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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.23 MB, 1800x2573, Hexennacht_v03_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15917688 No.15917688 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15917730

OO-Formation apk


>> No.15917786
File: 137 KB, 842x595, Ct2CVcUUkAA_Eg5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15918134

Damn, is that why the download links are all gone now? I guess it's good that there'll be a for-sale version, but I hope we can get it online...

>> No.15918149
File: 437 KB, 500x682, 23682174_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So now that js06 is nearly done translating Heavy Object vol. 12, is anything else he's working on in need of updates apart from Horizon/Hex?

>> No.15918186


>> No.15918292

Now I understand why there's fanart putting Yoshiyasu and Yoshiaki together all the time.

>> No.15918716

Oh, right. I tend to forget about CITY for some reason.

>> No.15919437

Wow, Uqui's confession was really metal as fuck. What a manly half-dragon, makes you wonder why he never fought to that level before.

Also, the fact he is lying about his birthday (as seen in the S2 last episode) makes it even better.

>> No.15919445

This. He seems to be really capable -- not everyone can fight a Vice-Chancellor without being a battle maniac -- but doesn't head out to the front line all that often.

Maybe it's because he's the 2nd Special Duty Officer? He's basically Musashi's equivalent of the military police, so it makes sense that most of his duties are internally focused.

>> No.15919456

Wasn't there an explanation for what each special duty officer position is responsible for? I only remember #1 being intelligence.

>> No.15919469

Should be in the first arc. And in Encyclopedia, of course.

>> No.15919470
File: 342 KB, 1280x720, Ulqui_hd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he also got bad matchups until now (even if in v3 he actually destroyed Maeda's ghost ships in one hit with a giant sacred tetstubo) and against Narumi he was extra motivated. I wonder if he gets more fights from this point.

Uqui is in charge of justice.

>> No.15919475

I only remember there being designated jobs for the first and second special duty officers. All the rest of them are responsible for field operations.

>> No.15923150
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>> No.15923153
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>> No.15923160
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>> No.15923231
File: 701 KB, 944x1300, Futayo Twrlare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do they celebrate Halloween?

>> No.15923309

Will we ever see Adele fight as something other than a portable shield?

>> No.15923319

She is the one who defeats Narimasa in the last volume who was released. It's true that she is just the last in the line though.

>> No.15923322
File: 229 KB, 675x925, 23780704_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope so.

>> No.15924096

Do you think we're allowed back in /a/? I've been seeing a lot of LN threads for other series recently.

>> No.15924166 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 250x250, Cs4PvYFUkAEO_OK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread lasted for a day

Just add an anime screenshot or "Horizon Anime" in title.

>> No.15924174
File: 21 KB, 250x250, Cs4PvYFUkAEO_OK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread lasted for a day

Just add an anime screenshot or "Horizon Anime" in title.

>> No.15924193

We probably are, but it is pretty nice to have a single thread that lasts a couple of weeks here, versus one that usually lasts less than a day there.

>> No.15924319

So from what I played of this game, is this just a TCG that you can't even choose which units attack which? Is there something else to it? I'm guessing it would be attractive because of the story too, but since my moon is not the best I can barely read it. Pretty bad game to be fair.

>> No.15924595

It's actually been updated to v1.0.2 now, I need to upload a new apk.

I will replace the older apks as I upload updates, so it will always be accessible from
to get the latest uploaded version, if you need to get it like that.

>> No.15924650

And updated.

Server maintenance currently though. ETA unknown, currently been down for more than 12 hours.

>> No.15928745
File: 178 KB, 1216x1736, 大阪下_139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15928770

Nice, it's been a while since the last update.

>> No.15930155

And at the end of the maintenance they released another update, so another file update incoming.

>> No.15931124
File: 3.17 MB, 2048x1463, kuchie-006-007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a heads up.
I'll have it up in 7~9 hours since I'm a bit busy right now.

>> No.15931439

Great, thank you.

>> No.15932709

A while back I remember hearing that someone was going back and editing the Horizon subs to match the LN translation terms.

What ever happened to that?

>> No.15932892
File: 1.16 MB, 2048x1463, p368-369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Illustrations are basically twice in there since the page numbering started to be off at some point.
The ones in the Illustrations folder have correct numbering and are PNG.


>> No.15932970
File: 695 KB, 1434x2048, p055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.15933000
File: 2.42 MB, 3512x2560, 1467821785161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any news for the next Kyoukai senjou no Horizon volume? I remember now we're gonna have vol 10 and the climax of the story.

>> No.15933013

We'll know tomorrow if there will be anything in December.
Don't know about anything else.

>> No.15933026

According to Hexennacht 3's afterword, another Girls Talk volume is next.

>> No.15933229

Fantastic, thanks.

>> No.15933232

>Bet your life on it
>Also your dignity, shame, and reputation
>But do not bet money

This is such a Kawakami thing to say.

>> No.15933233

>“I summon Modern Japanese in the attack position! But I use a special summon for the similar Classic Literature! And I summon one more face-down for defense!”

Will we see card games on Magino Frames next?

>> No.15934663
File: 790 KB, 1434x2048, p213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing from Kawakami even in December.
Guess we'll have to wait for the new Girls Talk volume till next year.

>> No.15934674

Damn. Just what is he doing with 10th ark to have no time for GT?

