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15885979 No.15885979 [Reply] [Original]

RIP Edition


>> No.15886010

random is cheating
sudden+ is cheating
using the bar is cheating
wrist scratching is cheating
speed mods are cheating
floating hi speed is cheating
playing at home is cheating
mirror dan courses is cheating
bracketing is cheating

>> No.15886016

What are some easy 14s in sdvx? I've cleared dreamin', dustboxxxx and albida powerless from booth, but most of the 14s seem to be way over my reach.
Or is there some sort of ranking, like there is for 15s/16s?

>> No.15886033

>OP took my advice from 2 threads ago

Found this:

>> No.15886062

Thanks m8! Didn't catch that with the usual keywords.

>> No.15886074

>"one per thread" post

Haha, it's like I'm really in a general xD

>> No.15886117

ignited night burst and red zone remix

>> No.15886124

Playing at home is paying off. I went from not being able to pass 3s to passing two 4s in IIDX. On the other hand, home Pop'n is pretty pathetic where difficulty is concerned, though I've only played the first so far.

>> No.15886144
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Literally impossible.

>> No.15886183
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>> No.15886249

If you show me your ratio on another private tracker you're on, I'll invite you.

>> No.15886436
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xth for Grace

>tfw the EXH chart kicked my ass

>> No.15886441

How am I supposed to not masturbate to this?

>> No.15886446


>> No.15886449

grace is a slut

>> No.15886497

Invite sent

>> No.15886530
File: 702 KB, 656x995, 48723486_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how big that sub woofer is

>> No.15886580

what the hell is grace's outfit anyways
it reminds me of an insect

>> No.15886591

From the looks of it, body paint, then some spandex triangles knotted together with red stitched accents.

Some thick cloth or possibly black leather used for the collar, then a hairband. Add themed thigh-highs.

The shoulders look like some sheer black fabric.

Doesn't look impossible to create.

>> No.15886593

Is she a dog or something? Why does she have a bikini near her belly?

>> No.15886712
File: 8 KB, 117x236, opt_tim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to increase my hi-speed in iidx. For a long time I've been comfortable with wn 80 gn 350. But I'm trying to get closer to 300gn, as I lower my green number I notice I get mostly "slows" and then I have to also lower my timing offset to balance out my fast/slows. Is this the correct way to do it? (Currently at -1.5) I feel like I'm able to time notes at the line better, but now I feel like the music and key taps are slightly off sync now.

I originally thought the timing offset was just to counter lag on TV/monitors, but the scroll speed seems to greatly affect how I perceive what that timing offset number should be :\

>> No.15886735

>But I'm trying to get closer to 300gn, as I lower my green number I notice I get mostly "slows" and then I have to also lower my timing offset to balance out my fast/slows.
Have you maybe considered the fact that you're not good enough or have good enough reaction times to lower your green number.

>I feel like I'm able to time notes at the line better, but now I feel like the music and key taps are slightly off sync now.
Maybe because you're hitting late now.

>I originally thought the timing offset was just to counter lag on TV/monitors
It is.

>but the scroll speed seems to greatly affect how I perceive what that timing offset number should be :\
Your offset should be good no matter what your GN is. If you feel like you have to change your offset when you change your GN, then you don't have your offset set correctly.

>> No.15886744

you shouldn't use offset to compensate for the fact that you cannot react that quickly

if you get tons of slows with a higher speed mod, you can't react fast enough to play with it so just use a lower one

80 wn is really, really tiny though, i would suggest increasing that (with floating hs of course) before i tried fucking with offset, i personally use 250w/350g

>> No.15886776

You shouldn't use offset to compensate - if you're hitting the notes "in time" offset will fuck you up.

Personally what I use to fix the "desync" between what my eyes see and what I hear is Hidden+. I'm currently at 285GN 124 WN, and I hit when I see notes cross the top of the lane cover, which is pretty much on time.

I'm shit at IIDX though so this may actually be a really bad habit and a crutch.

>> No.15886781

If i'm used to pendual HDD how should i set offset when playing copula at R1? is it early/late? approximately how much?

>> No.15886791

This would entirely depend on your home setup. AC in general is much laggier (requiring more negative offset compared to CS, for example), but your home setup could be even laggier than AC, so who knows.

>> No.15886808

I usually play stuff like bloomin feeling [h] to test out the offset. If I get more or less the same fast/slows then no adjustment is needed.

>> No.15886821

Is this good enough?

I actually spent some decent amount of time on this piece of crap... I need art lessons... mhanp28@gmail.com

>> No.15886825
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I'm retarded.

>> No.15886893

Yes, it would certainly seem so based on your drawing.

>> No.15886935
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i-it wasn't that hard

>> No.15887009
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Please don't be rude.

>> No.15887020

I noticed bits of Rasis song jackets (Everlasting Message, Ray, etc) there.

Does this mean Grace is yandere towards Rasis?

>> No.15887023

So I use hi-speed 180 in LR2 right now

Can anyone tell me what that approximately translates too on AC? I want to be able to set it correctly the first time I play in an arcade next month.

>> No.15887028

I have no idea how LR2 works and don't have it setup, so I'll tell you right now that GN is the number of frames a note spends on the screen multiplied by 10.

Go use fraps or OBS or something to record yourself playing LR2 at 60fps, then go frame by frame through it using MPC or VLC to see how long it takes for a note to hit the line. Multiply this by ten and you have your GN.

>> No.15887039

Addendum: As a sanity check, this number is probably between 250-400, to give a wide estimate. If it's something like 600 or 150, you fucked up.

>> No.15887115

So how do I get my offset correct? Should I set it with no hi-speed mod?

>> No.15887132

Take off your headphones, and play a song you're decent at. You should get the same number of early/fasts as you do with your headphones on. If not, adjust until you do.

>> No.15887355

Has anyone registered at beatmania.co.nz? I just did. I only came across it to see if there was a place where I could get the keysounded BMS to Flashes. I don't think I have it. From the looks it, neither does this place, but it at least looks like it has some promise of a decent contemporary location for everything BMS related.

>> No.15887413
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Why do I have to play the generally inferior US versions of DDR in order to get the superior licensed music?

Gee, Extreme JP sure is amazing being filled solely with konami originals and shitty remixes of creative commons music that all mostly sound the same, but not including all the god-tier ones such as Max 2's challenge charts or Kind Lady.

Max 2 is the best US mix but holy fuck is it better than so many JP mixes.

All in all, CS DDR is pure garbo. AC is the way to go, atleast then all the good 1st-5th mixes are there.

>> No.15887421

is there a market for IIDX or DDR marquees? I got one IIDX marquee and 3-4 DDR ones all legit collecting much dust.

I have a couple preIIDX beatmania marquees hanging up around my place

>> No.15887568

I'd probably be interested. Email me pics and details at prisonerfortytwo@gmail.com and I'll be in touch.

>> No.15887838

What IIDX song has the lowest clear rate currently?

>> No.15887857

NZM [a]

>> No.15887866

Quantum Teleportation DPA is at 2%, last I looked.

Can't recall any at 1%.

