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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1583865 No.1583865 [Reply] [Original]

Man, I really wish I knew what the fuck I was doing. Does anyone here know how to play Born Freaks?

>> No.1583935

I am sure I could figure it out if the thing on the left rapes the girl on the right during gameplay.

>> No.1583947

Is the left one the girl you made?

>> No.1584007

sure idiot

>> No.1584009


>> No.1584013

You dont find the left one arousing?
>Born Freaks

>> No.1584012
File: 661 KB, 800x600, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hah hah, very funny.

I seriously have no idea what I'm doing here, just clicking things at random and turning my imouto into a horrible monstrocity.

>> No.1584017

>a horrible monstrocity
I agree.

>> No.1584020

...did you seriously just ask that?

>> No.1584032
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Holy crap, I just failed so hard that she's turning back into a normal human.

>> No.1584042

At least you have 710 HP now.

>> No.1584049

What's going on here? Give Information and stuff, I'm interrested.

>> No.1584071


>> No.1584074


Does it not tell you what you're supposed to be doing before it makes you do it?

>> No.1584077
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I honestly have no idea. I don't understand Japanese in the slightest. As far as I can tell, I'm unraveling my little sister's DNA like a kitten with a ball of yarn and then sending her off to destroy biomonsters to increase her body systems.

>> No.1584082


>> No.1584085

Liar-soft makes some absurd stuff sometimes.

>> No.1584089

Do you still have the source where you downloaded it?

>> No.1584091
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I'm not kidding.

>> No.1584093

So, what kind of stuff can you do except adding ears or wings?

>> No.1584107
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>> No.1584112


>> No.1584121
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It looks like the different ears and tails and shit give you different stats and abilities in combat, but I can't figure out how the game determines what part gets attached where.

>> No.1584132

His sister has a fatal disease, the only way to save her is by giving her a tail.

>> No.1584140

Yeha, and that. Haven't figured out how to get DNA injections to actually carry over to the CGs yet, she's still ordinary pink-haired imouto when I'm not in combat.

>> No.1584144

Can you have sex with her?

>> No.1584156

The way you said it was absurdly funny.

>> No.1584157

Holy shit BE
I'm sold

>> No.1584163

Notice the column of 5 icons on the right depicting an ahoge, a torso, 2 bro firsts, and a boot? Those indicate the body part, and the items on the far right linked to them are the available options for that slot. The items are labeled in hiragana/katakana with the animal they represent: hito (person), inu (dog), suraimu (slime), etc.

>> No.1584176
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I'm not using a hypodermic to give her those "injections".

>> No.1584185

Pulmones indeed

>> No.1584188


>> No.1584190


>> No.1584193

>Junk: 926
That's a whole lot of Suigintou!

>> No.1584200

Thanks, bro. Game is done in 31 Minutes, anything else that I need for it except the official patch?

>> No.1584201

I figured that much out already. The place I put the DNA on the injection menu doesn't seem to correlate to where it shows up, though. I once loaded everything into the slots where her fists appear to be (notice that the symbols don't appear in the menu in 1584077), but once I was done with the injection one of the pieces showed up in random places.

>> No.1584207

A working knowledge of Japanese so you can tell me what the fuck is going on? I dunno, I just downloaded the game because people were going on about LOL IMOUTO FUCKING in a thread the other day.

>> No.1584230

>Game is done in 31 Minutes
I fucking hate your internet.

>> No.1584249

It's only downloading with 512 kb's. On private trackers im getting 8mb's.

>> No.1584305

2.5 MB/s. Done in 5 minutes.

>> No.1584308

durr hurr

>> No.1584328

Done in 11 seconds

>> No.1584336


>>Que chingados

>> No.1584359


Just liek real manga them? Amirite?

>> No.1584367

So what's this ?
Spore + Creatures + Porn ?

>> No.1584575

how do you get dna level up?

>> No.1584597

So...Could someone please bother to translate a few menus for us? If we take a screenshot of a menu, could we just post it here and ask for someone to translate what is said?

