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15897413 No.15897413 [Reply] [Original]

It's Autumn /jp/!

>> No.15897888


Is... Is that a tomato tree?

>> No.15898284

I think it is...

>> No.15898400
File: 369 KB, 575x818, 54749972_p40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are persimmons really that uncommon?

>> No.15898422

American here, I'm only familiar with them through Japanese media. Not exactly something you'd see at the average supermarket.

>> No.15898424
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>> No.15898426
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I love autumn and persimmons and the aki sisters and the temperature and everything about it but I live in south hemisphere...

It sucks but at least the flowers are pretty, Have a Lily

>> No.15898443
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south hemisphere guy here. We have persimmons here, even tough they are a bit rare to find.
My grandfather had a persimmon tree at his home, and I guess his neighbours too. Nowadays is much harder to find.
Still, I guess you can (maybe) find it as dessert in some asian restaurants. You should try someday.

Ps: fuck spring

>> No.15898535


I used to have a persimmon tree in my back yard when I lived in California. I used to give extras away to the local slopes.

>> No.15898595
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>Ps: fuck spring
Don't mind if I do!

>> No.15899123
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>> No.15899143
File: 449 KB, 640x480, 秋姉妹.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15899436

Oh man, I can see lily's pretty pink fairy nipples!

>> No.15900238

The Who had a song about that "Pictures Of Lilly" I think the girl in the song 'might be' our girl there.

>> No.15900272
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You must have x-ray vision because I can't see shit.

>> No.15900373

Maybe your screen gamma is too high.

>> No.15900481
File: 444 KB, 1800x2200, __lily_white_touhou_drawn_by_kagari6496__abaf2404a211eeae01e44be0f9907b98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spring's not all bad. Flowers are blossoming and it's a good time to sow seeds. Today I planted some strawberries and caysan peppers. Please treat them kindly Lily!

>> No.15900813
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South hemisphere guy here as well. I really like Shizuha and autumn, and while I dislike spring, Lily is better than all of the above

>> No.15901649

>fall thread
>currently talking about spring
Good job, /jp/.

>> No.15901903
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>> No.15908134

Jewel may have them if they are in season, but they are the kind you have to store for a week or two before eating

>> No.15908172

I only knew it was Autumn due to all the pumpkin spice food at Trader Joes.

>> No.15910933
File: 362 KB, 1700x1500, 55421301_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's not.

It's Spring, finally!

>> No.15912541

Who are you quoting?
