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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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15808133 No.15808133 [Reply] [Original]

As substitution for the early death VNTS.
Talk about anything relating to visual novel translation here. Upcoming games, censorship, localization companies, etc.

>> No.15808154

Material Brave has been translated.


>> No.15808161

Good idea, by the way. I should have done something like this instead of VNTS2, so that the babies didn't throw a fit. I don't know why I never thought of it.

>> No.15808462

Might as well stay in >>15739624, it's pretty much the same thing.

>> No.15808539

the whole thing?

>> No.15808599

I'm sort of impressed at how little effort SP is putting into the chronoclock kickstarter. They haven't even touched it in a week.

>> No.15808716

They reached their goal in the first day so I won't be surprised they would never touch it again.

>> No.15808747

Good thing i am chinese. Any idea if its literal chinese or old school chinese?

>> No.15808768

Last I checked they already made double their funding goal. Really no need for them to update at all, maybe they could advertise it a bit more. They got Siliconera to run an article about it a few days ago.

>> No.15808834

They are probably going to add stretch goals, though that may take a while.

Since it's already Thursday, I find it largely unnecessary. But ah well.

>> No.15809565

Trample on Schatten if 100% translated.

>> No.15809580

They said in the previous update they were negotiating stretch goals, but that was on September 1st. Though they had already ruled out a console release because of the engine, and it is hard to see what other stretch goal they could pull off here, other than perhaps adding some merchandise to the physical release.

>> No.15809599

Kyonyuu Fantasy should be out tonight, and hopefully they'll put up whatever their October game is. They have a few good titles nearing completion after all.

>> No.15809823

I think most of the "expected" sites have ran stories highlighting the kickstarter, aside from ANN. Crunchyroll did one a few days ago.

>> No.15809884

I think they'll just use October for their small titles like Myth, Himawari, and Higurashi. Bokuten hasn't started Beta Testing yet. I'm not even sure if they've started scripting it yet.

>> No.15809906

Himawari isn't really a small title. The initial version had a 1.77mb script, and its treated as a full length title. It is also one of the best titles MG has upcoming from a quality perspective.

Granted the sales on the other hand might be small if it fails to do well with the Steam audience.

>> No.15809967

My bad. For the longest time, I thought it was 2-10 hours.

With that in mind, the big title schedule for the next few months will probably be
Oct: Himawari
Nov: Da Capo III
Dec: Rance VI

>> No.15809977


I doubt himawari is coming out next month. Smart money would be on higurashi, in my opinion.

>> No.15809982

Higurashi isn't long enough to fulfill the big game quota though. Moreso since it's one of the shortest chapters.

>> No.15810039


I don't know where you get the idea of a quota from. higurashi's stood as the main release for a month before.

>> No.15810059
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They're going to run corona blossom's crowdfunding at the same time as the sharin no kuni kickstarter.

That's a bold move alright...

>> No.15811169

At least Sharin probably has a shot this time, if Root Double is indicative Vita can do wonders.

>> No.15811234
File: 206 KB, 331x499, Thinking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sharin No Kuni will be successful. It was close last time.

Corona Blossom though hopefully it will get the funding that is needed to keep going its always good to see more VN on steam.

I do not know if anyone else would agree with me on this or maybe i am the only one. But does anyone feel like the one reason why episodic releases do not get that much sales at times is due to the uncertainty factor of not seeing the next episode due to sales. I know some will say that is the nature of the beast but i do not know.

Maybe that is why i like full releases on Steam and i tend to buy them more. I also buy Higurashi episodes do not get me wrong.

>> No.15811328

While I am sure that seeing volume 1 didn't help things on Corona Blossom or Supipara, it's not like other titles have been doing remarkably either lately. They might be vastly better then the average crap OELVNs thrown onto Steam these days in bulk, but the random person browsing titles on Steam is not going to know that.

>> No.15811439


The point was more that they risk cannibalizing each other and they still scheduled both at the same time.

>> No.15811445

waiting warmly for Sayooshi

>> No.15811507

So way back when the Sumaga fan translation got canned in favor of muh localization, I said here that I wanted to try to pick up the translation. Some anons went on to tell me not to waste my time because it would be released before I could even finish. that was like 8 years ago. I hate you all... Funny enough I went on to start my own scanlation group for doujin that lasted about 5 years before I got a big boy job.

>> No.15811602

Most people probably just wait for all the episodes to be out.
To sell something episodic, you really need to give people a reason to try every episode. Formerly Higurashi (and Umineko) were excellent for that because they produced a lot of speculation about the next in the series. For a moege, there isn't really that sort of incentive. People will just pick things up when the price is low or they can get them in bulk, rather than throw money down for something really short and have to wait months for the next installment.

The way episodic adventure games does it is how it should be done. You get a good self-contained story and then a reason to want you to play more. Although I personally haven't played such games in a long time, their model is pretty good and Telltale did well enough to cause a few clones to crop up. That's more how you should market an episodic release.

I suppose in the case of Supipara or Corona Blossom, people may be a little nervous because of fear of things being incomplete, but I personally don't think that's the biggest factor in lackluster sales.

>> No.15812014

>Most people probably just wait for all the episodes to be out.

That is what i would do if it is a series i am semi-interested. Its weird because i would still support Higurashi and Umineko and some of the popular ones. But the unknown ones that require funding for each episode based on something is not that well known is not really a good idea.

>To sell something episodic, you really need to give people a reason to try every episode. Formerly Higurashi (and Umineko) were excellent for that because they produced a lot of speculation about the next in the series. For a moege, there isn't really that sort of incentive. People will just pick things up when the price is low or they can get them in bulk, rather than throw money down for something really short and have to wait months for the next installment.

Exactly that is also a good point i think its more worth it to say it needs to be stories that MG and others find compelling and that really do warrent the releases. Maybe games that are based on Mysterious things, or even some things based on violence(think Psycho-pass). otherwise it is harder to market a game people will want to buy. Its just how the US works.

>I suppose in the case of Supipara or Corona Blossom, people may be a little nervous because of fear of things being incomplete, but I personally don't think that's the biggest factor in lackluster sales.

That is true like i said it could be one of the factors. Also i think what could help get a little bit more sales on the JAST, MG, and other Visual Novel circuits is to do what Malus Code did and include Furigana. That sort of stuff for those who are still learning Japanese. It may not get a lot of sales just from that but it would help them get a few more sales that they otherwise would not have had in the first place. I bought Malus Code based on that alone and also because it had a good story.

>> No.15812039

MG picked up a partnership with Atelier Sakura, they have one of their titles next for the end of September.

>> No.15812063

Which one?
Hoka series is pretty good

>> No.15812135

They picked up https://vndb.org/v10078

>> No.15812167

That seems like the NTR title (the announcements page was updated too).

Probably means no loli title, but ah well.

2 more announcements for AWA. Though, it may be up to 5. I think they'll only add two more game announcements at most though.

>> No.15812304

Took them a while, but Steins;Gate is now on Steam, although it looks to be a lazy port.

>> No.15812328

When is the announcement? Which venue? Im a noob.

>> No.15812446

Kyuonyuu Fantasy is released by MG.
I'd buy it if wouldn't be moving to city on the other side of continent next week.

>> No.15812451

That's a pretty big titti..I mean title.

>> No.15812565

I wouldn't be surprised if one of the AWA announcements will be the 18+ version of Sonohana title they put on Steam last year (Remembering How We Met), now that it is getting one in Japan.

>> No.15812698

does anyone know how preorders for kyonyuu fantasy were doing? I hope we can get the fandiscs or kyonyuu majo if the sales are good enough.

