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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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15811954 No.15811954[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey Fags

Instead of sitting around on the internet all day, posting pointless messages and abusing yourselves to pictures of loose women, why not do something productive and surrender your lives to Allah?

Western society has become decadent, weak, and lazy, and is soon to collapse. The upcoming generation, people such as yourselves, want nothing more from life than to grow fat sitting around on computers all day, masturbating, drinking, and taking drugs. You are encouraged in this behaviour by corrupt politicians and absent new age parents while your societies and economies collapse around you. Meanwhile the Muslim Ummah, or brotherhood, grows rich on oil wealth and trains its upcoming generation to serve Allah, and to fight, willing to give their lives if necessary for the cause. The 19 hijackers of 9/11 have surely earned their place in paradise as do the suicide bombers who strike daily into the heart of the devil state of Israel. We are living among you, in Europe and America, and we are outbreeding you day by day, slowly taking over.

Allah has a plan for each of us. He means us all to be good Muslims and live by his rules, as set out to the Prophet Muhammed (pbuh). Your sinful lives and wicked ways go against His plans, and you will be tortured for eternity in hell for your iniquities. Repent now and revert back to the one true faith.

Where your joke of a faith, which no one in your society believes in anyway, tells you to love, be tolerant, and turn the other cheek, the Quran teaches us to "Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them, capture and besiege them and prepare for them every kind of ambush."

It also says "Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies, of Allah and your enemies".

How can you hope to win your futile so called 'war on terror' against us? You have become weak, and no longer willing or able to fight. You even elected a pacifist president with Muslim sympathies to try and placate us. It's only a matter of time until we win. Even now your soldiers contine to die on the battlefields of Afghanistan, and for what? The moment you leave, it will be back to traditional Sharia law. Your technological advances count for nothing if all you do with them is watch porn and play video games. We will continue our jihad on the west, to maim and kill those who oppose or insult us. See the truth for what it is and revert to Islam immediately. It is your only hope of survival.

>> No.15811985
File: 149 KB, 242x360, 1466803179110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When push comes to shove I'm not going to become a traitor to my country and the Western values that have forged the world as we know it today. Saged, reported, called Urban II.

>> No.15811999

The only extremist Touhou is Alice and her bomb dolls.

>> No.15812006

Time to play Touhou in real life, nigga.

>> No.15812010
File: 361 KB, 1200x848, Occult research patchy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's always one thing I never liked about religion. It's not the text. It's not the people.

It's the word "surrender".

Never give up.

>> No.15812013

Honestly, if the US teamed with what the rest of the world calls you as 'terrorists', the rest of the world would be destroyed.
>Western cultures
With this, surely some other eastern religions aren't excluded from that rule. Because destroying the entire western Hemisphere of it's native beliefs wouldn't do too much other than remove Christianity. Sure, Jews are also in the west, but Hitler helped you out there. For the eastern hemisphere, you have Taoism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Shinto and probably more.
Muslim is a bit barbaric for this day and age. Your executions are inhumane to nonbelievers or people who don't follow the rules set by the permanent religion established. Sure, death is inevitable, but your people also destroy anything that isn't in line with your religion.
TLDR: I do think that if Muslim beliefs could be changed through a prophet, the world would accept your religion. Times have changed. Swords aren't used anymore. But I won't cower away from learning anything that could make me a better person. If I think Muslim is the religion for me, I'd adopt it.
Also, I'd use Mercury Poison against Patche if that happened. Painful death for her, and if the bombs don't blow up, my new sex toy! And her whole library, while I'm at it.

>> No.15812025

You know what? Patchouly looks really hot in black.

>> No.15812027

Islam is Abrahamic: it's western. It's barely different from Judaism.

>> No.15812037

Indeed. Too bad that she's probably mind controlled, or else I'd be going to town on that.

>> No.15812042

Allah is a jerk face.

>> No.15812075

/jp/ - Jewish Programmers won't have anything to do with your kind, Ishmaelite!