>> No.15887946
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That poor daiuchuu cat

>> No.15888767

I never play with headphones. Adjusting the timing offset based on fast/slow even on my best song (dazzlin' darlin :D ) gets me to -0.8 timing with my usual 350gn, which ive player at for the last year. My whole point was that as I lower that green number I have to further change my timing number. So this isn't a reliable way for me to find the correct timing number, since for me it seems to fluctuate based on different hi speeds. I wish there was a reliable way to get the correct timing number for my PC/monitor without having to rely on my eye.

So, if it's all based on the machine/monitor shouldn't each arcade have a known timing number that everyone uses?

>> No.15888931

>So, if it's all based on the machine/monitor shouldn't each arcade have a known timing number that everyone uses?
Only if people were consistent as well. A vast majority of people play early, including DOLCE., probably because this is how machines were synced before offset even became an option. I personally feel like -1.5~-2.0 is appropriate for most official cabinets, but since people generally play early, I see a lot of 0.0 or even stupid things like +4.0 where the notes disappear even before they hit the red line.

>My whole point was that as I lower that green number I have to further change my timing number.
You also might just need some more time to adjust to the fact that the notes are visible for less time instead of moving the visuals around. In the end, playing with a lower green number means having a fast reaction time. How much are you trying to change your green number. I wouldn't recommend more than an interval of 10 (1 frame) at a time.

>> No.15889040
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>slow moving lasers

>> No.15889050


Anon i made the same change you did several months ago, I went from 350gn to 310, and now i play at 305

You just have to take time to adjust to faster notespeed, you will naturally be getting more slows because the notes are going much faster, 50gn is a lot to change instantly.

Also I play with -0.9 offset comfortably, but that has always been the same. Play with a lower gn for a little while and try to adjust to the notes instead of making the game adjust to how fast you're hitting them

>> No.15889143

>stupid things like +4.0
I play at +2.5. Not sure if it's because my monitor is laggy or what, but anything closer to 0 and I start hitting 500 slows.

>> No.15889155

You use + if you're hitting too early. The more laggy your monitor, the more - you should be using. Going too far negative (toward 0 in your case) should make you get a lot of FASTs. Are you ok.

>> No.15889167

+ gives more slows and - gives more fasts

>> No.15889177

i might be really confused then, I have it moved whichever way is down in the menu, so it's under the line by 2.5 right now

Used to be 3.3 but I added Hidden+ recently

>> No.15889179

Down is negative in the menu, so that's fine.

>but I added Hidden+ recently
We now live in a world of offset to accommodate all monitors. Don't do that.

>> No.15889245

Why IIDX only have three difficult options for each song? All the others games have at least four options.

>> No.15889249

Is there anyone who can play high level DDR without the bar?

>> No.15889264


It's hard to explain. When I change the offset with no hidden, it feels like the notes arrive way faster than the music. So if I play something like GAMBOL where it's one note at a time, I tend to hit early, whereas on more difficult songs where I'm more hitting to the music, I get lots of slows. If I adjust the sync one way, I hit on time on more difficult songs but get random fasts.

With hidden the two seem to become more in sync, so the notes reach the line when the audio does rather than way ahead of it.

>> No.15889289

Beginner, Normal, Hyper, Another, Leggendaria.

>on more difficult songs where I'm more hitting to the music, I get lots of slows
You should never play IIDX by audio unless you're a wizard or you're playing on CS or something. The audio is so delayed on modern AC IIDX that it's not useful to most people.

>If I adjust the sync one way, I hit on time on more difficult songs but get random fasts.
>With hidden the two seem to become more in sync, so the notes reach the line when the audio does rather than way ahead of it.
This has to be placebo. Changing the offset doesn't affect the audio, period. Using Hidden+ in the way you are is just a dumber version of using the offset. Don't.

>> No.15889291

you should be able to time easy songs perfectly and harder songs will alwYs be a crapshoot. most people get lots of fasts on songs they cant quite handle but that DOES NOT mean you should change your offset.

test timing on easy songs where you know the rhythms, not hard ones

>> No.15889316

Is there any way to mod the Pop'n minicon to make it better? I won't be able to build a wooden ASC until the winter.

>> No.15889345


>adjusting timing with GAMBOL

what the fuck

>> No.15889351

GAMBOL SPH has a regular PGREAT window these days.

>> No.15889414

not all songs have beginner or leggendaria charts, they dont count.

>> No.15889446

If I'm "importing" Future Tone for PS4, all I need is the base game that costs 8.4K yen and the Season pass which is like 4.2k and I'm pretty much set for the forseeable future?

>> No.15889462

Not all pop'n songs have Beginner charts.
Not all Sound Voltex songs have Infinite/Gravity charts.
Not all Reflec Beat songs have Special charts.
Not all BeatStream songs have Nightmare charts.
jubeat and Museca songs don't have more than 3 charts.

>> No.15889501


>> No.15889800

How good are those ddrgame DDR V3 tournament metal pads?
Worth $175?

>> No.15890189


Why do you need more than 3 difficulties for a song anyways?

>> No.15890273


>> No.15890453

Damn, the search continues

>> No.15890591

for more variety?
theres a reason why theres numbers for difficulty rankings

>> No.15890795
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Thanks senpai

>> No.15890826

Sometimes I think it would be nice if there's an in between difficulty for those x/9/12 songs in IIDX.

>hyper is way too easy
>another wrecks me

>> No.15890847

I know that feeling
Just gotta find another song to play anom

>> No.15890894

>old songs with 7-9 level hypers
>they're comparable to modern 9s and 10s

>playing with ex-hard gauge on going through 5s
>pick b4u and fail it ~20 times before finally getting the clear

>> No.15890897

>120 dollars to play project diva

anon are you ok

did you hit your head on something

>> No.15890933


3 difficulties is plenty, you'll always be able to play a song

go play pump or some shit or just git gud

>> No.15891323

Are leggendarias just the AC equivalent of black anothers?

>> No.15891480

I FC AAA 12s and think 9s are super rad. Even if you're not having difficulty clearing it, you can always work on solidifying your techniques or timing or whatever. Do you refuse to play anything that's not exactly a 10 or 11.

It got a little stupid with Kailua and Almagest being literally the same chart as the Another, but otherwise yes.

>> No.15891491
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>you will never experienceBeatnation


>> No.15891495

>A bunch of bemani artists pretending to be DJs while using prerecorded audio with occasional vocalists with bad stage performance
I guess it's charming in its own way. At least Sota actually plays the instruments when he's up.

>> No.15891500

Starmine was destined to be played at raves

>> No.15891522

>Your offset should be good no matter what your GN is. If you feel like you have to change your offset when you change your GN, then you don't have your offset set correctly.

You were right, my offset was incorrect.

I was using -0.8, and it turns out I should be using -2.0. How did I find this number...

I used my phone to capture a super slow 120fps video with both my monitor and dao in the same shot. I recorded myself getting a pgreat on one note, and keep changing the offset and reshooting until the LED on my dao happened on the same frame that the note was on the red line.

I guess I was just comfortable playing early on the same speed setting for years, only after increasing my speed did it expose my offset issue. This explains why songs with slow down sections like era, felt like I had to hit the buttons super early.

Thanks for reading my blog, comment, like and subscribe.