>> No.15812708

> Funbug Witch

>> No.15812772

I am guessing that the two Hentai Industries titles released during the last two weeks would make it challenging to make a meaningful estimation based on order numbers, and we probably need to wait for official comments discussing if it did particularly well or not.

>> No.15812791

>two Hentai Industries
Just one, the other is from UMe SOFT.

>> No.15812863

>no loli title

hope is a fatal drug

>would make it challenging to make a meaningful estimation based on order numbers

You can just go week by week and give weighted portions of the orders to get something that's probably +/-25%.

>> No.15813059

how so?

>> No.15813747

Bad font, some incorrect messages with phone options, word wrapping and spacing issues, and it is a generic upscale (not that the last one is a surprise).

>> No.15813966

ah, i see, that's a shame then.

>> No.15814749

The title they are releasing it under, "Please Bang My Wife" is an amusing title that will surely sell some copies just for that. For a nukige, having a "fun" title goes a long ways (which is where I would argue Funbag Fantasy could have been improved, there are surely more appealing titles they could have come up with).

>> No.15814807

Steins;Gate on Steam thus far seems to be doing decently, as it's been on the top page of Steam's Top Sellers list for most of the day. Though the question is how long it can last there.

>> No.15814898

There have been at least 2 threads about it on /v/ that I saw, one with 300+ posts. I don't know how many of those will actually buy it though.

>> No.15814930

I suspect those who follow this stuff even not all that closely will buy it regardless of what it is called, and it seems to have a decent amount of appeal. Where the name makes a difference getting the type of person who brought Boob Wars, because it was called Boob Wars, and not because of any merits of the game itself. This becomes a bigger deal down the road when they get around to making a hardcopy and are selling it at conventions to people who would have no clue what the quality might be.

>> No.15815153

They seem to be having a lot of fun with the nukige just because it is called "Please Bang My Wife". That is a perfect example of a perfect title to sell a who would otherwise care nukige.

>> No.15815397


Seems the Sekai/Nutaku deal will cover more then Chrono Clock. They also don't seem to realize Sekai is a fairly new company commenting they have "almost a decade of experience".

>> No.15815448

Maybe if you count how long they've been a fan translation group for School Days.

>> No.15815529

At least someone in Nutaku has heard of Baldr Sky. Not a bad thing to have someone to pressure Sekai and Giga.

>> No.15815592

Too bad the release is shit (See fake upscale, butchered system translations, title music). Another case of Japanese companies cutting out the middleman and screwing things up badly

>> No.15815621

Nutaku saving porn. Let's just hope they don't enforce their own shitty restrictions on SP releases, although if SP ever decides to make cuts even to 18+ releases I'm sure they'll blame Nutaku whether it's their fault or not.

>> No.15815635

Denpa stopped selling Nekopara hard copies online because of payment processor restrictions. I'm guessing Nutaku's restrictions would be Denpa restrictions as long as neither has a Japanese payment processor. Though it is worth noting with Flower Knight Girl Nutaku significantly relaxed their restrictions.

>> No.15816121


The Nutaku/Sekai deal is about as mutually beneficial as you can get. Sekai has trouble selling porn games on Denpa and a PR mess whenever they are asked about the uncut releases, while Nutaku has a huge pile of money to throw at developing their own platform, and a huge audience they pulled in from F2P/P2W titles.

Maitetsu, Tenshin Ranman, LeyLine, Wagamama High Spec, Hoshizora no Memoria, and Baldr Sky are the remaining titles Sekai has with no uncut versions announced, guessing some of those (but likely not Maitetsu) will get 18+ releases through this. Though for Nutaku, Sekai also has SakuSaku, Koikuma, potentially Grisaia if Frontwing is willing to play, and about a half dozen doujin titles and a bunch more OELVN stuff to also throw on the platform.

>> No.15816184
File: 1.64 MB, 1280x1765, koi_ga_saku_koro_sakura_doki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is SakuSaku good?

>> No.15816540

Frontwing is playing some games on their twitter.

Looks like No Mosaic Censorship to me.

What do you think /jp/, will it have any impact?

>> No.15816547
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Whoops, forgot my file. Wouldn't want to make you guys go all the way there or anything.

>> No.15816548

If you count their time as a fan translation group, then they go back to 2007, predating Mangagamer's opening by more than a year.

>> No.15816665

Fata Morgana hard copy when?

>> No.15816684

I figured the whole point of mosaics was to allow Japanese buyers to bid and require only one build, thus why they also had everything in Japanese as well as English. Probably not trivial to go no mosaics, unless for physicals they just have a no-mosaic patch.

Either way, regardless of if that is the improvement or not, I doubt it will push a huge number, just being game 2 of 3. It will have the combo of the expected sequel drop along with the "there is another game upcoming, I'll wait for that" problem.

>> No.15816697

I would guess I and N on that one. Hopefully the fans figure it out soon.

>> No.15816725

I would not say its that bad. I am sure MAGES will fix it give or take a month. They placed 8th in the top selling games. As for the phone options it was more or less them confusing Incoming Call to mean both recieving call and incoming call which is a weird error and "return title".

I am sure they will fix it though it was not the first and will not be the last time there were issues in games.

>> No.15816793

>I would guess I and N on that one. Hopefully the fans figure it out soon.

It may shock you, but look at the surprise box in >>15816540 anonymous.

>> No.15816889

As soon as it sells enough to justify it.

>> No.15816966

Literally cucked by MangaGamer. Imagine that.

>> No.15816987
File: 228 KB, 1280x720, 33684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do VNs always have CGs that are tilted at stupid fucking angles? Here's an example.

>> No.15817000

So they can maximize the amount of space something takes on the screen.

>> No.15817112

>rotates image to fit so no cropping necessary

this is just a joke

>> No.15817214

I just don't get why people are so against black bars. The only reason you'd even notice them is if you have a dirty screen.

>> No.15817490

You know, it's really impressive. In such a short period of time, Frontwing went from greedy scum to an actual cool company that I'd be happy to support. And all they had to do was split from Sekai Project and get a good PR guy. It really isn't difficult. SP just ruins everything.

Speaking of PR, the Spike Chunsoft twitter guy is awesome. Not that they've done TOO many VNs, but they're doing more and more.

>> No.15817505

Oh cool. Guilty Crown Lost Christmas just got an English patch. For some reason I thought it already had one, but apparently it was just a Youtube thing.

>> No.15817512

The sad thing is, they got their act together right as the market began to fall apart. Island should do well for them, but Corona Blossom and Sharin (even if it succeeds) aren't going to live up to expectations.

>> No.15817728

Damn im tired lol sorry. I was not paying attention when i wrote that.

>> No.15817752

Wait Frontwing was actually greedy? Or was that Sekai doing that for them? Can anyone give me history on how that happened? I am kind of in the VN scene for two months now.

Sharin will do well. Slice Of Life always ends up doing well regardless even full releases do. But as long as they have their expectations in the right place they should do fine.

>> No.15817756

Well look at what they did with Chiruchiru.

>> No.15817764

Sharin already failed on Kickstarter once. Even if it makes a revival for its second attempt, its doing so with more merchandise and a lower goal. Though perhaps the Vita version added to the Kickstarter could do well.

As to how it does on Steam down the road, G-Senjou sold okay (but apparently lost money for Sekai because of high costs associated with localization, licensing, and/or royalties). It is hard to see Sharin doing much better on Steam, considering the market has contracted since then and G-Senjou is more appealing to a Western audience.

>> No.15817769

>Wait Frontwing was actually greedy?
dovac and herkz claim they were.
Frontwing claims its bullshit and sekai is at fault.

