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1611627 No.1611627 [Reply] [Original]

Counter Guardian


Also called the Protectors of Balance (抑止の守護者 yokushi no shugosha) or the Beast of Alaya, a special category found within the group of existences known as Heroic Spirits. If a regular Heroic Spirit is someone who became a hero by his own power and is worshiped for that, a Guardian is unknown hero that realized a great feat thanks to the assistance of an outside force. Those who made a pact with the World (in this case Alaya, AKA Arayashiki) under the terms of offering his services as Heroic Spirit after death in exchange for receiving a miracle during his lifetime. While normal Heroic Spirits are a natural phenomenon that just happens to be beneficial to humanity, Counter Guardians are a strictly human phenomenon.

Due their contract with Alaya, these heroes are incorporated as part of humanity’s Counter Force (hence the name Counter Guardians) and are summoned whenever a factor of extinction of mankind is detected. The ones who appear on the site of great disasters in order to eliminate the source of that disasters and all those involved, even if the target of elimination is humans themselves. Unbound by moral values such as good and evil, they exterminate guilty and innocent alike in order to protect those completely unrelated.

>> No.1611629

Those who became heroes by their own power are beyond the reach of Alaya, for they are pseudo-deities whose existence is closer to the level of a planet. Therefore, the Counter Force is limited to use only Heroic Spirits who made use of its powers during the time that they were alive. Also, while a Guardian may become free of the control of the Counter Force by having his legend known and being worshiped for that, a true Heroic Spirit won’t become part of the Counter Force even if his myth is forgotten.

It has been hinted that only Counter Guardians can be summoned to a time period before they became Heroic Spirits.

>>Also, while a Guardian may become free of the control of the Counter Force by having his legend known and being worshiped for that, a true Heroic Spirit won’t become part of the Counter Force even if his myth is forgotten.
>>a Guardian may become free of the control of the Counter Force by having his legend known and being worshiped for that

..I think we just found out how to save Archer.

>> No.1611667

Too bad the only ones who care about Archer don't know that.

>> No.1611686

I believe in you Emiya ;_;

>> No.1611689

So, if being GAR for him is enough, he's already free?

>> No.1611695

Archer/UBW Shirou is the epitome of hero.

Saving who you can and never giving up on your ideal.

>> No.1611711

Like when he hatched a plan to kill his younger self and left the person he was supposed to protect to be raped?

>> No.1611710

Needs to be on the same level as other legends and hero worship. You know.. like how there's books on mythology dedicated to people like Heracles and King Arthur. He'd need to be remembered for centuries and live on in the hearts of whoever might hear his legend told.

>> No.1611732

Oh. Well, he's fucked then, ain't he?

>> No.1611770

Go spam that meme, Anonymous!

>> No.1611830


>> No.1611949

>Counter Guardian


Also known as a レセプショニスト, キャッシャー or テラー

>> No.1611969

Oh I get it

>> No.1612000

Yeah, all you have to do is make a Visual Novel out of it for heaps of people to read & worship. He's pretty much a legend in certain circles Japan, I'm pretty sure, and people will keep reading F/SN for a long time.

>> No.1612029

Needs a light novel or VN where Rin carried on his story, or someone else learns his tale, and he eventually becomes liberated during another crisis.

>> No.1612037

I don't think you quite understood the point I was trying to make, there.

>> No.1612048

I do. I just still wish that there was an after-Fate story starring Archer.

>> No.1612049


>> No.1612053


ITS LIKE GAR, with an F


>> No.1612070

free archer!!!! FARCHER!!!!!

>> No.1612080

Hey, can we save Archer if we force the legend on to people? Like say if we decide to brain wash people and write him into his own bible. Hell, replace some famous people with Archer in literature.

>> No.1612115


>> No.1613972

Well, we could establish some kind of new age cult, maybe. A blacksmithing cult, maybe.

The problem is that as a cult it would probably not be particularly profitable. Self-help courses and science fiction gives more sales than miscellaneous steelcraft.

>> No.1613984

Or some kind of nerd cult where people constantly obsess about the same character endlessly...

Oh, wait.

>> No.1613992
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Gay Rin was here, Archer is a faggot.

>> No.1613998


Enjoy your slut. Don't let the bed worms bite.

>> No.1614012
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Thanks, I will!

You don't mind if I take this one too, do you?

>> No.1614047

A blacksmithing cult would be awesome.