>> No.15891555

Why does it have a New Zealand domain name? I only ask because I live here and hope to run into another new zealand player on here.

>> No.15891593

Play 9s with S-Ran + EX Hard (or HAZARD)

>> No.15891695

I've thought of calibrating my offset like that too, thanks for reminding me to do that

>> No.15891705

Do you think Jubeat could find a way to make a difficulty 11 song or has it reached its absolute difficulty ceiling?

>> No.15891719

the nature of the game (16 notes on screen at a time) means there's probably a more set-in-stone difficulty cap than most other games

>> No.15891880

9s are fun don't get me wrong. I play them to test the offset.

At the arcade I can't play for too long or the keys can get sticky.

>> No.15891916

Jackhammers are impossible in Jubeat too so there's that

>> No.15892301

Checked. No idea. I hope the site takes off. I firmly believe BMS plays a significant part in keeping IIDX and Bemani in general alive.

>> No.15892639

I'd agree since it definitely makes it more accessible.

>> No.15892889
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I have just finished playing all 11s on Pendual.

Super weird to think that I've only known of IIDX for a little bit over 3 years, and have been playing the game for almost 2.5 years.

>> No.15892915
File: 814 KB, 700x788, 52218474_p8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grace is triggered

>> No.15893255

I've only known of this game for 2.

Currently fixing my controller.

And by "fixing" I mean completely rewiring with slightly-less-ghetto methods than I used last time.

>> No.15893428

I finally scraped enough money together to potentially purchase a SDVX controller (not including monitors and shit but whatever).

Any idea when or if Virgoo will ever restock on Turbocharger+'s?

>> No.15893501

>Beginner, Normal, Hyper, Another, Leggendaria.

I was talking about each song. Or they are hidden?

>> No.15893869

I think you can only play Beginner charts in Step-Up mode? I dunno, I skipped Beginner entirely

>> No.15893883


I'm sure you mean cleared right?
How many 12s have you cleared

>> No.15894041


RIP Slake

>> No.15894052


yes, plenty of people, there are to this day lots of high level players who think using the bar is bullshit

>> No.15894271

how high level are we talking?

>> No.15894277


RIN-GO! can AAA 18s no bar pretty easily.

>> No.15894571
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>knew about IIDX for about 10 years
>only got to play it for the first time in 2012
>too hard and the cab was 2 hours away from me
>forget about it until i'm at a round 1 about 9 months ago
>still too hard
>keep playing beginner shit anyways
>peak at 5s
>buy a controller to get better about 3 months ago
>now i can clear most 7s, some 8s, and some 9s

kaiden soon

>> No.15894574

Beginner charts are separated away into a little folder on the songwheel and so are leggendarias

what? really? no way

that was the whole point of the chart

>> No.15894592

>that was the whole point of the chart
Yeah, it sucks. Because of how the newer engine is programmed, instead of having 1 frame of PGREAT, it has 2 frames of PGREAT and no GREAT window at all, so you just get GOODs instead. It's still not normal, but it's not what it used to be.

>> No.15894923

How long did it take for you to be able to play 6s and above in IIDX?

>> No.15894930

2 days

>> No.15894934

GAMBOL SPA is 1 frame of PGREAT and BAD everything else.

>> No.15894968

Am I that bad?

>> No.15894993

Do you have prior experience with rhythm games? I had like a decade of experience playing DDR/Stepmania before I got into IIDX so once I got past the initial "where the fuck are my hands" stage I instantly moved up to around level 7/8 where they started throwing chords into everything

>> No.15895004

I've played DDR casually whenever I had access to an arcade but I'd never really played very advanced rhythm games (with hands) until this one. After a few days with a controller I've been able to start clearing some 4s.

>> No.15895007

Well then that's expected.

>> No.15895014

Same here, but with ez2dj instead.

Back in 2011 when a RA cab showed up I blasted towards 11s in a few months.

>> No.15895119
File: 152 KB, 938x632, image_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i played lots of shitty guitar hero and rock band and the keyboard shit in rockband 3 winch thought wouldnt help me at all but ive made decent progress. rhythm game experience really transfers so dont sweat if youre not as good as other people who first started

i got my dao 2 weeks ago and im 7th dan right now

>> No.15895125

For someone transitioning into IIDX from SDVX/Stepmania/DDR, you should get to 6 in well under a week.

If you're brand new to rhythm games, expect at least a month to pass 6s, and even then you'll probably have shit-tier timing.

>> No.15895131

>i got my dao 2 weeks ago and im 7th dan right now

I've been playing this game for 2 years and I'm 6th lol

>> No.15895154

well honestly my timing is bad and copula 7th dan charges you up to tank safari easily and im good at mashing

>> No.15895171

That's good to hear. I'm getting the hang of using my JKOC but I hope the replacement PCB for my DOA DAO comes in soon.

>> No.15895207

I see you every thread.
Will the DOA DAO replacement ever arrive...

>> No.15895258

lol no.
I've cleared all 10s though.

I've passed only a couple dozen of 11s so far.
No 12s as of now :[

>> No.15895261

Best of luck

>> No.15895268

I'm not entirely sure but tracking suggests to me that it's still in China... I've got a few rhythm games still on the way from Japan that I would've expected to be here by now. IIDX 7th style and DJMax 3 LE are still in transit (I hope) and it took DJMax Trilogy a month to get here.

>> No.15895480


you're gonna learn what walls feel like soon, oh what a feeling~

>> No.15895485


Where the fuck do you live that you tried ez2 before iidx and didn't have access to a iidx?

>> No.15895633
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happy birthday, pop'n music!!

>> No.15895669

Probably the size of Rasis' gaping asshole.

>> No.15895675

More lewd.

>> No.15895743


>> No.15895792
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>> No.15895798


aka ladyboy central

>> No.15896027
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>> No.15896061


>> No.15896116


Who even lewds Pop'ns? This is abhorrent.

>> No.15896280

I wish some of these controllers weren't so fucking expensive. I'd love to play a lot of these games with an actual controller but I just don't have the money. So instead I just play Osu! and StepMania(pad and kb). At least tablets, pads and mechs are decent prices. Getting a decent price for a quality SDVX or IIDX controller, or pretty much anything else for that matter, is fucking impossible. Most of them run $400+ for one that's any good.

>> No.15896363
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>he spent money on a drawing tablet so he could draw squiggly lines while rapidly tapping his keyboard

>> No.15896364

>$400+ for one that's any good.
What. Do you consider anything non-AC spec bad or something? Even a Sanwa and Omron TC+ wouldn't set you back that much, and those are by no means required to play well.

>> No.15896389
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>> No.15896396


It doesn't need to be AC spec(though it would be nice, but probably exorbitantly expensive), most of the cheapies on that site are still expensive but perhaps I was exaggerating a little. Still, if you throw in omrons/sanwa(and copals for sdvx), plus shipping it's still pretty expensive.

If you know of a better site than that one I'd probably be interested. I haven't found one, though.

>> No.15896408

shop.virgoo.me is also a good source their shipping costs about $60 though

>> No.15896436

Doesn't look too bad at first glance, I'll bookmark it and keep it in mind if I ever get the funds to waste on one of these. Thanks.

