, LambsEar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are we calling the event unit?

Well, she's Lamb's Ear in the gacha. So I've been calling her that.

>> No.16181513

For free? Nope.
They may release its OST if the game is popular enough, otherwise you may need to learn how to rip the music and do it yourself.

>> No.16181514
File: 243 KB, 962x638, waifuInOne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, 10 months ago when I started FKG DMM, I had my eye on Bride Cactus. Contemplated using the newbie 5k on her, but picked Bride Oncidium instead (should have gotten Pepo for 6* waifu...).

Today on Nutaku, I got her on a $1 pull. AND I'M NOT HAPPY. The pain of the 450 gems which FAILED to get my 5* waifu on DMM... it cannot be healed with this.

>> No.16181578
File: 27 KB, 400x400, rEhNIH_5_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should be that, yes.

As an aside, "Orange" in the list here (>>16180014) should probably be called Mikan Orange or similar, since she has an elder sister who is called オレンジ (and leads her own knight group, so I guess we're going to have another citrus-focused event in the future). I've called her Orange before, but the fellows on 2ch who rip these images don't always include the names of the girls, which sometimes leads to guesswork about who they are. Sorry about that.

As another aside, it's pretty neat how Sorimura Youji dropped a hint about the upcoming Purslane by changing his Twitter image to this.

>> No.16181580

Anyone got Niel's H scenes? been trying to find them for the past hour but i'm just an utter failure at it

>> No.16181636

Do you mean the CGs for them or did you want a transcript?

>> No.16181644

If I add a credit card to DMM, can I remove it later? Or is DMM the kind of website that always requires one on file no matter what?

>> No.16181699

First character in the first team.

>> No.16181768


>> No.16182498

She has a penis in the second one.

>> No.16182593

Yes and?

>> No.16182625

And that is an insufficient number of penises.

Should have had at least six.

>> No.16182960
File: 421 KB, 639x929, nijiyome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here play on Nijiyome? I don't know where else to ask this.
Anyone know how to get the stamp for Alfheim Monsters? It says to clear the tutorial, but there isn't much of a tutorial to clear, unless it was hidden. So, I've been doing the quests from Aria, the main quest receptionist.

>> No.16183127

Since I have no gacha dancers, what should I do with my dancers, with majin content in mind? Should I skill awaken Waltz and raise Hana too or just leave Waltz without her skill awakening or Skill awaken Waltz and not worry about burst dancing?

>> No.16183141

I'm not too experienced with majin content, but looks like non-SAW Waltz is the way to go for you.

Majin stages require quick bursts at tough spots rather than the constant, moderate boost that Endless Waltz provides, so you won't get much use out of it.

>> No.16183149

I occassionally play some stuff there, but not that particular game, unfortunately. I pretty much have only stuck with Yandemic over time.

On a related note, apparently ChoGinga finally launched yesterday or something? I know at least one other person around here was eyeing that game.

>> No.16183166

That's what I thought but I just saw a video using endless waltz so I wasn't sure.

>> No.16183255

Yeah, it's out. I ran out of resources by flying too far out and not really doing anything else, so I'm back at the home planet. Plus, there are a lot of people hanging around the home planet just building satellites.

I really want to figure out the last stamp though. 335 coins is quite a lot.

>> No.16183315

It is. How hard is this thing to do? Your one game you're stuck on aside.

>> No.16183353

Oh no, Karma revival in the 2nd half of this event.

>> No.16183361

It's pretty simple. Consecutive login for 3 days, and play the games listed. I think all them just require you to go through the tutorial. Each completed line nets you 5 coins.

Checking 2ch, and another user there seems to be having trouble with Alfheim too.

>> No.16183371

>-Vampire Princess Karma, Immortal Princess Karma, and Angel Miruno Added to Trading Post for Revival Crystals
might be a good time to consider that 10k dmm points deal.

>> No.16183380


God dammit, like I needed even more work to do. I was just starting when she came out, so I wanted to work on her cost... Thanks for making that ridiculous for me, dev tea.

>> No.16183409

I've been storing RCs for this day. Though well, I only really need one copy of her, her cost doesn't really matter since she'll be deployed late game in nearly every situation.

I'm thankful that I somehow managed to mincost her, even though it required using my only Happy on non-AW Bashira.

Mirno is definitely a must-have unit.

>> No.16183417

You can remove it at will so long as you don't have any active service subscriptions.

>> No.16183420
File: 43 KB, 382x530, CyeoJR7UsAAA91w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, more stuff announced on twitter.

Tomorrow after maintenance, aside from Time Fairy and Legend ticket, they will also add a new Skill Up Fairy Mugica. Skill Up Fairy guarantees a skill level rise by 1, unlike Rainbow Fairies.

Also, more updates on the new Empire units on tomorrow's gacha.

>> No.16183423

Oh god, fucking Karma revival. Fuck my SC stock.