>> No.1584623
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>> No.1584630

I looked at this game before and never bothered to download it, but it looks... unique now that i see it in a bit more detail. I think i once posted a link to this game on here once, but that was a long tome ago.

>> No.1584632


>> No.1585502


>> No.1585600

Moira? That you? Goddamnit, I'm not running anymore of your damn experiments.

>> No.1585688

This game is actually a really solid RPG if you know what you're doing. The H-scenes are awesome, too. Make sure you get the patch, though, you'll thank me later.

>> No.1586244

What happens if you don't know what you're doing?

>> No.1586461

OP here. If you don't know what you're doing, then Uracil ends up grossly overpowered and gets defeated every battle. Getting defeated is v. v. bad, because it immediately sends you back to the injection menu. If you got defeated in your first or second battle due to having a crap build, then you won't have collected any new DNA and your next injection will be almost entirely human DNA. That'll weaken her even more, and you end up in a vicious cycle of fail, which is what happened to me starting in >1584032.

>> No.1586589

patch? Where?

>> No.1586616

If you don't know what you're doing then Uracil ends up grossly underpowered and everything kicks your ass. Losing a battle automatically ends the day (I think there's a 50 day limit judging from the countdown), and you're stuck with whatever DNA you've managed to acquire up to that point for your next injection. If you die in your first or second battle, as is wont to happen if your build sucks then you'll be stuck with an injection that's almost entirely human DNA, which will weaken her even more. That's what started happening to me in >>1584032

>> No.1586631

>human DNA

Don't you mean STRENGTHEN her?

>> No.1586665

Not when she's fighting virii, no. Animal DNA ups her stats. If being pure human was a good thing, you'd never give her injections in the first place, because that's what she starts out the game as.

>> No.1586670

Animal DNA is easy modo. Play through as PURE HUMAN. Do it.

>> No.1586734

More like impossible modo. That's like trying to do a level 1 play of an older RPG. The only way you're pulling that shit off is with the devil's own luck and constant save states.

>> No.1586924

So, is there a guide for this in English somewhere? My skills at moon might not be up to par for it.

>> No.1587043

I'm going to see if I can get one of my friends to translate the gene mod instructions tomorrow. She's doing NaNoWriMo, though, so she might tell me to buzz off if she hasn't met her word quota.

>> No.1587133
File: 104 KB, 804x606, lolibreakfastmachine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best I've done, after a few turns it all goes downhill.

>> No.1587164

Sadly a fallout 3 paraphrase. It was funny the first time, ingame but it's used at every possible occasion all the way across the internet now

>> No.1587293
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I fucking laughed.

>> No.1587390
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I didn't even get a chance, 1HIT KO.

>> No.1587396

The hentai scenes are awesome, too bad I game over'd twice because I don't know what the fuck to do.

>> No.1587408

So if you lose she's raped? Or I am mistaking this for something else?

>> No.1587412

What's the penalty for dying?

>> No.1587422



>> No.1587427

I'm glad noone saw my face while reading this thread
...I whimpered

>> No.1587432

cg set where

>> No.1587435
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>> No.1587443
File: 88 KB, 800x600, pathogen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These have H-scenes right?

>> No.1587473

I don't want her to cross the 10% mark. Wings, tails and ears are okay, but anything beyond that is furry.

>> No.1587493

How do you keep parts from turning grey/off? Or how do you turn them back on? Losing half my strength through the dungeon sucks.

>> No.1587498

I don't think it's possible to make her furry, she always has human face and skin. At least so far I've been playing.

>> No.1587657

Spider parts give her spiderman clothes, what the fuck.

>> No.1587699
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>> No.1587706


That's what I don't want. Fuck your octopus tentacle legs.

>> No.1587710


They kick ass, though. In combat, that is.

>> No.1587714

do not want being tentacle raped

>> No.1587727

FFFUCK she keeps ending up WEAKER after injection.

>> No.1587778


Stop sucking. Don't die. Fight challenging enemies corresponding to what you want to improve. Don't neglect anything.

Basic RPG knowhow.

