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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 23 KB, 397x595, highschoolslacks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1611546 No.1611546 [Reply] [Original]

Yep, a lot of schoolgirls in Japan are raging about the transition from skirts to trousers...

However, parents embrace it with open arms.

Enjoy your trousers, young ladies.

>> No.1611554

That's fucking gay. How will girls get raped if there is no easy access?

>> No.1611557

I think that's the idea...so they don't get taunted by perverted lechers like yourself

>> No.1611561

A nation of forced reverse traps, count me in.

>> No.1611562

Old news, bro. ;_;

>> No.1611567

wait, what the fuck? japanese schoolgirls are wearing pants now? when the fuck did this happen?

>> No.1611572

Old news. This only bothers me if it affects anime schoolgirls

>> No.1611579

Well, its not a necessarily complete transition...they made slacks mandatory in Sapporo and northern Honshu, along with some schools in Kansai. Many other schools in Japan are making slacks optional, with the intention of making them mandatory in a few years.

The reason being, the skirt was seen as obsolete and too old-fashioned, and the Japanese education ministry is aiming to make school more business-like.

>> No.1611584

It will. Art imitates life.

>> No.1611588

Well, I would not be surprised if more future-centric anime and manga have girls wear slacks....

>> No.1611594

Yes, much like the swimsuits.


>> No.1611595

Yeah, right. This is a feminist plot to reduce fanservice, I just know it.

>> No.1611599

Because in Japanese schools with pools, all the girls swim naked

>> No.1611603

I am saddened.

>> No.1611604

Face it. The Japanese school system is aiming for modesty with its students, and it can't do that with skirts if girls just hike them up. They're trying to defeat the hiked-up "gyaru" fad by making them wear pants.

>> No.1611616

The gyaru fad is retarded.

I'm pleased by this move towards modesty.

>> No.1611617


>> No.1611621

>I don't like skirts because I'm gay.

>> No.1611624


So fucking what?

Are they doing it in elementary schools? NO. They fucking aren't. Non-pedos make me sick.

Also, anime studios know their audience. All schools in Anime are private academies anyway, and private academies can do what the fuck they want. They could even wear no uniform, but like I said, they know their audience.

>> No.1611625

Anime school fashion is still decades behind. Anime in twenty years will have slacks, not any time soon.

>> No.1611632

Jesus christ man, I knew you were stupid, but you sound like a 12 year old.

>> No.1611639

you're mom is a 12 year old

>> No.1611643

Rather than moving towards slacks, they should just move towards longer skirts.

>> No.1611644
File: 11 KB, 227x294, internet-tough-guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1611650

Your arguments are dumb and you are dumb. Stop being a prude and enjoy the show--unless, of course, you *are* gay.

>> No.1611656

Fuck, I stated laughing loudly.

>> No.1611655

The skirts are usually long and just hiked up.

Anyway this is really only affecting some places in Hokkaido so I wouldn't worry. In winter the girls already wear tights so it's not a huge change.

>> No.1611660

Hey, that's awesome.

>> No.1611662


Stop it with the nonsensical dichotomies and spurious 'hurrr u not a man if x condition is not satisfied!'. I'm agreeing with the concept of there being nothing wrong with trying to inject a little bit of modesty back into society.

>> No.1611672

Shut up, I can spout straw man arguments if I want to.

>> No.1611678

>Rather than moving towards slacks, they should just move towards shorter skirts.
My good man, it appears that you made a mistake in your post. Oh, no need to be alarmed, purely out of the kindness of my own heart, I have fixed this mistake for you. There's nothing to worry about.

>> No.1611683


you're thinking of buruma


>> No.1611684

well u r a faget

>> No.1611685

If it's to make girls more comfortable in Winter, why not just make them optional? If it's to prevent girls from hiking up skirts, why not just make them somewhere between knee and ankle length? If it's to prevent sexualization/rape, nothing's going to change.