>> No.16183431
File: 45 KB, 431x530, CyepaJhUQAAJhKT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black-rarity Princess Angeline. (not sure if this is an empire unit, no titles)

>> No.16183433
File: 63 KB, 680x530, CyepbZYVIAADKoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gold-rarity Canonner Georg.

>> No.16183438
File: 42 KB, 380x530, CyepcIQVQAANU3Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And finally, platinum-rarity Imperial Knight Viola.

Imperial Knight is a new melee unit class.

>> No.16183441

All of the ones in the tweet are empire units.

>> No.16183446

All other units have 帝国 as part of their title, except Angeline, so that makes me unsure.

For now I'll assume she is, since His Highness doesn't have Imperial as part of his title.

>> No.16183485

The tweet literally right before the one with the units is talking about units being added to the imperial gacha and we've seen at least the drill princess in other tweets about it already.

>> No.16183544
File: 10 KB, 233x215, 1293867685237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is that a fucking cannon lance. Holy shit.

>> No.16183557

Someone can explain to me why everybody and their moms waited so much for karma revival?
Is she really broken? How so?

>> No.16183577

Black rarity Karma's skill allows her to simply not die for a set period of time. She won't fall below 1 HP no matter what until it ends.

>> No.16183584

She hits quite hard, and with SAW she becomes immortal for 15 seconds. Plus, she heals all of your units for half of her damage taken.

If I recall correctly, she's only been revived once, so as far as event units go, she's quite 'rare'.

I want her mainly because her skillset is sort of a godsend for Furfur.

>> No.16183593

Non-SAW skill makes her immortal too.

>> No.16183755

She was broken by the standards of a few years ago. Not sure she still holds up with all the token and death ability shenanigans possible today.

>> No.16183795

I hope princesses get better with their AW2, they're kind of really lacklustre right now. I remember when I rolled Sybilla she was the broken unit, now she's kinda meh compared to the other broken stuff

>> No.16183819

Olivier is still good.

>> No.16183873

The dates are more or less aligned according to the Japanese version too. But it will feel weird to have the obviously Christmas-related event come out in end-February/March.

Then again, all the autumn events will come in January, so it will already feel pretty screwed up.

>> No.16183965

She's good year ago. I have Melvina so i don't think i need her that much

>> No.16184020

I have Melvina too but I'm worried Karma will get a 3rd h-scene.

>> No.16184249

>Legend Summoning Ticket Present for All Users

>> No.16184309

Enjoy your dupe Cypria.

>> No.16184348

>not a black ticket
God damn it.

>> No.16184500

>being this greedy

>> No.16184517

where are you getting this?

>> No.16184532

He's quoting resident shit-translator from ulmf.

>> No.16184560

what you do with Gold Keys on X-Overd?

>> No.16184563

So, what we have coming this maintenence:

Empire gacha, empire units will never appear in regular gacha or from legend summons but empire gacha will come back periodically

1 free SC a day for a week

2nd half of the event feat. Karma and Mirno revival

New non-empire specific unit gacha, much like the one we have now

The new thrice monthly rainbow crystal trades are:
Time fairy: 1000/2000/3000 RC
Legend summon: 500/1000/1500 RC
Mujica: 200/400/600 RC

And Dwight gets taken out of the regular gacha lineup and replaced with Mao.

>> No.16184723

So am I getting this right? Is legend ticket a guaranteed plat+ rarity like from the 150SC stamp? And it costs 500 rainbow crystals on first purchase?
I might drop my altia dupe for it then

>> No.16184775

Yes. Random plat+ for 500 RC.

>> No.16184879
File: 1.50 MB, 1275x725, ShiroPro Layout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute, the characters emote in the new layout. Gonna miss those free stamina gifts in the old layout.

Also did a 50 roll to test my luck for the new 7 star, didn't get her but got Iyomatsuyama and Sawayama and I'm okay with that.

>> No.16184907
File: 1.44 MB, 1274x719, Ookikunare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And giant secretary form is back, nice.

>> No.16184944
File: 697 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2016-11-30-18-25-09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally I have enough fodder to AW my cannon waifu. Using her on DC dailies is hilarious.
Should I SAW her? I don't know if sacrificing more range and splash with buffed atk and true damage is worth it.

>> No.16184962

She does not lose her range on SAWing after balance patch

>> No.16185009
File: 177 KB, 752x659, Screenshot_2016-11-30-18-48-49_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure?

>> No.16185018

There's no mention of range decrease, only attack speed decrease.

>> No.16185029

Those are some big guns

>> No.16185030

Normal skill boost your base range by 40% whereas SAW doesn't boost your base range.
There's range loss there from what I meant.
Also, how slow her attack will be by comparison?

>> No.16185033

Big gun for big heart.

>> No.16185526
File: 1.31 MB, 948x533, shiro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is too strong for my girls, it kills them with only 1 or 2 hits.

