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File: 277 KB, 528x600, Erika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15810338 No.15810338 [Reply] [Original]

Best 07th Expansion Sprite?

>> No.15810585
File: 190 KB, 496x480, bea_akuwaraia2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15811167


>> No.15817606


>> No.15817607

Nothing for you.

>> No.15817633
File: 1.03 MB, 1540x1254, defa1_rogb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is only one best 07th Expansion Sprite.

>> No.15817641
File: 46 KB, 480x360, orgasm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me on the right.

>> No.15817744
File: 110 KB, 672x694, bernkastel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tea Party Chapter 8 is complete. Coming soon.

>> No.15817760

When I heard her voice...

>> No.15817960

I've always hated EVA-Beatrice's voice.

>> No.15817964

You may be a homosexual

>> No.15818127

> Eva: /PURPLE/ B-But we locked down...the whole building!/PURPLE/
If Eva is a culprit, does that mean that ALL her purple are lies?

>> No.15818255
File: 103 KB, 1280x720, auau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


TEA PARTY Chapter 8 - Wicked Party

Is it the end...or a new beginning?

So this has the solution to my Chapter 7 Purple Truth Game and some....interesting stuff, ehehe.

A culprit may lie....so no, not every purple of a culprit is a lie.
In fact, that would make the game very easy.

>> No.15818276
File: 20 KB, 420x279, 1456122755751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that goat
Oh you clever shit.

>> No.15818288

We need someone to draw the KKK scene, but with goats.

>> No.15818306
File: 16 KB, 639x405, goat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait for that guy to read it...I think he will instantly cum...

>> No.15818394

I did.
Well, I must admit I was surprised, mostly pleasantly :
- Bernkastel's facade broke very quickly, it's clear it isn't the first time that she faces that goat. Or the first time she's punished by Featherine, especially given how quickly she starts begging. But seriously, bathing a cat? Talk about being a huge sadist.
- I expected Lambdadelta to enjoy the show, but I didn't expect her to start masturbating. That was a little weird.
- Is it really a punishment if Bernkastel enjoys it? Through she'll have trouble facing anyone from Rokkenjima later.
- Beatrice being jealous was cute.For a moment, I feared the story would turn into an orgy, but luckily you avoided it.

I'll keep it bookmarked for... later use. Maybe I'll write my own later, and I think it'll be heavily inspired from it. Maybe a game that Battler read to Featherine while looking around and finding a shaking little thing hiding on a shelf.

>> No.15818469
File: 67 KB, 600x480, ange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bernkastel's facade broke very quickly, it's clear it isn't the first time that she faces that goat. Or the first time she's punished by Featherine, especially given how quickly she starts begging. But seriously, bathing a cat? Talk about being a huge sadist.

Evil Hanyuu is evil...Lesson: Don't fuck with a god. Even if you are Bern.

>I expected Lambdadelta to enjoy the show, but I didn't expect her to....

Haha. We joked about it in one of the older threads. You said "Will Erika touch herself?" or something like that and I thought "yeah no Erika this time but Lambda is here so...."

>Is it really a punishment if Bernkastel enjoys it? Through she'll have trouble facing anyone from Rokkenjima later.

She only enjoys it physically...but it hurts her pride - which is her weak point. She likes to act tough but doesn't like to expose her weaker side...

>Beatrice being jealous was cute

I kind of went for a Battler + Beato = parents for Ange ending.

>I'll keep it bookmarked for... later use. Maybe I'll write my own later, and I think it'll be heavily inspired from it. Maybe a game that Battler read to Featherine while looking around and finding a shaking little thing hiding on a shelf.

I'm looking forward to that.

Btw, I am thinking about some project too now that I have kind of finished the Tea Party. Possible projects

- Umineko Dating Sim with anons deciding which choice to take at the end of each chapter

- A game between Ange and Black Battler

- A tale where Battler doesn't come back to the family meeting....I don't want to reveal spoilers about this one though but it would have Jessica Route - kind of and some other interesting ideas...it would be like an alternate world.

>> No.15818516
File: 214 KB, 800x800, __frederica_bernkastel_and_ushiromiya_ange_umineko_no_naku_koro_ni_drawn_by_rifyu__c99a8ca38222c6b950c9496067304e49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't fuck with a god.
Darn right, Hanyuu is scary when she's pissed off.

>We joked about it in one of the older threads.
We did but I never expected you to follow. I mean, spanking is pretty lewd, but it's technically safe, so there's no problem with it. However, if you posted your story here directly, it would've been removed because of Lambdadelta.

>She likes to act tough but doesn't like to expose her weaker side...
Just like school bullies. Any following game with Bern will have very long awkward silences. If Battler was more of an asshole, he could very easily have a strange game where everyone get spanked just ot taunt Bernkastel.

>I kind of went for a Battler + Beato = parents for Ange ending.
And that was nice. Ange deserves some happiness after all the shit she goes through.

I'm curious to see a Rokkenjima without Battler. It must be pretty boring for the cousins without Ange or Battler (especially since Jessica and Georges are after the same person), and the atmosphere must be awful without that clown Battler to joke around and take the spotlight. Rudolf can say what he wants, he seem to really like having Battler around.
Oh well, any future interaction between Ange and Bernkastel will be fun. And I kinda want to have Erika coming back as a pawn in Rokkenjima and wondering why everyone is talking about spanking. I'll have to use Beatrice as a game master, she's the only one that would rub it in Bernkastel's face, Battler is too nice.

Honestly though, I don't even know if there are people willing to play anymore. Last time I tried having a game, it died suddenly in the middle.

>> No.15818549

>>15816555 here

Seems like the solution's been posted and I still don't have my foot in the door~ How sad.

I have a feeling Eva nicked the chapel key which makes things easier master key wise but Genji and Rudolf had no business dying to anyone but Kanon which, according to Hideyoshi and Rosa, can't happen. Those 3 chuckleheads sure as hell aren't the culprits so someone from the first 8 must've broken a seal I suppose.

How vexing, how to get out of a sealed chapel seems like the main mystery and I've got no idea.

>> No.15818599

It was only posted in the pastebin, you can very easily skip it.

>> No.15818611

>I'm curious to see a Rokkenjima without Battler. It must be pretty boring for the cousins without Ange or Battler (especially since Jessica and Georges are after the same person), and the atmosphere must be awful without that clown Battler to joke around and take the spotlight. Rudolf can say what he wants, he seem to really like having Battler around.

Hmm...Yeah, Ange might be included after all to make up for Battler.

>Oh well, any future interaction between Ange and Bernkastel will be fun. And I kinda want to have Erika coming back as a pawn in Rokkenjima and wondering why everyone is talking about spanking. I'll have to use Beatrice as a game master, she's the only one that would rub it in Bernkastel's face, Battler is too nice.

Yes, though if you want to write a meaner Battler then go for it. Also, I always forget about Erika for some reason.

>Honestly though, I don't even know if there are people willing to play anymore. Last time I tried having a game, it died suddenly in the middle.

Really? I wasn't around that time otherwise I think I would have kept on playing it. Guess people are bored of it too now. Maybe it would be better to just to stories for now.

So you still haven't read the solution? It is good to see some people are still trying to solve it. Okay then...let's see if I can help you.

>someone from the first 8 must've broken a seal I suppose.

Once something is sealed with duct tape, that area can't be entered or can't be left.

>How vexing, how to get out of a sealed chapel seems like the main mystery and I've got no idea.

The mystery is more like how to get out of the chapel before it is sealed....

>> No.15818612

>I always forget about Erika for some reason.
That's because nobody like Erika.

>> No.15818613
File: 119 KB, 1268x719, recovered-battler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

* I meant it would be better to STICK to stories for now.

>> No.15818640

I like her but she is....unnecessary, I guess. If I want Battler or Ange to have an opponent then I just use Bernkastel. She is like a bonus character. A good bonus character but still just a bonus.

>> No.15818642

Bernkastel's main problem is that she doesn't want to be a pawn for obscure reasons.

>> No.15818658

I don't think she needs any pieces or pawns though. She does better without Battler or Erika.

>> No.15818669
File: 240 KB, 800x800, __furudo_erika_and_ushiromiya_battler_umineko_no_naku_koro_ni_drawn_by_rifyu__16a339d8d4168f31a1a383937fcd95e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet she throws Erika at them. That pervert.

>> No.15818675

>Featherine: How should I punish you?? Last time it was...bathing, before that being chased around by wolves and dogs...now..let's see...Aha. I know a suitable punishment for you.

Who hurt you to make you such a monster?

>> No.15818690

>The mystery is more like how to get out of the chapel before it is sealed....

Weeeel if it's possible to sneak out between the group leaving the chapel and sealing it then it all makes sense. Just how far down the path did they meet Nanjo? He was able to see the door and window and everything!

>> No.15818702

One of the culprits lie during that scene...and it explains how the other got out....

Boredom hurt me.

Is it just me or is Erika basically a lamer version of Bernkastel?

>> No.15818706
File: 373 KB, 1000x1000, 1439757023622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Erika's charm points are totally different from Bern's.

>> No.15818714

>I carry some with me most of the time

Fuck you and your game

Fuck you

Eva, Hide and Fattie

Fuck you

>> No.15818715
File: 453 KB, 800x800, __furudo_erika_lambdadelta_and_ushiromiya_battler_umineko_no_naku_koro_ni_drawn_by_rifyu__2b7724800e93e27e24ffc20bf1cc0104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Erika is just Bernkastel's piece.
Every frustration Bernkastel has, she release them on Erika, constantly threatens her, and the poor girl is broken that any small gifts makes her happy.

>> No.15818729
File: 136 KB, 405x480, bea_akuwaraib2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost...but not really. Nanjo isn't lying.

Erika is a bully who is bullied herself...just like most other 07th characters.

>> No.15818735

Yeah it was Hide lying I know, they had to go back to the guesthouse.

The game is solved, hopefuly, but with hints. Feel free to question or ahaha me at your leisure

>> No.15818744
File: 391 KB, 800x800, __furudo_erika_ushiromiya_ange_and_ushiromiya_battler_umineko_no_naku_koro_ni_drawn_by_rifyu__24ac074a18651390f7755d4e6f2b43eb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, at least it's constant with Ryukishi's works : the people who bully are sad people who got bullied themselves.
Kinzo bullied his kids, who bullied Rosa, who bullies Maria.
Bernkastel bullies Erika, who bullies the pawns and Dlanor's cronies.

It takes someone strong to end the circle of bullying.

>> No.15818754


There isn't much to question though, this solves almost everything I think.
How did you like my game??!! ahaha.wav

Yes and Kinzo was most likely bullied too in the army or/and by his family.

And Bernkastel was bullied by other witches/tortured in the past.

>It takes someone strong to end the circle of bullying.
You mean Maria?

>> No.15818759

Maria or Battler.

And Kinzo wasn't exactly bullied, but he never got to decide anything by himself and was manipulated for most of his life until he met Beatrice.
He's like Monk : a pile of complexes, and an absession for one woman that he loved above everything else.

>> No.15818772

Pretty damn good. I only had Eva's obvious evil to go on until that shit with Kumasawa's master key. Very fun. If you do another I'll solve it without any hints next time!

I'll check my answers to see if I missed anything

>> No.15818787

Huh? Battler wasn't really bullied. He got a pretty normal life, that is why he is relatively okay compared to the others. Or are you talking about the meta? Maria on the other hand....

Then I am happy. I took me ages to make. Was very frustrating. While the problem with making a normal game is that you mustn't give out too much info, in this game you MUST. Otherwise, it can be solved by literally everyone....

That is why I had to have all of them repeat the death of someone or sealing something and things like that....though now that I think about it I could have just used the narration since it is absolutely true...Oh well.

>> No.15818799

For Maria, I'm talking literally, for Battler, I'm talking indirectly. He took all of Beatrice and Bernkastel's bullying, and except for a few dick moves to "his" Beatrice, he turned out okay.

I also think that him being in Rokkenjima helped defuse the situation, because between the adults having money problems, the cousins wanting to fuck Yasu in the butt and Maria getting slapped in the face and getting deeper and deeper in her magical realm, Battler is the only sane man aboard.
Not to mention Rudolf is kind of a dick, even if he mostly grew out of it, it's nice to see Battler isn't taking after him.

>> No.15818810

The constant reassuring purple did a good job of disorienting me personally at least, I had nowhere to latch onto before Eva's last purple. Confirming deaths in the narration would've definitely made it easier. I don't know how many people attempted it but I thought you did a great job with the difficulty.

>> No.15818832

>Battler is the only sane man aboard

Yes, he is objectively the best out of all of them. Though if we look at the events in the meta, he gets charmed by Yasu too....which makes you really think about things.

Krauss and Hideyoshi are decent ones. Same for Gohda and Nanjo. Genji is a psychopath, I think it is pretty clear. And Kumasawa is just..meh...I don't know, she just makes shit worse with her constant bullshit about Beatrice.

Yes, using too much narration would have made everything easier.

Still, I had to redo the whole thing once because I ended up with a shitload of culprits - besides the ones I have wanted. Shit like Nanjo, Genji and Natsuhi and other stuff. I had to look over the ep8 game to get a few ideas. That's when I started to use the sealing method and everyone confirming things for each other.