>> No.1611690

have you ever been to Japan?

show me a school where uniform has optional slacks or skirts, and I'll show you a school where ALL the girls are wearing either one or the other

one does not simply think for oneself in Japan

it's kinda like 4chan that way

>> No.1611697

>If it's to prevent girls from hiking up skirts, why not just make them somewhere between knee and ankle length
It already is.

>> No.1611704

>have you ever been to Japan?

Has half of /jp/? No, I haven't. Point is, the option would be there for them. If they choose to suffer, that's their own fault.

>> No.1611707

What's stopping them from hiking up their pants? Those sluts! Always trying to show their knees...

>> No.1611713

Think of it this way: PLENTY OF CAMELTOE!

>> No.1611721

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>> No.1611727

What's stopping them from hiking up their pants? Those sluts! Always trying to show their ankles.

>> No.1611778

s'up Hassan

>> No.1612097
File: 61 KB, 397x595, 1219218734682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1612124

Future centric anime should move towards the ending of uniforms altogether.

>> No.1612150



>> No.1612151

Typically enough, the guy in the picture looks more feminine than the girl.

>> No.1612156

How are skirts not businesslike? They prepare the girls for a future of being groped as OLs.

>> No.1612186

Did anime characters stop dressing in maid outfits, or sexy nurse suits, or older style school athletics and swim wear, when changes were made in real life? Of course not.

This move is going to result in MORE fetish outfits in anime, not less. Mark my word.

>> No.1612195

I think someone in the Japanese government has gotten it into their heads to try to convince the world that the Japanese have outgrown that kind of behavior.

It will fail just like their efforts to reign in their reputation as the child porn capital of the industrialized world.

>> No.1612219
File: 39 KB, 800x600, FateHollowAtaraxia278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they need to make girls wear a suit and tie

>> No.1612527

i don't get this. what's the point in having two sexes if we all look the same?

>> No.1612531

It' over.


>> No.1612533

Some token woman minister is probably pushing it. They're usually the first to get axed when the cabinet gets reorganized, so no worries.

>> No.1612557

With a nation of similar looking people, can't you imagine the terrible things that will arise? I myself am thinking of one scenario, where a female classmate goes up to another female classmate, and touches her, perhaps provocatively, only to realize that the classmate was in fact a male classmate.

This will result in more problems rather than solving any.

>> No.1612566

>All schools in Anime are private academies anyway, and private academies can do what the fuck they want.
this x1000

>> No.1612588


That would be.. interesting.

>> No.1612594

why the hell would schoolgirls rage
skirts are far less comfy compared to trousers

fukin whores

>> No.1612607

How can you get into a girl's pants if they aren't wearing pants? This works out fine.

>> No.1612608

Wanting to look feminine makes them whores? Are you some kind of radical feminist bulldyke or something?

>> No.1612631

Butthurt Whore detected

>> No.1612640

>>1612594 skirts are far less comfy compared to trousers
I don't think you've ever worn a skirt.

>> No.1612655

I have, but I'm a smelly dude so I get constantly reminded of my poor scrotum hygiene.

>> No.1612659

...that has nothing to do with comfort, though. That's more of an issue of DEAR GOD GO TAKE A SHOWER.

>> No.1612675

oh japan, you and your birth-rate epidemic, suicide problem, alarming lack of personal freedoms, etc. your so crazy.

>> No.1612679


>> No.1612684


>> No.1612708


>> No.1612716

Open fly is the new upskirt.

>> No.1612720

New absolute zone is between pant leg bottom and shoe.

>> No.1612721

oh god, i am now imagining the new upcoming JAVs...exposed boxers through the fly and shit.
*fap fap fap*

>> No.1613769

Skirts are old-fashioned and obsolete

>> No.1613781

I prefer exposed bellybutton.

>> No.1613787

>schoolgirls in Japan are raging about the transition from skirts to trousers

>> No.1613791

Why must people think this ;___;

>> No.1613815

How about
skirts for summer
trousers for winter

>> No.1613824


Skirts forever, trousers never.

>> No.1613833



>> No.1613840

I'm fairly sure the freedom to look up the skirt of a girl ascending a staircase is guaranteed in the Japanese constitution.

>> No.1613855

This is my fetish

>> No.1613875


>> No.1613899

oh shi....

>> No.1613904

Anyone else thinking that skirts for boys should be given more serious consideration?
No? I'll get my coat.

>> No.1613915

I do. Skirts for boys, slacks for girls. Everyone is happy, and by everyone I mean I.

>> No.1613953

I think they look nice.

>> No.1613960

Personally I'm happy as long as the tomboys increase

>> No.1613975


>> No.1613981


>> No.1613991


This. Oh, God.
Switching from skirts to slacks would only smoothen the road for more tomboy fetishism, and I'm fucking game for it.

>> No.1613993

In 2006 a chinese duck called Malulu was murdered by a bullet. Now he's going to come to your house at midnight and bite your ea

>> No.1614005

Gil better watch the fuck out.

>> No.1614013

Rozen Aso will fix this travesty of justice

>> No.1614034

Is /jp/ full of Korean and Chinese and AmeriKKKan? Japan is different these countries. Japan has thousands of private schools. Private high scools have their own uniforms and cute uniform is very important for girls to select high school to go to. Private high schools will never change their uniforms, because girls want cute uniforms.

>> No.1614035

I agree!!! If I was Japanese I'd want a cute little dress instead of manpants

║║║║╠╗║═╣╚╗ AnGeLoFdEaTh™

>> No.1614037

Am I going to be teaching at private high schools if I'm a JET? No I will not. So to hell with them. If I can't fondle pale Japanese schoolgirl thighs, then they might as well all be covered up.

>> No.1614038

I am Korean. Why do you care?

>> No.1614042

Why does it matter anyway? They may want cute uniforms, but they'll never want me.

>> No.1614044

Japan is different from your Gookland. Do not treat Japan like Chink or Gookland. They can choose, Japan is different from your barbaric countries.

>> No.1614050

/jp/ hates Koreans, don't ever mention your ethnicity again.

>> No.1614060

If Korea or China govenment decide not to use skirts, all women have to wear trousers. Japan differs.

>> No.1614062

/jp/ - White people being racist to feel more Japanese.

>> No.1614070


>> No.1614074

omg u guys need to stop the hate.and racism


║║║║╠╗║═╣╚╗ AnGeLoFdEaTh™

>> No.1614076


Korean is not people. lol

>> No.1614080
File: 256 KB, 935x887, kkk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Racism is a proud white tradition.

>> No.1614094

You fucking perverts looking upskirt and fondling innocent young girls on the train and fetishizing what was to be an innocent uniform for attending school are the fucking cause of the Japanese government to consider mandating slacks for girls.

Also, many Japanese private schools are run by Christian churches. They have a strict code of "modesty" and if the Japanese government mandated public schools to switch to slacks for girls, the private schools will follow suit.

tl;dr: Fuck you guys for fucking up a good thing

>> No.1614097
File: 112 KB, 510x710, nurse cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't we forgetting something? When was the last time nurses wore uniforms like this? 20 years? But it's still in pop culture and we all know what it is. None of us are going to Japan and even if we do we aren't going to Hokkaido or wherever, we'll still see plenty of skirts in Tokyo and areas around it.

More importantly the schoolgirl skirts will be around in pop culture for at least 20 more years and that's all any of us should care about.

>> No.1614101

Thanks for your input, it is much appreciated to be able to hear uninformed inflammatory opinions on this matter.

>> No.1614107

Why is it a good thing? Assuming all that fetishism is a bad thing.

>> No.1614111

Nurses in Japan now wear scrubs, much like in North America and Western Europe.

>> No.1614119

>even if we do we aren't going to Hokkaido or wherever

Speak for yourself.

>> No.1614135

>When was the last time nurses wore uniforms like this? 20 years? But it's still in pop culture and we all know what it is.

Good point.