>> No.15896724

dao>virgoo on price efficiency
you only need 50g omrons, everything else is optional
an FP7 will do you fine

>> No.15896848

>he spent $400 to play some autistic dj game

>> No.15896897

Also, how would I get a TC+ with the AC knob set? There doesn't look to be an option anywhere for it.

>> No.15896929


DJ DAO looks like it has it. At least for the SVSE5. The SVRE9 doesn't have the option, but I'm ASSUMING that's because it probably comes with them already. Don't quote me, though.

Obviously it won't be a TC though. Welp. If you really need a TC I guess your only option is to wait for the next batch to come around.

>> No.15897006

Is TC really that much better than DAO?

>> No.15897053

I have no idea. I haven't had any of them, I only know what I've heard, which is mostly that people have different opinions. You could try asking on the bemaniso.ws IRC or something, there seems to be a lot of people there that have bought controllers. It's where I've heard most of what I've heard from.

>> No.15897088

Extra button on the side and (I think) better build quality for the box as far as practical differences go. Either one works though, so just go for whichever one is significantly cheaper. Unless they cost roughly the same after shipping. If that's the case there's no reason not to get the TC+.

I think they said they're working on making the AC set available again, as well as the black editions.

>> No.15898058

Is there any advantage to having a larger turntable? Seems like there is no reason to buy a Dao PEE/RES instead of a FPS/FP7 other than to have AC accurate measurements.

>> No.15898217

>Is there any advantage to having a larger turntable

for really heavy scratch songs/if you have big hands, it's a little easier to flick it back and forth faster if the turntable is larger

>> No.15898461


you can get a uskoc for like 50 bucks

>> No.15898610

I have a USKOC, but ever since I found out there was a Round 1 near me I've been going there twice a week. Playing on an actual IIDX cabinet is starting to make me feel like my USKOC is a piece of shit, so I've been thinking about getting an FP7 since they have them in the Gamo2 US storehouse. How are the default switches? I was thinking of getting the default setup for now and ordering Omrons from Rakuten later.

>> No.15898615

you need to order it with omrons

you don't need sanwas though

>> No.15899520
File: 109 KB, 328x225, china.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can build a cardboard IIDX controller for $50. Just buy some arcade buttons from Chyna and stick them into a shoe box.

>> No.15899570

to be fair if you have no idea what you're doing the connections will begin to oxidize and fail and one out of every 50 notes you hit will randomly not register

also your turntable will occasionally spazz the fuck out

t. cardboard controller guy who has literally no idea what good electrical circuit practices are

>> No.15900197
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I'm not a slut!

>> No.15900207
File: 267 KB, 352x352, GRACE-chan_no_chou~zetsu!!_GRAVITY_kouza_w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15900458

What have you done to your connections to have them oxidise? Submerged the controller in hydrochloric acid?

>> No.15900744

does anyone know anything about this place? obviously it's some kind of secret club and i would just direct message them to ask but it seems like twitter won't let me/it's disabled


>> No.15900789

Can't you just @ them

>> No.15900792
File: 1.31 MB, 659x660, 1465249046703.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm shy and autistic and i would rather ask anonymously

>> No.15900801

Well they don't have public DMing turned on so this is ur only chance

>> No.15900816
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>skill lv 10
>mfw sightread failed a 14

>> No.15901143

>Grace will never bully you

why live

>> No.15901170

I want her to choke me while smiling that smile

>> No.15901252

Anyone here who are also suffering from lazy eye and also having a hard time playing games with falling notes? Any tips to get better?

>> No.15901281
File: 1.33 MB, 964x721, chrome_2016-09-29_10-01-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is a gambling machine
>it has Jubeat gameplay

>> No.15901716

Easy money

>> No.15901746

If the payout depends on how good your Jubeat skills are then it's time to make it make money.

>> No.15901859

Hands were sweating when I made the original connections.

And since I didn't know what I was doing my original connections are stranded 30ga wire haphazardly jammed into an old breadboard with no way to keep the wires inside of it

I'm currently in the process of redoing everything with 22ga solid-core wire, but since I still don't have a soldering iron I'm now using empty pen tubes (for strain relief) and binder clips to make sure the wires don't fall out

wish me luck

>> No.15901862

Good thing you only spent 50$ on it, so there was no great waste in the end.

>> No.15901866

actually i've dumped like over 130 into this thing now

the new wires/connections make up 5, the rest was chink buttons and acrylic and arduino

I might actually upgrade the switches too, because if I ever go to an actual controller I can just port the switches over

>> No.15901874


>> No.15901878

Dude, just get a soldering iron. One that you can work with should be no more than maybe 10$, 20$ if you want one that's not a terrible hassle to use.
Btw, what did you use for the turntable? rotary encoder or the sort of light-gate stuff that daos and most others have? I'm thinking of building an iidx controller (already built one for sdvx), and I'm wondering if I could just slap a cheap rotary encoder to it and call it a day.

>> No.15901888

A single 1-dollar (free shipping) 20ppr rotary encoder from ebay.

Strangely enough it actually does 80ppr with whatever fucking arduino code I've stolen.

It works fine for scratching and selecting songs, although it'll spazz out if you go too fast (which actually might be related to the arduino not polling fast enough, idk) and I can't seem to hit scratch streams with it, although that's probably just me being shit at scratching.

>> No.15901931
File: 4 KB, 119x160, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where are you?

>> No.15902126


>I have disposable income
>I like Vocaloid

Can't see why anything would be wrong with me, kouhai.

>> No.15902187
File: 39 KB, 477x640, n08A8NOl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw cleared Daiuchuu stage for the first time

>> No.15902198

that game sucks though you could have spent $120 on something like preordering DJMAX Respect or saving up for some ASC

>tfw can't clear daiuchuu stage
>get to the streamy bit and see nothing but errors and consider just walking away from the cab

>> No.15902204

>disposable income

Anon I think he already owns all of those things

>> No.15902206

You shouldn't poll it, but use the interrupt pins in the arduino to detect the signals. That way you don't miss any.
Unless the code actually does that already, and it's just being retarded because of some other reason.

>> No.15902260
File: 141 KB, 1398x931, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got an Infinitas controller the other month and I've been playing with it for a while.
Just the other day, I finally slapped in some Sanwas and Omrons, as well as changed the springs out (50g switches, 60g springs) and it's made a world of difference.
While Sanwas don't really add much apart from looking pretty and feeling nice, good springs and switches really are a must for any decent controller.
Just found out someone wrote a program to convert the turntable input into keystrokes (LR2 doesn't work with analog controllers) so I'm pretty much golden for home IIDX. Then I can just play at the arcade for fun/measure skill officially.

>> No.15902753

leave her alone, it's not her fault she doesn't have enough money to buy clothes, unlike Rasis who sucks dicks for money.

>> No.15902814

>120 dollars to play project diva
I wish, mate.
$300 for the PS4, $220 for FT+DLC and XHD, $180 to import the Hori controller, $400 for the PSVR preorder, and another $100 for VR Future Live
I'd be the happiest man in the world if I only paid $120 to play PJD

>> No.15902837

pcbid how?

>> No.15902996


>> No.15903115

Eclale when?
Lapistoria card support when?