Shit was fun though. But I won't make one for a while.

>I thought you did a great job with the difficulty.
I tried not to make it too hard or too easy. It is very problematic to determine what is hard, though. I thought everyone would suspect Eva lying about the master key so I had the whole inspecting each other thing written for the 6th Twilight and Natsuhi stating that Eva really destroyed a key.

>> No.15818864

I don't know about Krauss. As another Anon said earlier, Krauss is a decent person by himself, but he's too attached to his "big brother" persona when he's facing the other siblings, so he often get himself in trouble. That often contribute to his murder as he fails to notice how the other hate him.
We never have any details on Gohda, but Nanjo is truly a nice guy, he's just too indecisive. He knows perfectly well about Beatrice and Yasu but never has the courage to stand against Kinzo. It's visible even in the intro where he tells Kinzo to stop drinking the green fairy and Kinzo tells him to go fuck himself.

Kumasawa is a bit more decent than Genji who may literally be a sociopath, but despite being intelligent enough to figure out Yasu's "resurrection" of Beatrice, she doesn't do anything against it.

We never know how they really reacted. Kumasawa's fascination with Beatrice may just be bullshit the Episode 1 invented.

>> No.15818865
File: 175 KB, 640x480, me_si_aw_a2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the sonozaki sisters have got the best sprites. smug shmion, determined shmion, sad shmion, you can't go wrong
it's unfortunate that mion definitely got the worst update with the new Steam sprites. shion is ok though.

>> No.15818876

Shion is shit.

Unlike Umineko who's mainly a fabrication, everything in Higurashi really happened. And guess who tortured everyone to death?

Meanwhile Mion is sweet, cute, nice, and best girlfriend.

>> No.15818893

>he's too attached to his "big brother" persona when he's facing the other siblings, so he often get himself in trouble. That often contribute to his murder as he fails to notice how the other hate him.

I think he knows exactly well how much the others hate him, that is why he tries to act tough. Otherwise he would be chewed to pieces - maybe literally.
I have always got the impression that in his younger days he was just like his younger siblings but as time went on he became more and more of a nicer, normal person. However, he has to show the self to the others that they knew when they were younger.

The worst one is Rudolf out of the four siblings, in my opinion. No matter how much I like him. Lying to Kyrie and Asumu about their children...what the hell? Also, bullying Rosa more cruelly than Eva and Krauss....yeah, he is a bastard all right.

>> No.15819064
File: 192 KB, 640x480, mion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would a handjob from Mion feel like?

>> No.15819113

At least Rudolf got chewed by Battler and Kyrie for his womanizing tendencies and wanted to admit his flaws. Krauss still lives in denial.

Like getting wanked with a boxing glove.

>> No.15819205
File: 250 KB, 650x900, __featherine_augustus_aurora_frederica_bernkastel_furude_rika_and_hanyuu_higurashi_no_naku_koro_ni_and_umineko_no_naku_koro_ni_drawn_by_dynamite_kit__dee2e01d4246e4c5bd14f728d2937e9d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not exactly into spanking but I liked the mental image of Bernkastel getting chased around by a goat while everyone was watching. The part with 34 was weird tho mang senpai famalam.

>> No.15819244

>The part with 34 was weird tho

It just wrote itself...I am innocent.

Krauss' only flaw is that he is stupid and incompetent. Rudolf is actually smart but he is a manipulating cunt.

>> No.15819268

From a spankfag's perspective, the spanking itself is too short to be wanked to, but the buildup is pretty fun.
Especially how quickly Bernkastel goes from being a brat to begging Featherine for mercy.

I don't know, I can't decide if Rudolf is evil or just dumb.
He did switched the kids between Asumu and Kyrie, but I think he may have panicked back then and wanted his wife to have his kid instead of his lover.

He was definitely an unpleasant little shit as a kid, but I think that like Krauss, he got trapped in his role as a womanizer but that unlike Krauss, he wants to come clean instead of keeping the lie..

>> No.15819291

Where can I find the other teaparties and games?
Do you have a site?

>> No.15819332


Well, I ain't exactly a spankfag, it was a request. But that request started this whole series so I am glad that guy was so persistent about a tea party. Because I ended up enjoying writing this shit.


http://pastebin.com/QqFvm8YM - Chapter 1

http://pastebin.com/5WUU5Zx7 - Chapter 2

http://pastebin.com/xkNMb9NN - Ch 3

http://pastebin.com/YjDytShL - Ch 4

http://pastebin.com/87jZpXNV - Ch 5

http://pastebin.com/qr9uDq3Z -Ch 6

http://pastebin.com/ab0ijFQ3 - Ch 7

Keep in mind that the story starts when the characters already watched 2 of my games. Those games were played in Umineko threads here.

>> No.15819357

And while the spanking was a bit short, the buildup was really fun.
Watching Battler getting bullied was fun, watching Bernkastel being terrified was fun, and I still don't know whose side Lambdadelta is.

>> No.15819365

torrent when?

>> No.15819475

Yeah, it is fun for me too...to write it and then reading others' thoughts on my work... I am currently writing "Massacre of The Golden Witch". We will see how it will turn out.

>I still don't know whose side Lambdadelta is.

Whoever gives her the most Bern-pussy,

>> No.15819485

For whatever reason, the latest episode of Rewrite announced an Umineko Chiru anime at the end. How do you feel?

>> No.15819498
File: 324 KB, 480x593, __ushiromiya_jessica_and_ushiromiya_natsuhi_umineko_no_naku_koro_ni_drawn_by_matokichi__c12bdcfca0602266de975c1f4f997f2c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking of writing a sequel for it. Either one with Beato making a really weird game for Bernkastel with 400% more spanking, or a more legit one where Battler just read it to Featherine.

>> No.15819535

Fuckin what?

>> No.15819546

Wait, is this for real?

I am looking forward to either one.

>> No.15819659


>> No.15819729
File: 228 KB, 584x319, 1468019351284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always liked Featherine's sprites.

>> No.15819734
File: 399 KB, 621x474, featherine digs ange.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she hitting on Ange?
As much as a cosmic god-like being can flirt with a species which is like an ant to them.

>> No.15819735

Her character is a bit pathetic.
>hey I'm famous on the internet for my stories
>so I like to self-insert in them
>also my self-insert is a Mary-Sue

>> No.15819762
File: 581 KB, 750x956, ber_a23_驚き1汗.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Featherine: I think it is time for me to punish you.
>Bernkastel: !! I'm sorry...Auau, forgive me...please...
This will be difficult to top that.
I want to see Bernkastel's despairing face. I want to lick her terror.

>> No.15819763
File: 217 KB, 800x700, 4134dc712083d7122bf18e9b9023fb06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is she hitting on Ange?
If she is I wouldn't blame her. Boredom makes you try strange things.

>> No.15819766

Goodness gravious, that ass could double as a pillow.

>> No.15819825
File: 1.54 MB, 1920x1080, 20334106_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As one would expect from arguably the best ass in the series. Plus, Ange has two sets of potential pillows.

>> No.15819867

Are we still doing games? I made one about a week ago but never posted it because the threads were being flooded with two games a day and I imagined people would get bored with them. Been away since then.

>> No.15819871

Yeah, they're still happening. Go ahead and post yours.

>> No.15819906
File: 197 KB, 1184x741, gameboard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright. Then let's begin.

Detective: Ushiromiya Battler
Cast changes: Shannon and Kanon are not in this game. Erika is.

See pic for a full rundown of the murders. Hit me with your best shot.
I will try not to give out reds as easy as the others. Try and fight me with the blue and I will counter with red.

>> No.15820019

Alright, I guess I’ll start with the easiest looking part, the end.

/blue/ The person who killed the people in the gold room activated the timer for the bomb mechanism. George, Battler, and Kinzo were killed in the explosion when it went off at midnight.

>> No.15820061
File: 77 KB, 850x575, 26465424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/RED/ The person who killed the people in the gold room did not activate the timer for the bomb machanism.
/RED/ George, Battler, and Kinzo were killed in the explosion when it went off at midnight.

I am prepared to give some quick reds to get the game started. I just wanted to avoid a sea of red that would make players just cross off people until they get the answer. I want to see some theories in the end.

>> No.15820141

Understandable. You went through all the trouble of making this scenario after all. It's only natural that you'd want to here our theories. So how about this...

/blue/ All of the adults worked together with Erika to solve the epitaph. Upon discovering the gold, Krauss became worried that his embezzlement would be exposed, so he and Natsuhi decided to kill everyone present. However, one of the victims, perhaps Erika or Kyrie, managed to notice the bomb mechanism and activated it without Krauss and Natsuhi realizing.

>> No.15820163

/Blue/ The murders were carried out for the sake of the money.
Also, did Battler confirm the deaths of the first twilight?

>> No.15820188

Maybe if you're a goat.

>> No.15820206

You are competent.

/RED/ Krauss and Natsuhi killed the six people in the gold room after they all discovered the gold.
/RED/ Erika or Kyrie did not activate the bomb.

/RED/ The money played a part in the motive of the murders.
/RED/ Battler only confirmed the deaths of Rudolf and Kyrie. He was too distraught after that and left the crime scene.

>> No.15820284

Alright, then how about this.

/blue/ Afraid that Nanjo would be able to prove their guilt if he examined the bodies, Natsuhi decided to get rid of him. She attacked Nanjo with a weapon and managed to kill him, but was then discovered by Genji, who ended up strangling her to death while trying to apprehend her. Krauss then attacked Genji, strangling him in retaliation. Taking the key to Kinzo’s study from Genji’s corpse, Krauss then proceeded to kill both Kumasawa and Gohda by forcing them into the boiler and out the window of said study.

>> No.15820365
File: 81 KB, 850x1133, 972367624375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<Good. Very good>

/RED/ Nanjo was killed to ensure he would not be able to examine any bodies!
/RED/ Natsuhi did not kill Nanjo, nor did she attack him!
/RED/ Genji was not strangled by Krauss or Natsuhi!
/RED/ Krauss did not murder Kumasawa or Gohda!

You are very competent. I believe you will be able to solve this game. But you must not forget that without love, it cannot be seen.

>> No.15820427
File: 20 KB, 170x170, 1430851662742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hideyoshi are decent ones.
>"Accidentally shoot Krauss after Eva "accidentally" shoot Natsuhi.

>> No.15820431

>Unlike Umineko who's mainly a fabrication, everything in Higurashi really happened. And guess who tortured everyone to death?
She also saved the village and redeemed herself by giving her life for business she had no part of.

>> No.15820439
File: 401 KB, 973x1400, 032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>also my self-insert is a Mary-Sue
>Implying it's not the other way around

>> No.15820466

I see my style of making a picture to make it simpler to keep tracks of everything is getting popular.

A shame it's too late for me. Good night.

>> No.15820488
File: 72 KB, 640x480, Japan take on China.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ryu07's stance on the jap-chink relationship is interesting.

>> No.15820492

>/RED/ Krauss and Natsuhi killed the six people in the gold room after they all discovered the gold.

>/RED/ Nanjo was killed to ensure he would not be able to examine any bodies!

Request for clarification. "the six" refers to Eva, Hideyoshi, Rudolf, Kyrie, Rosa, and Erika, correct? And all six were dead before the death of Nanjo?

>> No.15820494

I made that a week ago when we were getting two games a day. But like I said, I saved my game for when things cooled down a little.
I guess great minds think alike.

Don't suppose you have a link to your game? I was away for a few days.

>> No.15820497
File: 107 KB, 640x480, China take on Japan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15820499

I like how Ikuko is actually more of a Mary-Sue self insert than Featherine. She literally comes out of nowhere to win the heart of the main character after his canon love interest dies. It's like a high-school girls fan-fiction.

>> No.15820509
File: 127 KB, 640x480, China forgives Japan 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we see Meixue using the classic "the chinks just need a good apology" message from the chinks and S. Koreans

>> No.15820513

Unfortunately, I didn't save it. Nor I know where the archive is, sorry.

>> No.15820521
File: 133 KB, 640x480, China forgives Japan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then Alan goes straight for the brawl.

>> No.15820530

Request denied. Battler only examined Kyrie and Rudolf. However!
/RED/ Kyrie and Rudolf are definitely dead!
/RED/ Eva, Hideyoshi, Rosa or Erika did not kill Nanjo!

>> No.15820531
File: 135 KB, 640x480, China forgives Japan 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe the younger chinks don't actually hate the japs? Or do they?

To this day, anti-jap/anti-chink events are still regularly hold in both countries.

>> No.15820538
File: 128 KB, 640x480, China forgives Japan 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And a pretty neat conclusion.

>> No.15820551
File: 134 KB, 640x480, China forgives Japan 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still, Meixue's counterpoint.

Sound like a naive princess.

So, Ryu07 himself, despite criticize of the japs, have always taken the side of the japs, this shows when even Meixue himself think WW2 was "just a war" and that times will heal all wounds.

This fits neatly into modern Japan's political message where WW2 was just an unfortunate event that both sides have to get over, and the chinks have to forgive the japs.