>> No.1587805

How is that tail supposed to even work

>> No.1587825

Yesterday I was getting 300 kb/s+. Now I'm getting 80 at best. I really wish I let it finish yesterday.

>> No.1587868

Patch fucking where?

>> No.1587871

Patch is here:


Read the fucking hongfire thread.

>> No.1587878

How do you save in this game?

>> No.1587891

I got bored by day 6 and just cheated for infinite Junk by changing the variable. I wanted to see exactly what I could make her.

>> No.1587893

Full save where? The one on hongfire doesn't work.

>> No.1587930

It becomes a lot better once you're able to place on specific bodyparts.

>> No.1587987

Right click, せーブ.
Please expand on how this.

I could use a few basic translations, mainly what is the shop for.
This keeps happening to me.

>> No.1588182

How do I turn off semi-auto? It's stuck in a stalemate, been going on for like ten minutes now.

>> No.1588216

Anyone else have this crash on startup? Installed it in japanese unicode, patched and all the standard stuff.

>> No.1588221

Still going. I've tried every key and clicking on everything.

>> No.1588311

Anyone translate what the shop upgrades do?

>> No.1588335

Convince Taka to tl it with his new group after wanko.

>> No.1588350

It's not that good so far.

>> No.1588507

ATLAS + AGTH is useless for this. I can make out part of the story, but it won't read what I want it to for the important parts.

>> No.1588537


No shit. You have three choices. Learn moon (one game is not enough inspiration for anyone), wait for a translation (you'll have white hair by then, no one has even started on it), or click randomly until shit works like the rest of us.

>> No.1588624

I've mostly figured it out. What do the different colored stars represent, though? Is red, green or blue the best?

>> No.1588652

They correspond to that action taken taken on that part of the body. Red is attack, Green is Block, Blue is evade. For example, if you had a red star on the head, you'd attack, but if that same piece was on the body where it had a green star, it would Block. Then there's yellow stars... they have something to do with DNA. No idea on those ones though.

>> No.1588713
File: 479 KB, 800x600, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. Like most of you, I've been slowly figuring out how the different pieces of DNA work, though it looks like >>1588652 beat me on how to explain it.

In the end, your best bet is to make liberal use of the fact that you can save almost anywhere-- in the middle of combat is the only place you can't, I think.

Save before an injection, check Uracil's stats after. If you don't like them, reload. Even if you've got the lab upgrade that lets you pick where the pieces of DNA go, there's still a high degree of randomness because of the recessive genes.

While you're fighting through her body, save every couple of battles. With my current build, I can easily fight through a whole organ and beat the boss at the end, but sometimes luck just isn't on my side and I get one-shotted. Rather than losing an entire day and risking having shit DNA for the next injection, I load a save from a couple of battles earlier and keep going. This is especially useful if you've created a glass cannon who'll go down in one hit if anything gets a chance to counterattack.

>> No.1588724
File: 441 KB, 800x600, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of, this is the upgrade that lets you pick which DNA goes where, instead of it throwing it around randomly. You'll want to get this as soon as it becomes available.

>> No.1588770

I know that the first upgrade is for the Refr, which I'm assuming it's refrigerator, not sure what it works for though, you don't lose the DNA on the stock after a turn.

Any clues on what are the 2 in the bottom?

>> No.1588831

The one with 10%-40% is to reduce the price of copying and leveling up chips.

The 5%-20% one increases Uracil stats.

>> No.1588836


>> No.1588873 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.1588880

Looks like your imouto isn't an imouto anymore.

>> No.1588881


>> No.1588895

Looks like the mods are working fast today. I'm guessing that was the picture where you genderswap your sister?

>> No.1588973

You know, even the parts I understand are hard. I have a feeling this is a real ballbuster of an RPG even when you understand moon. I'm relatively strong now, but I know I could be so much better, and I dread what happens when the countdown reaches 0.

>> No.1588974

Aww, it was deleted, somebody repost it.

>> No.1589062

It's just >>1584107 except instead of animal ears and a tail, there's a huge penis poking out of her underpants. Or his underpants, I guess. The H scene after that can be either /d/ or /y/, I'm not sure what determines it.