>> No.1614153

yeah, fetishism is why the Japanese government is doing away with skirts...they want to make the girls appear more modest

>> No.1614166

I know that english high school girls wear skirt. but nobody talks about it.

>> No.1614185

here in the USA most schools that prescribe uniforms have girls wear slacks or "skorts" which are a retarded mix of a skirt and a short....

>> No.1614200
File: 152 KB, 548x515, 1188196049267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our beautiful Korean girls wear skirts.

>> No.1614202
File: 8 KB, 320x400, 4593-191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hay guise wats goin on here

>> No.1614207


>> No.1614208

women fuck loads of different men pretty much all the time.

>> No.1614209

I'm proud to be Korean, fuck off.

>> No.1614211

Man, before we know it, it'll be impossible to see the difference between men and women.

>> No.1614213
File: 50 KB, 640x480, 1179060818004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1614217

There was an elementary school across the street from my apartment (it was recently torn down) with mandatory uniforms. I didn't realize for more than 3 years that they had uniforms and the little girls were running around in checked skirts.

Some pedo I turned out to be eh? I never cared. So there's a handful of schools even here in the US, it's just not invasive in our pop culture like in Japan. Uniforms won't be lost to history even in the US.

>> No.1614220

It's okay, there's nothing wrong with you, the 3d nature of their appearance is at fault.

>> No.1614223

Fuck this shit, stop turning women into man.

>> No.1614226

lol. Japanese are jealous of Koreans or something?

>> No.1614231
File: 21 KB, 320x427, DSC000241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Foreigner in Japan here...

Yeah, slacks are optional for now, but at a local uniform shop, they've stopped selling skirts from the junior high school level and up. This is all they had to offer...

>> No.1614230

Our beautiful Korean girls wear skirts.

>> No.1614236
File: 75 KB, 445x341, 23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beautiful Korean girls wear skirts.

>> No.1614238


>> No.1614243

Why are you going to a local uniform shop?

>> No.1614244
File: 21 KB, 334x421, gookwhore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gook whore love skirts.

>> No.1614245

Its right next to the escalators...the movie theater, video arcade, and purikura machines are on the third floor

>> No.1614252

sage for 3D....3D is pig disgusting

>> No.1614255

In a few more years maybe they'll catch up to the modern world where you can wear whatever you damn well please.

>> No.1614258
File: 102 KB, 800x600, 1188081867444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beautiful Korean girls wear skirts.

>> No.1614257

American here.

Why are japs so jealous of Koreans?

>> No.1614260

so i don't have any reason left to go to japan

>> No.1614261

>Korean girls

doesn't add up

>> No.1614262
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>> No.1614263

Because the Japanese economy is default soon.

But the Korean economy is still growing.

>> No.1614266
File: 71 KB, 417x628, 18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beautiful Korean

>> No.1614264

I didn't know these existed. Just done some googling. I must admit I rather quite like them.

>> No.1614270

you japs are crazy

>> No.1614274
File: 22 KB, 360x504, 1224509239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm proud to be Korean, fuck off.

>> No.1614276
File: 130 KB, 500x339, 1188862413895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We Koreans are crazy.

>> No.1614282
File: 65 KB, 640x480, 1226355327901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm proud to be Korean, fuck off.

>> No.1614286

so now it will be even harder to tell the girls from the guys...anyone consider that problem haha

>> No.1614290

I, for one, support long skirts.



>> No.1614294


>> No.1614296

If just putting pants on someone makes it hard for you tell if they're male or female then you have bigger problems.

>> No.1614297

Ya they still look like skirts to me though.

>> No.1614302
File: 35 KB, 283x535, iup730534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm proud to be Korean, fuck off.

>> No.1614299


ITT stupid weeaboos pretending to hate Korea in hope of getting a step closer to Japan can't tell the difference between North Korea and South Korea.

>> No.1614303


>> No.1614310

Yes, I was indeed implying your inability to distinguish genders meant you were a homosexual.

>> No.1614311

It's not a weeaboo, it's some Jap from Futaba who has always been here.

>> No.1614312

a trap?

