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1595338 No.1595338 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.1595352

So manly ;_;

>> No.1595353

it's all right anonymous, they didn't pierce his heart or brain.

>> No.1595358


I think he got the point.

>> No.1595359

Farewell soldier

>> No.1595390

Lancer's death was sadder ;_;

>> No.1595401


Ah yes, but this is an Archer fanboy thread, so GTFo please

>> No.1595405


Even in death lancer could make a scene nothing but awesome.

>> No.1595414


Damn i'm crying ;_;

>> No.1595415


This. ;_;

It doesn't help that Archer's goals were retarded.

The later parts of UBW made me dislike Shirou and almost made me dislike Archer.

>> No.1595437
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Extract sword-like objects from patient's body.
Treat any internal wounds.

Let's begin the operation.

>> No.1595441


Tell me, how was Archer goal retarded ?

>> No.1595454

He tried to change his Fate but couldn't /stay alive.

>> No.1595460


"I'm butthurt because my ideals were naive and being a superhero means taking out the source of the problem. I've also turned into a dumbass that believes that the noisy minority that I'm called on to deal with is humanity's true face. I'll go back in time and kill myself rather than keeping things in perspective and adapting and overcoming like a normal person."

>> No.1595464

One thing Archer is good at is playing dead.

>> No.1595471

No Archer wasn't like that at all! He was more like "BAW BAW WHINE WHINE I HATE MY JOB I HATE MY LIFE BAW WHINE"

>> No.1595477

A normal person wouldn't have had the strength of ideals to forge themselves into a superhero in the first place.

>> No.1595497


And this changes things... how?

It doesn't make his goal of going back in time to kill himself because his ideals were naive any less retarded.

>> No.1595501


And this changes things... how?

It doesn't make his goal of going back in time to kill himself because his ideals were naive and he didn't like where the road led him any less retarded.

>> No.1595507

In Fate, yes ;_;

...Not so much in UBW. I just kept expecting him to go "SURPRISE, NOT DEAD LOL" a third time.

>> No.1595515

I guess you just completely disregarded the fact that he was turned into the World's equivalent of a Terminator, sent to wherever people in need of death are and forced to kill them.

Until the fucking end of time. Without any recourse or escape.

I think I'd be a little depressed and disillusioned, too. I might just want to escape from it, even if it means self-destructing.

People without concept for what eternity means shouldn't speak ill of those forced into service for it.

>> No.1595524

It points out that Shirou is by no means a normal person. So of course his ideals (and his methods) are retarded.
Aacha is simply not a logical fellow.

>> No.1595529


And yet Sakura manage to do what he more or less can't

>> No.1595537

I'm sorry, I agree with you completely, but it really sounds like you're trying to defend the character more than trying to contribute to the discussion.

>> No.1595541

What? Be penetrated more times than Archer is in the OP's image?

>> No.1595542

I remember when I first found this picture on one of the boorus and posted it on /a/ way before the UBW patch (maybe even before Fate).

>> No.1595547

What? Be penetrated more times than Archer is in the OP's image?

Let me get this straight: I'm merely "defending" Archer, while >>1595460 is contributing to the discussion at hand appropriately?

>> No.1595556

Why is bin so fucked up right now?

>> No.1595568

Yeah. Life is not fair, is it? I can't treat everyone the same, you know.

Besides, I thought it'd be more interesting to see how you'd react to that.

>> No.1595569


Then he got depressed and disillusioned to the point where he became retarded.

It doesn't matter. Going back in time and killing yourself for trying to save people is dumb.

He wouldn't normally be forced to kill people that didn't deserve it, either. He's powerful enough that he could strike with precision rather than proximity and scare his foes into submission.

It wouldn't make sense for him to have to kill people that are threatening the world without knowing about it and would care enough to stop, either, seeing as how heroic spirits are there to protect humanity and killing them unnecessarily would make it an inefficient system.

Its not as if he'd be forced to cause loads of collateral damage normally.