>> No.15817770

You have a good point they were selling it overpriced. It was due to Sekai most likely because if you remember Grisaia 2 was 50$ to 40$ on release and everyone was complaining about it and they still are.

Also i am looking into the updates regards to MAGES nothing new yet but it looks like they are getting ready to setup in the US with their new twitter account.


I can only hope this means Chaos; Child will be on Steam in the near future.

>> No.15817778

Probably just bad management and pressure. It seems like they are willing to learn from their mistakes.

Well the way i see it is Vita and Steam would do well for Visual Novels seeing as most people that own a PS Vita TV right now is really high right now and also VN are not doing too bad seeing as Danganronpa and a few others sold well. And Steam would do not so bad as the market matures but you are right. I do not see it performing like over the top or anything just enough to make back what they put in and a little bit more money. Its a market that is growing slowly.

>> No.15817779

What's this about the market falling apart? VNs are strong as ever; there are just some genres that are incredibly niche in the west. And a lot of people have yet to figure out the magic combination.

>> No.15817784

I fail to understand the point of having multiple twitter accounts for everything, especially when the primary English twitter is already quiet enough as it is, with only a handful of tweets over the last couple months.

>> No.15817792

>It seems like they are willing to learn from their mistakes.

Unlike Dovac and Herkz.

>> No.15817796

Sales as a whole (at least on an individual title basis) seem to be down overall this year compared to last, even on similar titles. More importantly it has gotten far more difficult for a title to "take off" on Steam. "Falling apart" would likely be an overstatement, but it is getting harder to generate a profit on Steam, and that trend shows no signs of reversing going forward.

>> No.15817823


herkz claims about the kickstarter price hike were supported by koestl though(not directly, but koestl originally quoted a lower figure on the 4chans).

It's pretty obvious that frontwing was blinded with greed in the beginning and they've changed their mind and decided to cool it in hopes of building a market over here. You shouldn't let your hate blindly drive you to buying into PR spin.

>> No.15817962

It might need to be more titles that are unique or just something original. Sometimes there is a case of playing it safe.

>> No.15818009

While that is true, the point is that there are titles that had you released this time last year would have made a nice profit, but releasing this year struggles to break even. No one is saying Steam is done as a money maker for visual novels, just that the sales expectations for any individual release have dropped off, and the odds of getting that mega-hit have dramatically dropped off.

>> No.15818194

On that note is Lost Christmas even worth reading if I have no experience with the show it came from?

>> No.15818208

I kind of compare this to the anime industry back in the late 2000's. In the early 2000's and the 1990's there really was not much Anime out there and if there was you had to hope to buy in episodes or sets in order for them to port over the full thing. Which kind of is going on now. Even Hentai was kind of not much of a thing back then.

Today almost 8 years later its as popular as it can be and its everywhere and its easier to port over or to get anime everyone wants that shows in Japan.

Steam is not the greatest money maker and not many games have done well either. There are exceptions like Danganronpa, Steins;Gate which will only help bring in new fans into the Visual Novel genre. But i do think they have done better to where companies like JAST, MG, and others are seeing that it is viable to bring games on the platform and to see what works and what does not. Thats the market we are in but i think it will expand more where we might actually see some titles that we did not expect to see anytime soon.

>> No.15818413

mahoyo translated until chapter 6

>> No.15818429

Anime was massive in the late 90s to early 2000s. It ballooned in the mid 2000s and crashed hard, which lots of series being ignored by licensors. This is also when anime stopped airing on TV (in America) regularly and it saw a decline overall in the mainstream.
It wasn't until a few years ago, with popular series like Shingeki, that anime got popular again. It helps that 90% of anime are on CR and lots of normalfag garbage is on Netflix, but we are certainly in another bubble now. I wouldn't be surprised if it in a few years the amount of dubbed series decreases significantly, but I don't think simulcasting will go away.

To see the popularity of early 2000s anime, you need only remember all the young girls obsessed with Inuyasha (even in real life) or people who walked around with Naruto headbands.

VNs seem similar to early 2000s anime. Certain titles are really popular now, but we're getting to the point where most normalfags are losing interest and lots of titles are failing. I think things will stabilize, but I don't foresee sales for non-moege picking up any time soon.

>> No.15818437

>Sekai Project has built a reputation as one of the best companies for delivering quality translations of the most in-demand titles.
>From NekoPara to the upcoming Baldr’s Sky, their games are a qualitative cut above the rest.
>As an unabashedly adult-oriented company, Nutaku doesn’t shy away from challenging content.
>these games are translated by Sekai Project and delivered to you with no changes on the part of Nutaku
Oh really, tell me more. I wonder how fast this will prove to be bullshit. I'm sure not even Hoshimeno will be on Nutaku with no cut content.

>We’ll also be lending our voice to requests for adult versions of games
Remember those titles Nutaku posted on VNDB? Expect disaster.

>> No.15818502

Latest news on Translations by Fuwanovel it was updated just now.

Amagami – TL: 77.3% > 81.4%; Detailed update here
Bishoujo Mangekyou -Norowareshi Densetsu no Shoujo – Edit: 50% > 58%; QC: 38% > 53%; Proofreading: 15% > 21%
Chrono Clock (Sekai Project) – TL: 32.19% > 32.92%; Uncut 18+ version is confirmed and will release on Nutaku.
Dracu-Riot! – Editing has fallen behind, and Fiddle’s conscience has forced the following: A technically 100% patch will soon be released, containing the Oxford Comma’s common and Miu routes (whereas everything else will remain the unedited work of Staircase Subs). Editing work on the other routes continues. (Link)
Funbag Fantasy (MangaGamer) – Released! Get it here; Will remain on the list until 10/15
Libra of the Vampire Princess (MiKandi Japan) – Calen Route TL: 100%; Aoi’s Route TL: 15%
Lover Able – TL – Common: 57.65%; TL – Overall: 15.02%; Recruiting translators and TLC
Maitetsu (Sekai Project) – TL: 26.84% > 31.06%%
Majo Koi Nikki – TL: 36.9% > 37.6%; Edit: 27.2% > 29.5%; TLC: 11.7% > 12%
Please Bang My Wife (MangaGamer) – Announced this week, releasing on September 30th.
Shi ni Iku Kimi, Yakata ni Mebuku Zouo – TL: 1/69 Scripts
Shin Koihime Musou – Team issues has led to a change in strategy: the SKM team released a patch and are asking for help crowdsourcing feedback, typos, and edits. Check out their post (link) for more info, and for a link to the patch.
Tenshin Ranman (Sekai Project) – TL: 43.02% > 45.88%
Tsui Yuri – Total TL: 68% > 74%
Ushinawareta Mirai wo Motomete – Airi’s Route’s initial TL is done; partial patch to come soon
Wagamama High Spec (Sekai Project) – TL: 22.82% > 23.72%
New Releases!
Funbag Fantasy (MangaGamer) – Released! Will remain on the list until 10/15"

>> No.15818508

So how is Funbag Fantasy

>> No.15818539

Why is Chrono Clock getting translated at 5x the speed of Maitetsu?

>> No.15818545

Meant to say that the other way around.

>> No.15818553


Why the hell would you follow the fuwanovel vnts? Especially if you're on /jp/

>> No.15818566


One of the conspiracy theories regarding sekai getting maitetsu over other companies involved a contract that stipulated a release within a certain timeframe. If that were the case, it makes sense that they'd give it to someone capable. With chronoclock they don't give a fuck. They can give any old lie and release when it's done with no penalty.

>> No.15818575

Well it's a corporate PR talk about a deal, obviously it is going to be full of positive bullshit talking up both parties.

