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1602707 No.1602707 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.1602709


>> No.1602713


>> No.1602724

But isn't he... evil?

>> No.1602725


>> No.1602732

Well not evil, but not even good.

>> No.1602738

I thought the Japs didn't believe in good and evil.

>> No.1602749

cool, what game is it?

>> No.1602755

why there are 2 sabers and 2 assassins?

>> No.1602758


Saber and Dark Saber
Assassin and True Assassin

>> No.1602765

Fallout 2

>> No.1602767

Dawn of War 2

>> No.1602773

Unlimited Lolita Works.

>> No.1602778


Never winter nights character made by me
do not steal

>> No.1602783

Too late

>> No.1602804

1. He wanted to use Avenger on humanity because they were too sinful and decadent (evil).
2. He went to stop the Shadow because it was killing indiscriminately.

Chaotic good - They believe in all the virtues of goodness and right, but they have little use for laws and regulations. Their actions are guided by their own moral compass which, although good, may not always be in perfect agreement with the rest of society.

So he was imposing justice according to his own beliefs. Sounds about right to me.

>> No.1602806

And if we take Gil's beliefs and personality into consideration, it makes too much sense.

>> No.1602811

Also keep in mind that having the Grail spilled on him made him go insane. Any other Servant would have been consumed by it, but it only drove him crazy.

Gil used to be a cruel bastard, what with his 'I'll take the bride's virginity' thing in his younger days. But his time with Enkidu turned him into a good person.

>> No.1602816

Not sure about the driving him crazy part, but it was only after he saw all the sins of humanity when the grail spilled on him that he decided to wipe them clean with Avenger. So arguably you can say that the grail only opened his eyes and didn't corrupt him whatsoever.

>> No.1602822

No, it did make him kinda crazy.
The reason he decides to wipe out humanity isn't because of sins.
He has lived 10 years since the war and sees the mongrelfied society (following the age of heroes, the age of hikkis).
Thus, he unleashes Avenger, and whoever survives is fit for the new world.

>> No.1602825

Chaotic good?


>> No.1602827

>But his time with Enkidu turned him into a good person.
homolust can be a wonderful thing

>> No.1602842


>> No.1602855


you say it like its a bad thing

>> No.1602856

Where is my Gilgamesh route?

>> No.1602868


>> No.1602874

Uh ?
So declaring saber his woman and constantly trying to get her by killing her master is "good" ?

>> No.1602878

The better question is: Why did he ditch his awesome armor and hairstyle in UBW and HF?

>> No.1602880


Love is good. Also, according to his personal code of ethics, a mongrel trying to woo saber is a crime worthy of death.

>> No.1602882

I believe he is more like a chaotic neutral, chaotic good guys won't do anything against other's freedom, while CNs will step on others to acheive their goals. more like "i did for the lulz" "lol woman and children"

>> No.1602884

So what, you have to be nice to be a good person at heart? Besides, we've already pointed out that the Grail made him go insane.

Just look at when Saber finally finishes him off in Fate, and his insanity clears up. His good nature shows then.

>> No.1602885

Because he doesn't need them against mongrels

>> No.1602887

I believe he is more like a chaotic neutral, chaotic good guys won't do anything against other's freedom, while CNs will step on others to acheive their goals. more like "i did for the lulz" "lol women and children"

>> No.1602895

Grail. Insanity, etc

People don't read threads beyond the first post these days, do they?

>> No.1602896

>a good person at heart
Oh wow, nice one, made my day.

>> No.1602899

The grail corrupted his body but not his mind, it's specified in HF, so stop spreading lies.

>> No.1602905

Yeah, his ego really tends to get out of hand like that. It's also rather amusing to note that the Rin vs Gilgamesh doujin makes perfect sense, just as it does with Rin's father summoning Gil.

The Tohsaka family is kind of obsessive when it comes to money and their financial status, due to the nature of their magic. Who better to summon than the Servant with the same mentality?

>> No.1602909

And yet Saber says he's different in terms of his personality during Fate/Zero and how he is now. She outright says he's gone crazy. And this is in the first route, Fate.

>> No.1602911

He considers everything his property...

>> No.1602916

A huge ego doth not Chaotic Neutral make. It just means he has a giant ego.

>> No.1602918

Everything is actually his property.

>> No.1602923

Hmm, i said that based on his behavior. But is this alignment is based on the "hero" Gilgamesh or the "servant" Gilgamesh form F/SN?
I can accept that Gil was CG once, but after the grail stuff he sure isn't one. But then this pic isn't correct.

>> No.1602926

Yep. All the treasures that mankind has found and amassed for themselves throughout history and war and exploration. All of their 'great discoveries' and ancient artifacts and items of legend and myth?

He found 'em first. He owned them. The rest of the world just happened upon them after his death. He still has first dibs on every gold piece, every weapon and every artifact. And everything that was born forth from those things.

Gold built nations? It was HIS gold. The nations belong to him by proxy. A sword won a revolution and carved out a new country and world order? The sword was his first. The country and the world order should bow before his might!