Unrelated, how do you put DNA in the fridge?

>> No.1589072

FUCK YES! Going back to playing this game.

>> No.1589078

Another lab upgrade you get later, allows you to copy dna chips.

>> No.1589093

Is there a penalty for dying?

>> No.1589140

Injection > Manage

>> No.1589160

Damn I need a guide
I don't know what the fuck is going on or how DNA works

>> No.1589192

Start taking screenshots of menus and shit you don't understand and post them here in hopes of getting them translated by a kindly /jp/er

>> No.1589234

So after losing the boss fight (one-hit ko godfuckingdamnit) the white blood cell is being raped by the humanoid pathogen.

>> No.1589240

What the hell, is she fighting AIDs viruses or something?

>> No.1589349
File: 260 KB, 800x600, 1226353779177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I beat this bastard?

>> No.1589409

eng patch!

>> No.1589444

Im not from around here, and this thread just blew my mind.

>> No.1589486


He hits hard and has a lot of HP. That means a glass canon strategy isn't going to work, you need some fucking defense, or you'll be reloading forever. Also, get a mantis-jelly-hound head, and a turtle left hand to help against his OH GOD WHAT THE FUCK attack until you're lucky enough to break it.

>> No.1589492

is there a cg rip with all the parts?

>> No.1589575


I think they're just bare CGs and the engine adds the parts on. Hence:


>> No.1589580

Could someone with a clue shed some light on what the story behind this game is?

>> No.1589584


There's snake/lamia legs? How's the sex working out for you, Cel?

>> No.1589701

How do you think sex with a half lamia would turn out? Really fucking great of course!

>> No.1589713
File: 110 KB, 805x632, 1226361055469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my best roll so far for day 1. I used all the level 2 and level 3 ones they give you at the start, because almost anything is better than level 1 human. I also Junk'd all the level 1s.

Should I keep it?

>> No.1589733


That's a lot better than I started with. 430 agility on day 1? Nothing will touch you.

>> No.1589740

Sister has disease moe. Brother is doctor. Other doctor comes up with SCIENCE that involves brother having sex with sister to inject her with SCIENCE. So you get mutated moe white blood cells running around getting raped by pathogens.

>> No.1589844
File: 459 KB, 793x597, 1226361875764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will this be enough to kill
Because he's a faggot... And glass cannon, really, REALLY doesn't work.

>> No.1589850

except you mean "getting killed in one hit" rape.
Also, consensual sex with the actual girl and her brother.

>> No.1589860

anyone get the trainer to work?
I wonder what the full horse DNA looks like.

>> No.1589890


Every stat has a place. If you go too far defensive, status effects and bullshit will fuck you up, and your shit will break mid-fight. If you go too far agility, you'll never feel safe, long boss fights will rape you, and the average mob can get lucky and 1HKO you. I just went for whatever gave the most stats, ignoring exactly which was being boosted.

>> No.1589906


Go to the main menu. Choose the second to last option. Then hit the DNA one. Hit Setting, then add whatever you want and hit view. You'll get both what it'll look like, and it's stats without boosts.

>> No.1589917

I just got some level 3 mouse parts, supposedly the best type in the game at level 5. Where should I put them?

>> No.1589940



>132 posts and 19 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>1 sage.

Well, shit.

>> No.1589966

Ass, Mouth and Vagina.

>> No.1590103
File: 306 KB, 800x600, 1226366682082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just goes to show that /jp/ has room in its heart for things that aren't Touhou and Type-Moon.

For instance, imouto.

>> No.1590212


Do want angel DNA. I've only found some devil and some dragon ones, both boosted my stats more than an entire Jelly body.

>> No.1590239

What you really want is level 5 Mouse. I have no idea what that ability is, but a character filled up with Mouse has stats even higher than a straight angel. (a full angel is 3000/1000/2000/1000/786)

>> No.1590256


Full level 5 mouse is 5000/5000/5000/5000/999

Not kidding.

