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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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15905950 No.15905950 [Reply] [Original]

As Anime Weekend Atlanta begins today, the usual thread for Visual Novels. This should be the last major set of English announcements at a convention this year.

The schedule of panels for AWA, all times Eastern US.

Sekai Project - Saturday October 1st, 4:45pm
Denpasoft - Saturday October 1st, 8:00pm
MangaGamer - Saturday October 1st, 11:00pm

Mangagamer has 2 announcements from companies they have partnered with before. Sekai Project/Denpasoft have not indicated how many announcements they have, although they have announced that they brought the illustrator karory over as a guest.

>> No.15906156
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Place your bets, gentlemen.

>> No.15906158
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And my own, that I may be proven wise or foolish for all time.

>> No.15906184
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>> No.15906207

Uncut Baldr Sky might happen, but it would be a surprise if they negotiated the details already as they certainly didn't see to have the rights at AX.

For uncensored announcements of existing titles, Wagamama High Spec, Tenshin Ranman, Hoshizora no Memoria, or Leyline are a better bet. Wagamama High Spec in particular is the title they seem to be promoting at their booth this time around.

>> No.15906208

All SP announcements will involve crowdfunding

>> No.15906213

How much longer until SP dies?

>> No.15906220

They don't crowdfund their random crap titles from all over the world anymore, just the titles anyone cares about.

>> No.15906230

Maybe 4 or 5 years. People have to get tireccd of Wonged Cloud first.

>> No.15906278
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>> No.15906283

Are there any concerns about anything major getting into EOP hands?

>> No.15906304

After Baldr Sky and Dies Irea?
Maybe Murasama, kek.

>> No.15906312

This will probably be Sekai's convention to win after the beat down they got from MangaGamer at Otakon. The Denpasoft panel in particular should be interesting, considering the changes in Denpasoft since AX (in particular the Nutaku deal) and the fact that they simply haven't done a Denpasoft panel before. I'd expect at least a couple 18+ announcements of their existing titles. Otherwise for new announcements, they were working on getting Seabed which they would probably announce if they were successful, and I have to think some title karory worked on will be announced as it would be odd to bring her over as a guest otherwise. Although being Sekai, they could certainly disappoint as well.

There are a number of good titles MG could have access to from their existing partners, although more nukige seems likely. Although one possible pickup is the newly announced 18+ version of Remembering How We Met. Regardless of what MG announces as first party titles though, there is little reason to believe their ramp up of third party titles will slow down now that they have been doing weekly releases for a couple months.

>> No.15906320

Did Ozmafia get a surge of sales after Anime Central or something?

If all of the sales are on Steam, I don't see it getting a physical.

>> No.15906331


Ozmafia was a respectable seller for Mangagamer on Steam. It will probably get a physical before AX next year, if only so MG has it to sell at conventions, but I wouldn't necessarily expect the announcement now.

>> No.15906406

It ain't happening. WIth Nutaku money and them still being able to jew people in Kickstarter, they're not going anywhere any time soon.
At least they're doing 18+ releases now. Maybe if they get good translators they'll be a decent company in a few years.

>> No.15906492

Yes. A lot of "major titles" in japan are unknown in the western fanbase. But if you have to say some popular title i guess there is White Album 2, Aiyoku no Eustia, Oretsuba and Muramasa left.

>> No.15906495

The thing is that I don't think anyone will give a fuck about SP's announcements, even if they announce 18+ Baldr. Their library is pretty slim right now, so while they may have more "big" announcements than MG, it's really unlikely they'll announce anything anyone cares about. For the next year or so they don't have any good titles coming out.

It would be nice to hear anything about 18+ Baldr, but I get the feelings EOPs won't be able to experience the game uncut.

>> No.15906531

Yeah, I know you evil EOP scoundrels want those, but I'm asking if there are some indications some might have fallen into your hands already and are to be announced at this event.

>> No.15906563


It sold similarly on their site to free friends, and that got a hardcopy so

Plus haro's gone to awa, so I expect one of the announcements will be something she's involved with.

>> No.15906600

Not really, no.

>> No.15906704
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>> No.15906714

Even if they do based Moogy will put these EOPs in their place by explaining why those games are actually shit

>> No.15906719
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>> No.15906785

>After butchered Baldr Sky and Dies Irea in 2021?

>> No.15906795

Dies Irae wasn't as butchered as Baldr Sky, but it's a bad move since the type of people autistic about no 18+ version and cropping are also the people who were most likely to buy it.

The cropping irks me enough to avoid at least.

>> No.15906897

DI will do fine as long as they wait until the anime airs.

>> No.15906947

Do we even know who is translating DI?

>> No.15907024


>> No.15907422

AWA would be an odd time to make a huge announcement, unless the deal was closed very recently, so probably not. The only hints of an even meaningful announcement of a new title is Sekai probably has something with karory art in it.

>> No.15907656
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I'm optimistic.

>> No.15907703

Oh! I'd really like that. Though I am sure it will happen eventually.
If I was to guess it would happen at a later time though, but I most certainly wouldn't object to getting it earlier. I'd really like that.
Clock-Up too. But they're already working on Maggot Baits.

>> No.15907706

I'm expecting to hear more about Alice-Soft licenses next year. The same goes for Clockup.

It's pretty much guaranteed that MG will either announce hard-copies, nukige or a not so relevant title from their partners.

Only expect big announcements from MG on AX and Otakon.

>> No.15907759

Escalayer is mostly just a pipe dream on my end, but I think a more normalish Clock up nukige is possible to contrast with Maggot Baits.

>> No.15908198

I give it 4 years. Unless they pull off some major changes like the CEO and their staff changing their perspective on nukige, and starting to atone for the arodoc incident, that would be almost half way there. The other half would require to actually hire good translators and stop relying on kickstarter that would be the other half with promises of physicals that take 3+ years to come over. Life takes effort being a jew does not.

Like i said Sekai Project put itself in a huge hole and will need to do a lot more than 18+ and Nataku money to convince everyone in the hardcore VN community and everywhere else they changed.

>> No.15908205

Have it on myanimelist plan to watch anon! Will recieve an email when it comes out. Im always willing to try something new once in awhile. Im sure there are others who feel the same.

>> No.15909176

Aside from the two announcements, I'm hopeful MangaGamer announces a release date for one of their good titles near completion (ideally Himawari).

>> No.15909291

Himawari is not a good title though. Its no name lolige no one care about.

>> No.15909389

Looks generic and the graphics are... as expected. Chrono Clock is so much better.

>> No.15909603

It's more of an 18+ sequel to Remembering How We Met from what I've heard. And it's not even out in Japan until the end of October. Seems like an unlikely announcement, because of how new it is.

>> No.15909608

Free Friends was a much cheaper license though and it would be an easy sell at conventions.

>> No.15909645

i know this is a bit unrealted but what happened with dracu riot patch?

>> No.15909769

Selling it to sekai of course :^D

>> No.15909806

The guy who released it went behind the back of his team mates. Apparently, it wasn't proofread and TLC'd.

>> No.15909853

Grab it while you can https://mega.nz/#!L0UGlKqS!Yu1YNo1y2d6LsKqH7WLKu_47IxbfaCm0b3J7L51aRLQ

>> No.15909866

Like that would help.

>> No.15910000

>and it would be an easy sell at conventions.

All the more likely ozmafia would get a hardcopy then, due to the dearth of female oriented titles they have to sell at conventions.

