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1601047 No.1601047 [Reply] [Original]

It's a wonderful /jp/ life.

>> No.1601052
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It's a wonderful /kr/ life.

>> No.1601057

Why does this picture remind me of the sims?

>> No.1601059

Gee, I wonder.

>> No.1601061
File: 88 KB, 481x550, 1226549377628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1601063

Because it's the same interface.

>> No.1601070


>> No.1601071

I haven't showered for 4 days straight.

>> No.1601079

Lightweight, seriously. I haven't showered for a good 2 weeks, and haven't brushed my teeth in a month.

>> No.1601074

If only I could still fap without feeling like I want to die.

>> No.1601076

I shower every morning and evening.

>> No.1601086

Have any of you ever thought that if you were a girl, you'd have probably been asked out on dates and stuff? I mean, think of the female equivalent of you, meek, quiet and shy. Yet never lonely.

>> No.1601087

you sicken me.

>> No.1601095


The female equivalent to me is squatting over a pile of newspapers, spending the day here

>> No.1601099


I'm not sure I understand.

>> No.1601104
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Yet you would turn them down due to social anxiety and then obsess over how you messed up. So you would be ronery and sad.

>> No.1601108

It's not the same.

>> No.1601109

Unless you mean some magical me who's attractive, then no. I'd be equally disgusting and lonely, you'd probably be unable to tell the difference unless I took off my pants.

>> No.1601119


The female equivalent of me would not get asked out; or have any interaction with anyone. She would otherwise not be my equivalent.

>> No.1601113

I do this. I get paranoid that the girls are out to get me somehow so I tell them no before they can hurt me. ;_;

>> No.1601114

I mean those of us who aren't hideous/fat.

>> No.1601121

I shower daily.
I am not fat neither ugly, but I dont give a damm about womens/mens. People in general.
I am not NEET, I study daily, theorically.
I am ronery but I was ronery since I have memories.
I am kinda androginous and sometimes I wonder about what does it feel to be a women.

>> No.1601122

I dunno. I'm pretty asexual as far as things are concerned. I've never really felt strongly in terms of love...

>> No.1601128


>> No.1601134

So ronery. ;_;

>> No.1601135

I am a little lazy.

>> No.1601140

I shower about once a week, but I brush my teeth every day because I don't want them to rot.

>> No.1601141

I'm black.

>> No.1601142

Just got back from playing a round of L4D. It's such a great distraction and so fun.

Naturally. Because it's true.

>> No.1601150

If you don't place importance in them, then they can't hurt you.

Just view their acts and entire existence as unimportant, and they can't hurt you.

>> No.1601147

Dare you to beat it on expert.
That's right, shit is impossible.

>> No.1601148

It's very tough, haven't managed to do it yet.

>> No.1601152

Jesus, Expert mode on that game is crazy. I remember one time I tried to sneak around the witch and one of my teammates got puked on by a boomer. The guy who managed to live had to fight a tank on his own.

Fun times.

>> No.1601154

I have 106 hours on steam for 2 weeks.
Yet only 5 friends.
It says EAGLES SCREAM! but for some reason I feel like a loser.

>> No.1601158

>Just view their acts and entire existence as unimportant

Their acts and existence is unimportant anyway, their only purpose is to be desired by men and envied by other women.

>> No.1601160

Despite a few griefing rounds, we've beaten expert L4D plenty of times already.

>> No.1601161

I also obsess heavily about every little single detail afterwards to try and determine what their real intent was, usually to convince myself that I did the right thing even if everything points to "nice girl liked you" because that's a filthy fucking like and everyone here knows it.

>> No.1601167

Good job, Anonymous. Nothing will hurt you now.

>> No.1601168

That's because you play with Koreans.

>> No.1601169

Witches are so fucking pathetic. I was hoping for a whirling screaming banshee of death. Instead I get a prissy little girl that knocks one man down. Now tanks, those are awesome.

>> No.1601176

Yeah that's true. Usually we just get the one guy who only has 1 HP left to run at it with a molotov. That time we thought we could sneak around it, though...

>> No.1601177

Just throw a Molotov in his face.

>> No.1601181

Shotgun to the back of the head when a witch or zombie has pinned someone down is so satisfying.

>> No.1601190

I usually just alert it to piss the rest of my team off anyway.

>> No.1601191

I unloaded an entire clip of hunting rifle ammo into a witch. Then she ran 20 yards and slapped the 20 HP I had into oblivion.

>> No.1601202

But it doesn't hurt the rest of the team, just whoever alerts it.

Witch encountered: "Oh, great. Dumb bitch is in the middle of the train. Who volunteers?"
Tank encountered: "FUUUUCK TAAAANK RUN AWAY"

>> No.1601200

When we get into the heavy fights I hide in the nearest closet until my teammates' dying screams stop. ;_;

>> No.1601201

It's a complete lie.

>> No.1601204

Hahaha. Where the Hell were your teammates?

>> No.1601206

Admittedly she was low on health, but it's just satisfying, like jerking off in their face or something, except with a massive shotgun shell instead of jizz.

>> No.1601217


>> No.1601211

Nigga, tanks is eazy.

>> No.1601219

They waited until I died to kill the witch.

>> No.1601227

lol, were you playing with jews?

>> No.1601228

Oh man. Do you remember any of their names? I think I might have played with you.

>> No.1601235

Smoker + Boomer = brutal in expert

I hate that combo so much

>> No.1601245

My name starts with NG.

>> No.1601238

Compulsory hehe, rape

>> No.1601248

The best thing to do is shoot your teammates in the back with the machinegun emplacement near the last safehouse when they're heading towards it.

>> No.1601258

The most depressing thing for me is when I am in my room, and I notice I haven't even bothered to open the curtains when it's bright daylight outside.

>> No.1601255

If you can't kill a smoker in 0.5 seconds you shouldn't be playing.

>> No.1601264

Jesus, you are such a nigger.

>> No.1601259


>> No.1601260



>> No.1601263

I can do it fine when I'm not blinded by a boomer.

>> No.1601265

I'll try it next time.

>> No.1601272

What? You can't shoot a smoker from fifty yards away while being blinded by vomit and getting jarred around by ten zombies on your back?

>> No.1601275

What a noob.

>> No.1601278

He's not Duke Nukem.

>> No.1601281


I feel that, but that's because I'm paranoid people might be looking in.

>> No.1601289


They can't stop our x-ray goggles.

>> No.1601301

Athens, we've been watching you all this time. You don't need to close your blinds.

Also, would it kill you to let go of your dick for more than ten minutes?

>> No.1601303

I'm not *that* paranoid.

>> No.1601334


I do that all the time :( Worst thing is tonight I realized that it has been cold in my room for a few days because I left my window wide open. At least I got some 'air'.?