>> No.15820564

Well, the Emperor was pressured into going to war, to be honest. There was even a conspiration to keep him from surrendering.

>> No.15820567

She doesn't win his heart, though.
They live together but it was never confirmed if they were in a romantic relationship.
>mystery woman saves you and you have amnesia
>your family is dead
>no money
>she's willing to give you room and board
Battler didn't have many other options.

>> No.15820578
File: 125 KB, 395x395, We do have sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They live together but it was never confirmed if they were in a romantic relationship.

>> No.15820583

/blue/ Kinzo chopped off Krauss' head, his motive was Krauss's incompetence at leading his business.

To cut someone's head and throw it in the fire, it takes a lot of hate.

>> No.15820584

For example, it's like saying only Hitler was evil, and the germans were free of guilt, and the ruskies/jews to have get it over.

This kind of this would be deemed nazi sympathizing if spoken in our world.

Only places like Japan, where nationalists still have legit mainstream support, has games about that message.

>> No.15820597

Does that mean Gamemaster!Battler and Featherine are...

>> No.15820613

Your theory is wrong, however:
/RED/ To cut someone's head and throw it in the fire, it takes a lot of hate.
/RED/This is absolutely true!

Do not mistake me for a brutal game master. I did not write a brutal death just for the thrill, there is reason behind the action, or as I stated earlier, without love, it cannot be seen.

>> No.15820635

So Kinzo did it?
Jesus, how fucking pissed off was he?

Not exactly, but an argument I heard (and used) a lot when studying German in college was that only nazis were evil. The average German soldiers didn't know about the camps and the whole Final Solution thing.

In fact, they even started using gas chambers because the soldiers couldn't stand executing civilians, it affected them.

>> No.15820641

The soldiers did execute civies so it's a moot point. As always, they will always these are partisans, and the people will never accept that excuse.

It's the gas chambers that are legit point of obscurity, because there are evidences that they simply cannot simply kill that much in such a short time.

This is another point of RGD, truth is lost in war.

>> No.15820643

>As always, they soldiers will always say these are partisans, and the people will never accept that excuse.

>> No.15820646

Most of the civvies executed were either presented as terrorists or partisans.
As you said, information doesn't travel well in war, and thinking that every soldier knows everything is wrong.

Except for Oradour s/ Glane. They knew what they were doing.

>> No.15820651

So let me get this straight.
The only confirmed deaths we have of the first Twilight are Rudolf and Kyrie. We don't know about the other four.
Nanjo is definitely dead, and the motive was to make sure he couldn't examine the corpses.
Genji is most likely also dead. Krauss as well, I think.

Grant me this one, is Kinzo alive at the start of the game?

>> No.15820660

Wasn't it confirmed that Kinzo killed Krauss?

>> No.15820661

As said, the people will not accept that the soldiers killed partisans, so it doesn't matter either ways.
>As you said, information doesn't travel well in war, and thinking that every soldier knows everything is wrong.
No, it's less about that, but more about everyone has their own viewpoint in the war, and even the nazis do not think they are evil.

>> No.15820668

They knew what they were doing. That's why they all tried to run away.

>> No.15820678

/RED/Kinzo is alive from the start of the game!
/RED/ Kinzo did not kill Krauss!

/RED/It would take an exceptional kind of hate to kill Krauss in that fashion.

>> No.15820683

Did they run away?

I mean, most of them died fighting the americans coming soon after.

>> No.15820694

/blue/ Kinzo was killed by an adult who somehow faked his death!
/blue/ The hate that caused Krauss' horrible death could only be developped by a human!

No way any of the cousins did it. Same with poor Nanjo, he got a horrible death.

Why is there so many war criminals in Argentina, then?

>> No.15820705

Because there is the jewish Mossad, created for the purpose of capturing them and imprisoning them?

>> No.15820711

The Mossad only appeared waaaaay later. I'm talking of the end of the war, as the Allies and the commies made their way to Berlin.

>> No.15820718

Then they run away from allies and commies, who actually capture and imprison them?

>> No.15820731

>/blue/ Kinzo was killed by an adult who somehow faked his death!
/RED/ Kinzo was not killed. He died when the bomb went off.
/RED/ The hate that caused Krauss' horrible death could only be developped by a human!

/RED/ The cousins, or, Battler, George, Jessica or Maria did not kill Krauss. Nor did they kill Nanjo.
/RED/ Nanjo's brutal death was not done out of hate. He simply had to die and the manner was convenient to the culprit's plans.

>> No.15820733
File: 186 KB, 386x388, Ikuko&#039;s plan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just think about it from Ikuko's point of view.

>Live together with an amnesiac bishounen.
>He frequently proofreads your mystery novels for you.
>Decide to write alternate versions of yourselves into your stories.
>Have them fuck.
>He reads it he gets aroused.
>Convince him that you'll need some "inspiration" for your next work...

>> No.15820746
File: 213 KB, 1200x875, CR-BG-Mower-Uniform-Wheel-Size-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant Krauss, dammit. I know how Kinzo died.

>Nanjo's brutal death was not done out of hate. He simply had to die and the manner was convenient to the culprit's plans.

Look at the fucking size of that shitty piece of shit! How "convenient" is that shit, unless Nanjo is napping in the grass? And even so, there are better ways to kill someone that don't make a lot of noise or turn the guy's face into a tartar steak! The only reason you put someone's face in the wringler is that you want to mutilate his face.

So lewd that Ikuko.

>> No.15820767

If Lion is Yasu's ideal, so that means Will is Yasu's ideal of Battler?

>> No.15820785
File: 176 KB, 400x406, 87874742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I meant Krauss, dammit. I know how Kinzo died.
Then allow me to elucidate you.
/RED/ Krauss was not killed by an adult who somehow faked his/her own death!

And now this! Your own words, repeated in red!!
/RED/ The only reason you put someone's face in the wringler is that you want to mutilate his face.

Hit me with your best BLUE anon!

>> No.15820788
File: 399 KB, 800x800, __belphegor_benon_hachijou_ikuko_and_hachijou_tooya_umineko_no_naku_koro_ni_drawn_by_rifyu__eb59bc2e2b1fee7d862abd9d90f1d6c5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is tagged as Umineko on Danbooru but that doesn't look like it's Umineko.

>> No.15820819

So Krauss was not killed by an adult who faked his death, and the cousins didn't kill Krauss.
And Kinzo didn't kill Krauss.

/blue/ Yasu killed Krauss out of bitter hatred for constantly having treated him like crap despite him giving up on the inheritance for their sake.

>> No.15820865
File: 642 KB, 907x1136, 5465465425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/RED/ Yasu, Shannon or Kanon are not a part of this game, as stated at the start.

But I will repeat some reds.
/RED/ Krauss was killed. His head was chopped off his body and thrown into the fireplace to burn!
/RED/ The body and head definitely belonged to Krauss!
/RED/ Krauss was not killed by any of the victims of the first Twilight! Nor was he killed by any one the cousins!


>> No.15820881

Ha, okay. I just referred to the picture and the /red/ you added later.
Just to confirm it :
/blue/ Gohda is actually a faggot! He killed Krauss because he knew his love wouldn't be answered!

This is obviously false, but it'll give me some more intel.

>> No.15820904

/blue/ Krauss' murderer is actually not from this world. It was a trap that hit him blindly!

>> No.15820913

/RED/ Gohda killed Krauss! He sliced his head off and threw it into the fireplace to burn! However, the motive you mentioned is UNTRUE.

>> No.15820917
File: 128 KB, 800x850, 01c3209c44d41cf253f228e65c86b81f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought Ange was nopan

>> No.15820931

/blue/ Gohda killed Krauss because he was in love with Jessica!

>> No.15820956
File: 379 KB, 504x398, 862446.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/RED/ Gohda did not kill Krauss because he was in love with Jessica.

You've all solved about half of the mystery by now. Please come at me with full force using your azure theories of BLUE! Can you explain the Twilights in order...? I wonder...

>> No.15820971

Okay, one more try.

/blue/ Gohda witnessed Krauss murdering Natushi, this is why he killed Krauss.

>> No.15820978

Before the endgame, I'm gonna need some clarification.
Was the gold room locked after the discovery of the bodies of the first twilight?
Was the shed locked after the discovery of Nanjo/Natsuhi/Genji?

>> No.15820993

I will grant you this red:
/RED/ Gohda killed Krauss out of love for Natsuhi, but he did not witness Krauss murdering Natsuhi.

>> No.15821001

/RED/ The gold room was not locked after the discovery of the first Twilight.
/RED/ The shed was locked after the discovery of Nanjo, Natushi and Genji.

>> No.15821198

/Blue/ Then Gohda tried to confront Krauss about Natsuhi and, upon meeting with Krauss' facade, was enraged and murdered him.

>> No.15821649
File: 211 KB, 480x660, 29860398_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe those aren't actually panties, just panty-shaped censorship.

>> No.15821672
File: 574 KB, 800x1094, FErika296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite color is blue

>> No.15821820
File: 746 KB, 750x1000, 34631460_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the best yuri pairing in Umineko?

>> No.15821837
File: 189 KB, 850x944, 1473094648636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is objectively the best yuri pairing

>> No.15821858

It's hard to decide between Dlanor x Erika and Lambda x Bern.

>> No.15821891

Is any new Umineko stuff coming out any time soon? Like an english OMK Cross patch or anything?

>> No.15821896

That's only because she's been in Japan. Apathy is only built when you don't see the people themselves. Collectivism is a very different thing when placed to the individual. She's ready to forgive because she doesn't consider herself a collectivist.

>> No.15822236

/RED/ Gohda did not kill Krauss because of his "facade". In other words, Krauss died for personal reasons that did not involve his embezzlement.

>> No.15822389
File: 401 KB, 1000x1000, 54727950_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ErikaxLambda is the best pairing.

Nothing beats that except maybe loli AngexMaria

>> No.15822399

lolixloli is god tier by default.

>> No.15822440

That's pretty obscure.
I can just picture Maria teaching Ange "magic that makes you feel good when you're by yourself."

>> No.15822468
File: 419 KB, 571x652, 1458323243535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want them to stop fighting over Bern and learn to appreciate each other.

>> No.15822492

>I want them to stop fighting over Bern
That's what I mean. You don't usually see Erika and Lambda in a pair on their own. If they're together, it's usually in a threesome with Bern.

>> No.15822502

That's a cute 34.

Personal reasons, but that involve love. I'm a bit out of ideas.

>> No.15822534
File: 92 KB, 425x366, 1419048101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manga 34 is the cutest 34, my friend.

>> No.15822540
File: 514 KB, 729x828, lam_b21_悪笑い6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Until she starts making faces.

All the witches are pretty cute but have the most nightmarish faces.

>> No.15822658

You saved all of them somewhere?

>> No.15822676

Jesus fuck I just thought of the most obvious thing ever.
Do you know why rule 34 exist? How it's assured that if it exist, there is porn of it, right?
Because it's certain to happen by Lambda. The rule itself is named after her, she is giving her blessing to the rule always happening with certainly.

Holy shit.

>> No.15822685
File: 500 KB, 658x762, __frederica_bernkastel_and_furude_rika_higurashi_no_naku_koro_ni_and_umineko_no_naku_koro_ni_drawn_by_furekuru_freckle__4dd7bd8a8336d105b4f9122cd3f75683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15822704

I'm freaking out. It's the most obvious thing ever and I don't think anyone has ever noticed.
The one thing that is absolutely sure for certain to happen on the internet and it's named after her.

This is without a doubt proof that Lambda and witches exist in OUR world.

>> No.15822709

Rika's in for a huge spanking once Bernkastel freed herself.

That's theorically selfcest.

As long as they aren't Dario Argento's witches, we're fine.

>> No.15822718

>Rika's in for a huge spanking once Bernkastel freed herself.
I would fuck Bernkastel's shit before she ever comes close to her.

>> No.15822722

Goat, please.

>> No.15822727

Love commands me!

>> No.15822737 [DELETED] 

>rule 34
??? What are you talking about? Also kill yourself
You too

>> No.15822744

>??? What are you talking about? Also kill yourself
Jesus fuck Juju, were you born yesterday? At least fucking google it you dumb shit.
>huuuurrrrr whats thaat, better just tell him to kill himself

>> No.15822746
File: 827 KB, 396x426, Cute goat.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anally attacking Bernkastel hardly qualifies as "love", goat.
What with Bern's butt anyway? Someone wants to spank it, and you want to fuck it.

>> No.15822748

No? I want her dead.

>> No.15822760 [DELETED] 

Oh I see. Just porn. Boring.
Why are you still alive, Stanley?

>> No.15822766

>Oh I see. Just porn. Boring.
It's not the content itself but the assiduity of porn existing on all subjects. Without fail, there will be born of it. With absolute certainty. And it's named RULE 34.

Holy fucking shit.
It's like the greatest ultimate 4th wall break.

>> No.15822806
File: 28 KB, 704x396, rudolf and kyrie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


MASSACRE OF THE GOLDEN WITCH Chapter 1 - Setting up the pieces

Welcome to Rokkenjima. This tale won't be an ordinary one so it is advised to be prepared.
But other than some oddities the difficulty shouldn't be much of a problem for a veteran like yourself.
Please accept the invitation. Let's have some fun.