>> No.15910060

Yeah, they just have No Thank You (and according to Haro's AWA tweets, Euphoria)

>> No.15910081

50 Shades of Grey did show that BDSM is popular among the female demographic after all. Euphoria's just more hardcore in that regard.

>> No.15910374

I was at booth MG and SP booth multiple times today. MG always had a crowd while SP had no one even stopping and looking at their booth. Hell they had 8 people in the back. Why would you bring 8 people? MG only had 3 total.

>> No.15910384

Even conventionfags love MG more? Damn.

>> No.15910411

Leaks https://visualnoveler.com/news/sekai-project-announces-three-new-titles-for-pc-at-awa

No new information about anything gg

>> No.15910413


Go tell haro to stream the damn panel

>> No.15910429


To be fair, there's still the denpasoft panel. Nothing quite like 2/3 OELVNs to start with though.

>> No.15910432

> this page does not exist

>> No.15910434

Did you find the denpasoft booth or did they hide that one?

I guess Sekai would be the kind of people to not run a booth but have a panel.

>> No.15910437


It was two oelvns and the new https://twitter.com/spicytails title

>> No.15910458

Easier said than done. Apparently it's really difficult to get a proper internet connection at a con.

>> No.15910464

Based on photos they put out, they are advertising the Denpa panel at the Sekai Project booth and selling anything you'd expect from Denpasoft at their booth.

>> No.15910529

I know people talk a lot about white album 2, but I would rather see some toheart2.

>> No.15910601

I doubt we'll ever see that unless it's a fantl

>> No.15910618

To Heart 2 is already fully translated though.

>> No.15910634

Well, at least film it so we can watch it later. Yes, the announcement would be done already but shit talking the panel itself would be fun too.

>> No.15910637


>> No.15910711

Vndb should have the link.

>> No.15910743

MachineTL doesn't count

>> No.15910761

it's not tho,
it's still being proofread and edited however bet 10 has been out for a while

>> No.15910995

Sure is no one twitting about the sekai panel. Though I guess it doesn't matter since everythings leaked already

>> No.15910999

There are people who want to give Sekai free advertising? What shitty VN "fans".

>> No.15911004


People blogging the panel, usually you can find someone on twitter doing it but not this time apparently.

>> No.15911008

Why would anyone be at their sekai panel? The only news there is what games they will ruin and gut. You don't want to hear that stuff unless you are a masochist.

>> No.15911013

Hopefully someone tweets out the Denpasoft panel later though, as anything interesting would be at that panel.

>> No.15911028

True. I'd imagine the Denpasoft panel is more likely to be tweeted about if only because of one guy foolishly hoping for Maitetsu 18+.

>> No.15911056

Maitetsu aside, Sekai has 5 other titles without uncut releases announced, and the news out of their first Denpasoft panel is going to be more interesting then a recap of their Summer panels.

>> No.15911126

>This page doesn't exist!
Did he upload the page too early or what happened?

>> No.15911130


What do you think, anonymous?

Anyway, panels ovel, nothing that wasn't in that page earlier.

>> No.15911152

http://www .thedrastikmeasure.com/2016/10/01/sekai-project-announces-three-new-titles-for-pc-at-awa/

>> No.15911197

absolute shit. sasuga fucking sp.

>> No.15911212

With that they really need the denpa panel to be a lot better.

>> No.15911223

>The following is a press release by Sekai Project.

>> No.15911227

Seems like SP will never match MG's lineup.

>> No.15911233


No shit. You didn't think any of those sites actually attended the panels did you?

>> No.15911234

Did anything interesting come up in the Q&As they usually have? Or will we have to wait till the Denpa panel to get the (non)answers?

>> No.15911238


Not like it's looking like MG will really have anything major tonight either. Unless the denpasoft panel has some real big announcements, it's looking like awa will be a snoozer.

>> No.15911242


Nobody knows. No one liveblogged the panel. It was dead silent.

>> No.15911249

True but they will never ever match Otakon's lineup

>> No.15911252

They probably think Baldr is enough. I really doubt SP will get too many big IPs in the future, anything they would have considered going after in the past is probably attached to a studio uninterested in the west or more interested in self-publishing now.

>> No.15911273

Seems like the room was only a third full. Maybe it is a sign that less people are giving a shit about normal SP.

>> No.15911287

I doubt even MG will be able to announce a better line up than the one they announced this Otakon. It was that good.

>> No.15911294

So good, I quit my job for it.

>> No.15911295

SP's most prized and cared for market are stupid Steamdrones who don't give a shit about VNs or SP itself and just want to play the latest moe meme game and stream their ironic humor online.

>> No.15911300


One of the doujin groups Sekai Project works with put up an announcement.

>> No.15911301

Eh, I'd be happy if MG managed to get one title I want. I wasn't expecting much from AWA, and I don't think anyone else really was.

I guess Baldr Sky could become a hit among normalfags and Sekai gets access to Giga games, but that feels unlikely.

>> No.15911304

Huh, glasses girls are cool, I guess.

>> No.15911306


Well, that's one denpa announcement

>> No.15911322
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>> No.15911328

is sekai project shit really allowed on /jp/?

>> No.15911330

Only to shit upon them or to see what fan favorite game they will ruin next.

>> No.15911334


Sticking your head in the ground doesn't make a problem go away.

>> No.15911335
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>> No.15911350

It was definitely amazing. The only panel that could beat that would be the one where they announce Fate/Stay Night.

Between that and AX, they pretty much announced something for everyone.

I would have switched Rance with Hadaka to announce Rance in the bigger convention and a retranslated nukige in the smaller one, but I guess they really wanted a BL and an Otome in the bigger convention.

>> No.15911356
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>> No.15911363

It is not worth announcing FSN. Nasufags won't be happy with whatever translation decisions they make and won't pay for it.

>> No.15911367

Worse. Their community is so thoroughly ingrained in the shitty current translation that the title has, that any improvement over that translation would most likely be met with shitflinging and drama.

>> No.15911368

You are kidding yourself if you think something like arguments over localization would keep F/SN from being a smash hit by VN standards, or if put on Kickstarter wouldn't easily sail pass Muv Luv Alternative.

That said though, I think Type Moon is more likely to end up with a company like P-Qube or
NISA down the road then a specialized PC VN company.

>> No.15911373

Would be funny to see NISA pick it up and produce and even shittier translation than what it already has

>> No.15911379

Don't forget the canon version (so the version most likely to be licensed) is all ages, so lots of people will shit over it just for that. Not sure how many fatefags realise the current English version they have been playing is a mishmash of versions.

>> No.15911382

The majority of Fatefags are secondaries who only care about the anime or F/GO, they won't give a shit about TL changes. Fate is so massive that even if people boycotted because they didn't like the TL it likely wouldn't even dent sales.
It's on another level compared to the other good selling VNs like Clannad.

>> No.15911391


Where can I read the rest of this heartwarming story?

>> No.15911404
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This is the last one I got, dunno if the other anon has other baller sky pictures. I don't remember Fuutsu bosting any others.

>> No.15911436

I am actually an oldfag Nasufag. I would absolutely adore a better translation though.
But you are almost certainly right. The majority would throw a hissy fit. It's pretty sad, really.

>> No.15911442

Denpasoft's panel starts in about 20 minutes or something, right?

>> No.15911449

Should be unless something happens that causes SP to cancel or delay the panel.

>> No.15911452

The majority wouldn't care at all, though I am guessing that in discussion you would find more people unhappy about changes then fixing the train wreck of a translation.

Although if one of the main Type Moon titles were to be brought over, I think the Tsukihime remake is a more likely start, in whichever year it happens to get released.