>> No.1614319
File: 147 KB, 800x600, 1203859477581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korean loli knows it very well how to misbehave like ameriKKKan.

>> No.1614318

Try looking at the signs they are holding if you still think that is Japanese you don't belong here.

>> No.1614325


>> No.1614326

You clearly haven't heard of this amazing new phenomena known as traps.

>> No.1614332


>> No.1614333


>> No.1614337

stop hating everyone!!!!
I'm a korean who digs japanese cultures
and as long as I jack off to your morbid but talented creations, 韓日友好必要的!!!

>> No.1614338
File: 53 KB, 640x425, 20070226117241741309369700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KOREANS wear skirts.

>> No.1614339

The left one reminds me of a military uniform for some reason.

.....fuck yes!

>> No.1614345

Much like how a guy wearing a skirt does not magically turn into a trap, neither does a girl wearing a pair of pants magically turn into a reverse trap.

>> No.1614355

I've seen nurses dressed like that. Also over 99% or something like that of nurses over here are women. Maybe they wear scrubs in hospitals.

>> No.1614357

Man, this got me thinking. I'd be perfectly fine with the removal of skirts, if it worked as a transition over to military-style uniforms. But wouldn't military-style uniforms look better with skirts too?

>> No.1614370

Sounds like someone hasn't read Magic of Skirts.

>> No.1614379
File: 115 KB, 700x528, 20070225117235247249200500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beautiful Korean girls wear skirts.

>> No.1614400

Why do so many wear glasses?

>> No.1614402

Too much Starcraft.

>> No.1614405
File: 19 KB, 125x125, asdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1614404


Because meganekkos make people hard.

>> No.1614417


Shut the fuck up, weeaboo. Hating on Koreans won't win you Japan's approval so much as another enemy, apart from the Japanese.

>> No.1614434


Dear god thank you for koreans.

>> No.1614446


The rightmost girl looks hittable. I'd make sweet meganekko love with her.

>> No.1614453
File: 16 KB, 283x368, 1226775130422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1614455

pretty much all Japanese are descended from Koreans. And guess what, they look pretty much the same.

>> No.1614466
File: 118 KB, 710x603, 1223432830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1614465

Hating Koreans isn't a distinctive Japanese thing. They're just perfectly horrible people. I would not be able to grasp how any person from any nation but Korea would be able to like them.

>> No.1614468

You do realize it is the Japanese that despise you? White couldn't give two shits between the differences of a bunch of Asians.

>> No.1614471
File: 63 KB, 857x583, W-MAP.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wrong, peninsular mongrel.

>> No.1614470

pretty much all humans are descended from neanderthals. And guess what, they look pretty much the same.

>> No.1614514

Wow you managed to know less about history than wikipedia congratulations.

>> No.1616780

Almost 200 replies and not one link to what this is about. I've googled and wiki'd but found nothing.

>> No.1616790

That's because we've all read it when it came out.

>> No.1616911

Actually Japanese are an amalgamation of the original natives of the Japanese islands, Ainu, the Yayoi (which were most likely Korean but I also suspect that a considerable amount of Chinese emigrated), and Malay-Polynesian groups. If you take a look at various Japanese throughout the whole country, some look very Altaic or Mongolic, others have a Southeast Asian flavor, and others are descendants of Ainu and other northern islanders.

>> No.1616985

You know what. I call bullshit. There's no such thing as a transition from skirts to trousers.

>> No.1617100

first the catholic schools, now the Japanese?


save the skirt!

>> No.1617172

Man I wish girls wore skirts and dresses more in California. You can easily preserve femininity while striving for actual and tangible equality. It's not like skirts would be more degrading than the nasty tight ragged jeans showing off thongs, buttcrack, and lower back tatoo. But then again, it might turn out girls would do the same with skirts.

>> No.1617190

More Modest attire equals greater urge to rip off said clothes used for modesty.

>> No.1617204

There is a private high school near my college in California so I see skirts all of the time.

Rolled up skirts too none of that to the shin crap