>> No.15903256
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>> No.15903295


>> No.15903415

New DDR for PS4 when?

>> No.15903417

ddr infinitas when?

>> No.15903447



>> No.15903640

After copula.

>> No.15903741


considering a legit good soldering station is $30 how about you just get the proper tools to do it?

>> No.15903778

Is that the new kasc?
Looks nice

>> No.15903870

You guys are fucked.

>> No.15904252
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>> No.15904275

im glad it looks like you dont have to release accurately

>> No.15904615

Yeah, it's really solidly built.
Stupidly expensive to outfit though, it cost 30k yen + another 20k for sanwas+LEDs+omrons+springs.
Even more if you ship it from Japan (I just brought it back myself).

The money's much better spent on a DAO, unless you just want to feel good about owning/using an "original konami controller" (which I do).

>> No.15904685


Did you just walk intro a shop and buy it? I kind of figured they were all long gone by now.

I really really want one. Same reason as you.

>> No.15904778

The arcade data/psun community is dying.

>> No.15904796

Does anyone know how you go about pointing GLAssist to your LR2 directory?
Every table I try to add show as 'no song' and I assume it's because it doesn't discover my lr2 install.
It did not ask for a directory when I first launched it either, and I've tried with several different versions.

>> No.15904975

I don't get it (never played it).

>> No.15904989

Wait. It's the official Konami controller and it's not arcade like? It looks good at least.

>> No.15905357

What's the best taiko? I play osu!taiko now and it's alright, but maybe there are better alternatives?

>> No.15905413

Make sure your songs have been loaded in LR2 first
It's a finicky piece of shit I tell you what

>> No.15905421

SDVX 3 season 2 when

>> No.15905976

The controller was pre-order only. If you want one now, you will most likely have to buy one off Yahoo Auctions Japan.

>> No.15906024


>> No.15906177

Charge Notes in a game with 9 buttons

>> No.15906265

The people doing the work are older and have demanding day jobs. Releases don't come as thick as fast as they used to as a result, be patient.

>> No.15906301
File: 714 KB, 695x1200, 57123287_p49_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IIDX needs more chibi roots26 characters

>> No.15907216

>don't play for a while
>end up better than before when you start playing again
Why does this happen?

>> No.15907532


Well you said you brought it back so I guess I just assumed you walked into a game store and bought on.

Very possible though you bought it online and had it shipped to your hotel or whatever.

>> No.15907934

Would this be decent for playing on Taikojiro?

>> No.15907982
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No $500 for VR for me, but making my own PDA controller with pop buttons to connect to the Hori, +$130

Thankfully there are other games for the PS4, and My bro is on it all the time anyway

>> No.15907991

Does Project Diva have actual good music and/or challenging gameplay or is it just gay shit that's super casual?

>> No.15907993

super casual gay shit

its literally made for girls

>> No.15908004

Not wrong there. I wish they would put more rap/metal mixes in there, and after playing it you really just want to listen to NWA and Biggie or Avenged sevenfold because you need to wash off all the cake and frosting

>> No.15908015
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>Avenged sevenfold

>> No.15908034

Beats having to play Senbonzakura 10 times or packaged 39 times because I can't clear the second technical to unlock everything

I like Joy Division and Nirvana too and I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks

>> No.15908076

It happened to me too.

After I'm done with derusting, I end up a little bit better than where I left off.

>> No.15908079
File: 23 KB, 500x350, 1417317135488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't play ddr for 4 days
>first set in my session, complete a song with 20 fast 200 slow
>a few sets later AAA a 13 I previously had 975 on

>> No.15908199
File: 285 KB, 399x600, Ryutaro Nakahara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy birthday 4chan and Ryu

>> No.15908263

Being a member of Bemaniso.ws or other community with a working eamuse emulator.

It's not the same thing though, different server. Sorry, Japan doesn't give a fuck about you. Move to japan if you give that much of a fuck.

>> No.15908393

Or, DJH is dead or very close to dead and any new groups would rather support real arcades instead of at-home asc play.

>> No.15908569
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>DPA FC AA Lv. 12 [Sudden] [Hidden] [Arms Crossed] [First Try]
>I-I'm just a noob. Please don't bully me, boys (*^_-)

>> No.15908860
File: 115 KB, 289x277, 1472481635712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a Konami ID with my e-Amusment pass registered and I'd like to view my DDR A scores.

How do I do that? Do I need the "e-Amusement Basic Course (324 yen per month)" subscription? I live in the US.

>> No.15908931

yeah, buy a bitcash card

this article explains it well


>> No.15909060

Thanks, I'll look into that.

>> No.15909354

The worst part is that I reserved PSVR because XHD has support but then I ended up not liking X very much and VR FL is just a tech demo, so that's it's $600 so I can get bored after a day and go back to FT.

>> No.15909368

It has good music if you like Vocaloid obviously, it has the best music. the console releases have underwhelmingly simple charts, but upper level Future Tone songs are legitimately challenging, although more of the difficulty comes from how hard it is to read whereas it's not technically as hard as iidx, as a plain vsrg it wouldn't be as hard.

>> No.15909573

Has there ever been an English arcade release of a IIDX game? I know that some games have English language options, even if they're only released in Asia.

>> No.15909583

There was a IIDX GOLD test location that was in English. That's it as far as I know.

>> No.15910334

Doesn't look hard [yet].

>> No.15910361

If you stop playing but still play/do other things mentally challenging it's natural to happen.

>> No.15910371

>It's not the same thing though, different server

What's the fucking point then?

>> No.15911339

Are you dumb?

It's still better than no server and all the features that comes with it.

>> No.15911592

A pop'n version that's not fucking Fantasia at hamburger r1s when?

>> No.15911623 [DELETED] 
File: 120 KB, 868x697, haters_gonna_hate_by_cococity-d2xihmo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a reason for the casual, homophobic, sexist comments against Diva players? Or do you really just hate other people that don't play what you like, like what you like and have the same feelings you do about something?

Or is it deeper - do you really believe all casuals should just go shut themselves in their room and commit suicide or something? Seriously, this hate is uncalled for - I see it in DDR all the time, haters hating because some people use the bar, others hating for not using the bar, etc., it's sick and it is this sour-grapes behavior that makes Rhythm games seem unattractive to people who may have an interest.

If you're elite, great. Don't rub shit in casual's faces because they aren't getting high scores, MFC/PFCs, Connect Alls, PUCs, and prefer to freestyle rather than go for technical points. Besides, did it ever occur to you that those you derogatively call 'casual' may have talent and be hardcore/elite in other areas?

I feel you here, X was not good, I wonder if this will be the end of the series... Really good DLC might help

>> No.15911676

When all the anime and J-pop licenses left get replaced with 2hu and vocaloid.

>> No.15911679 [DELETED] 

There's absolutely 100% going to be another PJD. X didn't sell as many copies as F 2nd but I think that's more likely the result of the Vita losing so much steam between 2014 and 2016. PJD was comparably much more successful on the PS4, FT was arguably a system mover. With two ports already on the PS4, they already have the framework laid out, all that's left to do for another one is make new models and PVs.
X was a little bit of a let down compared to the other entries, with the PVs being restricted to be PSVR friendly, edit mode being gutted, and the stupid drops and skill system, but I think they're smart enough to listen and learn. I can't really blame them for trying something new, as long as they don't do it again. I'm excited to see what the next entry will be, but I'd bet money that it won't be called X 2nd.

