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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1604285 No.1604285 [Reply] [Original]

So my youth group is having a trip to Japan to try and convert them heathens. The trip is supposed to spend about a month in Japan during December. It's free since it's paid by donations. Should I go? Of course I'll have to preach and stuff but on my off hours I figure I could go to maid cafes and buy doujins and shit.

>> No.1604289

Do it, if only for a free trip to Japan. Just make a half-assed attempt at preaching to fulfill 'requirements' since you obviously don't care too much for the religion.

>> No.1604290


>> No.1604291

Hail Satan.

>> No.1604293

Hmmm sounds awfully like SCIENTOLOGY.

>> No.1604294

is this some kind of sick joke?
you preach the word of the true lord while you fap to loli?

go to Japan and preach, I say!

>> No.1604298

My mormon mission was to North Carolina. God why couldn't I have converted the Japs?

Enjoy it, it should be fun.

>> No.1604299

lulz xD

It's free, so why the hell not? If anyone offered me a free trip anywhere, I think I'd accept.

>> No.1604304

I thought Mormonism was illegal outside of Utah?

>> No.1604308

See thats whats wrong with todays world... people paid donations to faggots to go and convert japanese people to a shitty religion... They should rather donate to something useful like AI research or Solar power research or anything beneficial to society.

>> No.1604306
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>> No.1604311


Well I believe in Christianity. But I don't necessarily believe that I should tell people about it if they obviously couldn't care less. Seems like a waste of my time and their time. I could have been spending that time feeding the hungry or something instead of getting Japanese people to ignore me.

>> No.1604314

...what? You hear about the FBI breaking up polygamist cults all the time.

>> No.1604317

>to a shitty religion
Are you suggesting there are religions that aren't shitty?

>> No.1604327

You're always crying about religion. Were you molested by a priest as a child?

(Though usually you throw in a jab at islam, so maybe not.)

>> No.1604329
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Hey, don't be mean to Mormons. They're weird, but they're nice, and there are far stranger forms of spirituality. Pic related.

Chances of converting anybody in Japan are extremely low. If you go there, expect to come back to your pastor/priest/shaman empty-handed. Don't let that stop you from hitting Akihabara.

>> No.1604331

Why go so far to convert heathens when there are plenty in your own backyard?

Also, what the fuck, why are you in some kind of church youth group? Get out of here, freak.

>> No.1604335


Sometimes, they shoot the kids AFTER the tanks run over them, too. You know, to save money on the healthcare system.

Government should stay the fuck out of religion. Religion should stay the fuck out of government. Both should stay the fuck out of the economy.

>> No.1604341

Japan already worships Mammon. You don't have to worry about accidentally converting anyone.

>> No.1604339

No, by all means not. There isnt a single good one.
No I am molested by the fact that if there was no religion we would have invented the computer 200 years ago.

>> No.1604342

and you should stay the fuck out of /jp/

>> No.1604352

Libertarian whack job, haha

>> No.1604347

Hey, fuck you. North Carolina is awesome!

>> No.1604353

europe would've still been living in a pre-feudal society in 1800 if not for religion spurring cultural unity, so no

>> No.1604359


The whole world worships Mammon, especially those TV preachers raking in donations hand over fist while they twist and pervert the words of their supposed prophet for their own myopic purposes.

>> No.1604380

lol no... how does burning books and burning anyone that thinks otherwise improve anything also there was no so called "cultural unity" if there was we would only have one church not 4 of them.

>> No.1604381


Europe would still be living in the dark ages if not for secularization.

Come back when you know what you talk about christfag.

>> No.1604387

Competition causes progress.

>> No.1604388

Go for it. Free trip to Japan. Airfare for most of us would be a little less than a grand. But I can totally see this anon only preaching to lolis while in Japan.

>> No.1604396

In what, in who's gonna worship GOD MOAR?