We'd never be understood. We'd just roam from town to town making metalcraft for people in need.

>> No.1614055

Look, Archer exists outside the timeline ... he is removed from the timeline.

Even if his younger self dies or changes, Archer cannot ... its a timeline paradox brought by the Holy Grail but then again all Servants are that.

>> No.1614065

This has nothing to do with the discussion.

>> No.1614072

We could call ourselves the Smiths of Emiya.

>> No.1614077

The only problem with starting a blacksmithing religion based around Emiya is that his legend isn't based around blacksmithing, but around self-sacrifice and a will of steel.

>> No.1614079

Since he exists outside of time, the fact that he's still a counter guardian indicates that there is no world or time period in which he became a hero.

>> No.1614081

Did you even read the first two posts in the thread..?

>> No.1614087

ITT we don't pay attention to what's being said and make assumptions instead.

>> No.1614103

Since he exists outside of time then he would have no longer been a counter guardian and thus taken place in the grail wars if he ever got freed, even if that happened in the future.

>> No.1614105

He is always a Guardian, dumbass.

>> No.1614110

That's my point. He can't be freed.

>> No.1614118

Read the first two posts, 'dumbass'. Or perhaps you're too lazy and need it spelled out for you?

All Counter Guardians are like Emiya. They are humans who made a contract for power, in exchange for acting as parts of the Counter Force after their death.

Counter Guardians are a special category of Heroic Spirit. A Heroic Spirit is someone who became a hero by their own power, and ascended to a semi-godlike status after their death.

Both exist outside of timelines and the cycles of life, death and rebirth.

However, the point being made here is that Heroic Spirits aren't Alaya's personal bitches, while Counter Guardians are. BUT THERE IS A WAY TO FREE A COUNTER GUARDIAN. WHICH IS THE TOPIC OF DISCUSSION HERE.

Fucking idiot.

>> No.1614125

>>Also, while a Guardian may become free of the control of the Counter Force by having his legend known and being worshiped for that, a true Heroic Spirit won’t become part of the Counter Force even if his myth is forgotten.
>>a Guardian may become free of the control of the Counter Force by having his legend known and being worshiped for that

Oh really?

>> No.1614138

Blacksmithing is just a gateway to understanding him. He's the one who created over a thousand blades. He'd be the heroic god of blacksmiths, elevating him above being just a mere hero.

>> No.1614172
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Nasu, get Nitro+ to start writing this light novel stat. Rin, in the Fate route, finding out who Archer was by asking Ilya and spreading his name through the Association and telling his story. Over and over again until some disaster pops up and Counter Guardian Emiya appears.

Except the Mage's Association have documented and put into research and trying to reawaken the 2nd magic to find his alternate reality. Emiya has become a legend among the Association.

Ergo, he's free to shag Rin.

>> No.1614191
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Can we post pictures of the hero we wish to free?

>> No.1614206

Keep in mind that simply freeing him from Alaya's control doesn't change the fact that he's a Heroic Spirit, and his presence in the mortal world is only temporary.

The only difference is that he would be like Cu Chulainn and Heracles, a Heroic Spirit that doesn't get summoned to slaughter things.

>> No.1614214

Right. He'd be the same as before, just without his job as a Cleaner. At least then he'd know peace, though.

>> No.1614215

Is it just be or is Archer looking kinda tsundere there?

>> No.1614221

If there were an Archer story where he'd be freed from being a Counter Guardian, I'd want his release to happen in a time and place long after Rin and the people he knew.

It'd be a solo-Archer story, where a new legacy would be forged, carrying the memories of the past.

>> No.1614225

Archer is tsundere for Rin.

>> No.1614233

RIn and Shirou are always Tsundere for each other.

>> No.1614235
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Very much so.

>> No.1614239
File: 88 KB, 1024x768, 1226773674347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since Nasuverse sometimes deals with the concept of reincarnation.. what about a reincarnated Rin in that future timeline?

Better still, a reincarnated Rin at the age where she's a loli in the story, without any immediate romance (save that for when she's older). Just the HNNNNGH and the moe.

>> No.1614240

Tsundere x tsundere? That's like trying to bake a cake and replacing the liquid with more dry ingredients. You need something to hold it together!

>> No.1614241
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Actually, that has the potential to be damned awesome, if sad for Archer. Gets a second chance at life in the world but there's nothing for him there . . .