>> No.15934691

Making his editors mad I'd imagine.

>> No.15938548

Did baka-tsuki die?

>> No.15938549
File: 34 KB, 514x204, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15938555

Where did you go to see this?

>> No.15938558

Their twitter, on which they linked to that post on their facebook site. https://twitter.com/baka_tsuki

>> No.15941186

I assume js06 has his own backups, just in case. Surely.

>> No.15942447
File: 783 KB, 2400x2400, bestgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting best girl.

>> No.15942763

>trying to start a fight in a kawakami thread
Stop it.

>> No.15942983

Nah, we know better. We may have our favorites, but ultimately, all girls are best girls.

>> No.15943476

Does anyone have download links for season II. Couldn't find any that had the full season.

>> No.15943488

DESU, I wouldn't mind Season 1 as well.

>> No.15943621

It's in Horizon Shit.

>> No.15943938

With the amount he translates, he pretty much has to.

>> No.15944546
File: 243 KB, 720x437, 111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I'm kinda stuck with OO-Formation missions, /kwkm/.

What I should do with my deck to get access to it? I can understand the part with the deck should have less than 440 COS with my little knowledge of japanese, but what's another condition?

>> No.15944730

You should know this, but it's easy to find on BakaBT or Nyaa.

>> No.15946764

Only two Mages?

>> No.15947222

Are we getting epubs for 4-* anytime soon or I'll have to edit the images myself?

>> No.15947727

I'm not too sure on the details, but I remember hearing about some sort of problem (data loss?). It'd be a good thing if someone stepped up to edit the 4A and 4B images.

>> No.15947768

Epubs without edited images here
Yeah. As far as I know the editing had restarted on those images though.

>> No.15947864
File: 171 KB, 331x317, how does this even work.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck

>> No.15947884

Magic, she's a witch.

>> No.15947896

The part that looks like skin is actually the skintight suit.

>> No.15947918


>> No.15947953

Women are disgusting degenerates.

>> No.15948842

For that, those images first have to be cleaned/burned. I`m doing 4C now to try and catch up with Js06.

>> No.15949236

Well, I picked it up (two mages on the ATK positions and NOT less than 440 COS cost of deck), but thanks. Now I'm stucked on the different mission, but well, I can try different compositions. This game is really picky about the decks on the missions after you go through.

But yeah, the game completely sucking a big thing in the game design even in mobile f2p level and relies on the p2w level TOO MUCH, except for addiction to the game. Clear missions rewards is completely nothing (you can't even get a single gold coin for it, so you will need to wait for daily rewards), difficulty curve is really broken sometimes, and the prices is really hilarious.

>> No.15952079

This. Note the difference in color between the face and legs.

>> No.15952234

Is it just me or does the Magino Frame on the left look like a CG model pasted into the drawing?

>> No.15954524

Shading is very flat there, yes.

>> No.15957657
File: 2.06 MB, 1920x2100, 1443113497171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is something I never understood from volume 2.

Why Velasquez said Juana was lying? is about not being a long-lived race and trying to act like one to help "mister"?

>> No.15957707

She was pretending to be a pure long lived while still sending the Chancellor letters as if the girl he saved was different pure long lived girl instead of just telling him it was her and that she was half.

>> No.15957722
File: 508 KB, 1000x800, 6274182_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That reminds me, does anyone have the stitch of Innocentius? I forgot to save it the last time I saw it.

>> No.15957758

I asked some time ago and someone said he was supposed to get to it soon and we still have nothing.

I'll get to it around this weekend then. Don't expect wonders though.

>> No.15957780
File: 647 KB, 1434x2048, p073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15958100
File: 381 KB, 719x436, 222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, seems I'm completely stuck with all that chapter 18 missions requirements. And that's not the one for sure.

Seems like there is no even japanese online guide or wiki for the game, right? Because with having at least this for mission reference it would be more easy.

>> No.15958104

Did you try using Kanji Tomo to see if you could figure something out?

>> No.15958328

So Juana is a half long-lived pretending to be a pure long-lived? because on her monologue before the armada battle she said that she's getting older and when that time comes up everyone would know about her lie.

>> No.15959084

Yes, I tried that, but the small blurred letters and semi-transparent background isn't do any good for OCR. That's what I got.

>デツキ内にMage通常型, LT. Thief 通常型, LTを入れてはならない.

According to conditions, I need to have the Mage and LT Thief in the deck, but the third condition is giving some real gibberish to me.

>> No.15959372

Yea exactly. It's explained both in the anime and the novel though.

>> No.15959391

It's saying the complete opposite; it's telling you that you can't have either of those in your deck.

>> No.15959551

animeonlyfag here

Why is there a carrier and a bunch of SCs there on the water?

I thought horizon was all flying ships

>> No.15959555

Artificial Ocean, Musashi has em as a feature.

>> No.15959561

That's an illustration from Hexennacht, not Horizon.

>> No.15959565

That's not Horizon.

>> No.15959917

Ivan and I agreed to wait till his re-scan is done so that we don't have to do the work twice.

>> No.15960681

>she's getting older and when that time comes up everyone would know about her lie.
Yeah, now that I think about it, this phrase doesn't make sense! I mean, did she lie to everyone that she (as Juana) is a long lived? And if she's talking about lying to Felipe II, well he would have known as soon as he wanted to see her, and this has no business with her getting older or not.