>> No.1602934

Supernatural first dibs FTW

>> No.1602946

So... if Gil owned whatever evolved into or resulted in the concept and creation of firearms through science and the like, all the guns, missiles and the like would belong to him?

>> No.1602961

I think so.But who needs missiles when you have the fucking gate of babylon.

>> No.1602970

Imagine a world with Gilgamesh (the non-insane one) as its king. Lord over the entire planet.

>> No.1602986


>> No.1602987

Chaotic good:

Does good, ignoring conventions of others

so if he thinks hes doing "good" but it doesnt fit with other peoples good, its "chaotic good" taken to the extreme

of course, hes still coherent/rational, so he isn't "Chaotic insane"

Gil's "good" is that he's "purifying the world"

also, he is the only hero that CANNOT be corrupted, he was merely given a "flesh" by the grail, but his soul is still Gilgamesh

>> No.1602995

I'd live there.

Let's face it, every man would aspire to become as great as our King.

>> No.1602998

I don't want my bride to be fucked by him

>> No.1603001

That's pre-Enkidu Gil. We're talking about Chaotic Good, post-Enkidu Gil.

>> No.1603026

Get a really ugly wife then...
or marry a man

either Gil doesn't (and your waifu(?) can be "pure") or Gil does, and massive lulz is had

>> No.1603031


>> No.1603161

Did she?
Well, Gil also asked Saber to be his woman, and his personality pretty much fits Rin's father.

>> No.1603200

Rin's father forced summoned him with a the carcass of the first snake (how the hell did he acquire that?)

>> No.1603217


Maybe he didn't.
Archer-type legendary heroes who got deceived by snakes aren't exactly all over the place, so maybe any sufficiently old snakeskin dug up in Iraq will do.

>> No.1603226

Since the Einzberg were able to excavate Avalon, that might be not that far fetched

The item/artifact is acting as a catalyst for the summon. Hence, the said item MUST have a direct link with the selected hero.
A random snake would have 0 result

>> No.1603237


True, since Gilgamesh was actually deceived by a random snake.
Where they got the whole thing about the first snake ever lived from, I have no idea.

>> No.1603238

>And yet Saber says he's different in terms of his personality during Fate/Zero and how he is now.

No, all Saber thought was: "This guy is insane." She never made a comparison.

The contents of the Grail never made Gil go crazy. Perhaps he became a bit more excitable, but that's it.

>> No.1603244
File: 3 KB, 126x86, 1226590861688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know a jerk bigger than gil...

>> No.1603266

I would be excited too if I'm a powerful being who just regained my mortal body, with a pimp ass golden armor, long chain that binds people, thousands of swords, one fucking nuclear powered spaceship, a sword that can split apart the fucking world, AND possess the potion of youth which can turn me into a trappish shota whenever I want.

...Oh wait, you said excitable. Still the same thing here though.

>> No.1603270


Oh lord. Gil pales in comparison to Message on the asshole scale.

>> No.1604836

Eating babies makes you a good person.

>> No.1604970

Rider being Chaotic Good is less believable. She doesn't complain about killing innocents. She acts more like Lawful Neutral.

>> No.1605029

>Likes: Himself, power
>Dislikes: Himself, snakes

What's that all about?

>> No.1605212

If Gil wants to destroy humanity. Why doesn't he just do it himself? He has all the original weapons at his disposal and I have a hard time believing he would let another person aka AM do all the work for him since he has such a GAR ego.

>> No.1605311


Why should Gil waste his weapons on mongrels?

>> No.1605315

That's peasant work.

>> No.1605733

AM is the 3rd fastest human killer, with ORT and Primate Murder being the first and second respectively. Also, those with strength or strong wills may survive, which is what Gil wants.

>> No.1605782

>Primate Murder
Okay, I keep seeing these names, but I have never seen them in either Tsukihime, Kagetsu Tohya, or Fate/Stay Night. Is there some other type moon work that I am missing out on?

>> No.1605794

Encyclopedia/character material.
That guy just pulled stuff out of his ass, though.

>> No.1605813

He's the motherfucking KING OF HEROES. He's the one who set the first standard for good and it included generous amounts of rape.

>> No.1605832

No... Avenger said that himself in FHA... he is the 3rd fastest human killer... the first two is the spider and the dog. Guess who he was referring too?

>> No.1605893


>> No.1605904

Yeah but it's Avenger.
Avenger is a liar.

>> No.1605906

No because we are not basement-dwelling nerds. Oh wait.

>> No.1605959

Your a faggot for not knowing alignments... and you probably don't have every skill + feat + weapon proficiency memorized....

>> No.1605998

>>1602905 Rin vs Gilgamesh doujin makes perfect sense

What is the name of this doujin? I have some of the pages but the title page isn't among them.

>> No.1606010

Uh.. 'Gilgamesh vs Rin'. Seriously.

>> No.1606022

That's the name. Rin Vs Gilgamesh.

>> No.1606053


Oh. I feel silly for asking now. Thanks though.