Even though Nutaku has gotten better with their censorship, I'd still expect some problems with a few titles. Based on Flower Knight Girl I suppose its possible Hoshimeno gets through uncut as similar content got through there, though if they can't/won't though I'd expect Sekai to just say "We couldn't get the rights from Favorite". At the very least though, don't expect Maitetsu even if Lose was willing to go along with an 18+ release, and don't Sekai to suddenly pick up games on par with the more exceptional stuff MG has.

At least it is better then Sekai having no reason to care about 18+ releases at all. I still doubt Sekai would have grabbed an uncut version of Chrono Clock without Nutaku willing to throw money at them for it.

>> No.15818589

I wouldn't be surprised if some of their releases have a time frame, it seemed like G-Senjou did from how Dovac talked about it. Though getting Maitetsu was more likely that they were the only publisher willing to do it censored only.

>> No.15818609

How would you even censor Hoshimemo? Some of the H-scenes are plot-related, like one where Asuho tells You about Yume's name and it was referenced later in the route. There is no all-ages version of the game in Japan so unless Favorite went out of their way to add extra dialogue or scenes to cover the plotholes (and rehired the VAs just to record a few lines) an all-ages Steam version wouldn't work.

>> No.15818610

It's actually even faster Maitetsu's script is a lot longer than Chrono Clock's.

>> No.15818696

It wouldn't be the first time Sekai Project cut plot essential stuff for a Steam release. They did it just this month with Ne No Kami.

>> No.15818779

They don't give a shit about that. The sex scenes (especially Haru's) were pretty relevant in G-Senjou but they gloss over that, too.

You even have people defending Baldr getting released when there are numerous points to where it wouldn't make sense to omit a sex scene. Narrative quality definitely isn't a priority for SP, I'm sure they're mot than willing to cut scenes even if they are plot relevant. The fact that they're trying to publish a nukige on Steam just proves they don't give a fuck.
Imagine if they had Saya's license, I'm sure they'd figure out a way to castrate that.

>> No.15818824

This shitty "VNs on Steam" meme needs to die soon, it's like trying to fit a cylinder in a square hole.

>> No.15818872

The WA2 translation project recently updated again.

>> No.15818951

Considering how long that shit has been sitting around you could probably get better results yourself thanks to advancements in machine translation.

>> No.15818990


It only really works if the VN is generally inoffensive in content and has nothing about it even vaguely not All Ages.

There are fine VNs like that, but not the ones that seem to be being selected.

>> No.15819159

Regardless of if Sekai does an uncut release though, an all ages release is coming. The only real question is "is there any reason to care", as there isn't in the event that they do a Nutaku release.

I'm sure they'll have an easier time making Hoshimemo all ages though then Sekai/Smile will with Koikuma. Although at least in that case the all ages release seems to be pushed entirely by the Japanese company, as Sekai thought it was going to be Denpasoft exclusive when they announced it.

It's not going anywhere, even if Steam sales are down they are still above what MG would sell off site before Steam.

>> No.15819555

blame it on the hordes of idiots who refuse to even play a game if it isn't on steam. back when some news site wrote an article about the problems mangagamers was having with stolen credit cards there were tons of people in /v/ threads saying they didn't care if the company was asking people to pirate instead of buying from key sites, they wanted it on steam no matter what.

>> No.15819629

Haven't played a VN in years. Has someone translated Kusarihime?

>> No.15819699

No, I'm pretty sure you're gonna have to learn Japanese if you want to read that one.

>> No.15819780

it says simp

>> No.15820086

>The fact that they're trying to publish a nukige on Steam just proves they don't give a fuck.

Yet the issue is I'm guessing that had it been released pre-Nutaku deal, Koikuma would sell more on Steam, even if there is no patch, then it would through Denpasoft.

>> No.15820130

It is obviously two different markets. One is for Nekopara customers and one is for G-Senjou customers.

>> No.15820153


>> No.15820239

I'm not sure it really matters for Corona Blossom. For Sharin it would boost sales considerably. But Corona Blossom it is just the same as finding uncensored art on the internet, because it is completely detached from the game (except forcing you to open the game to see it).

>> No.15820463

Hopefully the VN market on Steam dies soon.

What's the proof that the new titles don't make all that much money?

>> No.15820484

No. Watch the show.

>> No.15820493

>The sex scenes (especially Haru's) were pretty relevant in G-Senjou but they gloss over that, too.

This is how I know you're full of shit. None of the sex scenes in that game mattered. The fact that they had sex, sure, but there's absolutely no need to see the scene itself.

>> No.15820508

This is like hoping for water to stop being wet. Steam itself would have to die for the VN market to die. VNs are, straight up, more profitable on Steam than they would be anywhere else.

>> No.15820539

What the fuck are you talking about? Ne no Kami isn't out yet. I wish it was because I've been looking forward to it.

>> No.15820556

Whatever makes you feel better, apologist. I'm not here to argue about a 10 year old game. You are entitled to your own opinion.

>> No.15820557

A combination of comparing Steam Spy numbers, occasional comments by staff members of localization companies. But the numbers aren't really all that bad, you just have stopped having Nekopara like huge successes, and a number of titles have done quite disappointing compared to what they probably would have done last year, especially short seemingly designed for Steam titles like Karakara/Supipara/Corona Blossom. Overall though, the numbers are still quite good compared to off-steam platforms (aside from potentially Nutaku, we have no idea what kind of numbers they have been getting aside from they are big enough to justify the Sekai/Nutaku deal).

G-Senjou had a bad end which probably is non-trivial to do with all ages, but as far as the main plot line, you need to include the fact that it happened but including the scene itself is not critical. Granted I have not checked how Sekai did edits for the title, so I don't know if they did it properly.

>> No.15820664

Letting doddler pick fonts baka

>> No.15820938

No font will fix Yuuki's name.

>> No.15821202



>> No.15821216

I hope for one day the death of Steam.

or somehow Nutaku made off and become the uncensored Steam.

>> No.15821236

Well that's because you're a shut-in loser who doesn't play any other video games and spends his time obsessing over drawn pornography.

>> No.15821253

That's maybe, but a death of Steam would be this industry's blessing.

>> No.15821262

If Nutaku becomes relevant all it means is another source of censored, poorly translated garbage.

>> No.15821263

We're getting Baldr Sky and Dies Irae. I think we're doing PRETTY DAMN WELL.

>> No.15821273

This too. I think people are getting starry-eyed and forget how shit Nutaku has been thus far.

>> No.15821299

> Censored as fuck, with all bad ends and huge chunks of good ends removed
> Translated by best Sekai Project staff i.e. google translate and bing
> Priced at 50$ each and spaced with over year between each part, while being same story and supposed to be played together
Remember, Aroduc already translated 75% of both Baldr Sky games and would release complete, uncensored patch if not dovac.

>> No.15821337

Based on the shaky English in that post I'd wager the translation quality wouldn't make much of a difference for you.

>> No.15821341

>non-moege or non-nukige

In any case, from what I've seem, non-nukige and non-moege are doing okay for MG. Kara no Shoujo 2 did well enough for a physical. Gahkthun didn't sell that well, but probably broke more than even since MG is doing Sona-Nyl. Fata Morgana should be a cheap enough license that its strong word of mouth should have made it break even. Umineko and Higurashi also did pretty well, even if sales kind of lowered from Higurashi Ch 1.

Tokyo Babel is the only recent title that seems like a total flop, and prospects for Himawari don't look too good. Myth should do okayish by doujin standards, I guess.