So I am back, I wrote the Tea Party series. This is continues the meta events from there, it is a game between Bern and Lambda....but this time Bern controls the fantasy side and Lambda controls the mystery side.

I only put them on pastebin but I have them on my computer.

>> No.15822830

I'll have to save them later then.

You said "fuck her shit up". If that doesn't mean "molesting between the buttocks", I don't know what that means.


>> No.15822846

>Haven't you rubbed it in my face countless times already?!
That's not enough.

So Gohda killed Krauss and killed himself for an obscure reason.
But then who killed Jessica and Maria?
Didn't you said Kinzo didn't kill anyone, or was it just Krauss that he didn't kill?

>> No.15822890

/RED/ Kinzo did not kill anyone until the bomb went off.
/RED/ Jessica and Maria were not killed by Rudolf, Kyrie, Eva, Hideyoshi, Rosa, Erika, Krauss or Natsuhi!
/RED/ In this game, an alliance is broken, twice.

>> No.15822906

/blue/ Genji actually survived, and he killed Jessica and Maria.

Shit, I dunno. I should restart from the beginning and compile all the red that has been given already.

>> No.15822933

So what did you think about the prologue to my new story? The main characters in Bern's game will be Rudolf and Jessica. And two other...but I don't want to spoil anything.

>> No.15822956

I think it's perfectly solvable at this point as long as you look at all the reds.

>> No.15822977

Looks like I missed most of the game while I was asleep. Well, here's a theory anyway.

/blue/ Krauss ordered Genji to kill Nanjo in order to ensure that none of the bodies would be examined. He also ordered him to kill Natsuhi because he was afraid that she could not keep the deaths a secret. Gohda caught Genji as he was hiding the bodies in the shed and strangled him to death. He then attacked Krauss for betraying Natsuhi, cutting off his head.

I also have a few requests for repitition.

"Both Jessica and Maria's deaths were homicide"

"There were no survivors left on the island after the explosion."

>> No.15822986
File: 1.04 MB, 1872x741, New canvas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You made Kyrie a complete psycho.

The problem is that there are two of us on it and it's been two days already, so it's complicated.

Anyway, let's compile what we got so far.

/blue/ Krauss and Natsuhi committed the first murders. Then Gohda betrayed Krauss and killed him, and Natsuhi killed him, then she killed Jessica and Maria.

>> No.15822992

I will repeat it in red.
/RED/ Jessica and Maria were killed by a single person. They did not attack each other!
/RED/ There were no survivors left on the island after the explosion.

As for your theory:
/RED/ Genji did not kill Nanjo! Nor did Krauss order Genji to kill anyone!
/RED/ Krauss loved Natsuhi and would never want to see her harmed. He did not kill her, or order her death!

/RED/ Gohda strangled Genji.

>> No.15822994

/blue/ Also, Nanjo was originally part of the conspiracy. His "death" is actually faked, it's Kinzo's body!

>> No.15823005

/RED/ Natsuhi did not kill Jessica and Maria.

/RED/ Nanjo did not work with anyone during the game. He was killed. He is definitely dead, although the face is mutilated, it is definitely him.

>> No.15823010

How was Nanjo's murder discovered? Was there a hint in the room that the murderer tried to hide by mutilating the body?

>> No.15823038

/RED/ Battler, George, Jessica, Maria, Gohda, Kumasawa and Krauss found the bodies locked in the shed. Kumasawa unlocked the shed. Battler saw Nanjo's corpse and ran away in despair again. No hints were present in the room that would make the murderer mutilate Nanjo's corpse. However, it was important for the murderer's plans that Nanjo's face was mutilated!

>> No.15823055

I get it.
/blue/ Natsuhi mutilated Nanjo's face because Krauss was jealous of Nanjo's facial hair! The truth is that Krauss wants to have a beard, but he can't!

Deny me that, but you can't!

>> No.15823065

In that case, how about this?

/blue/ Krauss killed Nanjo himself to prevent him from examining the bodies.

/blue/ Kinzo ordered Genji to stop Natsuhi and Krauss. Genji ended up accidentally strangling Natsuhi while trying to apprehend them.

/blue/ Kinzo secretly activated the bomb mechanism after learning of the deaths of his two close friends.

>> No.15823075

/RED/ Krauss did not kill Nanjo!
/RED/ Kinzo did not order Genji to do anything. Genji did not strangle Natsuhi.
/RED/ Kinzo did not activate the bomb mechanism alone.

/RED/ Krauss was jealous of Nanjo's facial hair! This has absolutely nothing to do with the game at all though!

>> No.15823105

/blue/ Battler activated the self-destruction out of grief after Rudolf's death, with Kinzo's help.
/blue/ Kinzo understood that his kid wanted to murder him, so he retaliated by deceiving Battler.
/blue/ Nanjo is actually Kinzo's secret brother, his face was mutilated to keep anyone from recognizing the facial structure!

>> No.15823128

>/RED/ Natsuhi did not kill Nanjo, nor did she attack him!
>/RED/ Eva, Hideyoshi, Rosa or Erika did not kill Nanjo!
>/RED/ The cousins, or, Battler, George, Jessica or Maria did not kill Krauss. Nor did they kill Nanjo.
>/RED/ Genji did not kill Nanjo!
>/RED/ Krauss did not kill Nanjo!

We're running out of options fast. Rudolf and Kyrie are dead at that point, Kumasawa seems totally unrelated to the rest of the murders, and I highly doubt Kinzo would kill Nanjo. In that case I guess it would have to be Gohda who killed Nanjo. Since it was already confirmed that he killed Genji, perhaps he killed all three of the bodies in the shed.

Also, while we're at it.

/blue/ Kinzo, George, and Battler activated the bomb themselves, driven to despair after the deaths of the others.

/blue/ Jessica pushed Gohda out the window after discovering that he killed her parents.

>> No.15823140

/RED/ Battler did not activate the bomb with Kinzo.
/RED/ Kinzo was in hiding for most of the game. No one on the island had seen him until the final moment where Kinzo activates the bomb with one other person. Kinzo did not kill anyone until the bomb is activated, nor did he order any person to kill. The bomb was activated by Kinzo and the other person in order to kill themselves.

I will employ the green truth, otherwise known as the green hint! But I'll spoiler it just in case.
>Nanjo's corpse was moved after the discovery of the bodies in the shed.

>> No.15823147

/RED/ Gohda killed Nanjo and mutilated his face.
/RED/ George and Battler were not present when the bomb was activated by Kinzo and the other person.
/RED/ Jessica did not commit murder.

>> No.15823168

I can't believe I didn't think of this until now.

/blue/ The body outside the window is actually Nanjo, not Gohda.

>> No.15823171

Was Nanjo's face mutiled out of hate?

>> No.15823180

/RED/ You are correct. Nanjo's corpse was mutilated in order to stage the scene of Gohda's apparent death. Gohda was never pushed out of the window. He simply dressed Gohda in his clothes and dragged him underneath the window. The family all assumed it was Gohda who had fallen face-first onto the ground, but it was actually Nanjo's body!

Now let's see if you can solve all the Twilights.

>> No.15823182

TRi promised torrent where?

>> No.15823196

Just fuck off already with your spam.

>> No.15823197 [DELETED] 

I got bored of these games.
This is funny.

>> No.15823209
File: 163 KB, 561x600, Krauss mustache.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/RED/ Krauss was jealous of Nanjo's facial hair! This has absolutely nothing to do with the game at all though!

>> No.15823225
File: 301 KB, 866x1000, 58172793_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Gohda, Krauss and Natsuhi killed everyone, except Gohda ended up betraying everyone.
Case closed.
I'll see you in two days.

>> No.15823246

You have no love, anon. Doesn't motive, means and opportunity mean anything to you?

>> No.15823256
File: 674 KB, 700x800, 46576765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/RED/ Gohda did not betray Krauss or Natsuhi.
/RED/ Gohda never worked with Krauss.
/RED/ Gohda did not activate the bomb together with Kinzo.

>> No.15823259 [DELETED] 

These games are lame and boring. A game that nobody plays, all that effort of the amateur writers being wasted, that's my idea of funny

>> No.15823263 [DELETED] 

And dead threads are very comfy too

>> No.15823264

Missing a train will rob me of my love.


>> No.15823266
File: 141 KB, 395x541, Gohda knuckles bloody.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15823270

Bernkastel, please.
Time for round 2.

>> No.15823284 [DELETED] 

No thanks. I'm dont like these game. I don't find them interesting. And don't call me Bernkastel, only dumb idiots roleplay, you dumb idiot.

>> No.15823291
File: 516 KB, 729x956, ber_a21_デフォ1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for another punishment, Bernkastel.

>> No.15823298 [DELETED] 
File: 614 KB, 350x382, Unholy hate burning inside.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuck. Don't reply back to me, Stanley.

>> No.15823308
File: 1.96 MB, 350x271, ban evading ban evading ban evading.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not fair

>> No.15823345 [DELETED] 
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>I'm not dead yet
I love to I win.

>> No.15823353

>I love to I win.
God dammit. I mean, I love to win.

>> No.15823362

No, because Tohya is not Battler. Battler died that day on Rokkenjima and his spirit when in Purgatorio with Yasu.

>> No.15823375

How dare you interrupt my victory

>> No.15823413
File: 77 KB, 318x451, 1264531041085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when Kinzo edits were all the rage?

>> No.15823422

I wasn't here, so nope.

>> No.15823430
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>> No.15823480


>> No.15823495
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Kinzo needs more edits.

>> No.15823833

I don't like Kinzo edits because there was a forum I used to go where a guy would always self-insert as him and be a self-centered douche.

I'd rather have Yasu or Bernkastel.

My headcanon>your headcanon.
BattlerxFeatherine for the win!

>> No.15823845
File: 124 KB, 800x1160, umineko-no-naku-koro-ni-chiru-episode-8-twilight-of-the-golden-witch-6094861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My headcanon>your headcanon.

>> No.15824142

Let me put it in simple terms.

Me : good.
You : ungood.

>> No.15824159

does anyone that wanted the Tri OST still need the link?

>> No.15824170

steel need the full game, you mean. Yes, I do.

>> No.15824176
File: 80 KB, 600x600, 040030357971-1p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I just got the Umineko Tarot 2015 deck, and there is a pretty detailed booklet with the reading styles and detailed analysis of the Major Arcana (the is no minor) but its all in Moon.

If anyone's interested I can scan it, my moon isn't proficient enough for a good translation but I would love to know how to read these cards.

>> No.15824183

No, you don't

>> No.15824194

No, you don't.

>> No.15824198

Thanks, guys.

>> No.15824216

I'm actually willing to buy the damn thing, but every time I try to my order gets cancelled, so it looks like I'll have to wait for a torrent too.

>> No.15824235

Weird. What are you using?

>> No.15824238

utorrent 1.8.2

>> No.15824248

I'm trying to use Tenso to buy it from Toranoana.

>> No.15824261

just get it off of amiami dude, it and RGD best are still in stock

>> No.15824309

I'll try it I guess. Do they actually ship overseas, or do I need to register with another group to act as a proxy?

>> No.15824333

They ship overseas, they give you a few options. EMS shipping is a little expensive but in my part of the world games show up in 2 days after paying for them

>> No.15824352
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Sure, why not?

>> No.15824361

Thanks for letting me know. I was already halfway through registering on the Japanese version of the site using my Tenso address before I even realized that there was an option like that for foreigners.

>> No.15824392

Well, I placed another order. Hopefully it works this time.

>> No.15824485

Will you upload a torrent when you have it?

>> No.15824488


>> No.15824498

This is my 4th time ordering it. I'm not even sure if it will arrive, let alone if I want to try making a torrent of it.

>> No.15824525

with all the time you've spent on making these posts you could've gotten a job and made enough money to import it yourself already

>> No.15824886

Someone will upload a torrent eventually. Don't worry.
I'm not paying a cent before I know if it's actually good after the disaster iwaihime was.

>> No.15824932

Saying something like that will just make people want to upload it even less.

>> No.15824962

No one from this thread will upload anything.
I'll wait for the usual uploaders.

>> No.15825000

It's only been like a week. I'm pretty sure only a few people in this thread even have the game at this point. And you just keep badgering those same few people who have already said that they won't upload it.

>> No.15825067

I'm not the same guy actually.
Wasn't that obvious?

>> No.15825081

Not really. Sorry.

>> No.15825219
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MASSACRE OF THE GOLDEN WITCH - Chapter 2: A strange Fragment

With the usual Bern trolling...and other stuff.

>> No.15825294

I hope it's safe, I'm not on my computer right now.
>He said Rudolf has always been a good for nothing scoundrel who never keeps his promises and ten out of ten things that come out of his mouth are lies and half-truths.
Technically, that would mean that seven and a half things out of ten are false.

>> No.15825315


You mean porn? This chapter doesn't have any. Maybe I should put a warning to chapters that have some.

>Technically, that would mean that seven and a half things out of ten are false.

Really? Well, that still means he is lying most of the time.

>> No.15825329

At least it proves that on top of being a dick, Krauss can't count.

That explains why his business goes so poorly.

>> No.15825350


Well, Krauss has always been the dumbest one.
But don't insult the moon business...it is just ahead of its time.

>> No.15825385

Okay, I finished it.

That probably doesn't like a compliment, but it is one : all my senses are telling me to jump off the plane. There's no love at all in that game, everyone is malicious and desperately alone. Krauss can't say anything to Natsuhi, Natsuhi is obsessed with perfection, jessica is growing more and more frustrated and doesn't have Kanon to vent some steam by being a rebel, Eva is even of a bitch than usual, Kyrie is a total psycho, and Georges sounds like a good girl but I feel like he's on the verge of snapping.

At least Rosa hasn't started beating the crap out of Maria yet, but I'm almost afraid of whatever beating Maria may receive in the future. Bernkastel may even get her revenge on poor little Maria in a really unpleasant way.
Hideyoshi still sound like a decent dude, but the only relation that doesn't sound bad is the one between Jessica and Battler.

Also, nice to see that like every brat, Bernkastel only promises to be good as long as she's being spanked. The moment it stops, she's back to bullying others.

You said there was an alliance that was broken twice? How many culprits in total?

>> No.15825476
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>That probably doesn't like a compliment, but it is one : all my senses are telling me to jump off the plane.

...So you have a bad feeling? Well...THEY WILL DIE HORRIBLE DEATHS *cackle* But some of them only after getting tortured mentally and psychologically.

>There's no love at all in that game, everyone is malicious and desperately alone

Like best witch said, there is love in it but not the kind of love people like.

>Eva is even of a bitch than usual
Really? I didn't try to changer her in any direction.

>Georges sounds like a good girl but I feel like he's on the verge of snapping.
Heh, Mom will do everything ~ just sit back and be a good boy.

>Bernkastel may even get her revenge on poor little Maria in a really unpleasant way.
Ange is there too.............burgers.

Anyway...the Battler and Jessica relationship will be a central theme of the story.

>Also, nice to see that like every brat, Bernkastel only promises to be good as long as she's being spanked. The moment it stops, she's back to bullying others.

She has to vent her frustrations too, yo ~

>> No.15825512

Funny you mention it, I'm currently reading a book called Время секонд хэнд (Конец красного человека). Thankfully, it was translated, but an interesting part of it was that history is about facts, not feelings.
And while I enjoy playing games and finding the culprit, the lack of emotions in these games is boring. oh, it makes for an easier game since you don't have to go through 20 lines of battler crying like a bitch, but it feels lifeless.

>> No.15825571

Hmm....I am actually not going for a simple game this time. I am trying to make it feel like a drama. I totally agree with you about playing and games finding culprits...they are fun and all but after a while they just get boring. You need something to fill it with life.

>> No.15825596

The main point that bothers me is that "normal" investigations are about figuring out where everyone was when the murder occured and seeing how has the motive and the occasion to do it.

With the red games, it's impossible, because everything has to be said in red or it's a lie, and in most cases, everyone was alone.

>> No.15825642
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In that sense Purple Truth games are more like normal investigations. After all the culprit can lie in real life too. Deducing who is saying the truth and who isn't...that is the job of the detective.

But yeah anyway, I am going to have a rest now. Tomorrow I will continue the work. In meanwhile I have to think up some new ways to torture the family.

>> No.15825662

I dunno, Purple Truth makes me uneasy because you can't really ask question. It's like playing sudoku except there's no way to check if it's wrong until the very end.

>implying I needed more excuses to hate Bernkastel and want to spank her

>> No.15825709
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Heh, I just recognized a mystery reference.

>> No.15825710 [DELETED] 

>Heh, I just recognized a mystery reference.
Wrong thread, you stupid dumb trashy idiot

>> No.15825717 [DELETED] 

Wow, rude.

>> No.15825719

Was beatrice giving battler a "trial" to pass when she commited the murders? Im assuming she thought battler would see through it and "save her".

>> No.15825724 [DELETED] 

I'm going to sleep, meanwhile you fill your ears with burning needles, you trash. Die.

>> No.15825733

>fuck poe
To be fair, Rue Morgue is considered the first modern detective story, so the 'rules' hadn't really been established yet. But I agree, the orangutan twist was pretty silly

>> No.15825743 [DELETED] 

You're improving slowly.
At least someone has a brain here. I'm happy now. Hating Poe is so tasteless.

>> No.15825747

Yes. She tried to remind him of that merry old time when they read mystery novels together.

>> No.15825758

Doyle also used a few of those.
>lol it was a horse, there was no murderer!
Even his most famous story relies on an animal to murder.
>how do we make it so that it's a closed room and that the victim doesn't leave the room?
>well just have the owner of the house be an eccentric exotic animal collector who lets his pet lion and tiger roam around the house at night and you absolutely have to close the door
This is why the red truth works better.

Though I will give credit to Poe that the way he described the macabre murder scene was pretty graphic. I do think it set the tone for the rest of the detective genre. It's just the ending itself being
>well I deduced who was the murderer by something that was never established or told in the story while the narrator wasn't looking!

>> No.15825764

I don't hate Poe, I love him. He has great poetic taste and a good taste of what makes horror. I've used a few of his literary tricks to great effect.

>> No.15825782

Are you an idiot? I said I'm sleeping. I hope you break your pinky toe with your bed in the morning, you dumb! Bye! You shit!! Die
Just playing, I'm not really angry Sweet dreams! Bye-bye

>> No.15826128

Someone recommended a locked room mystery book about the Wendigo a few threads back. I want to buy it but I can't remember its name, what was it again?

>> No.15826173

Rim of the Pit?

>> No.15826246
File: 143 KB, 1280x720, FErika264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I welcome you my friends to my next riddle. The difficulty I believe this time is above average. I hope haven't discouraged you from my riddles with my last one.

I've came to realize through divine intervention that the culprits name was within my hands in an obscure form. The very thin piece of paper that I hold, contains that name. Yet as I look at it directly, it makes no sense.

As I hold it out in front of me trying to read it, my equal, my gary stu, my detective friend figures out the riddle as he is struck by a flash of inspiration. Yet looking at it directly I cannot figure it out. What the hell is the answer?

The riddle on the paper is as follows:

Every time one reads this the answer is always in big bold letters spelled out for you. How can one not see it?

Did one give up? Entropy take over? Luck, or lack of it? Left the riddle for the smarter ones? I have understood the reason why. Kicking and screaming one will make you understand.

Finally. Last couple of sentences. Even though all the hints have been give can you still not see? Something so simple. Making your head hurt from all this useless text. I will make you understand. Have fun.

>> No.15826296

I want to fuck a Stake so hard.

>> No.15826299

Just go to your local restaurant.

>> No.15826456

I don't think you can have your Stake raw.

>> No.15826503

As long as you have money, you can have anything you want. Except for love

>> No.15826511

What if you demand love and that you'll pay any price for it?

>> No.15826520

You can't fake love. Even if person A pretends that he loves person B, and person B believes it, that is still not love because person A doesn't actually love person B.

Now, with time maybe person A would be able to fall in love with person B for real, but until and if that happens, that is not love.

>> No.15826525

I asked for a price, not a reason for why you couldn't give me love, now give me love or I'll look somewhere else!

>> No.15826531

I-I'm sorry sir, I'll call the manager for you, I'm sure we can resolve this with satisfaction. While I'm at it, would you like our complimentary doki-doki pill?

>> No.15826586

That's it, thanks!
I got so hyped to read it but then I completely forgot the name, kek.

>> No.15826792

Doki doki pill?

>> No.15826837

Now that's more like it. Your manager better be some 1000 year old virgin cake looking for love or I'm not talking to her!

>> No.15826946

>You said there was an alliance that was broken twice? How many culprits in total?
/RED/ There are three killers in total. Krauss, Natsuhi and Gohda. This does not include Kinzo who activates the bomb at the end with someone else.

>> No.15826955

>8 hours later
We'll get to the bottom of this, definitely.
So, tell me if i'm right.
/blue/ Gohda is the last killer of the alliance, he killed Jessica and maria after being "dead".
/blue/ Krauss killed Natsuhi for brouzoufs.
/blue/ Gohda killed Krauss because fuck you Krauss.
/blue/ Krauss and Natsuhi killed everyone for money and fame, Gohda joined in out of spite after being shitted one too much and not being acknowledged as a "true" servant, but he ended up feeling deceived by Krauss and killed him for making him work in a backyard island.

>> No.15827021

Even witches need to sleep.

/RED/ Gohda is the last killer of the alliance, he killed Jessica and Maria after being "dead".
/RED/ Krauss did not kill Natsuhi
/RED/ Gohda killed Krauss out of love for Natsuhi
/RED/ Krauss and Natsuhi killed the first six victims for the money, but they both had different plans after that.

Cheers for trying. I was thinking of just posting the answer soon as the game's dragging on a bit by now.

>> No.15827027


>> No.15827028

/blue/ Gohda wanted to abscond with Natsuhi. When she refused, he strangled her, and then killed Krauss out of jealousy of hate, not understand why she was so loyal to a man who faked his self-assurance.

>> No.15827042


>> No.15827046

You are close.

/RED/ Gohda wanted to abscond with Natsuhi.
/RED/ Gohda did not kill Natsuhi!

>> No.15827051

How did Kumasawa's son get up there?

>> No.15827088
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>3位 Ange
>36位 Kinzo

Pretty shit list. At least they got Higurashi right.

>> No.15827114

Come on, there's no way Rena got only 9% of the votes! Butthurt mionfags rigged the pool.

>> No.15827145
File: 516 KB, 1800x1320, eFcBPnz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's an eldritch conceptual fair folk abomination, not your waifu.

>> No.15827212

This is what we needed in the game, truly frightful witches instead of little girls making faces.

/blue/ Krauss killed Natsuhi. Gohda killed him in retaliation!
Either that, or there's a fourth murderer that killed Natsuhi in self-defence.

>> No.15827215

>Battler's hand get crushed by Lambda's left feet
>next panel, she's stepping on his hand with her right feet

>> No.15827232

/RED/ There are only three people who killed in this game. These people are Krauss, Natsuhi and Gohda.
/RED/ Krauss did not kill Natsuhi.
/RED/ Gohda did not kill Natsuhi.
/RED/ Natsuhi did not kill herself.
/RED/ Kinzo activating the bomb does not count as killing in this sense.
/RED/ When Kinzo activated the bomb with someone else, only those two, Battler and George were alive.
/RED/ Gohda did not activate the bomb together with Kinzo.

>> No.15827248

/RED/ There are only three people who killed in this game. These people are Krauss, Natsuhi and Gohda.
>/RED/ Krauss did not kill Natsuhi.
>/RED/ Gohda did not kill Natsuhi.
>/RED/ Natsuhi did not kill herself.
>/RED/ When Kinzo activated the bomb with someone else, only those two, Battler and George were alive.

Natsuhi couldn't have gotten strangled by accident. Someone else faked his/her death and warned Kinzo.

>> No.15827506

/RED/ Natsuhi couldn't have gotten strangled by accident.

It is possible. As I said earlier in red, only Krauss, Natsuhi and Gohda are murderers. Krauss did not kill Natsuhi and nor did Gohda. So what happened?

>> No.15827555

>not an accident
>not a suicide
>not a murder
Is she really dead?

>> No.15827571

Either that or it was an indirect method like a trap.

>> No.15827575

If it was a trap, it would be mentionned in the death description.

Unless Krauss or Gohda disposed of it.

>> No.15827620

>Making your head hurt from all this useless text.

I'm guessing you threw a lot of fluff in the riddle?

>> No.15827628

/RED/ Natsuhi faked her own death in the shed!

Now you should be able to piece the last things together.

>> No.15827633

/blue/ Natsuhi killed Nanjo, then played dead. Gohda reused Nanjo's body to play his own death after killing Krauss for an unknown reason. Then they killed jessica and Maria and died.

>> No.15827661

Exaggerated "oooh so scary - look you're supposed to be scared remember?" manga art is not frightful.

>> No.15827667

It was already said Gohda killed Nanjo. Also Krauss was killed for love of Natsuhi.

>> No.15827719

Oh shit, I think I did that one. I remember cutting out his head in paint one night when I was in college...

...Jesus. Where did all the time go?

>> No.15827743

It's not supposed to be scary, it's supposed to be expressive. And the faces have always been exaggerated.

>> No.15827939

Then I don't know. Everyone but Kinzo, Battler and Georges is dead when the game end, which means that Natsuhi died, and yet nobody killed her.

>> No.15827951

Well if she faked her death then she would have died when the bomb went off, so that works.

>> No.15827960

I think it was said in red that only Kinzo, Georges and Battler were killed by the bomb.

I dunno, maybe she fell and broke her neck.

>> No.15828014

No, it just said that Battler, George, and Kinzo were killed by the bomb. It never said that ONLY they were killed by it. In fact, there were other reds that said that Kinzo activated the bomb with one other person, and that that person is neither Battler nor George.

>> No.15828046

So Kinzo activated the bomb with Katsumi and was left to die?

>> No.15828122

At the very least, I think Natsuhi is the unknown person who activated the bomb with Kinzo.

>> No.15828200

So what? She escaped the island with Gohda?

>> No.15828349

How bad was Iwa?
From what I'm understanding, TRI and Iwa were both meh works and it's somewhat disappointing.

>> No.15828397

No, she probably just died in the explosion. And Gohda was already dead by that point.

>> No.15828424
File: 100 KB, 640x480, 1268236630718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still have dozens of those

>> No.15828659

/RED/ Natsuhi met up with Kinzo in the gold room and activated the bomb.

I think that's most of the mysteries solved now. You guys can try to fill in the gaps, I think you're still missing motive. But I'll probably post a synopsis of what actually happened once I get home.

>> No.15828917

/blue/ Gohda and Natsumi were still alive when the island blew up, they actually escaped. The two betrayals refers to Gohda murdering Krauss and Natsuhi abandoning Kinzo behind.

>> No.15828978
File: 253 KB, 498x747, 132690147195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for playing my game, everyone. It was fun playing the role of GM.

I based the premise of this game on an interview Ryu-chan once gave where he said he meant for Gohda and Natsuhi to have an affair in one of his earlier drafts, but he ended up not using the idea.
So here's what happened:
The siblings along with Erika solve the epitaph and discover the gold in the gold room. As usual, they start shooting each other in order to get more of the money. Krauss and Natsuhi are the only survivors. They go back to the house, Krauss trying desperately to think of a plan to get them out of trouble for the murders. Natsuhi, however, has other plans. She's been having an affair with Gohda for years and they've often dreamed of escaping the island together to live life together. Natsuhi confides in Gohda and plans to murder the rest of the family and escape together with the gold. They devise a cunning scheme that would leave Natsuhi out of the picture and leave Gohda to do most of the killing seeing as he's more physically fit. Gohda is happy to comply, he and Natsuhi truly love each other and for Gohda, meeting Natsuhi has been the only good thing that happened to him since he came to the island. He hates his colleagues and he especially hates Krauss, the incompetent bastard who has no respect for his beloved Natsuhi.

Natsuhi lures Nanjo and Genji into the shed under the premise of discussing what to do now that there's a murderer on the loose. Gohda was hiding in the shed. He quickly strangles Genji while Nanjo looks on in horror. Gohda then hits Nanjo on the head with a hammer that was lying around in the shed and starts mauling his face with a lawnmower so he could use the mutilated corpse later on. Natsuhi uses make-up to give her neck the appearance of strangulation marks. They share a passionate kiss and Gohda locks the shed as Natsuhi lay down on the ground beside Genji's corpse.

After everyone discovered the bodies, Gohda locked the shed as everyone insisted the crime scene had to be preserved. He later went back and unlocked it, releasing Natsuhi. He moved Nanjo's corpse and placed it beneath Kinzo's window for later. Krauss had announced he would act as the new head in this crisis and set up his HQ in Kinzo's study. Krauss let Gohda in because he was expecting dinner. After the door closed behind them Gohda immediately beat Krauss' face to a pulp. Gohda felt elated, finally killing his love rival who never deserved his beloved Natsuhi. For good measure he chopped off Krauss' head, laughing like a maniac as the blood splattered his face. He then threw the disembodied head into the fireplace, went to the bathroom in the study to clean himself up, opened the window, and made his way out of the study.

Kumasawa sees Gohda as he attempted to escape through the kitchen. She saw the blood on his uniform that he missed during his cleaning. She starts screaming but he quickly runs at her and knocks her out, then stuffed her into the boiler for good measure. He then went outside and dressed Nanjo's corpse in his own uniform, then changed into a spare uniform in the servants' room.

Meanwhile, Natsuhi confides in Jessica, telling her about their plan. She wants Jessica to come with her and Gohda. Jessica completely freaks out after seeing her mother alive and hearing that she had been having an affair and that they were planning all these murders. She runs off as fast as she can. Gohda joins Natsuhi at this stage. She begs him to run after Jessica before she tells any of the survivors. Gohda pursues her and eventually finds her with Maria in the Rose garden. He attempted to reason with them but they started yelling. Afraid that Battler and George would hear them he grabbed his kitchen knife and killed Maria, then Jessica. He sobbed as he did so. Jessica was never meant to die.

>> No.15828986
File: 219 KB, 600x607, 5656355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Natsuhi catches up with Gohda and sees what he has done. She goes insane. Her daughter lay there, dead, her throat slit and blood gushing out and mixing with the heavy rain to create a pool of watery blood. Gohda tried to reason with her, tells them of their plan and their love for each other. During the fight, Natsuhi loses her cool and shoots Gohda in the head.

Absolutely distraught, Natsuhi falls to her knees and cries. She has lost everything. Her lover, her daughter, her family. It's all gone terribly, terribly wrong. Somehow, she feels compelled to go back to where this all started, the gold room. But she was not alone. Kinzo sat there, a chair facing the clock wih the bomb mechanism. Kinzo explains that he had hidden here as soon as he heard there were murders taking place. He had been contemplating blowing up the island, ridding himself of this useless family and ending his own life. Natsuhi and Kinzo confide in each other for the first time, and they truly bond. They share their ideas about the family, how they were unfit of the Ushiromiya name and eventually Kinzo tells Natsuhi that she is a true Ushiromiya. Natsuhi could not believe her ears. She starts crying in Kinzo's arms. He tells her it's alright. They will meet in the Golden Land. They both agree that there is nothing left to live for. Their lives ruined by this cursed family. Their hands went for the bomb mechanism, Natsuhi's on Kinzo's. They activate the bomb at exactly one minute to midnight.

Meanwhile Battler and George just discovered the bodies of Jessica and Maria in the rose garden and George is absolutely in tears. Just as Battler walks a bit further and thinks he sees another body in the distance, Gohda's, the island explodes. And when the seagulls next cried, nobody was left alive. And thus ends this tale of love and despair.

>> No.15828993

This remains one of my favorite Umineko pictures ever

>> No.15828995

So Gohda's body in the Rose Garden was never found? That's a mistake you did, there.

>> No.15829018

The fight between Natsuhi and Gohda happened a little further away. Only George and Battler are left at that time (Kinzo hiding in the gold room). They find Jessica and Maria's bodies and before Battler could walk up to the body he sees in the distance (which is Gohda's), the bomb goes off, killing everyone, including the detective, Battler.

>> No.15829030

I'm not really convinced, but whatever, it was decent.

>> No.15829056

It was good fun. Especially liked the use of Nanjo as Gohda's corpse. Kept hitting myself I did not realize that sooner

>> No.15829097

I had trouble because the text said that "Gohda" 's face was caved in from the fall, which contradicts what was said later.

>> No.15829323

Well, maybe those original statements weren't meant to be red truths, just descriptions based on what the survivors found.

>> No.15829357

That's what confused me, I though hey were facts, not opinion. So when it said that Gohda's face was mutilated in the fall, I believed it.

>> No.15829395
File: 238 KB, 395x700, Magical Gohda Chef Endless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I based the premise of this game on an interview Ryu-chan once gave where he said he meant for Gohda and Natsuhi to have an affair in one of his earlier drafts, but he ended up not using the idea.

Yeah, once you said Gohda killed Krauss out of love for Natsuhi I figured that's what you were going for.

Though honestly, I can see why Ryukishi decided to drop that idea. It just seems so out of character for someone like Natsuhi to cheat on her husband, since it would mean betraying the Ushiromiya family she worships so much. Still, it was a fun game. My favorite trick was definitely the body switch with Nanjo, though it seems a bit strange that nobody would recognize him based on his physique.

>> No.15829420

I never really considered them as red. I thought of it as part of the narration's description, since it would be weird to give the reader so much red before they even have a chance to make a single theory.

>> No.15829463

This is why you won while I struggled.
I understood the basic situation as "Gohda fell" and "everyone buy Kinzo, Georges and Battler were alive when the bomb went off".

>> No.15829488

Oh well, it was still fun nonetheless.

>> No.15829504


>> No.15829508

>Kumasawa's death was totally irrelevant.

>> No.15829589

Did Ryukishi kill his career in Japan? It has been pretty silent lately, except occasional manga and games.
How did Iwaihime and Trianthology do?

>> No.15829630
File: 36 KB, 704x396, eva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


MASSACRE OF THE GOLDEN WITCH - Chapter 3: Welcome to Rokkenjima

Incest warning..........

>> No.15829650

Thanks for the warning.

I'm not kidding, I appreciate you taking the time to say if it's safe for work or not.

>> No.15829653

TRi torrent when?

>> No.15829663
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>> No.15829669
File: 26 KB, 619x320, img.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beg like a dog.

>> No.15829685 [DELETED] 

Gross! No thanks.
HAHAHAHAHAHA!! Oh, it's always funny.

>> No.15829695

>hating on incest
Most of the human cast is related, what do you expect?

>> No.15829701

It runs in the family after all

>> No.15829702 [DELETED] 

Shut up nerd.

>> No.15829708
File: 9 KB, 100x100, 1445343601979.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>incest warning
>starts with Rudolf whining that Battler doesn't love him

>> No.15829719
File: 710 KB, 754x578, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually speaking of Tri
This was Alice's desk as shown after the final credits
>owning a 360 in 2016
no wonder she killed herself

>> No.15829722
File: 42 KB, 1280x720, evatrice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The incest is at the end.....and it doesn't involve Battler.

Pretty much this.

Delicious Evatrice is delicious.

>> No.15829729 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 1280x720, a gift for you...jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the spoiler, idiot.

>> No.15829736

you've got no one to blame but yourself, pal

>> No.15829740

What are your personal favorite Seacats pairings when it comes to lewds?

>> No.15829755 [DELETED] 
File: 53 KB, 374x490, the ultimate form of insult.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15829769

I know, but I'm still annoyed.

>> No.15829781
File: 1.03 MB, 1075x1526, 1870732-sbox1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jessica x Lion lion is female by the way
Lambda x Erika
Erika x Black Battler
Erika x Dlanor
Bern x Battler
Evatrice x George
Loli Ange x Maria

And only a few of those actually have lewds.

>> No.15829786

Battler x Featherine.
Battler x Bernkastel.

That's pretty much all. Yeah, I like Battler.

>> No.15829791

Terrible taste AND deludes himself that Beatrice is a girl

>> No.15829799 [DELETED] 

Give me a good reason for why should I tell you, nerd.

>> No.15829801

George X Rudolf
Kanon X Battler
Nanjo X Kinzo
Rosa X Genji
Kyrie X Krauss

>> No.15829803

Why does he copy Meteor so fuckin much?

>> No.15829804

>LIon is a female
Just because his/her VA is a female it doesn't mean shit,

>Evatrice x George
>Loli Ange x Maria
Very nice,

>> No.15829805 [DELETED] 

Who is Meteor?

>> No.15829814

Forest guy. Featuring a witch named Alice organizing a strange Game.

>> No.15829824
File: 66 KB, 162x446, golden land beato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deludes himself that Beatrice is a girl

Beatrice IS a girl in the golden land. And maybe he's just talking about the possibility of a female Lion for the purpose of the lewd.

>> No.15829826 [DELETED] 

Oh, I thought you were talking about another author named Meteor. Thanks

>> No.15829833

Lion is female, Yasu is male.

It's simple.

>> No.15829836

Maybe you'll give one of the anons an idea for a lewd.

>> No.15829845

How do you go from female to male when you are thrown off from a cliff and your vagina is injured?

If anything, the other way around makes sense,

Yasu is a "girl" - because his penis is fucked up.
Lion is a boy because he is healthy.

>> No.15829849

I have an explanation : MAGIC.

>> No.15829860

Without gayness it cannot be seen.

>> No.15829863

His name was Hoshizora Meteor, though. It was a pen name. Like Sakurai who came after him he went to work for Type Moon, though Sakurai still writes for Liarsoft.

>> No.15829864 [DELETED] 

Time to watch another fight. Entertain me my nerds!

>> No.15829868

We're talking about a serie where Bernkastel can summon cats.

>> No.15829873
File: 83 KB, 570x401, jessie and rion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyway, I would be grateful if at least one person who read the whole stuff >>15829630
commented on it - at least about how shit it is or something,

>> No.15829880

Why isn't he writing anymore? Forest was a masterpiece.

>> No.15829892 [DELETED] 

Oooh, now I get it. I'm embarrassed. Sorry, my brain isn't at home at the moment and sometimes I forgot silly things like that. I need to go to sleep

>> No.15829923

Well, I can already say it's vastly different from the other games.
Ange never meeting Battler, for once.
Rudolf really caring for Battler (in the game, Battler suspects Rufold only insisted to not lose face).
Clearly, one ass-whooping for Bernkastel wasn't enough, we need to open another can of whooping. Hell, open the whole fucking store. Hell, buy the whole franchise and open them all, because whatever whipping she got isn't enough to fix her.

Is there even hope for Bernkastel? She's twisted beyond recognition.

>> No.15829943

Come on man, let him write about something other than spanking Bernkastel.

>> No.15829948

I'm just joking to hide how terrifying his Bernkastel is.

>> No.15829977
File: 434 KB, 945x673, Frederica.Bernkastel.full.1083267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. I have wanted to read at least one comment before I will go to sleep. I really appreciate you reading my shit.

I think the next chapter or the one after that will have shit finally hitting the fan.

About Bern yeah, I think it would be best to just accept her as she is. Some people just never change. ahaha,wav

I don't mind it, after all his request was the one that got me into writing for fun. I am indebted to him, so to speak. Not to mention he always shares his thoughts with me and I like that.

Is she really? I am trying to make her a mix of intelligence, nihilism and a wicked sense of humor.

>> No.15830000 [DELETED] 

Pfff! Everyone who likes Stanley is not worth the read and deserve death tbqh
Sweet dreams.

>> No.15830018

Well, the reason I want to spank Bernkastel so much is a bit complicated.

Basically, I really like Rika Furude. She has the shittiest life of all, she keep seeing her friends getting crazy, getting murdered, or killing each others, but unlike Homura, Tenshi or the various "I am despairing because I can't change the future", she never stops caring about her friends and Hinamizawa. Even when Satoko has been taken back by Teppei for the 135 434th time, and even when Rika knows well that it'll end up with one of their friends killing Teppei and then going crazy, she still tries to save them because she loves them. She doesn't do it out of obligation, she doesn't go hollow or doesn't lose her emotions or her soul, she keeps going at it just because she loves everyone, and she never gives up.

And then Umineko put Battler (pretty much You, since it's told in a first person perspective) in purgatory, tell you that you're here forever in an eternal stalemate with no hope whatsoever. And then Rika shows up and tells you to not lose hope.
I cannot describe how betrayed, crestfallen, deceived, and hateful I felt when Bernkastel showed her true face : the face of an egotistical, eldricht monster that doesn't care about anyone as long as she get to watch.

Bernkastel has the appearance of the angel Rika who tries to save her friend, but is in fact closer to Takano and her god complex. Except Takano get stabbed in the back after each arc to leave no witness, so at least there's karma there. Bernkastel get away scot-free.

>> No.15830052
File: 189 KB, 766x600, tAG_88365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very interesting. So you say that if you read Umineko first then you wouldn't hate her so much?

As for me, I hated all the loli gods at first. Bern, Lambda, Erika, etc. But I didn't particularly like Beato either. My favorite witch was EVA. But she kind of got forgotten after ep3, except for a few times.

Now later, Bern is one of my favorites. She is just so over the top evil that I can't help but laugh whenever I read her lines or when I write her myself. She is just fun.

>> No.15830054

But really, it's interesting to see Bernkastel making a new game, but this time filling it with malice or malevolence. We did saw one of her game, it was dry and lifeless, designed from the remains of Beatrice.
A game that isn't designed to be a riddle and is instead designed to put everyone in despair is bound to be different, and to be honest, all my instincts are telling me I won't enjoy that game, that people will die again, that shit will suck, and that the worst of them will escape the island with all the brouzoufs. This will be an enjoyable game but an unpleasant one.

>I am trying to make her a mix of intelligence, nihilism and a wicked sense of humor.
Well, for the nihilism, it's not that yet. Rather than being nihilist, she comes up as just wicked and a bully. Just like Krauss beats up Rudolf to vent his frustration, Bernkastel makes the pawns miserable to vent out her own frustration.

If you want true nihilism, check out the Dark Eldars from the Warhammer 40,000 franchise. To put it shortly, they're all dying slowly, once they die, they're devoured by an evil god, THEY ARE FULLY AWARE OF IT, and to distract and fill their souls (apparently they're slowly dying), they have to feed on someone else's suffering. So grimdark.
The important and relevant part here is that DEs know that they're no way out (or at least, there's one), but rather than compressing their feelings and living bland lives, they decided to say "fuck it" and keep living their ways.

Bernkastel is a bit like that, creating entertainement through misery to avoid boredom. And I hate her for that reason, because Rika perfectly managed to keep loving her friends despite dying a little inside and becoming a 1 000 years old witch. Where Rika managed to keep her humanity, Bernkastel lost it and became insane.

>> No.15830076
File: 114 KB, 640x480, 1470784483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda liked Beatrice at first. When she's first presented in the Tea Party, she's really the Golden Witch, she's majestic, classy and all.
And then she starts laughing in goofy ways, cackling, and acting like an internet troll, mocking, belittling Battler, teasing him, and then sulks like a kid when he tells her to get the fuck out.

>So you say that if you read Umineko first then you wouldn't hate her so much?
Yes. I hate her because I really liked Rika and Bernkastel is the complete opposite of her while still being cute. If I started with Umineko, I wouldn't really care about Bernkastel. I think I would like Lanbdadelta a bit more, though. At first, I was cautious because she looked like another 34, but then she turns out to be a bitch. And then she turns out to be okay. And then no, she's a bitch again. And then no, she's still Bernkastel's friend.
So I don't know how to feel about Lambdadelta. I don't like unpredictable people, and it's impossible to know how Lambdadelta will react, even if you play the game to the end and know her motivations.
>Let me make fun of you
>but naaaa
>but listen to me, you knife-eared piece of shit, you'll be locked in that closet forever, try not to lose heart, okay?
>but now I'll just sit here and watch out die
>and now I'll go against Featherine, YAAAAAAA-glablgi I am dead not big surprise

>> No.15830080

Was Bernkastel really even as horrible as she seemed? In the last Tea Party Lambda mentions how she was "playing the villain."

>> No.15830092

>But really, it's interesting to see Bernkastel making a new game, but this time filling it with malice or malevolence.

To tell the truth, I first came up with the game board, then thought out the meta events. Like I started "Hmmm yeah. There should be meta in it too...who should I put in there?...Bern will do" .

But it seems to work so far.

Yeah, she is a sadist all right. Because she herself suffered and wants to forget about her own past and her own life. She is actually a very sad character.

>> No.15830105

She enjoys her role too much, then.

That is no excuse.
My neighbour is a fine person. And yet, I talked to him when he was drunk once and he told me he saw his entire family getting executed in Algeria.
You can have a sad, tragic life and turn out to be alright. Bernkastel chose not to.

>> No.15830122

That is a very good point. They always switch roles I think. Sometimes Bern is the "good" guy and sometimes it is Lambda. This way they can fight each other but they never get bored.

Agreed. Beatrice is well...she suffers from main girl syndrome mostly. The author tries to push her too hard. Yeah she is the heroine but she isn't that good of a character.

Lambda is ...I have the same opinion about her as Bern. They are basically the same. Just their design is different.

Now that I think about it....my favorite characters were Rosa, Eva, and Rudolf. Nowadays I like Krauss too, one sarcastic son of a bitch. Natsuhi is meh....and Kyrie is the typical smart character.

>> No.15830129

I think everyone experiences things differently. Bern is weak person so she needs to bully others in order to be able to live. She can't deal with all the shit normally.

>> No.15830150

>You can have a sad, tragic life and turn out to be alright. Bernkastel chose not to.

There's more to it than that. Both Bern and Lambda are conceptual beings beyond human comprehension, both so utterly broken and warped that their actions and motivations no longer make sense.

>> No.15830154
File: 352 KB, 767x800, __furude_rika_higurashi_no_naku_koro_ni_drawn_by_gaou__ad4ff05b7f3dfe44e262e3a7e6328006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In fact, to be honest, Bernkastel isn't "evil". She's just neutral. She doesn't care for what happens as long as she's entertained. She just happens to like Beatrice's game. Just like people watch troll videos on Youtube, she watch the pawns getting slaughtered to forget how she got slaughtered long ago.
Lambdadelta is neutral, but sometimes she will do what she believe is "good", even if it goes against her interests (like trying to attack Featherine).

If Lambdadelta was to make a game, she would probably give it a good ending out of obligation, but she would make it tragic so that she can enjoy it.

It's a valid explanation but a poor excuse.

I mean, I'd definitely spank Rika if given a chance, but Rika is definitely a good person. She has her flaws, but unlike the rest of the cast in Higurashi, she always controlled her emotions and never lost to the Hinamizawa Syndrom, even through her stress would likely be enough to cause a level 5 immediately.
Morally speaking, she's the strongest. Physically speaking, sadly, it's something else.

Bernkastel is morally bankrupt. If she were to see a turtle laying on its back, she would watch it dying instead of helping it.

>> No.15830157

We're talking about witches, not about the Old Ones. They all have clear motivations. Featherine wants a library, Bern wants to get busy, and 34 wants to get in Bern's pants.

>> No.15830174

Yeah, the witches are amoral. They don't really care about good or evil - they are above such childish concepts humans made up.

>If Lambdadelta was to make a game, she would probably give it a good ending out of obligation, but she would make it tragic so that she can enjoy it.

She would only give a happy ending after they suffered a shit ton of times.


I would still choose Bern...she is just more fun than Rika. Sorry. Being morally good is nice and all but it isn't as entertaining as seeing someone torturing others, ruining people's lives, shattering their ideal illusions and all that stuff.....while laughing like a madwoman and making faces of orgasm.

Time to sleep for me. See you in the new thread, probably.

>> No.15830185

Rika is love. Rika is life.

>> No.15830248

>This way they can fight each other but they never get bored.

In the end, I think that's the main reason behind all of Bernkastel and Lambdadelta's actions; to avoid getting bored. For instance, they each consider the other to be their most precious companion, the only other being in existence capable of fully understanding them. Each loves the other because they’re able to keep them entertained indefinitely. Despite this, they chose to spend most of their time apart from each other, only meeting by chance on very rare occasions. I think they do this because they're both afraid that if they spend too much time together that they'll get bored of each other, losing that unique source of entertainment forever. So they continue to travel across the endless sea of fragments alone, with the thought of their next meeting giving them something to look forward to so that they don’t go insane from boredom.

>> No.15830303

Well, since only one person replied I'm going to assume that no one cares this time, so unlike the last one, I'll just toss the answer out.

The answer is "He commited suicide"
You get that by observing that your detective friend solved the riddle by looking at the very thin piece of paper that the riddle was written on. He sees everything backwards so the capital letters in the riddle would be E H or since we're mirroring the order, it's going to be HE. Apply the same logic and you get the answer.
Another hint was
>answer is always in big bold letters

Hope that makes sense. <S e e y o u a g a i n> <H a v e a n i c e d a y>

>> No.15830326

I though that was just gibberish.
Sorry, mate.

>> No.15830502

The answer and the riddle or just the riddle?

>> No.15830520

The riddle. But the answer was hair splitting as well.

>> No.15830562

Right. Thank you, it can be hard at times to know what the right difficulty is for these things, make it too difficult with too little hints and people will lose faith in your riddles and disregard them as unsolvable.
Too easy and people will just solve them in a few minutes and not get any enjoyment out of it. I've yet to find the sweet spot for these riddles.

Very well, before the next one, I'll ask for a 3rd party opinion and fine tune the riddle before posting it.

>> No.15830568

This is why some mystery authors cheat and keep some hints for themselves.

When I wrote a few games for this thread, I found myself terrified at the idea that people would figure out too quickly what was going on.

>> No.15830653

We need more fapfics around here. I'm gonna write an Erika and post it some time.

>> No.15830666
File: 699 KB, 900x1200, d1a0911d1508356549eb5c8f3f601002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My body will be ready.

>> No.15830706
File: 51 KB, 336x484, FErika252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm counting on you.

>> No.15830732
File: 378 KB, 788x560, __furude_rika_and_hanyuu_higurashi_no_naku_koro_ni_drawn_by_jadf__0e4d1f117d5c797f1d7e3594ae15f034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go on.

>> No.15830755

I've been thinking up tons of scenarios recently.

>> No.15830783

Most of this writes itself.

Through I always wanted a BattlerxErika story that isn't rape.

>> No.15830787

>Hand holding, missionary position, kissing between Battler and Erika

Does not compute. Their whole relationship is built on competing against each other and trying to get on top of the other.

>> No.15830790

Write them out for us Anon, contribute some needed oc. Written erotica gives more for the imagination and for characters in a series can be really fun.

>> No.15830822

>I always wanted a BattlerxErika story that isn't rape.

I think it could go either ways. Imagine it starting out aggressive and then slowly devolving into vanilla. Though when it comes to sweet lewds with Erika, I think Dlanor would be the best partner.

Maybe I'll try writing some after I finish my current lewd edits. Most of the scenarios I've thought of involve taking events from the story and retelling them with an erotic twist.

>> No.15830831

>Though when it comes to sweet lewds with Erika, I think Dlanor would be the best partner.

So what you're saying is that it should be Battler x Erika x Dlanor

>> No.15830848

That's also an option. Battler x Erika, Battler x Dlanor, Erika x Dlanor, and Battler x Erika x Dlanor are all great. And none of them except maybe Battler x Erika have much lewd material.

>> No.15830854

Erika x Dlanor has some. Almost comparable to Battler x Erika in number.

The rest have nothing at all far as I know.

>> No.15830873
File: 459 KB, 939x1400, Dlanor Battler sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's some, but very little.

>> No.15831373

Next time, please put Umineko or Seacats in the OP. I had trouble finding this one in the catalog.

>> No.15831406

I'd rather not read fanfic.

>> No.15831410

Nobody forces you to read it.