>> No.15911458

>in whichever year it happens to get released.

>> No.15911462

Tsukihime remake is so low priority that they'll probably never even finish it. Nobody in the west would even care.
If they bring over Fate it'll sell a ton. If the spinoff games can be translated and sell enough for people to keep licensing them, I can't imagine how good the sales on the actual game would be.

What anon said is right, if TM ever goes with the West they'll probably contact a real localization company and try and get console releases (Vita) alongside a PC release. And of course it'll be Realta Nua.

It's all right, though. I'll TL Tsukihime myself if it ever comes out.

>> No.15911464

I didn't even know they licensed other stuff

>> No.15911465

>in whichever year it happens to get released
In other words: Never or until after mankind goes extinct.

>> No.15911467


Kizuato when?

>> No.15911469

For some reason I believe it is more likely that this random anon would translate it if it ever came out than it ever being released.

>> No.15911498

>Kizuato when?
Never. Nobody have the balls to make a deal with Leaf in this fucking industry.

>> No.15911500

Looks like radio silence for the denpasoft panel too, this con is dead as hell

>> No.15911509

Probably because it's in the South and they hate minorities there.

>> No.15911511


>> No.15911512

It appears that SP will stream the Denpa panel.

>> No.15911515

Room looks pretty empty again. Is also really hard to hear shit.

>> No.15911520

Thanks for the headaches, Shit Cameraman!

>> No.15911524

Yeah, I'm having problems hearing things even on max volume. I tried using headphones which seems to make things easier to hear so far.

>> No.15911528
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18+ Maitetsu confirmed.

>> No.15911529

Turn it up to 11.

>> No.15911535

>first specific titles for Denpasoft
>going to get more later
So it confirms they are actually going to utilise the brand more.

>> No.15911537

highly erotic screenglare

>> No.15911545

Nutaku money is good money.

>> No.15911546

One day SP will learn how to not have their panel be a clusterfuck.

>> No.15911547

Yep, can't see shit or hear shit (unless volume turned up to max).

>> No.15911560

So they got VR porn ?

>> No.15911566


>> No.15911568

Oh shit

>> No.15911572

Maitetsu answer
>can't announce it now
>we are working on a solution

>> No.15911573

Baldr Sky 18+ "still in negotiation."

>> No.15911576

re: Maitetsu "We believe we have a solution that will make everyone happy, we'll announce it at the end of the year"

re: Baldr "We're trying"

>> No.15911578

In other words, not an answer.

>> No.15911579

>re: Maitetsu "We believe we have a solution that will make everyone happy, we'll announce it at the end of the year"
I'll believe it if they ever announce anything. Before then, it's BS like everything else they say.

>> No.15911580

Baldr Sky answer
>we are negotiating

>> No.15911581

Probably the Jast solution.

>> No.15911583

Crowdfunding confirmed

>> No.15911584

So, basically the same delaying tactic that they've been doing for 7 months now.

>> No.15911585

Wagamama High is getting a Kickstarter.

>> No.15911590

The fuck? That shit that was supposed to be out forever ago?

Fucking christ.

>> No.15911593
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remember when Wagamama was supposed to have a spring release?

>> No.15911594

Well it is slightly more than "we will say something at the next con". They apparently have an answer to it and they are working on it but they can't announce it. Which basically means some form of 18+ content will come, though how cut/censored it will be, we will not know until then.

>> No.15911596

Wasn't that supposed to come out at the same time or shortly after the Japanese release? Now they're relying on fans to directly fund the translation that they've been neglecting all this time, and the worst part is that it'll probably be successful because there are enough retards out there.

>> No.15911598

Every notable title of theirs will be getting a Kickstarter on the Chrono Clock model now.

>> No.15911599

At this point it'd be a bigger surprise to see SP release anything without some sort of Kickstarter attached to it.

>> No.15911601

They'll release all-ages version and put the 18+ on infinite hold like Grisaia.

>> No.15911604

Perhaps they'll just cut the loli H scenes but leave in the rest?

>> No.15911606

That would probably get a worse reception than no 18+ at all.

>> No.15911608

Fucking nothing then

Expected no less

>> No.15911609

Goddamn, Grisaia still has no 18+ release?

It has been how many years now?

Why is Sekai so anti-18+?

Don't they see the audience likes 18+ contents despite the durr SJWs?

>> No.15911613

Why the fuck would anyone care about some topless scenes? I guess it'll at least be nice for the whole CG set to be released.

I hope nobody buys this if there's no ero. The last thing I want is for every lolige to get butchered going forward if Maitetsu ends up being a success with the ero.

>> No.15911616

Let's say Denpasoft anounces they'll release maitetsu under the jast patch model at the end of the year. Are you satisfied /jp/?

>> No.15911621

Grisaia pt 1 has an 18+ release. Grisaia pt 2 has an upcoming 18+ release. Grisaia pt 3 has an upcoming release.

>> No.15911622

18+ versions don't sell anywhere near what Steam versions do. So SP doesn't care.
Problem is that their sales have seen a massive decline overall so now they're forced to care about 18+ releases. I suppose Nutaku is giving them a good amount of money to do 18+ releases now, too.
But before that, they didn't earn enough money. Couple that with SP's staff seeming to have a distaste for ero and it's no wonder they're so averse to 18+ releases.

>> No.15911627

So why was Karory there as a guest?

>> No.15911628

Did denpa seriously announce https://vndb.org/v6341? It says it's a freeware yuri eroge in Japan.

>> No.15911631

Well, Steam isn't sustainable after all.

They play on fad, there's no loyal audience.
Part 1 is already released?

>> No.15911635

Is better than nothing, but I don't rate SP well enough to even pull that off.

>18+ versions don't sell anywhere near what Steam versions do.
Do you have a source on that or are you just basing it off the Sakura/Nekopara steam sales numbers? As my impression is that steam was never the silver bullet that a far few companies thought it would be and sales have been disappointing outside of a few outliers.

>> No.15911641

Kajitsu came out over a year ago. Right now everyone is waiting for the fandisc to be released 18+, especially since, like all fandsics, most of the new content anyone cares about is just extra sex scenes.

I believe the 18+ version of Kajitsu got a stealth release.

Yeah, Dovac's old tweets. A big portion of his whining was about 18+ sales, a few other SP staff members made similar comments. In fact, Dovac's last meltdown before he went ghost involved him bitching about how nobody bought KaraKara 18+ since everyone thought the 18+ patch should be either free or much cheaper than what they were selling it for.

>> No.15911643

The Jast solution works outs well, especially when the idea was viewed as impossible beforehand.

>> No.15911646

Sales are only disappointing because in the early days of vns on Steam, vns like Go Go Nippon could sell over 100,000 copies. They can still sell several thousand copies on decently promoted and desired titles, but random no-name doujins are unlikely to do well.

>> No.15911653

Not the first time they sold freeware. They did it with one of Winged Cloud's old VNs.

>> No.15911655

I don't know, that's a huge fucking drop.

I wouldn't doubt if random MG nukige sells more than MG store than Steam now.

At this point, excluding 18+ content is just bad.

>> No.15911659

They just picked up VR porn, talked about fetishes for half a panel, and are willing to say that they are finalizing a solution to Maitetsu. I doubt some type of anti-ero attitude is the problem anymore.

>> No.15911668

>Dovac's old tweets
>a few other SP staff members
Not sure I consider that reliable data, especially with how they have shat on 18+ content and the fans that want it since the start. Doesn't really encourage people to go out and buy it.