>> No.16185593

Looks like you didn't use magic.

Time to use magic.

>> No.16185604

Use 1 magic and 2 carbine girls, you'll perpetually stun lock the boss in place.

>> No.16185605
File: 134 KB, 452x415, doubts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm playing this game wrong

>> No.16185616

Emilia and Maribel are both worthless low stat pieces of shit unless they're fighting with skill activated.

>> No.16185630
File: 255 KB, 1080x720, Empire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait for tommorow's empire gacha. I want to fill up this roster.

>> No.16185664
File: 296 KB, 600x835, aigis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>30 SCs

>> No.16185686

Fear not, evil goddess, I'm actually considering being a porpoise.

>> No.16185689

What are these threads even about.
Wtf is Nutaku.

>> No.16185699

These threads are about gambling games, Nutaku is a english publisher.

>> No.16185707

Click on links in the OP.

>> No.16185721

I liked the game more when it felt like a tower defense game.

>> No.16185895

pure war maiden with strong sense of justice plus white hair and tan skin, she deserve to be upgraded anyway.

I was looking for something able to tank mr black ogre of the umbelievable pain, and is not her.

>> No.16185929

You want something with a shit ton of health like a bandit or a shit ton of defense and health to do that.

>> No.16186635 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.14 MB, 300x200, 1480531493471.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>These threads are about gambling games
The biggest Irony about this is that it isnt Irony.
This games made me recognize I have a gambling addiction

>> No.16186972
File: 291 KB, 960x639, fail5k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5k deal on DMM FKG. Figures I'd get the one rainbow I wanted least because I already bought her on Nutaku.


Be glad you're gambling for waifus and not money. It must be really sad to gamble just to get back exactly what you put in and maybe a little more.

>> No.16187200

Should I roll legend ticket immediately? Is there a disadvantage to it?

>> No.16187223

So, I started DMM Aigis for Rosel, rolled Sue on my first roll, and have since gotten Dina, Mikoto, and now Estelle from 3 plat+ tickets. Odds on me getting literally nothing but silvers from the empire gatcha to correct this cosmic imbalance?

Then again I haven't got a single unit from the gatcha worth mentioning, so maybe I'm already suffering for it.

>> No.16187237

Legend ticket or the 1k RC black units? Which one is better?

>> No.16187245

You know what, I just checked, and the only plat+ units i have from gatcha are Zenobia, a plat miko, and a plat loli druid, with probably 70% of my crystals towards those tickets being the gatcha... Pretty sure I'm already getting pegged by the goddess here, nevermind.

>> No.16187266


Plat Feng-Shui*** not miko

>> No.16187295

Yea, but are they worth fucking?

>> No.16187360

Unless it's a special version of the ticket, the pool for it will update, so you could wait until something new you want gets added, I guess. Not really much point in waiting, though.

Personally, I'd want the tickets. Odds of rolling a plat is 85% and 15% for a black, so odds of rolling plats twice in a row are 72.25%, meaning just over 1/4 chance of a black unit on the two tickets. And you get two high rarity units either way.

But that's me. The 1k RC units are pretty good, but I like gacha units and a little excitement.

>> No.16187361

Maribel is, Emilia isn't.

>> No.16187573

What's more shard-efficient in X-Overd assuming you've cleaned out the gatekeeper drops: Drawing UCs and Rs from the male gacha at 200 a pop, or trying to get them out of the free gacha at 10 a pop but having to deal with equipment drops, too?

I guess the other way to ask would be can I average one of the male draws in every 20 draws of the free gacha?

>> No.16187596

Actually, are there even any males in the free gacha? I'm not seeing any in the list, so I'm a bit confused on some advice I was given.

>> No.16187617

Am I supposed to have gotten the plat ticket yet?

>> No.16187624

Nope, no males on the free one. You can find the starter girls and a few others up to R tier and UC weapons.

>> No.16187656

After maintenance. People who have Legendary/Super Legendary Stampcard got the Stampcard Ticket already though.

>> No.16187694
File: 428 KB, 860x536, Screenshot 2016-12-01 08.15.42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's this screen saying?

>> No.16187703

I'm trying with Bernice cc lv50 and 3 healers and she can't

I'm going to try with Gina and pray the god of rng

>> No.16187706

It's asking you if you want to transfer your units to Spirit Barracks. Spirit Barracks can store up to 99x of each type of Spirit/Armor, no total space limit.

>> No.16187770

Have any of you played around with Berna's second AW yet? Wondering what path to choose.

>> No.16187786
File: 1.06 MB, 1046x697, demon loli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just rolled this girl. Is she strong?

>> No.16187795
File: 266 KB, 960x640, fir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early Christmas present from today's tickets.

These are actually a pretty decent prize, as long as they continue giving them in sets of 3. 90%+ of my flower stones go to the gacha anyway, might as well cut the middleman.