>> No.1604400


It would be great to take their virginity and then teach them to be ashamed of sex and hate themselves for committing a sin against god or whatever.

>> No.1604404
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Hey guys, I hear all of this stuff about christfags and islamfags and mormonfags and jews. But what about magickfags? Don't we get points for being disliked by almost all organized religions to-date?

>> No.1604413

cool religious discussion on /jp/, aniki

>> No.1604411


In attracting followers, peddling influence, putting heathens to the sword, that sort of thing.

>> No.1604414


I thought the Japanese already did that before the west made contact with them from Confucianism values?

>> No.1604418

>A religion is a set of tenets and practices, often centered upon specific supernatural and moral claims about reality, the cosmos, and human nature, and often codified as prayer, ritual, or religious law.

If you meat this requirement you are AUTO HATED.

>> No.1604430


I fucking despise those dirty hippie neo-pagans, but I'm cool with anyone who like reads the Necronomicon and tries to put curses on people.

>> No.1604448


Too bad most magikfags are either emo goth teens, hippie pagan asshats, mother goddess bitch whompers or stoners.

>> No.1604459

That's magick with a ck, as /x/ would have it.
/x/ a year ago, anyway. Nowadays it's just "creepypasta time, /b/!"

>> No.1604479
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No worries about that here. We all know that there are no women on the internet and emo kids don't end up in places where they get insulted a lot(I.E. here).

I can't stand the new fake necronomicons. So cheesy. Though I hear one is actually a semi-legitimate translated article.

>> No.1604484


That's the problem with most people, they tend to be fucking intolerable.

But for the rare ones that manage to not be huge faggots about it, I'm not bothered by their silly beliefs in magick. Unlike God, magick is something I can at least WANT to believe in. I would love to put a curse on athens that slowly turns his penis into a vagina and then he can tell us if he still feels lonely.

>> No.1604488

Didn't Lovecraft just make up the necronomicon?

>> No.1604497
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"We have no deviant sex because we have no Christianity."
--Masami Akita

>> No.1604513


Now there's a true prophet.

>> No.1604510

Don't ask me. I don't pretend to know about it. Sure has ignited the imagination of quite a few legitimate magicians, though.

>> No.1604514


Though people like to claim that Aleister Crowley divinely inspired it somehow.

>> No.1604515


>> No.1604532

lol Christians. They have to live life on a crutch.

>> No.1604544


The same could be said about us and our crutch of 2D because we can't face the real world. Just sayin'

>> No.1604557

Christianity: Sex-fearing death cult
Islam: Sex-fearing death cult
/jp/: Hmmm.....

>> No.1604560

Sex-fearing anime club

>> No.1604566

LOL ^_____________________________^

>> No.1604568

Most of us realize it's pretty pathetic though in ways, while they think they have right and justice on their side. It's kind of like the shitty piracy arguments and we're the guys admitting we just do it instead of trying to justify it.

>> No.1604570


/jp/ - 3D fearing fap cult

>> No.1604586


At the same time most Christians keep quiet about their views and aren't in your face. It's just the loud minority that gives the group a bad name. It's the same with /jp/ anons. Noone would know we are even here except some asshats have some sort of otaku pride or bad power level suppression.

>> No.1604598


But the quiet ones are always serial killers.

>> No.1604606


By that definition, /jp/ is a board of serial killers.

Are you a serial killer, Anonymous? Are you?

>> No.1604609

>Seems like a waste of my time and their time. I could have been spending that time feeding the hungry or something instead of getting Japanese people to ignore me.

Back when I used to be somewhat of a Christian, I was always frustrated at all the idiots who actually thought attempts at proselyting in well-to-do societies was a meaningful endeavor. If you're still here OP, I suggest you find something more useful to do with your time with your youth group such as helping the needy; it'll be more rewarding than indulging in your deviant hobbies behind everybody's backs. Despite being a reclusive agnostic atheist now, I keep my non-belief quiet at church so I can still do charity work and go on the occasional summer missionary trip to help out in poverty-stricken communities.