Well, even if those titles end up all being unprofitable, Funbag Fantasy, Please Bang My Wife, and Rance should keep MG plenty in the black.

>> No.15821357

>Please Bang My Wife
>in the black

>> No.15821361

Ignoring the fact that Sekai killed all of the hype behind Baldr Sky by not announcing the 18+ release, I've noticed that BS didn't seem to make any waves outside of the VN community despite having gameplay. Compare with the impact Rance had, which was the highlight of the MG article on fucking Crunchyroll.

Dies Irae KS won't do well if Sharin no Kuni is any indication. Maybe if they appeal to Vitafags, but even then, the fact that they aren't likely to make the 18+ version an option will alienate the hardcore audience more likely to buy it. Unless it's Fate/Stay Night, chuuni things don't resonate too well with the mainstream.

>> No.15821473

Great, more censored cut titles from Sekai.

Sure is lovin' it.

>> No.15821497

Fuck I hate how Sekai get all the big titles too.

Fuck Dovac, should have killed him back in 2014.

>> No.15821513

I'm under no illusion that Nutaku is suddenly a good company, and they should never touch a translation themselves because they are awful at it, but having them pressure Sekai to get 18+ titles is better then having Sekai leave everything all ages only.

>> No.15821519

>Fuck I hate how Sekai get all the big titles too.
Honestly Baldr is the first title they've picked up that I actually care about

>> No.15821538

There's no argument that Dies Israe is a big title in Japan.

Then again, MG gets Alice Soft.

Still bad though, damn MG should have gotten both Baldr and Dies Israe.

>> No.15821587

Light is doing Dies Irae themselves, Sekai has nothing to do with it.

>> No.15821599

Actually, yes they do.

Look at KyokoKirigiri's comment.

>> No.15821607

Are you trying to be funny or are you just an idiot?

>> No.15821620

A little of column A, a little of column B.

>> No.15821645

Well Rance will get 5 figures

The thing with Rance is that the western audience doesn't need to rely on secondary opinion to get an impression of it.

>> No.15821662

Dies Irae will be popular for a while next year when the anime airs, if they can fit both the Kickstarter and the release into that window, then both will be large successes.

>> No.15821778

5 figures might be a stretch, but Rance should do exceptionally well on site if Haruka is any indication.

>> No.15821809

Rance is a much much bigger title than Haruka.

Bar Fate Stay Night it probably is the biggest title with the western audience and also has recognition on places like /v/

>> No.15821886

I never understood why it got quite so popular. Is it because the alt-right, which makes up the majority of 4chan, can't get enough of a game that lets them rape without consequences?

>> No.15821917


kek i wonder if there will be serious articles like that when rance comes out.

>> No.15821934

FSN is for leftists
Maid Raping Simulator is for the patrician right

>> No.15822065

This shitty "all VNs need to have sex" meme needs to die.

>> No.15822079

Millennials in general place too much value in sex. Its only purpose is for reproduction, and who would want to bring new life into this shitty world? God forbid a VN doesn't focus on that for once; apparently it's ruining the medium!

>> No.15822289

>Imagine if they had Saya's license, I'm sure they'd figure out a way to castrate that.

Gen Urobuchi and Nitro+ would be fucking damned if they allowed censorship. Both of them like dark stuff and will not allow censorship to happen on their visual novels.

>> No.15822378

> Translated by best Sekai Project staff i.e. google translate and bing

Please show more of this i know they do that but i want to see picture comparisons so i can laugh at how bad the translation is compared to the original work. It would be funny to see how butchered some things are in VN.

Do not forget though Sekai Project overcharges for their games even if they are old and not that well known. They even charged 50$ for Grisaia 2.

>Kara no Shoujo 2 did well enough for a physical

I think its because it was based on mystery,violence,psychological horror and some multiple choice elements and also had a good soundtrack.

>> No.15822400

Actually Nitro+ has always had a good relationship with JAST over the years.

>> No.15822427

Gen Urobuchi does not care what people do with his shit. He tosses his name on everything even if he didn't actually work on it, just because it makes him more money.

>> No.15822503

>Do not forget though Sekai Project overcharges for their games even if they are old and not that well known. They even charged 50$ for Grisaia 2.

I wonder what the ideal price on Steam is for a longer title. A short title selling a huge volume (Nekopara) needs a cheap price to work. But for full length titles, there seems to be a less direct correlation between price and sales, and a higher price brings in more revenue per sale and lets you do deeper discounts down the road while maintaining a reasonable price point.

>> No.15822556

$3 worked pretty well for Amnesia.

>> No.15822565

>I think its because it was based on mystery,violence,psychological horror and some multiple choice elements and also had a good soundtrack.
Doodler's tears are the most efficient form of motivation.

>> No.15822616

Have you personally asked him about that?

>> No.15822640


>implying people talk the same way in a casual setting than in a formal one
>implying production of a given language is the same difficulty of consuming it (which you'd know if you weren't a filthy EOP)

back to sucking SP's cock EOP

>> No.15822677

this post screams "reddit". We see you.

>> No.15822688

I think it is all about trickery. Your best choice is probably 60 dollars and run common 50% off discounts. Because people like getting a good deal when they buy something that will just end up in their backlog for months to years anyway.

>> No.15822764

Do you write for ANN or RPS

>> No.15822791

Even Reddit knows better than support SP.

>> No.15822938

uhhhhhhhhh it came out in japanese as 2 separate games making them have to wait..........
dive 1 can stand on its own as a single game.
its a lot better than muv luv extra - alternative. (they also had to wait fucking forever in japan)

>> No.15822971

> it came out in japanese as 2 separate games making them have to wait
Dive 2 was released 6 months after Dive 1.
> dive 1 can stand on its own as a single game.
No, it cannot. It doesn't explain anything about Agent, Ark project, Gray Christmas and everything else, and leaves you with retarded Chinatsu route wondering why the fuck you even bothered to waste your time on it.

>> No.15822978

I don't know what prospects for Himawari you're talking about. Sure people(a very small group) might be off put by not being the doujin version(fucking retards the doujin isn't even voiced and the ero of watching underage kids fuck is absolutely irrelevant in this type of story) but other people probably can understand the circumstances and actually prefer the remastered version.
Himawari is great and is considered one of the best doujin games in existence, far better than fata morgana which people seem to be praising greatly. If MG actually announces a release date and advertises it well and get more JOP testimonials I think it can do really well. being all ages also will let it go on steam super easy and get more media coverage too.

>> No.15822990

6 months is long.
It can stand as a >game< actually. The VNDB and EGS scores for it are perfectly fine. The gameplay alone is addicting enough. Knowing that its a part 1 and a part 2 will come is enough for players to understand that it's fine that not every single mystery is answered.

>> No.15823039

i dont want fate to come to steam to tell the truth

>> No.15823132

Actually he doesent. Last i checked thats what everyone else does.

>> No.15823174

35$ is a perfect price actually for a full length game. I know everyone might complain but its so reasonable for a new full length game that most can not complain about it.

And then maybe add 5$ worth of DLC for OST and art. So some will buy it.

7-10$ for short episodes.

>> No.15823275

If they put the games that never had adult versions it will probably work out. Most people are fine with all-ages in those cases.

It will be interesting to see how much dialog you can insert into the doujin game. Would be nice if some cut and pasting could give us a translation project on that.

It would obviously boost sales if you could first play the "full" game for free, and then complement it with a fresh all-ages version.

>> No.15823278

It's not the same game. It's a sequel that's not even out yet in Japan. It might be too early for it to be announced, since they've already licensed one Sonohana title this year.

