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1605111 No.1605111 [Reply] [Original]

Is Clannad worth playing if I already saw the anime?
I'm running out of translated VNs to play, so how does the game compare with the anime?

>> No.1605119

Just keep watching the animu.

>> No.1605123

Buy a motorcycle instead and put moe loli stickers on it.

>> No.1605129

It's longer and less entertaining.

>> No.1605134

Do not worry friend.
The best route of the game is not covered in the anime, movie, special episode manga or whatever.
Play the game to enjoy the Fujibayashi twins route.

>> No.1605137

The game is much, MUCH better, seriously.
The only arc the anime did well was Fuuko's, I watched the anime first as well and I was really surprised by how superior the game turned out to be, especially Kotomi's route was much more touching in the game.
And can't forget Tomoyo's awesome route, you really have to see it in full.

>> No.1605178


Full After Story OP.

>> No.1605198
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The anime tries to do too much but it ends up flowing less naturally than the VN, it's really not bad though

>> No.1605202


The twins' route is good? What, is Kyou that much less of a generic boring tsundere than in the show?

>> No.1605208

The game is vastly superior to the anime.

>> No.1605217

He was trying to be sarcastic, probably.
Kyou's route is the weakest in the game.

>> No.1605244

What the hell? How is that there? The OP hasn't even been released yet, right?

>> No.1605263

It's already out.

>> No.1605277

The game is much better than the anime, but that's usually the case with multi-route VNs.

>> No.1605287

Clannad still does a decent job of adapting the VN to animu though, unlike a couple other animu we refuse to acknowledge.

>> No.1605298

Ah, for some reason I thought it came out Dec 14, not Nov 14.

>> No.1605340


Figures. Didn't think the animu would have butchered someone's character THAT badly, so I guess she was always that dull.

>> No.1605352

She's awesome in some of the other routes, like Kotomi's in the VN. That one other writer did the Kyou/Ryou route and it was just fucked up. Kappei's route totally redeemed Ryou for me.

>> No.1605370


So she's like F/SN Saber? Boring in her own route, actually fun in the others?

>> No.1605374
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I'd say that's a fair description of her.

>> No.1605423

The anime only does Nagisa, Fuuko, and some common stuff. Every other route is better than Nagisa, and there are a lot. So yes, it's worth it.

>> No.1605427

minase isn't

>> No.1605435

Clannad isn't even worth watching, why should you play it?
Why would anybody be willed to spend more time with that?

>> No.1605444

>>Every other route is better than Nagisa
No, just no.

>> No.1605452

i like fuuko.

>> No.1605456

People here seems to have a lot of time to spent, look at them discussing the powerlevel in something mediocre like FSN again and again.

>> No.1605468 [SPOILER] 
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After Story has done an excellent job thus far on the routes it has covered, but the VN is still vastly superior because they had time to fully flesh out the characters and scenes. I may be out of the majority here but CLANNAD is one of the best VNs I've played. The storylines are very intriguing and the overall theme of family and friends really resonated with me.

Any fan of the anime should play the source material.

Also, Ryou is a slut.

>> No.1605467

>Nagisa route

Best route in the game actually. Clannad wont be up so high in the rankings without Nagisa route + After Story.

>> No.1605472

Nagisa is the most boring heroine of the show, with the possible exception of Ryou, who does not have a real route.

>> No.1605479

>>I may be out of the majority here
You aren't, Clannad isn't pretty much always at the top of the best VNs polls for nothing.

>> No.1605482


Nagisa is great. Her interactions with her family and Tomoya makes it quite interesting.

>> No.1605486

Cockroach bitch, too stupid to live. I couldn't tolerate her if she was real, and I only read her route all the way to the end because I was dumb enough to believe the fucking Keyfags who said it was good.

>> No.1605487

the VN is better than the anime, but i don't know how it is if you're approaching it the other way

>> No.1605488

I liked Clannad
Theres nothing to lose playing it except time and friends

>> No.1605502


If you actually read her route, you'll know that Nagisa isn't the focus in her route.

>> No.1605505

>> I couldn't tolerate her if she was real
Oh it's you again, you always have to come bitching, right?
You are a retard, everyone here can see that, now move on or something.

>> No.1605515

Nagisa's route + After Story? More like Tomoya's route.

>> No.1605519



>> No.1605526


samefag is same, etc.

And while Nagisa's not the most exciting character out there, at least she's not another cookie-cutter dime-a-dozen tsundere.

>> No.1605539

Not samefag, although I post against Nagisa whenever I see these threads, in hope of saving people from wasting a lot of time.

>> No.1605540
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>Every other route is better than Nagisa

Oh, Jesus...

>Nagisa is the most boring heroine of the show

And how exactly does that reflect the quality of her route overall? Writing, son, that's what matters. Nagisa has a lot of character development, even if you don't like the character itself, her route is still well done.

lol /jp/

>> No.1605548

You heard him guys, it's a waste of time. /jp/ agreed.

Now everyone, let's go back to our FSN threads.

>> No.1605556

The only thing you manage to do is some low level trolling in every Clannad thread, you always repeat the same retarded shit as well.
The fact that you write shits like "TOO STUPID TO LIVE" prove that you didn't understand anything about her route or her personality.

>> No.1605557

I don't like FSN either, but it's a lot better than Clannad.

>> No.1605561

Nagisa doesn't have a personality

>> No.1605563

Thanks for proving that you really are stupid.

>> No.1605566

There is no such thing as a character with "no personality".

>> No.1605577


Well, some people claimed that she is boring, thats a personality trait.

>> No.1605580

You've got it, son.

Clannad is shit and shouldn't be played.

Stop bumping this thread guys, you're wasting your time dealing with trolls.

>> No.1605578

Her route is also boring. There's a story there, yes, but it's not particularly well executed. The writing is about on par with the rest of the game, so any comparison must fall back to the character.

If a VN can have a good route with a bad character, Clannad is not that VN.

loldevelopment. It's hard to imagine her being more of a cliche, both before and after her overcoming her problems. But if you like the standard half-useless, tries-hard, naive girl type--fine, there are plenty of games you'll enjoy.

>> No.1605583

"Boring" is not a personality trait. It is the opposite of "interesting," which is also not a personality trait.

>> No.1605587

Yeah, right.

Nagisa sucks, Clannad sucks, KEY sucks.


>> No.1605596

That's just your opinion, man.
Anyways her route was better executed than most romance I've seen in VNs, especially the After Story.
The pacing, the interaction between the whole cast, the drama and Tomoya's character development were all very well done in the After Story, it's not even worth discussing.

>> No.1605621

Despite all the risks involved Nagisa decides to give birth to her and Tomoya's child, thus sacrificing herself. What has your favorite character done? Cried and bitched until Tomoya fucked her?

>> No.1605628

I doubt you have the intelligence to compare the writing between every routes so let's skip it.
I can understand that you don't find Nagisa appealing, it's your taste and I respect that but the way you think your opinion is universal is extremely annoying.

And her route really didn't focus exclusively on her, you had her family of course but the focus was also on Tomoya's himself, he was the one who was really "saved" by Nagisa, he is the one who really changed by getting close with her.

>> No.1605662

Good job feeding the troll.

>> No.1605791


Well then, I tip my hat to /jp/'s good taste.

>> No.1605812

He's not talking about /jp/ though.