>> No.1604613

Anon is everything and everyone all at once.

>> No.1604632

Why do young people hate religion so much? What's the matter? Parents make you wake up every sunday early in the morning and now you are resentful and blame religion for everything?

>> No.1604650

I'm not like that anymore, Jones. Don't you bring that up in my presence ever again.

>> No.1604664

I don't hate religion.

>> No.1604670


Technically, no, since I haven't actually done anything. But I have my dreams.

>> No.1604840


Because religion is absurd.

Because religious people take pride in their ignorance, abandoning all pretense of critical thinking in favour of what they wish to be true.

And last but not least, because religion has been fucking up society for the past 5000 years or so.

>> No.1604863


Religion is innately detestable, youth is inherently rebellious. It's a match made in, well, heaven.

>> No.1604914

Some of the most intelligent people in the world are and have been religious.

It's the ramblings of a fool who believes only intelligent people are atheists and only atheists are intelligent.

>> No.1604925

god is dead, prove me wrong.

>> No.1604937

Missionary efforts in Japan are not utterly futile.

>> No.1604941

Sure, pray with a desire to follow the commandments of God, to find the true religion of God, with intent to work your whole life if necessary to find him, and he will answer you.

God proven.

>> No.1604943


Geniuses can be alcoholics and opium addicts and homosexuals and all kinds of other bad things too. It doesn't mean such flaws don't negatively affect their potential. Just because religion is incredibly stupid and a very destructive influence on society doesn't mean every single person who buys into it is automatically retarded. Well, except maybe in this day and age.

>> No.1604949


Yes, both sides of the table have an equal amount of moron's associated with them.

But jesus, on an obvious religious troll thread on /v/ there were more intelligent christfags defending their opinion than the underage b& that is the angsty emo atheistfags.

I'm an atheist myself and I am very disappointed with how equally as irrational athiestfags can be as the worst of the christfags.

>> No.1604950

Stop making shit up, faggot.

>> No.1604956

Nietzsche is dead. Prove me wrong.

>> No.1604987

The fact that you have never tried this so you automatically assume it can't work is laughable

>> No.1604981
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Shit thread became shit. Time for a religion hijack.

>> No.1604982

>brainwash yourself, then you'll believe

>> No.1604983


They'll either finish going through their teenage rebellion phase and go back to being Christfags, or finish going through their teenage stupid phase and hate themselves and the stupid shit they said and did even more than we do. I mean, it happened to all of us, right?

Except Croatia, whose development seems to be... stunted.

>> No.1604989

Fuck off, kid.

>> No.1604992
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>> No.1604996
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>> No.1605004
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>> No.1605007
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>> No.1605017

I am actually quite certain that it would work.

What makes you think I don't believe that? What makes you think I haven't actually tried it myself?

If he wants to, a man can make himself believe anything.

>> No.1605031

Homosexuality isn't bad.

>> No.1605028


Can you teach me? I'm truly envious of those that can deceive themselves. There's a lot of things I'd really love to force myself to believe, but I just can't.

>> No.1605038
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>> No.1605042

So what is the true religion then? If you've tried it, you should know

>> No.1605043

I propose that:

1. Religion isn't the cause of problems in society, it's a symptom of the same human nature as said problems.

2. Nobody needs to give a fuck about anybody else's personal philosophy or belief system except inasmuch is necessary to respect it rather than try to impose his own on everyone.

3. We should at least pretend we're all reasonable people.

>> No.1605046

does your mom know your gay?

>> No.1605049
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Kooh want's to become papa's bride.

>> No.1605058

Trying prayer for a few seconds reveals the grand truths of the universe? lol reality doesn't work that way.

Have you really tried? I haven't, not for any long period of time.

>> No.1605057


Disagree with 1, it's both. Cause, symptom, excuse, general ill and bane of civilization. Religion is many things, and few of them are good.