>> No.16187818

One of the best plats in the game. Stronger than some blacks.

>> No.16187821



>> No.16188077

Nice, so is how you use her just plopping her down next to enemies that stand still for a while? It seems like she might die easily if you do that.

>> No.16188092

You can just as easily drop her next to something being tanked while its focus is on another unit.

>> No.16188108

So in english FKG, how do you get the gardener items needed to buy the two Nazuna statue decorations for the garden? Or is that item not available yet?

>> No.16188122

In the shop, $1 each.

Five items need gardener requests, so $5 total.

>> No.16188131

On DMM, these items are available either for 100 DMM points or from special campaigns.

You can presumably buy them from the shop for a small amount of Nutaku gold, though to my knowledge EN FKG never had a log-in bonus other than the beginner's campaign, so the latter avenue might be closed to you.

>> No.16188277

Do we know the skills of the new characters yet?

>> No.16188597

Don't have her, but it sounds like Enforcer is better for the extra attack speed, no? Becoming a semi-decent tank is a plus too.

>> No.16188816

Where even is this? I can't find any mention of it on PC or mobile.

>> No.16188966
File: 887 KB, 1221x586, shiro2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If this is magic, I'm fucked up then.

>> No.16188984

Yes, she's a magic.

Just use other terrains. A 3-starred magic of other terrains is still better than a 1-starred magic with compatible terrain.

>> No.16189022

Any of these imperial units good?

>> No.16189030

New scenes. Dunno their names yet, so you'll have to sift through.








>> No.16189041

She's the only one I have, though.

>> No.16189051

Then just use her regardless.

>> No.16189088
File: 339 KB, 1080x720, 30 SC roll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty uneventful 30SC roll. I got 5 silvers and 1 gold (1 silver dupe).

>> No.16189111

3 Dwights in a row!!!

>> No.16189119

Weren't we suppose to get a legend ticket or was I being delusional?

>> No.16189123

Someone on ULMF said that but I never saw a source.

>> No.16189125
File: 369 KB, 1107x663, phose1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A game called Magical Phose Prism Girl just went into prereg. It's made by the Brave Girl Raven developer if I'm not mistaken.

>> No.16189133

We have someone better than Jerome now

>> No.16189134
File: 225 KB, 876x460, phose2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Battle screenshots remind me of super robot taisen.

>> No.16189138

Except not.

>> No.16189155

Would have been better spent raising your poor lonely Aisha.

>> No.16189158

we weren't supposed to get one
ULMF dudes consider 500 RC cheap for plat+ ticket

>> No.16189161

I think he thought "『レジェンド召喚』はプレゼントボックスには送られず" meant we'll be getting one.

>> No.16189165

Aisha can wait, I have a huge boner for empire stuff.

>> No.16189177

It's a common mistake for people really bad at Japanese, confusing something with the exact opposite of that thing.

>> No.16189228

Are these imperial blacks strong?

>> No.16189232

Look very strong

>> No.16189251

Nobody knows yet.

The imperial premium summon will only give you imperial units, including silvers and golds. Evil Goddess of the week is Adamas instead of Aigis.

>> No.16189259
File: 994 KB, 947x629, 千年戦争アイギス R - オンラインゲーム - DMM GAMES R18 (18).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First roll.
Adamas is such a kind goddess, I'm changing faith.

>> No.16189282
File: 284 KB, 1080x720, Imperial Dragon Sabain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She wasn't kind to me, anon.

Instead I got 5 golds and 1 silver.

>> No.16189285

She isn't very pretty. Hope she's good at least, and congratulations.

>> No.16189288

>5 silvers 1 gold

>> No.16189304

He's cute.

>> No.16189312

Apparently the princess' skill decreases your team's non magic damage by 15% for permanent 2x def, that doesn't sound too good

>> No.16189351


I'm Sold!

Hmm, looks like the JP freemium industry is slowly learning: recycling assets across rarities, requiring link to twitter before participating in pre-reg gacha, a common webpage for many games' gacha.

>> No.16189361

You underestimate the Japanese players, people have already maxed the blacks.

>> No.16189363

>recycling assets across rarities
Even if that's the 'higher evolved version' of the same girl, using the same art for higher rarity is just meh.

>> No.16189367

Choginga launched. 2 days ago and I fucking missed it fucking again.

>> No.16189386
File: 127 KB, 564x330, ruse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even one plat. Fuck this new bitch goddess

>> No.16189393
File: 188 KB, 960x640, angeline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent a good 500 hard-earned SCs on the demoness with a single black to show for it, and now Adamas gives me the drill princess on my second roll.

Clearly the superior goddess. Now if only Angeline had glasses.

>> No.16189399

>Now if only Angeline had glasses.
And Loli

>> No.16189401

Worst thing is, even the damn silvers and golds are all male. I did 5 rolls and got 2 of the gold cannon guy.