>> No.15911694 [DELETED] 

How about Project Diva N ?

I also wonder if they'll push and get Gumi, Mayu, Yukari and (probably impossible) Utauloids in there too.

>> No.15911699

For IIDX CS styles, does anyone actually use the training mode? I've tried to use it, but then the muscle memory of grinding a section quickly works against me.

>> No.15911709 [DELETED] 

go back to your leddit safespace

>> No.15911750 [DELETED] 
File: 979 KB, 500x500, Apple-Soda-500ml-500x500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, you just proved their point

>> No.15911768 [DELETED] 

Project Diva is just CFM. I don't know what strings Internet Co pulled to get Gumi in Project Mirai, but I feel like Yi Aru Fanclub having Miku in it in X is a sign that we'll never see any of the other ones outside of the DS.

>> No.15911907 [DELETED] 

I don't have a problem with PD but I will admit that as someone who's played rhythm games for 6 or 7 years now and am finally starting to get really good, it doesn't offer me enough to satisfy me anymore that much other maybe than trying to go for accuracy clears. The background videos with all the colorful backgrounds are also a big problem for me because I can't see shit properly in PD and it makes me miss way more often than I should.

The game also in general just doesn't get as dense as many other button pressers can/do. With this said, I don't see a problem with playing it if you're around that level. You're not wrong that some high-level players(or people pretending to be high-level players)are assholes in rhythm communities. The incredibly high skill roof seems to give some people with shitty personalities the idea that it's okay to shit all over everyone below them.

>> No.15911971 [DELETED] 

It's PJD by the way

>> No.15912187 [DELETED] 

I see it this way too. It does hold novelty, but I first got into the scene with DDR in 2001 and I really would like more variety.

The visual thing isn't so bad, as I play by ear - Freestyle DDR, which is why I'm so glad PDAFT for PS4 got an update to set the timing on each song, because they are all over the place.

>> No.15912432

how hard would it be for a IIDX player to learn pop'n?

>> No.15912449

Not that difficult. I got to level 43s in less than a week (with beatpop) as a player that cleared 10dan a month prior. I did play on minicon's in the past, but they don't count.

>> No.15912520


I'm only 7th dan, but it shouldn't be that much harder for me. Guess I'll give it a shot next time I'm at Round 1. Just have to get used to the buttons.

>> No.15912570

You might have to get used to moving your hands around more, but I don't think Pop'n gets quite as dense as IIDX does, so the reading should be a bit easier.

>> No.15912620

It gets quite dense at 46s and above

>> No.15912657

It never seemed as bad to me... but then I'm probably arguably an 11th dan player in IIDX and probably only a 38 or 39 in Pop'n. I wouldn't know very well how it gets after that.

How high does pop'n go anyway? 50 or something? Or is there no imposed limit?

>> No.15912880


50 which is some real batshit crazy stuff. even mid 40s are pretty god damn insane.

>> No.15912884

>talking with people who started rhythm games after 2009
>you've been playing since 1999
>worse at ddr and iidx than you were in 2004

>> No.15912914

To be fair DDR needs a little bit of dedication. Gotta keep playing to keep your muscles in shape to do higher level shit.

Any rhythm game, though, if you don't play it long enough, can take time to get back into properly. Try playing a couple hours a day every other day and challenge yourself a bit, you should get back into the groove before you know it.

>> No.15913066

How does it work against you? I've been using it and I felt like it helped me a bunch though grinding the same song has potentially helped more.

>> No.15913076

When's Triple Counter coming to DDR? Every other Bemani game has it.

>> No.15913106

Scorpion fire in pop'n is a 50. People say it's harder than the SPA in IIDX.

Of course scorp DPA is a lot worse than that.

>> No.15913306

>last day before leaving for uni
>break my own records in IIDX left and right

Why did I git gud now instead of a month ago

>> No.15913402

I'm looking at getting a dao controller for playing lr2, does anyone have experience or an opinion about which controller is the better choice between the FP7 and FPS EMP?
I'm leaning towards the latter.

>> No.15913630

Forgot to mention, songs with more than 1537 (I think) notes get a really tough lifebar. Takes something like 50-60 combos to get a block while it decreases the same rate as normal.

Then again, you won't see this till level 47.

>> No.15913675

Unless you want the arcade accurate turntable size + distance that the FP7 has an FPS is fine.

>> No.15914179


>> No.15914788

Does anyone know how tough 5mm plexiglas/acrylic sheet is? I've been thinking of replacing my sdvx controller's MDF top panel with one made of plexiglass, since I finally have access to a laser cutter and acrylic doesn't really need any surface treatment. I'd probably use 5mm acrylic for the top panel, with a 2mm or 3mm sheet on top to hold my pretty anime decals in place. Do you think this would work?

>> No.15914836

For IIDX I'm using 5mm black, with small 5mm clear sets on top of the buttons for prettiness.

It's decently sturdy.

>> No.15915001

>probably arguably an 11th dan player in IIDX

How is this arguable, you can either pass chuuden or you can't

>> No.15915069

I don't really know what that guy meant, but not very many people have access to Copula to actually try Chuuden.

>> No.15915087

It's probably that he's passed the respective songs in free play on a home setup but hasn't actually passed them on AC.

>> No.15915130

How did he play Diamond Crossing with HCNs at home.

>> No.15915245

>subscribe a EZ2AC channel
>can't keep up because there's a lot of new music music every day

How the koreans do this?

PS: the channel:

>> No.15915260

Jeez those hitsparks are massive

>> No.15915305

this game looks so hard

and also hard to read because i'm used to bar or arrow shaped noteskins

also using a pedal during gameplay impacts how you have to stand

shower thought: museca is the closest thing america has to ez2ac

5 buttons, a pedal, and spinning

>> No.15915389


Then he's 10th dan

>> No.15915408


I like this channel, very high quality handcam and he also uploads iidx videos, but mostly ez2ac


>> No.15916002

i've owned both and liked both, what's your concerns? i had a double dao for years but now i use two jkoc's cause i play so rarely

>> No.15916015

i want 20,novemebr to be revived

>> No.15916018

doot doot doot doot doo-doo

>> No.15916115


you can also find some leftovers of 1st mix cabs from test locations/public demos with the beatstage ii name

but again nothing more legit than a test location

>> No.15916193

The FP7 TT is smaller than AC TT. The PEE and RES have AC accurate TTs.

>> No.15916490


but ac accurate spacing is what matters more arguably than tt size, at least if you wanna be able to play on cabs and not fuck up

>> No.15916529


All of Dao's controllers have AC spacing though.

>> No.15917126

How do you turn off autocorrect in DJMax Trilogy?

>> No.15917137


>> No.15917284

Sent ;)

>> No.15917365

Nah, this controller's a Konamistyle exclusive web-preorder only thing. Had it shipped to my friend and I only just got it a few weeks ago when I went to Japan for a couple concerts.
You might be able to find one at secondhand stores.

The TT distance and height are arcade-accurate, but the TT size, TT surface, and buttons/switches aren't. It's certainly one of the best-looking controllers with a really solid body, but DJ DAOs have better value.

>> No.15917557

He could probaby clear stuff like mendes or reflux on their own, in addition to some high tier 12s

>> No.15917959

How are the DJ DAO Pop'n controllers? I had a Ransai that I gifted to a friend a few years back and I miss it terribly.

>> No.15918087

They're solid
I replaced the springs to be 100g instead of 200g but 200g are perfectly usable

>> No.15918640

Friendly reminder that this footage is 1:1 synchronized
AC lag is rancid

>> No.15918740


Music synced with button presses, right?

>> No.15918866
File: 121 KB, 852x718, game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone tried DoReMiFa Beat yet? I can't find it in any of my arcades.

>> No.15918871
File: 1.32 MB, 3264x2448, Photo 03-10-2016, 20 34 28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being Grace is suffering

>> No.15919072

took me a month-ish to start clearing 6s

but unlike >>15894993 I had literally never played a rhythm game with scrolling notes before. At all. Not even guitar hero. I just played osu standard for a really long time before people convinced me to play a real rhythm game. So I had the whole "actually learning how to read scrolling notes" thing to overcome.

>> No.15919134 [DELETED] 

as a lesbian who is obviously affected by both homophobia and sexism in real life... pls stop being a SJW on 4chan

>> No.15919197
File: 2.91 MB, 1200x1400, 47305016_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no more SDVX for at least 3 months
>haven't built a shrine for her yet

Will she show up when I'm sleeping?

>> No.15919335

She'll possess your family members and decapitate you.

>> No.15919337

Well, I've cleared a few 5s now. Hopefully the progress will keep up if I play an hour or so every day.

>> No.15919383

Don't be discouraged once you hit your first wall. Some people improve faster than others, but everyone gets better as long as they keep playing.

>> No.15919511

I agree it's a meme game but can we at least accept Jubeat is at least fun to play?

Had a great time just now playing it on my Ipad

>> No.15919531

i got my dao 2 weeks ago and i pass a majority of 10s now

>> No.15919568


I think it took about a month? This was back when Happy Sky CS came out, so I don't really remember. I stopped playing around Empress CS, but recently started playing again a month ago, and I was passing 7s. Right now I can pass a decent amount of 10s.

>> No.15919585

Ok but

Did you play on a KOC first or something?

>> No.15919591

What's generally considered to be the first wall?

>> No.15919608

Something between 8 and 10

>> No.15919758

i played ac a few hours a weekend for like 3 weeks

>> No.15920074

whoever charted starmine hyper should die in a really painful car crash

>> No.15920090

I'm pretty stuck on 9's.

I actually think every level starting with 9 is it's own wall.

>> No.15920118

Starmine another is so fun tho

>> No.15920137

For me it was hard 9s and 10s in general
However I have a good amount of rhythm game experience so I blew thru all the previous difficulties

>> No.15920183
File: 163 KB, 350x729, 1387158501608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Interested in buying a BitCash card

>> No.15920206

what are you talking about?

>> No.15920258

That footage is not synchronized. The hand camera is late by a couple frames, making it look slightly more on time. AC lag is even worse than you think.

>> No.15920296


>not having a phone

What a loser!

I don't either

>> No.15920318

So purchase the card from the site, you need to verify a mobile phone number.

>> No.15920685
File: 37 KB, 720x694, safari.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably 9s or 10s. I know a chuuden who got stuck at the 10 wall for like half a year.

There's also pic related.

>> No.15920950
File: 552 KB, 1024x768, DJYoshitaka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just want to slap hamburgers i dont want to hold them down

>> No.15921029

just think of it like slapping the booty

you don't just slap, you squeeze sometimes too

>> No.15921160

Did pop'n get hold notes?

>> No.15921176



>> No.15921190

People said that when Jubeat first got hold notes too. Turned out it wasn't that bad.

>> No.15921257
File: 938 KB, 750x1052, 59114572_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holding hands!

>> No.15921439

What's the pop'n KASC like?

>> No.15921483


I think this video was made just for you, anon.


>> No.15922097

Where would I find a video of somebody clearing fffff ex in pop'n that wasn't recorded on a potato?

>> No.15922192

Which game is more autism? OSU or beatmania? I will only play 4Keys.

>> No.15922209

Who the fuck is Grace?

>> No.15922221

Beatmania isn't 4 keys. Get DJMax.

>> No.15922222

A slut

>> No.15922226

Fuck. I meant Stepmania.

>> No.15922232

On a keyboard is dumb for Stepmania but that's better than Osu.

>> No.15922233

Stepmania is og classic autism while osu is anime autism

>> No.15922239

I never seen anyone playing stepmania on anything but keyboards...
I am anime autist myself, should i pick OSU then?

>> No.15922255

Osu doesn't have a lot of good 4k charts so I would still go with stepmania

>> No.15922336

stepmania has much higher chart quality and youll still be able to find your gay weeaboo music in packs

>> No.15922366

9th style cs is TERRIBLE holy shit the only good song on the disc is macho gang

>> No.15922501

What are you talking about?

>> No.15922552

iidx 9th style for ps2

the songlist is bad

>> No.15922593

but 9th style was amazing?

>> No.15922604

Is iidx even viable for ps2? I only have a standard gamepad.

>> No.15922608

not with a gamepad except for maybe 5k mode with autoscratch but then why bother

your opinions are really bad

>> No.15922614

fuck off back to your prim circlejerk, kid

>> No.15922625


>> No.15922628

>9th style is bad

>lol u like prim faggot


other old styles are really good, 4/5 especially

i like 10th, red, gold, empress, etc.

>> No.15922656
File: 419 KB, 608x379, lilgrace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A cute or a slut depends on who you ask.

She's Rasis's prototype, but forgotten and then corrupted by bugs hence the evil and demented look.

As of the latest episode she is reborn into a loli.

>> No.15922979

Do u guys spank the TT for single scratches
I noticed I did that recently

>> No.15923021

>Tfw a knob just flies off mid-song
That new top plate and knob assembly can't be built too soon

>> No.15923109

I started with 5 since my copy of that came in first and it's absolutely amazing though I prefer 8 right now simply because of the larger list of songs I'm capable of playing right now.

>> No.15923433

mine broke during the 9 or 10dan course, didn't fly but it snapped in half

>> No.15923548

Slowking here. I see itg's been quaded. How many ddr songs still have to reach the single digit perfect range?

>> No.15923557

i don't think the 19s have been pfced yet

>> No.15923660

You.. you snapped a solid aluminium knob? In half? With your bare hands?
I'd be terrified to shake hands with you.
Or do you mean a shaft or the top plate? We're talking about sdvx here, right?

>> No.15923677

iamchris4life is 2g away on Egoism.
The rest aren't anywhere near it.

>> No.15923746

Legit took me more than 6 months

>> No.15923769

technically four years because i played the game once in 2012 and started playing again every month or so at a round 1 early this year, then i bought a virgoo controller about 2 months ago

i didnt comfortably pass 6s until i had a controller

>> No.15924039

I meant the encoder oops

>> No.15924085

Do 100g springs for sanwa IIDX buttons work with the DJ Dao buttons?

>> No.15924123

so do I need a jap ps2 to play this junk? Been playing some osumania got up to 4dan or whatever, thinking of trying it with a controller now. Does it matter if its a jp or NA controller? the last console I owned was an n64 so im an idiot.

>> No.15924132

>so do I need a jap ps2 to play
no it'll run on an american ps2 if you get a free mcboot memory card and burn an iso

controllers aren't regionlocked

>> No.15924147

hm thanks friend, seems a little technical maybe ill wait a bit. would one of those ps2 to USB pc adapters work with one of the controllers?

ie. could I configure it with some software like joy2key to at least try it out on pc.

>> No.15924200

Both of them are sluts that probably have a sexbot switch hidden somewhere.

>> No.15924344

You mean for using the controller on pc?
It works but uts not the best, I have 2 convertors and they were both wonky in their own ways when using my uskoc

>> No.15924459

Fucking second heaven hyper is goddamned bullshit

>> No.15924696

I'm not used to seeing people talk about Hyper charts.

>> No.15924712


People talk about the safari all the time dummy

>> No.15924722

I'm not used to seeing people talk about Hyper charts for songs that have Another charts.

>> No.15924764


That's better

>> No.15924827

If both games only went up to the Hyper difficulty levels, I would submit that Pop'n Music is a harder game than IIDX.

>> No.15925017

Is this a problem?
A few months ago, there was a surge of people asking about how to get started on IIDX, and I think now all of those new players are reaching the 7-9 level. It's good to have some fresh life breathed into the community.

>> No.15925421
File: 1.72 MB, 2814x2000, 55232865_p0-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15925428

You got rekt by the ending I guess

It's one of those songs where hard clearing is easier than the normal.

>> No.15925893
File: 76 KB, 960x720, 14495488_10207150481429235_666908627876117816_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like that anon who wanted Triple Counter in DDR has his wish granted

>> No.15926077
File: 76 KB, 960x720, IMG_1363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's happening

>> No.15926130
File: 139 KB, 1276x716, 14608902_1192770607462737_6102084331306484177_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15926305
File: 24 KB, 957x637, 14563519_1192808767458921_3768251677169007864_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15926317
File: 152 KB, 500x400, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NEW GENERATION and more sound voltex cross-over songs for ace
>"you have to play iidx, jubeat, and especially sdvx to unlock these songs
>there is only a d&b around me so I'm fucked out of this event

>> No.15926612
File: 2.64 MB, 5376x3024, IMAG1210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sanwas came and they feel VERY THE GOOD FEELING

>> No.15926795


Fuckin' Scratches + Akari-Brat chords

>> No.15927153

That Yuru Yuri Dao is a thing of beauty.

>> No.15927467


I love it

>> No.15927529

I really don't understand why this game is not available outside of Korea. If Andamiro can why they can't?

>> No.15927551
File: 114 KB, 625x505, 1474822642798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'll be a poor man's Chunithim

>> No.15927554

I like osu's 4k charts. because it was how I discovered rhythm games

>> No.15927581

Announcement tomorrow?

>next generation music game


>> No.15927585

New to /jp/ and shit, been playing rhythm games for a while. How would I be able to get an invite to sows? Heard of it and I'm interested.

>> No.15927595

I'm gonna need a pic of that keyboard.
Draw Cindy.

>> No.15927717
File: 319 KB, 622x545, 56211192_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That tagline hasn't been changed since the first SDVX.

Also I hope Grace and the 4 enemies have their own PUR, especially her

>> No.15927727
File: 3.23 MB, 1500x1500, kill me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea why I even bothered to do this, but here

>> No.15927744

are you at least a little bit experienced in managing ratio on private trackers? if so drop your email and i'll shoot you an invite, or someone else will

>> No.15927813

As much as I'd like to say I do, I don't have experience with private trackers, although I'd love to learn.

If I should wait before trying to get in a tracker like this, what should I do instead? I assume ratio proofs aren't absolutely necessary, as long as I can demonstrate I have some experience (which I don't).

>> No.15928035

Just grab the most popular torrent and seed until you have like 10:1 ratio, then you'll be fine. Read this if you want to be super srs https://wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers

>> No.15928096

All you need to do is download as much freeleech torrents as possible. I'd suggest investing in a seedbox. Keep those seeding, and in theory, the next new member who does the same thing will give you free upload credit. This on top of dellar and saving the world will get you good to go.

Also, there's probably gonna be a huge release within the next month or so, and a freeleech period afterwards. You can use this to get crazy upload.

>> No.15928538


Thanks so much guys for the help, I'll make sure to get my ratio up.

>> No.15928815
File: 206 KB, 768x1024, images like this make you go fuck living in america and shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you have to play iidx,jubeat,and sdvx to have new generation songs

>> No.15928817

>basic 11

jesus christ

>> No.15928823

Cool I love events that require me to play games that are nowhere within half a thousands miles from where I live.

>> No.15928905
File: 117 KB, 1200x675, Alice X VALLIS-NERIA GET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is the Alice Vallis-Neria costume

ZEPHYRANTHES has a 15 expert level

>> No.15928915

Triple Counter is a 17 on Expert

>> No.15929040

>tfw one of those people
>tfw still trying to break into 7s

to be fair it was more like a month and a half ago

>> No.15929052
File: 289 KB, 900x1200, yay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can confirm

>> No.15929069

can someone explain this event like i'm retarded please

i go to an american round 1 which means i have access to DDR, Museca, SDVX, and IIDX

I can't play jubeat, pop'n, or reflec beat. does that mean I miss out on any of the unlocks?

secondly, what do I have to do to get these songs available in DDR? I know I've already unlocked/played Angelic Jelly and Zephyranthes in SDVX, does that matter?

>> No.15929076
File: 53 KB, 640x626, mGvRc8i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't matter since it's not even available outside of Asia right now.

Even if it was out, you have SDVX and IIDX, and either or is enough to activate the event for DDR.

>> No.15929081

Has there even been any new Challenge charts for DDR A?

>> No.15929090

Anyone know where I can download IIDX result screen art? Tired of seeing the same bg in LR2.

>> No.15929303
File: 87 KB, 364x526, iidxcopulaneko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

toot toot

I swear there were other collection pages out there. Maybe there were more so years ago.

>> No.15929329

Saw a few English cabs in asian arcades down here in Aus.

>> No.15929331

>mfw someone turns freeze arrows off in DDR A unironically then passes a song with a C+

>> No.15930071

I forgot to mention earlier, I made a point to look and I was mistaken in an earlier post.

Quantum Teleportation DPA has a clear rate of 9%.

It is Quell DPA that is at 2%.

>> No.15930727
File: 144 KB, 530x530, 1472237582495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw u get robbed out of 2% by the ending of the chart

>> No.15930898

Do you still have the taiko version of this

>> No.15931676
File: 397 KB, 2556x2700, 4L_Rfte04sM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got u covered

>> No.15931723

Would you happen to know what SP song has the lowest clear rate? I assume it's a leggendaria.