>> No.1590287


What is the actual ability, though? Is it an attack? If not, you can't have full Mouse, you have to swap a spot in for at least one attack.

>> No.1590291


What is the actual ability, though? Is it an attack? If not, you can't have full Mouse, you have to swap a spot in for at least one attack, unless you want the gimped, forced right hand attack.

>> No.1590298
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Didn't fill in the second line of DNA, but.

>> No.1590311


Hmmm? I saw a picture of 5000s. Maybe that's with the recessive genes?

>> No.1590388

english patch fucking where, this looks hilarious

>> No.1590425

There is no English patch, /jp/ is just figuring out the gameplay mechanics from trial and error.

>> No.1590446


If by figuring out you mean failing and getting 1 shotted, then yes, I'm doing a lot of that. Funny thing is, I got to the boss in Pulmones on the first fucking day, and almost beat him. I get my stats way higher, and even though my Power didn't rise more than a couple dozen, he rapes absolutely obliterates me. Something I had in my old build worked, I still have no idea what it was, though.

>> No.1590497

Turtle Shield. Sweet Jesus abuse the turtle shield. It's godly.

>> No.1590516
File: 125 KB, 256x256, 1226373365725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this game is a lot like BioMotor Unitron then?

>> No.1590519

Very yes. I stuck three level 3 turtle shields on Uracil, and nothing could fucking kill her.


>> No.1590544
File: 122 KB, 804x624, 1226373808851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Current build, 2x Crow in head is great for money, got 6k from a run in Gaster up to the boss.
So, what does the スロト upgrade that costs 15k do?

>> No.1590596

where do i get the game?

>> No.1590600
File: 595 KB, 801x600, 1226374705061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unlcoks Level Up DNA option I believe. Then 2 reds below it with the 2LV 3LV etc. is the amount you can level it up to.

Also one of the rare moments by Character actually looks remotely human.

>> No.1590601

even after the patch?

>> No.1590617
File: 107 KB, 802x625, 1226375062117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one looks pretty "human".

The best tip you can get for this game so far.

I just cleared spinal.

>> No.1590652

That Massive attack you got there, as impressive as it is, will be useless against the first "Character" Boss. If you just beat spinal you're near him. Just a warning. You may be able to beat him sploiting saves but, expect to die in one to two hits. 3 at absolute most. He's got between 1.1-1.4k HP, 1350 Atck and Def.

>> No.1590884

I just got to that guy, got him to like, half hp and then he
defeated me and then ;_;

>> No.1590937

Yeah, that'll happen. What you're gonna want is 3 or 4 turtle shield and a defense of over 800. You'll also need your attack over 800 if you want to do any damage at all. HP can be around 500 or so but i suggest adding some Gels to your body for recovery, again 3 to 4 for instant full health regain. It'll take a few tries but you'll win eventually.

>> No.1590960
File: 612 KB, 798x599, 1226380436012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to mention this but, after you beat that guy, he's the hardest boss for a LONG time. The next to character bosses are cakewalks. I had to FORCE myself to lose to gets their CG's. I literally spent 5 minutes on ctrl hitting block to lose to the 2nd Character Boss. She dies in 2 hits. Same as the 3rd Boss, but then again, massive attack comes back for victory so...

>> No.1591006
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Actually, one second after I posted that I defeated him, took me 3 tries, I had like 800 def and 4/4 turtles.

Hand-picking DNA is getting tedious, I just let it go random and wait for a good stat. Still haven't unlocked the 2nd boss.

>> No.1591026

Second Boss is sickeningly easy, H-Scene involves slime, lots of it, and lesbian sex.

>> No.1591057
File: 106 KB, 804x624, 1226382457245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got the first of the "unique" sets.

>> No.1591075

What're the requirements to get a unique set?

>> No.1591098
File: 74 KB, 803x601, 1226382971829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the parts have to be either bunny,cat,fox or cow. There is a /d/&/y/ scene, no idea on those, and a /x/ one too.

>> No.1591107



>> No.1591139

You know ghost blowjob? Kinda like that.