>> No.1595571


No, she make Shirou abandon his ideal because of obvious reason

>> No.1595588

Counter Guardians aren't given the option of who to kill and who not to kill. They're just sweepers: they don't make distinctions. They don't get choices of how to act. They just kill until everyone involved in whatever calamity is occurring ceases to be involved, because they're too dead to be involved.

That's why Archer despises himself and his fate, because he's basically been forced to abandon every ideal he held sacred when he's actually doing his job and not being a part of the Grail War. His ideal was to create a situation where nobody is forced to be hurt. Instead, he's the World's clean-up service.

So this is just a lame "u mad" post? Well, I expected no more.

>> No.1595590

You're expecting him to react like a "normal person" when the whole reason he ended up in that situation was because he *hadn't thought* like a normal person since childhood. Never mind that plenty of normal people would also try to get out of a sucky eternal fate.

And how's the plan retarded? It had a chance of working.

>> No.1595607

>>1595569 Going back in time and killing yourself for trying to save people is dumb.

..But he never saved anyone in the end. When he became a Counter Guardian, he was summoned after everyone else in the area besides the cause had been killed, and was tasked with killing the cause and whoever might assist the cause.

All he ever did was become a mindless murder machine for all of eternity. He was always aware that he'd never be able to truly make everyone happy, so he settled for saving the people who were right in front of him and making them happy - but he could never even do that.

That's why he became embittered. He grew spiteful because all he ever got to see was the ugliness of human nature, until it convinced him that, in the end, that's all there was to humanity - that even the best of humanity eventually just degrades into negativity and death.

>> No.1595618

No, it's more like I'm trying to tell you that your posts read a bit differently than what they sound like in your head. Your message would have a bit more conviction if you don't sound like you're shielding the character.

>> No.1595629

How come Shirou doesn't just ask someone how Counter Guardians work before he decides to become one? I mean, there has to be someone who knows how the Counter Guardians system works in his current life.

>> No.1595631

I wasn't defending Archer. I was sarcastically implying that the person I was replying to was incapable of following a storyline and/or understanding the motivations of characters in a literary setting.


He's a moron who can't or chooses not to understand what he reads, and instead misinterprets it.

>> No.1595645


I don't think that its ever specified that he kills everyone that he comes into contact with or that heroic spirits don't pick and chose their targets.

Its just said that they don't have any free will. A part of them is sent out to deal with the problem while the main spirit remains at the throne of heroes.

That makes it even dumber that he's so butthurt about it, since he never experiences it directly. It just enters the main spirit as knowledge. It like reading a book, as he says. He essentially spends all of his time just hanging out at the throne of heroes.


The retarded part isn't about the chances of success.

Its that he wanted to go back in time and kill himself at a time where he was just trying to help people.

>> No.1595649

Probably didn't have time, as he made the pact in order to save a bunch of people by creating a miracle that was beyond his own ability.

Add to that, that Counter Guardians are probably not understood that well by most people, or may even be not widely known at all.

Also, forever is a long time to dwell on a decision made for something very temporary.

>> No.1595654

Yes, of course you weren't defending him! That's what I'm saying; you SEEM like you're defending when in reality you're making some valid points. That weakens your argument a bit.

>> No.1595655

The Shirou that becomes Archer didn't have anyone. And because of the nature of his ideal, to make everyone happy, to have a world where nobody gets hurt, was never something he could talk about, on account of the fact that he would kill people in the name of that ideal. The more he killed, the less he could talk about it.. In the end, he become something of an isolated individual, showing up only during disasters and calamity to save whoever he could. Some people loved him for it, others hated him because he chose to only save the ones in front of him, so to speak.

He was the embodiment of the anti-hero, he who does deeds that are inherently 'evil' by their nature, such as letting people die, or killing indiscriminately, for the sake of some greater good, or are seen as heroes by the people for those deeds.

>> No.1595666

Actually, UBW makes it fairly clear that all he ever does as a Counter Guardian is kill indiscriminately. Anyone who might be innocent or in need of saving is already dead when he gets summoned anyway. That's why he grows to hate himself for his decision, because it's the exact opposite of what he always wanted.

>> No.1595681


So archer is Mind of Steel Shirou ?

>> No.1595696
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It doesn't weaken my argument at all. He's an illiterate moron, already. I don't even really need to argue for that fact. I just enjoy pointing it out.

>> No.1595701

Pretty much. He's a lot different than the Shirou we see in the VN, despite having a lot of similarities too. Archer is a lot more twisted in the head due to having to compromise his ideal for reality's sake (kill this person to make these people happy, trample on these peoples' dreams so that mine/someone else's can thrive). In the end, he just kept making compromises with himself, until he dug his hole too deep to ever climb out of it again. And then he died and became a Counter Guardian, and the real hell began.

>> No.1595707

The Shirou that became Archer never had Avalon removed from his body, hence his regenerative ability. He apparently loved Saber, but was unable to save her during the war. He was able to save Ilya during the war, but she died a year afterward, one of his biggest regrets. He also was unable to save Rin, and God only knows what happened to Sakura. He really had nothing but his ideal. Then he realizes that his ideal was just that, an ideal. I'd be cynical too.

>> No.1595718

How do you get to mind of steel Shirou?

>> No.1595720

Shitty life much?

>> No.1595721

No Rin. No Sakura. No Saber. No Illya. No ideals.

Only eternity.

Throne of Heroes.

>> No.1595723


Whoa, seriously ? That harsh man, but I wonder what could happenned to Rin or Sakura

>> No.1595728


Chose to persist on being a superhero in Heaven Feel

>> No.1595736

Rin died several years after the war. Something to do with the association I believe.

>> No.1595740


This shit better not happen in my UBW True end

>> No.1595748


Did Aoko rape her to death?

>> No.1595756

Older Rin loved the Shirou that became Archer. Isn't specified if he returned her feelings, but that's one of the reasons she ended up summoning him, besides the amulet that she used to save his life.

Also...why the hell did his hair turn white?

>> No.1595757

Oh man, that means Archer Shirou is from the Heavens Feel route. No wonder he knew what the Shadow was and explains why he has no one, except for Taiga. Saber must of died from Shirou killing Sakura and Rin must of died saving her sister.

All this time I thought Archer Shirou was from the Fate route because Archer knew about Avalon.

>> No.1595758

And if he'd opened his fucking eyes and realized that he had several female admirers _right there_, he wouldn't have become the prick he did?

>> No.1595778


Hey now its Shirou were talking about

>> No.1595783


same reason he got such a tan

overloading your magic circuits changes your pigmentation

check shirou durin nine bullet revolver

>> No.1595786


Now that I think about it, How the hell does Archon know about Avalon ? Mind of steel don't have any continuation so...

>> No.1595794

Theoretical Illya route.

Sakura gets dead. Illya survives but dies later. Rin dies. Saber died, too.

Archer cares a whole lot about Illya in every route. There's a reason.

>> No.1595801

Archer Shirou clung to his ideals. As a result, he killed Sakura to save thousands and to stop the corruption of Heaven's Feel. Ilya died a year later because her body, as a grail vessel, just gave out. He lost Saber late in the war, but it is supported that he loved her. His regaining his memories upon seeing Saber again, and being so distracted as to lose to her so easily support this. Rin died several years after the war, branded as a heretic by the association and/or the church, which Shirou could not stop. Supposedly RIn's death sent him over the edge, as she was all he had left.

>> No.1595802
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>> No.1595803

What exactly happens in the Illya route?

>> No.1595805

Part of Archer's tragedy is that he is so 'pure' in his intentions that he damns himself, and never truly realizes just how much he's ruining himself. That's why he becomes the twisted mess he is without people like Rin to guide him. He takes himself for granted entirely. Rin even pressures him on it in UBW, only for him to reveal that he has nothing that he considers 'fun' to do just for himself. He has no hobbies, and no favorite foods.. He's 'empty'. Has been ever since the day that Kiritsugu destroyed the Grail. Instead, he filled that empty space with his ideal, his wish to help others.

It's all he existed for, but because he was too pure to even realize the path he was headed down, it destroyed him. Had someone been there to stop him, or to guide him down a different path, he would have turned out differently. That's the conclusion that UBW gives to us, while at the same time giving Archer an answer and a meaning to his continued existence as a Counter Guardian - that his ideal was never wrong.

>> No.1595808


What ? He does ? Must have missed it

>> No.1595813

Archer never actually lost his memories, he just pretended to do so.

>> No.1595815

Archer knew about her. He knew she was Kiritsugu's daughter, and on top of that she seemed like an innocent child to him that shouldn't be involved in any of this. According to his ideal, if anyone needed to be protected and saved, it was people like her. She reminded him of himself before Kiritsugu destroyed the grail. Saving Ilya meant somehow saving that part of himself that he'd lost.

>> No.1595818

>That's the conclusion that UBW gives to us, while at the same time giving Archer an answer and a meaning to his continued existence as a Counter Guardian - that his ideal was never wrong.

Pretty much.

And it proves that even knowing his future wouldn't have made him choose another one, as Shirou chooses the same path for himself.

>> No.1595821

Who was it that said "A man who has no self-importance may as well be dead." I know it's not a character in FSN, but I can't help but feel like it's close.

>> No.1595822

Not saying for certain, it just makes the most sense. Archer is way too kind to her when he gets completely raped by Berserker in the castle.

>> No.1595823

The only difference in it all would be that Rin would hopefully be able to distract him, or at least guide him, so that he never becomes as distorted as Archer.

>> No.1595824

Then how'd he lost to Saber so easily? Or was he just trying to get Rin and Shirou close so he'd have a chance to kill him?

>> No.1595831

Shirou himself admits that his 'self' died on that fateful day. The fire burned away everything about him, his past, his present and his future.. he was all but completely dead before Kiritsugu saved him.

>> No.1595832

Join us at http://5chan.ru/b/

Even CP is allowed now! :)

>> No.1595835

He hadn't expected to run straight into Saber like that. Keep in mind, Archer wasn't a Servant during the Grail War where he was Shirou. Rin probably summoned a different Archer at that time.

>> No.1595841

I guess he was put off guard or something? That part never really made much sense to me, either.

>> No.1595845

Surprised Archer just doesn't tell Illya a magic or formula on how to keep herself alive. I would imagine by the time periods jumping and the life he lived that that someone must of developed a way to keep a person like Illya alive.

>> No.1595853

Maybe it's just as simple as he loved her, and seeing her again made him hesitate.

>> No.1595860

The Einzbern family pretty much ensured that her lifespan would be cut exceedingly short so that she would be the appropriate vessel for the Grail. The only people who would even remotely have the ability to 'fix' her would be the Einzberns.. and let's face it, they're not going to.

>> No.1595867

We need a VN, or at least an OVA of Shirou becoming Archer. It would be made of BAWWW and GAR.

>> No.1595874

discussion? on my /jp/?

>> No.1595877

It'll never happen, sadly. Nasu's essentially washed his hands of F/SN for an indefinite amount of time. He likes his Shikis with their mystic eyes of lines and dots and their daggers more.

>> No.1595888

just read the unofficial fanfiction

>> No.1595890

As do I.

>> No.1595894

Yea, but I mean Archer must of found out something in the future in a way to keep her alive. The guy had to be jumping around time periods in the far future where magic had greatly advance and used that information to save past Illya.

>> No.1595895
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T-Moon Complex is good stuff.

>> No.1595910

You should probably read the thread again. Counter Guardians are stripped of their minds, their personal will, and their memories whilst summoned, or at least to some extent. And even then, they are only summoned into the scenes of carnage and destruction akin to 'hell' for the purpose of killing the threat. After that, they simply disappear to wait timelessly for the next instant they're summoned to repeat it.

>> No.1595913

All of Nasu's future 'favorite characters' will probably all have the name Shiki, some variation of the Mystic Eyes ability, and a knife.

And then their kids will be named Shiki, or some variation thereof, and have the Mystic Eyes ability, and a knife. And then their kids will be named Shiki after their grandfather, and they'll have the Mystic Eyes, etc, etc, etc

>> No.1595916

How is that any different from a heroic spirit? Or are Counter Guardians able to be summoned in any period of strife?

>> No.1595917

All of Nasu's future 'favorite characters' will probably have the name Shiki, some variation of the Mystic Eyes ability, and a knife.

And then their kids will be named Shiki, or some variation thereof, and have the Mystic Eyes ability, and a knife. And then their kids will be named Shiki after their grandfather, and they'll have the Mystic Eyes, etc, etc, etc

>> No.1595919

link to a rapidshit?

>> No.1595930

Shirou Emiya waited. The lights above him blinked and sparked out of the air. There were bad guys in the base. He didn't see them, but he had expected them now for years. His warnings to Sansay Toska were not listenend to and now it was too late. Far too late for now, anyway.
Shirou was a superhero for fourteen years. When he was young he watched the superheroes and he said to dad "I want to be a hero daddy."
Dad said "No! You will BE KILL BY IDEALS"
There was a time when he believed him. Then as he got oldered he stopped. But now in the Mage's Association of the England he knew there were bad persons.
"This is Toska" the radio crackered. "You must fight the bad persons!"
So Shirou gotted his exclaibur and blew up the wall.
"HE GOING TO KILL US" said the bad persons
"I will shoot at him" said the cyberbad person and he fired the rocket missiles. Shirou sworded at him and tried to blew him up. But then the ceiling fell and they were trapped and not able to kill.
"No! I must kill the bad persons" he shouted
The radio said "No, Shirou. You are the bad persons"
And then Shirou was a Counter Guardian.

>> No.1595935

Heroic Spirits, more often than not, are 'symbols', people can summon forth their essence or a trait of their power for a powerful spell, or the likes. And yes, the 'World' can utilize them if it so wishes. Counter Guardians also fall into the category of being Heroic Spirits, but they are considered 'pure' Heroic Spirits, as they have no will of their own. They only obey the will of the 'World' that calls them forth to protect itself. At the same time, this makes them the most powerful of all the other Heroic Spirits.

>> No.1595939


Counter Guardians are more like your weapon of last resort by the World. Heroic Spirits may or may not be summoned whenever the circumstances are right.

Emiya is both Counter Guardian and Heroic Spirit, and that's why he was able to be summoned.

>> No.1595944

The title is "FSN - T-Complex S Hero." Too lazy to click on /rs/ though.

>> No.1596023

But, he keeps all the knowledge as Shirou, right? I mean, every time he's called in he gained some knowledge about where he is summoned. Other wise, he wouldn't be able to function in the world he is currently in and would just go berserk. Then Archer would be able to develop a way to prevent his memories from disappearing.

Then that means Archer is stronger than everyone in the game?

>> No.1596055

Wrong on both accounts. He doesn't need to 'know' anything about the era, as he isn't there to talk to anyone or interact with anything. His sole purpose as a Counter Guardian is to be summoned into the end of a carnage or disaster, before things reach the point where the World is at risk, and kill the people responsible for it. At that moment in time, anyone else in the area is dead anyway, leaving nobody to save.

At the same time, however, Heroic Spirit Emiya who is summoned as an Archer, is not the same as when he is summoned as a Counter Guardian. As both Heroic Spirit and as Archer, he retains his memories, including those of the 'hell' he is submitted to facing eternally. However, he isn't being fueled by the World as a Counter Guardian, so he is a mere Heroic Spirit and a Servant as Archer.

