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File: 962 KB, 1500x2962, FSN-HolyGrail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1600177 No.1600177 [Reply] [Original]

So, in order to save her country from ruin, Saber wanted the Holy Grail to redo the selection of the king to someone more suitable.

...Why not just wish for the country to be not-in-ruins, if the grail is powerful enough to affect space-time like that?

>> No.1600184

One must be careful what to wish for.
Saber's wish is specific, what you phrased is vague and not that reassuring, since it can be twisted..

>> No.1600199

It's more of a bad wish because her country would still have the same failure of a king.

>> No.1600205

Didn't say it was a GOOD one.

>> No.1600227

it doesn't really have anything to do with ops ideal wish being vague though. Saber thinks she failed her duty as a king, so the only right wish would be to have a better king chosen. She could make a specific wish that encompasses her saving her country from doom and Saber still being the king, but it would still be a wish that Saber does not want.

>> No.1600253


Saber's wish has a really vague outcome, too.

Unless she specifies what she wants this replacement king to be like, it could end up being someone that would fail in a lot of ways from a certain perspective.

If she wishes to protect her country, then using the wish to stop one specific problem (such as internal strife or outside invasions) would be best, unless what she really wants is just to be freed from her responsibility, which didn't seem to be the case.

Still, you'd think that seeing that England was still intact in the future would let her know just how insignificant things back then were in the grand scheme of things. She succeeded enough.

>> No.1600273

Great Britain today is a result of Roman, English, Dane and Norman assrapery over the centuries.

>> No.1600877

Are you sure the modern day Britain is not a result of her wish being granted?

>> No.1600951

Brittain is still powerful. Hell, in the 16th and 17th centuries they were the most powerful empire in the world. They were even fucking up China and India.

Then again....they got beat by a ragtag group of Christians. FUCK YEAR AMERICA

>> No.1600962

Modern day France > Britian

>> No.1600975

Both will be Muslim countries in under a hundred years, so whatever.

>> No.1600983
File: 48 KB, 300x375, 1226548309421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and we all know who to thank


>> No.1600988

He's gonna fuck everything up on his own. No need for Iran to help him.

>> No.1601000

>ragtag group of Christians

Of all the nouns you could use to describe the American revolutionaries, you chose "Christians"?

>> No.1601006

But the Britons never got any spotlight. No one today cares about the Welsh. Saber just wants some love for Britain's natives.

>> No.1601011


Christians are the only TRUE AMERICANS

>> No.1601020

I know you're just trolling, but I almost typed out a scathing post dedicated to the religious right.


>> No.1601037

Because its not right that she use the power of the grail for her own ends, and it is the duty of the king to lead the country and protect it, not the grail's. Her failure as a king is on a personal level too, using the grail to fix things would not have made her a more suitable king.

>> No.1601631

I get it's a Monthy Python joke, but I still don't get the what is your favorite color thing from Archer. Along with the joke that it came from I'm lost.

>> No.1601754

Huh? How did Saber fail as a King?

>> No.1601764

Are there any more? I thought velox only did the original ones that parodied the anime episodes.

>> No.1601775

She didn't, she achieved a miracle for her doomed country and bought it some peace that it wouldn't have had. The point of Fate route for Saber is that she didn't fail. She just thinks she did.

>> No.1601784

Fate/Stay Night is a bullshit ripoff of Dragon Ball Z, HURR FIGHT TO GAIN A ITEM THAT CAN GRANT YOUR WISHES!

>> No.1601806


>Fate/Stay Night is a bullshit ripoff of Dragon Ball Z, HURR FIGHT TO GAIN A ITEM THAT CAN GRANT YOUR WISHES!

We know, seven dragon balls, seven servants, powerlevels, etc.

>> No.1602542

Who else here actually could answer the question about Planck's constant?

Don't we feel awesome.

>> No.1602549

Fuck yes, Math knowledge I only use once every crimson moon.

>> No.1602585

Thats not Math it's Physics...

>> No.1602588

You use it whenever there's a release?

>> No.1602596

I haven't touched quantum stuff since the 3d year of highschool, fuzzy memory.

>> No.1603345

There's a limit to how much the Grail can actually do. It uses up the mana reaped from defeated Servants, so it can't exceed that.

For instance, someone can't just say "I want to conquer the planet", because it doesn't have enough power for something like that.

>> No.1603660

You obviously have no idea what the Grail is.

The Grail is a gateway. The thing that the Grail leads to, on the other hand, is capable of granting any wish.

>> No.1603729


Its ok man. They don't understand it yet because they haven't finished the game. When they get through Heaven's Feel, they'll understand the whole story and what the Grail is and the Sorceries and all that.

>> No.1605470

Any idiot can use Planck's constant..... its not rocket science....
