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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1583532 No.1583532 [Reply] [Original]

Howdy /jp/,

I'm writing a formal report on the business culture of Japan. Being that this board is for the discussion of Japan, I was wondering if you had any insights, and if any of you have been to the country for an extended period of time, I'd love to hear from you and possibly interview you.

This is what I have so far: http://pastebin.com/m46de91c1

Appreciate any and all replies.

>> No.1583539

sage for red alert 3

>> No.1583546

We don't actually know anything about Japan. Just Akihabara.

>> No.1583553

Nice poetic language, bro, but you're not actually saying anything.

Hope your prof likes that kind of thing.

>> No.1583555

In a nutshell,
1. Japanese are xenophobic.
2. Japanese are pedos.
3. Japan makes loli porn gaems.

>> No.1583562

Look just because someone listens to for example German music dosent mean he knows german or knows anything about germany. Just because this board is named japan dosent mean we know it, i for example dont even know akihabara...

>> No.1583572

>Nice poetic language, bro, but you're not actually saying anything.
It's a business writing class, that's kind of the modus operandi.

>> No.1583703


>> No.1584488

I urge all members to take the time to read as much credible sources as they can on Japan's modern history from 1853-1941.

Specifically study and pay attention to Japan's obsession with being accepted as an equal vis-a-vis the Anglo-American states.

Take time to understand Japan's great disappointment with America's rejection of the proposed "Racial Equality clause" at Versailles in 1919. Understand Tokyo's perception that the Washington naval conference (1921-1922) was nothing more than a process designed by the Anglo-American powers to keep Japan down so they could have China for themselves.

We must be students of deep history if we are to understand why Japan's decision to attack Pearl Harbour was a logicial one, not an illogical one.

It's popular now in many quarters (and apparently at the Economist) to take swipes at the reserved and non-confrontational Japanese, this is to the delight of the Authoritarian Elite in Peking, who seek to have the Chinese Dragon dominate East Asia once more.

My friends for over a 1000 years, long before Perry came to Japan with his Black Ships, there existed in East Asia a unipolar regional great power system. China was its hegemon, and all other Asian Kingdoms and political entities paid tribute in some way or another to the great Middle Kingdom. That is all but one defiant and maverick nation: Japan.

Japan always saw itself as an independent and proud country, an exceptional country.

Japan was the only country to defy China and never bow down to it. Now China is rising once more and seeks to reestablish the Sinocentric order that once existed before the arrival of the Western Imperialist powers in the 18-19th centuries.

>> No.1584505

As a highly successful businessman with frequent contacts with Japan I have to say that

>> No.1584541

The reasons great powers go to war with each other 9 times out of 10 involved a myriad of complex dynamics and events that generally take place over an expanded amount of time. And Japan's decision to become a belligerent great power and eventually to go to war with America need to be examined and understood within the time period from 1853-1941. THose who forget history are bound to relive it my friends.

Key issues/events that lead Japan on the path to becoming great power which sought to revise the Anglo-American dominated world order by 1937:

- Admiral Perry shows up in Japan with his Black Ship and forcibly brings Japan into the Western dominated Imperialist system (1853)

- Japan, now in an international system that was dominated by predatory great power, devises a strategy to achieve its goals in this system. Tokyo's foundational goals were: maintain national sovereignty at all costs, ensure national security, and ensure Japan's prestige, honour, and rank among the great powers.

- To make these goals possible Japan experiences the Meiji Restoration (1868) and becomes a much more dynamic flexible state.

- one of Japan's key beliefs was that to survive and achieve its stated goals it must become a great power i.e. if you cant beat'em join'em.

- The rejection of the racial equality clause (1919), The San Francisco School Board's decision to segregate schools on the basis of race, the rampant Anti-Japanese racism that existed in the United States, the Washington Naval conference (1922), and Japan perception that America was a huge hypocrite and was becoming Japan's enemy all were fundamental reasons why Japan went to war with America. For example, America was allowed to have the Monroe Doctrine but Japan's proposed Co-prosperity sphere was considered unacceptable.

>> No.1584548

Here are some poignant quotations that back up what im saying about why Japan did what it did in regards to WWII and before:

Emperor Hirohito citing (in 1946) why Japan went to war with America:
"If we ask the reason for this war, it lies in the contents of the peace treaty signed at the end of the FIRST WORLD WAR. The RACIAL EQUALITY proposal demanded by Japan was NOT accepted by the powers. The discriminatory sentiment between the white and the yellow remains as always. And the rejection of immirgants in California. These were enough to anger the Japanese people."

Second Quote:

General Ishiwara Kanji stresses the point that Japan was forced into the international system by America and that Japan emulated and sought to become like America, it was its student you might say. Ishiwara makes these compelling comments while on the stand at the Tokyo war crimes trials in May 1946 as an American prosecutor is challenging him to admit Japan's war guilt, Ishiwara fights back and says:

"Haven't you heard of Perry? Dont you know anything about your country's history?...Tokugawa Japan believed in isolation; it didnt want to have anything to do with other countries and had its doors locked tightly. Then came along Perry from your country in his black ships to open those doors; he aimed his big guns at Japan and warned 'If you dont deal with us, look out for these; open your doors, and negotiate with other countries too.' And then when Japan did open its doors and tried dealing with other countries, it learned that all those countries were a fearfully aggressive lot. And so for its own defense it took your country as it

>> No.1584561

Please send this message along to the tyrants in Beijing: Democratize China, grant more autonomy to Tibet and Xinjiang which were your recent IMPERIAL ACQUISITIONS, STOP constantly spying on Japan via satellites/submarines/aircraft, and realize that they will never subjugate the Japanese people.

I welcome a more democractic China into the family of nations, and one that can one day be a true friend of Japan. But until the communist despots realize that they need to open their society more, none of this will happen; and China will continue to be a menace to peace in East Asia.

Let us all pray the Red Dragon--recently awakened from its near 300 years of slumber--can be successfully and peacefully integrated into the current liberal democratic world order.