>> No.15823314

Kara no Shoujo 2 didn't sell enough for a hardcopy, but then Doddler told people that and its sales must've picked up as a result. But its initial sales for a long time weren't very good. This isn't new, many story titles have done lackluster for MG.

>> No.15823455

>Is it because the alt-right, which makes up the majority of 4chan
It was popular before there were SJWs, back when 4chan was full of fedoras and liberals.

It's just the type of series that is attractive to a lot of people. There are people who play it for the amount of sex scenes and Rance's characters. There are people who play it for the gameplay. This is especially true fro Sengoku where, as a strategy game, it attracts the sort of people who get really autistic about perfect runs, or like to share details of their own conquests. And then, finally, it has at least a decent story. I haven't looked into the Rance fanbase lately myself, but at least 5-6 years ago you always saw people gushing about Kenshin's route non-stop.
Rance is the exact type of series that gains notoriety over the years and is able to hook a lot of players.

>> No.15823473

Nothing will make Fate more cancerous than GO did so it doesn't even matter at this point.

>> No.15823628


Have you considered that people might just enjoy it because it's good?

And if you were to ascribe any political leaning to 4chan, it would be contrarian. To believe otherwise basically means you've only been here for a year.

>> No.15824417

Rance is German so neonazis empathize with him obviously.

>> No.15824471

Of course not. Everything is politics and I-haven't-joined-the-KKK-because-it-would-mean-getting-out-of-the-house-and-also-because-they-don't-hate-women-enough hyper-bigoted /pol/tards V.S. hypersensitive conclusion-jumping oppression-waving cis-people-should-drop-dead tumblrinas nowadays, donchaknow?

>> No.15824999

The all ages does have all the important dialogue from the h scenes from the doujin.
The 18+ scenes arent just removed, they have added scenes to compensate and they're basically h scenes without the h.
There is no "full" game they're completely different versions and if you compare which has more content, the all ages is "fuller". There's no reason to continue to fuss over the versions of Himawari.

>> No.15825275

As long as there is twintail sex in the original there is a reason. It is practically better than 90% of the available VNs.

>> No.15826125

Sigh. Then you don't know what you're talking about.

Aldnoah Zero
Gunslinger Stratos
Chaos Dragon
Concrete Revolutio

He stuck his name on all of these despite only writing one or two episodes for most of them, tricking people into believing Urobuchi was responsible for the whole thing.

>> No.15826458

I guess you were tricked (?) by him (??) then. Hurray!

>> No.15826620

Concrete Revolutio was never thought to be done by him though, everyone knew he was writing like one or two episodes.

Chaos Dragon, to be fair, is just an animated version of Nasu's, Simadoriru's, Kogyoku's, Narita's and Urobuchi's tabletop game.

>> No.15826981

>Chaos Dragon, to be fair, is just an animated version of Nasu's, Simadoriru's, Kogyoku's, Narita's and Urobuchi's tabletop game.
More like alternative version of a story "based" on their sessions.

>> No.15828880

There is no reason to bring over the doujin version, as the newer all ages version of Himawari is all around superior. But I wouldn't count on much in the way of press coverage, as there is nothing about "a really good doujin VN no one has heard of" that is going to interest the press. If Sekai, a more press friendly company, can't get much press these days for Root Double and their other recent, all ages releases, then good luck getting anything for Himawari.

>> No.15833347

Doddler's tears don't work if the fanbase is non-existent. Doddler just had to push them to buy more copies.

>> No.15833681

There exists all-ages versions of some of their 18+ VNs, you know.

>> No.15836677

>We're getting Rance 6 and its a better version than the original. I think we're doing PRETTY DAMN WELL.

Indeed we are.

>> No.15837745

I will personally pay for the entire kickstarter if things don't go well, quote me on this.

>> No.15838489
File: 90 KB, 1280x1024, Alien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck was the last VN to come out?
Can't seem to actually find out what VNs are coming out, hasn't seem to have been shit since, Root Double

>> No.15839027

Kyonyuu Fantasy

>> No.15840850

How's Sekai going to pull off a steam version of Koikuma? It's going to be, what, half hour of playtime tops.

>> No.15841230
File: 45 KB, 330x492, 1409036492279[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do we still care about the remake?

>> No.15841271
File: 31 KB, 175x232, moon (74).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do we still care about the remake?
>nobody can translate it
No? Even Mahoyo isn't fully translated. TM fantl scene is dead anon.

>> No.15841539

Based on how AX went, that seems to be all on Smile, rather than Sekai. But since Sekai is being forced here, it works out as a good test to see what happens when you have a title with a ton of H-content and want to throw it on Steam.

We are getting an 18+ version regardless so how they handle the steam release isn't exactly all that important in the long run. What the title actually looks like on Steam after being ripped apart, as well as how they handle Steam vs off Steam pricing, patches, etc looks like, is going to be remarkable to watch though. Also how well it works out is likely to influence how other titles are handled going forward for what gets onto Steam.

>> No.15841703

Tokyo Babel should have pushed its advertisement towards its voice actors popularity and mention it in a more prominent way in bigger letters. Only once I had begun playing realized that Hiroshi Kamiya, Miyuki Sawashiro, Kana Hanazawa, etc, were there because I started reading it for the plot, when the voice actors are its strongest point.

>> No.15841916

The new designs are shit and they're taking forever to get to it.

>> No.15841960

>Why would you be sorry when the Steam version is inferior? I dread the day when games can only be bought digitally.

I don't own a PS4 so that purchase involves visiting my parents who do. Steam would just let me play when I feel like it.

>> No.15842067

I guess we're shifting back to this thread now.

To answer the question from the other thread, I haven't played through it but from other discussions I've gathered (and how it's written) he's deliberately overreacting to be a huge twat. It is using a meme, but the cringe/groan worthy reaction from the player is the desired result, and somewhat in keeping with the original, in which he's speaking the japanese onomatopoeia for 'shock' very loudly and drawn out. Also if I recall he has a disdain for the french, so it may even be in character.

>> No.15842149


This honestly. I can't care about censored Baldr Sky, and I care less about kickstarted Dies Irae.

>> No.15843143

I take it Visual Arts didn't send out a press release or anything to highlight that Harmonia is coming to Steam next week, considering the lack of coverage from places that would generally cover "a new all ages Key title on Steam".

>> No.15843447

I bet they think there's nothing more to it than press "publish" on steam.

>> No.15843601

That was a lot better of an explanation than I expected.

>> No.15844156

MG announced the next chapter of Higurashi for 10/7.

>> No.15844283

And they just added a bundle for the Question Arc.

I wouldn't be surprised if Myth also gets an October release date, since it's been in scripting forever, they may have been holding it off to be their Halloween release.

>> No.15844575
File: 72 KB, 617x186, Screenshot 2016-09-15 at 11.56.00 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found some really great news actually regarding Steins;Gate on Steam.


>Mages Staff collected all the bug info on the bug reporting page
>Had a discussion over it
>Confirmed that they are indeed fixing the Steam Version
>Confirmed they will use a new font, and that the font is the culprit for all the slide off problems with the text.

This is indeed good news for Steam Users. IT looks like MAGES is actually listening to their customers and do care enough to fix the problem. They did say they will meet up this upcoming monday on how they intend to fix the problems.

>> No.15844581
File: 64 KB, 611x495, Screenshot 2016-09-15 at 11.56.20 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Double bump this was posted a few days back. Still great news that they are responding.

>> No.15844642

Those are the easy bugs/issues to fix that shouldn't have gone out in the first place, and since its a big hit that will continue to sell for years to come, it makes sense to spend a bit of effort fixing those problems now. Hopefully they'll leave finding localization teams for their future titles to others who know what they are doing, like PQube, as fixing a shit translation isn't nearly as easy.

