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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1593702 No.1593702 [Reply] [Original]

Why does Mirror Moon tolerate Message's presence? What is he doing for them that can't be done by anyone else? He looks to me like he's just a random guy that got in their team because he was super nice to them, and does "work" so that he can get his name in the credits. TakaJun does so much more work then him, yet both of them get the same amount of credit. And Message is always the one holding back the patches from release. What's up with this?

I'd create this over on their forums, but Message would just delete it.

>> No.1593706

You found the right place to us it Tim.

>> No.1593716

Sir, what are you talking about? We're talking about the Fate/stay night patch that took years when it could have taken months.

>> No.1593730

It is a random sentence that has TIM in it whats there not to understand?

>> No.1593726

It is a random sentence that has TIM in it whats there no to understand?

>> No.1593737

All right, you're pretty confused here.
While is true that Message is the last ring of the chain, nothing stops TakaJun and the other group's members to release the beta versions without an installer, since we know "patching" a kirikiri engine is just a matter of copy and paste.
Since they've never done it they're just as much at fault as Message if we get to wait 2 more months for shitty VA.

>> No.1593751

TakaJun is now collaborating with some anons and I think Ryuusoul quit, so mirror moon might want to look for a new translator.

>> No.1593762

I understand that they're at fault too, but that just makes Message all the more unnecessary. Why don't they remove him, then?

>> No.1593771

He has connections or is a sort of BLAME THE MONKEY type guys that takes all the blame because the team isnt smart enough to translate a game but they dont want to look unprofessional.

>> No.1593785

Who knows.
Maybe they just wanted to avoid useless drama near release, or they didn't mind how much time he took as long as he was getting the job done.

>> No.1593861

They could have dropped him when UBW was released, or even as far back as after Tsukihime. Shit.

>> No.1593883


>> No.1593895


>> No.1594171

Pisses me off.

>> No.1594200
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Why does /jp/ tolerate Message's presence?

>> No.1594203

Inque was the worst fucking Batman Beyond villain ever.

>> No.1594216

He did three or four fucking "dumb installers". We need to get him out of this so we can blame a different faggot. He doesn't deserve that much power. Look at how streamlined and awesome TakaJew's team is. And no Message. If Mirror Moon gets ANY MORE new projects, don't expect them to be finished ever.

>> No.1594225

Do the voices differ from the game's script sometimes?

I mean, I here them say something in Japanese, and read the text on screen, and even I know it doesn't match up.

>> No.1594231

High potential for that. If it's nothing even remotely related, then report it. If it's vaguely related, then it's either a poor translation (??) or RN censored script which is at fault.

>> No.1595304

TakaJun is a perfect translator. Editors ruin it.

I like how they have to state they did "non-ero scenes". What, their mothers aren't letting them see Senpai naked?

>> No.1596077

Maybe that's why we never see them around here. They're all underage.

>> No.1596092


They're trying to spread T-M material to as wide an audience as possible. Remember that a lot of T-M fans don't actually care about the ero.


No, the Type-Moon community has its own community, which used to be extremely close-knit (there were only like 30 regular members). It's still kind of close but there's a lot of Touhou fans in the membership these days.

>> No.1596117

>They're trying to spread T-M material to as wide an audience as possible.

Why I'm going to be stoked and disappointed at the same time when the tsukihime remake is released.

It is going to be mm that takes the project and message is going to come up with another bullshit installer stalling the project for half a year because they can't quite figure out why it wont install on my fucking toaster.

>> No.1596127

Yes, the voices sometimes differ from the text that is being shown.

>> No.1596147

Don't worry about Message, he was already taken care of.

>> No.1596178

Requesting pics.

>> No.1596189


That's how you get work in the real world, isn't it? Contacts. You can be a little subpar and still make it with contacts.

>> No.1596211

Because he's willing to do it faggot.

If you think you can do a better job then offer to and do it yourself faster and better then him.

He did it in his own free time for free.

>> No.1596224

Message is more than "a little" subpar.

I did offer. They told me "no thanks, we'd prefer someone who we know will get the job done". Motherfuckers.

>> No.1596228

And guess what.


>> No.1596234
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Hey, guys! Did somebody just say installer?

>> No.1596238

>They're trying to spread T-M material to as wide an audience as possible. Remember that a lot of T-M fans don't actually care about the ero.

But these are the fucking editors. Stop being a pussy and work on the ero scenes too, so you don't have to add (non-ero scenes) after your title.

>> No.1596239

gb2/mirror-moon forums/ and suck Message's cock some moar guise!

>> No.1596248


>> No.1596253


I'm stating a fact.

He did not have to do it. If he wanted to he could have one day announced that he was going to stop and not do anything anymore and there's nothing you could do about it.

Honestly, the sense of ENTITLEMENT so many people have over these translations is kind of sad.