>bitching about how nobody bought KaraKara 18+
At the time not that many people brought the all ages version either.

>> No.15911669


>> No.15911675

Doubt it, a hit with MG not too long ago was 1-2 thousand copies.

>> No.15911678

Come back after they release Maitetsu.

Dovac whines, but I don't see how his bitching isn't reliable. It's obvious that SP has changed their ways now, but they were quite clear in the past about avoiding 18+ releases and the reasons why. They likely just realized they can't get easy sales off of things with anime adaptations anymore, so they have to play ball like JAST and MG do.

>> No.15911693

Steam is still a big seller compared to other platforms, you just don't have viral hits any more.

The reason Sekai suddenly cares about 18+ titles is Nutaku exists, and are paying them good money to release titles on the storefront with a large audience. It also makes sure the 18+ version of future titles isn't long delayed because Nutaku also pays to have a period of exclusivity.

>> No.15911707

So did anyone ask about Leyline? What's up with that?

>> No.15911715

There comes a fact that MG full cash with you buying on their store, while with Steam you have to pay royalties and most of the titles sold are discounted prices.

>> No.15911717


Denpasoft PR for those that are interested

>> No.15911721

Why do you people say that Nutaku is paying anything to Sekai, when no one has said anything to that.

Releasing games on Nutaku is advantegous to Sekai since it frees them from the problems selling 18+ has, like cedit card processors and etc.

And MG is also relesing several titles on Nutaku, so why is Sekai the only one getting"lots of money"?

>> No.15911723

>It's obvious that SP has changed their ways now, but they were quite clear in the past about avoiding 18+ releases and the reasons why
Well, even though they are considering 18+ stuff now it doesn't take away all the stuff said in the past about how they don't give a shit about anyone outside of steam. Plus it doesn't change their translation team either.
Going to take a few years of proper focus to actually convince me they have changed for the better. Even if they get a good release under their wings, a broken clock is right twice a day.

>> No.15911725

Ironically, the former yuri freeware doujin vn is the best-looking one of the bunch.

>> No.15911730

Like anything related to SP (or MG, really, since we barely are told anything about their innerworkings even from Haro), it's just conjecture. Nutaku getting timed exclusivity on some titles, recently wanting to expand, looking for developers to throw money at, and being closely related to ChronoClock's "sudden" 18+ release make it seem like SP is getting injected with funds from Nutaku, probably to help them launch their platform.

There's no doubt that SP is being paid for the time exclusivity on their titles. There's no company that would do that for free, especially SP which jews money as much as possible from everywhere they can.

>> No.15911731

Sekai gets paid extra to let Nutaku put the game on their store several weeks early. MG would never do that, because they'd be taking business away from their own store.

>> No.15911732

>It's obvious that SP has changed their ways now
It would take much, much more for me to trust anything they're doing.
For all we know this could just be a temporary incentive brought on by Nutaku or whatever, and Sekai Project could still do anything they can to fuck up plenty of stuff, provided that Nutaku doesn't do it for them.

Why would you honestly believe that "it's obvious that SP has changed their ways now" just because of their partnership with Nutaku (who are also shit mind you) and from how they have raised Denpasoft some? After they've fucked up just about everything they've been doing since their very foundation up until now.
Are you a Sekai Project or Nutaku staff member or something?

Yeah I'll admit. If Sekai Project won't just die and disappear from the market, it'd be great if they could at the very least improve. But it really looks like you're judging them before the ship has even taken off. Yeah, they're taking a somewhat different approach, but we really can't tell with what little we've got if anything substantial has really changed. At all.
For all we know they'll just continue to fail to deliver on their promises, throw around kickstarters left and right as if using kickstarter funds like bank loans to get out of the red, while putting minimal to no effort to secure uncensored erotic releases.

Nutaku are already notorious for censoring their products in addition to being greedy fucks and giving their audience worse deals than the Japanese counterparts.
And need I even bring up the long list of failures that Sekai Project have just kept on adding more and more to ever since they first started out? To this day and continuing.
I won't believe they've changed until they're actually good. And that won't even be enough for me to believe it. They'll have to against all odds transform into a good company, and stay that way for an extended period of time without huge failures or abuse of their audience or other business practices.

>> No.15911744

Costs pennies to get and then they sell it up with a high markup or they just give a small percentage cut of sales to the circle. I think SP is running on fumes at the moment so is finding it hard to put up much money in negotiating with partners. Would explain why this and the last con had barely anything noteworthy.

>> No.15911752

I still don't intend on buying any SP products myself, even ones I'm interested in, so I didn't really mean to come off as defending them. Maybe saying they changed their ways was poor wording, since they haven't even announced 18+ versions of most of their limbo titles.
But they're obviously focusing on the 18+ releases in general. This is a big change from earlier this year, let alone years ago. Whether the change is pushed by external forces or not, there's no denying they'll be release more full releases, at least for the next couple of months.

I hate SP and would like nothing better than for them to go completely bankrupt. They won't even be able to get me to Kickstart or buy their shit if they release uncensored Maitetsu, I'll still pirate that if I ever feel like playing it in English.

>> No.15911755

What part that they were having problems setting up a store you guys doesnt understand?

Giving a Nutaku a week or two exclusivity deal doesnt mean that they are giving money to Sekai, and when you take in consideration that Nutaku has a userbase that is a lot bigger than Sekai it only becomes more obvious that it is advantegous to Sekai to let them do that.

And if is just conjucture of your part, why the fuck it is appearing time and time again as a fact?

>> No.15911756

Sakura Dungeon, Sakura Space, Sakura Nova, Ne No Kami, and Chrono Clock all have an extended period of exclusivity on Nutaku before the Steam release. While it is to Sekai's advantage to have titles on Nutaku even with a standard arrangement, the period of exclusivity suggests they are getting a better deal (either in terms of revenue sharing or Nutaku more strongly advertising the titles).

Mangagamer is dumping old titles onto the platform, not giving them any kind of special treatment. Regardless though as you say, it would be to Sekai's advantage to release titles there even without some kind deal as they have a far larger audience then Denpasoft themselves do.

>> No.15911758

SP is still shit.

<span class="pu-lbl"><span class="pu-img">[/spoiler]4chan Pass user since September 2012.[/spoiler]

>> No.15911765

>willingly giving Sekai money so they can last longer

I really hope you guys don't do this.

>> No.15911766

>What part that they were having problems setting up a store you guys doesnt understand?
They have had the Denpasoft store for quite a while now. You have been able to buy the 18+ stuff from there with no problems.

>> No.15911772

There is literally no reason for them to have exclusivity if they're not getting paid. Exposure has nothing to do with it, just using the word "exclusivity" implies some sort of deal. See: >>15911756

>And if is just conjucture of your part, why the fuck it is appearing time and time again as a fact?
Because anyone with a brain or who has had a job in business can tell what's happening.


It doesn't take a genius to interpret this article.

>> No.15911779


There is literally no advantage for sekai to give them an exclusivity deal. Offering their titles on their nutaku at the same time, sure. But exclusivity? That's actually money lost unless they're being paid bu nutaku. Any possible sale that could have gone through their store in that period instead went through nutaku, and nutaku took a distributor cut.

Anyone can tell there's money changing hands here.

>> No.15911804

Sekai's bussines method this intere time has been through a distribuitor, in this case steam, having one no to their 18+ content is nothing out of this world.

Dovac was even complaining about getting a Credit Card processor to Denpa a few months ago before his last meltdown, making it obvious that Sekai was looking to hte 18+ market.

Selling their stuff on Nutaku is extremely advantageous to them, both by Nutaku assuming the responsability for the content and by the bigger userbase, if anything like another anon said Sekai must be getting a better cut of the sales than most during the exclusivity time and exposure is ridiculous important what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.15911811

There is no reason for them to not release stuff on their own website as well. There is no benefit to doing just Nutaku first unless Nutaku is paying them. It's like when a console game gets released on Sony or Microsoft, do you really think they get more sales just by releasing to one console instead of both?

MG is releasing backlog titles to Nutaku because they're probably not being paid to release them there first. SP may have had payment issues, but that was mostly about Nekopara. Nothing they're going to release on Nutaku so far would give them CC issues.

>> No.15911812

>There is literally no advantage for sekai to give them an exclusivity deal. Offering their titles on their nutaku at the same time, sure. But exclusivity? That's actually money lost unless they're being paid by nutaku.

>> No.15911839

Denpasoft is still up and running as a store, and in fact they have been giving it more attention recently with the last couple sales extending to the Denpasoft platform.

The Nutaku page advertising their platform to publishers lists the standard revenue sharing agreement at 60%/30%/10% for Publisher/Nutaku/Payment Processor. So unless Denpasoft has a payment processor that takes more then 40% of the revenue, they lose money by giving Nutaku exclusivity and redirecting traffic that could have gone through Denpasoft to Nutaku. Thus one should expect Denpasoft to be getting some kind of better deal for a period of exclusivity to make the exclusivity deal worth it for them.

>> No.15911867

The benefit is the same reason a lot of games are on Steam even though Steam takes a 30% cut: They simply have more customers and more visitors with which to make it viable.

>> No.15911877


Anonymous, you're not understanding what people are telling you. Yes, there's a reason to sell games on nutaku. But there is literally no reason to give nutaku an exclusivity deal over their OWN store rather than just selling on both at the same time. No reason, other than money.

>> No.15911880

That's the benefit to releasing it at all. That's not the benefit to releasing it "early" and only to one distributor.
All of MG's games are on their own website and Steam. Same for JAST. Denpa will still sell the Denpa titles, but after Nutaku gets to sell them exclusively for a while.
This short period where Nutaku gets to sell the titles but SP does not means that SP must be getting something out of the deal. They will get exposure even if they release on Denpa first or at the same time as Nutaku. Those Nutaku sales don't go away just because they're selling it directly.

The issue here is not the titles being released on Nutaku. It's them beign released on Nutaku first.

>> No.15911896

They're being released on Nutaku first is because Nutaku is throwing money at them or taking a smaller cut of the bigger pie. Remember they have a 2 million dollar fund to throw at H-game devs. They are trying to make their store bigger.

>> No.15911899


Yes, that's people are trying to tell this guy, but he refuses to comprehend it.

>> No.15911901

Huh, discounting EVN's, that makes 3, the most common guess. Though, surprisingly, no crowdfunding.

>> No.15911902

Did anything even come out of that H-game dev fund?

>> No.15911910

Well SP and DS were even more disappointing than I expected. Here's to MG's hardcopies for an overall bad day.

>> No.15911915

They announced on stream that Wagamama High Spec has a kickstarter coming soon

There may be other information that was missed, as their press release of the Denpa panel was lacking compared to the stream, and we had no stream of the first panel.

>> No.15911916

It's only been a couple of month (although, that's probably enough time for Winged Cloud and AJ Tilley to shit out something).

>> No.15911934

As >>15911915 said

Crowdfunding was confirmed.

>> No.15911944

Well, damn, I'm >>15907656 psychic then. Escalayer confirmed.

Jokes aside though, that's like a year late, Sekai.

>> No.15911955

Their Maitetsu thing was the main surprise, as they gave a fairly specific "we are finalizing a solution to make everyone happy and hope to announce it at the end of the year" rather than Baldr Sky's "We are working on it".

>> No.15911957

Arunaru is finishing his SukiSuki translation, and he said that he already resigned himself to the fact that he is going to probably have to translate Escalayer, so who knows it propably wont be announced today but I dont doubt that next year MG will announce it.

>> No.15911961

Why not give that shit to Maria if he hates translating it so much?

>> No.15911970

So, someone summarize the Denpa and SP panels. I'm guessing no ero Maitetsu or Baldr, right?

>> No.15911974

Maitetsu might use the Jast solution.

>> No.15911975

SP announced 3 titles nobody cares about, I think two of them aren't Japanese VNs.
Denpa did the same, one of their titles is a freeware doujjn game.
Baldr "we're working on it."
Maitetsu "we have something to make everyone happy, we'll announce it at the end of the year."

So a whole bunch of nothing and evasive answers, like always.

>> No.15911976
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> SP will actually get money for an already-funded title that hasn't had a lick of TL progress.

Why can't they go bankrupt and let MG take their better licenses? Why do people keep giving them money, despite almost never delivering?

Fucking why are people that stupid?

>> No.15911982

"For the community."

>> No.15911984

The only reason, I can think of, MG would force Arunaru to translate Beat Angel Escalayer is maybe because they want the translator who translates the crossover to also be the guy who translated the original games. Other than that Escalayer seems standalone enough that they could toss it to another competent translator.

>> No.15911989


It's not like arunaru has a choice. So far as I know, he's not a freelancer anymore and actually went over there and became a fulltime inhouse translator.

>> No.15911991
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Like Wagayama, SakuSaku and Leyline will be kikestarted.

>> No.15911996

The people still giving them money on Kickstarter probably don't care if they get their hard copy in 2016 or 2018, or see the lower priced Steam key as a deal even if they know it is a long wait.

>> No.15912001

If anyone did ask about Leyline, it was at the first panel which we didn't see.

>> No.15912007

That's true, I forgot he was inhouse. Even if they are otherwise unrelated, Escalayer and Haruka are part of the same series. I would make the same guy translate both if I could.

>> No.15912011
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Nice booth, I must say.

>> No.15912012
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> They'll have to against all odds transform into a good compan

To be fair, MG was in a similar position as SP (only with somewhat better PR because dovac never existed), but they listened and gradually built a very loyal fanbase by providing high-quality timely releases, and generally being pretty awesome people. The quality and range of their catalogue also expanded heavily.

Mind you, it took like, half a decade, more to reach that point, and some extraordinarily good management after a couple years of piss-poor translation quality and poor PR/customer support. Once your reputation is in the shitter, it's difficult to get out of it, especially if you're already in a financial quagmire.

>> No.15912015
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Someone cosplayed mai waifu. Pretty happy about it.

>> No.15912028

Always with the pink.

>> No.15912038

It's a nice color, after all.

>> No.15912039
File: 1.12 MB, 1279x716, what am i watching.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Samumenco.

My fucking niggas. Also, coincidentally it's the only non-MG licensed material there.

>> No.15912040

MangaGamer is the Peptol-Bismol in a world filled with diarrhea.

>> No.15912052


They're leftovers from AX2015

>> No.15912066


Stream your goddamn panel

>> No.15912069
File: 208 KB, 483x537, 1461014310999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> MG is going to win yet another con if they announce literally anything other than hardcopies.

>> No.15912071

Yeah. But the key part of what you said is that MangaGamer listened. And they didn't just keep fucking up around every corner.

And I know that Dovac is out of the PR spot. But in comparison, I once asked Dovac about 18+ Grisaia, and he outright insulted me.
Seriously, fuck Sekai Project. They fuck everything up and they are still fucking everything up.

>> No.15912075

I'll take hardcopies over SP's shit sandwich.

>> No.15912080


I was considering doing a periscope thing but I need my phone to tether my laptop.


No hardcopies tonight. Don't get too excited though

>> No.15912086


I will give you a 50 dollar amazon gift code if you stream your damn panel.

>> No.15912089

So what did Denpa really announce?

>> No.15912090

>No hardcopies tonight

>> No.15912095



>> No.15912099

They announce big shit at Anime Boston too, for whatever reason.

>> No.15912118

I think most of them are tourists for the cons. They do not look like they were interested in what Sekai had to show.

>> No.15912121

Sekai Project is going to go after the most profit they can first and foremost. The reason people expect the deal to lead to 18+ releases of most of their content is the exact same reason people expect them to keep using Kickstarter and turning out bad translations, it is profitable. It just so happens that their desire for money in this case is to our benefit.

>> No.15912123

Give me moekuri. щ(゚д゚щ)カモーン

>> No.15912125

Sakura Dungeon got a free 18+ patch on Steam, yet the 18+ version was still made available on Nutaku first. Why would they bother doing that if they weren't getting paid extra for it?

>> No.15912130

What that anon said still applies. Heck, if you saved Please Bang My Wife, that would have won single handedly.

>> No.15912134

>Sekai Project's bait and switch, tease and announcing of announcements
tl;dr they're full of shit.

>> No.15912135

Not only that its kids who see the shitty Fate memes and believe thats the best memes and those need to stay in. Its kind of like DUWANG with Jojo having a few lines is cool but having all of it would be downright shit for the average person and longtime fans.

>> No.15912142

They don't announce 3rd party vns at cons.

>> No.15912162

The Maitetsu answer at least was much more substantive then I would have expected (which was either "not a chance" or the answer they gave for Baldr Sky)

>> No.15912168

Depending on the final outcome, just saying "not a chance" would have been far more preferable.

>> No.15912169

SP zigged where MG zagged though. To be fair, it was more of a fortunate timing that Kouryuu entered the scene while MG was in its infancy and steered them away from doing stupid shit like censorship and releasing completely unedited work. Their troubles after that was mostly money issues while SP seemly had tons of money that they wasted instead.

If SP got a Kouryuu that could smack the tops' heads and tell them to wake up, it might be the start of similar improvement from SP.

>> No.15912174

I hope that mangagamer fangirl twits the panel because I'm not seeing anyone else that looks like they might.

>> No.15912181

Well of course, they now look far worse if it falls apart then when people had no expectations from the start.

>> No.15912190

I wonder if MG will announce the release date for BokuTen tonight?

>> No.15912191

MG's official twitter is already tweeting about the panel about to start.

>> No.15912194

MG, even when they were shit. Weren't disingenuous. And above all else, censorship and poor kickstarters and whatnot, I still feel like this is Sekai Project's biggest bane.
They're outright disingenuous. They've knowingly misled and deceived their audiences on multiple occasions. And that's just a gigantic no-no.

>> No.15912195

A Kyouryuu couldn't help if a Dovac stood above him. I don't know what Evospace is like, but I'd imagine that he's more professional and receptive to customers if absolutely nothing else.

>> No.15912203

How? It's not even ported yet.

>> No.15912205

>What part that they were having problems setting up a store you guys doesnt understand?
>And if is just conjucture of your part, why the fuck it is appearing time and time again as a fact?


Oh shit a wild Dovac has appeared.

>> No.15912210


No shit, but at cons that aren't as dead as this one, you can usually find someone blogging the goings-ons and that'll beat the official twitter. Also get the Q&A that way. Nobody at this con seems concerned with blogging shit though.

>> No.15912211

Himawari is more likely since it's almost done beta testing.

>> No.15912215

Translation is 100% done, and editing has been moving along. This might be the point where the announce that editing is in its final stages and a tentative release date has been decided.

Not that I'm implying that it has to be soon; they might say "we plan on releasing BokuTen in Q1 2017" or something.

>> No.15912216

I found it amusing that even though he's Welsh, he has a Burger accent when he's mad.

>> No.15912224

MG is going to announce WA2.

>> No.15912226

Remember when Wagamama High Spec was planned to be released the month after the official Japanese release?

>> No.15912231

Another kickstarter oh fuck here we go again. Hopefully everyone learns not to pay for Physicals at the least.

>> No.15912233

Nah, it'll be the Tsukihime remake.

>> No.15912237


They're going to announce sweet robin girl and lolicons will finally rejoice.

In reality they're going to announce a new batch of appetite titles

>> No.15912250

I'm hoping for a Lilith title.

>> No.15912253

I forgot about them. Most of MG's small releases have been third party lately.

Well, I hope the titles are amusing if nothing else. Not to mention how that still beats Sekai.

>> No.15912254
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Please make it happen, MG.

>> No.15912266

Actually i think the opposite is happening lol if you notice fans are becoming tired with all the bullshit. They had troubles their last two kickstarters and when i was reading around their updates regarding their older ones fans were pissed about it. Even on Steam forums some were upset that they had been waiting 6 months or more for physicals.

>> No.15912272

Personally, in terms of nukige long shots, https://vndb.org/v17082 would be great.

>> No.15912279

The Baldr Sky answer was really tentative with a lot of ifs. I don't expect it to happen.

>> No.15912293

Wow, that guy who called more gogonippon was on the money

>> No.15912294
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>> No.15912301
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>> No.15912306

I'd prefer https://vndb.org/v16749.. Enjoy the pornographic battle royale at Cockpeak Academy.

>> No.15912307

As opposed to the Maitetsu answer, where there seems to be a solid plan in place, Baldr Sky seemed more along the lines of Giga won't let us, but we won't say no because we will keep bugging them to try and get them to reconsider.

>> No.15912308

Someone should let mangagagamer know that there's not a whole lot of 2016 left for GGN2016

>> No.15912317
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I like it.

>> No.15912318


>> No.15912319
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>We got Ougon Musou Kyoku
YES. Based MG.

>> No.15912323

18+ OELVN and 2 all-ages games. I'm curious about the OELVN at least and if the Umineko fighter is any good I'll pick it up.

>> No.15912328


This isn't too unexpected because, if I recall, there was some words regarding the possibility of this mentioned awhile back, but it'll be interesting to see mangagamer publish a game without any ADV/VN elements.

>> No.15912329

That's impressive in a lot of ways. I think Overdrive is desperate though.

Maybe the new batch of endings will be better than the 2nd batch.

>> No.15912334


I'm still waiting until I can fug them

>> No.15912335
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>Announcement #2 Golden Fantasia the #Umineko fighter!
Yes! I used to play this all the time in the Miizumi IRC channel.
I absolutely have to get this!

>> No.15912336

>As a tag-team game, the game's story mode follows multiple pairs of characters, each of which has their own story and ending that take place in an alternate continuity from Umineko When They Cry.

Sounds like you don't even need to read Umineko to play the game.

>> No.15912341

Go Go Nippon is a cheap game that is sitting at around 160k copies on Steam Spy. I would make another one of it too.

>> No.15912342

Did they ever give you the option to not be a dick to Akira on your last day in Japan?

>> No.15912343

Golden Fantasia is pretty good.

>> No.15912344

Go Go Nippon would be better with pornography

>> No.15912347

What would you say its main selling points and flaws are?

>> No.15912349

Name one VN that wouldn't be better with pornography.

>> No.15912351
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And that's a wrap. Just three points for me this time.

>> No.15912355

Think this is a one off, or will MG be pursuing doujin games on top of visual novels now?