>> No.16189409

Is there a nsfw nutaku general? I'm looking for Yama Nasuke's movies from PPS.

>> No.16189415
File: 81 KB, 547x213, fuckingbitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, i rolled more and finally, one plat.
This bitch is even worse than Aigisbitch

>> No.16189417

sausage fest gacha

>> No.16189442

100 SCs with tons of dick. Where is my cute empire girls at? Are all dude of empire homo.
At least that plat blonde slut looks good with her unlimited duration skill.

>> No.16189447

Well leader of Empire is homo...

>> No.16189453

I bet that blonde chick has dick too

>> No.16189463
File: 785 KB, 1024x768, MQJx8iM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rip this guy

>> No.16189466

After seeing his cute sister in the LN, one Theory is that he's just a siscon. Despite this black princess being his wife.

>> No.16189485


>> No.16189489

That's Larcx, he will just drop 1000$ more and get better units.

>> No.16189526

Is there any event or something coming up before I use my measly 10 sc?

>> No.16189537

DMM or Nutaku?
On DMM, spend them on Karma revival.
On Nutaku, nobody can predict what Dev Tea will do, but next event shouldn't be collection event, so for now you are safe.

>> No.16189542

There's probably still some time before the next item collection, but I'd definitely start storing after rolling on this.

>> No.16189567

OK, so there are nsfw stuff here too, why is nobody acknowledging PPS's existence though? Is it because the dmm version closed?

>> No.16189578

cus it just bad "game"

>> No.16189581

Because its utterly bad game nobody plays?

>> No.16189648

I don't play it either, I just login when there is an EG an save the scenes, but I forgot it for a while and the files for yama nasuke seem to be following a different pattern. If you also extract the script and sounds you get a free animated h scene from an otherwise expensive by us standards vn that's not animated. (like, triple A games cost $60 and VNs are just a slideshow, geez)

>> No.16189695

On the plus side, these blokes can gangbang Viola.

Good luck taking in 4 dragon dicks

>> No.16189733

Empire is homoland they will gangbang Emperor

>> No.16189781 [DELETED] 

Yeah, she seems like a prime candidate for later buffs. Even her SAW is Hibari: magic edition and has a heavier damage debuff to go with it.

A princess with permanent 4k EHP and 1300 defense is pretty refreshing though, given how squishy they normally are. Good to see them experiment with new concepts in established classes.

>> No.16189792

How does the new Swordmaster damage compare to say, Rion?

>> No.16189832

One hit 4k x 7 damage AOE
Very good mod removal

>> No.16189853

Very good goblin/merman/skeleton/sandworm removal, you mean. It's single target.

>> No.16189864

>One hit 4k x 7 damage AOE
>one hit

>> No.16189865
File: 1.26 MB, 382x216, xM2D8SF.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>single target

>> No.16189912 [DELETED] 

That's the regular skill, which is a single 1.8x hit to 5 enemies.

SAW hits one enemy 7 times for 4x damage each.

>> No.16189932

That's the regular skill, which hits 5 enemies 7 times each for for 1.8x damage per shot.

SAW hits one enemy 7 times for 4x damage each.

Jesus, this skill has a confusing number of multipliers.

>> No.16189967
File: 80 KB, 773x363, Ca2pture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like I only needed one try anyway. I'm not going to push my luck and save the other five.

>> No.16190020
File: 204 KB, 960x640, tummy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sell Altia dupe and some golds
>get Nanaly
I think that was a good trade
However, recently I find myself not using archers at all. Where does she shine?

>> No.16190047

against furfur

>> No.16190052

Are you memeing me? Wouldn't she fry herself instantly?

>> No.16190074


>> No.16190093 [DELETED] 

She is a fairly generic burst damage unit, use her whenever you need to bring down something quick. She has good enough attack not to ping off against mid-defense enemies, but you want a dancer to get the most from her, especially if you also have other multi-shot units to work with.

As a black, her instant-use skill is a nice boon, she makes a good first (or second, after Altia) deploy as general insurance against any early rush that doesn't feature armors, werewolves and the like. Other than that, she's just a normal archer with weird eyes and a great midriff (but not the greatest, because Kanon exists and is perfection).

>> No.16190141

She is a fairly generic burst damage unit, use her whenever you need to bring down something quick. She has good enough attack not to ping off against mid-defense enemies (and hey, turns out that her SAW nullifies pinging altogether), but you want a dancer to get the most from her, especially if you also have other multi-shot units to work with.

As a black, her instant-use skill is a nice boon, she makes a good first (or second, after Altia) deploy as general insurance against any early rush that doesn't feature armors, werewolves and the like. Other than that, she's just a normal archer with weird eyes and a great midriff (but not the greatest, because Kanon exists and is perfection).

>> No.16190226
File: 311 KB, 654x399, 超銀河船団∞ -INFINITY- - にじよめ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First planed discovered by me. You can name it yourself and name stays permanent for the duration of server.

>> No.16190273

That's cool.
But wait, wouldn't that mean that anybody starting the game far later would miss out on many things and be surrounded by high level whales?
Or does this game follow the 'server cycles' where the game ends on some condition, the world is reset and you get some/most of the stuff you had in the previous cycle?

>> No.16190303

>But wait, wouldn't that mean that anybody starting the game far later would miss out on many things and be surrounded by high level whales?
Yes, but universe is huge and further you are from starting constellation, more hardcore are enemies. It takes huge effort of several players to keep forward bases intact, because they are assaulted by enemies non-stop.
Plus there are warp beacons, so you can join frontier union and warp to their front bases and try to explore new lands yourself.
> Or does this game follow the 'server cycles' where the game ends on some condition, the world is reset and you get some/most of the stuff you had in the previous cycle?
There's "Ex Warp" which is basically server reset with keeping your units and trophies. There are no details when it will happen tho, but there's already "server 2" getting ready on start page, so newbs can go there instead in a week or two.

>> No.16190324

All I'm missing to AW Iris (gold) on DMM is an orb; what day are healer orbs?

>> No.16190331


>> No.16190366

But you're fucking his wife?

>> No.16190562

spent all of my measly 25SC on this empire gatcha, got the balck swordmaster and plat ranger. Is this what a real goddess is like? not like that greedy demon at all. Although I wonder if these two are any good

>> No.16190566

delete this

>> No.16190610

Actually, Keraunos was the true hero all along. She's trying to awaken Leviathan and end the game so that you won't have to deal with that soul-sucking demoness Aigis anymore.

>> No.16190736 [DELETED] 

It's the reverse, non-magic damage done to your team is decreased by 15%/25% during skill/SAW. Think Anya's skill, but for everyone.

She'll be best buds with Iris for obvious reasons, and probably a very common sight in high-level majin maps as well. They should make a black hexer with -7% to enemy attack for being in the party next, so that you can combine her with Angelica and Iris and do things like having Leeanne tank mithril golems.

>> No.16190764

It's the reverse, non-magic damage done to your team is decreased by 15%/25% during skill/SAW. Think Anya's skill, but for everyone.

She'll be best buds with Iris for obvious reasons, and probably a very common sight in high-level majin maps as well. They should make a black hexer with -7% to enemy attack for being in the party next, so that you can combine her with Angeline and Iris and do things like having Leeanne tank mithril golems.

>> No.16190776
File: 691 KB, 874x537, 20161201_08162676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do they sell 4 of the others too? Aren't 3 enough to unlock the 3 slots?

>> No.16190785


You know what? The second half of all the maps, even on the last one, is piss easy compared to the first half's Ex and G-tier map.

>> No.16190791

Its for those who didn't max out their first copies during original event.

>> No.16190858

Is Leona any good? I have Aisha already.

>> No.16190909
File: 1.87 MB, 953x2364, 9873454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first ten rolls.

>> No.16191006

roza is cute her angry face makes me hard

>> No.16191028

Miruno is powerhouse, right?
In SC constraint im thinking of grinding that 12sta mission to get myself an black vampire an try to mincost miruno instead of rolling this imperial gatcha.

>> No.16191053

Aisha will always be better for general use, but Leona's got some solid utility.

>> No.16191135

Leona has her 7-second block everything panic button, she has her own powerful utility.

>> No.16191161

Yeah, you should grind for Miruno instead.

I used all my SC since I already have Miruno maxed and I'm not that interested in mincosting both Karmas.

>> No.16191207

How does black karma work? You can't heal her so she sounds like shit. Is the plat one better?

>> No.16191233

When her skill is on, she's completely immortal, so healing is not needed.

>> No.16191242

Black Karma effectively cannot die for a specific amount of time when her skill is activated. She's used mostly on maps where there's heavy-hitting bosses that most units cannot tank without sheer stats or boosts and a temporary tank is demanded. Think of her as a poor man's version of Olivia.

>> No.16191358
File: 124 KB, 232x338, 千年戦争アイギス R - オンラインゲーム - DMM GAMES R18 (19).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fairy/plat armor disbalance is too big. I'm now feeding gold fairies with plat armors to black units.

>> No.16191374

I've been feeding 2armor/2fairy combos for a while. Never seem to run out of armors.

>> No.16191442

> White Emperor: ... dirty sows.
Ahaha, he's really homo, isn't it?

>> No.16191491

>Empire warpriest at cc55 tanks most the left side of the 12sta map with no problems
I expected this map to be hard. Everything does no damage so you just put any unit down, give them a source of healing, put an aoe unit in the middle and you've won.