>> No.1591462

No, I mean real rape. Losing to some of the boss fights leads to rape, well, I'm not sure if it's some, I know of one but I assume it probably happens to some of the others as well.

>> No.1591472

The patch says it's fixed that.

>> No.1591511

Is that really /x/? It looks more like a goo girl to me, which puts it firmly in /d/ territory.

>> No.1591853

Would you be so kind as to show the full DNA parts that got you that set, including the hidden parts? I'm starting to experiment with multiples trying to create them, but it would help to have some reference.

>> No.1591892

Boy I sure do suck at this game.

>> No.1591936

Fucking tedious game.

>> No.1591986

So I went through Gaster Spinal cord Pulmones Pancreas and Ren. Now nothing is happening. I have some 30-40 turns left still.

>> No.1592092

Found some bug that eats up ref genes but you can pretty much make a hell load of copies of some random shit. Got a few dragon genes now.
Seems like you fiddle around with the select thing a bit.

>> No.1592102

You have to wait for events, they'll come.

>> No.1592516

On which day can you buy the choose DNA slot option? At this point, I'm just hording all good strands and selling the rest so I'll have 10,000 Junk.

>> No.1592546


Also, how do I keep something in a slot if I like it? If I just hit inject without putting anything up for injection, most of them turn back to Level 1 Human.

>> No.1592697

You don't.

>> No.1592713


Fuck, you mean to tell me I have to completely redo her every day? I can't find that many Turtle strands...

>> No.1592714

It becomes easier when you can copy chips.

>> No.1592725
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Around the 7th day, when you unlock the 3 "injections".
After a while you don't even need them. They are a must for the first boss though.

>> No.1592789

Care to provide the fullscreen with both Open and Hidden DNA of these?

>> No.1592811
File: 153 KB, 650x604, 1226423972885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cat - Bunny

>> No.1592874

Thanks, although for some reason I can only recreate monstrosities instead of the intended set. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

>> No.1593051

Diseases are badass, and can only be fought by moe blood cells altered by sexing. Best plot premise ever.

>> No.1593076

So what's the point of the unique outfits?

>> No.1593150

With only 325 HP she isn't gonna be that useful.

>> No.1593181

What does the fox DNA look like?

>> No.1593208


The regular fox or the one that looks like Ran?

>> No.1593212

If I read correctly, you need 55% DNA of the creature you want, having 60%+ expression helps, try a few times if you don't get it on the first time.

Special h-scenes.
They're not too good for fighting, they're mostly meant for the special scenes.

Still haven't done that and cow, I'll do them later.

There are other 2 animals that have scenes albeit minor ones. And still no clue on the ghost scene.

>> No.1593232

What gayme is this?

>> No.1593241

Wanko to Kurasou

>> No.1593244


Boku No Freaktoads

>> No.1593280

Which ever one gets me the unique type.

>> No.1593284

Are there female pathogens with H-scenes?

>> No.1593328

Is it possible for /jp/ to create some basic how-to? I dont speak moon, and I dont think this thread will be here, when I download the game.

>> No.1593335

It will be.

>> No.1593381


When it hits autosage, I'm making another one, since 1/3 of /jp/ seems to be playing it now.

>> No.1593389

Oh and download link too.

>> No.1593385

Honestly though. Name?

>> No.1593390


Read the god damn OP post, and the first ten posts after that. There's even a Hongfire link.

>> No.1593394

Are you serious? Do you need help reading?

>> No.1593434
File: 533 KB, 800x601, 2008-11-11_1444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, after I beat the shit out of this guy I get a long talk with that bone handed chick which is followed by what appears to be some kind of flashback. Then I get a credit roll. And a bunch of options get thrown at me. So I have two questions, First, was that a bad ending? and second, what do I do with those options? I have noticed that I don't get a game over if I lose to him but... I don't know what to do now.

>> No.1593449

So, anon, you told me that the unique outfits bring new h-scenes. Fine. I've got my slime imouto, but where is the h-scene ? How can I unlock it once I've got the unique outfit ?
Thanks in advance.

>> No.1593546

Just inject her.

>> No.1593594

New thread:

