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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 76 KB, 800x600, Yukio3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1582044 No.1582044 [Reply] [Original]

So ronery...

>> No.1582051

Nearly everyone in that game is ronery.

>> No.1582064
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lets jump?

>> No.1582067
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>> No.1582070
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>> No.1582081
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>> No.1582088
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>> No.1582119


is there an English patch for this game yet?

>> No.1582126
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>> No.1582136


is there an English patch for this game?

>> No.1582141
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>> No.1582143

May i know who is she?

>> No.1582151
File: 68 KB, 576x827, 1226229323585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sumadera Yukio from 天使のいない12月

>> No.1582166


crap, now I really wish my Japspeak was up to par for this game.

>> No.1582170
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>> No.1582171
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Can't read moon, but thanks for the name. Have another girl holding an accoustic guitar.

>> No.1582176

Its being translated, wait for the patch.

>> No.1582183

Is there a page for that project? And thanks for letting us know.

>> No.1582185

Only updates every December.

>> No.1582188
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>> No.1582191

Wait a sec... i think i've heard of it before.

>> No.1582195
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>> No.1582196

Yeah, i kew i've heard of a project that updates every december, i found the page.

Thanks anon for reminding me.

>> No.1582219
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>> No.1582229
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>> No.1582230

Maho's route was the best of all

>> No.1582232


>> No.1582243
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>> No.1582246

I know this is much to ask but doesn't hurt to try. Are there any alive torrents out there? if so, can you link me to one of them? Please?

Thanks anonymous.

>> No.1582253

I'd rather leave this game untranslated.

>> No.1582256


>> No.1582263

Because this will start as soon as the patch will be released...

>> No.1582266

>>1582256 here.
I know how you feel, Anon.

>> No.1582267

Probably he thinks it should be left untranslated because most english translated games get shit fanbases that ruin your experience and make you don't want to get related to those games so they should leave this a good game untranslated so it doesn't have to suffer the same fate as other translated games.

Or maybe i'm just thinking too much and he was just trolling.

>> No.1582285

I wasn't

>> No.1582290

The protag is such a faggot

>> No.1582299

>because most english translated games get shit fanbases that ruin your experience

How does a shit fanbase ruin your experience?? If we're talking about an online game here I would agree, but a singleplayer VN?!
If you're good enough at Japanese to be able to get through the game you always have the option to discuss said game with native speakers or just ignore idiot threads about it.

>> No.1582303

Then why do you tihink this should be left untranslated?

>> No.1582312

Oh, don't get me wrong. It's easy for me to ignore all the retarded trolling of "X" game once it gets translated, I was just stating that from a general POV.

>> No.1582320

what the fuck is ronery?

>> No.1582348



>> No.1582362

It will be trolled really intensively because this is very particular game - I don't want such a developement.

>> No.1582392
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>> No.1582408

How the fuck are you so weak? Do you really let yourself be influenced that fucking easily?

>> No.1582420


I don't really get it either.
If you liked the game, then why the fuck would you care what anyone else has to say about it? And if it was a good game, I'd wish for it to be translated all the more because that way more people would get to enjoy it (sure, that way there will always be trolls around that post shit about it for fun to annoy people who like the game, but fuck them, who cares?)

>> No.1582432

There's nothing weak about what he's saying. Fat teenage nerds complaining about fan translated versions of games that I've played and liked for months or years already piss me off just as much.

Keeping it in Japanese keeps the fanbase for people who are intelligent and mature enough to learn a complicated foreign language, so I can understand where he's coming from.

>> No.1582438

you reminded me of the song "Im So Ronery" from Team America

god, i laughed so hard

>> No.1582440

>intelligent and mature enough to learn a complicated foreign language

You can't seriously believe that.

>> No.1582444
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Basically, I do not want this guy playing the visual novels I love.

>> No.1582447

>Fat teenage nerds complaining about fan translated versions of games that I've played and liked for months or years already piss me off just as much.
>intelligent and mature

I would love to be so intelligent and mature that I let "fat teenage nerds" troll the shit out of me, please tell me how to do it.

>> No.1582451

It will give bad impression to person who haven't played it - look at the chaos;head as example, some people don't even want to touch it because it was trolled here so much and will shit it along with the crowd. I don't want such a thing happen to the game I like.

>> No.1582460

You say you don't want a game to be translated so it doesn't get trolled and turn people off of the game when those people would only be able to play the game if it has been translated in the first place.

>> No.1582461

But you are that guy.

>> No.1582467


>> No.1582468

December Without Angels? More like December Without Likable Protagonist.

>> No.1582473

They would be able to play it with some effort. If they are interested in playing visual novels, then it's not too much to expect them to learn some Japanese, is it?

>> No.1582474


Sure some people will diss it and some sheep will run along with the crowd, but for everyone who comes here to complain there will probably be twice as many people enjoying the game.
I really don't get that line of thinking. If I liked a game, I would want as many people as possible to play it. It's only natural that some will dislike it, but you shouldn't get annoyed over those people, you should rather be happy for the people who are now able to enjoy it.

>> No.1582481

This is not the reason.

I'd like to share the games I like with the different people, if they accepted them adequately. If you don't like the game, explain why you hate it, do you really think that posts like "its shit" assist or support fan translation groups in their job?

>> No.1582485

You see, this type of trolling doesn't bother me, because I know you never actually played it.

>> No.1582492

Oh no. What I like isn't underground and elite anymore ;_; now I can't like it.

>> No.1582500

What? How does it being in Japanese make it any less mainstream? Do you realise how popular things like Tsukihime and Chaos;Head are in Japan?

>> No.1582503

Sorry to interrupt that raging debate, but is the game worth playing?

I mean, is there something else in it apart from "god that girl is so ronery I want to prote^W fuck her"?

I'm not used to leaf games.

>> No.1582506

I guess if you liked forced drama bullshit.

>> No.1582508

>I don't want it to be translated because then more people will play it

>> No.1582511

Do you know how we're like not like in like Japan?

>> No.1582516


If you know Japanese why not give it a shot and see if you like it. If you don't speak Jap. then there's no way you'll be playing it right now anyway.

>> No.1582519

I don't have that much money to throw around.

>> No.1582522


If you're going to misquote, then at least keep it somewhat related to what the person actually said.

>> No.1582529

Some people are.

>> No.1582539

He was rather unlikeable, I liked the game though.

>> No.1582542


makes you wonder why they give a shit about translation in the first place

>> No.1582550

So, uhm... guys?

>> No.1582559


With all the people BAAWWing about how translating will hurt their experience and precious precious game, do you really think someone's going to post a link to a torrent?

Sorry, I think you'll have to go look for that yourself.

>> No.1582560

This thread is an eyesore.

>> No.1582563

So when does the minority become the majority?

>> No.1582572

The majority of people playing visual novels live in Japan. Is this news to you?

>> No.1582583

This thread alone makes me hate the game.

>> No.1582589



Only working torrent I found. It has another game bundeled with it (in a rar sadly) and it's rather slow, but it seems it the only option as of now. If someone finds a better torrent/rapidshare please let me know

>> No.1582588

Google > site:hongfire.com 天使のいない12月

>> No.1582605

TL;DR: VN translations are welcome. There will always be fags who will try to talk shit about translated games but is easy to ignore them. If other people fall for their bullshit, sucks to be them, they're missing out probably a good game. You must not be an elitist fag and think games should'nt be translated for the mass, if a game was good and you enjoyed it, others might as well enjoy it, but you have to remember, not everyone can read japanese, so if you want tho other people to enjoy the game you should support game translations.

TFL;DFR: Stop being elitist faggots and start ignoring shitty trolls who have nothing else to do.

Can i have my torrent now?

>> No.1582608

Thank you.

>> No.1582614


agreed, and here: >>1582589

>> No.1584464

So help me, if we don't get a release this December...