>> No.1605059
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Kooh's ass will fix this thread!

>> No.1605073

It's a matter of willpower. Throwback to the magickfags, they know how to do it. Forcing yourself to believe in something is half of casting a spell, after all. They have it mastered through meditation and concentrated willpower.

Willpower is ESSENTIAL.

>> No.1605078


Not for a long period of time, no. More of an intense but intermittent thing.

>> No.1605081
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>Trying prayer for a few seconds

There's your problem.

>with intent to work your whole life if necessary to find him, and he will answer you.

This isn't an easy thing and it takes time, dedication, effort on your part. And yes, he WILL answer you.

The fact you don't understand that proves your ignorance.

Last Kooh of the day. Enjoy your debate.

>> No.1605085


If I had willpower I wouldn't be in this predicament. Oh well, another dream to give up on.

>> No.1605089


The problem with having people try prayer is that today's youth is too cynical to believe it will actually accomplish anything and the amount of dedication and time needed is a major turn off.

>> No.1605091

Not my problem. I don't have any desire to become a slave of an imaginary master.

>> No.1605096

I love how this elaborate prayer trolling is going to convince at least one person to give up his loli porn for the life of an ascetic. Boy is he going to be pissed years down the line when he figures out we were all just fucking with him.

>> No.1605100


Totally proved the point I made in


Today's youth is just too cynical.

>> No.1605102


I totally do. Not god, though, but Tohsaka Rin.

>> No.1605106

You act like willpower can't be improved through training. It's all up to you, I suppose, but even I was that bad once. When I decided that enough was enough, I stood up and worked to improve my will by breaking unhealthy habits I had and forming new ones.

Now my personality is mine to control, and what I believe is my decision. That's just a fringe benefit, though...

>> No.1605117

You're assuming that I'm a young person!
(well, you'd be right, if 21 counts)
But she can't even get you into heaven...
Not even hot vampire sex is worth giving up my freedom.

>> No.1605121


nah I don't think any anon's are strong enough to change themselves that much.


>> No.1605130


Did you learn to cast spells? Can you detect the border of Gensokyo?


She is my heaven.

>> No.1605158

I'm sure you're not interested in the gory details of magic(k), how it works and what it can effect. But because you asked, yes, some place that is very much like Gensokyo(though I can't say if the loveable cast is there) supposedly does exist. Just a theory, but one that has been around longer than Touhou.

>> No.1605175


No, I'm interested. Especially in the stuff that's considered taboo by most hippie pagans, like turning people's blood into snakes and shit. And finding Gensokyo.

>> No.1605191

Gensokyo cannot merely be found. It must be attained by a virgin soul pure of earthly taint.

>> No.1605215


Virgin soul, check. I'll have to check my taint.

>> No.1605222

No turning blood into snakes. Maybe get a snake to bite somebody, but that's being rather unimaginative when you consider the kinds of incredible misfortune you can bring somebody. Not exactly my cup of tea, I don't make many enemies.

The theory of the "Border", as I've heard it, is a great spiritual divide that works exactly like Gensokyo's border does. Mythical creatures locked away in an alternate dimension. It may(will) interest you to know that according to this theory, the border is weakening slowly and will eventually be weak enough to allow travel from one side to the other.

They've got a... "spirited" discussion going on in Veritas, if you care to find it in the forums.

>> No.1605236
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When I was back there in seminary school, there was a person there

Who put forth the proposition, that you can petition the lord with prayer

Petition the lord with prayer, petition the lord with prayer

You cannot petition the lord with prayer!

>> No.1605243

/jp/ - Christian Youth Groups

>> No.1605257

If you can do magic why don't you claim your $1M prize from the JREF?

>> No.1605256


>No turning blood into snakes.


How do I speed up the weakening of the border? I want to pet a unicorn. And once I get my willpower and stuff up to snuff, how do I put a curse of profound misfortune on Croatia?

