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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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15836932 No.15836932 [Reply] [Original]

How much has the fandom warped your vision of your favorite touhou? Hina and Suwako have always been some of my favorite characters, yet I realized that canon doesn't tell much about them. What are their personality? What were they doing before we got to know them, or before the creation of Gensokyo? How old are they? What's their daily routine? What do they like? Hate? Some of these questions are answered to some degree in canon, for example we know that Suwako was the ruler of a small country which was invaded by Kanako, but a lot of basic information about the characters is missing, some touhous getting better treatment than others.

Years of lurking /jp/ forged into my mind the idea of a true Touhou fan being some kind of pure primary, striving to only consume official materials, never looking at anything fanmade. But is it alright, in a series where the fandom is so creative and productive to completely ignore it? I have played the games to death, and read every official printed works, but have also read hundreds and hundreds of non-erotic doujin manga, saw tens of thousands of fanmade pictures, and watched loads of Touhou-related videos. I love both the canon and fandom aspect of the series, and I think I'm far from alone on this.

That's why when I think of a character, I take what we know from canon as the baseline, and add various elements from fanworks that I liked. For example, I like the idea of Suwako lazing around all day, taking strolls, doting on Sanae, and occasionally being melancholic. Is it wrong to do this? Should one strive for an image of character that is purely derived from canon elements, making it certain that it truly fits her, but with the risk of her being stale and uninteresting?

>> No.15836945

You can find as much as you would from a human perspective about your favourite 2hus from Akyuu's books. Beyond that it doesn't even matter because you'd never get to know them more intimately than that.

>> No.15836965

I think that one can immerse himself in fanworks as much as he likes, as it would be a shame to ignore all of the high quality content it was produced, but always keep well in mind what is canon and what is not

>> No.15837121
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Take a wild fucking guess.

>> No.15838265
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>Years of lurking /jp/ forged into my mind the idea of a true Touhou fan being some kind of pure primary

Found your problem. /jp/'s elitism is to keep awful people off the board; one might argue that it's wasted effort at this point. Whether or not you uphold it is irrelevant when you aren't posting. Stop not having fun and enjoy all the fun things.

>> No.15838297

Paizuri please.

>> No.15838590

I really don't like memdog.

>> No.15838637

I usually stick to cannon as close as I can, thus why I see Remilia is one of the worst girls (yes even if she did help the hobgoblins).

>> No.15838711

Enjoy fandom shit as much as you want, the "secondaries" are the ones who jump into the series from the fanworks, and never even acknowledge the games/official printworks.

>> No.15841918

This was a really explosive post!

>> No.15846887

I'm an avid fan of the original games and print works alike, but my favorite Touhous are still based on things that are noncanon as fuck. Like Aya being a huge breasted arrogant giantess.

>> No.15846908


>> No.15846930

That's fucked up, dude.

>> No.15848645
File: 1.31 MB, 1478x800, Are you that dumb faggot who keeps bitching about her mist that didnt actually kill anyone while ignoring characters like Utsuho and the moonies who wanted to exterminatus Gensokyo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thus why I see Remilia is one of the worst girls

>> No.15848719

>Years of lurking /jp/ forged into my mind the idea of a true Touhou fan being some kind of pure primary
That's because /jp/ is full of shitposters even more "faithful" to the original material than ZUN is himself, who ran all secondary material off the board despite collectively not having a single decent score to their names.

You should enjoy whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.15848747
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Not that much, but I can see how other people have to rely on secondary works to know more about their favourite 2hu.

ZUN: Oh you wanted to know more about her? Too bad have more Mamizou

And that sort of stuff.

>> No.15848922

You could always contrast the original mythology and connect some dots off of that.

I.E. Nue somehow not being an arrow-impaled corpse. Likely reason is that the arrow didn't kill her and the version of the tale being told is that she is Yorimasa's mother.

>> No.15848938

I'm convinced Sanae would suck my cock now.

>> No.15848958

>How much has the fandom warped your vision of your favorite touhou?

I ignore the fact that Koishi, Okuu, and Yuuka are scary as shit giganigga youkai, and pretend they have cute personalities to go along with their pretty designs.

>> No.15849027
File: 349 KB, 499x740, Bully Free Sanae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda understand what you're about, OP

I like Sanae, and as she is ostensibly a meme character for secondaries to get their first 1cc and gets a LOT of derivative work on top of canon, it never really bothers me what secondary sources say, or that I don't look into them (out of laziness rather than elitism).
No matter how often I hear the ass end of "lol sanae is a SLUT slut Pazuri she's DTF" type stuff here on /jp/ or however many slutty doujins I've come across, I'm still content with Sanae's game appearances, and don't feel pressured to accept any version of her, turboslut or otherwise.

In essence, life's a little too brutish and short to pick around what you enjoy, so don't worry too much about it(Unless what you really enjoy here is picking things apart, in that case calm the fuck down), and please don't feel pressured to have to enjoy something in a certain way

>> No.15849243
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I'm not sure why you're so concerned about what others think of your head-canon or what works you enjoy. It sounds like you're taking the primary/secondary shitposting too seriously.

As you noted, most individuals in the series have also received little to no character development, so it's pretty much impossible to envision them as complete characters without making some things up or borrowing fanon ideas.

There's more than one side to Utsuho. She did once threaten to incinerate everything living on the surface. She also once peacefully attended a festival and got distracted by cute rabbit plushies.

>> No.15849257

Cute, I like the details in these official works.

>> No.15849325

Using fanon to filll in the blanks is understandable, and a necessity for certain characters. I think fanon gets a lot of shit here because some interpretations can come off as extremely shallow or entirely neglect canon. Personally, I don't mind it as much, but I just get a little annoyed when people plaster the same tired anime/porn archetypes on characters and leave it that. For example, Alice seems to confuse a lot of people because they don't know if she's a recluse villain or a flustered tsundere, but that's because they're only thinking in archetypes. Sure, Alice is a creepy weirdo who hammers curses into trees, but she also shelters people who are lost in the woods. If you're only thinking in archetypes, you would never get the broader picture of who a character really is, and that's a shame because Touhou characters are surprisingly nuanced.

>> No.15849435

>Using fanon to filll in the blanks is understandable, and a necessity for certain characters. I think fanon gets a lot of shit here because some interpretations can come off as extremely shallow or entirely neglect canon.
Pretty much this.

>> No.15849474

I plain don't give a shit about fanmade info so I guess it's nothing for me.
For that reason though my top characters ended up being the main trio since they're the ones I know the most about and grew up on me.

>> No.15849527


I never leave jaypee so basically everything I know about touhou comes from here and so I consider it canon. I have not played any of the shmups though.

What does that make me then, a -1iernary?

>> No.15849529

Nope, just a secondary.

>> No.15849566
File: 33 KB, 500x361, 1453610186919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All this time I had thought I was doing good, being a good memeber of the community, but now honor demands my own life, my last offering.