There'd have to be the moe girl that he rescues from some random rapist. Then the Tsundere magus who hunts DAs for the Association and a quiet, nerdy magus who wants to research what he is.

And maybe some evil bitch that he redeems with the Bone of his Sword.

Awesome VN? Y or N?

>> No.1614242


>> No.1614247
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We'd call it . . . Childcare is War.

But if he was still as spirit and taking care of reincarnated Rin, he wouldn't age as she would grow up.

And is it just me in Childcare is War, but does it seem that little Rin has a bit of a crush on her Servant?

>> No.1614249

Mix these together somehow and we're looking at something beautiful.

>> No.1614253

>And maybe some evil bitch that he redeems with the Bone of his Sword.
All night long? Repeatedly?

>> No.1614268

Well, Rin's apparently liked and watched Shirou from afar for a fairly long time. For all we know, they'd been going to the same school for a while.

Naturally, then, having her school crush taking care of her and practically filling the empty space of her vacant father figure (Rin has daddy issues, no doubt).. Well, we can only imagine.

>> No.1614273

I always felt bad for Kotomine seeing that.

It's not his fault that he doesn't feel happiness the same way everyone else.

>> No.1614287
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Okay, let me try this . . .

Rin's dying Granddaughter summons Archer using the Jeweled Blade to protect her about to be orphaned daughter, who's Rin reincarnated. She used the pendent to summon Archer because she heard the stories of the hero that died to protect her and gave her great uncle Shirou a chance to protect her Aunt Sakura in the fifth Grail War. She figures if she protected Rin that well back then, then she'll protect Rin's reincarnated form well this time.

So, Archer raises his Tsundere loli, unknowing that Rin had done extensive research on him during her lifetime using the Jeweled Blade. He's become a legend among the Mage's Association and has had his name spread in the past two generations. There have been young maguses that have done their thesis papers on the Legend of EMIYA.

He doesn't know this so he raises his tsundere loli the best as he can until she's old enough to go to the Clocktower herself. They bid each other farewell and he goes back to be a Counter Guardian. Or so he thinks.

One of the girls who did their thesis on EMIYA summons him as a Familiar because his contract with the World has been broken. She works to give him a mortal body through a Puppetmaker. So now Emiya Shirou is reborn and mortal again.

Rin's reincarnated self is running around hunting DAs because she had a friend at the association who was bitten and turned.

Then there's the moe little magus girl who gave Archer his second chance.

>> No.1614308
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>> No.1614322

Eh.. too convenient. I like the idea more that Rin's reincarnation isn't related to the Tohsaka family at all, and is more of an innocent bystander.

The result of Rin increasing the knowledge of Emiya's existance amidst the Association would, naturally, result in him being freed from Alaya's control as far as being a Counter Guardian goes - something which leaves the summoned vessel open to being possessed by Emiya's consciousness.

What I figure would work nicely is Emiya being summoned to slaughter - business as usual.. innocent and evil making no difference, as usual.. until he comes across loli-reincarnated Rin (who doesn't have a clue who he is, of course). Due to Alaya's control over him being weakened or null, Emiya is able to possess his vessel and rescue the loli, taking her to safety.

>> No.1614354

'Random' coincidence, or destiny? You decide!

>> No.1614367

>Rin's reincarnated self is running around hunting DAs because she had a friend at the association who was bitten and turned.

Sion is Rin incarnated?


>> No.1614377

>He's become a legend among the Mage's Association
wont help too much since the mage association is all about secrecy, would guess that the hero part would require a larger fanbase then a fairly small closed circle

>> No.1614390

Not to mention the fact that hero worship would require at least one or two hundred years to build up into myth and legend.

So Emiya wouldn't be liberated until far into the future anyway.

>> No.1614393

See: Avenger

>> No.1614396

Reincarnation is not normal and not accepted by the Planet

That's one of the reasons why Roa is a heretic

>> No.1614422

I don't think they mean reincarnated like Roa does. Roa reincarnates with all of his past lives' knowledge and power. We're talking reincarnation as in Rin's soul after dying, being recycled, and then born as a new person. But it's still Rin's soul.

>> No.1614518

When one hits a Tsun moment, the other hits dere.
Shirou becomes clearly a tsundere boy in UBW.

>> No.1614529

Roa ESCAPED the cycle of Reincarnation, hence heresy.
He just jumped to a new host.

>> No.1614546

That sounds stupid.