>> No.15844664

Not true, they keep buying print ads to reach the 10 people who subscribe to an English print anime magazine.

>> No.15845057

>does anyone feel like the one reason why episodic releases do not get that much sales at times is due to the uncertainty factor of not seeing the next episode due to sales
That is exactly why I completely ignore episodic games until all episodes are released.
Realizing that a game I played and loved is never going to get a proper ending is probably one of the worst things ever. Every time I see episodic games I can't help but remember things like Megaman Legends and Anachronox (And, until the kickstarter, Shenmue).

>> No.15846123

So, Samurai of Hyuga, the not visual novel, is coming for Steam. For everyone who found music and images distracting.

>> No.15846332

Music and images are what define visual novels as not being just books. It's why people play visual novels. Bringing up something like Samurai of Hyuga hardly makes sense here.

>> No.15846337

VISUAL novel. Not NOVEL.

>> No.15846351

Waiting months between episodes is extremely frustrating, specially when the episodes aren't self contained but end with horrible cliffhangers worth of death penalty.

>> No.15846479

At least Nutaku could end up saving Baldr Sky by throwing around piles of cash. I doubt we get info on Baldr Sky considering how far out a release is likely to be, especially if they don't make up with Aroduc, but it would be nice if Sekai had some 18+ news at AWA now that their Nutaku deal is out of the bag.

>> No.15846518

Looking back, one of those print ads that got scanned had Harmonia listed at $14.99, so at some point they decided to drop the price during development.

>> No.15846597

>especially if they don't make up with Aroduc
Aroduc deleted his blog post. It means that he backed down and sold his ass to SP.

>> No.15846624

The blog post probably did its job of getting Sekai to make a better offer. He was looking to make cash off of his translations even back with Romanesque when he put a kickstarter up (and when that got taken down, he eventually got it official). If a Baldr Sky deal doesn't go through, then he wasted a lot of time to get nothing out of it.

>> No.15846688

Nutaku has a chance of not accepting Baldr Sky if its bad ends are too extreme. I've heard that even rape is too extreme for its payment processors.

If it wasn't restricted by vanilla, Nutaku would have tried to get Rance by now.

>> No.15846868

I'm guessing they want to farther relax their censorship guidelines if only for that reason, but it of course comes down to payment processors. MG has a lot of very attractive nukige, along with getting the massively popular Rance, that would do very well on the platform, and MG isn't going to play ball as long as Nutaku would need to censor them.

As to Sky that surely could be a problem in them distributing it for Sekai, at least with their current guidelines.

>> No.15846923

I'm sure Baldr Sky is an issue for Nutaku's guidelines, but given how big of a deal Sky is, I doubt Nutaku actually cares. Getting exclusive distribution on an r18 version of Baldr Sky would be the biggest thing to happen to their store.

>> No.15847007

Based on what's currently beta testing and going into beta testing soon, it seems like big MG release order for the rest of the year will be
Oct: Himawari
Nov: Sono Hana
Dec: Rance

Rance might be harder to beta test than usual though.

>> No.15847081

>Sono Hana

>> No.15847090

If Kindred Spirits is any indication, yuri is a sizable niche. Sono Hana probably won't sell as much as yuri ghosts got meme'd, but it should do reasonably well.

>> No.15847176

This Sonohana isn't going to do nearly as well as the previous Sonohana or Kindred Spirits (two of MG's best selling titles) if only because there is no Steam release.

>> No.15847277 [DELETED] 

Provided their payment processor doesn't come around it's not that simple as bending their guidelines for one big game.

Nutaku seems to have been having luck getting their payment processor to back off some, if the transition from their older titles to Flower Knight Girl is any indication. It's quite possible they could sell their payment processor on Baldr Sky, or would be able to in the future, as they continue to negotiate upon what is allowed. If it remains a problem, then perhaps they could pull a Jast like workaround though they probably need to even clear that with their payment processor, or release an 18+ but cut release. But what they distribute directly, and their guidelines, aren't based on some sense of morality, especially now that they are dealing with others, some which have strong anti-censorship guidelines. Those guidelines cost them money after all, redraws aren't free, censorship hurts their business, and they lose out on a bunch of big selling titles. Thus it is in their own interest for them to be as loose as possible, as it's not like clamping down on content will make the press talk to them or "improve their image". Their guidelines are going to be based on what legal and payment processors tell them they can and can't do, and as good as Baldr Sky might be, if they can't convince their payment processor to distribute it uncut, then they can't.

>> No.15847292

Provided their payment processor doesn't come around it's not that simple as bending their guidelines for one big game.

Nutaku seems to have been having luck getting their payment processor to back off some, if the transition from their older titles to Flower Knight Girl is any indication. It's quite possible they could sell their payment processor on Baldr Sky, or would be able to in the future, as they continue to negotiate upon what is allowed. If it remains a problem, then perhaps they could pull a Jast like workaround though they probably need to even clear that with their payment processor, or release an 18+ but cut release. But what they distribute directly, and their guidelines, aren't based on some sense of morality, especially now that they are dealing with others, some which have strong anti-censorship principals and won't sell a censored title. Nutaku's guidelines cost them money after all, redraws aren't free, censorship hurts their business, and they lose out on a bunch of big selling titles. Thus it is in their own interest for them to be as loose as possible, as it's not like clamping down on content will make the press talk to them or "improve their image". Their guidelines are going to be based on what legal and payment processors tell them they can and can't do, and as good as Baldr Sky might be, if they can't convince their payment processor to distribute it uncut, then they can't.

>> No.15847345

>I wouldn't be surprised if Myth also gets an October release date, since it's been in scripting forever, they may have been holding it off to be their Halloween release.

Myth is still in scripting this week as other stuff gets moved into beta, so I'm guessing it is still probably a bit off.

>> No.15847359

The possibility of selling a cut version but making a patch available is always an option.

>> No.15847456

SP will never provide a free patch, and they won't do a paid patch without Nutaku. Unless Nutaku can manage to sell the 18+ version it most likely ain't happening.

>> No.15847514

He means selling an 18+ release, but patching anything the payment processor objects to, rather then the steam+patch release Denpa has been doing. Though as far as full patches go, Sekai did have a free patch for Sakura Dungeon.

Though Sekai Project likely is more restricted in what they can sell then Nutaku is at the moment, not like Denpasoft doesn't have their own payment processor problems and they don't have as much weight to throw around in negotiations.

>> No.15847516

Just because they don't update its progress doesn't mean it hasn't made progress. Higurashi's releases are a good example of this.

SonoHana being in beta likely means it will be coming out in the next few months. MG does the scripting work for Propeller's titles, so Shadows of Pygmalion seems it will be an early 2017 release. All MG said about Da Capo 3 is that they plan to release it in winter.

>> No.15847548

Releasing censored content (I don't mean mosaic but whole scenes cut) doesn't seem a good PR idea in the long term.

>> No.15847597

It's works out fine for Jast. The idea is if you have content that is a problem to release directly for any reason, such as payment processors, but want to avoid the controversy, an offside patch kills any potential controversy by keeping the knowledgeable crowd happy.

I'd think for Baldr Sky Nutaku could probably convince their payment processors to approve it considering what they already get away with with their other titles though.

>> No.15847615

It isn't.

There have been similar instances in literature, film, and music where content--usually sexual or generally provocative--has been censored so that different audiences would be more accepting of them. This causes headaches for the future as one would imagine, and usually those who engaged in such censorship are cast in a pretty bad light by critics of whatever medium they represent. You find this in literally all art-forms.