>> No.15912357

I got Sekai right at least

>> No.15912364


I doubt they'll be actively pursuing them, but it's not like they were ever against the idea.

>> No.15912370

Quite possibly if this one does well.

Maybe they're also keeping an eye on those doujin PS4 Touhou games coming out to gauge general interest in Japanese doujin gaming. Umineko is a pretty big title so it's definitely less of a risk taking the plunge on that one.

>> No.15912375

It's hard to tell, but I think that the only doujin games that are likely are ones related to VNs.

>> No.15912376

Too bad there's no stream so we can't see all the terrible questions being asked right now

>> No.15912378

They have since the end of July released something every Friday except the Friday of Otakon. In order to keep up that pace they'll probably be tapping into 3rd party releases, doujin, and OELVN stuff more than the past.

>> No.15912383

It would be great to see more fighting games localized actually.

>> No.15912395

So, if I recall Kou was the one who did both GGNs. If they plan to actually get this GGN out before 2016 is over, I imagine it's probably already translated.

That would explain why princess evangile was moving so incredibly slowly lately.

>> No.15912400

Not that guy, but Clannad

>> No.15912415

What to say, what to say.
I'll be completely straight and say that it doesn't look all that impressive at first glance if it just weren't for the Umineko brand since the movements are kind of crude. It looks cool visually though, if I were to say so myself. But as I played it more it is indeed actually rather interesting anyway.

It follows the typical tag fighting formula. You've got two characters each, and you can tag in and out between them and they have separate life bars that you need to manage.
But then every character has their own ability. And I really like how they managed this.

Namely. Each time you tag, the character you switch into, momentarily receives the ability of the character you switched out. This makes the dynamics of the various team combination very interesting since each character essentially supports the partner character and vice versa rather than having unique abilities powering themselves. Which I quite frankly find rather interesting.

And then there is the metaworld stuff that's also rather interesting. Or at the very least it has a lot of character and I will congratulate it on how Umineko it feels. Both players have this metaworld gauge, and and at the cost of one SP bar they can call forth the metaworld. And in the metaworld you can use your supers free of charge which is naturally a huge benefit, but what is also interesting that while your metaworld is active you gain the benefit of both your character's abilities for the full duration of the metaworld. And without having to tag to activate them.
However, when a player attempts to activate the metaworld, the opponent can also spend SP in order to deny them the activation. At which point the initial player can respond yet again by paying SP to force the activation anyway, giving the other player yet another opportunity to deny activation at the cost of even more SP. And so forth until one player simply doesn't respond anymore, or can't afford to. But each time a metaworld activation is denied, its duration is shortened even if it is ultimately activated.

And then you have the basics. You can tag on successful hits, and also on successful blocks. Which is basic tag fighting convention, but it's really neat in conjunction with the ability mechanics. And you can also activate the metaworld on hit for combo extensions. Etc, etc. In the end, even the movements that I initially found crude eventually grew on me.
I am actually relatively fond of the game. I loved playing it in between other fighting games.

That should more or less be my impressions of it. I admittedly haven't played it in years, but I will personally gladly take this opportunity to get back into it again.
Hopefully this was insightful in some way.

>> No.15912421

I also used to have links to some really intense and exciting matches. But it looks like I can't find the videos I was thing of.

>> No.15912434

Sounds good. I just hope multiplayer isn't full of people spamming metaworld.

>> No.15912490

Even MG's doujin game announcements are better than Sekai's this year.

>> No.15912512

I haven't been paying attention to vntl in a few weeks. is baldr sky still dead in the water with no translator or did they convince arudoc to give up his work?

>> No.15912516

Aroduc is now translating WA2.

>> No.15912518


Aroduc deleted his angry post and went quiet. It's all up to interpretation, but I think SP probably caved into his monetary demands.

>> No.15912519

Nothing official, just Aroduc taking down his post criticizing Sekai at Doddler's request. It might have just been to avoid legal trouble though.

>> No.15912522

Aroduc sold out. He's dovac's bitch now.

>> No.15912544
File: 311 KB, 200x200, 1455491881298.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty meh, but sasuga AWA since everyone already blew their loads to the bigger cons over the last few months. Still won the con though.

>> No.15912560

Does JAST go to one con a year or something? Not that they'll release anything they announced but still.

>> No.15912571


jast has always been AX only

>> No.15912584

Clannad fandisc has porn, retard.

<span class="pu-lbl"><span class="pu-img">[/spoiler]4chan Pass user since September 2012.[/spoiler]

>> No.15912594

>4chan Pass user since September 2012.

>> No.15912602

Bad example. The all-ages version of Tomoyo After is better.

>> No.15912615

It's a smaller con, so none of them were going to make a huge announcement unless a deal recently closed and they wanted it announced before the new year.

>> No.15912636

They were always trying to go for a combination of gameplay and VN for a long while now, with Alicesoft it's the best time to pursue those kind of games, seeing how Rance VI will probably draw in a lot more gameplay seekers.

>> No.15912642

Didn't stop SP from blowing their load early in the year on all the minor cons. Leading to a minor presence in AX save for Baldr Sky and literally nothing for Otakon.

>> No.15912666

Oh wow, whole lot of fucking nothing from both companies.
I don't get "bang my wife" announcement, its already selling and had like shitton of blog posts, how the fuck you can claim to "announce" it now?

>> No.15912667

A bit of a shame that they finished Please Bang My Wife early; otherwise, it would have been more of a landslide victory.

But, eh, I'm satisfied with the Umineko fighter both on its own merits and as an interesting indication of future MG trends.

Inb4 yearly Go Go Nippon. Come on other countries, make your own tourism VNs already.


I'm a bit surprised MG announced an OELVN at a con even if it was a small convention. I guess Menagerie sold well.

Not sure if retro scifi yuri will sell as well as Arabic futa, but it's interesting to see nonetheless.

>> No.15912668

I like the fact that MG announced a Fighter that may not be intriguing to the visual novel types but it will help expand out to those in the Fighting community that want something new besides Mealty Blood and one of my favorite fighters recently with Nitroplus Blasterz Heroine Infinite Duel.

I also remember that it supports Gamepad and i think fightsticks. These are the types of games that separate out from the rest. I am glad MG decided to help translate a Fighting game which counters the platformers like Rabi-Ribi for Sekai.

As for Go Go Nippon 2016 i really do and i mean hope that it can have some support for Japanese and Furigana like that last release did. That is what helped me buy the last game including the expansion.

>> No.15912702

This is pretty good, I haven't played it in a while. It'll give me a reason to get some of my friends into Umineko, at least.

>> No.15912722

If you like Umineko you'll like it. The expansion is worth it just to see Black Battler.
Mechanically it's pretty dull for a fighter, which is a pro or a con. The combos are generally really easy, and the tier list is kind of stacked, but every character can do simple combos like ABC dash cancel some other shit special, and then there are tag combos. The way the meta supers work is pretty cool too, it's an interesting way to blow meter by fucking with people or making them spend it without doing any damage.
It's pretty fun but compared to other anime fighters on Steam (Melty, UNiEL, GG, and BB) it doesn't really have much to offer. Melty/Uniel are probably the best fighters if you're looking to easily maul people.
Still a fun game, though. Just nothing really stellar for a fighter. It's also quite slow compared to other games, you can probably get decent mileage if you're good at footsies.

>> No.15912878

>Back to workspace setup. Maybe by next week, I'll be working on something again instead of squandering my time on playing games.

Definitely not working on Baldr Sky.

>> No.15913092

MG should really get some Eushully if they're going into the gameplay route.

>> No.15913110

Eushully jumped into mobage market and partnered with DMM. DMM is partnered with Nutaku. So Nutaku is most likely candidate for Eushully's PC games, with fresh Nekohen translation.

>> No.15913199

Eushully kind of blows these days, though.

Their games haven't had half-decent writing in absolutely forever, and Kamidori was the last decent title they produced.

>> No.15913212

>Kamidori was the last decent title they produced
Are you retarded or just EOP who never played anything other than Kamidori?
Soukoku was their biggest hit, and universally acclaimed as great game even by Eushully haters.
Memoria is very good game, and was well-received by fans.
Madokaku is polarizing title, but I'm personally huge fan of it, its one of their best stories and I've greatly enjoyed gameplay part too. It lacked only few bits of polish and late game content (and NG+ scenarios while we are at it) to eclipse Kamidori for me.
Their only two semi-fails are Rhapsody (utterly retarded scenario, "cut brushes" gameplay which is now permament meme of eu-threads on pink) and Sankai (no scenario at all, unbalanced and boring gameplay).

>> No.15913218

Speaking of Eushully, they announced that next PC game will be classic -Meister title, so I'm having high hopes for it.

>> No.15913369

Yea the solution is a free unofficial patch with base game costing full so they don't lose money. Now get to working on it already instead of thinking about alternatives that won't work.

>> No.15913382

You are aware that 80-90% of the kickstarters went for the adult version, right? Only 10% bought the all-ages game. That shows adult is way more important than all-ages.

The illusion that all-ages is selling well is just that 10 dollar games sell better than 20 dollar games (which is what they try and get from selling adult patches). I can promise everyone that Steam sales would die if all-ages was 10 dollars more expensive than adult versions. You never sold to Steam fans, you sold to Steam trash collectors.

>> No.15913397

I don't think exclusive time is because Nutaku sells better, I think it is because it sells worse and they want to force people to use the system more and make it grow.

I.e. it is for the store, not for the game sales.

>> No.15913433

Why can't they just update it with voices? It would become 500% better as an introduction to Japanese. Not to mention they could just take some women from the street since you don't need famous VA for a "hello Japan" game.

>> No.15913481

Voice acting costs pile of money.

>> No.15913488

Makoto is supposedly fluent in English, so they'd have to find somebody who is the same.

>> No.15913524

>GoGo Nippon! 2017-6
At least I got one right.

>> No.15913561

>Just nothing really stellar for a fighter. It's also quite slow compared to other games, you can probably get decent mileage if you're good at footsies.

you never know they probably could port it over with some fixes,bug changes, and try to change the pacing. Maybe 60fps. I have seen that happen with Mealty Blood when they did bring over the more recent version that fixed a lot of the problems and added a lot of new things to it as well.

>> No.15913562

That'll be neat. MG might start releasing 2 big HRPGs instead of one. Though, I'd rather prefer an Alicesoft title if I had to pick one. They're generally more refined.

MG's starting to get so many potential titles that it needs to up its release rate for big games. Though that also means getting more staff like a programmer, and it's not nearly as simple as releasing twice as many games gets MG twice the amount of money.

Eushully games aren't usually known for their great writing, so it shouldn't be too much of a problem, honestly speaking.

>> No.15913614

Voice acting is expensive even if it's just on the small circuit well maybe not as much but still enough to drain a company. I believe that if Go Go Nippon 2016 sales really well they will create a huge expansion for it with VA, more areas to explore, a feature i would like to see even for a VN like that is Live2D. But like always it depends on sales that sort of stuff. I believe everyone will buy it. I know i will.

>> No.15913672

I'm not saying real VA. I'm talking about things like letting your nieche record the voices for some compensation money. Or a student from the street that want to make a little extra and get a connection with the visual novel industry.

I mean EOP game makers manage to make English voices without needing even 10% of the money Japanese companies need. And I suspect it is because they don't go for Disney VA talents.

>> No.15913927

>You are aware that 80-90% of the kickstarters went for the adult version, right? Only 10% bought the all-ages game.
These numbers are complete bullshit. SP didn't even sell the adult version through the actually Kickstarter, it was a backerkit only thing.

>> No.15913959

What are you smoking? Karakara was on indiegogo because they wanted to include the 18+ in the deal. It wasn't even on kickstarter and there is no backerkit for indiegogo.

Next time you call bullshit at least write a single thing that is correct and don't pull a Trump.

>> No.15913962

That seems to have been some kind of issue. Either the devs wanted it out sooner than anticipated, or MG was trying to keep their string of weekly releases going and it was the only thing they could put out on such short notice.

>> No.15913975

>Come on other countries, make your own tourism VNs already.

Careful what you wish for.

>> No.15913993

Aroduc revealed that they were in talks with SofthouseChara, the devs of the Bunny Black series.

>> No.15914002

It's supposed to stay a budget title that they don't have to spend much money on.

>> No.15914027

>and don't pull a Trump.
What did he mean by this?

>> No.15914032

When a person says that it means, "only listen to me"; ignore everybody's else different opinions

>> No.15914054

>You are aware that 80-90% of the kickstarters went for the adult version, right?
How is this relevant? Sales are separate from Kickstarter, and most people who are willing to back something probably will go for the "full" experience. The fact is that there were over 2k downloads just for the 18+ patch is probably at least half of the sales the game got on Steam when it released. It caused Dovac to flip out and for the patch maker to stop making patches.

You're right that if the all-ages version was priced the same as the 18+ version it probably wouldn't sell as well, but that's not really how SP views it, is it? They view people downloading the 18+ patch as lost sales, and it seems that there were a significant amount of people downloading the patch instead of just buying the 18+ version outright.

This is of course assuming you're talking about KaraKara, because Grisaia's always had very vague info about 18+ releases, and even if people did want the uncut version off of Kickstarter, the fact that SP still hasn't released Meikyuu uncut proves that they don't really give a shit about people who want it.

You don't need to convince me that people want 18+, since I refuse to buy all-ages unless the title is only all-ages. But SP has had very clear views about it on the past, reflected by their business policies and social media.

>> No.15914056

That'd be amazing.

>> No.15914065

>Bunny Black series

But those games suck. I can't believe how unbalanced the gameplay is. You're all chilling at level 5 and then out of nowhere, yellow dots zergrush your party.

>> No.15914312


Not really a surprise, ever since he tried a Romanesque kickstarter I don't believe Aroduc has done work on a translation without thinking he could sell it. I'm guessing he will try to sell the Kamidori translation at some point as well.

>> No.15914384

It is relevant to the claim "All-ages sell better than 18+". Which isn't true. It is a result of pricing and censorship. If Steam sold adult versions it would vastly outsell all-ages.

>You don't need to convince me that people want 18+
I'm not trying to convince you. Just repeating that SP lies and are out of touch with reality.

>> No.15914579

That was a long time ago though. Those talks might have gotten nowhere.

>> No.15914584

He just said nothing would come from it this year.

>> No.15915871

He specifically stated that the talks wouldn't go anywhere this year, and probably nowhere next year either. Because for some reason licensing things from bigger companies in Japan takes years.

>> No.15915980

I don't think he intended to sell the Baldr translation. It just so happens it got licensed and so why not get money for his work.

Not to mention there is no way he did Prism Arc stuff to sell that. That's not a game any company is going to pick up unless it gets a surge in popularity or the parent company pursues talks.

>> No.15915986

I would like SofthouseChara, but hopefully it doesn't just end up being the Bunny Blacks for 3-4 years.