>> No.15961336

Segundo nerver knew that Juana was the girl he saved. He thought they were different people because the little girl should still be a little girl if she was truly a long lived as she was supposed to be. The truth was that she was a half lived that was born due to an infidelity and Juana sent him letters as if she was a little girl while standing at his side to repay him for saving her in Lepanto.

>> No.15964972

I've missed Hexennacht, it's good to have a new volume.

>“My hand is lonely, Horinouchi. At this rate, my fingers will die of loneliness.”
Oh my! I'm getting seduced by Kagami Kagami.

>> No.15965362

This. There's something about its blend of insanity and outrageousness that is quite different from Horizon.

>> No.15969395
File: 125 KB, 620x465, 2c3de1ec-3516-446d-9525-e47136dfc7a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's out!

>> No.15969525

Nice, it's got Yoshy and Narumi, there's another map, and a whole bunch of little things got changed. Plus there's Asama and the Zwei Fräulein as new support characters.

>> No.15971208
File: 689 KB, 1434x2048, p087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15971685

I'm really enjoying the four-way character dynamic here. Feels like Hexennacht is really coming together.

>> No.15973326

js06 you used the same title for this chapter as the last chapter, but this one's title looks completely different.

>> No.15973480

On the project page it's given as "Chapter 4: Days to Say Goodbye".

A simple error?

>> No.15974102

Probably overlooked it while copying and pasting.

>> No.15974128

Is "It is I" a common way of answering the phone in Japanese, or is just a sly reference that Kagami answers the same way Sayama does?

>> No.15974137

Let's just believe that it's a reference. There's enough similarity in their characters that it's hardly a surprise, anyways.

Horizon is fantastic in a lot of ways, but I really miss Sayama's absurd egocentrism.

>> No.15974551

I miss Sayama too! 2nd Ahead when?

>> No.15977718

Was the technique used by Fleur the same as 2nd G?

>> No.15977893

I think it was different since they all noticed her eventually.

>> No.15978680


i think her technique is more like follow the flow of the moving things rather than tried to hide her presence.

>> No.15981301

Kawakami is totally a sort of person to drive people around him mad by weird phrases and mannerisms.

>> No.15981445

Hexennacht seems fun. Anime when?

>> No.15983952

The should adapt it right before it ends, I don't think it will be more than five volumes.

>> No.15984890

It might even end next volume.

>> No.15985076

Can you provide a short summary about Hexennacht?

>> No.15985838

Kawakami Magical Girls fighting with giant Magical wands...

>> No.15986629

I think the 1st ranker battle and the Hexennacht are going to be separate volumes, but who knows.
I hope the next Obstacle story still keeps Kagami, though.

>> No.15987188
File: 3.04 MB, 2048x1463, kuchie-004-005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw lurking on other pages about Hexennacht
>Even on AS nobody talks about it
>Not even on Jcafe

What the hell? is like nobody knows about the LN.

>> No.15987245

Really? Well, Kawakami's basically a niche author anyways, so I'm not that surprised.

>> No.15987249

I wonder what Brunhild would think if she saw what passed for a witch in Hexennacht?

Diana would probably be fine with it, though.

>> No.15987440

On jcafe there is literally nothing about Kawakami, on animesuki there is a thread with ZERO replies and if we lurk even more on other pages like MAL there is absolutely nothing.

>> No.15987565

Yeah, they don't even say Herrlich! What's up with that??

>> No.15987613

I guess this is what happens when witches stop being a minority faction. Anything goes, so everything happens.

>> No.15987614

It's one of the weird things about Kawakami readers in the West. Basically all the fans seem to be on 4chan and nowhere else.

>> No.15987723

I have seen people talking on jcafe, animesuki and MAL about Kawakami. It was people who read the originals in japanese though.

>> No.15987834

The highest concentration of autism naturally attracts the Kawakami fans.

>> No.15987995

Vol. 3 was the 1st Ranker battle, so only Hexennacht is left going into Vol. 4.

>> No.15988033


you think is going to end in the next one?

>> No.15988372

It seems like it since most of the major plot threads except for Hexennacht itself have been resolved, but it can be hard to guess what Kawakami is planning.

>> No.15988684

Hey, do you have someone working on the images for Horizon 4-{A,B} or I can take a stab at it?

>> No.15988965

Well Kawakami said at the beginning "one of countless obstacles" maybe OBSTACLE era is going to have the same dynamic as CITY Series, with short series of volumes that can be connected in some way.

>> No.15989173


i hope no, i kinda like the relationship between kagami and Horinouchi

>> No.15989190
File: 305 KB, 1092x1600, Horizon4C_0417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15989256

>“It’s war this time. That too is a way of resolving political disputes.”

Masazumi's seriously channeling Clausewitz here. I love it.

>> No.15991450

Anyone can take a stab at anything, I think. Want a couple of uncleaned raws to try your hand?

>> No.15991535

Sure, let me at them

>> No.15991558

Still mad we didn't get a human form Ulqi illustration.

>> No.15991564


You should show the end result to Muton, for he`s the Editing Wizard.

>> No.15991993

How do I reach him?

>> No.15994526

I know he visits threads periodically

>> No.15997505
File: 182 KB, 1081x1600, Horizon4C_0461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15999410 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.08 MB, 1829x2649, 1477050499139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16000429 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.49 MB, 1810x2646, 1477071823411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I shouldn`t have touched Nate`s chin after all. It kind of stands out now.

GT-1500 has been rather disappointing, but it has one important advantage over Mr. 37: no scanlines at 600dpi.

>> No.16001173

I think it looks pretty damn good.

Yes, I usually check at least once a day unless I'm busy (like right now).

>> No.16001181

I want to touch Nate's chin.

>> No.16001440

It looks good.

I'd do that and more.

>> No.16001705

What are you talking about? I can't even notice her chin.

>> No.16001767

Should have said "around her mouth". If you look at it after levelling it`s clearly just paper grain to be cleaned, but doing so makes it stand out.

>> No.16001805

It does stand out now that you mention it.

>> No.16001923

I think you went too far. It's supposed to be darker around the edge of the chin but its supposed to be more like the area between her eyes around the mouth.

>> No.16003998

So, will there be anything by Kawakami in november?

>> No.16004195

Nope. Dengeki's already announced everything being released in Nov and Dec, soonest we'll see anything is Jan.

>> No.16006588
File: 284 KB, 1920x1080, [Zurako] Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon - 09 - The Summit's Flower (BD 1080p AAC) [893B8302].mkv_snapshot_18.10_[2013.08.03_09.08.59].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Less than three weeks until the new Index volume
Are you ready for the Kawakami abstinence?

>> No.16006610

How will I survive my Kawakami addiction now?

>> No.16006796

Holy shit. Even though I know there's still 4-C left for me, I prefer to read them all when all the chapters are already out. This will be a test of willpower.

>> No.16008414

Peace of Westphalia tomorrow.
Wouldn't it be great it they announced Horizon S3?

>> No.16009660

It's time to let it go ;_;

>> No.16009800


>> No.16009809


>> No.16011783
File: 198 KB, 1011x700, Futayo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Durarara!! managed to get a season 2 after 4-5 years. I won't stop believing!

>> No.16013431
File: 2.54 MB, 1810x2636, almost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16013461

The gloves are a lot more obvious with the summer uniform.

What volume is this from?

>> No.16013567

8C, page 941, hence "almost".

>> No.16016197

Koutarou is best boy.

>> No.16016271
File: 1.05 MB, 1434x2048, p144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16016431

>“You are all leaving your precious Manko with me, aren’t you?”

Kagami is a treasure.

>> No.16016624

How did this happen? Is Onoken a Kawakamifag? It's so good! OnC had a drama CD too,so maybe they got really close to making an anime of it, but for some reason negotiations broke down?

>> No.16017447

You think that's some shit? Check out this shit

Damn it, I just reminded myself how I started reading OnC around the same time it started getting translated and I am still stalled in Vol2.

>> No.16018843

Keep going. Volume 2 is something of a low point.

>> No.16019195

Ahead! Ahead! Go ahead!

>> No.16019823

The 2nd Ahead when?

>> No.16019979

Don't know about that but...

>> No.16019997

It's really a shame that OnC finished before the light novel adaptation boom took off.

Hexennacht might get an anime at some point though.

>> No.16020041

But by the looks of it, it already seems to be reaching its end. Only if it's an anime about the Obstacle Era as a whole, and Hexennacht is just one of many stories or something like that.

>> No.16020280

Hexennacht is three volumes so far, if it ends at four then that is enough for a 13 episode series.

>> No.16020381

Yeah, but usually the point of anime is to promote the source material. If the source material already reached its end, then it makes no sense t make an anime of it. But I may be talking shit since they've been doing anime of old manga like Ushio to Tora.

>> No.16020636

Nah, you're right. Ushio to Tora and the like are the exceptions, and most of the time manga.

>> No.16020676

Also for Ushio to Tora is had an anime many years ago and I always felt it was getting a new anime due to nostalgia.

>> No.16020724
File: 670 KB, 1434x2048, Hexennacht_v03_177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gasmask-tan has a really nice design.

>> No.16021258
File: 301 KB, 1083x1600, Horizon4C_0487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16023282



>> No.16029189
File: 540 KB, 858x1200, 59174617_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously considering becoming a recluse in order to catch up with the translations. I need more Kawakami in my life.

There must have been talks about an anime at some point, considering how popular it was, but weren't light novel adaptions overall a bit rare before Haruhi?

>> No.16029298

This. Haruhi kickstarted the LN adaptations scene. Nowadays it's harder to find an LN that doesn't get an adaptation, but in the early 2000s that was still rare. You have to remember that OnC ended in 2005!

I still find it incredible that Kawakami finished the entire series in just two and a half years.

>> No.16029771
File: 116 KB, 1280x720, 1477600240478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There exists a timeline where OnC kickstarted the LN anime adaptations ushering a great era for Kawakamifags with its 10++ seasons of anime adaptations of the whole Kawakamiverse.

>> No.16030008

How do I find this timeline?

>> No.16030148

Ask a lewd miko for directions.

>> No.16030877

So who is that Nobunaga chick?

>> No.16031716

>Neito using the wet man of the far east as human meatshield against Marfa

What happens if the lose Toori? would Horizon continue on collecting the Logismoi Óplo?

The one in the vol. 9 cover?

Oda Nobunaga, She's the original Horizon Ariadust and called P-01m.

>> No.16032206
File: 34 KB, 437x436, Cv2dIPjUMAMz51a.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it really is the Testament?
Also, it seems they rushed volume 3 to the Hexennacht

>> No.16032415

>Ships Suzu x Simon[there married] Suzu x tori[let's him grabbed her breast]

What does it mean

>> No.16032814
File: 1.89 MB, 1920x1080, Heidi_&_Shirojiro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What exactly is Shirojiro's relationship with Heidi?

Don't give me that ''''''''''''''partner'''''''''''''' shit

>> No.16032868

Huh? I thought it was confirmed that they were lovers?

>> No.16032946

They're lovers, aren't they? I don't think it's been explicitly discussed, but it's pretty obvious.

>> No.16033786

Did you miss the part where Heidi is talking about how Shirojiro acts in private?

>> No.16034119

Just to bring some attention to it: Animeanime.jp is doing a poll to see what shows want a sequel of. Pick up to 3, first page is adaptations and second is anime originals.


境界線上のホライゾン PICK THIS ONE

>> No.16034254

Done, I'll do everything in my hands to have more Horizon animated.

>> No.16034260

Just Believe

>> No.16034323

>inb4 everything else i selected gets another season

>> No.16034504

>that re shit for good measure

Only one of those actually has good chances.

>> No.16034782

Voted. Now a question: how did you stumble upon this poll?

>> No.16034943
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>> No.16035150

There was a thread on /a/ about it earlier.

>> No.16036933

Are you fucking retarded or just another secondary who writes like a sperg?

It is pretty obvious they are a couple you massive retard.

>> No.16036939

Where I can see the official results of this poll??

>> No.16037431
File: 1.99 MB, 1400x1083, 59695993_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16037460

So the person on the right is the headmaster of Shihouin Academy right? It cant be Lisbeth Luger, i think.

>> No.16037464

Lisbeth has a eyepatch so yeah.

>> No.16037612

I think it's Fleur Servant aka her mother..

>> No.16037728

She has a rapeface.

>> No.16043952

Any other Halloween pics?

>> No.16047302
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>> No.16047363

Hoh? They're from this year?? Guess there's still some love for Kawakami outside here.

>> No.16047913
File: 401 KB, 1114x1560, Futayo Bunnysuit by PenelopeandMe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of Witches, in the PSP game, I noticed Kimi and Asama has outfits for almost all of the classes including White Mage and Black Mage.

Is Futayo only compatible with Entertainer/Bunnysuit class? I think she'd look cute in a Ninja, Samurai or any of the Mage outfit.

>> No.16049702

I think that some of the characters need to transition through some other classes to unlock unlock access to some classes.

People have pointed out that Tenzo (I think?) has been shown having a sprite for a class that isn't immediately available for him.

>> No.16052706
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>> No.16052788

>“Nice to meet you. I am a jobber.”

>“I’m a stalking horse.”

It's perfect. Everything about Hexennacht is so wonderfully over the top.

>> No.16054781

found out there are still 8 books in horizon series....
きみとあさまで "kimito asamade" anyone read it before? is it cannon?

>> No.16054862

More or less, they cover events that happen in the first two (or four if you count A/B extra) main series books.
You can see some stuff from Kimitoasamade at the end of the second anime season.

>> No.16054869

cool, gonna buy those copy soon

>> No.16055192

Gas mask-chang is sugoi, her magic is hilariously destructive for someone that cute.

>> No.16055204

What is the extent of grav control ability in case of Horizon? Can she do epic shit like Old Snake`s wife, or autonomous hands is all there is to it?

>> No.16055209


>> No.16055214

She probably only has gravity control at the level of a normal automaton. The Musashi captains seem to be at a whole different level.

>> No.16055227

Shame. She still has unlimited storage space for all the ICBMs though.

>> No.16063433

Do we know what s stands for now? Is it spare or something else?

>> No.16063671

We don't know yet, as far as I can tell.

It might turn out like the cowling weapons in OnC, where there's never an explicit definition given, but it's strongly implied.

For that matter, did we ever find out what the Ex in Ex-St stood for?

>> No.16067779
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>> No.16068339
File: 92 KB, 262x218, Horizon foda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, someone can do a PDF of 3-A ( Horizon ) pls?
I can not read in baka-tsuki tho ...

>> No.16068362
File: 207 KB, 600x787, 30544042_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go.

>> No.16068384
File: 340 KB, 384x496, 1476814157196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best people are here in kawakami threads
thanks anon.

>> No.16068707
File: 782 KB, 1607x815, 35149302_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes you glad you're a Kawakamifag, right?

Everyone also agrees that everyone's the best girl

>> No.16068809
File: 1.59 MB, 1920x1090, vlcsnap-2016-11-05-11h07m26s712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant say that for sure.

>> No.16068918

Illustrations of the Musashi make me harder than lewd females in bodysuits
Should I be worried?

>> No.16069006

Not at all.

>> No.16069056
File: 515 KB, 3000x2344, Horizon Musashi measurements.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Should I be worried?
Not at all, I too picked up Horizon for the mechanical porn.
With battleships being deprecated in the modern world, it's good to have airships instead. It satisfies a desire for aesthetic machinery.

Then there's Arcabuz Cruz, Lype Katathlipse, the Zwei Fräulein Model 2 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=365PXZYBdw4&t=59s)) and all sorts of other sexy weaponry, too.

>> No.16069098

I've started to put together a display case. The top half is going to be exclusively Horizon figs, and while planning what to put on which shelf, somehow there's an entire shelf of Tomo (plus the BQ Kimi and Neito...to match the BQ Tomo). How did this happen.

>> No.16069114

No, Musashi is sexy as fuck. I wish there was more art of it. Is there anything in the Encyclopedia?

>> No.16069126

Of course not! We're not here just for the boobs and cute girls! We're not savages. The weapons and the mechs are quite sexy too.

>> No.16069158
File: 1.33 MB, 1203x1730, 080small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there anything in the Encyclopedia?
An entire chapter. The part of the encyclopaedia about the setting is split into two chapters, "The world" and "Musashi".
There are lots of blueprints and CG models.

Page 74 through 109 are dedicated to the Musashi, and then are additional pages from 134 focusing on its infrastructure and its transport ships and such.

>> No.16069164

torrent or whatever to the encyclopedia?

>> No.16069195

It's on Nyaa.

>> No.16069422

Skimming through the Encyclopedia again makes me sad. There are so many things in volume 3 I'd like to see animated. Even when looking only at mechanical stuff, there's the IZUMO dock, Benkei, the ODA fleet, Gods of War, the Azuchi and several other things I'm probably forgetting.

>> No.16069627

The mecha musketeers, Palais-Cardinal, Mouri maid squad

>> No.16069780

Aight, just going through vol 1 and the princess kidnappings are creepy as fuck.

>> No.16071880

Kawakamin is a hell of a drug.

>> No.16072343
File: 356 KB, 318x503, Screenshot_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oxford guys looks like Owari soldiers

>> No.16073492

I didn't think another named character would die so soon.

>> No.16074808

I translated some pages if you want.

>> No.16075369


>> No.16075632

This is insane. First, incredible work translating even part of this monster.

As usual, the sheer breadth and depth of the worldbuilding is just incredible. History, geography, ecology, politics, and much more all get covered.

Indeed, Kawakamin is a hell of a drug.

The women's outfits especially look like UCAT armored uniforms.

>> No.16076501
File: 1.15 MB, 2200x1585, Horizon_3C_894-895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For fuck sake, volume 3 was a complete hell to my feelings jesus christ.

Is hard to see that after so many people lost, a huge ton of characters dying and how everyone was hit until they were on the ground the final part is just "we lost but we wont give up". I never expected to feel the same I felt when I read OnC and Sayama was embracing Shinjou half-dead in volume 6, or when Shino died but here I am having the same hit again.

I will start volume 4, I'm gonna get the same thing again or volume 4 is more like the first 2?

>> No.16077224

4th is easier on the feels, but there will be some too. It`s goddamn war man, what do you expect.

>> No.16077257

The stakes are getting higher and higher. Just imagine if we were reading about the party of 700 during the age of dawn. Only around 30 people survived the expedition to the environmental gods.

>> No.16077321

It didn't gave me much feels as OnC deaths. Most people who died in 3rd arc was introduced in the same Volume, and was existing solely for that reason, while at the end all the main characters left untouched. Compared to OnC when something bad happens with the people we know from the beggining, it felt somewhat cheap. And especially when you learn from the 4rd arc that from now on Musashi isn't going to lose at all, because it's the only way for them to prove their worth and defeat Hashiba.
Determination is cool and all, but it kills tension, when do it wrong. It felt like Kawakami played his cards too early in the game.

>> No.16077344

If they "existed for this reason alone", you wouldn`t even remember their deaths in the first place. Nonargument.

>> No.16077350

Horizon's world and events are on a scale that is a bit too large. Even with the enormous volume lengths, there's so much in the world and so many characters that it's hard to be as attached to any one individual as it was in OnC.

I don't necessarily think that's a bad thing. Kawakami can do things with Horizon that aren't possible with a smaller world like in OnC, but I guess there are some tradeoffs.

>> No.16077419

Remebering is one thing, but feeling something after their deaths is another. Yes, it was good written scenes, and they make sense in the context of the story, but at the same time how everything revolving around Musashi to actually not kill anyone important from the cast left me with bad aftertaste. I would actually care more if Malga died instead of Yoshiyori. because I really like her character and it would left stronger impact to the others but instead we've got what we've got. And Yoshiyori clearly existed solely to save Malga in that scene and give others motivational speach and you couldn't deny it. The same way you could say that Shino's death only existed to give Mikoku motivation for the last arc, but that a different matter.

>> No.16077468

Still would love to see that Yoshiori scene animated. Shit was hype as fuck.

>> No.16077475

Yoshiyori went out with one hell of a bang.

>> No.16078054 [DELETED] 

I still don't think she's actually dead.

>> No.16078073

Quick question:
The time-line to kawakamiverse is like this " Owari > horizon > gekitotsu > city " or is like all wrong?
cause in the synopsis of gekitotsu say that the events occur on the middle of city and horizon.
( but wtf, city is like ... the earth reseted, so is that means in the end of horizon everyone dies?)

>> No.16078074

Yoshitsune's probably going to show up again with Galileo and Innocentius. Yoshiyori (the Satomi chancellor) is dead for sure.

>> No.16078089

Something like that. The Kawakamiverse has six major periods: FORTH, AHEAD, EDGE, GENESIS, OBSTACLE, and CITY, in chronological order.

OnC takes place during AHEAD, Horizon happens during GENESIS, Hexennacht takes place during OBSTACLE, and the City series composes CITY.

>> No.16078091

Dang you caught me, Realized too late that I got the wrong name and tried to delete my post in shame. Too many damn Yoshis. Why can't the characters just be called Bob or Carol or Ted or Alice?

>> No.16078107

As far as we know, everything from FORTH through GENESIS takes place on a world akin to the Earth we know of (although at some point another moon is created out of ether).

OBSTACLE is a period when worlds are repeatedly created and destroyed, presumably due to something that occurs during GENESIS. This may or may not have something to do with the Apocalypse and the Genesis plan in Horizon. I'd bet it does, but we don't really know how things turn out yet.

CITY is a period when a stable world is created after OBSTACLE. Any resemblance to the prior Earth is likely just coincidental (or due to some mash-up of reincarnation and inheritance concepts).

Blame the history recreation for that one. It's the Sengoku period, so all these Japanese warlords can't be helped.

>> No.16078112

Not necessarily. It could be that the universe got reset but the people made it into the new universe.

>> No.16078113

Well, they are set thousands if not millions of years apart. And if I'm not wrong, Obstacle is supposed to be an era where the world ends a lot of times. That's what makes cameos something kinda difficult to pull off with the Kawakami verse. I'd really love to see Sayama and Shinjou interacting with class Plum, but it's pratically impossible to happen.

In OnC it was the Susa- family with the Susahito, Susamikado, Susaou, etc. He really likes to confuse people.

>> No.16078140

Is one day we will be able to read DT series ?

>> No.16078199
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I'm more interested in second Berlin actually, but with so much Kamachi projects popping up we won't get it soon.
Hazel is cute.

>> No.16078233

That MC looks cooler than the cop from Aerial City

>> No.16078252
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They're basically Harakawa and Heo City counterparts.

>> No.16078259
File: 99 KB, 1216x1736, 伯林03_355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to focus on City a little more now, so it at least won't be completely stalled like it has been.

And Hazel is very cute.

>> No.16078263

Thanks for your hard work as always.

>> No.16078272

Awesome, thanks as always.

>> No.16078273
File: 279 KB, 392x508, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

qt af

>> No.16078281

If not for you, then we won't be able do read kawa-chan works. Thanks alot.

>> No.16079197

Seriously thanks so much.

>> No.16079251


All hail the translator!!!!!!

>> No.16080043
File: 56 KB, 634x58, KanColle-161108-19150327a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems OnC love is not dead.
The guy had UCAT in his fleet name but I didn't catch it before completing the PVP.

>> No.16081748
File: 143 KB, 277x292, Screenshot_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I uploaded the OP II right from de BD from anyone who wants and dont have all 48G of free space.
(and one track from the 2 CD of OnC )
(( At this point probably that everyone here has the OP or the entire series downloaded but dunno, just dumping it ))

>> No.16081795
File: 306 KB, 730x1036, 53213071_p00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asama got shitfaced again.

>> No.16082232

How exciting. My first Kawakami book just arrived today.

>> No.16082517

Take in the fresh new book smell, revel in it.

>> No.16082696

I wonder how were the sales for Horizon BD during their airing time.

>> No.16082711

~20k each volume both seasons.

>> No.16083066
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>> No.16083537

Stop right here criminal scum, it`s not a macfag thread.

>> No.16084820

Well looks like no new Kawakami releases for January unfortunately.

>> No.16084821

Makes you wonder what could it even be in 10th arc.

>> No.16084829

I'm not expecting a new proper volume to start until about April. A new Girl's Talk is probably to be expected for Feb though.

>> No.16085088

Please be Futayo on the next cover.

>> No.16085105

It will be new true god (shin shin shin)Horizon for the cover.

>> No.16085202
File: 313 KB, 1081x1600, Horizon4B_0483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls no.

I wanna read how he came up with her design and his notes about her.

>> No.16085473
File: 233 KB, 886x1200, Horizon_cover1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone could do a pape with Horizon first cover, its so pretty ...
( the perfect would be extending the background and leave the artwork in only one side )

>> No.16085488
File: 273 KB, 1980x1080, Horizon Pape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumping a pape that i made just a moment ago.
i liked it.

>> No.16086399

>I am going to state my name to the guy whose spear fucks with names
Great idea, Muneshige.

>> No.16086407

To be fair, I don't think Tonbokiri's operating mechanism is widely known. Plus, declaring your identity's probably a samurai thing. Futayo and Gin all do it too.

>> No.16086555

Also a specific point in their battle is that Muneshige's Logismoi Oplo works with the same rules so he's familair with it's range and attack conditions. Also It doesn't seem like the user actually needs to know the name of the target for it to work.

>> No.16086659

Welp, the first volume had me in manly tears by the end. I'm getting the feeling I'll end up as a zombie once I run out of translated material.

>> No.16087207

Can you define pape for me before I slap you across the face?

>> No.16087846

Why are Gin and Muneshige so moe?

>> No.16087931

There's just something about a deadpan wife and a slightly wussy husband?

They're cute, and romance-through-limb-removal makes it even better.

>> No.16088387

desu i catch up this thing from using too much /wg/

>> No.16089920
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>> No.16093508

Heyy, so I just finished reading Aerial City and I've got some doubts. Is it safe to assume that all the automatons (or at least SFs) have a body like Klausl's? We got some pretty detailed information about how an automaton's body works after all. And what was that about a contract? What was Jonathan's supposed to do? And lastly, What happened to the soul Valeath asked Amon to call?
Bonus: Was Fir a slut?

>> No.16095395

No, modern day (Ahead) automata are based on 3rd-G technology, which was millennia ahead of City in terms of development. Genesis' automata should be even more human like, since they can also host a human soul, think of Ujinao and Horizon.
When Kazuno was destroyed in the anime you could also see that there were no gears like in Klaus' case.

I think auomata in the City world are a recent technology and probably will be developed more in the 21st century.

>> No.16095998

Yeah, but she still has something like the evolution concept, which was developed much later in the Ahead era.

>> No.16096808

Ever since that one anon mentioned it I keep noticing the bitter smiles everywhere. It's actually somewhat annoying.

>> No.16096880

Lowering ends of eyebrows is much, much worse case here.

>> No.16097059

I lived through "Like a puppet with its strings cut" in Overlord along with a couple of other things that get repeated every once in a while, stuff like this doesn't phase me anymore.

>> No.16097184

Well some of those catchprases are made so that you can spam them throughout the book since they have a quota to fulfill or it won't be pubished. Kamachi does that a lot. And I don't think that's necessary for kawakami, maybe he does it without even realizing.

>> No.16097197

Guessing it just comes to you naturally as you write. You can call them pet-phrases.

>> No.16097249

>Love Man
Incredibly fitting.

>> No.16097546

Conventions on repetition are less restrictive in East Asian languages as well. Using expressions repeatedly isn't as frowned upon as it is in English literature.

>> No.16098148

Aight, I forgot Kimi's and Toori's backstory since I watched the anime ages ago, and now that I'm finally getting to reading the novels, fucking hell Toori.

>> No.16098187
File: 132 KB, 1216x1736, 巴里下_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

City automatons and their relation to the automatons of past eras is expanded on in the Paris novels.

>> No.16098410

Oh? Good to know! Looking forward to it then!

>> No.16098495

It does need it, but the target's "real name" is not necessarily their given name.

Futayo could not cut Kimi, for example, because Kimi doesn't recognize "Kimi" as her "true name".

>> No.16101682
File: 305 KB, 827x1200, Horizon2B_1137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2-B finished. Well guys, time to pass the anime.

>> No.16101691

Reminder that 3rd season never ever.

>> No.16101698

Just Believe.

>> No.16101931

>“I just saw my father’s mother’s son’s wife’s grandkid’s father.”

How old is that joke?

>> No.16103813

3rd season anytime now. By XEBEC.

>> No.16105306
File: 468 KB, 750x800, 59914083_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another Index volume already
Life is suffering.

>> No.16105349

Kamachi has to eat something and Index is the one novel of his that prints money.

>> No.16105357

This wasn't so bad when I still read Index, but now it's just painful.

>> No.16105372

Everything about Kamisato arc is painful

>> No.16105400
File: 653 KB, 1111x1644, 1418522264385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16105495

Felipe is moe.

>> No.16105517

Maybe it's a Tres España thing. Muneshige is pretty moe too.

>> No.16105521

I feel like Sviet Rus got the short end of the straw this volume set. All these names for their commanders are appearing, but I can only clearly remember who Kagekatsu, Shigenaga and Naoe are supposed to be but I can't remember them appearing much or doing anything before the 3 nation negotiation.

>> No.16105542

Yeah. Unlike Date or Mogami, where the major players are really memorable, Sviet Rus is just one giant blob of confusion. It doesn't help that they're scrapping with Nagahide and a bunch of other fairly new Oda people.

I often wish I knew more Japanese history when reading Horizon. It'd help a lot to see the name of a battle and have a basic idea of which factions and commanders would have been there.

>> No.16107016
File: 62 KB, 686x628, CxEHGc1UkAAI_ZW.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it me or Kawakami getting better with his drawnings?

>> No.16107077

I can barely remember who's who in this arc, not just Sviet Rus.
The fact that they spent so much time on that Seiryuu shit doesn't help.

>> No.16107273

Play through the Samurai Warriors games and you will end with a pretty good amount of knowledge about the warring states period!

>> No.16107307


yes he is!

>> No.16109057

Looks like some days ago Kawakami discovered his page on wikipedia. I wonder how he would react to find these theads.

>> No.16109064

I think he's vaguely aware. I remember him posting about the Bingo on his twitter some time ago at least.

>> No.16110938

Did he make any comments about his wikipedia entry, like it being wrong or something?

>> No.16111028

From what I can tell, he's talking about the quality of machine translation, and in the second one he tries translating E->J->E.
I think he's just using his Wiki entry as an example for the translator, not as the subject of the tweet.

>> No.16111865

(( newfag ))
Woah, so this drawing on her twitter is from sensei, how aweasome.