>> No.1596265

I could have done it faster. I've worked on installers for stuff like Gore Screaming Show. I even completed it, unlike Message's kind, but had to trash it when the project was halted.

>> No.1596271

I don't know about you, but stalling a project for free is hardly what you could call a good deed.

Just because you're doing it for free doesn't mean your actions are wanted.

>> No.1596277

I would rather copy paste the files and get my translation when it was finished than waiting for months to get the installer.

Message and his installers are only useful for 12 years old who can't understand the magic of pasta.

Fucking faggot.

>> No.1596284

>They told me "no thanks, we'd prefer someone who we know will get the job done"

An anon from /jp/ has nothing better to do.
I've seen enough times just a few anons do what these groups boast about doing far faster in just their spare time.

But everyone that doesn't hang around 4chan sees 4chan as some pedo rape/hacking site that they don't want to associate with even though they've never been here once.

>> No.1596291

Necrophilia is only considered bad because you're sexing something that cannot consent, essentially desecrating something that can't fight back, and because the body is no longer sentient and does not have a soul.

These three issues are fixed by fucking the ghost(half-ghost) instead. With Youmu, you're with a body AND a soul, just with more soul than usual.

>> No.1596302

You know.

They never said anything about the installer holding things up ANYWAYS.

The last message before it came out was that they were bug-testing.

>> No.1596312

Wasn't that because it was changed from installer -> bug testing so as to not start shit storms? And really .. bug testing? They only spent months testing that shit before or at least they were meant to.

>> No.1596314

I didn't mention 4chan. Said I was from Shinsen-Subs.

>> No.1596317

To add, it doesn't help that mm is obsessed with proper spelling.
Not that wanting to eliminate typos is a bad thing, but you don't need twenty people going through it twenty times so you can count the typos on no hands.
Even official stateside released VN's have typos, trying to get them all is just unnecessary.

>> No.1596319


>> No.1596322

But I did!
And I'm an anon from /jp/ as well (well, this was before /jp/ was created.

Also these threads never end in anything productive. Instead I'd rather be whining about why Family Project hasn't been released yet.

>> No.1596328

>Family Project hasn't been released yet.

Fuck, why did you remind me

>> No.1596331

Why does Message tolerate Message's presence?

>> No.1596327
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And they don't get them all.

>> No.1596333

Yeah well... anons have offered help before at mm.
Suffice to say, they don't think highly of 4chan.

>> No.1596339
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oh, i've been whining about it. they could've had it out in august EASILY if they wanted too.

>> No.1596342

Actually I think it was around a month of bug testing.

Testing every single possible configuration, with both voice patch and non-voiced version.

Testing all the skips and the like to see they work properly still.

That can take FOREVER, I'm not surprised it took a month for a bunch of people using their free time.

>> No.1596345

I try as hard as I can to edit VNs but fail miserably.

>> No.1596353

Considering the way most of the people here act towards them can you blame them?

I mean, this very thread.

>> No.1596360

Melty Blood Act Cadenza .. TRIAL VERSION RELEASED. Seriously what the fuck.

>> No.1596366

There is a fucking reason people here act like that towards them.

>> No.1596367

I've no sense of this "ENTITLEMENT" you speak of, bro. I honestly couldn't care less about when Message decides to make/release the installer as long as it is out eventually. In fact I just sit in my chair and laugh at the jokes everyone makes about him.

It's just people like you who think "HE DO FOR FREE SO NO COMPLAIN" and like to suck internet dick that are annoying.

>> No.1596396

They'd have to be pretty uptight and easily butthurt to take anything on 4chan seriously.

>> No.1597630

Christians and Jews from shitty countries

>> No.1598639

It's funny because I only have to say such like that is because of dicks like you.

Yeah because you're anti-social peices of crap that will die when their 35 of some drug after realizing they wasted their life avoiding people.

>> No.1598650
File: 219 KB, 800x600, 1226516543815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never get tired of this

>> No.1598676
File: 225 KB, 640x360, 1226517051689.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww you think you're better than everyone else here

>> No.1598691


>> No.1598697

another thread to say than TakaJun is like our translator god or something like that?

cause is true.

>> No.1598696

>I think everyone is on the same level or lower than I am.

>> No.1598713

If you're a pedo, then yes, yes I am

>> No.1598762

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´

>> No.1598937

What was the point of changing the moon and the site colors around like that?

Nothing except to be showy, and faggots.

They only released it the day after Halloween so people wouldn't say "you showy faggots, you were holding this back until Halloween".

>> No.1599518


>> No.1599571

If you think George Bush did a bad job as president, why didn't you run for president?

>> No.1599574

Don't listen to this guy. Keep posting it forever.

>> No.1601788

Yes, someone gets it.