>> No.15831418

>no hope whatsoever. And then Rika shows up and tells you to not lose hope.
>I cannot describe how betrayed, crestfallen, deceived, and hateful I felt when Bernkastel showed her true face : the face of an egotistical, eldricht monster that doesn't care about anyone as long as she get to watch.
You understand my feelings quite well. This is exactly the reason why I hate Bernkastel so much.

When I played the PS3 version with the voices, the Nipah part broke me.


I will never hate anything more than Bernkastel.

>Except Takano get stabbed in the back after each arc to leave no witness, so at least there's karma there.
Huh? Takano never got backstabbed. She got away scot-free except in the final kakera or when Rika was dead for more than 72 hours without anyone going mad.

>> No.15831421

I'd rather not have fanfics pollute the thread.
Making gameboards is fine and fun, erotic fanfics is a step too far and I'm too cynical of it being toned down in moderation. You might as well just post Umineko doujins.

>> No.15831424

>Takano never got backstabbed
Ya really think Tokyo would leave such a dangerous, unstable risk laying around? Ye can be sure she get buried quickly once everything's over, lest people figure why a dead woman comes back to life and what it has to do with a village wiped out.

What do you think is more reliable? An unstable nurse with an obsession for her grandfather or a body?
Never quite understood what Takano's plan was anyway. At first, it was about proving that her grandfather was right, and then it turned into becoming a god.

>You understand my feelings quite well. This is exactly the reason why I hate Bernkastel so much.
>I will never hate anything more than Bernkastel.
My fellow gentleman. Through in my case, lust replaced hatred.

So you only want what you like, heh? Bad news for ye, mate, that ain't your board.

>> No.15831426

So you're saying that if some anon was willing to make Umineko doujins you wouldn't want them to post it?

>> No.15831441

>Ya really think Tokyo would leave such a dangerous, unstable risk laying around?
That's not proof that she was taken care of.

>At first, it was about proving that her grandfather was right, and then it turned into becoming a god.
Her plan was always to become God. Higurashi intentionally makes it bullshit. Her grandfather explains that a work being immortalized is like when Jesus went to paradise and people remember him, so that made him become a God. But that's a bullshit viewpoint since it's not what Jesus did and not why he's remembered.
Immortalized is not the same as becoming immortality and being god. It's a close definition but not at all the same.

Takano wanted to make everyone recognize her grandfather's work but this became impossible as it was going to be buried. So she had to create a cascade scenario that would make everyone in the government acknowledge her grandfather's work and the tragedy would always be remembered.

There is no evidence that Tokyo ever took care of Takano. Even when shit hit the fan at the end, they let her live the rest of her life in a house prison. And let her being raped by Tomitake whenever he felt like using her.

>Through in my case, lust replaced hatred.
Your lust has made you forget your hatred. I will never forget. I will always despise her.

>> No.15831452

If lust made me forget hatred, I would settle for consensual sex with Bernkastel.
What I want is to see her getting spanked, humiliated. I don't want her to enjoy it, not one bit. I want to make her cry in front of all the people she humiliated. I want to humiliate her in front of all the people she forced to tears. I want to treat that powerful witch like any misbehaving little girl.

>Even when shit hit the fan at the end, they let her live the rest of her life in a house prison.
I though she was sent to Irie's clinic and ended up as a guinea pig?

>> No.15831464

>I though she was sent to Irie's clinic and ended up as a guinea pig?
No, they treated her and she was sent to a house prison.

The irony is that all that work only got her a small footnote in Irie's master thesis.

>> No.15831472

They treated her? Wasn't she starting to scratch her throat? Isn't that L5 already?

>> No.15831506

She was under stress and likely in L4 not L5.
Satoshi and Satoko were L5. That's when you start seeing visions of your worst dread and start acting irrationally.

>> No.15831508

I remember it wrong, then. I though the hallucinations started at L3 (Keiichi in Onikakushi), got worse at L4 with the footprints behind you, and that L5 was Tomitake's death.

>> No.15831861 [DELETED] 

So you're going to kill these threads even further? First we had the spanker with his ridiculous spam, later some guy and a boring idiot doing lewd pictures all over and asking for opinions like I care, then we have another guy (probably one of those I already mentioned) writing some fanfiction game with no imagination taking over the thread completely, and now you want to bring a bunch of tasteless erotic tales. Who wants to read them? I'm not going to lie, I do like fanfictions. They are fun to read from time to time. I don't mind erotism, that would be too hypocrite after all this is not a sacred place and I love reading erotic books. But, the idea of reading something made for a literal nobody with no experience, especially if it comes from here, or having to endure walls of text with no useful information doesn't appeal to me, so no. Everytime I open these damn threads, always the same. It's anoying. I like to be annoying too, but every time is just... exhausting.

>> No.15831879 [DELETED] 

I just needed to express what I feel, now everything is cool. Bad emotions away!

>> No.15831901

Have you considered just leaving?

>> No.15831902

>Who wants to read them?
I do.

>having to endure walls of text
Back in the days, reading was a pleasure.

>> No.15831914 [DELETED] 

Yes, that's exactly what I am going to do.
Shut up, you dumb grandpa.

>> No.15831919

Back in the days, we had no consoles. Not even handheld.

Well, we had handheld, but if you were to show off yours, it would get stolen in ten minutes. So we read.

>> No.15831979

>I don't mind but I need to know who it's for and because of that I don't condone it!
Boring boring. Does an author know the audience of a book he's writing?

I personally don't like fanfics, they read like shit. Even erotic ones. Doujins are different since they're idealized eroticised moments more than the story themselves which literature cannot compare.

Your arguments are boring.

>> No.15831990 [DELETED] 

You're boring, trash

>> No.15832011 [DELETED] 

The only thing you're good for it's breathing, and that's just it. Hopefully not for long. Now shut up, I don't care about the boring opinion of a lame boring nerd like you.

>> No.15832040

Will u upload a torrent?

>> No.15832046

HAHAHAHAHA!! pls never change, anon.

>> No.15832080

If someone were to bitch, at least bitch for the right reason or correctly
>wahhh I like fanfics but who is it targeted to I ask, who????

Talk about the most boring argument you can make.

>> No.15832101 [DELETED] 

Bye-bye, nerd. Keep working in your breathing, you're almost good at it.

>> No.15832116

That reminds me, I should do a game where Erika get spanked by the entire Ushiromiya family for being a twat.

Oh yeah, and there are murders too.

>> No.15832130

I don't really understand what you mean by my breathing.

>> No.15832144 [DELETED] 

It's a joke, idiot. I'm bullying you saying that breathing is the only good thing you're good for. Bye.

>> No.15832156

How can I be good in something I do without thinking or intent?

>> No.15832161

We still have a few posts left until the bitter end.

Post a youtube link to your favorite Umineko song and say why you prefer it over the others.

I'll start.
I don't know if I remember it right, but I think it's the song that play when Erika is killed by Battler.
Beatrice goes through Hell, recover Battler, brings him back to life, and together, they shoot down Erika in an epic moment of awesome.
And then this sound starts playing as Erika is gravely wounded, almost agonizing. It plays as she's saying goodbye to everyone, before presenting herself for the last time.
"I am Erika Furude. I am the 19th person on the island. Nice to meet you."
"There are only 18 people on the island."

>> No.15832178 [DELETED] 

Shut up! It's an insult, you dumb. The purpose of an insult is to make you feel bad.

>> No.15832188

How can I be insulted if your insult doesn't make sense?
I almost feel insulted from you trying to poorly insult me.

>> No.15832190

Coming from someone whose father's breath smells like garlic, that's not very insulting.

>> No.15832196 [DELETED] 


>> No.15832201

I see I hurt your feelings. Let it be know that your father's breath offended me a lot.

>> No.15832210 [DELETED] 

Don't talk about bad about my dad, faggot

>> No.15832211

Sometimes, you just make no sense.

>> No.15832216

>Don't talk bad about my dad, faggot

>> No.15832222

What do you mean?? I don't understand

>> No.15832224

>Don't talk about bad about my dad
Your bad is also totally awful. He smells of mint and old dirty rags used to clean public bathrooms.
Urgh. Just thinking about your bad disgusts me.

>> No.15832230

>Your bad is also totally awful.
HAHAHAHA what an idiot

>> No.15832235

Truly this conversation is a lot more fun than fanfiction, gameboards or editing sprites.

>> No.15832245

Well, we're on page 8, there's no point in starting a new game now.

>> No.15832251 [DELETED] 

Fine, I'm going to leave you with your stupid games.

>> No.15832258

Now you sound like a toddler.

>> No.15832271

Kyrie and Battler are locked in a passionate embrace, kissing eachother deeply. Battler had come to visit his father's house in order to see Kyrie. Rudolf was away on business and wouldn't be coming back until the next day. Today was all about him and Kyrie. They had had a lovely dinner, but now it was time for the main course. Kissing each other passionately they awkwardly made their way over to the bedroom where Kyrie and Rudolf usually slept. They lay down on the bed, Kyrie unbuttoning her blouse as Battler unbuckled his belt. Suddenly, a horrible thought came to Battler. They usually did these things in the bathroom, where evidence of their affair was easily washed away, but this would be the first time they were to do this on his father's bed.
"Kyrie-san, is this really a good idea? Even if we wash the sheets, that old bastard is coming home tomorrow right? The bed might still smell of me."
Kyrie simply smiled and got off the bed and picked Battler up with her, using her finger wedged between the knot in Battler's tie. A grin appeared on her face before she spoke.
"Not if we turn the mattress over."

Thanks, I'll be here all night.

>> No.15832279
File: 972 KB, 1280x1004, 1441013616087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kyrie and Battler
What's next? Battler enjoying big Ange's ass?

>> No.15832291

you're so rude

>> No.15832295

Only if I can think up a pun for the situation.

>> No.15832302

I'd prefer to see Battler being blown by loli Ange and grown up Ange.

>> No.15832311

Being blown?

Redheads gotta stick together.

>> No.15832337

That's not the one

>> No.15832340

Alright then, I've got a pun.

Battler had landed in a strange kakera where both his younger sister and her grown up version were alive at the same time. They seemed so happy to see him, it was overwhelming. One thing led to another and before Battler knew what was going on he was sat on an armchair, naked, whilst loli Ange and grown up Ange were sucking his member. Their tongues found all the sweet spots of his privates. Loli Ange was licking the shaft as grown up Ange was sucking on his balls, both of them in her mouth at the same time as he tongue caressed every wrinkle of his sack. Just as Battler felt he was going to cum loli Ange stopped and looked up at Battler with a quizzical look on her face.
"Onii-chan, what is considered one the most important works of modernist fiction?"
Grown up Ange started stroking Battler hard now and as his ejaculate reached the heavens he answered Ange's question at the top of his lungs.
"It's Ulysses!! It's all Ulysses!!!"

>> No.15832350

That's weird, I remember it completely differently.

>> No.15832356

I groaned. That bad pun caused me to frown, which caused pain to my facial muscles. Your joke hurt me physically.

>> No.15832424

I'm sorry that I hurt you anon, but I'm happy that I made your groan. It's what a pun is there for.

>> No.15832444

A pun is supposed to make me smile. To make me snort a bit. To make me blow some air from the nose with an amused smirk and a "oh, you" monologue.
That pun just made me subconciously bare my teeth like a dog feeling threatened. Your joke was literally so bad I felt subconciously threatened and was ready to pounce my screen and bite it.

>> No.15832468

Hmmm...in my opinion puns are supposed to be stupid. Wordplay is supposed to be smart, but a good pun should always make you groan.

>> No.15832473

Define "good".

>> No.15832481

Here "good" is synonymous with "proper", not "entertaining". English must not be your first language.

>> No.15832566

this was meant for you by the way

>> No.15832631

Fapfics are nothing new and I don't know why you're butthurt about them

>> No.15832841

I hate poor quality eroticism. Nothing more.

>> No.15832892

There once was an anon who said he hated poor quality eroticism so all the other anons in the thread started raping him. Tears streamed down anon's face as the cocks were forced into his tight little boypussy and wet mouth. Their cocks were being slapped all over his shivering, naked body until all the anons in the thread exploded and covered anon in thick, sloppy semen. In the distance, a seagull cried. Hours later, when the anons were done with him, the anon cried.

>> No.15833164

Time to abandon this sinking ship of a thread and start anew. Let's have a bit of quality discussion instead of this shit.


>> No.15833170

i cumd

>> No.15833179

Again, if you're mad about the fapfic proposals you should probably take a look at threads from back in the day. There is nothing wrong with them being posted alongside other discussion.

>> No.15833209

I'm not that person. I like the fanfics and fapfics, I even contributed to them myself. I just figured this thread was as good as over.
We always do this. We have a nice thread and then when we reach the end we suddenly decide we might as well shitpost until we're on page 10. I thought we'd cut out the middle man and just start a new thread and have some quality discussions. This can of course include fics, I'm not bothered. I just didn't particularly enjoy the last few hours of shitposting and thought it was time to make another fresh start.

>> No.15833213

I want to be raped by anons!

>> No.15834049

Ehhh, so so. The ending could've been worked on a bit. And a greater description of me being slapped by dicks would've been better if you described it as shivering on the floor, in the fetal position, holding my knees in shock.