>> No.1605266
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>to something useful like AI research

As someone in AI...


>> No.1605276

Because a magician can jsut make his own money from nothing.

>> No.1605278

So why isn't Shintoism more popular on /jp/?

>> No.1605283

What time of December? New years is supposed to be crazy there. If you can, stay for that.

>> No.1605292

Hell if I know. The border doesn't especially interest me. I'm sure you can find a manual of magic if you look hard enough, say around these websites;


What would I do with unequaled fame and a million dollars? The premise is flawed in that, if I even wanted either of those, I could simply use a spell to obtain them in the first place.

>> No.1605303

Because it's not popular in Japan anymore.

>> No.1605310




>> No.1605333


Why do they do all that Shinto shit for new years? Answer me that you nigger lover.

>> No.1605329

That is what happens when you take a fandom and mix it with magick and obsessive fans. The fact that the Touhou fandom can potentially reach that level amuses me greatly, so I am assisting the process.

>> No.1605338

Project digiclipse is the combination of hope, belief, and the theories of members of all digimon believers. The point is, we believe that digimon exist, and we are determined to find a way to bring them to us. The way we attempt to do this, is simple, yet hopefully effective. We gather all the belivers that we can find, and focus on our goal at the exact same moment all around the world, hold our digivices to the sky, and the laws of mind over matter tell us that we can achieve our goal; a digital portal opening somewhere nearby.

Your toy Digivices?

They may be toys, but many of them are a symbolic or even spiritual connection to our partners, and act as a bridge between our world and the digital world by sheer love and belief. That's what this entire project was based on, the power of the mind, and our connections, if not just our belief. It's been proved throughout history that if you believe in something, it can happen. Take for example, the placebo effect. If you give a sick man a substance that will do nothing to aid or harm him, such as sugar, and tell him it's medicine, studies prove that he will get better simply because he believed he would.

I don't have a digivice, can I still take part?...

Of course! As it's been stated, the digivices are mostly symbolic, though some say the have a connection to the digital world, they aren't necessary. Some people don't use anything, some are using their cell-phones, one person even said they were using their stuffed toy, so theoretically speaking, you could use anything that you feel a connection to digimon with. As long as you believe, something is bound to happen!

But will this actually work??

Well, we can't tell you whether or not it will work, as it has not been attempted by anyone before. This is sort of a hopeful experiment, but even if a portal doesn't open, it will bring us all closer and hopefully weaken the barrier between the worlds.

>> No.1605346

Because it's part of the culture. New saying in Japan; "Dumplings before candles." or something to that effect. It means that most people are just visiting the festivals for the festivities, instead of what the festival was supposed to represent.

>> No.1605345

You might be a great magician of unlimited power, but are there not some magicians who can only do minor spells and not summon huge quantities of cash? Surely one of them would want the $1M prize.

>> No.1605363


It's so batshit, and yet I desperately want to believe. I want to live in a digital world.

What would we do, sew our own silly hats and hold them to the sky?

>> No.1605373


>> No.1605378

Oh, I'm not all that powerful. Just saying that, because it's the logical conclusion over anybody that can potentially complete that challenge. There's also the philosophy behind magic(compare to Taoism) and that the most powerful magicians believe that public displays of power are a waste of time.

>> No.1605390

Project touhouclipse is the combination of hope, belief, and the theories of members of all Touhou believers. The point is, we believe that Youkai exist, and we are determined to find a way to bring them to us. The way we attempt to do this, is simple, yet hopefully effective. We gather all the belivers that we can find, and focus on our goal at the exact same moment all around the world, hold our hats to the sky, and the laws of mind over matter tell us that we can achieve our goal; a border opening somewhere nearby.

Your hats?