So while it might be an OK tactic for the short-term (even that's up for debate) in the long-term it's a pretty good way to sully your reputation.

So long as an uncensored version is available somewhere though, I think making alternative all-ages versions are fine.

>> No.15847637

It is also worth remembering, uncut Baldr Sky also depends on Giga's cooperation, and possibly messy voice acting contracts, which is anything but a sure thing even if content restrictions aren't an issue.

>> No.15847750

sekai's twitter has been awfully noisy today
guess someone new started there

>> No.15847845

>MG has a lot of very attractive nukige, along with getting the massively popular Rance, that would do very well on the platform, and MG isn't going to play ball as long as Nutaku would need to censor them.

They recently We Love Master up there, which has somewhat more objectionable content then the other MG titles they had in their downloadable shop, and Demon Master Chris had a couple scenes that historically Nutaku would have had issues with.

>> No.15848105

> Aroduc deleted his blog post
Doddler begged him to, and you cannot resist his puppy eyes.
Doesn't mean dovac is less of asshole and Aroduc is less stubborn, so with 99.9% probability nothing changed in situation.

>> No.15848115

>Nutaku seems to have been having luck getting their payment processor to back off some
There's no change in "compliance department" stance. They are simply lying to them and showing different (censored) art compared to what they release in game. Because of that, they have to remove all questionable characters off promotional banners entirely or show them in censored version, as recently happened on FKG.
I doubt this model can run forever, sooner or later someone is going to tip off censor guys that they are being played.

>> No.15848169

Are they censored in game though or just in promo stuff? I don't follow what happens with their browser games aside from what CGs come out, but for non browser titles We Love Master and Demon Master Chris, taken together, have more objectionable content then anything of Sekai's upcoming lineup aside from Maitetsu and if you treat it differently the bad endings of Baldr Sky, and being MangaGamer titles Nutaku wouldn't have been able to pull stunts with the releases (aside from being selective in promotional CGs).

>> No.15848213

Recent boob-job was on in-game gacha banner too, but character herself was still flat.
> We Love Master
I've played it and have bought from MG. Its vanilla maid game, with some very light consensual BDSM. There's nothing that could trigger payment processors. Well, tsuntsun heroine is a bit too flat for them, but thats it.

>> No.15848284

>I've played it and have bought from MG. Its vanilla maid game, with some very light consensual BDSM. There's nothing that could trigger payment processors. Well, tsuntsun heroine is a bit too flat for them, but thats it.

Yeah, I'm not arguing otherwise, obviously it is quite vanilla compared to a lot of MG's stuff, but it doesn't matter since MG does everything uncut on their own platform .

The concern about Nutaku for now Sekai's stuff (along with other do it your self Japanese companies) since that probably isn't getting uncut releases without Nutaku, but those titles are mostly fairly vanilla, moreso then We Love Master. I am guessing their payment processors probably would be fine with everything Sekai has announced aside from Maitetsu, though I suppose Baldr Sky could present a problem.

>> No.15849610


Mangagamer just announced that the fourth installment of Higurashi Himatsubishi is complete and will be on sale in October.

>> No.15849638

lol i dont think anything has changed. Aroduc did not sell himself out. If he did the translation would be the tale of the story and it would say done and be out in a few months. But i doubt it.

>> No.15849704

It is interesting how the VN industry have so many boogy men. The SJWs will ban your games. The payment processors will ban your games. All countries will ban your games.

Still, you rarely hear of any of it. You had one instance of rapeplay and SJW. You had one instance of Nekopara and payment processors. I think only Canada has offiicially banned some visual novels.

Overall these things seem non-existent considering how rare they are.

>> No.15849708

It's a small market, It wouldn't take make to kill it. People are just scared I guess.

>> No.15849963

>If he did the translation would be the tale of the story and it would say done and be out in a few months.
Hah. The programming alone would take Sekai Project months. Even if they have the complete translated script now it won't come out before the 2nd half of 2017.

>> No.15849970

kind of funny how that works. The irony is the market is becoming huger and the excuses are becoming smaller. Its just some people want to find someone to blame.

>> No.15849980

Considering Sekai is cutting sex scenes left and right, no, I would say their dream just become reality.
All of these exist, we just fought hard against them, but in case Canada, we cannot fight a country's laws.

>> No.15850227

6 months ago, Nutaku was censoring titles left and right (though no one here cared since they were only doing browser games). Now that they have a partnership with Sekai though, their censorship question is now relevant. They appeared to have relaxed the guidelines some, as 6 months ago a title like We Love Master wouldn't have been allowed anywhere near the platform. But We Love Master is more objectionable then most of Sekai's upcoming line up, which is encouraging for their partnership.

It's not a boogie man though, the acceptable line on Nutaku still wouldn't let something like Euphoria on the platform, something MG sells uncut and Jast carries hard copies for uncut on J-List. It just looks like that line seems to have moved far enough that all the relevant titles (aside from Maitetsu) should be able to make it onto the platform.

>> No.15850240

Payment processors are a problem even if they only have one noticeable example of one title being banned. Nekopara hard copies still aren't being sold, and Sekai/Denpasoft would be actively prevented from picking up a lot of the titles MG has picked up, even if they wanted to (which for the time they don't, as their only nukige, Koikuma, is going to still be fine).

>> No.15850451

Some visual novels on Steam, Kindred Sprits for example, are banned in certain countries like Germany I think it was.The upcoming Psycho-Pass: Mandatory Happiness Steam release is banned in certain countries as well.

>> No.15850788

Don't Nutaku have their own currency or something? Couldn't they get around any potential PP issues by simply forcing you to buy "troublesome" games with their gold instead of directly with a CC? You've bought the funds, and what they're spent on should be irrelevant to the PP, right?

>> No.15850808

Their entire site content must be compliant with rules, it doesn't matter how money is processed.

>> No.15851326

I am assuming Dies Irae will get banned in Germany the moment any regulator becomes aware of the title.

>> No.15851414

That's one of the issues with Steam for visual novels, it can't fly below the radar like MangaGamer and JAST typically can. Hopefully the devs offer it somewhere other than Steam, because backing for a digital copy then finding out you can't get it in your country would suck.

>> No.15851415

If there was a loophole that simple, they would have implemented it back when they were doing those hideous redraws last year.

>> No.15851483

Which visual novels has Canada banned? I'd like to know what I'm missing out on.

>> No.15851698

Type Moon is notorious for being lazy as fuck at getting shit done.

>> No.15851705

Your blaming Steam for not having a visual novel in your country even though your country outright bans it? How is it Steams problem? Its your countries problem it does not matter what platform it is on if your country bans it it is over.

>> No.15851741

They're not banned, it's just that Steam checks the content and makes judgements about what it thinks wouldn't be allowed in your country. Other sellers just tell their users to use their own judgement about such things. And since it's digital, it's very unlikely to ever be a problem.

>> No.15851750

You can get pinched or Doddler'd for anything with loli content but I don't know anything that's outright banned. It'd be surprising if Canada even cared enough about VNs to banlist any specific titles.
Only Germany and Australia ban games at all, no other places seem to care, especially about Chinese porn novels.

>> No.15853969

My memory is bad apparently. It was just movies and comics the site listed. Though I suspect some of them were related to visual novels.


>> No.15859639
File: 214 KB, 1257x936, otaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate the Canadian legal system so much. By the books, crime comics are still illegal.

>> No.15861664

anyone interested in a 100% off coupon for lapis gunner on mangagamer?
eh either way here it is SEXTE4DAFQT4BUKHE5NX

>> No.15867016


Taken without even having said so, how rude