A Counter Guardian is more of a pure force of nature that cannot be stopped. Counter Guardian Emiya is on par with, and possibly superior to, Dark Sakura in terms of power.

>> No.1596973

Still not seeing this force of nature winning over Heracles or Lancelot

>> No.1596997

Well, a wounded Servant Archer killed Heracles 6 times without using UBW, so I imagine a juiced-up Archer could finish the job.

>> No.1597058

A force of nature, thus can draw back-up from a planet (like Arc does)
Since the age of gods has passed, heroes like Hercules do not have the divine support anymore.
One or two of them can match most things.
Except for a few cases, like Primate Murder that needs 7 holding it in line.

>> No.1597088

Ok, then what about the fucking PRIMATE MURDER that takes like fucking 5 Counter Guardians to take on?

>> No.1597103

Most great heroes, those counter Guardians, mages, whatever are humans.

PM is a being that has the absolute right of killing primates (including humans).

The one things that stands far above humans in the chain.

>> No.1597106

>Primate Murder
tell me about it

>> No.1597127

Rin picked Gilgamesh?

>> No.1597284

Primate Murder = Gaia's defense
Counter Guardians = Alaya's defense

If the earth is about to be destroyed Gaia sends PM, and if humanity is about to be wiped out Alaya sends the CGs.

>> No.1597303

So, what happens if all the animals expect humans die?

>> No.1597321

People become vegetarians or cannibalistic?

>> No.1597369

>Primate Murder
The White Beast of Gaia. A white dog born with the sole purpose of killing humans. Its power is so high that seven Counter Guardians would be required to keep it restrained. It is currently under Altrouge's control, and though it is not related to vampires, it copied its master's habits and began drinking the blood of its victims.

>Altrouge Brunestud
Though there isn’t any particular information regarding her skills, she has supposedly beaten Arcueid in the past and is the one responsible for cutting her hair..

Altrouge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!what have you doneeeee???

>> No.1597372

>Primate Murder
>The White Beast of Gaia. A white dog born with the sole purpose of killing humans. Its power is so high that seven Counter Guardians would be required to keep it restrained. It is currently under Altrouge's control, and though it is not related to vampires, it copied its master's habits and began drinking the blood of its victims.

>Altrouge Brunestud
>Though there isn’t any particular information regarding her skills, she has supposedly beaten Arcueid in the past and is the one responsible for cutting her hair..

Altrouge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!what have you doneeeee???

>> No.1597376

But if Primate Murder is one of the Dead Apostles, isn't it a enemy of Gaia?

>> No.1597383

but but but

if altrouge beat arcueid, and roa beat altrouge, but arcueid beat roa, but altrouge > primate murder, and primate murder > 7 counter guardians, but gil > arc, then gil > roa > altrouge > arc > roa > rjwpjwmwg

>> No.1597386

> is the one responsible for cutting her hair..
my problem is this one Sir, not the powerlevels

>> No.1597392

My son, do not tread to the dangerous road of power levels.
You will only lose yourself in the process

>> No.1597396

I bet Archer is from the bad end in Heaven's Feel where Shirou lets Rin kill Sakura so that thousands could be saved.

Too bad Alaya has a ridiculous number of counter guardians while there is only one Primate Murder.

>> No.1597402

Manly karaoke tears

>> No.1597408

x beat y, y beat z thus x beats z does not work here.

>> No.1597411

Church's calssifications is not the World's.
They call him that since PM started drinking blood and following Altrouge, but he is not a Dead Apostle(in the sense of being bitten by another dead apostle or True ancestor or acquiring a body through magic that is similar to a vampires)

>> No.1597413

Is it revealed why is he followong that bitch?

>> No.1597439

Gets to lick her clean every night?

>> No.1597453

The truth is that he found out that he died in the Fate scenario so that Saber and Shirou, and to some extent Rin, could get it on.

Needless to say, he was not pleased.

>> No.1597762
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>> No.1597772