They may be headgear, but many of them are a symbolic or even spiritual connection to our partners, and act as a bridge between our world and gensokyo by sheer love and belief. That's what this entire project was based on, the power of the mind, and our connections, if not just our belief. It's been proved throughout history that if you believe in something, it can happen. Take for example, the placebo effect. If you give a sick man a substance that will do nothing to aid or harm him, such as sugar, and tell him it's medicine, studies prove that he will get better simply because he believed he would.

I don't have a hat, can I still take part?...

Of course! As it's been stated, the hats are mostly symbolic, though some say the have a connection to gensokyo, they aren't necessary. Some people don't use anything, some are using their cell-phones, one person even said they were using their stuffed toy, so theoretically speaking, you could use anything that you feel a connection to youkai with. As long as you believe, something is bound to happen!

But will this actually work??

Well, we can't tell you whether or not it will work, as it has not been attempted by anyone before. This is sort of a hopeful experiment, but even if a portal doesn't open, it will bring us all closer and hopefully weaken the barrier between the worlds.

>> No.1605394

It's not a waste of time if it gives you a million dollars and opens the way for people to seriously consider your art.

And they aren't asking for anything grand. You don't have to shoot fireballs to complete the challenge. If you can't do it, then you likely can't do anything at all--which is the whole point of having that challenge up.

But of course, you're either trolling or retarded, so saying this is pointless.

>> No.1605396

Magickfag here.

I am unsure if my efforts are successful or a complete, jaw-dropping, earth-shattering failure.

>> No.1605398

So you're saying there are no weak magicians. What kind of "not all that powerful" magic can you do that's worth more than $1M? What would you consider powerful?

>> No.1605406

Even something as "trivial" as slightly altering the probabilities of a coin flip would be sufficient to win the JREF prize if you could do it reliably.

>> No.1605416

I don't care if people take it seriously. If they don't take it seriously, then they either don't want magic to be real or don't care. Why should I bother with them? If they wanted to see it so badly, I'm sure they could simply pick up a book and start practicing instead of pandering for others to jump-start their belief in it.

>> No.1605422

Do you believe every human can do magic? Many people have tried and failed, was this lack of innate ability, or were they Doing It Wrong?

>> No.1605431

>Why should I bother with them?
Because ONE MILLION DOLLARS, retard.

>> No.1605428


it's because water doesn't boil when you watch it

oh wai--

>> No.1605447

Please believe me
The river told me
Very softly.

I'm going but I need a little time
I promised I would drown myself in mystic heated wine.

Free fall, flow, fiver flow, on and on it goes
Breathe underwater till the end.
Free fall, flow, river flow, on and on it goes
Breathe underwater till the end.

>> No.1605453

Not my place to say. Some people are more suited to it for others, obviously, but any more than that I admit I don't know.

I could spend an hour describing the philosophy and the innate paradox that both prevents and allows the existence of magic, but that would take an hour and it would be a rather dull hour. If you're interested in why that question is silly, find a book on the subject.

>> No.1605454

Please tell me more about this border.

>> No.1605471

"It's either real or it's a dream, there's nothing that is in between."

And if it's real you get One Million US Dollars! Even if it's some gay little useless magic, you can still win if it breaks the laws of physics. Think of all the animu figures you could buy! I don't see what's silly about free money.

>> No.1605477

>I could spend an hour describing the philosophy and the innate paradox that both prevents and allows the existence of magic

Noone asked for anything like that.

>> No.1605492

As far as I've heard, it's a border in-between the physical and the spiritual. Things that are called mythical beings live there, in spiritual form. Dragons, demons, angels, gods, that such. Your presence on that plane is your soul.

This border, as is natural with all things, is imperfect. Things on one side can affect the other side through a force of will, and at certain times(full moon, halloween, ect.) the border is said to be weak, even enough to allow some beings to travel from one side to the other.

In recent times, the border has gotten weaker. Nobody's exactly sure why(kind of like global warming) but it's an obvious trend. If eventually it gets to a point where travel from one side of the other by a human is possible under ordinary circumstances, the border is considered "broken".