>> No.16191528
File: 42 KB, 728x90, bn_bingo_pc1611.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just reporting. I finished the bingo and got my 335 coins.
I don't know when I finally got the stamp. I actually gave up on Alheim for the day yesterday because I couldn't stand the RNG needed to finish part of the main quest. Woke up today with the all clear.

I guess they fixed the requirements?

Sorry for missing your post. If you haven't found it, it should be the banner directly above the game rankings. It has a picture of Nijiyomechan eating some coins.

>> No.16191533


>> No.16191539

Goblin queen is only real problem there.

>> No.16191568
File: 56 KB, 736x1038, 43ed81aa8a907810595fe9e2c778d1d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's impossible for me to call them anything but warpriest.

Goblin queen was a little annoying but compared to her mounted appearance she does miniscule amounts of damage. It was largely just overestimating her that caused her to be annoying.

>> No.16191657
File: 406 KB, 878x403, ai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are the golden fairies supposed to be dropped?
On both are banners with fairies.

>> No.16191703

I can't find it at all. Even tried turning off ad blocker and it still won't show up. Got a screenshot or a direct link?

Challenge maps will all drop fairies of varying rarities.

>> No.16191706

The left banner on the tab you're on is the challenge quests that drop affection/fairies. The other banner you're talking about is the dailies which has the fairy daily every Tuesday/Saturday.

>> No.16191710
File: 752 KB, 945x621, 千年戦争アイギス R - オンラインゲーム - DMM GAMES R18 (21).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3* with AW thief. Goblin queen is a bitch to deal, have to drop Chloe before she lands final shot on my soldier.

>> No.16191922

There's no revival banner for Karma. Does anyone know if she gets 2x CR chance or not?

>> No.16191989

They're part of the giant graphic under the game window, but it doesn't specify, so I'd like to know, too. I really wanted to work on Miruno's cost and get the two guaranteed CRs on black Karma, but if the second one isn't even guaranteed...

>> No.16192000

I see, thanks.

>> No.16192025

Not with Fiore!

>> No.16192034

Right, he's a siscon, he doesn't care about his wife. Probably just a political marriage!

I'm sure someone who has her can probably disprove this by reading her scenes.

>> No.16192115
File: 2.72 MB, 1439x959, black 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3rd roll, was hoping for Elmira since find her cutest but not bad. I like her design, but her h scene art is least favorite of ones that came out (least 2nd one, first pic I like).

I wonder how useful she will be. With saw she can do nearly 25k phy (at max lvl before armor, but since it's multi hit, armor can really cripple it.) Or without saw she can do 10k to 5 enemies each.

>> No.16192160

It feels like a lot of people are getting her with minimal rolls. Two people earlier on their first try and you on your third roll.

>> No.16192169

Then there are people with 5 copies each of the male units

>> No.16192178

6 silvers in a row here.

>> No.16192191

Its my first gacha black I got from SC summon ever, despite playing for 1.5 years.

>> No.16192209
File: 314 KB, 830x160, 3 rolls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's just rng being rng. Just this time more people were on the good end of it and posted. But as can see just as many bad luck were around too. I got lucky and in my 3 rolls it went gold, plat, then black. Even got the goblin monster slayer, which might turn useful too (though did end up getting 2 males out 3, but this gacha has a lot of male units).

Grats on first black. She was my 4th gacha black (3rd rolled). I've pretty much stopped playing on Nutaku but didn't get a single black on it from gacha. Though tbf I didn't roll very much either, but didn't get many sc TO roll.

>> No.16192271

Now that just made to want fuck her sister!

>> No.16192306

Try http://www.nijiyome.com/bingo/type/bingo_161129

>> No.16192333

It just dumps me to the main page at http://www.nijiyome.com/top

Maybe my account isn't eligible for the promotion or something. But thanks for helping.

>> No.16192346

Oh, I guess it's a promo mainly for new people or people that haven't played much. I only signed up for Yandemic and haven't touched any of the other games since launch.

>> No.16192465


So with the latest sta-discount campaign, I've been hitting CQs. To use BL notation, conventional wisdom has it as Water Hyacinth x Gazania. But after going through their CQs, I feel it's more appropriate if it's flipped over. The Charismatic Captain who just can't say no to her Intense First Mate. Gazania also seems to have more 'all-nighter stamina'.

>> No.16192544
File: 1.02 MB, 724x1024, 60158695_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I regret blowing my SCs last month, this imperial gacha has some top tier cuties

>> No.16192623

Hold the fucking phone, is that a gunlance?

>> No.16192626

Speaking of CQs, what's the purpose of being able to rerun the third and fourth mission?

>> No.16192745

Yep, melee cannoneer

>> No.16192755

Fuckin' ace, I gotta get me some of those. Are they in cute girl/loli format yet? my only two cannoneers at the moment are Mel and Kanon, but I hardly need any others

>> No.16192761

There's currently 3 of them. No lolis yet, and cute is up to your taste.