Of course, that doesn't mean the other side is inhabited by little girls with silly hats, but it really does sound like Gensokyo.

>> No.1605500

How do you measure the strength of this border?

>> No.1605509

You test it. It's not like you need any particular preparations, it's always "there". I suppose nobody's bothered to put it into numbers, but magic has certainly gotten easier in the past few years.

>> No.1605517

>an obvious trend.
Somehow I doubt that.

>> No.1605521

>Things that are called mythical beings live there, in spiritual form.

What do you mean by spiritual form?

Does the border or the place beyond this border have any names?

Also, do you know any more about the place that exists beyond the border?

>> No.1605532

Where can I buy a spiritual border testing device?

>> No.1605559

I really wish you weren't making this up.

>> No.1605562

Sigh. Let's put this simply(if somewhat warped), then;
The Will is the opposite of the Want. The more you resist acting on what you want, the more will is present. Will is necessary for magic.

There's the paradox; In order to use magic to accomplish something, you need to no longer want it. Sounds cheesy, but true. Somewhat like the buddhist ideal, if you live without want of anything material, you've reached the ultimate power.

Meaning they have no body. If, right now, you were to somehow yank a spirit through the border, it would need a body if it was to stay here. That's the idea behind demonic possession and to a lesser extent, enchantment.

Not that I know of.

All I know is what I've seen when I looked, and I haven't seen Hakurei Shrine.

>> No.1605568

Just down at the Spooks 'R Us, in the "Arcane device" aisle.

>> No.1605574

So what have you seen besides dragons, demons etc.? Please be as descriptive as you can.

>> No.1605579

If you wanted to be really slummy, you could get an Oujia board and gauge the "strength" of the response. But that's kind of silly, because everyone knows that they don't work all that well.

In theory you could just pipe up a question across the border and ask the nearest spirit how easy it is to get across, but I can't say I've ever tried that.

>> No.1605588

I'm actually the most powerful magician alive. You can tell I'm powerful because resist acting harder than everybody else. I'm so successful I don't use any magic at all!

>> No.1605592

That's a bit of a touchy subject. I'm sure you'd get different answers for every person you asked, but in general if there aren't any spirits to look at, it's the void. A big bunch of nothing that we can see, in any case.

But you're not supposed to stare at the void.

>> No.1605605

Lest it it look into you, right?

>> No.1605606

I've used a genuine oujia board as seen on The Exorcist, and it didn't do anything at all. It's an inert piece of plastic, and there are no "spirits". You can't even make it spell rude words without it being obvious to the other players.

>> No.1605623

/jp/ - magic(k)

>> No.1605626

>but in general if there aren't any spirits to look at, it's the void. A big bunch of nothing that we can see, in any case.

This is a bit disappointing. Can you alter the void to appear as something else? Or is how the void appears (with or without spirits) dependent on the person viewing it?

>But you're not supposed to stare at the void.

>> No.1605646

You have no clue how true that saying really is.

Of course they don't work that well, but it's just about the easiest way to test. You could always take up summoning and see how hard it is to call upon a spirit, but that's kind of difficult.

Remember, I have little proof for myself that the border is getting weaker, I simply know it exists. Spells have recently been getting easier to cast and more successful when complete, but that's about it. All I hear about it is from other people and their Mayan calendar.

>> No.1605658

I got a million dollars from JREF by demonstrating incomprehensible but undeniably supernatural phenomena. Nobody involved in my testing ever existed any more.

>> No.1605671

>You have no clue how true that saying really is.

While I'm firmly engaged in suspension of disbelief for most of what you say, you'll have to forgive me if the idea of (what is by definition) absolutely nothing having some inherent intelligence or will.

Something is either there or it isn't, so it's either a neutral void or a malicious entity. Can't be both.

>> No.1605692

Again, touchy subject. In general, yes, it's dependent on who's viewing it. In some cases, though, it seems to act very strangely. Difficult to describe to anyone who hasn't seen it.

Looking into it is comparable to injecting acid into your eye and then staring at the sun; Not only are you going to hurt your eye, but you're probably going to have a hell of a trip.

>> No.1605711


It doesn't stare back LITERALLY, but it has a profound effect on your subconscious. I haven't ever been silly enough to stare at it, so I wouldn't know the whole story, but it does NOT have a positive effect on people.

>> No.1605751

This sounds like a very negative place.

>> No.1605759

mormon_guy, why do you have lewd loli pictures on your computer?

I'm pretty sure child bride harems are illegal now, and your church had to stop allowing them like 100+ years ago.

Shouldn't you be praying away the pedo?

>> No.1605756

Let's stare into the light then.
That's gotta have a positive effect right? dohohoho

>> No.1605765

You're telling me. Even then, people still manage to get things done through it despite the craziness.

>> No.1605770
File: 24 KB, 468x456, 1226625094498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1605772

No nipples or vagoo, so it's not porn! is what he must be thinking.

>> No.1605778

Testing noko.

Ciel is awesome.

>> No.1605788

how do i fortune xD

>> No.1605795

Are there any other borders that exist, or only the one?

Also, I apologize for so many questions, anon.

>> No.1605799

but without a faith system to secularize there would have been no secularization and there fore no progress so make sure you thank the next Catholic you see for all of the advances in technology and society made over the last 500 years faggot.

>> No.1605806

I liked this thread better when it was about regular religion.

>> No.1605809


really you know that thing is fake lern 2 lovecraft fagget

>> No.1605819

No clue. This barrier is the line in-between earth and heaven/hell. Logically there's another physical universe out there with a similar border, but this is the only one that I'm aware of. No problem with the questions, by the way, I've got plenty of time.

Really though, no matter how much like Gensokyo it sounds, a complete barrier break would be like a Resonance Cascade and a zombie apocalypse at the same time. So don't keep your hopes up, children.

>> No.1605879

> /jp/ fagget(s) fixed that for you

>> No.1606036

What does it mean when the moon is red?
It's a full moon tonight, and it's completely red.

>> No.1606056

Heres a piece of advise...Well since it's you anon, I think you should go for a walk. Something intreasting might happen.

Like you might get killed. That'd be cool.

>> No.1606049

It means air pollution

>> No.1606065

>my youth group is having a trip to Japan to try and convert them heathens
>it's paid by donations

Are the Christfags in your local community aware that their donated money is being wasted?

>> No.1606129
File: 546 KB, 1600x1200, jesus.1210810453041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3. Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry"), grotesque ("guro"), or loli/shota pornography.
1. Religion troll.
2. /trv/
3. Blog.

This thread is reportable. I have done so, and invite all sages and silent onlookers to do so as well.

>> No.1606204

So would you say this barrier/place beyond the barrier have things worth exploring? Or is it generally a place that should be left alone?

>> No.1606210

Well, I can see you didn't read the thread.

Red moon = refraction caused by shit in the air (particulate matter, ozone, etc)
It's no more magical than a rainbow.

>> No.1606221
File: 120 KB, 585x707, 1226629789756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never. To Christians, if a country still has less than half of 1% a population of Christians after countless outreach efforts, it's just because they aren't trying hard enough.


>> No.1606621

So would you say this place beyond the barrier has things worth exploring? Or is it something that should be left alone/ignored?

>> No.1606642

Religion is a human made concept anyway, it is easily fallible

>> No.1606671


I think you're a faggot. Enjoy your reporting...ALONE.

>> No.1606712

Smells like /x/ Around here...

>> No.1606744


Actually the vast majority of religions have a "voice of god" behind their creator.

Like how prophets get visited by angels and Greco-Roman gods actively walked among man.

So should any be true, they would have their origins in the gods themselves.