>> No.16192835

That's pretty cute, especially compared to the surprising number of dark CQ stories out there (Cattleya, Ivy, Eucalyptus, Queen-of-the-Night...) More yuri in FKG is always welcome.

Probably if you need character equipment for more than one copy of the girl, or if you lost your original equipment.

>> No.16193150

Do I roll?

>> No.16193329

I spent 30 SCs on units last month. I got 2 black units.

>> No.16193333


Oh they have their dark moments of history, but I'm focussing on Water Hyacinth's sleep-deprived lines. Her backstory justifies her somewhat unexpected voice style.

Also, this moment:
Gazania: *really long and detailed fantasy of being rescued by Water Hyacinth if she ever fell in the sea*
Danchou: "Uh wait, that detail just now..."
Gazania: "This are fantasy, don't bring common sense into this"
Danchou: "Are you two lovers?"
Gazania: "That'd be good too. No wait I am totally a straight person"

The way she backtracked without any fluster and immediately switched topics was impressive. Gazania has that level of composure. You know how often she loses composure when talking about Water Hyacinth.

>> No.16193481

I haven't rolled a black since July.

>> No.16193523

ADDENDUM: Pretty sure the last time I got a plat from gacha other than a dupe Shirley was April. I'm guessing this is in around 400 SC.

>> No.16193634

Is it fine to combine dupe golds or should I be saving them like silvers?

>> No.16193642

Selling them for RCs is probably the best option, unless it's a gold you actively use.

You can use them for AW if you're lazy, but that's a waste.

>> No.16193656

Generally, if you want to combine golds with themselves for cost/skill ups, you'll want to 30cc them before you combine them with your 50cc

>> No.16193663

Just getting to Magic City, these golems are fucking absurd. How do people deal with them?

>> No.16193690

Wow I forgot about all that stuff, thanks. How do I get these gold crystals though?

>> No.16193724

Poorfags use AW Bandits to tank them.

>> No.16193743

I just went fuck all with the tanking and focus on only getting 1 or 2 stars on each map and rush to the last jungle map. The jungle maps later are significantly easier and you can unlock AW prince, which he can be used to tank the golems.

>> No.16193817
File: 134 KB, 592x368, Roll results.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been on Nutaku since August, and started on DMM last month. I spent 45 on summons and got these.

>> No.16194292

Fuck you. The only black i ever got was from June last year. And i spent 500 SCs on gatcha since then.

>> No.16194303

Been playing since Pippin original collection event. Only gacha black rolled is the Sybilla I rerolled over and over for.

>> No.16194396

Do I max the black Karma or the plat Karma first?

>> No.16194402

Geez, you are one unlucky bastard.

>> No.16194405

why would you max either

>> No.16194407

Isn't she strong?

>> No.16194436

only her skill is important not CR

>> No.16194437

What are the differences of the black and platinum Karma?

>> No.16194440

One is black the other is plat.

>> No.16194444

Black has the cannot die skill, plat doesn't

>> No.16194445


>> No.16194451

Completely different skills and abilities.
Black is immortal, heals other units upon receiving damage
Plat heals herself upon dealing damage

>> No.16194456 [DELETED] 

That's obvious. How about some differences regarding how they affect gameplay?

>> No.16194461

Plat is useless

Black can be used if you want to tank Furfur's 2nd form for a few seconds.

>> No.16194464


>> No.16194475

>Plat is useless
Are you sure? Her SAW looks very interesting.

>> No.16194484

The only way to heal her is her attacking. Her SAW is the minimum needed to keep her alive, but even then it's situational. Better off using a real princess with a healer.

>> No.16194490

I have Olivie already. Black Karma still worth getting?

>> No.16194495

Olivie cannot dodge magic damage.

>> No.16194497

Speaking of Princesses, is she worth using despite the damage debuff?

>> No.16194504

That's a mistranslation. They receive less damage.

>> No.16194505

Yes, have two immortal is better than one.
Also this>>16194495
And she can't deal with furfu because of reflect damage

>> No.16194506

Petite is retard who misunderstands basic Japanese.
Her skill decreases damage received.

>> No.16194511

It doesn't say received, though?

>> No.16194513

Very much so. It's not a damage debuff, it's a protection effect for your team.

Both skill and SAW have their merits, skill is good for general purposes while SAW will see use in highest levels of majin maps. She's probably one of the best blacks released so far.

>> No.16194514

it's like asking if it's worth climbing to your roof to pick up a 100 dollar bill when you have 90 in your pocket.

They're similar value but one is more and easily within your reach with a lil bit of hassle, and then you'd have $190 instead of $90.

>> No.16194519

ダメージ means received damage.

>> No.16194528

Best princess so far

>> No.16194531

That's kind of confusing. Guess it does make more sense, though.

>> No.16194534

new thread

>> No.16194538

You will always be confused by loan words if you think of them as English words.
